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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 22 Jun 2010 11:14:38 -0400<powertx@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlJune 22, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS Body Shape ChangesHIV/AIDS TreatmentComplications of HIV/HIV MedsHIV TransmissionUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueMIXED-STATUS COUPLES Timed Intercourse to Get Pregnant: When and How Should I Get Tested for HIV?My husband of 10 years is HIV positive and has been taking HIV meds for three years. We did timed intercourse to conceive a child, and now I'm 15 weeks pregnant. I took home HIV tests at eight and 14 weeks after my exposure and they both came back negative. I'm not comfortable taking a blood test for HIV at my local clinic since I live in a small town and I work at the clinic. Is a blood test necessary?HIV/AIDS BODY SHAPE CHANGES Will an Oral Steroid Help Me Lose Belly Fat -- Even if I Don't Exercise?I'm 51 years old and take Isentress (raltegravir), Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) as well as Androgel. I used to have an OK body but have recently developed a big belly. I don't exercise regularly due to fatigue and other problems. I remember a study showing that HIVers who used Oxandrin (oxandrolone) and didn't exercise still noticed improvement in their bodies. Would adding Oxandrin to my regimen help me feel more energetic and get back in shape? Which Fillers Are Good for the Legs and Butt?Which products are effective at correcting fat loss in the legs and butt, and where are they available? Are there any studies of new buttock fillers on the horizon?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Body Shape Changes:What's the Next Step for Medicaid Facial Filler Coverage?How Can I Lose Weight After Starting HIV Meds?Why Aren't Buffalo Humps a Thing of the Past?We asked LGBT community leaders and members throughout the U.S. how they'd answer the question:Is LGBT Pride Still Significant Nowadays?Some of their answers are contemplative; others are defiant; and all of them are part of an important discussion for our society today. Read people's thoughts on the issue and add your own -- it's all part of Pride2010@...!HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Is My Dose of HIV Meds Appropriate for My Weight?Despite a number of viral load "blips" in the past, my counts are holding steady, but I feel like my whole life is taking pills! I only weigh 140 pounds and I'm taking the same dosage of HIV meds as someone who weighs 200 pounds. Why are HIV med doses so uniform? Could I be overdosing? Why Are Drug Companies Dropping Their HIV Meds in Development?Recently there were a few medications in development for people with resistance to all HIV meds, but I just heard that two companies abandoned their research. What does all this mean for someone like me whose only hope is new medications? What are some of the new HIV meds in the pipeline? Only Taking Half the Required Dose of Isentress: Will My Virus Become Resistant?I'm 42 years old and I was diagnosed with HIV a year ago. I recently started taking Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) and Isentress (raltegravir), but the pharmacy only gave me a 30-day supply of Isentress. I've been taking it once a day for 20 days and just realized I was supposed to be taking it twice a day. Will I become resistant to it?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:How Do I Choose Between Two Good First Regimens?Does the Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Interact With HIV Meds?Why Is Atripla Taken Without a Protease Inhibitor?COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDS Could My Allergies Have Increased Now That I'm HIV Positive?Since becoming HIV positive I've noticed an increase in food allergies. Is this common for HIVers? My Son Has a CD4 Count of 7: Where to Start in Caring for Him at Home?We recently found my son, who has schizophrenia and had been missing and living on the streets for three years. He'd been diagnosed with HIV the month before and his CD4 count is 7. I'm a certified medical assistant and I want to care for him at home. What do I need to know in order to do that? Bipolar on Atripla and Having a Hard Time: What Are My Next Steps?I'm bipolar, HIV positive and have been doing well, HIV-wise, on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) since April 2009. I've been taking trazodone for depression for about 13 years and the mood stabilizer Lamictal (lamotrigine) for more than six years. Since starting Atripla my depression has become more severe. I've been thinking about suicide and I started drinking again after almost 11 years sober. I'm not in regular mental health care and the local HIV/AIDS clinic doesn't seem to know how to help me. What can I do?More Questions About Complications of HIV/HIV Meds:Pain in Arms and Legs: Is It Neuropathy?Is My Heart Safe on Norvir, Reyataz and Truvada?Taken Off Bactrim: Will HIV Meds Alone Protect Me From PCP?Are My Bleeding Gums HIV Related?Doing Well a Year After Diagnosis -- but Still Nervous About Starting Meds(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I'm 27, have had HIV for about four years, have never been on meds before. I just got tested last year ... Had been in denial about it for a while to myself. My first labs were CD4 count 294 and viral load 29,000. After getting diagnosed, I stopped smoking and partying and started eating better. My CD4 count jumped to the 400s, where it has stayed for a year, and I've put on 10 pounds which was good for a skinny guy like me! I take multivitamins every day, I'm active and jog a lot. Yesterday, my latest labs were CD4 500!!! Without meds! I know I have to start them anyway, so now is a better time than if I wait too long. I am a little nervous about it. But it is definitely a journey I feel better about than when I first started. Is anybody else in a similar situation? -- markmanClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV TRANSMISSION PEP Is Making Me Sick: Can I Stop Early?I had a possible HIV exposure and my doc put me on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). It's Day 22 of my 28-day course and I feel so sick from the meds that it's impacting my work. When can I stop taking the treatment?UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Why Is My Partner's CD4 Count Dropping and Mine Is Not?Me and my partner were both diagnosed with HIV in 2007. We both seroconverted in the same year and have the same strain of virus. Recently my partner's CD4 count has dropped rapidly from over 600 to 420. My CD4 count has stayed at 600. Should I be worried about this, since he and I don't practice safer sex? Is it just that some people's bodies react differently to HIV? If My Virus Is Resistant to My Current Meds, Why Isn't My Viral Load Higher?I am currently taking Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir), but according to my doctor my HIV has been resistant and/or sensitive to all the drugs in that combination for the last six years. In that time my viral load has see-sawed from 150 to 800, where it is currently. If I've been resistant to my meds for so long, why isn't my viral load much higher? Is my doctor correct?STRANGE BUT TRUE Revenge of the Mad Cleaner?I am a frequent masturbator and even have a masturbation dhoti (loincloth), which I haven't washed for several months. My place is vacuumed once a week by a cleaner who doesn't like me. Last week the cleaner tidied my room in my absence. My masturbation dhoti was within sight, and I have reason to believe he masturbated in it. About 24 hours after the cleaner did this act, I put on my dhoti, watched porn and masturbated. Some parts of the dhoti were hard and crusty. Assuming the horned-up cleaner ejaculated into my dhoti and that he is HIV positive, could I have contracted HIV this way?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Request for Organizational Sign-On: Release U.S. Funding for Global Harm Reduction NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Public Comment Period Now Open: Issue Brief on LGBT Marginalization as a Social Driver of HIV in the United States Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today Action Alert: Urge Your Senator to Support an Extension of Critical Medicaid Funding

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 06 Jul 2010 17:59:11 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlJuly 6, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS Treatment ComplicationsHIV/AIDS Other Health IssuesUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS What Can HIVers Do to Decrease Inflammation in Their Bodies?I'm so confused with all the recent talk about how HIV causes inflammation. What do you know about this phenomenon, and are there steps HIVers can take to lower their risk of inflammation? Dear Dr. Bob: What Do You Suggest?I recently tested positive for HIV. I'm not on HIV meds yet and I'm looking for ways to lower my viral load and boost my CD4 count. I've read many of your answers to people's questions about complementary therapies, and in some of them you seem negative and condescending about anything that's not a prescription drug. Why is that; and what do you suggest to a person wanting to live healthily with HIV? Ensure Is Working for Weight Gain, but How Do I Pay for It?I had wasting syndrome when I was first diagnosed with HIV. My weight sunk to 95 pounds, and now I'm having trouble gaining weight. The only thing that seems to work is the nutritional shake Ensure. I've put on about two pounds per month since I started using it. If my doctor wrote me a prescription for Ensure, would it be covered by Medicare?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES How Can My Partner and I Avoid Condom Malfunction?I'm HIV positive with an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count of 740, and I take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Recently my boyfriend (HIV negative, insertive partner) and I were having sex and the condom broke. He immediately pulled out and that day he started post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Today we had sex and the condom broke again. Does my boyfriend need to take more Truvada now? How can we avoid condom problems in the future? "Gaultier" 1990-1994; Joe DeHoyosVisit the July 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " Dream Makers, " is curated by Wayne Northcross.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT COMPLICATIONS How Long Will My Meds Be Effective?I'm doing quite well on Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Is there a "lifespan" for how long the drugs will be effective in treating my virus? Has HIV ever found a way to become resistant to meds even when adherence is excellent? How Do I Get to the Bottom of My Fatigue?I'm a 54-year-old woman who's been living with HIV for three years. I take Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), which are working well. However, about four months ago I started falling asleep suddenly while working on the computer, driving or knitting. My doctor prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate) to help me during the day, but how can I figure out the cause of my fatigue? Severe Abdominal Cramping on Norvir: What Can Be Done?I've been taking Norvir (ritonavir) as part of my HIV med regimen for about a week. I'm experiencing pretty intense abdominal cramping and lower back pain, which make it difficult to sit comfortably or stand up from a seated position. What can I do about this?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Complications:Truvada or Combivir With Viramune: Which Is the Better Choice?Why Is Atripla Taken on an Empty Stomach?Could a Cleanse Flush Out Toxins and My HIV Meds?What Symptoms Should I Expect When Taking Combivir for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis?HIV/AIDS OTHER HEALTH ISSUES What's Causing My Erectile Dysfunction?I'm a 40-year-old HIV-positive man currently taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), as well as Zoloft (sertraline) for depression and anxiety. Lately I've been tired all the time. I've also noticed a gradual drop in my libido, and in the strength of my erection on those rare occasions that I get one. What could be causing these effects? Will Taking Finasteride Boost My Testosterone?I have low free testosterone. Is taking finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) a good option for raising my testosterone levels?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Other Health Issues:How Do I Keep My HIV-Positive Little Boy's Bones Strong?Summer Hiking Fears: Are HIVers at Greater Risk Than Others for West Nile Virus or Lyme Disease?Can Using Poppers Affect a Person's Immune System?Telling Dating Partners I'm Positive: Anyone Got Advice?(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)"I'm a hetero white male in my mid-20s and where I live, it's pretty damn difficult to tell a girl about my status and have her be OK with it. That is the hardest part about this whole deal. I was dating a very nice and beautiful girl when I found out about my condition and when I opened up to her about it, she decided it was more than she could handle. That was a year ago and I haven't dated since then. Now I just started seeing someone and she seems to really be into me ... but I haven't told her yet. In my mind, I am certain that she will not accept it; I don't know what to do. We've seen each other three times now, and I always feel great at the start but toward the end of our date, I just start to feel like crap. I'm not being honest with her and that isn't right. I don't want to let her get attached to me and then come out with this news ... I'd feel like a complete ass, but at the same time I'm afraid. Very afraid. ... I feel like this is like the lottery, you just keep playing until you eventually win. I need some advice here ..." -- ComeAliveClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Recently Diagnosed, Normal CD4 Count and High Viral Load: Should I Start Meds?I'm pretty sure I became HIV positive in February, and I was diagnosed on June 1. I just received my first set of blood test results: My CD4 count is 460 and my viral load is 800,000. The doctor seemed slightly shocked by my viral load and suggested that I might want to start HIV meds right away. What's your opinion? Can You Explain HIV-1 "Subtypes"?I read online that, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, current HIV-1 EIA (ELISA) tests "can accurately identify infections with nearly all non-B subtypes and many infections with group O HIV subtypes." Does this mean that the tests don't look for subtype B -- which I thought was the most common? STRANGE BUT TRUE Could My "Crappy" Cell Phone Give Me HIV?The other night I went to the bathroom in a gay club and dropped my phone in the toilet before I flushed. I didn't see if the bowl was clean before I did my business, but in my drunkenness I just put my hand in and fished out my phone. Would I be at risk for HIV if there were sperm or blood in the water?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107Advertisement Participate in Important New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM! NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today Action Alert: Urge Your Senator to Support an Extension of Critical Medicaid Funding

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

July 13, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

HIV/AIDS News & Views

Other Health Issues

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

Strange but True


What Do You Know About Vitamin K?

What are the different kinds of vitamin K, and why is this nutrient important?

Can You Explain Some of the Benefits of L-Carnitine?

Is L-carnitine a safe and effective nutritional supplement for losing weight and gaining lean body mass? Have its benefits been studied in HIV-positive people?


Vitamin B12 Deficiency and HIV/AIDS

Having HIV/AIDS can cause vitamin B12 absorption problems and could lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. Learn how vitamin B12 deficiency may be affecting your health.


What Can I Expect From Starting HIV Meds?

I'm a 47-year-old man with a CD4 count of 536 and a viral load of 32,000, and I'm thinking about starting HIV meds. I'm equally scared of leaving HIV untreated and the potential side effects of treatment -- especially lipodystrophy. What's the likelihood that I'll develop lipodystrophy? What are my options if I experience side effects or organ problems on HIV meds? What would you do in my situation -- start meds now, or wait?

Gut Problems a Year After Starting HIV Meds: Are the Meds to Blame?

I'm a 39-year-old man and I've been doing well on Epivir (3TC, lamivudine), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Viread (tenofovir) and for close to a year. About three days ago I started to have stomach bloating and reduced appetite. I've also noticed increased fat around my lower abdominal area. Is it possible to develop side effects after a year on meds, or could these symptoms be due to other causes?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

Switching From Truvada to Viread and Epivir: Is This a Good Idea?

Mild Anemia: Any Cause for Concern?


What's Up With the New HIV Antibody Findings?

Can you explain some things about the recent discovery of antibodies found in an HIV-positive man known as "Donor 45" that neutralize 91 percent of HIV strains? Noted HIV/AIDS experts have commented that the technique used to find this type of antibody in Donor 45 could be used for any viral disease and possibly even for cancer vaccines. Doesn't this fix-all sound a little too good to be true? When do you think this research will start to reap real benefits for people?

Want to know when your favorite experts have answered new questions? Now you can sign up for e-mail updates on each of our 10 "Ask the Experts" forums, or subscribe to the forums with RSS. Check it out!

Safe Sex and HIV Prevention ( J. Frascino, M.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Nutrition and Exercise ( Vergel) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Workplace & Insurance Issues ( Breuer and Lynn L. Franzoi) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Facial Wasting (Gerald Pierone, M.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Fatigue and Anemia ( J. Frascino, M.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Hepatitis & HIV Coinfection (Barbara McGovern, M.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment ( Henry, M.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Choosing Your Meds (ph P. McGowan, M.D., FACP, and Young, M.D., Ph.D.) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Understanding Your Labs (Mark Holodniy, M.D., FACP, CIC) -- Get E-Mail Notifications When This Forum Updates or Subscribe With RSS

Tratamientos (En Español) ( M. Natterstad, M.D.) -- Reciba un correo electrónico cuando este foro es actualizado, o suscriba con el RSS


How Are Hepatitis A, B and C Transmitted?

How does a person contract different forms of hepatitis?


Understanding HIV-2

I tested positive for HIV-1 in 2008. I've had undetectable viral loads and CD4 counts between 1,000 and 1,200 since then, and my doctor thought I was an elite controller. Recently he asked me to take a Western blot, and the results were positive for HIV-2 and negative for HIV-1. What are the differences between the two? Could my undetectable viral load results be wrong because the test was looking for HIV-1, not HIV-2?

What do you like about our weekly "Hot Topics at The Body's 'Ask the Experts' Forums" -- the newsletter you're reading right now -- and what would you rather see less of when you open that weekly e-mail?

Answer three quick questions -- and leave a few comments if you like - to help us make "Hot Topics" even more useful to our readers!


Butt-Scratching + Brown-Spotted Boxers = HIV ... or TMI?

During a shower at my gym, I left my bag open. I saw somebody looking for something next to my bag, which had my boxers in it. What if the guy touched my boxers and was bleeding? I scratched my butt crack about 5-10 minutes after dressing, and later I saw a couple brown spots on my boxers that WERE NOT crap. What if those spots were HIV-positive blood and, while they were fresh, they touched my butt cheeks or butt crack? Could I be at risk for HIV?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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Here Comes the National HIV/AIDS Strategy! Join the LIVEBLOG to Weigh In!

President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis!

Participate in a New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM

NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

Action Alert: Urge Your Senator to Support an Extension of Critical Medicaid Funding

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 27 Jul 2010 14:47:37 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlJuly 27, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesHIV Transmission TestingHIV/AIDS Body Shape ChangesHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS How Can I Keep My Bones Healthy?I'm 39 years old and I've had two spinal operations in the past year. Could these injuries have to do with low bone density? What can I do to keep my bones strong in the future? Dear Vergel: Are You Pulling Back on Recommending Testosterone Therapy for Poz Men?I've been HIV positive for about five years, and on and off antidepressants since I was 21. My free testosterone level is in the normal range without supplementation. I'm also five feet eight inches tall and weigh only 112 pounds. I'm interested in testosterone to help my antidepressants work better and help me gain weight. Some of your recent answers on this forum indicate that you're moving away from the position that even men producing normal levels of testosterone can benefit from supplementation -- especially if they're depressed and/or underweight. Could you clarify?Advertisement Vitamin B12 and My HealthIt's important to maintain healthy vitamin B12 levels to reduce the risk of serious problems with the blood and nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency affects many different people for many different reasons. Click here to learn about the importance of vitamin B12 and how it impacts your health.MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Is It OK to Take My Wife's HIV Meds as PEP?Last night I had a condom malfunction with my wife, whose viral load is undetectable. Unfortunately we live in a small town and hospitals are closed over the weekend. About seven hours after the incident I started taking my wife's HIV meds as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) -- she takes Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Will this regimen work as PEP? What are my chances of becoming HIV positive in this instance? How Do I Get My Partner to Accept That I'm HIV Positive?I've been living with HIV since 1999 and have not yet started taking HIV meds. My CD4 count is 211 and my viral load is in the 17,000 range. My husband refuses to accept that I'm HIV positive, and we've been having unprotected sex since 2003. I recently forced him to use protection but he still gets upset when I won't be intimate with him without it. I've shown him test results and nurses have spoken to him, but he doesn't understand why he's not infected and why I don't "look sick" or take medication. How do I convince him?HIV TRANSMISSION TESTING Insertive Oral Sex as Sole Risk Factor: What Do You Suggest?What do you recommend in terms of HIV testing for people whose only potential risk factor for HIV is unprotected insertive oral sex, but who otherwise play it safe? Are Tops at Lesser Risk of Becoming HIV Positive During Sex Than Bottoms?I had unprotected sex with someone I didn't know at the time was HIV positive. I'm still going to get tested, but am I less likely to have become positive since I "topped" him?TheBody.com was on the scene last week at the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010) in Vienna, Austria. We brought you highlights, blog entries, videos, interviews and much more -- as well as a daily rundown of underreported stories and the buzz from bloggers, Twitterers and other personalities on the Web. It's all available on our AIDS 2010 homepage -- stop by and take a look!HIV/AIDS BODY SHAPE CHANGES Is There a Test for Lipodystrophy?I've noticed that my stomach, torso and breasts are getting bigger. Is there a test to determine whether this is due to lipodystrophy or just normal weight gain? Can You Recommend a Regimen That Won't Aggravate My Body Shape Changes?I'm 22 years HIV positive, with an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count that's always been between 900 and 1,200. I seem to be sensitive to fat redistribution and wasting side effects of HIV meds. I was on Epivir (3TC, lamivudine), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Zerit (d4T, stavudine) from 1999 until 2004 when I started taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). At that point the changes in my body went from moderate to extreme. I'm doing great at keeping the virus in check, but that doesn't help me physically or mentally. My nutritionist, exercise trainer and psychologist all say I really need to get off these drugs. Is there a combo out there that's worth trying?HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS Serious Gut Problems: Should I Switch Off Intelence?I switched to Intelence (etravirine) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) from Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) last November. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 950, but my abdomen is extremely painful and swollen. I've been diagnosed with moderate gastritis and am waiting for the results of more tests. My diet is down to organic oatmeal with protein powder and goat's yogurt. My stomach has grown 12 inches in two months but I've lost 15 pounds. Could my new meds be having this effect on my gut? Could Hair Loss Be a Side Effect of My HIV Meds?I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for the past two months, and it seems to be working well. However, for the past five weeks I've had excessive hair loss. Could my meds be causing this?More Headlines About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Can an HIVer Return to a Past Regimen Following a Drug Holiday?Can I Drink While on PEP?Could My HIV Meds Be Causing Tooth Decay?Hit Over the Head With an HIV Diagnosis(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)I feel like I've been hit over the head and reeling since being diagnosed as HIV positive. I have spent the better part of two weeks reading everything I can on the Internet only to feel overwhelmed, confused, scared. From reading some of the posts on this site, I know I am not alone -- although that is not how I feel most of the time. Can anybody help? -- sixtwenty3 Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS How Can I Tell if My CD4 Percentage Fluctuations Indicate a Problem?I have been living with HIV for 10 years. My CD4 counts have always been in the normal range, but my CD4 percentage has tended to fluctuate. It took many years, but it eventually went up to 40 percent, with my CD4 count hovering between 600 and 1,000. However, over my last four or five tests my CD4 percentage has dropped to 30 -- not up and down, just down. Should I be concerned? I Have a "Wild-Type" Strain of HIV: What Does That Mean?I was diagnosed with HIV on Jan. 4, 2008. Since then my CD4 count has stayed between 680 and 800 with a percentage of 30, and my viral load is about 2,000 copies. How long will it be before my CD4 count starts to decline and my viral load increases? What does it mean that I have a "wild-type" strain of HIV, and does it make any difference as far as progression of the virus?STRANGE BUT TRUE Summertime: Season of Viral Handshakes and Infected Backslaps?What are the chances of getting HIV from sweat? It's summer now and I am in a business where I have to shake people's hands a lot. I recently shook the hand and patted the back of somebody that was HIV positive, and he was drenched in sweat. I had some small, old paper-cut-type cuts on my hand, and my thumb had a larger cut from a kitchen knife. What are my chances of getting HIV from this?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 This Week: Call on Congress to Reform Drug Sentencing to Fight HIV/AIDS President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! Participate in a New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 03 Aug 2010 13:02:47 -0400<powertx@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlAugust 3, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS TreatmentOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV TransmissionStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Can My Son Be a Nurse Even Though He's HIV Positive?My son is 24 years old and has an AIDS diagnosis. He's on meds, his viral load is undetectable, his CD4 count is around 300 and he's otherwise very healthy. He's working on a nursing degree and has expressed concern about catching other serious illnesses from his nursing patients. What advice can you give him as he sets off on this career path? What Do You Know About rHGH to Treat Lipodystrophy?I have been HIV positive since at least 1984. I have significant belly fat, as well as wasting in my arms, legs and face. I also have type 2 diabetes. I know there have been studies using rHGH (human growth hormone) to decrease belly fat in HIVers. What's the status of these studies? What do you like about our weekly "Hot Topics at The Body's 'Ask the Experts' Forums" -- the newsletter you're reading right now -- and what would you rather see less of when you open that weekly e-mail?Answer three quick questions -- and leave a few comments if you like -- to help us make "Hot Topics" even more useful to our readers!HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Which of These Recommended First-Line Regimens Is Best?I'm HIV positive with a CD4 count of 500 and a viral load of about 50,000. My doctor gave me a choice between Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for my first-ever HIV med regimen. I chose the latter but stopped after five days because of side effects. Should I go for Atripla now or perhaps try Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada? How can I tell which regimen is right for me? What's the Latest on the New "Quad Pill" in Development?I've read quite a bit about the quad pill but can't find information on whether it's passed phase 3 trials, or if it's on its way to approval. Have you heard any word lately on it? How Long Will My Epzicom Side Effects Persist?I recently switched the Combivir (AZT/3TC) in my regimen for Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa). Three weeks after starting I began to have stomach pains -- sometimes light, sometimes very painful. The drug's package insert says that side effects "usually disappear with time." It's been two weeks since the pains started. How much longer should I wait before I go back to my doc? More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:What Do You Mean When You Say "Adherence"?Norvir Mishap: Can I Take My Regimen Unboosted?What Do You Think of My "Last-Chance Regimen"?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS What Happens to HIVers Once Their Thymus Glands Stop Working?I've probably learned more than I should have about HIV in the 50 days since testing HIV positive. I read that a person's thymus gland produces CD4 cells, but that the gland only works until the age of 45 or 50. What happens then? Does that mean my CD4 count has no hope of going up after that age, even if I'm on treatment? Dear Vergel: Can You Help Me and My Doc Treat My Swollen Parotid Glands?After several years I've found a radiation oncologist who will perform radiation treatment on the swollen parotid glands in my neck. The problem is she's never done it before. No one that I know of has had the procedure in my home state of Michigan. I feel I, or even she, need to talk to someone before we start. Do you have any suggestions? More Headlines About Other Health Issues HIV/AIDS:Can HIV Cause Recurring Canker Sores?What Is MAC?What's Causing My Anal Warts?UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Elite Controller With Declining CD4 Count: What's Going On?I've been an elite controller -- controlling HIV infection naturally without taking HIV meds -- for the past seven years. Over the past four months my CD4 percentage dropped from 51 to 32.5, and my CD4 count dropped from 710 to 403. My usual undetectable viral load (less than 48 copies) increased to 126. I've had severe insomnia and depression recently, as well as a mild but stubborn sinus infection since January. Do you think my numbers will eventually bounce back, or is this damage permanent? Will I have to start meds soon?Is Anyone Out There Like Me?(A recent post from the " Women " board)I am a poz lesbian looking for some other poz lesbians to get to know. This is one lonely world my way ... so used to being in the "in" crowd, and slowly upon this news I've backed myself out ... Coming to terms is a bitch, and I am finding it hard to integrate, establish new relationships and be myself ... whoever the hell that is now. If you are, or know, a poz lesbian or bi woman, it'd be nice to connect! -- SaniHaloClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV TRANSMISSION Any HIV Risk From Rimming?I recently allowed a guy to rim me (lick my anus) and give me blow jobs on half a dozen occasions. We didn't use any protection, and I often have some slight bleeding in my anal area from hemorrhoids. Should I be worried? Why Do People Keep Saying That Vaginal Sex Is Risky?The studies I've looked at seem to show that heterosexual HIV infections usually occur in drug users who have risky lifestyles, and transmissions happen when there are additional complications such as lesions on the penis or vagina. It seems that the risk of a heterosexual acquiring HIV from a non-drug user is miniscule. Are straight people who aren't addicted to drugs needlessly being asked to restrict their sexual satisfaction? STRANGE BUT TRUE Does My Third-Grade Game of "Doctor" Mean HIV in My Teens?Eight years ago, when I was in third grade, another third-grader persuaded me to touch her vagina and breasts. Then I believe she touched my penis. I have not been tested for HIV yet, but I am sort of a hypochondriac so I get nervous easily. Is it possible to get HIV just by touching a vagina? Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107Advertisement President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! Participate in a New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 10 Aug 2010 12:18:08 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlAugust 10, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionMixed-Status CouplesBeyond HIV/AIDS MedicationsLiving With HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSHIV/STD TransmissionStrange but TrueMIXED-STATUS COUPLES Can You Help Me Ease My New Partner's Mind?I'm a 40-year-old woman and I contracted HIV from my husband 16 years ago. We divorced about two years ago and I've just met someone new. I told him I was HIV positive before we had sex to give him the choice of whether or not to be with me. He says he really likes me but has several fears and concerns, which we've discussed. Is there anything else I can tell him from a medical perspective that might ease his mind? How Can I Deal With Rejection?I recently dated my first-ever HIV-negative partner. At the beginning, he said he was fine with my being HIV positive, but when we broke up he threw my HIV status back in my face. I don't want to limit myself to just dating poz guys, but I don't think I can keep submitting myself to rejection. I've started pulling back from any kind of romance or intimacy -- I'm becoming a monk sexually and an icicle emotionally. How can I deal with rejection while continuing to date? BEYOND HIV/AIDS MEDICATIONS Will Milk Thistle Interact With My HIV Meds?I'm taking Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) right now. Is it safe to take milk thistle along with these HIV meds to prevent future liver problems? Are there any studies planned looking at this herbal supplement? Effective Supplement -- or "Placebo Effect"?How can people taking supplements tell the difference between real benefits and "the placebo effect"? How long does the placebo effect last?"Debutantes" 1992; Visit the August 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " The Infidels' Hallelujah, " is curated by Guy Bérubé and Francesco Corsaro.LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Missing Work Due to Side Effects: What Are My Options?I take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and side effects have caused me to miss many days of work. I've used all my paid time off and extended sick leave. Should I give notice and just start collecting unemployment? HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS I'm Even Resistant to Experimental Treatments: What Can I Do Now?For about a year I participated in a clinical trial of ibalizumab (TNX-355), an entry inhibitor in development for HIVers with resistance to many meds. In the beginning my virus became undetectable, but then it developed resistance to the study drug. I'm now taking Aptivus (tipranavir), Norvir (ritonavir), Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) and Viread (tenofovir). Can you weigh in on the progress of current studies of meds for treatment-experienced HIVers? How Do I Figure Out What's Causing My Chronic Fatigue?I have been battling chronic fatigue since I was diagnosed with HIV 10 years ago. I've had a number of stressors in my life recently, and I've started taking vitamin B12. I've also been managing wheat, sugar and dairy allergies through diet modification. I should be feeling great but I'm not. What else can I do? Why Am I Gaining So Much Weight on My New HIV Med Regimen?I started taking Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) a month ago. When I started taking this regimen I had a CD4 count of zero and my viral load was well over 300,000. Since starting this regimen I have gained about 23 pounds. Do you have any idea why this would happen, since I haven't changed my eating or exercise habits? More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:What Can I Do About Loose Stools?Vomited Up My Twice-Daily Meds: What Next?First Trimester of Pregnancy: Should I Switch Off Sustiva ASAP?Is It Safe to Switch From Epivir to Emtriva and Back?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS Could Reinfection Have Caused My Boyfriend's Lymphoma?My boyfriend was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. He's on HIV meds with an undetectable viral load, while my viral load is 70,000. We've been having unprotected sex for three months. Is it possible that I reinfected him with my detectable virus, and that that eventually caused his lymphoma? HIV Positive and Diabetic: How Can I Reduce My Need for Diabetic Treatment?I'm HIV positive with a great CD4 count and an undetectable viral load, and I have type 2 diabetes. My blood sugar levels aren't well controlled and my doctor wants me to start injections, but I want to stay with oral meds. I don't exercise and weigh 280 pounds. What do you suggest I do? Can Anyone Recommend Books or Stories About Living With HIV?(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)I'm a 25-year-old gay male newly diagnosed with HIV. Was wondering if anyone could recommend any books? I'm looking for inspiring stories, personal experiences, etc. Anybody know of anything good? -- strong3Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV/STD TRANSMISSION Should My PEP Regimen Be the Same as the Person's to Whose Virus I Was Exposed?If a condom breaks while I'm having sex with an HIV-positive guy who's on HIV meds with an undetectable viral load, and I can find out what meds he's taking, should my post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) regimen match the meds he takes? I Know Oral Sex s Low Risk for HIV -- but What About Other STDs?I'm a 50-year-old man who usually plays it safe, but I recently gave a stranger a blow job and didn't use a condom. He had no visible sores and didn't cum in my mouth. I understand my HIV risk from this encounter is very low, but if he had syphilis or another STD (sexually transmitted disease), would bumps or sores have to be present in order for me to become infected?STRANGE BUT TRUE Head-Over-Heels Infected?I scratched myself on the leg with the heel of my own shoe, and the scratch is red and puffy. The day before, I remember stepping in disgusting gutter water and on dirty cement, and I even visited my uncle in the hospital. If there was HIV-infected blood on something I put my heel on, and then 20 hours later I scratched myself with that heel, is there any chance I could get HIV this way? Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! Participate in a New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

August 17, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Mixed-Status Couples

Living With HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

Strange but True


How Can We Keep My New Boyfriend Safe?

I'm HIV positive and have had an undetectable for well over a year, and my new boyfriend is HIV negative. What else can we do to keep him HIV negative in addition to using condoms? Should we keep a few doses of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) on hand, just in case? What do you know about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? Does the fact that my boyfriend is very large increase the risk of condom failure?

Husband Just Diagnosed With HIV: Do I Definitely Have It?

I recently found out my husband is HIV positive. We don't have an active sex life -- we've only had sex a few times in the past year and a half. I know it only takes one exposure to become HIV positive, but is there any chance at all that I'm still HIV negative?


Do Older Folks Have Slower Responses to HIV Meds?

I'm 55 years old and just started taking my first-ever HIV med regimen of Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) in mid-March. At that time my viral load was 8,000 and my CD4 count was 340. Since then my viral load has dropped to undetectable but my CD4 count has only gone up to 360, and my CD4 percentage is 27.1. Is it normal for older HIVers to respond slowly to meds?

What's the Holdup on a Therapeutic Vaccine for HIV-Positive People?

Since I started taking HIV meds two weeks ago I've been reading about research into therapeutic vaccines for HIV-positive people. They sound great to me since I hate taking meds every day, but they all seem to be stuck in early phases. Why is it taking so long for a vaccine to be approved? When can we expect to see one on the market? Can you explain a bit more about how such a vaccine would work?

More Questions About Living With HIV/AIDS:

Will Taking Testosterone Change the Effect of My HIV Meds?

What's New in Vitamin and Supplement Research in HIVers?

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What Is Multidrug Resistance -- and Will My Virus Develop It?

I'm 26 years old and 100 percent adherent to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). How is it possible that some people's viruses are already developing resistance to new HIV meds like Isentress (raltegravir)? Will my HIV eventually become resistant to Atripla and every other HIV med I take? How does multidrug resistance work?

Would It Be All Right to Go "On and Off" HIV Meds?

I started taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) a few weeks back, with 380 CD4 cells and a viral load of 10,000, and I'm doing great so far -- no side effects whatsoever. I've heard that most HIV drug resistance occurs in folks who have been taking meds for a long time. Once my viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count goes up, wouldn't it be a good idea for me to plan on taking a yearlong break from Atripla every few years?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

First Weeks on Combivir: What Can I Do About Side Effects?

Sleep Troubles on Atripla: Should I Take It in the Morning?

Can Coumadin Be Taken With Sustiva?


Anal Pap Smears for HIVers: What's the Protocol?

I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS several years ago, at age 50, and have responded really well to treatment. I'd never been offered an anal Pap smear, so I asked for one recently. The results showed low-grade abnormalities that are awaiting biopsy. Is there a standard protocol for anal Pap smears for HIV-positive men?

Will My Bone Density Go Up if I Switch HIV Meds?

I'm a 43-year-old man who's been HIV positive for about six years and on HIV meds for five. I now take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and have taken several other regimens that include Viread (tenofovir). In the last two years I've had several suspected rib fractures. I had a bone density (DEXA) scan and have now been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Besides taking Viread I have no other risk factors, so I'm switching to Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Ziagen (abacavir). I'm also taking calcium and vitamin D. What else can I do? Will my bone density increase once I've changed meds?


What Are "Normal" CD4 Counts and Percentages for an HIVer?

I was diagnosed HIV positive in 2004 with a CD4 count of 51. Since starting HIV meds my CD4 count has stabilized at about 500 and my viral load has been undetectable since 2006. My CD4 percentage is 16.9 at the moment. Is there a "normal" or desirable CD4 count and percentage that one should aim for? Are my counts normal, or too low?

My Partner Is Letting HIV Run His Life: What Will Bring Him Out of His Shell?

(A recent post from the "My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS" board)

I've been dating someone who's HIV positive. No sex yet. He's a really great guy but he's letting this disease take over his life. He takes meds like he's supposed to, but his life is a shell of how it used to be. He stays inside all the time. And I mean all the time. He's also afraid of a relationship. Any suggestions how I can get him to come out into the world again? -- dgirl

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Great Ways to Spend Your Lunch Break at Work?

I used the handle of a spoon as a dildo. I forgot to wash the handle before I used it but it didn't look dirty. While using it I got a cut around my anus, which bled a little. The spoon was in a kitchen drawer at a busy workplace. I'm pretty sure nobody'd touched it for at least an hour. Any risk of HIV if somebody with a cut on their hand touched the spoon an hour before I stuck it in my butt?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education

President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis!

Participate in a New Survey on HIV Prevention Strategies Targeting MSM

NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

August 24, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Mixed-Status Couples

Living With HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

Strange but True


How Can I Get My HIV-Negative Boyfriend to Be More Supportive?

I have been HIV positive for a year and haven't gotten over that sad, terrible feeling. My boyfriend is HIV negative and he's not helping at all, which depresses me. What can I do?

My Boyfriend's HIV Is Progressing: What Can I Do for Him?

I'm HIV negative, and my boyfriend has had HIV for at least five years and does not take HIV meds. His CD4 count has been steadily dropping and is now at 500. The doctor said that if it drops below that then he wants to start him on medication. I've been very optimistic up until now, but this made me really depressed. I'm seeing the HIV progressing and it scares me. Should I be worried? Is there anything else I can do for him?

"Self Portrait as Case Study (Detail)," 1994; Green

Visit the August 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "The Infidels' Hallelujah," is curated by Guy Bérubé and Francesco Corsaro.


Living With HIV in a Rainy Climate: How Can I Raise My Vitamin D Levels?

I've been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for nearly six months with an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count of 540. I work in an office and live in a country where it rains all the time and there's little chance to get vitamin D naturally from the sun. When last checked my vitamin D levels were just above the borderline of deficient. My doctor has told me that a multivitamin is probably all I need to sustain good vitamin D levels, but would there be any additional benefit to using a sun bed? Is there anything else I can do?


Feeling Bad on Trizivir After a Drug Holiday: What Other Options Are There?

My partner has been HIV positive for seven years. He stopped taking HIV meds half a year ago. In May his CD4 count was 137 and his viral load was 200,000. He started meds again with Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir), but on that med it was like he was high all the time. About a month ago he stopped taking Trizivir altogether. He had a bad reaction to Ziagen (abacavir) a few years ago, so the doctors prescribed other meds and he felt better then. What could be going on? Are there any other combinations he could take now?

How Can I Lower My Triglyceride Levels?

I've been on Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for four years, and, I've been told my triglycerides are high. Is this common with this combination of meds? What can I do about it?

Other Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

What Should I Do if I Keep Throwing Up My Meds?

Should I Worry About Taking Sustiva With Food?

Year and a Half on My Regimen and Still Have Stomach Problems: What Can I Do?


Long-Term Survivor Noticing Memory Problems: What Are My Next Steps?

I'm a 41-year-old man and I've been HIV positive since 1988. Otherwise I'm very healthy, and my viral load has been undetectable for years. However, over the last year I've noticed a pronounced issue with my memory. I understand that as we age, these things can manifest. But I'm usually very sharp, and after reading a few articles about this issue I'm getting concerned. What do you think?

Skin Color Change: How Can I Figure Out if Meds Are the Cause?

The skin from my neck down to my upper chest and shoulders has turned a very deep red, almost purple color. It looks like a bad sunburn but it's not sensitive, painful or itchy. This began shortly after I started taking Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) and Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir). I also take lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), TriCor (fenofibrate) and topical Androgel, all of which I started taking around the same time as my HIV meds. Could this be a side effect of one of the meds? How can I tell?

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

Am I at Risk for Illnesses When I Visit My Dad in the Hospital?

Could Acyclovir Have Cured Me of Herpes?


How Much HIV Is Present in Semen vs. Blood Plasma?

Why aren't viral load tests conducted on seminal fluid instead of blood, since there's virus in semen as well? How much virus is in semen compared to blood plasma?

Going Back Into the HIV Closet

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I started being more open about my HIV status about a year ago. I thought it would help with my guilt and shame. It hasn't. On the contrary, I feel more isolated and alone than ever. Therefore, I am going back 'into the closet' with my HIV. I'll continue to take my meds. I'll continue to keep my doctor appointments. It's just that, once people know you are poz, it's all they can see. If it looks like I'm going to have sex with someone (unlikely), I'll let that person know. But really, if I'm not having sex with someone, there's no need for them to know. If anyone else has gone back into the HIV closet, I would love to hear about their experience." -- Mike_B

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Is Self-Sucking Safe?

Can sucking one's own penis cause kidney problems, cancer or any other health problems? Has anyone ever asked you such a question before?

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Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education

President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis!

NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

September 7, 2010

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

Living With HIV/AIDS

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs


What Do Newly Diagnosed HIVers Need to Know About Diet and Weight Gain?

My 19-year-old son was diagnosed with HIV less than six months ago. He takes HIV meds but he's losing weight. What can we do to help make sure he maintains a healthy weight?

What's the Point of NAC Supplements?

I've had several folks tell me I should be taking a NAC (N-acetylcysteine) tablet once a day. What do you know about this supplement? Does it hold any particular benefit for HIVers?


Vitamin B12 and My Health

It's important to maintain healthy vitamin B12 levels to reduce the risk of serious problems with the blood and nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency affects many different people for many different reasons. Click here to learn about the importance of vitamin B12 and how it impacts your health.


What's New in Medicare Coverage for Lipoatrophy Treatments?

Do you have any updates on Medicare's recent decision to cover facial filler treatments for HIVers? Has anything changed in your practice since the decision was made?

Why Isn't the Fat Transfer Procedure Used More Often for Facial Wasting?

A few years ago I had problems with facial wasting and I also had a buffalo hump. I had the hump removed and the fat inserted into my face. It's been several years and I still haven't had to resort to artificial facial fillers. Why isn't this procedure used more often?

Want even more of TheBody.com? If you follow TheBody.com on Twitter (@TheBodyDotCom), you'll always know what's new on the site. You can also check out what our community's up to on TheBody.com's Facebook



Should I Switch Off Prezista to Avoid Body Shape Changes?

I was diagnosed with HIV last year at age 23, with a CD4 count of 100 and a viral load of 720,000. I immediately began taking Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa), Norvir (ritonavir) and Prezista (darunavir) and quickly saw good results. I have since switched to Norvir, Prezista and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). I have almost daily diarrhea and fatigue, as well as occasional memory loss, which is troubling at my age. I've been told that Prezista is the likely cause of most of these side effects, and also puts me at greater risk for developing body fat changes. My doctor originally prescribed Prezista to boost my low CD4 count, but now that I'm stable, should I think about switching meds to avoid these side effects?

What Happens When You Miss Doses of HIV Meds?

What really happens inside a person's body when she or he misses HIV med doses? Are there periods over the course of treatment when a missed dose is more risky than at other times?

Can Atripla Make a Drug Test Come Up Positive for Marijuana?

I'm on probation and I take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). I had a drug test recently and my probation officer told me I tested positive for marijuana. I've been clean from drugs for two years! How is this possible? What should I do?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

Norvir Shortage in My Country: Should I Keep Taking My Other Meds Until the Booster Becomes Available?

Do Protease Inhibitors Reduce the Pain Control Benefit of Dilaudid?

An Atripla Rash Story With a Happy Ending

"Athletic Love," 1996; Dugdale

Visit the September 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Sida," is curated by Rick Castro.


Is Long-Term HIV Infection the Culprit for My Memory Issues?

I was diagnosed with HIV in 1989. Recently I've started noticing that I can't remember names of friends or common everyday items. My doctor says there are many HIV-positive people who are complaining about memory problems. Is there effective treatment for this? Am I destined to be like my grandfather, who has Alzheimer's disease?

How Can I Lower My Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels?

My most recent lab test results showed that my cholesterol and triglyceride levels are high. What can I do to bring these numbers down? If I start taking a lipid-lowering drug like atorvastatin (Lipitor), will I have to take it forever like HIV meds?

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

HIV Positive With High Liver Enzyme Levels: What's Next?

What's the Long-Term Prognosis for Folks Who've Had Cryptococcal Meningitis?


Why Do CD4 Counts Fluctuate?

I have been enrolled in a phase 3 clinical trial for the new "quad pill" for the past eight weeks. At the start my CD4 count was around 620 and my CD4 percentage was 30. Within two weeks my CD4 percentage had gone up to 37 but my CD4 count had dropped to 377. The researchers didn't seem concerned, but I would think CD4 counts would go up, not down. Is there a reason why CD4 counts fluctuate? Why is CD4 percentage thought to be a more stable number?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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New York, NY 10107

Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education

President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis!

NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

September 21, 2010

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

Living With HIV/AIDS

Mixed-Status Couples

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Transmission

Strange but True


How Can I Deal With My Rage at My Poor Health?

I was diagnosed with HIV in 1988. In 1992 I had a health condition which eventually led to impotence. My T cells were under 100 and in 1994 I developed cytomegalovirus (CMV) of the retina. The CMV drugs led to kidney failure and I was on dialysis for more than eight years until I got a transplant. I haven't worked in 15 years. On the outside I seem OK, but inside I'm enraged and exhausted. I think I'm a lost cause. Do you have any suggestions?

What Are Some Potential Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

I've been HIV positive for four and a half years and have also been diagnosed with low testosterone. I have no libido, can't maintain an erection and don't feel confident starting relationships -- and I'm only 35. Even testosterone replacement therapy isn't working. What could be causing these symptoms, and what are my first steps in treating them?


My HIV-Negative Boyfriend Wants to Bareback: Should We Ditch the Condoms?

I've been HIV positive for four years with an undetectable viral load for the past three years. I haven't had unprotected sex since my diagnosis, but I've been dating an HIV-negative guy for a few months and he wants to stop using condoms. He said he recognizes the risk, but that as long as I'm the receptive partner and my virus is undetectable, he isn't worried. While the idea of "barebacking" is appealing, I'm wondering whether we should do it. What do you think?

Receptive Partner Just Diagnosed HIV Positive: What's the Insertive Partner's Risk?

My boyfriend and I both believed we were HIV negative and decided to have unprotected sex. We recently discovered he's HIV positive. I'm totally aware that I'm at a huge risk, and I plan to be tested, but are there any statistics on how huge my risk is as the insertive partner?

If you'll be in New York City this week, we hope you'll join us for a screening of an important HIV-related documentary -- and a chance to meet some of the people behind TheBody.com!

The Other City, a stark, honest and brutal-yet-inspiring film about HIV/AIDS in U.S. inner cities, will be showing at the Clearview Chelsea Cinema for one week, from Sept. 17 through Sept. 23. Following the 7 p.m. Sept. 23 screening, TheBody.com will host a Q & A panel discussion with experts and leaders in the HIV/AIDS community. We hope you'll join us!

If you're in Chicago, Los Angeles or Washington, D.C., The Other City will be coming to your city this month as well! Visit the film's official site for more info, and read our interview with the filmmakers to learn more about the documentary.


What's the Best Diet for Fighting Lipodystrophy?

I'm trying to lose some weight I put on due to taking protease inhibitors, and lower my elevated triglycerides as well. My doctor says I'm starting to be at risk for diabetes. What type of diet is best for decreasing belly fat?

Where Can I Get High-Quality PMMA Products and Injections?

I have mild lipoatrophy, but want to treat it before it gets worse. Is the best place to get PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, also known as Articol, Artefill or Metacrill) injections still from Dr. Marcio Serra in Brazil? Are there places in Canada that could provide the service or the product? Is there a form of Artefill available in the U.S. that uses non-bovine collagen? What else should I know about PMMA?


Dear Vergel: What Do You Know About Ibalizumab?

I know you've been taking ibalizumab (TMB-355), the HIV drug in development, for some time now. Can you share your experiences and give us an update on the drug's progress through the development process?

Tension and Other Mental Health Issues: Could My Meds Be to Blame?

I have been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for two years, my viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 700 or above. I've never had vivid dreams from my meds -- just occasional problems sleeping at night. However, recently I've been extremely tense and unable to concentrate while driving. At times I literally start shaking. I usually take Atripla at bedtime, and my lack of concentration is worst between 5 and 6 pm when I am driving back from work. Have others reported similar concerns while taking Atripla?

Is It Safe to Switch Back to My Original Combo After Taking Atripla?

I have been on Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for more than four years. I recently switched to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), mainly for reasons of convenience and cost. I've been on Atripla for almost two weeks, and yesterday I noticed a strange, itchy rash on my arms and hands. I've also been dealing with some other side effects, and I'm regretting my regimen change. Can I go back to my original regimen of Norvir, Reyataz and Truvada?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

First-Ever Missed Med Dose After a Flu Shot: Should I Be Worried?

What Is the Clinical Trial I'm in Trying to Study?

Could My HIV Meds Have Made Me Infertile?


How Low a Viral Load Can the Most Sensitive Tests Detect?

What does it mean to have an "undetectable viral load"? Is 103 copies considered undetectable? What's the lowest viral load that can still be detected by a sensitive test?

My Husband Is HIV Positive and I'm Negative -- and I Feel So Alone

(A recent post from the "My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS" board)

My husband of five years just found out that he is positive. My initial test was negative and my six-week check was also negative. … Since finding out, I feel so alone. I can't tell anyone and the ones I have told can't believe I am staying with him. We are having intimacy issues as expected. He is so depressed, and I am dealing with the guilt that I remained negative after all those years. I just want to feel like I am not alone in the situation, and that eventually we can have a normal happy sex life with each other. Can anyone share their stories with me? -- Jen1

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To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!


Celebrated the End of PEP With Unprotected Sex: Is It Safe to Re-Treat?

I just finished taking a course of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) meds and decided to celebrate with my new guy -- but part of the celebration involved bareback sex, and he bled on my penis. Do I have to go through the whole 28-day course of PEP again? Is it safe to do this so soon after the last time?


I Got the Glory ... but From Which Hole?

I try to stick to oral sex because of the reduced risk of HIV, but I was getting a blow job at a glory hole last night and I'm worried that the guy on the other side might have slipped my penis into his anus instead of his mouth. Do you think it's possible not to notice the difference between a blow job and anal sex?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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New York, NY 10107


Sept. 22: Join CHAMP and the HIV Prevention Justice Alliance for RED HOT Webinar Discussion and Strategy on HIV Prevention

Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education

President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis!

NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 28 Sep 2010 13:09:47 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlSeptember 28, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS TreatmentOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV TransmissionStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Insurance Won't Pay for Erectile Dysfunction Drugs: What Are My Options?I've been HIV positive since 1991. I currently take Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and have a CD4 count in the 600s and an undetectable viral load. I also take Androgel and Crestor (rosuvastatin). For more than a year I've had a greatly decreased libido and difficulty maintaining an erection. Androgel hasn't helped, and my insurance won't cover "elective" medications like the Viagra (sildenafil) family of drugs. Do you have any suggestions -- or tricks for making a limited supply of Viagra "last"? Does Coffee-Drinking Negatively Affect HIVers' Health?I'm living with HIV and I love coffee. When I drink a cup I feel energized and start thinking more clearly and positively. Could coffee interact with HIV meds -- and could drinking it habitually have any effect on an HIVer's CD4 count or overall health? MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Being Tested After Husband's Recent Diagnosis: For How Long Should I Stop Breastfeeding?I recently learned that my husband has had numerous male and female partners throughout our marriage, and he contracted HIV 10 weeks ago. My husband and I had unprotected sex a week prior to his positive diagnosis. I had a PCR test two weeks after that encounter and it came back negative. I'm now waiting for the results of my four-week HIV-1 RNA test. I was breastfeeding at the time of exposure, but my doctor has chosen not to have the baby tested unless my results come back positive. Do I need to wait to breastfeed again until my six-month test results (hopefully) come back negative? How Can My Husband and I Save Our Relationship?My husband is HIV positive and takes Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) as well as other meds. I'm HIV negative, and lately I've found it hard to deal with his mood swings. He also sleeps a lot, our sex life is almost nonexistent and I feel that he's shutting me out. I love my husband very much, but we argue a lot. What can we do to save our marriage?"Flowers," 1998; Donna HaggertyVisit the September 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " Sida, " is curated by Rick Castro.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Why Would I Switch Off a Regimen That's Working?I have been taking Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) for many years. My viral load is undetectable, my CD4 count is over 800 and I'm tolerating both medications well, but my doctor wants me to switch to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Is there a good reason to switch, or should I wait until my current meds no longer work? Viread in My Regimen May Be Causing Kidney Injury: What Are My Options?I take Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is around 580, but my kidney is leaking phosphorus. Both my HIV primary care physician and my kidney specialist tell me that this condition is likely caused by the Viread (tenofovir) in Truvada. With what can I replace Truvada in my regimen? More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:Missed My Morning Dose of Meds: Will My Virus Become Resistant?Can I Take Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids With Atripla?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS HIV and Cancer, Weight Loss and Fatigue: What Are My Next Steps?I've been HIV positive since 1989 and I started taking meds in 1998. In February of this year I was diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer. After having a mastectomy and chemotherapy, I lost 25 pounds that I couldn't afford to lose. I stopped taking my HIV meds and antidepressants. A change of diet has kept me from losing any more weight, but my fatigue is enormous. I'm facing six weeks of radiation and I have no energy. What can I do? Would a blood transfusion help? Will My Kaposi's Sarcoma Lesions Eventually Fade on Their Own?I was diagnosed with HIV in June 2009 with a CD4 count of 98, and I'd developed Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) lesions on my right leg. Besides the KS I haven't been ill, and since starting Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) a year ago my CD4 count has gone up to 323 and my viral load is undetectable. I haven't developed a new lesion in months but the ones I had haven't faded. My clinic is taking a wait-and-see approach, but the lesions keep me from going out with friends or being intimate in relationships. It seems most of the KS info online is quite old -- do you know of any up-to-date treatment options? What do you suggest? Bump on My Anus: What Could It Be?I'm a 30-year-old man and I've been HIV positive for five years. I've taken Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) -- and now Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) -- the whole time. I noticed blood in my stool two months ago, as well as an itchy bump, about 2 inches in size, blocking half my anus. I haven't had anal sex in five years. What could it be? Should I mention it to my doctor, or are such bumps common? Can I Ever Have a Relationship Again?(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)I tested positive in May. Five months later I'm still ... trying to wrap my head around this. ... Numbers are good, looking to get on meds -- but then there is life and men. Will I be single forever? That's what I feel like. How could I burden someone else with this pain I am feeling? I go out and meet others and want to date but this rain cloud overhead is weighing on me. Only two people in my life know about my infection. When do you tell others, or ones you are interested in? I feel as if I shouldn't even pursue something other than a friendship -- ugh. -- jp2626 Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Can I Go 6 Months Without Monitoring Tests?I was diagnosed with HIV in March with a CD4 count of 950 and a viral load of 900. In June my CD4 count was 750 and in September it was 1,080, and my viral load hasn't changed. My doctor doesn't think I need lab tests every three months at this point and says I can have them every six months. Do you agree? Can an HIV-Negative Person Have a Low CD4 Count?How is it possible for someone to have a very low CD4 count if they're HIV negative?HIV TRANSMISSION If HIV Reached Humans Because They Hunted and Ate Monkeys, Why Can't We Get HIV Through Other Foods?Until a few days ago I was quite confident that HIV could not be passed through food, and that animals could not be HIV positive, so we could not get HIV from eating them. However, I recently read an article about the origins of HIV, and the hunting and eating of monkeys in Africa has been one of the most commonly accepted theories of how the epidemic started. Does this mean that a person could be infected with HIV by eating certain kinds of foods?STRANGE BUT TRUE Can Drinking Your Own Pee Help Fight HIV?l was told that drinking your own urine every morning boosts your CD4 numbers and makes your immune system stronger. Is this true?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 500,000 Signatures Before Sept. 30: Sign a Letter to Further the Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria Join a Facebook and Twitter Campaign to Fight NY Gov. Paterson's Rent Cap Veto! NIAID to Host Public Meeting on Future HIV/AIDS Research Networks Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 05 Oct 2010 12:17:12 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlOctober 5, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV Transmission TestingHIV/AIDS TreatmentOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS How Can I Raise My Levels of "Good Cholesterol"?My "bad cholesterol" (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) is low, but so is my "good cholesterol" (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL), and it's been that way for a while. What does HDL do, and what steps can I take to increase my HDL level? Why Does the AIDS Diagnosis Stick, Even When an HIVer's Condition Improves?If a person's CD4 count bounces back up above 200, or they beat an opportunistic infection, they're still considered to have AIDS. Why is that? Why, when I haven't had an AIDS-related illness in 17 years and my CD4 count is 920, do I still have an AIDS diagnosis when I simply have HIV disease? MIXED-STATUS COUPLES My Partner Loves Poppers: Are They Risky for Me?I'm HIV positive, my partner is negative and we practice safe sex. My partner loves poppers and other inhalants. I don't care for them but when we get "rough and tumble" he pulls them out. I figure that whatever he's inhaling, so am I, so I'm wondering how safe inhalants are for HIV-positive folks. Do you have any information about this? Blow Job With Bleeding Gums During PEP: Should I Extend My Course?I had a case of broken condom with my HIV-positive boyfriend. I immediately started on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), which is what my boyfriend takes. Ten days into PEP, he performed oral sex on me, and the next morning we discovered that his mouth was bleeding and that my penis had come in contact with his blood. Should I take PEP for 10 more days (38 total)? "Untitled (Physician Desk Ref. #1)," 1993; Gin LouieVisit the October 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " OSC: Obsessive Sex Collecting, " is curated by Forbes.BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS Does Medicaid Cover Lipoatrophy Treatments As Well As Medicare?If treatment for facial wasting is now supposed to be covered by Medicaid, why do all my doctors say they know nothing about it? What's the Next Step in Making Sure Medicare Makes Facial Fillers More Accessible?I consulted with a trusted specialist who told me she doesn't know of any plastic surgeons or dermatologists in our state that even accept Medicare. Why don't doctors want to accept Medicare for facial fillers, and what would need to happen to make them more willing?HIV TRANSMISSION TESTING Now That My Partner and I Are Both HIV Positive, Do We Still Need to Use Condoms?I was recently diagnosed with HIV, which I contracted through unprotected sex with my partner (I've known he was positive since before we were in a relationship). Now that we are both positive, is it still necessary to use condoms? I understand the potential risk of reinfection if I have unsafe sex with another positive person, but what if it's the person whose virus I was initially infected with? Is the Blood Donation Center Telling Me I'm HIV Positive?I donated blood earlier this year. After some time I received a letter from the blood donation center telling me that I could no longer donate blood because I had a "reactive" result on my specimen. Does this mean I'm HIV positive? What should I do next?HIV/AIDS TREATMENT What's Up With the Study of Cancer Drugs to Treat HIV?I heard about a recent study using two cancer drugs to effectively force the HIV virus to mutate itself to death, or so the article I read said. Are there further studies in the works to see how this information could be used to treat or even cure HIV? Do HIV Meds Affect Digestion?Does taking HIV meds have an effect on the way a person's body digests food? Are There Any Interactions Between Cocaine and HIV Meds?I have a client who's taking Intelence (etravirine), Isentress (raltegravir), Norvir (ritonavir) and Prezista (darunavir) and also uses cocaine. Are there serious interactions between coke and these HIV meds? What other issues should I consider as a clinician?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:What Are My Options if Atripla Doesn't Work?How Can I Tell the Difference Between Effective Treatments and Scams? Is It Safe to Do an Herbal Detox Flush While on HIV Meds?Just Diagnosed and Feeling the Need to Share(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)I am positive. It's a very terrible thing that I never ever imagined in my life. I don't know what I should do now. I do not believe much in the treatment in my country, but I know I have to do anything I can to make my life last the longest that it could. For anyone with a project in Viet Nam, or just some kind words to help me, please answer me! I need to see the light so I can have hope. -- PeacePhanClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS Never Finished My Course of Syphilis Treatment: Should I Be Worried Now?I was infected with syphilis about a year ago. I had treatment at the time it was discovered, but I didn't go back for my second set of penicillin shots because my symptoms were gone. Earlier this year I found out I still have it. I've had another set of shots, but I now have a chancre of some sort on the tip of my penis. Should I be concerned? Alcoholic With Liver Problems: Should I Switch Meds to Reduce Liver Damage?I'm HIV positive and I started meds with Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine) in February. I'm also an alcoholic. I've tried everything to control my alcoholism, from detox to Alcoholics Anonymous, but nothing's worked; it seems I'm stuck with both HIV and alcoholism, for now at least. My last tests showed an undetectable viral load, but my CD4 count has dropped from 540 to 350 and my liver function tests were off the charts. Should I consider switching meds if my liver function continues to decline and my CD4 count doesn't improve? What else can I do? UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Can You Explain PCR Testing?I've seen many posts on these forums referring to PCR testing for HIV. What is the purpose of the PCR test? Is there ever a reason to take a PCR test beyond the six-month mark when an antibody test would be conclusive at that point?STRANGE BUT TRUE Soap and Water Reduce HIV Risk! ... Right?I had sex with the UPS man who delivers to my work. I was alone in the office one day and we ended up hooking up. It was sort of spur of the moment and we didn't have a condom so he washed his penis with soap and water first. He told me he washed off anything unsafe. Knowing that his penis had just been cleaned, how risky was this encounter? Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Join a Facebook and Twitter Campaign to Fight NY Gov. Paterson's Rent Cap Veto! NIAID to Host Public Meeting on Future HIV/AIDS Research Networks Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 12 Oct 2010 19:11:11 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlOctober 12, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSTransmission of HIV HepatitisHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSNews ViewsStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Which Kind of Vitamin D Should I Take?I know that it's important for HIVers to take vitamin D supplements if their levels are low. Are there different forms of vitamin D; and if so, which one is best at raising blood levels of this vitamin? Are Diet Soft Drinks Better for Me Than the Sugary Kind?I drink a lot of water each day; however, I also consume about four 12-ounce soft drinks per day. A few years ago I switched to diet soft drinks. I lost 10 pounds from that switch, but I craved sweets and gained back the 10 pounds plus about 10 more, so I switched back to regular soft drinks. I've been reading about how diet drinks are bad for our bodies, and may be even worse for us HIVers. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for alternatives to soft drinks? BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS What Do You Know About Treatments for Lipohypertrophy?I am dealing with a case of lipohypertrophy (fat gain). It seems whenever I research body shape changes, all I find is information about lipoatrophy treatments. Are there any successful treatments for visceral fat gain in HIVers? Wasn't the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about to approve a drug to treat this condition? What's going on with that? What Are the Challenges to Using Silicone to Treat Buttock Lipoatrophy?As an alternative to PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, also known as Articol, Artefill or Metacrill) to treat my buttock wasting, my plastic surgeon suggested we use Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid, New-Fill) with silicone -- the same concoction he's used to plump up my face three times so far, with good results. Do you see any problems with this approach? TRANSMISSION OF HIV HEPATITIS Two Poz Partners, One With Hepatitis C: What's the Concern in Sex Without Condoms?I'm HIV positive, and my partner has HIV as well as hepatitis C. My CD4 count is 550 and his is 540; we both have HIV-1. We're very much in love and we'd like to have sex with no condoms, but my partner is scared of passing hep C to me. Doesn't my having been vaccinated against hepatitis for the past eight years -- and the fact that my partner's hep C has been dormant for two years -- put me at less risk of acquiring that virus? Are HIV Test Results Reliable While Taking PEP?I accidentally had unprotected sex with a stripper. Though I ended up contracting a sexually transmitted disease from this encounter, I'd gone on post-exposure prophylaxis with AZT (zidovudine, Retrovir) within three hours of my exposure, and added Viread (tenofovir) within 12 hours. I had two negative PCR test results within 28 days of the exposure; and a third PCR test, along with an HIV antibody test, came back negative at 61 days. How reliable are all these test results?"A Day in The Life," 2001; Curtis CarmanVisit the October 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " OSC: Obsessive Sex Collecting, " is curated by Forbes.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS Is Truvada Truly Dangerous for HIVers' Kidneys?I'm about to start taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), but I've been hearing a lot lately about kidney issues with the Viread (tenofovir) in Truvada. How common are kidney issues on this med -- and among HIVers in general? Is the potential damage reversible? Are there signs or symptoms to watch out for once I start Truvada? Which lab tests should I take to monitor my kidney function? Recent Israeli Study Involving Viral Genes: Big News for HIVers?Can you explain a bit about the recent report by Israeli researchers studying a treatment that could potentially work alongside effective HIV meds, killing leftover viral genes inside cells once the meds have suppressed HIV? Is this big news in the treatment of HIV? Could My HIV Meds Cause Eczema?I've been on HIV meds since 1985 and taking Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) for almost a decade. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is about 300. For the last three years I've suffered from chronic eczema (dry skin). My dermatologist thinks my HIV meds are the cause, but my HIV doctor disagrees and won't put me on other meds. What do you think?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Is My Severe Dandruff Related to HIV?Why Are Outdated Meds Still on the Market When There Are So Many Better Options Now?Can I Take Pills That Have Been on the Floor for a Week?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS If My HIV Is Stable, Why Am I Always Sick?I'm 15 years old, I was born HIV positive and I take Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin). My last four lab results showed CD4 counts of 630, 580, 487 and now 502. I went from undetectable to a viral load of 620. I'm also sick a lot (colds, bladder infection, thrush, etc.). I feel like everyone tells me everything's OK just to keep me happy but I want to know the truth: Do you think I'm becoming resistant to my meds? Why am I always sick? What Effect Does Testosterone Supplementation Have on the Prostate?I'm 50 years old and I just started using testosterone gel. My friends have been telling me to be careful of prostate cancer, and now I'm afraid. What can testosterone use do to a person's prostate? Knocked Out by the Common Cold: A Multiple-Choice QuestionI'm 45 years old and have been HIV positive for five years. I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for about two and a half years, my viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is in the low 600s. I usually feel great and only get colds and such a couple of times a year, but when I do get sick it knocks me on my butt for several days. Do you think this is a side effect of HIV, my meds, aging -- or none of the above?More Questions About Other Health Issues HIV/AIDS:How Can I Find Out Which Vaccines HIV-Positive People Need?Managing a Thyroid Condition Along With HIV: What Should I Know?Could My Urinary Infection Be HIV Related?Can My HIV-Positive Partner Safely Undergo Surgery?The Person Who Infected Me Has Been Arrested: Should I Come Forward Too?(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)Five years ago I was infected by someone who I initially had consensual sex with. After the consensual sex I was forcibly raped by this person who knew full well he was infected. I found out I was infected shortly thereafter.Today I was reading some old news articles and saw that the person who did this to me was arrested and has been charged with knowingly infecting some other people this year. Should I come forward? God if I came forward then could I have stopped this person? Now what good will me coming forward five years later be? … I don't hate this person but I have anger and I'm sick that he has been doing this for five years to others. The only positive I could see of me coming forward would be to make sure this person is stopped from doing what he has been doing but maybe those who have come forward now will be enough ... I've come to terms with my diagnosis and I guess accepted my responsibility in the whole ordeal. I'm just really in shock right now and don't know what to do. Can anyone offer any advice or maybe shed some light on something I haven't seen? -- livesinadreamClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!NEWS VIEWS Why Is HIV Testing Not Required Worldwide?As the three-month mark for my post-exposure HIV test draws near, one question's been bugging me: Why is HIV testing not yet compulsory? Are there certain countries where it is? That method might encourage people to talk more about HIV, and it would become a more "normal" illness for people who might otherwise think they can only get HIV from having sex with "dodgy" people, as many still foolishly believe. Do you think required HIV testing would be a good approach to eradicating HIV worldwide?STRANGE BUT TRUE Dangers of the Gag Reflex: Can Barf on My Penis Transmit HIV?What are the chances of getting HIV if a female vomits on your penis during oral sex?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Women With HIV Deserve Abortion Coverage: Tell the White House! Join a Facebook and Twitter Campaign to Fight NY Gov. Paterson's Rent Cap Veto! NIAID to Host Public Meeting on Future HIV/AIDS Research Networks Action Alert: Say NO to Abstinence-Only Sex Education President Obama: Address the ADAP Crisis! NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

November 9, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications

Living With HIV/AIDS

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

Mixed-Status Couples

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

HIV Testing & Transmission

Strange but True


What More Can I Do to Lower My Cholesterol?

Even though I'm on a limited income, I've been able to get creative about keeping healthy -- including getting a physical education student at a local university to be my personal trainer for a low rate! I also eat a well-balanced diet and take multivitamins, extra vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and Lovaza (an omega-3 product), and I'll be starting selenium soon. Despite all this, my level of "bad" cholesterol is still 380. Is there anything else should I be taking?

Will I Still Feel Good Once My Testosterone Level Has Balanced Out?

I've been HIV positive for 32 years. My new doctor recently found that my testosterone levels were in the high 1,500s -- the level for someone in my age range (50ish) should be around 800 to 850. My doc ordered me to switch from injecting Depo-Testosterone once every four days to once a week. Meanwhile, my urologist has started me on a small-dose, daily Cialis (tadalafil) regimen. I now have no trouble getting an erection, and I also have a great deal of energy. Will this feeling last? Is it a temporary reaction to the change in my poorly monitored testosterone level, or is it the Cialis? Speaking of which, where can I get Cialis at reduced cost?


COBRA Has Run Its Course: How Can I Get My Meds?

I recently exhausted my 18 months of coverage with my previous employer under COBRA. I started HIV treatment six years ago and have responded very well, only ever missing one dose. How will I get my meds now that I don't have COBRA coverage?

Could My Friend's Death Have Been Avoided?

My friend was diagnosed with HIV in 2003. Around 2008, he stopped taking his meds and didn't visit his doctor regularly. In 2009 he developed shingles. Finally, last January he developed pneumonia, which led to acute respiratory stress syndrome and, I'm sorry to say, it claimed his life. Had he taken his meds like he was supposed to, could this have been prevented? What if he'd seen a doctor who specialized in HIV/AIDS?

"Album (to the Memory)," 1995; s

Visit the November 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Treat My Words," is curated by Chaich.


Will I Still Be Able to Take Egrifta Once It's Approved?

A few years ago I was in a clinical trial for Egrifta (tesamorelin), the lipodystrophy treatment now awaiting FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approval, and saw excellent results. However, I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Once Egrifta is approved, will I now be ineligible to take it?

What Can I Do About My Recent Weight Gain?

I am a 6-foot-2-inch-tall man and I currently weight 191 pounds. I've gained 22 pounds in the past two years since starting Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Is it the medication that's causing issues with my weight? What can I do?

More Questions About Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS:

Why Is My Buttock Workout Making Me Lose Muscle in That Area?

More Questions About Buttock Wasting: Where Can I Connect With Others Who Have Experienced This Condition?


How Often Does My Wife Need to Be Tested to Confirm Her HIV Status?

My wife is worried sick that she's HIV positive. One week after I was diagnosed she got tested and her test came back negative. We hadn't had sex since two months prior to my diagnosis. When should she be tested again?


Is There a Regimen That Would Be Easier to Take With My Late-Night Work Shifts?

I was diagnosed HIV positive in 2008 with a CD4 count of 250 and viral load of 150,000. I was quickly started on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and responded well. However, when I have to work overnight I take my meds at 11 p.m., which is when I experience the most side effects. Is there a regimen I can switch to that will allow me to work overnight with minimal side effects?

Pains in My Feet: Is It Neuropathy?

I started taking Epivir (lamivudine, 3TC), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Viread (tenofovir) in November 2008. Ever since then I've had pains in my feet, and it seems as if the pain is getting worse every day. I talked to my doctor and he thinks it's a side effect of my HIV meds. What do you think?

What Can I Do About Diarrhea?

I've been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for a year. It's my first HIV med. Everything is great -- except for persistent diarrhea, which has been going on since the beginning. What can I do about it?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

Where Can I Learn About Interactions Between HIV Meds and the Drugs Other Providers Prescribe?

How Can I Get My HIV Meds Once I Move Out of a Care Facility?

Will a Rectal Suppository of Ozonated Olive Oil Help Treat My HIV?

My Boyfriend Said He Loved Me -- but Now That He Knows I'm Positive, He's Afraid of Me

(A recent post from the "I Just Tested Positive" board)

I just found out I was HIV positive back in September. I had split with my boyfriend of a year and dated someone else. I thought that by asking him the last time he was tested that he would be honest. I ended up getting really sick and split up with the new guy. My ex came back into my life and took care of me when I was sick for two months. I went in for my regular yearly tests and found out that the "rebound" guy had lied about being tested. I tried to contact him, but he wouldn't answer my calls or texts. My boyfriend now was tested and is negative (thank god). He initially stood by my side, but recently has freaked out. He has nightmares of me with this faceless man that infected me and is terrified of getting sick. The man that took care of me and said that he loves me now is scared of me. He doesn't open up to people and says he has to figure it out himself. Any advice for him? For me? Any Web sites that may help? -- pincushion

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Fatigued All the Time: What Can Be Done?

I was diagnosed with HIV in 2008 and quickly deteriorated. I now take Intelence (etravirine), Invirase (saquinavir), Isentress (raltegravir), Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir), as well as Avelox (moxifloxacin), Zithromax (azithromycin) and Zovirax (acyclovir) for opportunistic infection prevention. My viral load is 450 and my CD4 count is 284. I have a good career and am able to function, but I'm constantly fatigued. I'm alive, but I'm definitely not living, and my doctor refuses to prescribe a mild stimulant. Is there any hope for me?

At What Point in My Pregnancy Should I Start Taking HIV Meds?

I'm pregnant, but I'm not on HIV meds yet because my CD4 count is 556. I was advised that, with my high CD4 count, my baby should be safe from HIV transmission without my taking HIV meds. Is this true? If not, when do you think I should I start meds?

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

Do HIVers Really Get More Colds Than HIV-Negative Folks?

Do Sustiva and Truvada Lower Blood Pressure?

Is There a Connection Between HIV Meds and Orthostatic Hypotension?


Why Are There So Many Mixed Messages About the HIV Testing Window Period?

There appear to be a lot of mixed messages out there regarding HIV testing. Some guidelines say the window period is three months, others say six months -- and I've even heard that there have been cases of people testing positive after a year. What is the truth?

Does the Length of Exposure Matter in HIV Transmission?

I was having protected vaginal sex with a Siberian sex worker. At some point, I felt like something was amiss. I pulled out 10 seconds later to see that the condom had broken. If the sex worker was HIV positive, would it be possible to get HIV from 10 seconds of unprotected vaginal sex?


I Masturbate: Please Don't Tell My Dad!

My dad told me that if I masturbate, I will get a terminal disease because God will punish me. I think he is talking about HIV. Is this true? If I show up with HIV, my dad will know I masturbated! Please help -- and don't tell my dad I wrote to you!

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth

Nov. 15: Join a FREE Teleconference on Gender, Race, Poverty and HIV

AIDS Alliance Asks You to Get Informed/ Involved in the Effort to Maintain Funding for School-Based HIV Prevention (DASH)

Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program Applications Due Friday, Dec. 3, 2010

Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS & Gay Activist

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November 16, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Living With HIV/AIDS

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Testing & Transmission

Strange but True


Any Tips to Avoid Weight Gain on HIV Meds?

I just started taking Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and am reading everywhere about people putting on weight once they start HIV meds. I'm terrified of getting fat. I'm active at work all day and I eat well already. What else could help minimize weight gain?

Is It Hard to Get Health Insurance Once You've Been Diagnosed?

My boyfriend and I were just diagnosed with HIV a few months ago. I have health insurance, which covers a good portion of my bills. My boyfriend, however, does not. Can he still get health insurance now that he has HIV?

More Questions About Living With HIV/AIDS:

Why Could My Company Have Denied My Short-Term Disability Application?

Can HIVers Handle Their Alcohol?


Hooray for Belly Fat Drug Approval! Now What Are the Next Steps?

So Egrifta (tesamorelin) was approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) last week. When will it be available?

Does Sculptra Stop Working After Long-Term Use?

It's been about six or seven years since my original treatment with Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid, New-Fill). It worked great for me -- until about two years ago. I was used to getting yearly touch-ups but I found I needed them up to once a month to see any effect. It eventually became clear even to my doctor that my body was not longer reacting to Sculptra. Have you heard of other long-term users becoming immune to the effects of Sculptra?

On Nov. 10, Egrifta (tesamorelin) became the first drug approved in the U.S. to treat unusual fat gain, or lipohypertrophy, in people with HIV. In our latest episode of This Month in HIV, we talk with noted HIV researcher Berger, M.D., about how Egrifta works, who should take it, and what else we know to date about the treatment of lipohypertrophy.


Why'd My Doc Advise Me to Go Off Calcium Supplements?

About a year ago my doctor recommended I start taking calcium supplements along with vitamin D, but a few weeks ago he told me to immediately stop taking calcium. He said some recent studies show that the way current preparations of calcium distribute may bunch up in people's blood vessels and constrict blood flow. Do you know anything about this?

Can My Child Take Fish Oil With His HIV Meds?

Would it be OK for my child to take a fish oil capsule along with his daily multivitamin? Will this interfere with his HIV meds?

More Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications Questions:

Should I Be Taking Gingko Biloba With My HIV Meds to Improve My Brain Function?

Can Zinc Really Flush Foreign Substances From a Person's Body?


Is It Better to Take a Partial Dose of HIV Meds or No Dose At All?

I take Isentress (raltegravir), Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Viread (tenofovir) in the morning and at night it's Isentress and Kaletra alone. I recently took my two evening Kaletra pills and when I reached for my Isentress, there was none left. I threw up the Kaletra, thinking maybe it would be better not to have any meds in my body in order to avoid developing drug resistance by only taking one med. Was this the right thing to do?

What to Do About Sleep Disturbances on Atripla?

I have been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for about five months now and it's working well against HIV, but my sleep pattern is getting worse. I usually wake up after two to three hours of sleep. Even when I manage to sleep through the night, it's a very light sleep and I don't wake up feeling refreshed. Do you think the sleep disturbance will go away? Should I consider switching meds?

Are There Safer Meds for My HIV-Positive Pregnant Partner?

My girlfriend and I are HIV positive. Her CD4 count is 480 and mine is 720. We don't take HIV meds at the moment, but she's 17 weeks pregnant. She was told at the PMTCT (preventing mother-to-child transmission) clinic that she will start treatment at 28 weeks with Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Viramune (nevirapine). I know they are the preferred choice, but they are more toxic than the newer drugs. Can you suggest a safer alternative?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

Doing Well on Sustiva and Truvada: When Will Side Effects Start?

If I Started HIV Meds During Acute Infection, Can I Stop Once It's Over?

Dark Spots on Skin: What Can Be Done?

Recreational Drug "Cocktails" That Include Antiretrovirals: Risky Business?

World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, is nearly upon us -- and TheBody.com is getting a head start! In our annual World AIDS Day section you'll find:

A worldwide listing of events -- and guides for planning your own.

A diverse helping of new first-person stories and commentaries from people all over the world who are living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Informative fact sheets and other resources to educate yourself and your community.

Finalists in TheBody.com's first-ever World AIDS Day Video PSA Contest -- cast your votes now!


Stiffness in Hips: Could It Be Inflammation?

I'm HIV positive and take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) daily. I have a recurring problem with stiffness in my hip and the upper area of my buttocks. I've been to a chiropractor and massage therapist, which helped some. My doctor prescribed steroids and muscle relaxers, which also helped for a couple weeks. I do stretches and am a very active person. Could this be some form of infection causing inflammation in that area?

Extreme Sensitivity to Sunlight: What Are My Options?

A year prior to going on HIV meds, I started getting red welts on my face. My CD4 count then was between 300 and 400. This symptom became more problematic as my CD4 count went down. I thought it would improve along with my CD4 count when I started on Emtriva (emtricitabine, FTC), Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Viread (tenofovir); but instead, the skin issue spread to my entire body. I figured out that it was caused by exposure to daylight. Numerous treatments have had no positive effect, and I've become a prisoner in my own home. What else can I do?

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

Are Recurrent Yeast Infections a Sign of HIV Infection in Women?

Skin Rash: Is It IRIS, My HIV Meds or Something Unrelated?


Virus Has Become Resistant to My Meds: Is My Viral Load Too Low for a Switch?

My recent genotype test showed my virus has become resistant to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). My viral load has been undetectable, but my last labs show it at about 1,000. Is this viral load too low to warrant changing meds?

Why Are My CD4 Counts Zigzagging?

Last November my CD4 count was 764, my CD4 percentage was 31 and my viral load was undetectable. Then in May my CD4 count jumped to 903, but my percentage fell to 29. Now this month, my CD4 count has dropped to 745 and my percentage has gone up to 40. I also had an upper respiratory infection, and flu and pneumonia vaccines, in the weeks before those last lab tests were done. Should I be concerned about these fluctuations?

How Do You Tell People You're HIV Positive -- and Face Potential Rejection?

(A recent post from the "Gay Men" board)

I recently started going out with someone and we got along really well. I haven't been able to tell them that I'm positive. I don't know how to tell someone that I feel so ashamed, that I'm less than human because of it. I feel as though the world feels I shouldn't be here. Because of my status I HAVE to tell people that I am interested in that I am positive. As soon as I tell them they shut down and want nothing to do with me. So how do I tell people? -- magis333

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For How Long Should I Delay HIV Testing After a Flu Shot?

A nurse practitioner at an HIV clinic told me that flu shots can cause false-positive results on HIV tests. Should I wait for a while after having a flu shot before testing for HIV? If so, for how long?

Two Affairs, Two HIV-Positive Diagnoses: Should We Worry About Who Infected Whom?

In May my partner and I both had unprotected sex outside our relationship while still having unprotected sex with each other. He found out he was HIV positive in July, but did not tell me until last month. I too tested positive. We both informed our lovers but they tested negative. Accusations are flying back and forth as to who infected whom. Is there any way to tell?

More Questions About HIV Testing & Transmission:

Pubic Lice From an HIV-Positive Partner: Can the Bugs Transmit HIV?

Masked CPR on a Person With an AIDS Diagnosis: Any Risk for Me?


The Worst Part of Waking Up: HIV in Your Cup?

I'm afraid HIV-positive blood from a syringe was put into my coffee before I drank it. Can HIV transmission happen this way?

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Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth

AIDS Alliance Asks You to Get Informed/ Involved in the Effort to Maintain Funding for School-Based HIV Prevention (DASH)

Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program Applications Due Friday, Dec. 3, 2010

Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS & Gay Activist

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 30 Nov 2010 14:07:39 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlNovember 30, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV Hepatitis C TransmissionStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Can I Still Be Eligible for My Spouse's Insurance Once We're Divorced?I'm HIV positive and my wife and I are going through a divorce. She works for a large pharmaceutical company and we've had great health insurance. Is there anything I can do once the divorce is final to continue with that coverage? What Are the Different Kinds of Protein Shakes Available?I've been working out for a year and want to start taking protein shakes. What are the different types I can choose from? Do you recommend any in particular? How Does HIV-2 Differ From HIV-1?If HIV-2 is detected early and a person has access to proper medication, is his or her lifespan different from that of someone infected with the more common HIV-1? Does HIV-2 respond to the meds currently on the market?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES How Can I Help My Partner Cope With His HIV Diagnosis?My partner just got diagnosed HIV positive. It hasn't changed the way I feel about my partner; however, I feel he's completely closing off from me. I try to reassure him with information but he's finding that overwhelming. We're both seeing a counselor, but separately -- the counselor says my partner is the highest priority and any "couple stuff" has to wait, and my partner agrees. I'm there 100 percent for my partner but I'm feeling like there's no one there to support or understand my needs. I also have to be tested again in a couple of weeks, and my partner refuses to accept that the result may be positive. Do you have any advice at all? Last month, TheBody.com asked, "If you had the chance to create your own World AIDS Day HIV awareness public service announcement (PSA), what would you say? What message would you want to get across?" We sent out a call for video PSAs to answer those questions, and you responded!We picked our favorite entries, and now it's time for you to pick yours. You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight, Nov. 30, to watch the videos and rate each from 1 to 5. We'll announce the videos with the highest overall scores on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1.BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS Why Is Exercise Making Me Gain Fat?Since I started exercising I've noticed an increase in fat in my stomach and chest area. I am a 5-foot-6-inch-tall man, so this weight gain is very comfortable. I take Isentress (raltegravir), Videx (didanosine, ddI) and Viread (tenofovir). I've also tried testosterone therapy without any positive results. What can I do? What Are Some Options for Treating Belly Fat Gain?Is there anything that can be taken for belly fat gain, besides HGH (human growth hormone), which is not affordable or even recommended for this condition? I've tried everything -- including a tummy tuck, which failed. Serostim (somatropin) clinical trials made the belly fat go away, but then the trials ended and it came back. What else can I do?HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS What Can I Do About Sexual-Performance Issues?I started taking Epivir (lamivudine, 3TC), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Zerit (stavudine, d4T) in 2004. Since then my sexual performance has deteriorated. Could this be a result of the meds? How can I counter this problem? Are My Meds Causing Hair Loss?Since my diagnosis a year ago I've been taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), and for the past two months I've experienced an alarming amount of hair loss. I am female, not on any hormone therapy, my menstrual cycles are normal and I follow the recommended nutrition and vitamin program for HIV. I've been informed that hair loss is a side effect of the combination of these drugs. Is this true?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Switching Off Sustiva in Anticipation of Pregnancy: What Are Some Good Alternatives?Turmeric Supplements: What Do They Do, and Can I Take Them With Atripla?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS What Can I Do About Night Sweats?Are there any meds recommended for treating frequent night sweats in HIVers? Tasting and Smelling Sweetness Everywhere: What Could Be Wrong?I've been extremely tired lately (I can sleep all day and night), and when I wake up in the morning my night sweat smells sickeningly sweet. When I urinate it smells like someone poured syrup directly into it. During the day my breath smells like I've been stuffed full of fruit. I'm constantly thirsty and drink more than six liters of water a day, yet I have dry mouth all the time. I bought some dipsticks which showed I have 100 mg/dl of glucose in my urine. Should I be alarmed?More Questions About Other Health Issues HIV/AIDS:Are My Frequent Headaches HIV Related?If the Person I Got HIV From Had Lymphoma, Will I Get It Too?Will HIV Specialists Always Take This Much of My Blood?(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)Today I went for my first round of lab work before my first appointment with the specialist. The blood work was a horrible experience. Seven vials of blood! I got sick, sweaty, almost passed out. Does this ever get better? Is the blood work that extensive throughout the entire treatment of HIV? How have others dealt with this? -- RL9141 Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Why Is My CD4 Count Dropping?Two months ago I was given an AIDS diagnosis. My viral load was 964,000 and my CD4 count was six. Two weeks later my viral load was 50,000 and my CD4 count was 66. Today my viral load is 21,000 and my CD4 count is five. I'm on Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), along with Bactrim (co-trimoxazole) for PCP (pneumocystis pneumonia) prevention. Should I be concerned? Is this to be expected when first starting treatment? HIV HEPATITIS C TRANSMISSION Where Are the Studies of Transmission Risk for Oral Sex Under Different Conditions?Have any studies shed light on the degree to which the HIV transmission risk of unprotected oral sex increases under certain circumstances? For instance, in a scenario in which an HIV-negative person performs oral sex on an HIV-positive person and has some form of throat or mouth infection present, and takes ejaculate into the mouth, would this increase the risk from 1 in 10,000 to, say, 1 in 5,000? Is it possible to tell? Can Hepatitis C Be Transmitted Through Saliva?For years it's been said that hepatitis C (HCV) is not a sexually transmitted disease and that it can't be transmitted any way other than blood, but my years of experience tell a different story. What do you know about HCV transmission through saliva? STRANGE BUT TRUE Making My Own Latte With Extra FoamDuring a recent trip to a country with high HIV rates, I had some funny-tasting coffee. I spat most of it out, but I started thinking that there might have been semen in the coffee. So I experimented by putting some of my own semen into a cup of water and drinking it. The taste and texture were very similar to the coffee I had abroad, so I concluded that it WAS someone's semen in the coffee. Is there any risk of HIV transmission this way?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Act Now: No Airtime for Killer AIDS Denialist Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program Applications Due Friday, Dec. 3, 2010 Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS Gay Activist

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 14 Dec 2010 17:25:54 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlDecember 14, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS TreatmentOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSHIV Hepatitis TransmissionStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS What's New in Vitamin D Research?I've seen so much news coverage recently about how lots of people in the population have vitamin D deficiency, not just HIVers; and it's believed that just about every cell in the body uses vitamin D. What do you know about vitamin D supplements? Is just taking vitamin D enough or do you need sunlight exposure to activate it, as one doctor has told me? Now That the "Berlin Patient" Has Been Cured ... What About the Rest of Us?Has there been an update on the guy with HIV and leukemia known as the "Berlin patient," who was cured of HIV by a complicated procedure? Can this cure help some of us? What else is happening in the search for a cure?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES My Recently Diagnosed Partner Won't Go to the Doctor: What Can I Do for Him?I found out a few weeks ago that my partner tested HIV positive last year and has not been to the doctor since. He says he's not a "pill person." He even cared for his brother, who never took HIV meds either and died a terrible death from AIDS complications a few years ago. If he doesn't take care of himself and seek medical attention, is he the right person for me? What Can the Future Hold for Me and My HIV-Positive Boyfriend?My boyfriend and I have been together about a year and he became HIV positive about two months ago. I love him and I've chosen to stay with him. We've used condoms when we have sex but HIV is affecting our love life because I'm concerned for my own health (I don't have HIV). I also want to have kids in the next few years. Will we be able to do that safely?BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS How Can I Lose My Belly While Controlling Weight Gain in My Breasts and Buttocks?I noticed a few years ago, when I was on HIV meds, I gained a lot of weight in my breasts, stomach and buttocks. I went off my meds for two years due to medical insurance issues but now that I'm back on them faithfully I'm seeing increases in these same areas. My appetite has also increased drastically. Even though some of these areas look good for a woman of color, it can get very annoying when you have to buy clothes and undergarments. What can I do to at least get rid of this belly and keep the other assets in shape? Is the Lap-Band Procedure an Option for HIVers?Can a person living with HIV and on HIV meds get the Lap-Band weight-loss procedure with no problem? Will their meds still be absorbed well in their stomach after the surgery?You have just one more week to cast your vote for the most bizarre HIV-related question asked in our "Ask the Experts" forums this year! From twisted sisters to semen-laced breakfast treats, you'll be amazed at just how far-out some folks can get in their paranoia over a possible HIV exposure.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Can I Transmit Resistance to My Partner if We're on Different HIV Meds?My partner and I are both HIV positive. His viral load is undetectable; mine is 20,000 or so. I used to take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), same as he does, but I recently changed to Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Is there a risk of exposing him to resistance to Isentress if we have unprotected sex? Sudden Shift in Numbers: Symptom of Bronchitis, or Time to Start Treatment?I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. Until recently my CD4 count stayed in the 500s to high 600s and my viral load was always between 10,000 and 25,000. A month ago my CD4 count went down to 421 and my viral load was 172,000. I had a rough bout of bronchitis about two months ago and I think that might be the cause of the change, but my doctor told me to start treatment. What do you think?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:St. 's Wort and HIV Meds: What's the Danger?Severe Itching With No Clear Cause: Could It Be My Meds?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS HIV and a History of Anal Warts: Should I Worry About Anal Cancer?I was infected with HIV less than five months ago. All my initial numbers are perfectly normal, with CD4 numbers at 437 and 26 percent, and a viral load of 927 copies. I was treated for anal warts two years ago. Should I be concerned about the long-term potential for anal cancer? Should I be screened again and more regularly? Is Heartburn a Sign That Meds Are Damaging My Pancreas?I take Isentress (raltegravir), Videx (didanosine, ddI) and Viread (tenofovir). I occasionally get very severe heartburn even though I try to avoid the "trigger" foods. I know Videx is very hard on the pancreas. Is the heartburn a warning sign that my pancreas may be damaged? Will My Peripheral Neuropathy Ever Go Away?I have had HIV since 1984, an AIDS diagnosis since 1998 and peripheral neuropathy since 1986. My viral load is near undetectable. My pain is still bad and I am on meds for it. Two different doctors feel that since I am nearly undetectable I should be having no pain by now. Tell that to my fingers and feet! What do you think I should do?My Boyfriend Is Threatening to Disclose My Status if I Leave Him(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I have not disclosed to any member of my family because they are probably the most judgmental people I know. My mom would just blame me until the day she dies. Now I have a problem with my boyfriend because I don't want to be in the relationship anymore, but he's threatening to tell my mom about my status if I leave him. Telling her is not an option. She will not understand no matter what. Just to give you an idea of how judgmental she is: She thinks the reason my son has special needs is because I deserve it for having a child before getting married. What should I do? -- virginmary Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV HEPATITIS TRANSMISSION Does PrEP Beat Condoms for HIV Prevention?I really think condoms are inadequate. They occasionally slip and break, plus they steal the feeling of total intimacy during sex, so many people don't use them. Don't an increasing number of doctors believe that PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) combined with the infected person's having an undetectable viral load would provide the same protection as effective condom use? What's your point of view on this? Do you still consider condoms the best way to halt new HIV infections? Are Cigarettes on the List of Items People With Hepatitis B or C Shouldn't Share?I just found out that my friend has hepatitis C. We shared a cigarette the day before she told me. I know some kinds of hepatitis can be spread by sharing certain types of personal items like toothbrushes, but is it possible to contract hepatitis B or C from sharing a cigarette?STRANGE BUT TRUE HIV and Fleas: A Real Nail-BiterI have a nasty habit of biting my nails. The other day I killed a flea on a dog that belongs to my neighbor, who has an AIDS diagnosis. I soon realized I was gnawing on the nail with which I had killed the flea! Is there a possibility of HIV transmission in this case? Please answer me, I'm so scared! Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Dec. 16: Join a Call and Discussion of HIV Criminalization in the U.S. Let 2011 Be a Year of Action! Ask Family and Friends How They'll Join the Fight Act Now: No Airtime for Killer AIDS Denialist Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS Gay Activist

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 28 Dec 2010 14:26:42 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlDecember 28, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsHIV Transmission TestingStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS What Do We Have to Look Forward to in 2011?Dear Vergel: Do you think 2011 will be a good year for HIV/AIDS? What are the main things we should be excited about as far as research and treatment? Love to Eat, Hate to Cook: Got Any Tips for Eating Right?I'm single and I hate to cook, but love to eat. Unfortunately I tend toward pre-packaged or fast foods. I know the foods I should eat, but can't seem to get myself to cook them; besides, cooking can get expensive for one person. Any suggestions on how to improve my "single-guy diet"?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Should I Tell My Family About My Partner's HIV Diagnosis?My partner and I have been together for two years. A year ago he tested HIV positive, but I'm negative. He's in good health and optimistic about the future, and we recently became engaged. My parents have met him and love him. He has not told anyone about his HIV status but I'm having real issues with not telling my own parents. Part of me thinks this is a private issue that doesn't need to be shared with them; I also feel as if, by not telling them, I'm somehow deceiving them. What do you think? Condom Failure With Undetectable Viral Load: What's the Chance I Infected My Partner?I'm 45 years old, HIV positive and have been on meds for many years. My CD4 count is 800 and my viral load is undetectable. My girlfriend is HIV negative. We had sex two weeks ago and the condom broke. What was the risk of infecting her? What future course of action should we take?BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS What Should I Know About Anabolic Steroids?Should I try using methandrostenolone (bol, or "Dbol") or Anapolon (Anadrol, oxymetholone), two anabolic steroids, to gain weight and build muscle mass? Are My Body Shape Changes Due to HIV Meds or Pregnancy?I've been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for about a year and a half. I had a baby prior to that and only took Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for the last two trimesters of my pregnancy. These are the only meds I've ever taken. I've noticed a bit of fat accumulation around my belly and thinning in my legs and butt. Are these common side effects of Atripla, or am I picking up body changes associated with my pregnancy?HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS What Can I Do About Constant Fatigue?I've been HIV positive for 10 years now. I currently take Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), my CD4 count is 800 and my viral load is 900; but I'm extremely tired all the time. I've already tried Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada, but that combo didn't help the fatigue. Plus, my virus has developed resistance. Might there be some hope for me with another regimen, or eventually with the new drugs in the pipeline? What else can I do? How Do I Avoid Sustiva Side Effects When I Want to Go Out at Night?I currently take Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) at 10 p.m. before bed. On three occasions I've attempted to go out after taking my meds, but by midnight my head starts spinning and all I want is to sleep. On the odd occasion that I do want to go out, can I take Truvada at 10 p.m. as usual and take Sustiva when I eventually go to bed? What Do You Know About Revivo?I've been HIV positive for two years and my CD4 count is 465. I'm not on medication but I started taking Revivo (Chinese herbal tea) two months ago because I heard it keeps the viral load low and increases CD4 count. I'm still waiting for my test results, but do you know anything about Revivo?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Viral Load Spike, CD4 Drop After Hep A and Flu Vaccination: Time to Start HIV Treatment?Moving to Where Atripla's Unavailable: Any Problems Switching to Sustiva and Truvada?Is There a Future for HIV Med Shots Instead of Pills?My Mother's a Longtime HIV Survivor -- And I'm Concerned About Her(A recent post from the " My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS " board)My mother has HIV. I finally found out in 2008. She denied it when I asked her in the mid-1990s, when I was younger, but finally admitted it once I confronted her as an adult. She was relieved to have it out in the open, but she's suffered depression her whole life, stemming from a bad upbringing. She even started using drugs when my brother died in 2004.I feel so bad that for all these years she's had to hold it in. My mother is a very strong woman but doesn't know it. She tells me about her CD4 count and viral load. I am glad she is open with me, but I know she's not being 100 percent truthful, probably to protect me. I've been trying to go to her doctor's appointments with her but she never tells me when or where they are. I just want to know and to be on track with her! I feel like I should be doing more for her. I beat myself up all the time. Does anyone have any ideas about what I should do? -- JJ77 Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV TRANSMISSION TESTING Are My Negative HIV Test Results Conclusive?I'm a health care worker, and blood from a patient of unknown status got into my eyes and mouth. I've had negative HIV test results up to five months after the exposure. Is it possible that my chewing tobacco habit could compromise my immune system so I'm not developing HIV antibodies? Also, is it possible I have HIV-2?STRANGE BUT TRUE The Blue-Plate Special: Could Crepes Pubique Transmit HIV?I was out eating at a diner and took a bite of my crepe when I felt something odd in my mouth. I took it out, only to find a pubic hair. Could I get HIV by chewing on a cooked pubic hair?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107Advertisement Let 2011 Be a Year of Action! Ask Family and Friends How They'll Join the Fight Act Now: No Airtime for Killer AIDS Denialist Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS Gay Activist

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Sent via BlackberryFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 04 Jan 2011 14:51:43 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlJanuary 4, 2011Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionAnnouncing the "Strangest butTruest" of 2010!Living With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS TreatmentUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV/Hepatitis Testing TransmissionANNOUNCING THE "STRANGEST BUT TRUEST" OF 2010!We here at TheBody.com scoured the "Strange but True" sections of last year's Hot Topics newsletters and nominated some of the most unusual HIV-related scenarios people asked about in 2010. Some are shocking, some are sad, many are hilarious -- and they're all reminders of how far we still have to go to educate the world about HIV. Hundreds of you voted on which of the 10 finalists represented the most bizarre post. We've tallied up the votes and calculated their average ratings, so check out the "best of the worst" (or the worst of the worst, depending on how you look at it) of 2010!LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Where Are the Charities for "the Cure"?There seem to be many organizations out there that will help people with HIV, but I'm having trouble finding one that helps fund research for a cure. With so many avenues being followed to find a cure, and the "Berlin patient" announcement reinforcing the idea that some sort of cure can be found, it's odd that no one rallies around finding a cure for HIV. Where can I find charities that are devoted to finding a way to tame this tenacious little virus? Can I Exercise, Even With a Low CD4 Count?My CD4 count is around 88, but I feel all right. Can I engage in some forms of light exercise? Do you have any information on exercise, immune function and managing HIV med side effects? Recently Diagnosed and Worried: Can I Still Achieve My Dreams?I was diagnosed HIV positive six months ago. My CD4 count was 192 and I was put on Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) immediately. Today my CD4 count is up to 385. How long am I going to live? Can I get married and have children? Will my CD4 count continue to rise? Can I still travel?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Do the Rules of the "Swiss Statement" Make Unprotected Sex Safe?I discussed with my doctor the "Swiss statement," which claims that a condom is not imperative in a monogamous, mixed-status heterosexual relationship as long as the infected partner is on treatment and has an undetectable viral load. My doctor agrees. I asked him about the possibilities of blips and viral load differences between plasma and seminal fluids. He said that those variations likely do not pose a significant transmission risk. Do you also believe that, under the rules of the Swiss statement, condoms could be avoided for the purpose of conception? The headline above links to this question and its response in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum. The same question was also posted in Bob Frascino, M.D.'s "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum. Read Dr. Bob's thoughts on the Swiss statement and compare the two experts' perspectives. What's the Point of Telling My Kids Their Father Died of AIDS Complications?My husband and the father of my children had an affair about seven years ago and became HIV positive. My children and I have all tested HIV negative. My husband has since died of complications of advanced HIV, and I've been debating whether I should ever tell my children how he died. They're all under 18. We live in a small town, and fortunately some degree of confidentiality has been maintained about my husband's diagnosis or else no one would ever have anything to do with me or my children. What do you think I should do? BODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS What Should HIVers Know About Weightlifting?I'm 36 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 138 pounds. I became HIV positive earlier this year and am about to start Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). I'm worried about body fat changes and general health, and I've been weightlifting for almost eight years, but I was told that lifting heavy weights is not a good idea for people living with HIV. Is this true? Does Surgery Permanently Remove Increased Breast Tissue in Men?I plan to have surgery to reduce my increased breast tissue (gynecomastia), but I'm concerned that it will come back. Will I need surgery again down the road? Should I take an estrogen blocker afterward to prevent this condition from returning? HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Viral Load Still Detectable: Was My Regimen Switch Effective?I was on my first HIV med regimen, Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) and Viramune (nevirapine), for seven years. I had high CD4 counts (between 1,000 and 1,400) and low viral loads (from undetectable to around 100). Recently my viral load started creeping up, and it was found that some of my meds were failing. I switched to Intelence (etravirine), Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). After three weeks my CD4 count is 1,152, but my viral load is still detectable at 350. Should I worry that it hasn't gone down more, or wait and see what the results of my next test reveal? What Are "Immune-Based" Therapies? Can you explain the concept behind immune-based therapies, and how these approaches might someday work in treating HIV infection? More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:Missed a Dose After Two Weeks on Sustiva and Truvada: Should I Worry?One Night of Fun on Ecstasy: Should I Risk It While Taking Atripla?Do the Antioxidants in Black or Green Tea Interact With Atripla?Just Diagnosed but Afraid My Family Won't Understand(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)I tested positive three days before Christmas and I think I am still numb to the fact. I haven't told any friends or family because I really don't know how. Most of them are judgmental and I'm sure will walk away. ... The ones I'm most concerned with are my children. We are very, very close. ... In the past, my daughter has panicked about something happening to me, such as a car crash, heart attack or even murder. But I'm sure all our minds were far from HIV. She said if she ever lost me, she would join me. That scares me the most. And she now has a 4-month-old baby she needs to focus on. My son would just be angry. So I feel really alone at this time. And having found out so close to Christmas, my first thought was, will this be my last? -- LostNconfusedClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS CD4 Count and Weight Dropping: Any Cause for Concern?I take Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Viramune (nevirapine). My CD4 count is 450, but six months ago it was 517. I've also lost almost 20 pounds over the last year and a half. Are these changes normal, a side effect of my HIV meds or a sign of some other infection?HIV/HEPATITIS TESTING TRANSMISSION Do I Still Need an HIV Test at the 6-Month Mark?I know that the result of an HIV test taken three months after a potential exposure is usually considered conclusive, but this used to be the case at the six-month mark. In what scenario would testing at the six-month mark still be required? I Got Fisted by the Same Guy as an HIV-Positive Person: Am I at Risk?Yesterday I was playing with three guys; one of them was HIV positive with an undetectable viral load. Another guy performed light fisting on him (fingering, actually) and then did the same on me. In the meantime he washed his hands properly with soap and hot water. How risky was this encounter?More Questions About HIV/Hepatitis Testing Transmission:Why Is There Confusion About the Testing Window Period for Hepatitis C?Are Extra-Thin Condoms Effective Against HIV Transmission?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Let 2011 Be a Year of Action! Ask Family and Friends How They'll Join the Fight Act Now: No Airtime for Killer AIDS Denialist Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS Gay Activist

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January 19, 2011

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Living With HIV/AIDS

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

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Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

HIV Transmission & Testing

Strange but True


What Are Some First Steps to Getting in Shape?

After years without exercise I've decided to change my life. I even started running and bought a barbell. Do you have any tips for those just starting to exercise?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

How Do I Become an Activist for HIV Treatment Funding?

There seemed to be some glimmers of hope with HIV treatment access in the U.S., and now cuts in funding could lay waste to these advances. Is there any activism happening in the ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Programs) arena?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

How Can I Deal With HIV/AIDS Stigma?

I've noticed a lot of stigma attached to being HIV positive. It's almost like I'm a leper in other people's eyes. I'm pissed off at people in general and have no compassion for others anymore. I've tried numerous times to go back to school and become active in the community by volunteering but it seems that all doors close on me. What can I do?

Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forum


Should I Take Avandia to Regain Lost Face and Body Fat?

I switched from Zerit (stavudine, d4T) to Viread (tenofovir) a year and a half ago, and since then my lipoatrophy has stopped progressing. I want to take Avandia (rosiglitazone) to regain lost facial and body fat. Do you think this drug will be helpful?

Gerald Pierone, M.D., responds in the "Facial Wasting" forum

Do You Know of Any Steroids or Hormones to Help Me Maintain My Weight?

I've been taking some type of steroid for the past 16 years. I was able to maintain my weight until six months ago when I started losing slowly. I'm 6 feet 1 inch tall and I currently weigh 159 pounds; I normally weigh between 168 and 172. I currently take Oxandrin (oxandrolone). What should I be taking along with it?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum


Stopped Treatment When I Moved: How Do I Get Back on Track?

I stopped taking my HIV meds for almost seven months because of a move and other disruptions in my life. Will I need to switch med regimens now? Who can I talk to about this? How can I find an HIV specialist in my new state?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum

Can I Change My Dosing Time to Fit My Schedule One Day Out of the Week?

I always take Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) at 10:30 p.m. and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) at 7:30 a.m. before I go to university at 8 a.m. This semester I have class at 7 a.m. one day a week; the other days are the same as always. Would taking my medication at 6:30 a.m. on just that one day cause any problems? How flexible can I be with the hours I take my meds every day? Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum

Any Ideas for a Support Group for Recently Diagnosed HIVers?

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

I'm a social work intern at an HIV clinic and I'm looking to start a support group for people that are newly diagnosed. Can anyone share some activities or topics they've found helpful in support groups they've been to so I can incorporate similar elements into my own? -- angew

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Could My Recent Cognitive Issues Be HIV Related?

In the past year I've experienced short-term memory loss, I can't remember names or faces, I don't seem to have any energy and I often lose my words. I'm also on depression medications, which I know make me tired, but the other cognitive issues are scaring me. Could they be HIV related? Is there anything I can do?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

Can Recreational Drug Use Affect a Person's Immune System?

I have a friend who's HIV positive and addicted to cocaine. His CD4 count is down to 250 and he has been taking medication for a month and a half. Is it true that cocaine can bring your CD4 count down even farther, even while taking medication?

Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Substance Use and HIV" forum

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

Will Using Androgel Affect My Type-2 Diabetes?

Are Vaccines I Received Before Becoming HIV Positive Still Effective Now?

What Are an HIVer's Risks of Developing Atherosclerosis?


Syphilis and HIV: Which Is More Easily Transmitted Through Anal Sex?

I understand that coinfection is always an issue, but all other factors being equal in terms of mode of transmission and risk factors, in receptive anal sex, which is easier to transmit: syphilis or HIV?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum

Can Melatonin Supplements Affect HIV Test Results?

There was a paper a while ago that talked about a negative correlation between HIV viral load and melatonin. I'm worried about a recent possible exposure, and wondering if using melatonin supplements could render a person's viral load undetectable to the point where HIV would not show up on even a very sensitive test. Is this likely to happen?

ph P. McGowan, M.D., F.A.C.P., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum


Can "the Vapors" Transmit HIV?

What if you're talking to an HIV-positive person with your face quite close to theirs, and the person has a bloody nose? Is there any risk of HIV being transmitted through the vapor from the person's nose?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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Transgender Health: Submit an Abstract by Jan. 31 for National Summit in April

Urge Your Elected Officials to Defend the Affordable Care Act

Let 2011 Be a Year of Action! Ask Family and Friends How They'll Join the Fight

Act Now: No Airtime for Killer AIDS Denialist

Demand That the CDC Reach Out to Transgender Youth

Call on Peruvian Authorities for Justice in Murder of HIV/AIDS & Gay Activist

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From: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 01 Feb 2011 18:16:13 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlFebruary 1, 2011Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSNutrition, Exercise HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV TransmissionLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Loss of Libido After Diagnosis: Is This the End of My Sex Life?I haven't had sex in the three years since my HIV diagnosis. At 44, my testosterone levels are actually higher than normal and aside from HIV, I'm in very good physical health. The first year or two I figured that, after some time had passed and the initial shock of my diagnosis had worn off, sex would once again be part of my life. That time has come and gone and I still have no desire to be sexual with another man. Is there anything I can do to jump-start my sexual desire? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forum How Do I Deal With Having HIV?I cannot deal with the mental anguish of having HIV. I keep waiting to develop drug resistance or something else bad to happen. I just want it to be over and I'm considering just not bothering anymore. I'm seeing a counselor and was put on Wellbutrin (bupropion), but I still can't cope. What can I do? How long have others you've known been able to deal with this? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forumNUTRITION, EXERCISE HIV/AIDS Any Tips for Eating Well and Losing Fat?I'm doing well on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is around 400. But I've gained more than 40 pounds and I need to lose some weight. Also, my bowel movements are all loose, and most have an oily film floating on top of the water. What could be causing this? Do you have any everyday fat-loss and nutrition tips for me? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum Can an HIVer Still Train to Run a Marathon?I've been HIV positive for five months. I now take medication and I feel good. Would it be possible for me to start a training program to run a marathon? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forumMIXED-STATUS COUPLES Is Natural Conception Really Possible For Mixed-Status Couples?I asked my doctor what other options are available for mixed-status couples wanting to have a child, aside from IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and sperm washing. He said that as long as the HIV-positive partner's viral load remains undetectable, it is indeed possible to conceive naturally since the chances of transmitting the virus are extremely low and very close to zero. He also suggested that the HIV-negative partner take HIV meds after exposure to further reduce the possibility of infection. What are your thoughts? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumBODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS How Long Will It Take to Recover Lost Fat After a Med Switch?A year and a half ago, I switched an HIV med in my regimen in favor of Viread (tenofovir) to stop the progression of lipoatrophy. What can I do to reverse the effects of lipoatrophy more quickly? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum Do Any Body Shape Changes Develop From Taking PEP?I am currently on a 28-day course of Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir). Have there been any reported cases of lipoatrophy or lipodystrophy from taking this regimen as PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumHIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS Is Morning Lightheadedness a Side Effect of Atripla?I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for two months with no really bad side effects, except after waking up, I feel lightheaded. I have to sit for a few minutes before it goes away. What could be causing this, and what can I do? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum Do-It-Yourself Dosing Changes: What's the Risk?I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for close to two years and have had good success overall with the medication. However, it baffles me that a 400-pound guy would be on the same pill as a 150-pound guy. I'm concerned about the potential long-term effects these meds could have on my liver and kidneys. Is there an alternative dosage that maintains the ratio of the three meds in Atripla? Would there be any problem with splitting the pills and taking a half-dose on alternating days? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forumMore Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:On Meds for 2 Years: When Will Side Effects Start?Why Do People Often Gain Weight After Starting HIV Meds?Are There Any Drug Interactions Between Atripla and Ecstasy?My Partner Doesn't Feel Sexual Anymore: Is It Me?(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)I have been in a relationship for two years now. We're both positive. However, he does not feel sexual. What could be going on? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Is it me? -- 2cyclefunClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS How Are Anal Lesions Screened and Treated?I'm 56 years old and I've been HIV positive for 25 years. In 2008 I was diagnosed with "intense dysplasia in the anal canal." I get an anoscopy every year to follow up. What do you know about anal dysplasia? What else can be done to monitor or treat this condition? Is it likely to develop into anal cancer? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum Should I Worry About Getting a Cortisone Injection?I started Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) 10 days ago and have three weeks before my next blood draw. Due to a long-term running injury, my orthopedist suggested I get a cortisone injection in a bursa sac in my hip. I asked my HIV doctor about potential drug interactions; he said he didn't have any "serious concerns" given that it was a one-time, localized injection, but he did tell me that steroids suppress the immune system, and that the cortisone could potentially affect my next lab test results. Do you have any thoughts? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum What Steps Can I Take to Lessen My Depression?Besides medication, what can be done to alleviate depression? Are there any alternative supplements I can take or activities I can do? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forumUNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Could My Perinatally Infected Child Be HIV Negative After All?My 9-year-old child contracted HIV from his birth mother. He was diagnosed at 10 weeks of age and started HIV meds immediately. By 14 weeks he had an undetectable viral load using ultrasensitive testing. He has never had a detectable viral load. He recently tested negative for HIV antibodies. He also experiences side effects from his HIV meds. I've asked his doctor if he can prove my son still has HIV. His doctor doesn't know of a test that could do so. Do you know of such a test? Mark Holodniy, M.D., F.A.C.P., C.I.C., responds in the "Understanding Your Labs" forumHIV TRANSMISSION What Percent Risky Was My Behavior?I recently had sex with an HIV-positive guy. I was the top and did not use a condom. I know there's some risk, but do you know the percentage? Does ejaculating inside the partner carry more risk than pulling out? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum Stories From the "Worried Well": I Wasted 7 Years Worrying About HIV!It's hard to remember when you're wracked with fear that HIV is not the easiest virus to transmit, and that not every encounter will lead to HIV. Waiting seven years to get tested did nothing for me physically or mentally. For all you out there who are afraid to take that step, use my story as an example and don't waste precious time. Get out there and know your status! J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forumWorried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Urgent Action Required to Fight Unscientific, Stigmatising Nebraska Bill That Will Criminalise Body Fluid Assault on Public Safety Officers Feb. 10: HIV, Health Care Reform, Prevention: How to Make It All Work! Register for AIDSWatch 2011 in Washington, D.C., February 16-18

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

February 22, 2011

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

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Living With HIV/AIDS

Mixed-Status Couples

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Transmission

Strange But True


What's Your Take on the HIV Gene Therapy Study Looking for an Effective Cure?

In light of the bone marrow transplant that effectively cured the "Berlin patient," San Francisco researchers are recruiting HIV-positive volunteers for a study that uses a less invasive approach: gene therapy to modify patients' immune systems. Have you heard of this study? What are your thoughts?

Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum

What Do You Know About Zinc Supplements?

I read that taking zinc has been proven to make the common cold last for a shorter time. Have you heard about this? What else does zinc do? Is zinc good for the immune systems of HIV-positive people?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

Recently Diagnosed and Doing Fine: Has My Diagnosis Just Not "Sunk In" Yet?

I got diagnosed with HIV three weeks ago; my husband is HIV negative. My initial shock lasted about five to 10 minutes. We both took a week off from work and studies; now we're back to our daily lives. I live in a country with very advanced medical care that's all free. My husband is very supportive. We've been reading and talking a lot about HIV. Do you think I'm so optimistic because my diagnosis hasn't really sunk in yet, and I might crumble later?

Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forum


My Partner's HIV Positive but I Keep Testing Negative: Can We Keep Having Unprotected Sex?

My partner tested HIV positive; I've had three different tests and they've all been negative. How is this possible? Can we continue to have sex without protection?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum

"Jesus Crowned ... Black Madonna Glowing," 1999; Gregg Cassin

Visit the February 2011 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Why Religious Images Now?," is curated by José Vidal.


If Sculptra Stops Working, What Are Some Other Options?

Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid, New-Fill) is a great product and it worked for me for years -- but now it's apparently stopped being effective for me. I'm afraid a very small percentage of people's bodies may become immune to it. Can you suggest some other permanent facial-filler options?

Gerald Pierone, M.D., responds in the "Facial Wasting" forum


Low but Detectable Viral Load in First Trimester: When and With What Should I Start Treatment?

I've just completed my first trimester of pregnancy. My viral load was a little above 1,000 before my pregnancy, and my CD4 count was 820. Should I start treatment at this point? If so, which potential regimens do you suggest?

Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum

Is It Safe to Reduce My Truvada Dosage?

I was diagnosed with HIV in August 2010 during acute infection and started taking Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) right away. My viral load at the time was 4.5 million copies; now it's undetectable. My CD4 count went from 187 to a current 700. I don't have any noticeable side effects yet, and my kidney function is good. However, I want to reduce my Truvada dosage to half a tablet daily or one full tablet every other day in order to minimize the risk of developing side effects in the long term. Does this make sense for me to do?

Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

What Happens When a Person Stops Taking HIV Meds Permanently?

What Are the Risks of Taking Methamphetamine With HIV Meds?


How Do I Figure Out Why I'm Tired All the Time?

I'm 47 years old, I got an AIDS diagnosis in 1999, had a stroke in 2001 and developed epilepsy. Now, despite testosterone shots and B12 complex supplements, I'm fatigued and exhausted all the time and I can't work. I take antidepressants but they don't make any difference. What should I do?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum

How Can I Relieve Yeast Infections Caused By My Antibiotics?

I'm a 43-year-old, uncircumcised man and I've been HIV positive since 1998. I've been in decent health, but every time my CD4 count goes down they put me on antibiotics for a few months and I end up with yeast infections. I know that the antibiotics are causing this condition but my doctor doesn't agree. What can I do?

Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum

More Questions About Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS:

Where Can I Find an Expert in Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Could the Funny Taste in My Mouth Be Caused by My HIV Meds?

How Should I Monitor for Lactic Acidosis When Taking Zerit?


Is There a Certain Amount of HIV That My Immune System Can Kill?

Can our immune systems handle or kill a certain amount of HIV? If so, how does that work?

Mark Holodniy, M.D., F.A.C.P., C.I.C., responds in the "Understanding Your Labs" forum

Newly Diagnosed and Looking For Some Support.

(A recent post from the "I Just Tested Positive" board)

I am a straight 42-year-old woman who was diagnosed with HIV on January 4, 2011. I suffered a terrible illness that started around the middle of September 2010. I was hospitalized for eight days and was sick for nearly two months. I had never been so sick in my life. I tested negative while I was in the hospital and thought I was OK. But I tested again when a man I had been with for six months told me a woman he had been with tested positive. That test came back positive. Gulp.

As of now, my CD4 count is 640, my viral load is 22,000 and my CD4 percentage is 35%. Not bad, I suppose, but I would still rather not have HIV. Last week, I joined a clinical trial at San Francisco General Hospital, the very same spot where so many people suffered from AIDS back in the '80s. Pretty ironic for an HIV newbie. Can anyone relate or offer some advice? -- toolatelola

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Why Can't Mosquitoes Transmit HIV?

The way I see it, mosquitoes have a syringe-like mouth to suck up human blood, and it's hollow like a metal syringe. Judging by this similarity, why is HIV transmission not possible by mosquitoes the way it is by sharing syringes?

ph P. McGowan, M.D., F.A.C.P., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum


Will a Wash and Pee Keep Away HIV?

A married, topless woman I don't know recently flagged me into her hotel room, and we quickly had unprotected sex before her husband could catch us. I've never made such a stupid move, and now I'm worried about HIV. Right after I ejaculated I immediately pulled out to check for any cuts or nicks, and ran into the bathroom to wash my penis. I also urinated with force. Did I minimize my chances of becoming HIV positive by washing and peeing right after sex?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum

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The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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From: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 15 Mar 2011 16:22:07 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlMarch 15, 2011Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDsHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV STD TransmissionLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS How Can I Stop Feeling Tired All the Time?I was diagnosed with HIV five months ago and I take Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Although I sleep well at night, exercise five to six times a week, am on testosterone replacement therapy and try to maintain a daily intake of 2,000 calories, I've been feeling exhausted all the time. What else can I do? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum Planning a Pregnancy: Will I Need to Switch HIV Meds?I'm planning on having a baby but I'm currently on Combivir (AZT/3TC, known as Lamzid in its generic form) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin). My CD4 count is 380 and my viral load is undetectable. Is it possible for me to have a baby? Are there any HIV med regimen changes I may need to make? Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forumMore Questions About Living With HIV/AIDS:Can Deca-Durabolin Be Used Safely to Add Muscle?Why Am I Getting Headaches After I Exercise?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Haven't Wanted Sex Since My Diagnosis: Will This Ruin My Relationship?I was diagnosed HIV positive in January. I was probably infected in 2006, as I've been faithful to my partner since our marriage in 2007. My spouse has tested HIV negative. My biggest worry now is that we haven't had sex since I was diagnosed. He's very supportive and we're still in love, but I have no desire for sex whatsoever. He hasn't suggested sex either, but I think he's holding back to see what I do. Do you think this lack of sex could have a long-term effect on our relationship? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forumBODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS Would a New Regimen Be Less Likely to Cause Body Shape Changes?I've been on Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Viracept (nelfinavir) for more than 20 years, and my CD4 count has always been above 1,000. I've recently started developing "ropes," as I've heard them called -- visible veins on my calves due to lipoatrophy, which seem to be progressing to my thighs. I brought them to my doctor's attention and he recommended I change from Combivir to Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Do you think this is a wise move? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumIn the spirit of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and Women's History Month in the U.S., TheBody.com has revamped its HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women with new content, amazing personal stories and useful resources!Whether you're recently diagnosed, a longtime HIV survivor, an HIV advocate, an HIV prevention expert or a person who cares for somebody living with HIV, our HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women is the best place on the Web to turn to for community, information and guidance. HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS How Toxic Are Current HIV Meds?I believe I've had HIV for almost 10 years, but I was diagnosed just two years ago. My CD4 count stays around 700 and my viral load is around 11,000, so I'm delaying starting HIV meds. When will we know more about whether it's better to wait to start meds? We hear so much about how toxic HIV meds may be. Have HIV meds gotten a bad rap, or is there really something about them that's different from other medications that makes them more toxic? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum Taken Off Truvada: Is Kaletra Monotherapy Safe?I've been taking Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for the past five years. My CD4 count is 388, its highest yet, and my viral load is undetectable. I have avascular necrosis of the hip and in 2010 I had two total hip replacements. My doc took me off Truvada, so now I'm only taking twice-daily Kaletra. Was this a wise move? Do you think Truvada could have played a big role in my hip problems? Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forumMore Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Can I Take Atripla and Metformin at the Same Time?Can I Stop Taking HIV Meds While I Save Up for More?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS What Kinds of Neurocognitive Issues Are Related to HIV?A few weeks ago I was given an AIDS diagnosis -- my CD4 count is around 125. I hope to start HIV meds tomorrow. I've noticed over the past year that my short-term memory has gotten much worse. I have to set out reminders all over the place just to get through my normal day. Could these memory issues be HIV related? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forum What Should I Know About Taking Isoniazid?I'm currently taking Lexiva (fosamprenavir, Telzir), Norvir (ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). The doctor at my job suggested I start taking isoniazid (INH) because I tested positive for latent tuberculosis on a PPD skin test. Are there any drug interactions between INH and my HIV meds? What else should I be aware of while taking INH?ph P. McGowan, M.D., F.A.C.P., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forumMore Questions About Other Health Issues HIV/AIDS:Untreated Gonorrhea: Will My Immune System Take Care of It?Does My Wife Really Need a Tracheotomy?How Can I Help My HIV-Positive Partner Open Up to Me?(A recent post from the " My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS " board)I'm dating an HIV-positive guy. I am trying to understand what he goes through every day and what his world is like. We have dated for more than eight months now and I would love to be intimate with him but he says he isn't into sex anymore. Sometimes I think he needs to talk to other people about his problems and his worries. It's hard for me to talk about it because none of my friends or family knows about his health. I'm not afraid -- I love this man for who he is. How do I talk to him about things? How do I express my feelings without hurting him? Maybe if I connect with someone with HIV on here, I can get some of my questions answered? Thank you so very much for any help anyone can provide. -- jwaesmClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Are My Numbers the Norm for Early HIV Infection?I was infected with HIV three months ago. Three weeks later I became ill with flu-like symptoms and had a fever for exactly two weeks. I feel fine now, except for anxiety. I tested positive at that time. Over the past month and a half my CD4 count has continued to drop. My viral load, which was 1.8 million at the time of my diagnosis, has also dropped, but it's still 660,000. I'm debating whether to start treatment. Is it typical for a person's viral load to stay this high this long after initial infection? I'm worried that my CD4 count will drop below 300. If it does drop, will it likely rebound?Mark Holodniy, M.D., F.A.C.P., C.I.C., responds in the "Understanding Your Labs" forumHIV STD TRANSMISSION How Could My Partner Transmit Syphilis to Me, But Not HIV?How is it possible for me to test reactive for syphilis but negative for HIV and hepatitis, and for my partner to test HIV positive? He's been my only partner in the last two years, so the syphilis infection was definitely from him. I'm beyond the window period for HIV seroconversion. How can a person transmit one sexually transmitted disease but not another? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum How Long After an Exposure Does ARS Occur?Can you walk me through the main phases of ARS (acute retroviral syndrome)? I'm told it presents in seven to 10 days after exposure and subsides in five to 10 days. Does that sound accurate? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forumWorried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Action Alert: Join the Fight to Support the Affordable Care Act and Reject Repeal Efforts Sign on, Sign Up, Speak Out: Save Prevention Access 3/16: Implementation Fever: Making Health Reform and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Tools of HIV Prevention Justice Organizations: Call on US to Heed UN Words on Sex Worker Rights Congress: Ask for $$$ Estimate on the Nat'l AIDS Strategy! Activist Alert: Sign on to Demand Freedom for Chinese AIDS Activist House Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood: Sign a Letter to Congress to Save Critical Services!

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

March 22, 2011

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

Living With HIV/AIDS

Mixed-Status Couples

Body Shape Changes & HIV/AIDs

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues & HIV/AIDS

HIV Transmission

Strange but True


Dear Vergel: What Does "Good Medical Care" Entail?

I was diagnosed with HIV just three days ago; I'm still waiting for a doctor's appointment. I've read many articles on this site (during three sleepless nights) and they all suggest that choosing the right doctor and treatment is crucial. Can you tell me what "good medical care" means to you, as a longtime HIV advocate who's also living with HIV?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

How Do You Respond When People Say "No One Dies of AIDS Anymore"?

I recently had an argument with a friend who stated, "People don't die from AIDS anymore." What do you say to people who believe HIV/AIDS is no longer a fatal condition?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum


What Are the Options for an HIV-Positive Man Looking to Have a Baby?

I've been HIV positive for two years and I haven't taken HIV meds yet. My viral load is 1,200 and my CD4 count is around 470. My wife and I would like to have a child and I'm considering starting Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) to lower my virus to undetectable levels. Will Atripla affect the quality of my sperm? What's the chance that I'll infect my wife if we try to conceive? What are our options?

Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum


How Can I Get My Doctor to Prescribe Nandrolone Along With Testosterone?

I've been HIV positive for at least 23 years and have had the same doctor for all this time. Over the last five years my quality of life, body fat level and non-immune blood work (cholesterol, sugar) have all been less than optimal. I slowly started making changes -- quitting smoking and drinking, changing my diet, taking supplements, finding a personal trainer and, eventually, starting testosterone replacement therapy. I've seen great improvements in all areas, but I have concerns about my doctor's ability to properly monitor the testosterone therapy -- he was hesitant to put me on it in the first place; and he refuses to consider adding nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin), without explaining why. What do you think could be going on?

Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum

Remember last year's Poetry Month at TheBody.com? Well, it's that time again! From now through the end of April, we'll be accepting and posting submissions of poetry about living with, or being affected by, HIV/AIDS. Anything you write is fair game. Pieces can be literal or abstract, serious or funny, short or long (but hopefully not too long), whatever you want. Select poems will be highlighted on our site throughout the month of April!

Please e-mail your poems to content@... with the subject line "Poetry: [Title of Your Piece]." Be sure to specify what name or alias you'd like to use, as well as any details about yourself that you feel comfortable letting readers know -- your age, the city you live in, your gender, etc. Please note that if we post something you send us, it can be Googled, so be sure to think through what kind of information you want to provide.

If you'd rather send us a poem without having to use e-mail, use our feedback page. You can leave out any contact information, but please write "POETRY" at the top of the form so we can spot it easily.


Could Periodic Regimen Changes Help Keep Side Effects at Bay?

I started taking Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) less than a month ago. My CD4 count is over 650 and my viral load is low. I'm aware of the side effects of my current regimen and am planning on switching the Truvada in favor of Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) once my viral load is undetectable. What do you think of the notion of changing regimens every six months or so, for the sole purpose of lessening potential side effects? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to this plan?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum

Did I Start Meds Too Soon?

I developed acute retroviral syndrome and became very ill for two weeks; I couldn't work and had to go to the emergency room three times. My viral load was greater than 10 million, while my CD4 count was 330, so my doctor started me on meds. Ten weeks after starting, my viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 500. Still, did I start treatment too soon?

Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum

What Should I Know About Bone Density When Taking Atripla?

What effect does the Viread (tenofovir) component of Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) have on bone density, and how long does it take to notice? What can be done to monitor or improve bone density?

Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

If I Keep Taking Meds, Is It Possible I'll Never Progress to AIDS?

Will I Develop Drug Resistance if I Took My Meds 40 Minutes Late?

Is It Safe to Take Olive Leaf Extract With Atripla?


Do We Need to Worry About Macrocytosis?

My husband wasn't anemic when he got his first HIV lab test results. We went for our second test after four months and his CD4 count has gone up from 78 to 180. However, now the results show he has macrocytosis, which I believe has something to do with anemia. Is this serious? Is it related to him taking HIV meds?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum

Do My Behaviors Suggest Sex Addiction?

I've had a long and varied sexual history. I discovered the world of cruising in public restrooms, parks and gay saunas when I was 16, and became HIV positive when I was 21. Thinking about and having anonymous sex never ended, even now that I have a loving partner. I masturbate or search for sex online even during work hours. I've never been faithful. It's time and money consuming and it threatens my professional life, my relationship and my health. Most of the time I can fake a mask of "it's just that I really enjoy sex"; but the fact is I'm governed by sex, and I feel stuck. What can I do?

Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Substance Use and HIV" forum

I've Got a Crush and It Hurts So Good: How Can I Put Myself Out There?

(A recent post from the "Gay Men" board)

I'm in my mid 30s, single and have no friends. There is this library that I go to, and I have had my eyes on this guy who works there as a library assistant. I have secretly admired him since he started working there years ago. He seems very sweet, and all I can do is think about him. All I can think about is: What are the negative things that can happen if I tell him? I am older than him, HIV positive and he is probably not even gay. I have not been in love for a very long time and have been celibate for many years. But here comes this beautiful stranger and I am all vulnerable again; I love this feeling but I also don't like putting myself in this situation. Has anyone else ever had a crush like this, or had trouble getting out there and dating? I'd appreciate any advice you have to give! -- joejoe5673

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To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!


My 2-Year-Old Son Bit Me: Is He at Risk for HIV?

I'm an HIV-positive man with an undetectable viral load. I was playing with my 2-year-old and he bit my finger. I didn't notice blood right away but he did break the skin -- a bit of blood appeared when I pulled back the bit of skin and put pressure on the wound with a tissue. Should my son be tested for HIV?

Young, M.D., Ph.D., responds in the "Choosing Your Meds" forum


Airing (or Rubbing) the Family's Dirty Laundry: Will I Get HIV?

I've been using my aunt's used panties for masturbation for almost a year -- I smell, lick and rub my penis on those panties. My aunt's not HIV positive, so will I get HIV by doing this?

J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Safe Sex and HIV Prevention" forum

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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From: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 29 Mar 2011 17:18:57 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlMarch 29, 2011Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesBody Shape Changes HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS Treatment Side EffectsOther Health Issues HIV/AIDSUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV TransmissionLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS How Can I Increase My Levels of "Good Cholesterol"?My doctors say it's difficult for HIV-positive people to increase their levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or "good cholesterol." What's the best way for us to increase our HDL levels? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum In the Long Run, Is There Any Hope for People Living With HIV?I keep hearing talk about HIV being manageable, but it seems like people are still dying all the time, which terrifies me. It's hard for me to find any hope. What do you think? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forumMIXED-STATUS COUPLES My Partner's Afraid to Be Sexual With Me: How Can We Fix Our Relationship?I'm HIV positive and my partner isn't. We've been together for almost two years and I told him straight away that I was positive, but we still haven't had anal or oral sex with each other. We barely even masturbate together. He tells me he's scared of getting infected and that ads from the '80s and '90s have shocked him into being like this. Although I've told him I understand his concerns, and it's actually nice for someone to be careful, I feel as though this isn't totally normal. The rest of our relationship is great, but I'm worried we're working on something that's never going to be. What should we do? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forumBODY SHAPE CHANGES HIV/AIDS Why Can't I Find a Provider Who Takes Medicare for Sculptra or Radiesse?My medical care is covered by Medicare and TRICARE (the military health plan) and I am having the worst time finding someone to do my facial filler treatments -- even though I qualify for the patient assistance program, and there are many plastic surgeons and dermatologists in my county. A specialist two hours from my home told me I'd still have to come up with a substantial copay for my treatments, but TRICARE covers my copay. What's the reason for all this rigmarole? Isn't Medicare supposed to cover facial filler treatments for HIVers?Gerald Pierone, M.D., responds in the "Facial Wasting" forum Could Liposuction Help My Treatment-Related Belly Fat?Would liposuction be safe for an HIV-positive person who's developed belly fat as a side effect of HIV meds? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumRemember last year's Poetry Month at TheBody.com? Well, it's that time again! From now through the end of April, we'll be accepting and posting submissions of poetry about living with, or being affected by, HIV/AIDS. Anything you write is fair game. Pieces can be literal or abstract, serious or funny, short or long (but hopefully not too long), whatever you want. Select poems will be highlighted on our site throughout the month of April!Please e-mail your poems to content@... with the subject line "Poetry: [Title of Your Piece]." Be sure to specify what name or alias you'd like to use, as well as any details about yourself that you feel comfortable letting readers know -- your age, the city you live in, your gender, etc. Please note that if we post something you send us, it can be Googled, so be sure to think through what kind of information you want to provide.If you'd rather send us a poem without having to use e-mail, use our feedback page. You can leave out any contact information, but please write "POETRY" at the top of the form so we can spot it easily.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT SIDE EFFECTS What Can I Do About Dizziness and Hallucinations After Several Years on Atripla?I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for a couple of years now, and I still have intense dizziness and even hallucinations if I'm not asleep within 30 minutes of taking the pill. How common is this? Should I be concerned? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forum Started Treatment With a Low CD4 Count: Will I Do Badly?I'm 49 years old. Six months ago when I was diagnosed with HIV, my CD4 count was only 14 and my viral load approached a million. I was fortunate to survive that time with no major opportunistic infections. I now take Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). At first I saw a radical improvement, with my CD4 count going up to 94 and my viral load dropping to around 1,000. After four months my viral load is undetectable but my CD4 count is rising very slowly. I eat right, exercise, sleep enough, work hard, enjoy life, and take several vitamin and mineral supplements. How can I expect to fare relative to someone who started treatment earlier in their HIV infection? Can I still plan for retirement? Vergel responds in the "Nutrition and Exercise" forum Can't Tolerate Norvir: What Are My Other Regimen Options?I was on Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) for about seven years when I started getting pains in my stomach and throwing up to the point where I had to go to the emergency room. I stopped taking my HIV meds and my doctor put me on Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Now I'm having the same problem again. Both these regimens contain ritonavir. Could that be what's making me sick? What are my other options? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumMore Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment Side Effects:Didn't Take Enough Prezista for Weeks: What Are My Next Steps?Is Uncooked Garlic Safe to Eat While Taking HIV Meds?OTHER HEALTH ISSUES HIV/AIDS Can I Safely Smoke?After being diagnosed with HIV last October, I quit smoking using the nicotine patch. I've been patch-free since January, but over the past few weeks I've experienced cravings. Do you think a person can smoke one or two cigarettes a day and maintain his health? Does cigarette smoke lower T-cell counts or interact with HIV meds? J. Frascino, M.D., responds in the "Fatigue and Anemia" forum Did Paranoid Schizophrenia Cause Me to Become HIV Positive?I've suffered from paranoid schizophrenia since I got out of the Marine Corps in 1994. I was on and off my schizophrenia meds for years; while off my meds I was delusional, hallucinating and out of control, so I engaged in compulsive risky behavior and got drunk to numb out everything. Then I found out I was HIV positive in 2002. I now take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), which works well. Do you think being a paranoid schizophrenic led to my being HIV positive? Fawcett, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., responds in the "Mental Health and HIV" forumCould Non-Monogamy Be the Solution to My Magnetic-Relationship Problems?(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)I'm curious about others' experiences. I've been in a relationship for 4 years with someone who is neg; we found out I was poz about 3 years ago. Everything is great but our sex life. He couldn't be sweeter and more supportive of me, but he has been seeking satisfaction elsewhere sexually which I am really bothered by. If he can barely jerk me off without getting freaked out, how can he do it with other guys when he doesn't even know if they are neg or poz -- the way I see it at least with me he knows what he is dealing with and we can be safe. Then on the other hand I feel as if maybe I should overlook it because I'm being selfish not allowing him to have satisfying sex, even though in my opinion from reading others' experiences you can have a satisfying sex life in a neg/poz relationship if both parties are truly interested in working it out ... I have never really been signed up for the whole open relationship deal, but in this case maybe it is a solution? Anyone have any thoughts about this? -- AZguy11Click here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS What's the Latest Standard in "Undetectable"?My viral load used to be undetectable at less than 50 copies; now I'm hearing something about it being detectable at more than 20 copies. Is there a new standard for what's considered an "undetectable" HIV viral load, or is my clinic just using new testing procedures?Mark Holodniy, M.D., F.A.C.P., C.I.C., responds in the "Understanding Your Labs" forumHIV TRANSMISSION Can 2 HIV-Positive Parents Have an HIV-Negative Baby?My partner and I are HIV positive, both with undetectable viral loads. Can we have an HIV-negative baby? What would be the best way to get pregnant and lower or eliminate the risk of infecting each other with our HIV strains? Henry, M.D., responds in the "Managing Side Effects of HIV Treatment" forumWorried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Sign a Birthday Card for Health Care Reform! Choice in HIV Prevention -- Let FDA Look at the PrEP Data Sign on, Sign Up, Speak Out: Save Prevention Access House Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood: Sign a Letter to Congress to Save Critical Services!

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