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On 28 Aug 2002, at 16:36, Long wrote:


> Hydrogen peroxide won't hurt you a bit. It also makes a good wash for

> store

> bought produce.

Hydrogen peroxid and vinegar together is a disinfectant as effective

as toxic bleach. Read about it here:


I keep a spray bottle of each in the kitchen and wash food and

countertops with it all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Have you ever tried to talk to Bodzo?(bodz13@...)

She knows a lot about this and she is always ready to help someone.

She helped me a lot

See you

Munira Tanezi Guilhon e Sá

Mother of an angel called na


-----Mensagem Original-----

De: Hichang Cho


Enviada em: Sexta-feira, 6 de Setembro de 2002 15:54

Assunto: question


I have a SMA child who is about 5 years old. I know that there are some adult

SMAs who are taking creatine, but I would like to to know if there are any

parents who are giving creatien or any other supplements (like protein?) to a

child about my daughter's age. If so, could you let us know how much she/he is

taking it? Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...


Cassie also fought conjunctivitis for most of her life before IVIG. I was

told that the eye's membranes contain mostly IGA. But, she is not deficient

in IGA. Her IGA #'s have always been pretty good (granted they have not been

tested in over 5 years). But, once we got on IVIG the conjunctivitis cleared

up. I know this is not very useful info. and I pray that all the test you

have run give you some answers as to why you are dealing with the

conjunctivitis all the time. We keep you in our prayers. Let us know what

turns up.

Belinda Rose,

Mom to Allyssa (10) and Cassie (8), igg immunodeficient, asthma, sinusitis,

IVIG for 6 years, heart condition

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sondra,

My daughter is Joanne, she is 7 and 3/4 (will be 8 in April 2003). Diagnosed

with ASD in Oct.98, although I suspected this when she was only 16 months old

(Oct.96). She went downhill in many ways following receipt of her MMR at the age

of 13 months. We are one of many, in the UK, fighting for MMR damage

compensation via solicitors. She has been on a Gluten and Dairy Free diet since

Oct.2000 and there has been some tremendous improvements in many areas of


We live in Brighton on the South Coast of the UK.

Would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Carol (Mum to Joanne)

Re: question

Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from Australia.


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> Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from


> Sondra

I'm Kassiane, I havent a daughter, I am on the spectrum (they cant

decide between AS, HFA< and PDD-things are complicated because I have a

very high IQ, a rather severe nonverbal learning disability, and am VERY

hyperlexic). I am 20 years old, and very into Lord of the Rings, Harry

Potter, tumbling and trampoline, and learning about autism.



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Hi Sondra, my name is and I am the proud mother of 3 kids (16yrs boy ,

6 yrs old girl and my little angel girl 3 yrs old with autism I am from

Melbourne Australia. Thanks for answering my post about my girl. Happy days

ahead for sure (though some will be harder than others). We look forward to

the journey. .

Re: question

> Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from Australia.

> Sondra






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Hi, I am cheryl, Married to Mark, with 3 kids, Leah 10, Hannah 8 [HFA]

and Adam 4, we live in northern NSW Australia.

Re: question

Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from Australia.


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I'm Maureen. My daughter , age 12 was diagnosed with autism at the age

of 4. I have one other daughter, age 11, a typical pre-teen. We live in

Schoharie County, NY.

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My name is and I have two daughters (our only kids) with HFA. We

live in St. Louis, Missouri.

I lived in Australia for two years...went to graduate school at ANU in

Canberra. Very much enjoyed my time in Oz, which included two trips to Cairns

and snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef.

mom to , 3, and Siobhan, 2, both ASD

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 21:35:52 +1000 Mark Sommerfeld

<cmsommerfeld@...> wrote:

> Hi, I am cheryl, Married to Mark, with 3 kids,

> Leah 10, Hannah 8 [HFA]

> and Adam 4, we live in northern NSW Australia.


> Re: question



> Since I to be new here can some to introduce

> self and the age of their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know

> some to be from Australia.

> Sondra






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Hi Sondra

My name is Tracey and I have two daughters Coral (age 12), and Skylar

(age 10 and HFA). We live in a small town called Minden in Ontario,


Happy New Year to everyone!!


Sondra wrote:

> Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of

> their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from

> Australia.

> Sondra




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Well, much to be from all over and out of country here I to like that .

Kassiane happy to know I to not be only spectrum person here. And much much

happy to know so many other girls to exist in the world who are like me and

my girls.

My 9 yo daughter is to be teaching me much to try things normally I to not

ever to want to try as have deep fear of to get things on me such as paint

or glue but she to love art and I to be to love parts of it too as long as I

to not get messy LOL but yesterday she to talked me into making a water

color paintings book. We to both painted about 4 pictures each, which to me

is much good progress. I to had no panic meltdowns as no paint to get on me

I was to be very careful, although by accident my missy to splatter water

from her brush to me I to be to get some frozen moments of fear thinking it

was paint but quickly wiped it off and was able to move on. In past that

would be enough to cause me to not go back to it. Anyways even though I to

be with HFA and my girls to be mild to moderate AS we are so much different

from each other. Some characteristics are similar but for most part are so

much different.

This year another gain for me has been to create a project of creating my

own endowment for people in my areas with HFA or aspergers. I to be to self

published a book of my poems and articles I to write and was able to raise

900.00 to begin this endowment and will also be to give another 900.00 to

the autism society of Ohio. I to made close to 2700.00 total minus the cost

to make them. This project has been quite fun and successful for me and has

increased my ability to feel confident in self by using my ability to my

advantage. I to had much support in this project from family and friends


I to also this last year made much progress in therapy, I to be to find

words and able to connect those words to deeply locked pains and abuse

issues from past of my own childhood. I to be feeled heard , validated and

freed from so much. I to also discovered my faith and have established a

strong dedication to my faith through the love my therapist has provided in

therapy to me as a person with value. I to be to feel much blessed in the

progress made last year in my life.

I to be married for 16 years and my husband to be much supportive to me but

is quiet by nature and is often stressed by hims job of being a corrections

officer. He to work many hours and so is much tired. HIms drive to work is

much over an hour each way so he to be not home as much as I to liked for

him to be but the money to be so much good so he to be to stay there to

work. He to be to have a daughter from first marriage who to be grown and we

to have one granddaughter who will be two in April. Our marriage is strong

for most part but like all marriages has its issues.

I to be with HFA, CAPD, SID, OCD, possible crones or IBS still under testing

as have frequent issues with bowels,PTSD, SLD( speech and language disorder

stuggle with syntax, pragmatics, grammar), Anxiety and depression, am dairy

free so far and have tightly bound mercury in my organs. I to also have high

level of Iron and selenium in my system , severe issues with gut yeast. I to

be just exploring biomedical things for self this year so I to hope this

year will be a good change for me medically.

This year my goal is to be to want to have my own autobiography published

and to be to get to travel in guest speaking events more than locally. For

my children I to be to pursuing more evaluations and deeper testing of missy

to understand her areas of struggle better. Missy had much birth

complications and is our miracle baby and is such a strong fighter which

fits to her name the (honey bee, hard worker) I to see her struggle so much

hard to blend and fit in with peers she is trying so much hard and daily is

discouraged in her self for the lack of ability to understand the world

around her and others who to see her assume she knows and understands thus

they without knowing set her up for failure. She to have severe encopresis,

hypoglycemic tendencies, and is very impulsive. I to plan to focus much on

her this year.

In past it was my youngest son Mikey who I to be to focused on for many

years due to hims sudden without warning aggressions and self abuse issues.

He to always seem to be in crisis. He is more calm now and seems much happy

in hims new setting at school. He is academically capable of higher levels

but hims maturity keeps him from being consistent. He to discovered humor

about a year or so ago and is stuck there and so we are working on teaching

him when hims humor is acceptable and not. He to be in the fifth grade.

My oldest son with mild AS is having much issues in the areas of hygiene

driving us all crazy on this one. He is my quiet child so he was not ever

known to be AS to others for this too quiet nature of him yet at home he to

fixate so much on computer and number of things and car makes and models,

jets and space and architecture. He to have many meltdowns over getting too

stuck on a thinking and not able to leave it if requested too, such as if on

the computer. He to be 13 and just dx a few months ago.

My oldest is mild too but most challenging in many ways. She is bossy and

comes off rude and offensive in the way in which she shares her thinking and

it causes great misunderstandings to all who come into contact with her. She

is known to be with AS as her father and I to see it clearly in her but she

to refuse to get dx and or be to have any treatments or medications to help

her. She to be quite stubborn in many areas. She is more typical than AS but

struggles in the areas of language in the interpretations of things around

her. She is literal and naive, her father to say too gullible and for this

worry much as she to have much teen friends and wants to have freedoms of

social things with them which we allow but it is a challenge as often she is

unable to give clear information of what she will be doing, where , with who

and when she will return, typical teen things but is to the more severe

degree and comes off very scattered brained in this areas and for this we

worry of her to fall into dangers and not be to know or read the things of

it until it is too late. She excels in ballet, drama, music. For Christmas

we to get her a track phone which she to have to earn the minutes but it to

give her father and I more safe in knowing we can now reach her and to ask

the questions to things that might be left vague or if she to be to need us

to come to get her if things to be not good in choices of friends. This is

one way we to sort of adapted the environment for her to have some freedoms

as typical teens yet unknowing to her, support her weakness areas. We to

always have to find ways to do this to help her without her being aware of

it. If she to become aware she will be to rebel and get much angry to us.

Lastly I to have two very special members to my family. I to have my two

dogs Libby and Sadie. Libby is my loyal protector and will assume her

position every time I to move in the house. She to follow me and will sit

watching and waiting until I to move again. She to not be trained to do this

but just does it. I to think she to sense my needs and such. Sadie is a

mixed breed and we to all call our pain in the rear dog but she is part of

our family and is loved for her odd looks and the way she is in life much

different and odd.

Well this to be my family and am happy to find hits list. I to hope everyone

to have a much good year too.


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what do you to mean you to enjoyed your time in OZ? Is there to be

such a place as the wizard of OZ. A place called OZ sounds funny to me.

I to be also to share have many friends from Australia. I to be to know my

friend Donna from the uK is moved back to Australia.

So you to have two little girls with hfa. I to know they to say it is much

more rare to have the girls but in true I to think it is less recognized but

probable equal to the ratio of boys but less seen and understood in the

girls who appear higher functioning such as the AS girls to get a solid dx

unless much so severe.


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sorry for the confusion. " Oz " is a nickname for Australia, like UK for United

Kingdom or US for United States.

We don't know if our girls will eventually be diagnosed with aspbergers or

HFA. Right now they're both considered HFA.

It is interesting to read and hear about how ASD differs in boys and girls.

My older daughter is such a girly girl, and likes to play with dolls and dress

up clothes and stuff. My youngest is just now getting some appropriate play

skills so we'll see.

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003 10:53:40 -0800 Sondra <hfa2@...>


> what do you to mean you to enjoyed

> your time in OZ? Is there to be

> such a place as the wizard of OZ. A place

> called OZ sounds funny to me.


> I to be also to share have many friends from

> Australia. I to be to know my

> friend Donna from the uK is moved back

> to Australia.


> So you to have two little girls with hfa. I to

> know they to say it is much

> more rare to have the girls but in true I to

> think it is less recognized but

> probable equal to the ratio of boys but less

> seen and understood in the

> girls who appear higher functioning such as the

> AS girls to get a solid dx

> unless much so severe.


> Sondra






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Hi Sondra and all.

Happy New Year. I've been mostly a lurker and sometimes contributer to this

list. I have three beautiful daughters ; (autistic) 9, Devin 7, and

Lily 3.

Your postings have been overwhelming and wonderful. Thank you. And to

everyone else, Happy New Year and looking foward to a year of discoveries and

wishes met.


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My name is Lyn, I have a 9 year old daughter with HFA, a " typical " ?

3 year old daughter, and a 3 month old son. Siarra is the oldest and

was dx'ed at age 4. She has made great progess since then and the

main issues we struggle with are behavior related. She is on Zoloft

and will be starting Adderall when school starts back. We live in



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Hi Kassianne,

I've been meaning to write to you since I saw your post. You sound like a

younger version of me (though I don't have the nonverbal learning


I'm the mother of two girls on the spectrum - (6) is severely

autistic, nonverbal, but can type and read... and (8)who is HFA and

who also had hyperlexia. After finding out about the children it became more

and more apparent that I was AS so you have (38), AS,don't know about

my IQ (but its on the good side of reasonable). I could read before I went

to school (Shetland, Scotland, UK). I'm also very keen on Harry Potter, was

totally taken by Lord of the Rings when I first read it (though that is a

few years ago - it was the bit where the Ents joined in, I was totally

overwhelmed) and I am so taken with learning about autism I am doing a

postgraduate diploma in Autism - I'm nearly finished that and am intending

to go on to do a Masters (followed by a PhD if I can). But the bit that

struck me most was I'm a trampolinist too. I haven't done much trampolining

since i had because I just don't have the time but I used to coach

other people for 4-6hours/week. I am qualified to coach up to twisting

doubles and am now more interested in coaching special needs children.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you

Re: question

> Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from


> Sondra

I'm Kassiane, I havent a daughter, I am on the spectrum (they cant

decide between AS, HFA< and PDD-things are complicated because I have a

very high IQ, a rather severe nonverbal learning disability, and am VERY

hyperlexic). I am 20 years old, and very into Lord of the Rings, Harry

Potter, tumbling and trampoline, and learning about autism.



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I'm Rhonda, mom to 26 month Olivia (PDD) and 7 yr old Madison (NT).

We've begun probiotics to heal Livia's leaky gut and next we're on to

enzymes. I believe some cases of autism are more biological than

neurological so that's the route we're pursuing right now. There's so

much info out there, it's hard to know where to start. Besides the

probiotics we also are in an EIP 2 hours a week and will hopefully be

starting Jumpstart in February. Wondering if you've ever tried DMSA or

ALA or such to remove the mercury from your system?

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Yes time will be to tell on the actual dx and it will be more clear by age 6

of which is true to them. I to be to have the HFA due to language issues and

delay. My IQ is of low normal but in true I to be probably more higher just

am clueless to the things they to be to want to know of me?

So testing to comed out low normal. which is often not reflective of AS



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Michele thanks to clarify this to me was quite confused in this term. I

tonot be to know autistraila was to have initials of the OZ. So I to learned

something new.


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Donelle I to be to be to feel there are many variations in the way people

are dx on the spectrum and it to be to depend as some to say HFA and AS are

one in the same I to disagree, I to think they are quite different from each

other in several ways but the best way to describe hfa is that it is about a

50% kanners version with another 30% being Aspergers and then often the

other 20% falls into maybe OCD, ADHD and such other traits as these. Add

these all up and to be to feel you to have a better picture of the HFA

child. Yet in true the percentages can vary in each child depending on their

abilities and or challenges.

For me if I to be to had to give a recipe for my combinations I to say I to

be much of 60% kanners, 30% aspergers, 10% would be other issues either

related or not related to autism. I to be quite noticeable to the untrained

eye to be different and much to know this in me, but am to be smart in

intellectual areas of my interests.


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Hi Sondra! I have three children- (3 years old, typical), is (32

months, dx encephalopathy with evidence of PDD & receptive/expressive language

disorder), & Braden (9 months, typical so far) Pati

Re: question

Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from Australia.


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Dear Sondra,

My daughter, Kaitlyn, will be 14 in March. We live in Pennsylvania.

Welcome to the list.

Re: question

> Since I to be new here can some to introduce self and the age of their

> daughter, or where they to be from? I to know some to be from Australia.

> Sondra






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