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No doubt war will be declared, but where will that get us in the long term. More death, more destruction. Of course something has to be done to the people who did this, but just think about the mess this world is going to be in. i'm just thankful my kids are still young and won;t be called to go fight. I would prefer to get the person who did this and hang them. All this talk or nuclear bombs, and all the services going out there to their death, as this is what will happen, and it frightens me. The whole world is going to change, it's a sad day for everyone, the whole world!!!, cheryl

-----Original Message-----From: Wu [mailto:cyruswu@...]Sent: Thursday, 13 September 2001 10:17 AMAutism_in_Girls Subject: Re: (no subject)

Hi Vickie

I live in Canada.When I heard the news on TV yesterday morning about the act of TERRORISM, a cold shiver ran up my spine, I felt sick, I cryed all day. Today everyone I meet during my daily routines is angry, I feel like I am in a state a morning just like when I first found out about my daughter diagnoses Of Autism. Now I feel anger , I feel it can only get worse, The free world has to declare war on the people that committed this crime. To send a message that they cannot get away with this. You are right we are no longer as free. .

(no subject)

Crawling from the Depths of Despair Our lives will be forever changed....TERRORISM IN AMERICA! AMERICA UNDER ATTACK! I suppose I am experiencing the same feeling of shock that most people in the US are feeling today. I cannot seem to stop crying, and my feelings are eerily similar to those I felt when I was told that was autistic. I remembered simply smiling like an idiot and acting like I heard that kind of news every day; and all the while I kept hearing a repetitive silent litany in my head, "your daughter's not normal,she's not normal, ... is NOT NORMAL!!!" I lived with those relentless thoughts plaguing me for many months until I slowly began to crawl and claw my way out out of the depths of despair. It seems so strange to be feeling those same feelings all over again in a different context. My world was turned upside down back then and it has once again been turned upside down. My world had completely changed and I knew my life would never be the same. I believe we Americans will never again feel so completely safe and secure on our home soil, as we once did before this horrible tragedy. It is amazing how quickly I was transported back to the overwhelming grief I felt six years ago when I saw the horrible, senseless tragedy replayed over and over across the television screen. The same numb, shell-shocked feeling, the same feeling of helplessness, the same why me, except in this case, it was why us, why America? What did the hijackers want to accomplish? Was it just to instill terror in us all? Was it all just to "make a statement"? Was it to expose our vulnerabilities-to say that you too can be made to suffer? I assume we can not answer those questions; we can not comprehend such a casual disregard for life that is so totally alien to our culture. Even more unbelievable is the fact that anyone would want to celebrate such a horrible tragedy. The video of the Palestinian people dancing in the streets was so disgusting to me. The happy and excited faces of the children reveling in our nation's pain, rejoicing for our sorrow are forever burned into my memory. What kind of people are they who can raise children to be so insensitive to the anguish of others? Any loss of life is no occasion for merriment. I was so angry that those people saw the death of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, as cause for celebration. No wonder we cannot support them in their struggle to form a free Palestinian state. We cannot condone the blase attitude these people have for any loss of life. All life is precious, and if you do not hold dear that concept, you cannot truly comprehend what it is to be an American nor can you understand why we value our freedom. We now may lose some of that freedom we have long been accustomed to having . In order to more fully protect ourselves from other terrorists who would perpetuate more unspeakable evil against our country, we will undoubtedly lose some freedom of movement and personal liberty, whether through a tightening of airport and immigration policy, or restriction of travel. Even the tiniest loss of personal freedom will be a sad result of the tragedy we have experienced. Yet to avoid another such tragedy we may have to become a less open society, a more suspicious society. I have no doubt that we will rise above all this. We will shoulder our pain and move to rebuild shattered homes and lives. We will never again believe we are invulnerable, we now know it can happen here, to us. If any small good can come of this tragedy, perhaps the partisan bickering and backstabing can be put on hold and the elected officials in government can band together to guide our nation through this crisis. Just as I learned to accept the fact that my daughter has autism, we can ultimately bear this pain and rise above it to continue to be a shining beacon of liberty and freedom, a lighthouse for all the world. Vickie Nettles September 12, 2001

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  • 1 month later...


Snyder, the parent of a child with autism, and the

president of


Philadelphia chapter, works in Marketing on the Motrin brand at


. Given his appreciation for GFCF and dye-free products,

he has

pushed the company to create GFCF, Dye-free children's medicines

under the

Motrin name. These are the first products of their kind (fever



cold products) available that are dye-free and GFCF.

Children's Motrin Dye-Free has the same great berry taste as


Children's Motrin, so it will still be easy for your child to

take. And

Children's Motrin Dye Free products are gluten-free and casein-



Available in stores starting October 2001

We know there are many children who may benefit from this news, so


pass this along to friends and family who may be interested.



McNeil Consumer Healthcare at 1-800-962-5357.

--- End forwarded message ---

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/14/01 6:59:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

stcarolinem@... writes:

> Hope this helps...


> And ......100 lbs! Wow! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate that 100th

> lb?

Um... I think I am going to run down the street naked!!! LOL! Actually, I

plan to go on a very large shopping spree!!!! I am not really sure when I

will hit the 100 mark. My heaviest weight ever was 261, but I was pregnant,

so that doesn't count. After I had the baby, I was about 245-250. I am not

sure what weight to use as my starting point! Right now I am 157, so I think

when I hit 150, I'll call it 100 pounds lost! Any excuse to go shopping!



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In a message dated 11/14/01 6:59:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

stcarolinem@... writes:

> Hope this helps...


> And ......100 lbs! Wow! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate that 100th

> lb?

Um... I think I am going to run down the street naked!!! LOL! Actually, I

plan to go on a very large shopping spree!!!! I am not really sure when I

will hit the 100 mark. My heaviest weight ever was 261, but I was pregnant,

so that doesn't count. After I had the baby, I was about 245-250. I am not

sure what weight to use as my starting point! Right now I am 157, so I think

when I hit 150, I'll call it 100 pounds lost! Any excuse to go shopping!



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In a message dated 11/14/01 6:59:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

stcarolinem@... writes:

> Hope this helps...


> And ......100 lbs! Wow! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate that 100th

> lb?

Um... I think I am going to run down the street naked!!! LOL! Actually, I

plan to go on a very large shopping spree!!!! I am not really sure when I

will hit the 100 mark. My heaviest weight ever was 261, but I was pregnant,

so that doesn't count. After I had the baby, I was about 245-250. I am not

sure what weight to use as my starting point! Right now I am 157, so I think

when I hit 150, I'll call it 100 pounds lost! Any excuse to go shopping!



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--- Agaw12577@... wrote:

> Um... I think I am going to run down the street

> naked!!! LOL! Actually, I

> plan to go on a very large shopping spree!!!!

> :)

Do we need to put up a " Bail out " fund?!?!

LOL!!!!!! Ah ha!!!! The truth comes out :o)!!!!!! It

is fun shopping after losing weight. Before, it would

be depressing--at least for me--with all the icky

budge showing up and all. Now, it's so much fun!!!!!

Especially when you " test " smaller sizes and they

either FIT or are closer than you think they would be

to fit :o)!!!!!

Sandie, Tae and Bo who has a TON of clothes that were

given to her :o)!!!!!!


" Believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the one who believes in you. All

things are possible to she who believes. Blessings on your courage. "

--from " Hold That Thought " by Ban Breathnach

" I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes

from within. It is there all the time. "

--------- Freud


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Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

outside and see this one!!

Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

a LONG way girl!!

> In a message dated 11/14/01 7:08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> taebogymmie@y... writes:



> > Do we need to put up a " Bail out " fund?!?!

> > LOL!!!!!! Ah ha!!!! The truth comes out :o)!!!!!!


> LOL!! That would be really funny wouldn't it? Maybe when I get to

my goal I

> will run down the street past the world training center naked,

yelling out

> " Tae Bo did this!! " Maybe it would be good advertising. Oh second


> maybe it wouldn't...LOL!!

> :)




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Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

outside and see this one!!

Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

a LONG way girl!!

> In a message dated 11/14/01 7:08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> taebogymmie@y... writes:



> > Do we need to put up a " Bail out " fund?!?!

> > LOL!!!!!! Ah ha!!!! The truth comes out :o)!!!!!!


> LOL!! That would be really funny wouldn't it? Maybe when I get to

my goal I

> will run down the street past the world training center naked,

yelling out

> " Tae Bo did this!! " Maybe it would be good advertising. Oh second


> maybe it wouldn't...LOL!!

> :)




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Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

outside and see this one!!

Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

a LONG way girl!!

> In a message dated 11/14/01 7:08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> taebogymmie@y... writes:



> > Do we need to put up a " Bail out " fund?!?!

> > LOL!!!!!! Ah ha!!!! The truth comes out :o)!!!!!!


> LOL!! That would be really funny wouldn't it? Maybe when I get to

my goal I

> will run down the street past the world training center naked,

yelling out

> " Tae Bo did this!! " Maybe it would be good advertising. Oh second


> maybe it wouldn't...LOL!!

> :)




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In a message dated 11/16/01 10:02:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

taebo_spirit@... writes:


> Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

> outside and see this one!!


> Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

> a LONG way girl!!

Thanks Darcy!! Ok, I think we should charge admission and make some money off

of me running down the street naked like a crazy person! If we get enough

people, we may make enough cash to pay my bail AND take a Tae Bo class with

!! ;)


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In a message dated 11/16/01 6:00:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

eric@... writes:

> How bout we all run down the street naked! I'm up for that. ;)

Boy, we would have to come up with A LOT of bail money in that case. LOL!!


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How bout we all run down the street naked! I'm up for that. ;)



The Evolution of Spirit



Re: Re: (no subject)

In a message dated 11/16/01 10:02:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

taebo_spirit@... writes:


> Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

> outside and see this one!!


> Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

> a LONG way girl!!

Thanks Darcy!! Ok, I think we should charge admission and make some money off

of me running down the street naked like a crazy person! If we get enough

people, we may make enough cash to pay my bail AND take a Tae Bo class with

!! ;)


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How bout we all run down the street naked! I'm up for that. ;)



The Evolution of Spirit



Re: Re: (no subject)

In a message dated 11/16/01 10:02:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

taebo_spirit@... writes:


> Oh !! I woulf fly out and even miss a Tae-Bo class to stand

> outside and see this one!!


> Darcy who can only imagine how wonderful you feel. Wow, you've came

> a LONG way girl!!

Thanks Darcy!! Ok, I think we should charge admission and make some money off

of me running down the street naked like a crazy person! If we get enough

people, we may make enough cash to pay my bail AND take a Tae Bo class with

!! ;)


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In a message dated 11/14/2001 3:13:56 PM Central Standard Time,

stcarolinem@... writes:

> Well, what a difference taebo has made. I held the moves with so much

> strength I really surprised myself. I put on some classical violin music

> and

> it was so relaxing!! So yoga is so much easier because of taebo....another


> discovery!



That's awesome. I should try that some day. I have an OLD Madeleine

tape that use to kick my butt back in the day. I could never even complete

the whole tape! Unfortunately in order to see if I can complete it I would

have to do it and be completely annoyed by Madeline again. LOL


who just remembered that that tape has a pretty effective strenght training


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--- Moeser wrote:

> How bout we all run down the street naked! I'm up

> for that. ;)


> Moeser

Now, that would be a site :o)!!!!!!

Sandie, Tae and Bo :o)!!!!!


" Believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the one who believes in you. All

things are possible to she who believes. Blessings on your courage. "

--from " Hold That Thought " by Ban Breathnach

" I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes

from within. It is there all the time. "

--------- Freud


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--- Moeser wrote:

> How bout we all run down the street naked! I'm up

> for that. ;)


> Moeser

Now, that would be a site :o)!!!!!!

Sandie, Tae and Bo :o)!!!!!


" Believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the one who believes in you. All

things are possible to she who believes. Blessings on your courage. "

--from " Hold That Thought " by Ban Breathnach

" I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes

from within. It is there all the time. "

--------- Freud


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  • 4 weeks later...


I hear you loud and clear. has now been on IVIG every three weeks

for one year. I thought for sure without a doubt at her last appt. we would

get to start to wean her off her treatments. To my surprise her doctor was

very pleased she had only been on antibiotics three times during the year.

The part that I was shocked was she said she has been working with

for a long time and has never seen her so healthy. I thought at that point

for sure we were coming to an end of IVIG treatments. She said infact the

IVIG is working so well for we need to continue. I had asked for how

long hoping it would be short term. Unfortunately she said this is very

long term. New things come out every year and maybe someday a cure would

happen but I should be very excited that can live an almost normal

life with the exception of having IVIG treatments every three weeks and

surgeries when her ports don't work. I am sharing this with you because

being 11 had a hard time dealing with this however she has now

excepted it and she looks at it(most of the time) as an aide to her life

like wearing glasses etc. I am glad she understands so I don't have to deal

with the questions but I'm not so sure I except it. Just a note from what

is going on with us

Lorri ( 11 CVID)

(no subject)

> I thought this to be an interesting piece of info for all of us. His check


> with the immunologist went well. The doctor is so resistant to maiking any

> kind of commitiment on Matts long term outlook. I can understand this


> if I was Matt I would feel pretty damned discouraged if some Dr. told me


> I had to have infussions every three weeks for the rest of my life. In


> as his mom,I find that discouraging. All we know is that since he has been

> receiving IVIG every three weeks since August, he has been off ALL

> antibiotics and had his FIRST COLD in his life. He ACTUALLY had a cold.


> is all. came and went as a cold! We are thrilled.


> Much to do with the holidays coming.

> My good feelings and thoughts to all of you and your pumpkins. Helen




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Our daughter is 10, and receives IVIG every three weeks for the past 6 years

with the exception of 2 summers when they tried to take her off and she got

really sick. The doc says there is still hope of her getting better but I no

longer believe that, her father on the other hand thinks she will get better

and not have to take IVIG for the rest of her life. As a Mom I can

understand what you are feeling, but I believe it is better to except it and

if your child gets lucky she gets lucky then you all get a nice surprise

otherwise you will continue to be hurt each time it doesn't happen.

Also there is a new study out for subQ injections of gammamune called CE1200.

I don't know much about this study yet, But her immunologist wants to put her

on it, because her veins are hard to access. He does not believe in ports.

Has anyone heard of this study? I am in Ohio, I don't know if the study is

going on anywhere else.

Thanks for your help.

Rose- Mom to Stefanie IGG deficiency, epilepsy, asthma, IVIG times 6 years

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I would be very interested in receiving this booklet. If you cannot post it to

the list, would you send it to me, privately, as an attachment?

Thanks so much!

(no subject)

Speaking of autism in girls....I met a mom in DC that had traveled all the

way from Tennessee to give booklets that she had written about raising her 32

yr old daughter with autism......I have read the booklet and it is very good.

Since we were rained out she left the booklets with me. I am anxious to

get these out to moms of girls.......so if someone could post this info to

the GIRLS list I would appreciate it greatly!!



Unlocking Autism

Please send your name and address to Cale at NANCALE@...

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... nancale@... has these booklets... you would have to

get in touch with her to see if there is an alternative way to see it

besides receiving through snail mail.


> I would be very interested in receiving this booklet. If you

cannot post it to the list, would you send it to me, privately, as an



> Thanks so much!



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Welcome to the list. My name is Tracey and I have two daughters. Our

oldest is Coral, age 11 (12 in July) and our youngest is Skylar age 9

1/2. Skylar was diagnosed autistic when she was 3 years old. This list

is a great place. Glad to have you with us.


Carlucci@... wrote:

> Hi all, my name is and am mom to almost 16. She was

> d/x at

> age 3 as PDD/NOS. She has made amazing progress in speech and

> language, and

> she was able to graduate from speech therapy. She has a severe

> auditory

> processing deficit, but has made some progress with Auditory

> Intergration

> Training, the Fast Forward Program and most recently Hyperbaric oxygen


> therapy. We're still struggling with her fixations. It makes me nuts

> somethimes. She also got her period quite young, just before her 9th

> birthday. I too, am convinced that the MMR vaccine is what did all

> this

> damage.

> Best to all,




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Dayna,

I'm in NY. Where are you located? I'm in Elmira. Do you know that NY has

the Medicaid Waiver program?

Gail :-)

<< A big thank you to all of you who welcomed Micah and our family to the

group. We are busy trying to get set up in our new location. Are any of


in the NY area or know of any resources in this area. We came from CA and I

was on top of things there, I feel lost in the mess of trying to start over.

Believe it or not, I had never heard anything about the gluten free diet

until a friend of mine shared it with me last week. I have ordered a couple

of books and am going to try it. I am wondering if there is experience out

there, what should I expect (how long until we start to see results), what

are the results, do you know of situations where it has not been successful??

Thank you again for welcoming us to the group.


(Micah 10) >>

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