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I've done well with low-top Converse shoes. I wear size 6 1/2. Prolly a

little bigger than I'd wear if I walked, but I too have fat feet. They

swell because they hang down all day. I didn't wear shoes until 3 1/2

years ago because my feet were soooo swollen. One a low-swelling day I was

shopping with a friend/former PA. On a whim I tried the Converses. I

placed a piece of paper in the sole so the surface would be slippery and

not stress my foot. Wear shoes has been great for my feet since. They

keep them from swelling.


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I noticed that everyone is talking about swollen feet. Jordan (type II,

14 yrs) has always had swollen feet too. However, he just recently got

a new wheelchair seating system with electronic leg raising system that

has enabled him to raise his feet periodically during the day. We've

found his feet to still have swelling, but much less dramatic than in

the past. The best part is that there was medical justification because

that swelling is not a real good thing.

In surance covered it.

Just an FYI.


Re: re: shoes

I've done well with low-top Converse shoes. I wear size 6 1/2. Prolly


little bigger than I'd wear if I walked, but I too have fat feet. They

swell because they hang down all day. I didn't wear shoes until 3 1/2

years ago because my feet were soooo swollen. One a low-swelling day I


shopping with a friend/former PA. On a whim I tried the Converses. I

placed a piece of paper in the sole so the surface would be slippery and

not stress my foot. Wear shoes has been great for my feet since. They

keep them from swelling.



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List manager: (Sexy Mature Artist) Email: Esma1999@...

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I have to wear shoes cuz my feet seem to be ultra-sensitive. My feet are short

and wide, so I usually buy a couple sizes to big. I mostly wear Doc

knock-offs, Sketchers, or sneakers. I have to occasionally switch the types of

shoes I wear so my feet don't get sore on the arches, toes or heels.

Personally, I love combat boots because they're cool and they cover up my ugly

puffy ankles, but it can be hard to get them on at times without bending toes

and such all out of whack. Plus if they are tied too tight, they hurt my

calves. I'd like to find boots with a zippered back. My feet used to swell a

lot more before I started wearing compression stockings. I know it sounds very

" old lady " , but I get them in fashionable opaque black so they aren't so bad.

They also help my legs look thinner. Can't beat illusionary instant weight



Jenn Malatesta


My web page: http://www.isoc.net/brokeninside/nekrosys/


Philo of andria:

" Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. "

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In a message dated 1/2/2004 12:31:27 PM Central Standard Time,

melbert60@... writes:

I have the same problem as the rest of you, short, fat

feet. Must be an SMA thing ;)

No! Mine are long and slender. =) A lil crooked, but long and slender



Mother to Caitlyn Mae - born to heaven 3/26/98

Olivia Isabelle - born to earth 9/18/03

Wife to Will 11/03/95


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MDA may buy, at least a portion of, AFO's for you if they haven't already

helped you buy a w/chair in the last five years. Here in Houston, MDA will

contribute to AFO's or a w/chair every five years.


Re: re: shoes

I too suffer from swollen feet, mine is due to excess fluid. I'm on a fluid

intake restriction. Bummer. I also have the elevating leg rests. They


some but not totally for me. I don't wear shoes, I always had problems

getting the right fit. I could never wear anything with heels. I'm short


and even fitting leg rests are a problem. My right foot likes to turn out.


MDA dr prescribed AFO'S but Medicare will not pay for them if you use a

wheelchair 24 hrs. My therapist ordered night splints which I use during

the day.

I Don't use them at night because they constrict movements of my legs.

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I don't use my chair extras (tilt and raising feet) as much as I should.

The times I need it most is during long work days but then I don't have time

to kick back and take care of my feet.

Re: re: shoes

I've done well with low-top Converse shoes. I wear size 6 1/2. Prolly


little bigger than I'd wear if I walked, but I too have fat feet. They

swell because they hang down all day. I didn't wear shoes until 3 1/2

years ago because my feet were soooo swollen. One a low-swelling day I


shopping with a friend/former PA. On a whim I tried the Converses. I

placed a piece of paper in the sole so the surface would be slippery and

not stress my foot. Wear shoes has been great for my feet since. They

keep them from swelling.



* The list members come from many backgrounds, ages and beliefs So all

members most be tolerant and respectful to all members.

* Some adult language and topics (like sexual health, swearing..) may

occur occasionally in emails. Over use of inappropriate language will

not be allowed. If your under 16 ask your parents/gaurdian before you

join the list.

* No SPAMMING or sending numerous emails unrelated to the topics of

spinal muscular atrophy, health, and the daily issues of the disabled.

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List manager: (Sexy Mature Artist) Email: Esma1999@...


List manager: (Sexy Mature Artist) Email: Esma1999@...

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In a message dated 1/3/2004 9:39:48 PM Central Standard Time,

heaven20seven@... writes:

i go w/out shoes. its not like im gonna step on somethin

do you ever have a problem with getting service? no shirt no shoes no

service? I might have a problem if i worked at a store and someone came in

wearing no

shoes. i'd ask them to leave.

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I wrote before I don't wear shoes just my splints. Before I got them I

stopped wearing shoes. While growing up I used to wear the brown or black high

boot orthopedic shoes. ( GAG ).I remember growing into teen years and the shoe

guy from the orthopedic shoe store tried to pick a pair suitable for my age.

They were black and white ( worse gag ).

After I stopped wearing them I once was approached by Mcdonalds manager about

no shoes and I told her i'd be glad to wear a pair if she would buy a pair

that fit and I liked. I got no response and she never bothered me again. What

ticked me also was friends with me wore sandals and I had socks on. Just

didn't make any sense to me.

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Idont make my son wear shoes as they are heavy and hurt his feet. Why

would some one ask us to leave for him wearing no shoes when he is in a

wheelchair and isn't going to be touching anything with his feet. I was

a manager at a fast food place and people came inside with wheelchairs

and no shoes but I didn't make them leave, their chair is their shoes in

my opinion


Re: re: shoes

In a message dated 1/3/2004 9:39:48 PM Central Standard Time,

heaven20seven@... writes:

i go w/out shoes. its not like im gonna step on somethin

do you ever have a problem with getting service? no shirt no shoes no

service? I might have a problem if i worked at a store and someone came

in wearing no

shoes. i'd ask them to leave.

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I agree. Sometimes I'll leave the apartment without shoes (usually

only if I'm going out for an hour or two or I'm too tired to put shoes

on my feet cause sometimes it's just a pain in the butt getting them

on and more trouble trying to move). Quite a few times I've gone

downstairs to get my mail, it's inside, and the building manager has

said something about me not wearing shoes in a nasty tone. I always

reply, " what's the point in ME wearing shoes? my tires are getting

filthy on your floor, not my socks. " That usually makes her huff and

go back into her office. In stores, restaurants and other places, I've

never had anyone make any comment to me. If they do, I would probably

reply in a similar, yet nicer, manner. Often times people in

wheelchairs CANT wear shoes. The no shirt, no shoes, no service, imo,

does NOT apply to wheelchair users without shoes. Those rules are for

comfort and safety anyways. We aren't stepping on anything that we're

going to sue them over!


> Idont make my son wear shoes as they are heavy and hurt his feet. Why

> would some one ask us to leave for him wearing no shoes when he is in a

> wheelchair and isn't going to be touching anything with his feet. I was

> a manager at a fast food place and people came inside with wheelchairs

> and no shoes but I didn't make them leave, their chair is their shoes in

> my opinion


> Kenya


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My two cents. The reason why I wear shoes is that they make me LOOK more normal.

If I wear a blanket around my legs and my feet (which would actually be quite

comfortable) I look like a resident of an old people's home. If I wear trousers

and shoes, I look like I could get out of my chair and stand up any minute -

which I can't, of course. But it's the looks that count. :)



Re: re: shoes

In a message dated 1/3/2004 9:39:48 PM Central Standard Time,

heaven20seven@... writes:

i go w/out shoes. its not like im gonna step on somethin

do you ever have a problem with getting service? no shirt no shoes no

service? I might have a problem if i worked at a store and someone came

in wearing no

shoes. i'd ask them to leave.

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  • 1 year later...


seemed to outgrow this around 7 or so, before that I was lucky to even get shoes ON him. One time we got him to wear "fancy" shoes was in a wedding at age 4. I don't know how with all his sensory issues but he went the ENTIRE day and night with the tux cuff links in his SHOE!! He never said a word to anyone! When he fell asleep that night (in his clothes) we took off his shoes and there they were in the toe! I could NOT believe he had not said a thing!

......as for the haircuts....that took about the same amount of time maybe a little less. I think he was about 6 when we could get his hair cut without restraining him, but even now at 11 he complains BEFORE AND DURING the ENTIRE thing that it hurts, it itches, over and over and over and then for the entire night after!

I wish you the best of luck!



does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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Hi Donna,


> does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as

> food!

> It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and

> it

> takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown

> others.


> P.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.


Yes, been there done that! And know of others too. He hates going to the

shop for shoes and always has and will say " They're fine " about the first

pair he tries on even when they're blatantly not fine. Now he's big and his

feet have stopped growing and I don't suppose he will have new ones till the

old ones have completely fallen apart.

Always had issues with hair cuts. It got easier when we had the hairdresser

come to the house and he had the razor cut all over (no4 grade). Now he

doesn't have to have it short for school and hasn't had so much as a trim

for 2 years.

He hated the feel of water on his head too, so hair washing was a

nightmare - the only person I know who can have a shower without getting his

hair wet! However I did put my foot down when he started growing his hair

that he must wash it at least every couple of days and he has been good

about that.

in England

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does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as


It is so

hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it

takes us a

week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown


Any other ideas???


P.S. we

still havent been able to cut his hair.


goes barefoot in the house, wears only a certain type of sandals outside all

summer. He has to try them first. I buy more than one pair when we find

something that works. He hates sneakers but did find a style in New Balance

that he likes. All brown and expensive! He likes a good quality work boot also

expensive. He really has to try them on and feel the inside and like the look

or forget it. Also, his foot is wide. Maybe your son will get to where he will

pick something out himself, at least will do this…..Gail

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lol, shoes...yes, we have that problem, too. Ds doesn't like to wear them

unless he has to, and in fact, they are always the first clue that he's

getting overwhelmed/overstimulated -- he starts to take his shoes off.

It's made worse by the fact that the pediatrician found he had flat feet a

year or two ago. He referred us to an orthopedist and he has to wear

inserts -- then the podiatrist decided that he has knee and hip rotation,

unbeknownst to us, and the inserts may or may not work anyway, so we

sometimes take out the inserts to see if there's any difference since we

figured it could just be his feet...yet he still takes the shoes off all the


Buying new shoes...sometimes he'll cooperate, sometimes he doesn't. He's not

big into shopping anyway, so that's half the batttle. I took him to Target

again yesterday (with 4 kids, I have to go often, lol) and I bought him some

cookies in the snack bar -- bought me a good 30 minutes! :)

As far as a haircut, we didn't even attempt the first one until he was,

hmmm, close to 3, I think? His hair isn't thick and wild, so we could get

away with it though we did hear some 'get that kid's hair cut already'

comments. The first time -- he threw up, kicked, cried, screamed...it was

AWFUL. And he was on my lap the entire time. It's gotten progressively

better. Now, probably 7-8 haircuts later, approx., he will sit alone (as of

the last one) and he's quiet, and the stylist knows to give him the lollipop

before instead of later, so he eats it during the cut, and he knows he'll

get a balloon after. If she takes too long, he starts to shutdown, and he

hates the clippers around his ears but he'll get better on that, too.




> does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as

> food!

> It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and

> it

> takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown

> others.


> I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the " Cant

> Eat,

> Wont Eat " book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not

> trying

> to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the

> hopes

> that he will get used to them & let us put them on.


> Any other ideas???


> Donna


> P.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.


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I can't get Cameron to take his shoes OFF!


-- shoes

does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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He's so cute!!


does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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Cute picture! I say, let him keep them on, what's the harm? But I know it can be frustrating when our kids don't do what we want them to. Maybe he thinks he will loose them or something.

I would suggest talking to him about it, and letting him explain why he likes them on so much, and won't take them off, and probably once he knows you "get it" he will take them off.



Carolyn in Oregon


does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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Thanks! I let him keep them on. If that is what makes him comfortable, what does it hurt? All I have to worry about is when he outgrows them, getting him into a new pair. So far, he's been pretty good about it when it's time to get new ones.


-- Re: shoes

Cute picture! I say, let him keep them on, what's the harm? But I know it can be frustrating when our kids don't do what we want them to. Maybe he thinks he will loose them or something.

I would suggest talking to him about it, and letting him explain why he likes them on so much, and won't take them off, and probably once he knows you "get it" he will take them off.



Carolyn in Oregon


does anyone else have these issues with shoes?! It is almost as bad as food! It is so hard to introduce new shoes for DS. He WILL NOT try them on, and it takes us a week to coax him to change to new shoes when he has outgrown others.I have taken to the tactic that they speak to (about food) in the "Cant Eat, Wont Eat" book and exposing him to the shoes for a week or so, but not trying to put them on, just letting them be in his room in plain view, in the hopes that he will get used to them & let us put them on.Any other ideas???DonnaP.S. we still havent been able to cut his hair.

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