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Casey - Rudy was about the same age when his first tooth came in. I know its

frustrating but it does take a long time for some ds kids. had

almost a full set before Rudy had 4 teeth. When he had to have 8 baby teeth

removed it took over 2 years before they came back in. BUT if you are at all

concerned, ask your pedi or call a pedi dentist.


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and just turned 15 months. has 8 front teeth and two

molars halfway up. has 4 front teeth, one molar halfway up, and one

just starting to poke through. started getting his front teeth only

slightly later than . Poor doesn't ever complain or anything,

but he's ALWAYS chomping on his fingers these days. He loves brushing his

teeth, especially with a toothette in the back.

Casey, have you taken to the dentist yet or is your ped concerned

at all? I think I've heard of teeth coming in later than 13 months for other

children with Ds, but it couldn't hurt to schedule a dentist appointment

just to make sure. I don't see why they couldn't take one or two x-rays of

the front for you, if she'll stay still! :) How does she do with chewing?

Are her incoming molars bothering her much?

We have some big news to report!! had his first McD's french fry

today! His brother was eating some and threw one in front of

... picked it right up and started eating it. He LOVED it!

My DH and I couldn't believe he even knew what to do with it. He doesn't do

much self feeding, except hard baby cookies with the ST. We could hardly

believe that he picked it up so well, as he's just now starting to get

pretty good at picking up tiny things with a two or three finger grasp. He

has a pretty wide cleft palate still, so he's hardly had solids at all...we

just started with cheerios, graham crackers, and soft solids like french

toast and dumplings within the last couple of weeks!

He's also started clapping and doing the " more " sign (which he does just

like clapping only it's a smaller and slower clap). He loves doing " so big "

still, and does all these things appropriately and purposefully. When we do

" shhhhh " with the finger in front of our mouths, he starts pointing his

finger and waving it. He's just started pointing at things.

He's going from lying to sitting and back to lying whenever and wherever he

wants. He doesn't crawl or creep much, only once or twice at a time, but he

gets around by pivoting and rolling. He even pivots pretty well on his buns

while sitting. :) He LOVES to stand more than anything, though, and can

almost, just about pull himself to standing using the toybox (giant

rubbermaid container).

We're SO proud!!! Hee hee! :)



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Yah !!! You're doing all kinds of great

things!! Keep up the good work and I bet will

share more of his french fries with you!!!

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 4, Identical Twins


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Hi ,

Thanks for the input about teeth. I haven't taken to the dentist, I guess because I'm not really concerned yet, just curious if this is "normal". Her doctor didn't seem worried at their 15 month check-up, but I'll ask at the 18 month check. I've been loving this 4 month period without her glasses, but now I need to take her back to the eye doctor to follow up. I sure hope she doesn't have to go back to wearing them, but I think she may. . . . I'll just hope for the best.

I loved your story about the Mcs french fry! We had one similar to it. had just started self feeding an occasional Cheerio, after lots of work. She wasn't really into it, but would do it once in a while I wouldn't give her some of the other foods on her tray because they seemed too big and I thought she'd choke. I was cleaning off Gabrie's hands and had to get rid of a few Chex in a hurry, so I put them in the far corner of 's tray, certain she couldn't reach them ( and wouldn't even be interested) but she immediately reached out, grabbed one and popped it in her mouth!! Before I could even try to retrieve it, she had chewed and swallowed and was reaching for another! She hasn't quit eating Rice Chex since!

She too loves to stand and has moved to taking steps, while holding on to my hands. She seems to be refusing to crawl though, much to the dismay of her therapists. She will "commando" crawl at times, and loves to stand on her hands and feet, or at the couch, but hates it when I try to get her to 4-point crawl. Oh well, we'll keep working!

It is fun talking to someone who's kids are the same age as mine. Is talking? has just started to use the individual words he has already learned. For example, he says "out" to get down from his high chair or the nursing pillow, and today linked two words together and haltingly said "bye, bye mama" when I was leaving to take to therapy. I love watching language develop, I think it is so fun!

Well, it is almost midnight and the dishes still aren't done, so I'd better get rolling. Have a great weekend!

Casey, mom to (DS) and , 16 mo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks, for that Gem of Wisdom. A stronger back is for sure.

Yesterday, I had a brief memory lapse and took Sara and her two brothers to

WalMart, while we were out of town, visiting friends. I say Memory Lapse,

because I forgot how challenging Sara can be when she is in stores,

especially ones like WalMart that have isles that go up to the ceiling and

she can be lost in a second. Sara found her way to the women's " pretty

nightgown " section and was determined to try on some of those fancy silky

gowns--(she loves fancy stuff, so I told her she could try one on, then take

it off and then we needed to go). She got it on and then took off running

through the store with this white fancy nightgown on, with the panties

attached on in back..she didn't get too far before her brothers found her and

then I arrived shortly after--Anyway, it resulted in me carrying her out of

WalMart for which I do need a strong back, as big as she is getting.

And we only have 15 days left of spring break, but no more trips to WalMart!


Mom to Sara (DS) and 6 and Lucas 10

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First, can tofu fit into the nutrition portion of the program?

>>>Yes, but be sure to select the lite variety which is lower fat. Counts

as protein. You'll need to determine how many grams per meal. A rule of

thumb is one gram a day per lb. of body weight, so divide that by six and

that's your protein target.

Second, I've been doing squats for quads and don't seem to get a good burn.

My glutes hurt like crazy though! Can someone clue me in to another exercise

(for a limited home gym) for working the quads?

>>>Squats are a compound exercise that hits quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Keep them up for quads. Stepping up on a bench with dumbbells, wall squats

with a ball rolling behind the back and legs going from an angle to 90

degrees on the knees, leg extensions if you have the attachment for a bench,

sissy squats holding onto a bar about mid chest height with feet under bar

and keeping arms straight while squatting.

Third, I've been adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to Myoplex shakes.

Bad? Good? OK?

>>>>Okay but watch the calories as it is very high in fat.

Also, I've been making the shakes with skim milk to up my calcium per

doctor's orders for PMS and pre-menopause (sounds awful ... like " pre-old

lady! " ) Does the milk upset the carb. to protein ratio?

>>>milk is 2/3 carb 1/3 protein and for skim about 90 calories per cup. You

might not be able to afford the extra calories. Better to mix milk with

protein powder for a meal instead of Myoplex or take calcium supplements

like I do (for different reasons as I am not of your gender)

And lastly, when I began BFL last week, I sort of assumed that I would adopt

it for the rest of my life. Noticing the posts here about taking time off

between challenges, I'm wondering if I'm off course with that thinking.

>>>>This can work for a lifetime. Many on the list have 2-3 years

experience with it. I've been living the BFLifestyle for 15 months.

Some wander and try different eating protocols or nutrition protocols. Some

members follow very little of BFL. Most are trying to be successful and get

help with understanding the BFL program and how to apply it.

If there is anything we can do to help let us know as we are here to help

you be successful in your experience with BFL.


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First, can tofu fit into the nutrition portion of the program?

>>>Yes, but be sure to select the lite variety which is lower fat. Counts

as protein. You'll need to determine how many grams per meal. A rule of

thumb is one gram a day per lb. of body weight, so divide that by six and

that's your protein target.

Second, I've been doing squats for quads and don't seem to get a good burn.

My glutes hurt like crazy though! Can someone clue me in to another exercise

(for a limited home gym) for working the quads?

>>>Squats are a compound exercise that hits quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Keep them up for quads. Stepping up on a bench with dumbbells, wall squats

with a ball rolling behind the back and legs going from an angle to 90

degrees on the knees, leg extensions if you have the attachment for a bench,

sissy squats holding onto a bar about mid chest height with feet under bar

and keeping arms straight while squatting.

Third, I've been adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to Myoplex shakes.

Bad? Good? OK?

>>>>Okay but watch the calories as it is very high in fat.

Also, I've been making the shakes with skim milk to up my calcium per

doctor's orders for PMS and pre-menopause (sounds awful ... like " pre-old

lady! " ) Does the milk upset the carb. to protein ratio?

>>>milk is 2/3 carb 1/3 protein and for skim about 90 calories per cup. You

might not be able to afford the extra calories. Better to mix milk with

protein powder for a meal instead of Myoplex or take calcium supplements

like I do (for different reasons as I am not of your gender)

And lastly, when I began BFL last week, I sort of assumed that I would adopt

it for the rest of my life. Noticing the posts here about taking time off

between challenges, I'm wondering if I'm off course with that thinking.

>>>>This can work for a lifetime. Many on the list have 2-3 years

experience with it. I've been living the BFLifestyle for 15 months.

Some wander and try different eating protocols or nutrition protocols. Some

members follow very little of BFL. Most are trying to be successful and get

help with understanding the BFL program and how to apply it.

If there is anything we can do to help let us know as we are here to help

you be successful in your experience with BFL.


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I wouldn't get rid of Squats, they are a great exercise for quads, if

you aren't feeling burn in quads, you may want to check form, if you

are feeling it more in the glutes you may be bending forward to much

which will put the stress on the lower back and the glutes. tofu I

don't use it myself but I know of others who have and it isn't a

problem getting it to fit into the program, peanut butter should be


it is a good practice to take a week off in between challenges, it

gives the body time to recover from the 12 weeks you just put it

through. there are numerous studies that show the benefits of taking

a week off from the gym every 6-9 weeks, can't give you specifics

right now, but if you are interested I will dig them up.

I don't use milk so I won't even attempt to answer the one about the


my 2 cents worth


> It's great getting something useful through email! I'm about a

week into my first. Except for a few negative posts, I'm enjoying

the exchange of information. I have a few questions (actually, a

ton, but wouldn't want to overwhelm).

> First, can tofu fit into the nutrition portion of the program?

> Second, I've been doing squats for quads and don't seem to get a

good burn. My glutes hurt like crazy though! Can someone clue me in

to another exercise (for a limited home gym) for working the quads?

> Third, I've been adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to Myoplex

shakes. Bad? Good? OK?

> Also, I've been making the shakes with skim milk to up my calcium

per doctor's orders for PMS and pre-menopause (sounds awful ...

like " pre-old lady! " ) Does the milk upset the carb. to protein ratio?

> And lastly, when I began BFL last week, I sort of assumed that I

would adopt it for the rest of my life. Noticing the posts here

about taking time off between challenges, I'm wondering if I'm off

course with that thinking.

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I wouldn't get rid of Squats, they are a great exercise for quads, if

you aren't feeling burn in quads, you may want to check form, if you

are feeling it more in the glutes you may be bending forward to much

which will put the stress on the lower back and the glutes. tofu I

don't use it myself but I know of others who have and it isn't a

problem getting it to fit into the program, peanut butter should be


it is a good practice to take a week off in between challenges, it

gives the body time to recover from the 12 weeks you just put it

through. there are numerous studies that show the benefits of taking

a week off from the gym every 6-9 weeks, can't give you specifics

right now, but if you are interested I will dig them up.

I don't use milk so I won't even attempt to answer the one about the


my 2 cents worth


> It's great getting something useful through email! I'm about a

week into my first. Except for a few negative posts, I'm enjoying

the exchange of information. I have a few questions (actually, a

ton, but wouldn't want to overwhelm).

> First, can tofu fit into the nutrition portion of the program?

> Second, I've been doing squats for quads and don't seem to get a

good burn. My glutes hurt like crazy though! Can someone clue me in

to another exercise (for a limited home gym) for working the quads?

> Third, I've been adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to Myoplex

shakes. Bad? Good? OK?

> Also, I've been making the shakes with skim milk to up my calcium

per doctor's orders for PMS and pre-menopause (sounds awful ...

like " pre-old lady! " ) Does the milk upset the carb. to protein ratio?

> And lastly, when I began BFL last week, I sort of assumed that I

would adopt it for the rest of my life. Noticing the posts here

about taking time off between challenges, I'm wondering if I'm off

course with that thinking.

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> Also, I've been making the shakes with skim milk to up my calcium per doctor's

orders for PMS and pre-menopause (sounds awful ... like " pre-old lady! " ) Does

the milk upset the carb. to protein ratio?

Another easy and very tasty way to up your calcium is to get some Viactive

calcium chews. Each one has 500mg of calcium, as well as vitamins K and D to

assist in absorption. Each has 20 calories and comes in great flavors like milk

chocolate, mocchachino, orange cream and caramel. Great for a healthy shot of

sweetness a few times a day. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thank you so much for responding. You look awesome! I can't believe that it

only took you 4 weeks. I have just started really exercising well. I cant

wait to see results. Do you take the BetaLean HP?

Thanks again!


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Thank you so much for responding. You look awesome! I can't believe that it

only took you 4 weeks. I have just started really exercising well. I cant

wait to see results. Do you take the BetaLean HP?

Thanks again!


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Well, the first time I had my bf tested it said 43% (but I think the testing method (BIA) was not too reliable. I would say it was in the high 30's, though) But my point is, there is hope. In 11 months I got down to 14.5% body fat. I started out like you with no supplements.

When and what supplements you decide to take is a personal choice, but I have to say that results seemed to come faster when using them. I would definately suggest a thermogenic like Phen-Free or BetaLean HP (if you can take it, i.e. no medical contraindications).

You can view my pics as well as others at the club's site


Cheryl C.



>I am ashamed to admit I have 48% body fat. Gasp!! >

<I want to know if anyone has come across any information regarding the program and extreme body fat? I have so much fat! at what point do you start using supplements such as betagen, Betalean?>

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Well, the first time I had my bf tested it said 43% (but I think the testing method (BIA) was not too reliable. I would say it was in the high 30's, though) But my point is, there is hope. In 11 months I got down to 14.5% body fat. I started out like you with no supplements.

When and what supplements you decide to take is a personal choice, but I have to say that results seemed to come faster when using them. I would definately suggest a thermogenic like Phen-Free or BetaLean HP (if you can take it, i.e. no medical contraindications).

You can view my pics as well as others at the club's site


Cheryl C.



>I am ashamed to admit I have 48% body fat. Gasp!! >

<I want to know if anyone has come across any information regarding the program and extreme body fat? I have so much fat! at what point do you start using supplements such as betagen, Betalean?>

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Hi Deb!!

Thank you for your encouragement! As for the BetaLean HP - I do not use BetaLean HP - I have, however, been using Xenadrine which has really enhanced my workouts! I take two prior to my workouts and one around 2 p.m.

I pretty much follow the food plan to the T, but still unsure if I am getting enough - sometimes it feels I'm not eating enough - but I do it like it says in the book. I drink 5 1 liter bottles of water a day. I also supplement with 2 Myoplex shakes during the day and a low carb bar in the evening. I have tweaked my workouts to a more cross-training workout and it seems to be working better for me than the pyramid type workout - my trainer keeps me moving the entire hour - no breaks and it is awesome!

Anyway - you will see results - I whined here not long ago regarding disappointment in results, but now I see the results and it's a great feeling. The pictures really help - get those cameras out - it's the best motivational tool!!

Cheryl :)


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Hi Deb!!

Thank you for your encouragement! As for the BetaLean HP - I do not use BetaLean HP - I have, however, been using Xenadrine which has really enhanced my workouts! I take two prior to my workouts and one around 2 p.m.

I pretty much follow the food plan to the T, but still unsure if I am getting enough - sometimes it feels I'm not eating enough - but I do it like it says in the book. I drink 5 1 liter bottles of water a day. I also supplement with 2 Myoplex shakes during the day and a low carb bar in the evening. I have tweaked my workouts to a more cross-training workout and it seems to be working better for me than the pyramid type workout - my trainer keeps me moving the entire hour - no breaks and it is awesome!

Anyway - you will see results - I whined here not long ago regarding disappointment in results, but now I see the results and it's a great feeling. The pictures really help - get those cameras out - it's the best motivational tool!!

Cheryl :)


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Hi Deb, and welcome! Lots of us started BFL really out of shape

too. You can do it, and don't worry about starting with a high BF

percentage. It may take you 2 or 3 or even 4 challenges to get where

you want to be, but you *will* get there. Just follow the program as

outlined in the book, and you will see results. I was 35% BF when I

started BFL last August, and am 26% now. I am shooting for 17% this

challenge (my 3rd) and I *know* I will get there. It's pretty

exciting what can happen with BFL. Good luck!

Jen B.

> Hello everyone

> I am new to the BFL program. I am really out of shape I am ashamed

to admit I

> have 48% body fat. Gasp!! I have also lost weight before starting

the BFL

> eating program. ( 3 weeks ago) I don't want to imagine what it

was at my

> highest weight.

> I am able to exercise well. I couldn't a few months ago.

> I want to know if anyone has come across any information regarding


> program and extreme body fat? I have so much fat! at what point do

you start

> using supplements such as betagen, Betalean?


> Thank you

> Deb

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One more thing, Deb. If you plan to supplement with Betagen and

BetaLean (read the warnings on this one before you take it) then go

ahead and start right now. You don't have to wait, use them now.

Jen B.

> Hello everyone

> I am new to the BFL program. I am really out of shape I am ashamed

to admit I

> have 48% body fat. Gasp!! I have also lost weight before starting

the BFL

> eating program. ( 3 weeks ago) I don't want to imagine what it

was at my

> highest weight.

> I am able to exercise well. I couldn't a few months ago.

> I want to know if anyone has come across any information regarding


> program and extreme body fat? I have so much fat! at what point do

you start

> using supplements such as betagen, Betalean?


> Thank you

> Deb

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  • 4 weeks later...
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(no subject)

>> > > At a fund-raising dinner for a school that serves >> > > learning-disabled children, the father of one of the >> > > school's students delivered a speech that >> > > would never be forgotten by all who attended. >> > > >> > > After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he >> > > offered a question. "Everything God does is done with >> > > perfection. Yet, my son, Shay, cannot learn things as >> > > other children do. He cannot understand things >> > > as other children do. Where is God's plan reflected in my >> > > son?" >> > > >> > > The audience was stilled by the query. >> > > The father continued. "I believe," the father answered, "that >>when God >> > > brings a child like Shay into the world, an >> > > opportunity to realize the Divine Plan presents itself. And it >>comes in >> >the >> > > way people treat that child." >> > > >> > > Then, he told the following story: >> > > Shay and his father had walked past a park where some >> > > boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you >>think they >> >will >> > > let me play? Shay's father knew that most boys would not want >>him on >> >their >> > > team But the father understood that if his son were allowed to >>play it >> > > would give him a much-needed sense of belonging. >> > > >> > > Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field >> > > and asked if Shay could play. The boy looked around >> > > for guidance from his teammates. Getting none, he took matters >>into >> >his >> >own >> > > hands and said, "We are losing by six runs, and the game is in >>the >> >eighth >> > > inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him >>up to >> >bat >> >in >> > > the ninth inning." In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's >>team >> >scored a >> > > few runs but was still >> > > behind by three. >> > > >> > > At the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove >> > > and played in the outfield. Although no hits came his >> > > way, he was obviously ecstatic just be on the field, >> > > grinning from ear to ear as his father waved to him >> > > from the stands. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's >>team scored >> > > again. Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential >>winning >> >run >> > > was on base. >> > > Shay was scheduled to be the next at-bat. Would the >> > > team actually let Shay bat at this juncture and give away >> > > their chance to win the game? >> > > >> > > Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew >> > > that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even >> > > know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the >>ball. >> > > However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a >>few steps >> >to >> > > lob the ball in softly so >> > > Shay could at least be able to make contact. The first pitch >>came and >> >Shay >> > > swung clumsily and missed. >> > > The pitcher again took a few steps forward to >> > > toss the ball softly toward Shay. As the pitch came in, >> > > Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball to the >>pitcher. The >> > > pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have >>thrown the >> >ball >> >to >> > > the first baseman. Shay would have been out and that would >>have ended >> >the >> > > game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a >>high arc to >> > > right field, far beyond reach of the first baseman. >> > > >> > > Everyone started yelling, "Shay, run to first. Run to >> > > first." Never in his life had Shay ever made it to first base. >>He >> >scampered >> > > down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled. >> > > Everyone yelled, "Run to second, run to second!" By the time >>Shay was >> > > rounding first base, the right fielder >> > > had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second >> > > baseman for a tag. But the right fielder understood what >> > > the pitcher's intentions had been, so he threw the ball high >>and far >> >over >> > > the third baseman's head. Shay ran >> > > towards second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously >>circled >> >the >> > > bases towards home. >> > > >> > > As Shay reached second base, the opposing shortstop ran to >>him, >> >turned >> > > him in the direction of third base, and shouted, "Run to >>third!" As >> >Shay >> > > rounded third, the boys from both teams were screaming, "Shay! >>Run >> >home!" >> > > >> > > Shay ran home, stepped on home plate and was cheered as the >>hero, for >> > > hitting a "grand slam" and winning the game for his team. >> > > >> > > "That day," said the father softly with tears now >> > > rolling down his face, "the boys from both teams helped >> > > bring a piece of the Divine Plan into this world." >> > > >> > > And now, a footnote to the story. We all send >> > > thousands of jokes through e-mail without a second thought, >>but when >> >it >> > > comes to sending messages regarding life choices, people think >>twice >> >about >> > > sharing. The crude, vulgar, and sometimes the obscene pass >>freely >> > > through cyberspace, but public discussion of decency is >> > > too often suppressed in school and the workplace. >> > > >> > > If you are thinking about forwarding this message, you >> > > are probably thinking about which people on your address list >>aren't >> >the >> > > "appropriate" ones to receive this type of message. The person >>who sent >> >this >> > > to you believes that we can all make a difference. We all have >> >thousands >> >of >> > > opportunities a day to help realize God's plan. So many >>seemingly >> >trivial >> > > interactions between two people present us with a choice: Do >>we pass >> >along a >> > > spark of the Divine? Or do we pass up that opportunity, and >>leave the >> >world >> > > a >> > > bit colder in the process? >> > > >> > > You have two choices now: >> > > 1. Delete this. Or, >> > > 2. Forward it to the people you care about. >> > > >> > > You know the choice I made.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
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Good morning Casey and all!

We went for the " clip on " chairs just cause we had them, and they do

keep Tara and in more secure{they do have a nice secure belt}than a

free floating booster chair. Plus, for us, we do have 2 booster chairs

from my two older guys, and Jillian is still using hers, so we would

only have one left. The clip on chairs, to me are more safe, keeps the

kids in their chair and close to the table{less? mess} Tara and on

occasion do sit in a regular-old kitchen chair to color or something,

but when they are done, they just get off and Tara always falls out, so

I know they are not ready for the booster just yet, I'll give them till

the holidays or something, right now, the clip on type chair is working

out better for me!


Bobby 7 1/2, Jillian 4 3/4, and Tara{Ds} 27months

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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/24/01 11:02:51 PM Central Daylight Time, Jmcgwelch@... writes:

Subj: (no subject)

Date: 7/24/01 11:02:51 PM Central Daylight Time

From: Jmcgwelch@...

Reply-to: Autism_in_Girls


We are finishing our first season on the swim team and have had a positive, rewarding experience for my daughter. I would like to give some kind of recognition (other than the ususal thank you cards and gifts we collect for) to the coaches, mentors, aides, etc. who have done not just a great job at coaching or teaching, but made sure my child was included, felt like she belonged, and was a member of the team. My daughter Grace is very high functioning, so I don't always bring up her autism, unless I can see a problem on the horizon. So I didn't mention it when I signed her up. Her coaches were so wonderful. They never judged her performance, were patient with her and all 200 other kids on the team. They made sure it was a positive experience for all and no one was ever made to feel inferior or less skilled. It is very important for my daughter to feel normal and to blend in, and she just loved swim team with Miss Patty.

I am looking for something along the lines of outstanding coach and staff or teacher and staff for their efforts with a child with autism, but something really touching. Anyone seen anything out there?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

How about a certificate that says outstanding couch, staff, assistant, teacher, etc.? Do you have an educational suppy store near you or a trophy store? Maybe Office Depot or Staples has a generic certificate that you could fill in the blanks to say whatever you like. Just some ideas I had.


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Hi Vickie

I live in Canada.When I heard the news on TV yesterday morning about the act of TERRORISM, a cold shiver ran up my spine, I felt sick, I cryed all day. Today everyone I meet during my daily routines is angry, I feel like I am in a state a morning just like when I first found out about my daughter diagnoses Of Autism. Now I feel anger , I feel it can only get worse, The free world has to declare war on the people that committed this crime. To send a message that they cannot get away with this. You are right we are no longer as free. .

(no subject)

Crawling from the Depths of Despair Our lives will be forever changed....TERRORISM IN AMERICA! AMERICA UNDER ATTACK! I suppose I am experiencing the same feeling of shock that most people in the US are feeling today. I cannot seem to stop crying, and my feelings are eerily similar to those I felt when I was told that was autistic. I remembered simply smiling like an idiot and acting like I heard that kind of news every day; and all the while I kept hearing a repetitive silent litany in my head, "your daughter's not normal,she's not normal, ... is NOT NORMAL!!!" I lived with those relentless thoughts plaguing me for many months until I slowly began to crawl and claw my way out out of the depths of despair. It seems so strange to be feeling those same feelings all over again in a different context. My world was turned upside down back then and it has once again been turned upside down. My world had completely changed and I knew my life would never be the same. I believe we Americans will never again feel so completely safe and secure on our home soil, as we once did before this horrible tragedy. It is amazing how quickly I was transported back to the overwhelming grief I felt six years ago when I saw the horrible, senseless tragedy replayed over and over across the television screen. The same numb, shell-shocked feeling, the same feeling of helplessness, the same why me, except in this case, it was why us, why America? What did the hijackers want to accomplish? Was it just to instill terror in us all? Was it all just to "make a statement"? Was it to expose our vulnerabilities-to say that you too can be made to suffer? I assume we can not answer those questions; we can not comprehend such a casual disregard for life that is so totally alien to our culture. Even more unbelievable is the fact that anyone would want to celebrate such a horrible tragedy. The video of the Palestinian people dancing in the streets was so disgusting to me. The happy and excited faces of the children reveling in our nation's pain, rejoicing for our sorrow are forever burned into my memory. What kind of people are they who can raise children to be so insensitive to the anguish of others? Any loss of life is no occasion for merriment. I was so angry that those people saw the death of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, as cause for celebration. No wonder we cannot support them in their struggle to form a free Palestinian state. We cannot condone the blase attitude these people have for any loss of life. All life is precious, and if you do not hold dear that concept, you cannot truly comprehend what it is to be an American nor can you understand why we value our freedom. We now may lose some of that freedom we have long been accustomed to having . In order to more fully protect ourselves from other terrorists who would perpetuate more unspeakable evil against our country, we will undoubtedly lose some freedom of movement and personal liberty, whether through a tightening of airport and immigration policy, or restriction of travel. Even the tiniest loss of personal freedom will be a sad result of the tragedy we have experienced. Yet to avoid another such tragedy we may have to become a less open society, a more suspicious society. I have no doubt that we will rise above all this. We will shoulder our pain and move to rebuild shattered homes and lives. We will never again believe we are invulnerable, we now know it can happen here, to us. If any small good can come of this tragedy, perhaps the partisan bickering and backstabing can be put on hold and the elected officials in government can band together to guide our nation through this crisis. Just as I learned to accept the fact that my daughter has autism, we can ultimately bear this pain and rise above it to continue to be a shining beacon of liberty and freedom, a lighthouse for all the world. Vickie Nettles September 12, 2001

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