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In a message dated 5/28/2003 8:41:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

HotDAM41@... writes:

> Anyway, at this point, I am discouraged but determined. Any suggestions or

> support is welcomed. Thanks for listening!

Hi Tamara,

We are all here to support you. Did your rheumy put you on any special meds?


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Tamara, I have had p for forty years, but it started on a toenail and then scalp

and I've tried everthing except the powerful biologics. I'm on Mtx l0 mgs. once

per week orally. It makes me feel a bit yucky at least one day, but I have

almost no p ... a little on the scalp & still have some red spots on my elbows

and knees, but NO P... I think it's worth it. Sylvia [and it's the cheapest

treatment available]

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Hi Tamara,

Welcome to the group. It is normal to be depressed after a new

diagnosis of PA. You have a good attitude and sound determined to

fight the disease. Hang in there! some things we can control with PA

and others we must eventually accept are beyond our control. Hope the

group helps!

Best Wishes,


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Hi Tamara,

Your experience sounds very familiar to my own. My PA also started in

one toe after having P for about 12 years. I also figured out what

the problem was on my own from reading the articles on the NPF site.

I have 3 small kids under the age of 7.

I'm curious - did your PA start shortly after a pregnancy? My first

flare started 4 months after giving birth to my 2nd child.

> Hello all!


> I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I am a

29 year old female that has just been diagnosed with PA about 6

months ago. I have probably had it for about 7 years though. I have

had P for 14 years, but no one put two and two together. One day, I

got info from the NPF on PA and started reading it. It was me. All

the symptoms it mentioned, I had. I made an appt w/ my PCP, and

asked him to refer me to a Rhumetologist. He did and I was

diagnosed. I am a wife and mother of 3 young children under the age

of 10, and very busy. It all started in one toe, and now, I must say

it has progressed rapidly to my knees, hands, neck and lower back. I

think maybe the stress of being diagnosed has caused it to flare. I

am desperate to be proactive, and to use whatever methods of self

help I can to fight this. (although I would be more hopeful if that

tactic had worked w/ the P) I know that I spent 1 month very very

depressed and feeling sorry for myself, and my PA was horrible that

month. Anyway, at this point, I am discouraged but determined. Any

suggestions or support is welcomed. Thanks for listening!


> Tamara




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In a message dated 5/29/2003 9:32:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

HotDAM41@... writes:

> Hi Janet. Thanks for taking time to write me. I am on a arthritis drug

> now, Sulpha something or other. And a pain killer of some sort if I hurt too

> bad. I am keeping up hope that this is not a disease that disables everyone

> it touches. I am just scared

I think we all have different degrees of PA as you will notice on this board.

I think the trick is to be as agressive as possible according to your pain.

Also to stop any permanent damage before it starts.


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In a message dated 5/29/2003 9:33:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

HotDAM41@... writes:

> Never made the connection until you said that. My oldest child is a step

> daughter, my birth daughter is 7, and I started showing symptoms of PA

> exactly 7 years ago. I knew the connection between pregnancy and the clearing


> my P, but not a trigger for my PA.

I started getting pains in my hands and wrists right after my oldest daughter

was born (23) and they were so bad that even though she was a tiny infant, I

could not pick her up. I had joint pain all over for months and then it went

away. Then I had my other daughter five years later and that is when my

thyroid, P and PA started going wacko. I had a tough pregnancy and I just

attributed it all to the stress of that.


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Thanks for writting me and making me feel welcome. I am not doing anything for

my P right now, but I will be soon.


Re: [ ] Hello!

Tamara, I have had p for forty years, but it started on a toenail and then scalp

and I've tried everthing except the powerful biologics. I'm on Mtx l0 mgs. once

per week orally. It makes me feel a bit yucky at least one day, but I have

almost no p ... a little on the scalp & still have some red spots on my elbows

and knees, but NO P... I think it's worth it. Sylvia [and it's the cheapest

treatment available]

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Oh wow . As a matter of fact, it did. Never made the connection until you

said that. My oldest child is a step daughter, my birth daughter is 7, and I

started showing symptoms of PA exactly 7 years ago. I knew the connection

between pregnancy and the clearing of my P, but not a trigger for my PA. Thanks

for making me feel welcome!


[ ] Re: Hello!

Hi Tamara,

Your experience sounds very familiar to my own. My PA also started in

one toe after having P for about 12 years. I also figured out what

the problem was on my own from reading the articles on the NPF site.

I have 3 small kids under the age of 7.

I'm curious - did your PA start shortly after a pregnancy? My first

flare started 4 months after giving birth to my 2nd child.

> Hello all!


> I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I am a

29 year old female that has just been diagnosed with PA about 6

months ago. I have probably had it for about 7 years though. I have

had P for 14 years, but no one put two and two together. One day, I

got info from the NPF on PA and started reading it. It was me. All

the symptoms it mentioned, I had. I made an appt w/ my PCP, and

asked him to refer me to a Rhumetologist. He did and I was

diagnosed. I am a wife and mother of 3 young children under the age

of 10, and very busy. It all started in one toe, and now, I must say

it has progressed rapidly to my knees, hands, neck and lower back. I

think maybe the stress of being diagnosed has caused it to flare. I

am desperate to be proactive, and to use whatever methods of self

help I can to fight this. (although I would be more hopeful if that

tactic had worked w/ the P) I know that I spent 1 month very very

depressed and feeling sorry for myself, and my PA was horrible that

month. Anyway, at this point, I am discouraged but determined. Any

suggestions or support is welcomed. Thanks for listening!


> Tamara




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Hi Janet. Thanks for taking time to write me. I am on a arthritis drug now,

Sulpha something or other. And a pain killer of some sort if I hurt too bad. I

am keeping up hope that this is not a disease that disables everyone it touches.

I am just scared.


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Thanks for writing me Mari. I appreciate the time you took to think of me. I

feel blessed that I have found this group, and other people like me. Before, I

had no one to talk to like me. Now I do. Thanks again.


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This disease does NOT disable everyone it touches. That is one thing about PA...

there are different forms and degrees of it. But... I encourage you to educate

yourself with SENSIBLE FACTUAL information. There is so much heresay out

there... just be careful. Exercise as much as you can, (swimming is best for the

joints, however some of us do walk and lift weights), and do everything you can

to limit stress. This will all help with your progression of the disease!

Just take care of you!

In a message dated 5/29/2003 7:10:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, HotDAM41@...


> I am keeping up hope that this is not a disease that

> disables everyone it touches. I am just scared.


> Tamara

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I would also like to point out that there ARE those who don't treat it

aggressively and do just fine, and there are those who DO treat it aggressively

and still end up deformed. So, there is no DEFINITE way of knowing how things

will end up. The best thing to do is EDUCATE yourself on where you are with this

disease. Don't be too scared to know the facts about your joints and your body.

It will NOT go away if you ignore it, and it will make you more secure with what

you have if you face it. It will possibly even give you more hope to know if you

don't have severe deformities going on. You are on Sulfasalazine probably. I

suggest when you go back to the pharmacey you ask for Azulfidine... which is the

non-generic form of the drug you are on. It is a different time release and

works best for me. You are on a pretty mild med, as long as you find out you can

handle sulfa drugs. This is definitely a good place to start, however if your

Dr. tells you that deformities are happening (which you need to make sure you

are asking about) you will want to get on something more aggressive.

Keep up with what's going on with your X-rays and your bloodwork. It is such a

pain that we have to worry our heads about this stuff and take responsibility

for it (since our Dr.'s don't seem to) but it's YOUR LIFE!!!!

Hope this helps.

In a message dated 5/29/2003 10:02:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, fam24 writes:

> I think we all have different degrees of PA as you will notice on this board.

> I think the trick is to be as agressive as possible

> according to your pain.

> Also to stop any permanent damage before it starts.

> Janet

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Chivas --

I understand what you mean about your mother and sister. My brother is

a pharmacist and he kept reciting the same rhetoric to me about my

decision not to vaccinate Jordan (dob 4/23/03). He just wasn't looking

at the facts. However, when I began reciting all of the issues with the

vaccines that the military was having recently (he was on one hour

standby for the reserves) his little ears perked right up and he took

notice. He decided he didn't want any of those vaccines and, luckily

for him, there was several HUGE snafus with his paperwork which meant he

could dig his heals in about it until the paperwork was cleared, which

to date, it hasn't been which meant no vaccines for him since he's no

longer on standby. Funny how when it became personal he took the time

to listen. Now he leaves me alone about not vaccinating Jordan.


the_love_of_a_mother wrote:

> My mother and sister are both nurses. I also believe that what

> they've learned in nursing school, is that they are ok, and they are

> infact needed for a child to be healthy. I just want them to

> question the idea of vaccinations, instead of just going with the

> flow. Neither my mother or sister are happy about me not

> vaccinating, but it's my choice.

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Hi Chivas,

Welcome to the group! There is so much great info. I'm sure you'll enjoy it


I'm Debbie mom to 2 sets of identical twins. They are 3 1/2 years and 18 months.

None have been vaxed and I plan to keep it that way. Everyone I know thinks I'm

crazy for not vaccinating especially my family.

Congrats on the pregnancy :-)

Debbie from IL

the_love_of_a_mother <theloveofamother@...> wrote:

Hello, my name is Chivas, I'm 18, my husband Job, who's 28, and I

have been married since 12-5-01, I am a step-mommie to a child from

a previous failed relationship, her name is Cecilia, and she's 2,

and is vaccinated, not by my choice, or Job's. Her mother is one who

follows the crowd, and Dr.'s orders, so she's ignorant to the

dangers, and fatality of vaccinations. Job and I have a child

together, she was born 10-10-02, and has not recieved vaccinations.

We are expecting again, on 1-5-04! le's unvaccinated, by MY

choice. If Job had his way, he'd have her recieve all of the

vaccinations. For the simple ignorance of not knowing any better,

and being too stubborn to read the facts, and see what terrible

effects, and even sudden death, vaccines cause. In all seriousness

if it came down to whether Job said le gets vaccinated, or Job

wanted a divorce, I would seriously go with a divorce. None of my

children will get vaccinations, under any circumstance. This is a

topic I am very very passionate about.

My mother and sister are both nurses. I also believe that what

they've learned in nursing school, is that they are ok, and they are

infact needed for a child to be healthy. I just want them to

question the idea of vaccinations, instead of just going with the

flow. Neither my mother or sister are happy about me not

vaccinating, but it's my choice. Pretty much everyone I know has

told me that I should vaccinate, but I don't go by what people say.

I go by the facts, and the facts are, that they are harmful, and

should be illegal.

I think I've rambled enough for today! ;o) I really look forward to

getting to know you women/men, and sharing information with you!

I'm going to see about sharing a photo with you, of le!

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Welcome Chivas!


Hello, my name is Chivas, I'm 18, my husband Job, who's 28, and I

have been married since 12-5-01, I am a step-mommie to a child from

a previous failed relationship, her name is Cecilia, and she's 2,

and is vaccinated, not by my choice, or Job's. Her mother is one who

follows the crowd, and Dr.'s orders, so she's ignorant to the

dangers, and fatality of vaccinations. Job and I have a child

together, she was born 10-10-02, and has not recieved vaccinations.

We are expecting again, on 1-5-04! le's unvaccinated, by MY

choice. If Job had his way, he'd have her recieve all of the

vaccinations. For the simple ignorance of not knowing any better,

and being too stubborn to read the facts, and see what terrible

effects, and even sudden death, vaccines cause. In all seriousness

if it came down to whether Job said le gets vaccinated, or Job

wanted a divorce, I would seriously go with a divorce. None of my

children will get vaccinations, under any circumstance. This is a

topic I am very very passionate about.

My mother and sister are both nurses. I also believe that what

they've learned in nursing school, is that they are ok, and they are

infact needed for a child to be healthy. I just want them to

question the idea of vaccinations, instead of just going with the

flow. Neither my mother or sister are happy about me not

vaccinating, but it's my choice. Pretty much everyone I know has

told me that I should vaccinate, but I don't go by what people say.

I go by the facts, and the facts are, that they are harmful, and

should be illegal.

I think I've rambled enough for today! ;o) I really look forward to

getting to know you women/men, and sharing information with you!

I'm going to see about sharing a photo with you, of le!

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<<I think I've rambled enough for today! ;o) I really look forward to getting to

know you women/men, and sharing information with you!>>

Welcome to the group. I admire your passion. I wish I had know what we know

before my oldest daughter was born. I might have saved my daughter from getting

Type 1 Diabetes. :-/ My middle daughter only received about 3/4 of her shots

and my youngest hasn't received any.

Stick to your guns! :-)



Mom to Brittany, born 8/31/93, dx'd-IDDM 5/28/01; , born 6/28/97; and

Shayna, born 6/1/00.

Vaccine free since 1999!

Before you vaccinate - http://www.vaccinetruth.org/

ICQ - 5368224

MSN - cerena_noir@...

- jessica_anne010@...

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joseph bender wrote:

> Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy for not vaccinating especially my

> family.



> Debbie from IL


You now have a whole bunch of people who think you are very wise!! Hope

you find it as helpful as I have.

Sally in MD

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Thanks Sally :-)

Debbie from IL

Sally A <rnlsmom@...> wrote:

joseph bender wrote:

> Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy for not vaccinating especially my

> family.



> Debbie from IL


You now have a whole bunch of people who think you are very wise!! Hope

you find it as helpful as I have.

Sally in MD

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  • 1 month later...
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, that's great on the pet vaccines. We lost a cat 1.5 years

ago due to vaccination. It was the nail in the coffin in our minds

about vaccinations.

> I would like to introduce myself and give you a little history!


> My name is and I have been happily married for 9 years.

and I have three wonderful children, 8, 4 1/2,

and 2. When we were expecting we opted for natural

child birth and found a Bradley instructor in California. This is

where we first were exposed to the dangers of vaccinations. Luckily

we have a couple, as close friends who are committed to natural

living, to help support us. Between them, our instructor and

research, we made the socially and allopathically unacceptable

decision to not vaccinate. We have never looked back! My husband

and I feel we would be irresponsible in making a decision to not

vaccinate without continued research into vaccinations and

concentration of immune support for our family. This is what

ultimately brings me here. Upon moving to Las Vegas, Nevada from

southern California, we recently decided to home school our children

to avoid vaccine issues in the public school system (among other

very important reasons). Nevada does not allow for the philosophical



> I heard of your list through another anti-vaccine list for animals

(Hi Sandy Mintz!). I am an animal behaviorist and am 100% against

vaccines for our pets. I have had 8 1/2 years to research vaccines

for humans, but am only new at this decision for animals.


> I have already come across some really good information just in the

last few days I have started receiving your posts. I look forward to

reading more!


> Regards,

> Dellos

> Las Vegas, NV (still a southern Californian at heart!)




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Aniko- you did fine! A few mistakes, but I have seen worse from

people who were BORN in America, and should be able to speak

correctly! HEHE Welcome! I am new here too. I am also trying to

convince my dh that our bodies were made to protect us from diseases

naturally, and the foods we eat will help our immunity.

Breastfeeding is also VERY helpful.

I am planning to homeschool aslo! And my boys are intact. :) I love

your kids' names by the way. You are so lucky you had a homebirth!

I had a water birth in the hospital.


> Let me introduce myself. I am a stay at home mom in Lafayette, LA

> with three beautiful childre, 5 years old Rhett, 4 years old Cydney

> and 3 and 3/4 months old Camden. I am from Hungary and met my

> husband there. Our two older were born overseas, where I did not

> have many choices about labor and vaccinations, but I did BF them

> and I still do it with Camden, both of the boys are intact. In 2000

> we moved here and after educating myself Camden was born at home. I

> stopped vaccinate them, but I need some more info to convince my

> husband that it is safe without.

> I dislike antibiotics, but prefer home remedies and homeopathy. I

> think our immune system is made to fight diseaseas, viruses,

> bacterias if we keep it strong with vitamins and healthy fuel.

> I am looking forward to homeschool them.


> I am happy to learn from you alland have some more up to date

> information about vaccination.


> Aniko Bordelon


> Ps: If my English is not correct, I am still learning.

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  • 1 month later...

Dearest Connie,

Your post is not unlike many I have read in the past. Most in my

personal email box asking for special help. I also tutor Free online

via my email. But I reserve that for very special cases. I think you

will do just fine. Just keep our head up and keep on keeping on. You

have a good start with an online sschool I am sure.

Your best bet is to keep asking questions in your class and here.

Pre-Algebra??? Well even in the school that I teach at we do not

require pre-alegbra. And what little I teach I never use that term so

that I do no scare people off!

Ratio Proportions and cross multiplication are terms that are used by

me to describe what is being done in a problem.

Please know you are at the right place and most welcome.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BSChem


> I am new to this group...but ran across it while trying to find


> help with the PTCB exam. To tell you the truth...I was in tears

> earlier after getting so frustrated with the pharmacy math! I was

> ready to throw in the towel (chalk it up to thyroid dysfunction)


> have had a few hours to come back to my senses...lol...and


> am not going to give up! I recently started taking an online course

> to help me pass the PTCB exam through education direct. I have


> it very helpful so far...but as I said I am struggling through the

> pre algebra. It has been years since I was in school (I'm 32 :) ).

> Anyway, thank you all for reading my rambling. I am looking forward

> to making new friends.


> Sincerely,

> Connie

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Welcome Connie

You have found the right place to help in your studies !!!! I found

the site a few months before taking the July exam, and I am so

thankful I did. All the Math files and tutorials on this site are a

BIG help. Math was my weakness as well :-). I wish you luck and keep

your chin up. It is soooo rewarding to see that CPhT after your

name !!!

Robin CPhT

> > I am new to this group...but ran across it while trying to find

> some

> > help with the PTCB exam. To tell you the truth...I was in tears

> > earlier after getting so frustrated with the pharmacy math! I was

> > ready to throw in the towel (chalk it up to thyroid dysfunction)

> but

> > have had a few hours to come back to my senses...lol...and

> definitely

> > am not going to give up! I recently started taking an online


> > to help me pass the PTCB exam through education direct. I have

> found

> > it very helpful so far...but as I said I am struggling through


> > pre algebra. It has been years since I was in school (I'm 32 :) ).

> > Anyway, thank you all for reading my rambling. I am looking


> > to making new friends.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Connie

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Hey Connie,

Just read your email.. DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! If you need to you can always

write me and I will try to bring your spirits back up. Im 34 :) and Im

struggling with math just like you are. however Im currently working at a local

hospital here. Granted they have me in an IV room, but still Im currently

looking for a site that I can basically go back to school to learn everything I

didnt get from all my on-the-job training. I may not be able to help with math..

but at least I can help with keeping your spirits going.. So like I tell

everyone at work.. I have really good ear that works great at listening, I have


shoulder to lean on for whatever purpose, and I have a big heart.. So If you

need someone to chat with Im hear.. As for study help.. well I like for Jeanetta

to take the leads on that one. She's awesome.. she will be a big help for you

as well as everyone else that comes aboard. Here, everyone gets help from

everyone else. So go ahead post a question.. you will get loads of answers..


next time.


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Hi Lady,

Thanks for writing! I tell you the truth, I have never met people with bigger

hearts than on this website. You are all totally awesome. Thank you so much for

caring. I am feeling a little more upbeat than before...just trying to figure it

all out. You know, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I look

forward to talking more with you. Thanks again!


Re: Hello!

Hey Connie,

Just read your email.. DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! If you need to you can always

write me and I will try to bring your spirits back up. Im 34 :) and Im

struggling with math just like you are. however Im currently working at a


hospital here. Granted they have me in an IV room, but still Im currently

looking for a site that I can basically go back to school to learn everything


didnt get from all my on-the-job training. I may not be able to help with


but at least I can help with keeping your spirits going.. So like I tell

everyone at work.. I have really good ear that works great at listening, I

have a

shoulder to lean on for whatever purpose, and I have a big heart.. So If you

need someone to chat with Im hear.. As for study help.. well I like for


to take the leads on that one. She's awesome.. she will be a big help for you

as well as everyone else that comes aboard. Here, everyone gets help from

everyone else. So go ahead post a question.. you will get loads of answers..


next time.


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Hey Connie,

Thanks for the reply. You are so sweet, thank you for the kind words. You

know reading that we are close in age and going basically after the same thing

is so awesome. Like I said, keep in touch, will be close in spirit at all

times. Take care and have a great week.


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