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Love ya and totally respect your choice to be a vegetarian, but do me a favor

and dont preach about the evils of meat and dairy. There are just as many

dieticians out there who have opinions completely opposite of the ones you

are listening to. Besides, of all the elite athletes and healthiest people

in the world you can find, the percentage of vegetarians is about the same as

the normal population, so I find it hard to believe that all these chemicals

and toxins and secretions and such are doing that much harm, much less

killing us. Sorry to get on my high horse this morning (come to think of

it, he looks pretty tasty, ha, ha) . Have a great one. Mark

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it seems to take a long time for my posts to reach this site if I dont just

hit reply..anyway. More on recipes. here is the recipe for Emeril Lagasse's

essence. You know, the stuff he throws on the food and says " BAMM! " . all

that chicken will start to taste like rubber is you dont add some variety.

this seasoning rub can be applied to any meat that you either grill, bake or

cook in a pan on top of the stove. just sprinkle some on to enhance flavor.

I suggest omitting the salt the last month of your Challenge.

2 1/2 T. paprika

2 T. salt

2 T. garlic powder

1 T. black pepper

1 T. onion powder

1 T. cayenne pepper

1 T. dried oregano

1 T. dried thyme

Combine all ingredients thoroughly

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Hey Deus, great protein info!! some of the vegetarians would like to know

alternative proteins to avoid meat sources. Meat just has a lot of other

JUNK in it (chemicals, acids etc) that we dont need. Same with all that

mucos clogging dairy products we could do without. i like falling back on

the using of myoplex since it does have the added vitamins/minerals for

those that dont like or remember to pop lots of vity's in the a.m.

work-out strong, dreams of muscle--

sheila from dallas

----Original Message Follows----

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc@...>



Subject: protein

Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:52:13 +1100


everyting you vanted to know about protein but ver afreed to ask




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Ok Rhonda, here it is. You slice very thin, I use the slicer on the side of

my cheese grater, a whole sweet potato. you dont need to peel it. spritz a

cookie sheet with olive oil (you dont have one of those olive oil spritzers?

you really need to get one. gives out just enough oil to be healthy). add a

layer of the sliced sweet potatoes. spritz them with the olive oil. here's

where personal taste comes in. you can season them with whatever you

want-onion powder, garlic powder, Mrs. Dash etc. bake them for 15 minutes at

350 degrees then turn them over and bake them oh, another 5 or 10 minutes.

its not an exact science. I like to make alot and then store them on an

airtight container. these make me not miss ranch style doritoes so much and

they are handy once made if you have a snack attack. cyn

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ok no problem...i just want to wake up those vegetair's out there so they

will submit some info about recipe's. I dont want them to be intimidated by

all the carnivores out there! And hey, while you're at it....how about

asking that lady who told the story about her kid peeing in the tub to stick

to " body for life " topics.

----Original Message Follows----

From: MarkShaneWhite@...



Subject: Re: protein

Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 08:43:52 EST


Love ya and totally respect your choice to be a vegetarian, but do me a


and dont preach about the evils of meat and dairy. There are just as many

dieticians out there who have opinions completely opposite of the ones you

are listening to. Besides, of all the elite athletes and healthiest people

in the world you can find, the percentage of vegetarians is about the same


the normal population, so I find it hard to believe that all these chemicals

and toxins and secretions and such are doing that much harm, much less

killing us. Sorry to get on my high horse this morning (come to think of

it, he looks pretty tasty, ha, ha) . Have a great one. Mark


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Hi ,

I really want the sweet potato chips recipe! I like sweet potatoes.

Unfortunately, I eat a lot of cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, turkey, tuna,

shakes, and bars... easy, easy stuff that transports to work well. I must

admit that chicken really does start to taste the same, and for a long time

turkey and eggs were just unthinkable because I'd eaten tooooooo many. I

keep it simple, but vary the spices. Thanks for the " spice it up a bit "

Emeril recipe. I'll try it.


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Thanks! I bought one of those spritzers at a pampered chef party, but gave

it to my mom for Christmas. Next time I'll have to get myself one. Olive

oil pam should do the trick for now though.


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Lumina Corp [luminacorp@...] wrote:

> Hey Deus, great protein info!! some of the vegetarians would like to know

> alternative proteins to avoid meat sources. Meat just has a lot of other

> JUNK in it (chemicals, acids etc) that we dont need. Same with all that

> mucos clogging dairy products we could do without. i like falling back on

> the using of myoplex since it does have the added vitamins/minerals for

> those that dont like or remember to pop lots of vity's in the a.m.

> work-out strong, dreams of muscle--

> sheila from dallas

black beans are very good source. beans in general, lentils and tofu are high

in protein. peanuts and walnuts are high in protein but high in fats too.

keep in mind MRPs like myoplex are animal derived products. you can get soy


isolate, but I stopped using it because it can be high in phytoestrogens.

soy protein and tofu can be high in phytic acids which limit mineral absorption

so make sure you get as much variety of vegetable proteins as possible and if in

doubt have a mineral test to see if you are deficient in any minerals. you can


cheap mineral hair tests on the internet.

check the USDA database at


for food composition

there is an article about Bill Pearl who was partially vegetarian at


youll also find good stuff at the vegetarian resource group www.vrg.org

happy new year!


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The sweet potato chips sound yummy.

You can actually buy Pure Olive Oil Fat Free Cooking Spray at the grocery store. I buy the generic brand, but I think Mazola or Pam makes one too. It's what I've been using for fat-free frying.

Cheryl C.

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Thanks for the site references Deus. Sheila, remember that your protein

source is only as good as the limiting essential amino acid. Speaking in a

very general manner, combining legumes such as beans and lentils with grains

such as wheat, corn and rice complement each other in weak areas. Bill

Pearl is lacto-ovo vegetarian as I recall and thus had the benefit of milk

and egg sources of protein which are more balanced on the amino acid

profiles. Soy is relatively balanced with the essential amino acids. I

only comment because I appreciate that it is more difficult to keep your

protein levels up as a vegan with the full complement of essential amino

acids. Kit

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Kit, are you saying that getting protein from broccoli would not be as

complete as the ones you mentioned here? I will prob be eating some meat and

some diary products but then trying to add vegs in that are protein sources

like broccoli, cauliflower etc. I like beans/rice as well and will prob add

brwn rice in quite a bit. thanks for the info!

----Original Message Follows----

From: " Kit Keyes " <kit.keyes@...>



Subject: RE: protein

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 14:38:04 -0800

Thanks for the site references Deus. Sheila, remember that your protein

source is only as good as the limiting essential amino acid. Speaking in a

very general manner, combining legumes such as beans and lentils with grains

such as wheat, corn and rice complement each other in weak areas. Bill

Pearl is lacto-ovo vegetarian as I recall and thus had the benefit of milk

and egg sources of protein which are more balanced on the amino acid

profiles. Soy is relatively balanced with the essential amino acids. I

only comment because I appreciate that it is more difficult to keep your

protein levels up as a vegan with the full complement of essential amino

acids. Kit


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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated hoops@... writes:

I also love my new Foreman grill. We use it for hashbrowns all the time.


Hey Rhonda, Sounds good. How do you make them? I love hash browns. Never heard of them til we came here...but I've got a grill and I'd like to try some out. L.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

At 187 grams of protein per day, split up into 6 meals, that's about 31 grams of

protein per meal. Not too hard to do. Also, remember that you don't have to

have exactly that amount in each meal. You can have a higher amount in some and

lower in others, as long as it equals out throughout the day to about 187 grams

per day.


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 4/22/01 at 10:59 PM ddeberry@... wrote:

> thanx for the info on the nutritional value tables. new question--How in the

heck do you get in 46grams of protein per meal. I weigh 187# and if I've

calculated this correctly, that is how much protein I should take in per meal.

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Brett [bdavis@...] wrote:

> Unless he is looking at 1.5 grams/pound to gain more muscle.

there is absolutely no evidence that more then 1 g/p has any added benefit

in gaining muscle. what it will do is cause your liver to swell.


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Guest guest

> ,


> Do you know if PKU is similar to ITP? My daughter has that and she


> interested in BFL and I never thought there may be a protein issue.


> Joe


Hi Joe.

I just did a little quick reading on ITP when I saw your post. If I

have the correct condition ITP is a blood disorder om which the

immune system destroys platelets in the blood. Is that the right?

If so this is not similar to PKU. With PKU (Phenylketonuria) the

body is deficient in the enzyme necessary to properly metabolize

protein. Specifically, my children cannot metabolize the amino acid

phenylalanine. The Body for Life program would be absolutely toxic

to them.

Nevertheless, I would suggest that your daughter speak with her

physician (or better yet a specialist) about BFL before starting the

program. With the exception of excersizing on an empty stomach, this

program is what my physicians and nutritionist have been " prescribing "

for my conditions for years.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you.

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Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You obviously have done

alot of necessary research about protein.

I hope your children will be healthy and happy in spite of their

condition. I'm sure they will be with such a knowledgable and loving


in Wichita, KS C1W11D2

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I get 31 grams per meal. 187 X 1= 187 divided by 6 = 31.17

Cheryl C.


<How in the heck do you get in 46grams of protein per meal. I weigh 187# and if I've calculated this correctly, that is how much protein I should take in per meal. >

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Guest guest

I get 31 grams per meal. 187 X 1= 187 divided by 6 = 31.17

Cheryl C.


<How in the heck do you get in 46grams of protein per meal. I weigh 187# and if I've calculated this correctly, that is how much protein I should take in per meal. >

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  • 4 months later...

Wilbanks wrote:

Since your body can't use more than about 20-30 grams of protein at a

time, and you need to eat a ration of 4:1 or 3:1 carb:protein, that

amounts to about 2 to 4 ounces of corn sugar.

*** This figure of ~30 grams of protein being useable by the body in one

sitting is used fairly commonly. Does anyone have a reference for this? I

think it's a little simplistic to say that all humans at any point in time

can only use 30 grams at a time. Some factors, in my opinion, would affect

the rate at which the body can use protein:

-time of day: morning, post-training...

-protein source: digestibility, amino acid score, size of peptides...

-hormone status: sex, training, steroid use, age...

When you consider all of these factors, it's hard to imagine that a " juiced

up " 25 year old male bodybuilder can only utilize the same amount as his

grandmother. Ok, this is an extreme case... Any thoughts?


Vancouver, Canada


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You're right. It's just a guessing guideline. Since I eat 5 meals

per day, 30g puts me at 150g per day which is close to 1g per pound

of body weight. I have never read anything sensible or substantiated

that claimed eating more the 1g/lb had any benefits.


Madison, WI


> Since your body can't use more than about 20-30 grams of protein at


> time, and you need to eat a ration of 4:1 or 3:1 carb:protein, that

> amounts to about 2 to 4 ounces of corn sugar.


> *** This figure of ~30 grams of protein being useable by the body

in one

> sitting is used fairly commonly. Does anyone have a reference for

this? I

> think it's a little simplistic to say that all humans at any point

in time

> can only use 30 grams at a time. Some factors, in my opinion, would


> the rate at which the body can use protein:


> -time of day: morning, post-training...

> -protein source: digestibility, amino acid score, size of


> -hormone status: sex, training, steroid use, age...


> When you consider all of these factors, it's hard to imagine that

a " juiced

> up " 25 year old male bodybuilder can only utilize the same amount

as his

> grandmother. Ok, this is an extreme case... Any thoughts?


> Pacey

> Vancouver, Canada


> _________________________________________________________________

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I don't think it is as simple as that. I am sorry but I don't have a

particular study to reference either but most of what I have read

suggests that it varies with weight, the range being about 20-30

grams at a setting for a small (say in the 120 lb to 160 lb range)

up into the range of about 50-70 grams for a large individual (in the

200lb plus range) and even these are just estimates and vary from

one article to another or from the directions on the back of one

protein supplement to the back of another but that seems to be about

the range I have seen.

Chance Donohue

Dillon MT



> Since your body can't use more than about 20-30 grams of protein at


> time, and you need to eat a ration of 4:1 or 3:1 carb:protein, that

> amounts to about 2 to 4 ounces of corn sugar.


> *** This figure of ~30 grams of protein being useable by the body

in one

> sitting is used fairly commonly. Does anyone have a reference for

this? I

> think it's a little simplistic to say that all humans at any point

in time

> can only use 30 grams at a time. Some factors, in my opinion, would


> the rate at which the body can use protein:


> -time of day: morning, post-training...

> -protein source: digestibility, amino acid score, size of


> -hormone status: sex, training, steroid use, age...


> When you consider all of these factors, it's hard to imagine that

a " juiced

> up " 25 year old male bodybuilder can only utilize the same amount

as his

> grandmother. Ok, this is an extreme case... Any thoughts?


> Pacey

> Vancouver, Canada


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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  • 11 months later...

I feel best when I eat lots of baked fish.

jv O ======---,-----,----,---,--,-, o

|--Q \ o

----\ \ o_

________ () ()\_ Fish to Live, Live to Fish -<_><

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, nekrosys wrote:

> Sorry guys & gals, but I'm full of ?'s today. Do any of you notice

> that you need tons of protein in your diet or you literally start to

> feel weaker? I take a protein supplement on a fairly inconsistant

> basis and I can really tell a difference between the days I take it

> and the days I don't. I'm just curious if this is a quirk of my

> particalur body make up or if other people have this problem?



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