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That is all I do with my insurance they fight me with everthing, my mom helps me

write the letters but we have written more letters then I can even count. But

yes we are fighting them, but they also like to take thier sweet time replying

back too.

Re: Thank you


Have you tried fighting your insurance on their decisino not to cover

Humira? You have a right to appeal that and have your doctor's supply

reasons why it should be covered and show that you were doing better.

Fight to the death i say. Because they will try to screw us all.




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I do believe there are procedures as to how long the insruance company

can take to respond to your appeals, etc. Maybe call up and ask a

generic customer service rep to emamil or mail you the info on the

appeals process and see if you can get somethign more specific that

gives timelines, and then hold them to it. I used to work for one of

these b******s and they will try to rip you every time. It's

incredibly sad. I just had to deal with my company this past week.

Good luck,


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I do believe there are procedures as to how long the insruance company

can take to respond to your appeals, etc. Maybe call up and ask a

generic customer service rep to emamil or mail you the info on the

appeals process and see if you can get somethign more specific that

gives timelines, and then hold them to it. I used to work for one of

these b******s and they will try to rip you every time. It's

incredibly sad. I just had to deal with my company this past week.

Good luck,


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Guest guest


I do believe there are procedures as to how long the insruance company

can take to respond to your appeals, etc. Maybe call up and ask a

generic customer service rep to emamil or mail you the info on the

appeals process and see if you can get somethign more specific that

gives timelines, and then hold them to it. I used to work for one of

these b******s and they will try to rip you every time. It's

incredibly sad. I just had to deal with my company this past week.

Good luck,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I am thinking of you and all those around you. Warm hugs, sweetie...


Palmer wrote:

Dear Friends,

I just want to take a moment and thank you all for your support today. I took

some good advice (thanks Diane) and just hit the delete button for all that NON

SUPPORTIVE crap I was reading. I just needed some time to process everything

that has been happening. Being so close with the family, they knew I was a

former hospice social worker and I wanted to do my best to help them through an

extremely difficult time. Only today did I realze just how much I DON'T miss my

job. Anyway, things will get better with time as they always do. Thanks for all

your thoughts and prayers for myself and my friends and family right now. I

think I'm going to rest now. My hands are killing me.

Keep up the peaceful vibe...

stay healthy


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total

Access, No Cost.

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I am thinking of you and all those around you. Warm hugs, sweetie...


Palmer wrote:

Dear Friends,

I just want to take a moment and thank you all for your support today. I took

some good advice (thanks Diane) and just hit the delete button for all that NON

SUPPORTIVE crap I was reading. I just needed some time to process everything

that has been happening. Being so close with the family, they knew I was a

former hospice social worker and I wanted to do my best to help them through an

extremely difficult time. Only today did I realze just how much I DON'T miss my

job. Anyway, things will get better with time as they always do. Thanks for all

your thoughts and prayers for myself and my friends and family right now. I

think I'm going to rest now. My hands are killing me.

Keep up the peaceful vibe...

stay healthy


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total

Access, No Cost.

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I am thinking of you and all those around you. Warm hugs, sweetie...


Palmer wrote:

Dear Friends,

I just want to take a moment and thank you all for your support today. I took

some good advice (thanks Diane) and just hit the delete button for all that NON

SUPPORTIVE crap I was reading. I just needed some time to process everything

that has been happening. Being so close with the family, they knew I was a

former hospice social worker and I wanted to do my best to help them through an

extremely difficult time. Only today did I realze just how much I DON'T miss my

job. Anyway, things will get better with time as they always do. Thanks for all

your thoughts and prayers for myself and my friends and family right now. I

think I'm going to rest now. My hands are killing me.

Keep up the peaceful vibe...

stay healthy


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total

Access, No Cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I would have to agree with on this one . I know for my self it was a bit

over 5 years before I started to even feel close to my old self with some

changes . once i did hit that ppoint i did and do enjoy life a bit more .I even

have been cought laughing and smilling now and then. It has been a long road and

I know I will never be the same person I was but I almost like who I am to day

better take care and you will find your self and your happy place just give it

time and do not try to force your self into being who you were as time and

stills have changed you like all of us so get ready to meet the new and inproved


the redneck


The whole of that Bill [of Rights] is a declaration of the right of the people

at large or considered as individuals...t establishes some rights of the

individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to

deprive them of.

---Albert Gallatin to , Oct 7, 1789

The great object is that every man be armed " and " everyone who is able may have

a gun. " ( Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the


No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

--- Jefferson: 1776

" Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition

of private firearms is the goal. " Janet Reno

as United States attorney general in the Clinton white house (now do we really

want Hillary there to?)

so what is the truth? what the founding fathers ment, or what people today try

to twist it to ?

Give up one right and the others will soon fallow


Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Before I had stills I wasn't of fond of needles myself. But after a few shots I

got over it and the mild discomfort from the shots are far less then the pain

from the stills.

Good luck,


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I suppose I'm " lucky " in the sense of needles, as they have never hurt me

at all (save for the " Vein Hunters " that call themselves' Nurses!!!) and

have even had 4 or 5 Spinal Taps that I didn't even really " feel " .


2008/5/26 Brett :

> Sherry,

> Before I had stills I wasn't of fond of needles myself. But after a few

> shots I got over it and the mild discomfort from the shots are far less then

> the pain from the stills.


> Good luck,

> Brett

> Thank You


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> .




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  • 4 months later...


If your surgeon said you are too young for TKR surgery take your xrays (on


and get another opinion. Look on the website for AAHKS ( American Association of

Hip and Knee Surgeons ) and find one in your area. They are surgeons who

specialize in

joint replacement of the lower extremity. To be a member you need to do at least

150 joint replacements a year. See what someone else has to say. Make sure they

listen to you and examine you.

Harry S.

To: stillsdisease@...: ipcjogger@...: Sun, 19 Oct 2008

20:16:53 +0000Subject: Thank You

Hello all and thank you to those who gave me their thoughts on meds w/out MTX.

For Ellen, I took your advice and finished up on the computer and went to rest.

Been trying to rest ever since. My boyfriend's son has the game guitar hero and

it is very addicting. My poor hands are screaming at me, but you know what they

say... " No rest for the wicked. " On top of the sore hands I went and peeled and

cut potatoes to make some homemade potato soup. Can you say " OWE! " Just wait til

it comes time to make the dumplings. Oh well it will be worth it in the end. Why

is it that Docs think they know what we need more than we do? I am still upset

that the surgeon will not give me new knees. I know that they only last up to

20yrs, but I would at least like to have most of those yrs being able to walk

and not have to use my w/chair when I go out. Short distances are sometimes ok

and forget if I have to grocery shop. I couldn't walk through the store even if

I wanted. I just don't understand the logic of being too young for TNR. I feel

if you need it done, then age should not be a factor. I am going to have a talk

with the doc and see if I can change his mind. If not I may try and find one

that will do 2 TNR's. Ok enough ranting, I need to go and check on the soup. I

am sending cyber bowls out to all who would like some. Enjoy!Take care,Sherry,


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If your surgeon said you are too young for TKR surgery take your xrays (on


and get another opinion. Look on the website for AAHKS ( American Association of

Hip and Knee Surgeons ) and find one in your area. They are surgeons who

specialize in

joint replacement of the lower extremity. To be a member you need to do at least

150 joint replacements a year. See what someone else has to say. Make sure they

listen to you and examine you.

Harry S.

To: stillsdisease@...: ipcjogger@...: Sun, 19 Oct 2008

20:16:53 +0000Subject: Thank You

Hello all and thank you to those who gave me their thoughts on meds w/out MTX.

For Ellen, I took your advice and finished up on the computer and went to rest.

Been trying to rest ever since. My boyfriend's son has the game guitar hero and

it is very addicting. My poor hands are screaming at me, but you know what they

say... " No rest for the wicked. " On top of the sore hands I went and peeled and

cut potatoes to make some homemade potato soup. Can you say " OWE! " Just wait til

it comes time to make the dumplings. Oh well it will be worth it in the end. Why

is it that Docs think they know what we need more than we do? I am still upset

that the surgeon will not give me new knees. I know that they only last up to

20yrs, but I would at least like to have most of those yrs being able to walk

and not have to use my w/chair when I go out. Short distances are sometimes ok

and forget if I have to grocery shop. I couldn't walk through the store even if

I wanted. I just don't understand the logic of being too young for TNR. I feel

if you need it done, then age should not be a factor. I am going to have a talk

with the doc and see if I can change his mind. If not I may try and find one

that will do 2 TNR's. Ok enough ranting, I need to go and check on the soup. I

am sending cyber bowls out to all who would like some. Enjoy!Take care,Sherry,


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

Thank you

Thank you for allowing me to again join the group. I quit Kombucha a good

while back and have again gained all the bad health reason that I first joined

the group to get rid of. You get so complacent and think you don't need it

anymore and stop making it and drinking it because you feel so well. Then

little by little the reason you began Kombucha comes back full blown. I again

am looking to find a mother to start making my own again.


I'm in my own little world, but that's ok, everybody knows me here

**************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or

less. (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood00000001)

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  • 3 months later...
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You are very welcome;Glad to have you aboard



From: angelbear1129@ aol.com <angelbear1129@ aol.com>Subject: Fwd: new member@grou ps.comDate: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 9:17 AM

1) Name (as you wish to be known by) Hello my name is Elva2) Location (be as detailed as you want i.e. just list the country or list country/state/ suburb etc)I'm living in California3) Personal Info (this is about why you joined. Tell about your illness, or if you are a carer tell about that. Mention your family if you want, or your lifestyle - kids/pets etc)Polio is my illness..since the age of 11 months.4) Interests (tell about your hobbies and what you enjoy) I'm an artist..pencil is my favorite media..I also enjoy the great classic movies5) Email (Say yes if you want your email address listed so others can contact you privately - or no if you do not) ..... YES6) ICQ / AOL / MSN (these are those contacts... list your numbers if you wish to be contacted via ICQ, MSN or AOL)7) Webpage (if

you have a personal webpage and would like it listed say yes and list the URL)8) Birthday (just the date and month and star sign - age is not important) 19/1/*

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Stay cool with this summer's hottest movies. Moviefone brings you trailers, celebrities, movie showtimes and tickets!

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  • 3 months later...

Wow that is so neat. Great job on your weight loss and healing journey. Your

words helped me today and thanks you.


> : In June I began listening to your PodCast. I only allowed myself to

listen when I was walking the track at our local high school. Through the

summer I have enjoyed each and every session. Most of the time I am able to

listen to 3 sessions. Now I am starting from the beginning and enjoying each

one even more. You have helped me so much. Through the years as I have felt

the pain of Yo Yo dieting. Losing and gaining... feeling like a loser each time

I gain. Not a healthy pattern. This summer I have lost almost 30 pounds. My

relationship with my body has changed and I give you the credit. Thank you for

taking the time to share your insight. You are a gift. Thank you... Lucydesi.


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Yes I would like to keep in touch with you maybe we can check in once a week if

you don't mind. I am Farley new to ISO weight loss and I have listen to 17 of

her podcast so I am new to this journey. I need support and hopefully I can

support you to.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Thank YOU

Wow that is so neat. Great job on your weight loss and healing journey. Your

words helped me today and thanks you.


> : In June I began listening to your PodCast. I only allowed myself to

listen when I was walking the track at our local high school. Through the

summer I have enjoyed each and every session. Most of the time I am able to

listen to 3 sessions. Now I am starting from the beginning and enjoying each

one even more. You have helped me so much. Through the years as I have felt

the pain of Yo Yo dieting. Losing and gaining... feeling like a loser each time

I gain. Not a healthy pattern. This summer I have lost almost 30 pounds. My

relationship with my body has changed and I give you the credit. Thank you for

taking the time to share your insight. You are a gift. Thank you... Lucydesi.


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Thank You Bev !

With Gratitude for this wondrous site, tte


> Hi EveryOne,


> Just wanted to say " Thank You " to the Moderators and all the Members of this

list who keep the list going in such a friendly and supportive way.


> Have a beautiful weekend!


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sounds like you have a plan for now. Let us know how it goes.



From: SKGCI Family <skgcifamily@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 9:56:37 AM

Subject: Thank you

I just wanted to thank all of your for your input and answers regarding

IVIG/Sub-Q and where you all have it done at. It really helps to read others

perspective and stories and definitely makes me feel not so alone. We've done

IVIG before, but at one point it looked like we were going to get lucky and

Caelan was going to outgrow his issues (like his sister did), so when this all

came back full force it was quite a shock to me even though it probably

shouldn't have been. Anyway, right now we are awaiting insurance approval

(should be done this week) and we will start with IVIG in the hospital with a

goal of switching over to sub-q as soon as we can.

Thanks again,

Mom to Caelan 11

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Sounds like you have a plan for now. Let us know how it goes.



From: SKGCI Family <skgcifamily@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 9:56:37 AM

Subject: Thank you

I just wanted to thank all of your for your input and answers regarding

IVIG/Sub-Q and where you all have it done at. It really helps to read others

perspective and stories and definitely makes me feel not so alone. We've done

IVIG before, but at one point it looked like we were going to get lucky and

Caelan was going to outgrow his issues (like his sister did), so when this all

came back full force it was quite a shock to me even though it probably

shouldn't have been. Anyway, right now we are awaiting insurance approval

(should be done this week) and we will start with IVIG in the hospital with a

goal of switching over to sub-q as soon as we can.

Thanks again,

Mom to Caelan 11

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  • 2 months later...

I am behind here, but having just read this whole thread I too want to thank

everyone for being so truthful and brave. I am afraid that barring full and

complete recovery, even taking the first step in this process you are doomed to

feel like you've failed somehow, and even those who recover their kids entirely

might feel the guilt of somehow 'letting' the autism happen in the first place.

It takes enormous courage to fight for your child, most especially when the

fight means moving them away from you knowing that others can help more than you


Here in Canada there is a new gov't program called a Registered Disability

Savings Plan. It is a very good thing, in that you put in a bit of money and

the gov't will put in quite a bit more. It's a savings plan for your child when

they're older, to pay for help for them. We borrowed money to put in it last

year and again this year, and each time I do I leave the bank after with tears

in my eyes, felling like I'm plannig for failure. But in reality I'm not. I'm

still going to do whatever I can to make my son as healthy as he can be, but

there are absolutely no guarantees. That has to be faced.

Thank you again to Mandi, for starting this, and for everyone who stepped in and

shared what is not easy to say.



> Hi




> Can I also echo Alison's words - it was a very moving and honest email,

> brought me to tears as well.




> I think talking opening and honestly about such difficult situations can

> only be a good thing.




> Best wishes


> Nicola








> From: Autism-Biomedical-Europe

> [mailto:Autism-Biomedical-Europe ] On Behalf Of Alison Pope

> Sent: 03 January 2011 19:58

> To: Autism biomed biomed

> Subject: thank you







> Your honesty and bravery brought tears to my eyes - thank you for

> sharing your experience - it takes a lot to write it down.

> good for you, and THANK YOU. Alison


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Wow. So much support. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I wish I could could remember all your names that stopped by to support us and

our wonderful partners. Please know that your words and encouragement made my


But I also want to thank a few in particular. , your cupcakes are

phenomenal but you passion and drive are even better. You & #39;re going places,

I & #39;d bet on it. And Wil and Rebekah, your wisdom and encouraging words have

been fuel for my soul on these long days. Thank you.

My favorite way of describing J Arthur & #39;s is " Direct. Local. Better. " Three

words that are my passion. Thank you for helping me prove that they also work in

the real world!


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