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Thank-you Liz,

I'll remember that as I hobble about.

Pog mo thoin to you also and happy birthday

dannyLiz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I love this!

Take care of yourself,


-- hey

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God Danny you come across as so bitter..Thats all it takes is a simple comment in a joke or just anything..For you to turn it to any misfortune that has befallen you??? Damn a simple silly drinking toast!!! Come on lighten up dude... Kathy


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  • 4 months later...
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My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


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Thank you!!!!

Take care of yourself,


-- Re: hey



My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


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That's great Liz. I wish I could say something like that. One day soon I hope.

SuZie Liz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!


My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


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news, Liz! Keep up the good work! By the way, how did

the snail whispererā€™s 6 month post tx labs come out?




From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Liz

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:56 PM

Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies



My labs came back normal! I finally

figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and

alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


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We are waiting for him to call and find out.

Love ya

Take care of yourself,


-- RE: hey

Great news, Liz! Keep up the good work! By the way, how did the snail whispererā€™s 6 month post tx labs come out?


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of LizSent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:56 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: hey

My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


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liz that is great to have good news

dLiz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

My labs came back normal! I finally figured out why I put my body and mind through all the abuse with drugs and alcohol when I was younger. It was to get in training for this damn HCV.

Take care of yourself,


....d...listens to learn__________________________________________________

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Iā€™m having a great day. No

kids. One person has already come to look at the house, another is on the

way and one more agent is coming to preview! My cleaning lady came this

week (next to the last visit of my Christmas present).


Hi everybody...you having a good day?

Take care of yourself,


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Guest guest

Iā€™m having a great day. No

kids. One person has already come to look at the house, another is on the

way and one more agent is coming to preview! My cleaning lady came this

week (next to the last visit of my Christmas present).


Hi everybody...you having a good day?

Take care of yourself,


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Got my fingers crossed for ya De..Hugs, Pat

RE: hey

Iā€™m having a great day. No kids. One person has already come to look at the house, another is on the way and one more agent is coming to preview! My cleaning lady came this week (next to the last visit of my Christmas present).

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of LizSent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:04 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: hey

Hi everybody...you having a good day?

Take care of yourself,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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miss ya liz


Liz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I hope this gets to you all. Love you and I'm sorry for my puter being weird.

Take care of yourself,



Start your day with - make it your home page

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  • 2 weeks later...


color, Liz?



I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I

hope your vacation

was worth it it.

Jen, Transplants take a while

To my friends..I love you to the moon and back.

I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

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Thats right!! Dang Liz you sure you and Cappy Danny aren't related some how..Hi yA Danny ole pal.. Broke again eh!!! Kathy

-- Re: hey

I have a constant thing going on here. I'm stubborn and evewry 6 months, I have yo get a cast.

Welcome!captdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Sorry Danny for poppin' into this here conversation..But the last I heard from you were damaged..Some thing about a pussy on a dark staircase.. You were left bruised and broken then too...Kathy B..

-- Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Liz you weren't tangling with a cat on the stairs too huh?? No but serious dear what happened??? Just a month!! Didn't the last one seam to take a year?? or did it seam like it.. Kathy B.

-- hey

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

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Haaaa!!! I remember that Danny!...

Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Danny you must be as graceful as me ha ha.. And that is not very dear.. Soo hows the digs at the Va housing?? They letting you sneak women in??? Kathy

-- Re: hey

Haaaa!!! I remember that Danny!...

Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Danny you must be as graceful as me ha ha.. And that is not very dear.. Soo hows the digs at the Va housing?? They letting you sneak women in??? Kathy

-- Re: hey

Haaaa!!! I remember that Danny!...

Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Not a problem popping in, it's an open conversation.

When I originally broke my right hand, it was not set properly so it be operated on to re-break it and pin it back together.

I broke my left hand in a bicycle accident.

I have to back to the Miami V.A. on the 29th to have the cast removed from my left hand and get a brace for my right hand.

I think I'm going to be eligable to vote in Miami soon.

dannyKathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Sorry Danny for poppin' into this here conversation..But the last I heard from you were damaged..Some thing about a pussy on a dark staircase.. You were left bruised and broken then too...Kathy B..

-- Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


Start your day with - make it your home page

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Yeah, I guess grace is not my strong suit lately, plus I can't see worth a shit at night.

It's a good thing I've memorized where all a womans body parts are, one of the benefits of nursing school.

The digs here are nice, I started a vegetable garden, a first for me.

I didn't buy any seeds yet, I just planted seeds from the shit I eat and so far it seems to be working.

Everyone here thinks I'm nuts because nobdy here has ever had a vegetable garden here, and to make it worse I watch arts and crafts shows and cooking shows on tv.

Went to a support vigil for Sheehan last night, there were quite a few Viet Nam vets there, a lot of non-vets were surprised at that, neither of the bushes showed up.

dannyKathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Danny you must be as graceful as me ha ha.. And that is not very dear.. Soo hows the digs at the Va housing?? They letting you sneak women in??? Kathy

-- Re: hey

Haaaa!!! I remember that Danny!...

Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist


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Hey Cap'n Dan, I love gardening - started my first garden when I got this place. Should've made raised beds tho' - my back kills me, so I have to split my gardening time into pain free limits & rest in between. Last year I just couldn't find the energy to plant or weed, this year I didn't plant til late June so my harvest won't be very big. There is nothing in this world like veggies you've grown yourself - so fresh & tasty, not like the ones from the supermarket, grown for length of shelf life & ripened artificially.

Good luck with your garden, must be nice to have perpetual summer.


captdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:

Yeah, I guess grace is not my strong suit lately, plus I can't see worth a shit at night.

It's a good thing I've memorized where all a womans body parts are, one of the benefits of nursing school.

The digs here are nice, I started a vegetable garden, a first for me.

I didn't buy any seeds yet, I just planted seeds from the shit I eat and so far it seems to be working.

Everyone here thinks I'm nuts because nobdy here has ever had a vegetable garden here, and to make it worse I watch arts and crafts shows and cooking shows on tv.

Went to a support vigil for Sheehan last night, there were quite a few Viet Nam vets there, a lot of non-vets were surprised at that, neither of the bushes showed up.

dannyKathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Danny you must be as graceful as me ha ha.. And that is not very dear.. Soo hows the digs at the Va housing?? They letting you sneak women in??? Kathy

-- Re: hey

Haaaa!!! I remember that Danny!...

Re: hey

Liz, I just had one of my casts removed, complete with pins, the other day.

One more to go.

Stop breaking yourself kid.

I moved again, no more living above a clothing optional bar.

I'm still in Key West but am now in veterans housing.

love ya kid,

dannyliz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'll try this one more time...Welcome back Danny..I hope your vacation was worth it it.Jen, Transplants take a whileTo my friends..I love you to the moon and back.I have another cast on my wrist for a month.

SeseniĀ® IncrediDesign

Artwork courtesy of Jody Bergsma, Artist



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