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In response to the " shoes on or off " question... leaves his on at

school only because the are double-knotted high tops and he can't get them

off. As soon as he comes home, they are off, mostly because I hate shoes

too! ;) Before we had the high tops, he used to kick them off at school

regularly. They made a career out of putting them back on him. Finally, we

decided that, as long as he was inside the classroom, they would leave them

off when he took them off. The idea was that he would have some control over

something in his life. Practically speaking, he is in a small (6 - 7 kids)

County class in a rural area and it wasn't as big of a deal as it might be in

a more urban/suburban area.


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nathan obsseses with his shoes when they are on, the best ones we found are

elastic topped sort of, no shoe strings or velcro to wear out in a coulpe

weeks, very nice and found them at walmart wow!!! he still often plays with

his shoes having to have them removed at school to get work done, but thats

fine with me and doesnt bother him, cant learn unless your comfy.

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  • 3 months later...

In a message dated 1/19/01 10:20:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lali@... writes:

<< Lori

mom to (11 home with mono for 2 weeks) Shayne 9 and Tommy 6 ds,autism



Sorry about . Hope she is feeling better soon and that you can survive

the next two weeks.


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We did that COACH thing last year i thinkit was very helpful with nathan's

IEP and where we want nathan's life to go etc. good luck! shawna.

>From: " Lori Ali " <lali@...>



>Subject: shoes

>Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 21:38:07 -0500


>I can't believe they are making such a issue of the kids taking off there

>shoes. Tommy takes his shoes and socks off almost everyday on the bus, the

>only issue we ever had was he threw it and it hit the back of the bus

>drivers head. In school they just keep putting them back on, with all the

>other issues our kids have , they should not be making such a big deal.


>Tommy has been very agitated lately and the school has called me 3 times

>this week about his behavior. It is always during circle or task time. I

>can't figure out if something is hurting him, or he acts out to get out of

>doing something he doesn't find fun. It is now taking 3 of them to change

>his diaper cause he is fighting them. but he is fine for us at home. I am

>going in Monday for a COACH meeting, has anyone done this? I am hoping

>after the endoscopy and colonscopy on Tues we will have more answer with

>his gi problems.


> so sorry to hear you where in an accident, I hope you are ok.

>, my prayers are going out to your community in such a horrible




>mom to (11 home with mono for 2 weeks) Shayne 9 and Tommy 6





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Thanks, I'm doing okay, I'm just taking it one day at a time to recouperate

from it. It will take a month or 2 months from getting the accident off my


Yeah, I can't believe that the school etc. is making a big issue of the

school rules, and what the children should wear, etc. Yea the bus driver

would say that the kids were misbehaving on the buss, and screming and

yelling. I don't think that some of the bus driver's have experienced kids

with autism riding the school bus. Some of them would say that this kid had

a wet dipper, and so on- and I think they should have some bus driver's have

have had some experience, and patience with special kids, such as kids with





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  • 8 months later...

What is with this shoe thing? My daughter has it too. The shoes, socks come

off as soon as we are in the house. All summer they would come off in the

car, on the playground in the wagon, in a store. She started a new school

this year and for some reason hasn't taken them off in school. No problem

there. Just dancing on the cafetaria table. A fourth grader snitched and

apparently enjoying herself at lunch. Don't know if it will last. Maybe

because it is colder? I have no clue. I do give her something in her hands go

play with while in the car so she won't take shoes or play with glasses. But

if its hot I don't even put the shoes on. Her little feet get so hot. Forget

sandels. They fly off.

I've found this topic pretty interesting. I know the frustration, we got

velcro sneakers. She did have more trouble getting off boots but they don't

like those for PE.

Diane (mom to Rochelle 5ds and Danny 7)

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In a message dated 10/12/01 11:45:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jmedlen@... writes:

> Another theory of mine is that he gets bored. He's not engaged. So he takes

> them off just like he woulld when he's just 'hanging' at home.


Yea, Maddie definitely takes her off so she can dangle them. She'll also

walk around ALL day long with one shoe and sock on, and one shoe and sock

off. They actually noted this once in her multidisciplinary evalution at

KenCrest. I asked them why they noted it and what it meant. She had no



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YOu know, this is the first year we're doing better with shoes than any

other. I had a very long talk with Pat Winders (PT with a specialty in DS).

She thought perhaps I should look for shoes that are the lighest in weight

and the most flexible soles along with an arch support.

Well, I went looking!

While he still takes them off, it's not as fast and furious as it once was.

We wound up buying the reebok really basic shoe in black. It bends super

easy, is featherweight, and has an arch support.

For Andy, I think he doesn't like the weight of them on his feet. He has a

hard enough time doing stuff and if the shoes feel " clunky " then he's going

to have an even harder time.

That's a guess.

But this year he'll ptu them on when asked without a fight and he keeps

them on when engaged at school with no trouble at all.

Another theory of mine is that he gets bored. He's not engaged. So he takes

them off just like he woulld when he's just 'hanging' at home.


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You wanna talk about shoes! My supposedly " normal " baby (I hate that word, but

anyway) who is two was born in Hawaii, and we've only been here six

months......he HATES shoes. Now , I just received a pair of suede shoes

that I got off of Ebay for him, and he wanted to put them on immediately!

Didn't even wait for me to go get socks.....

But I think the bigger problem, like a lot of others have said, is the power

struggle. I would not want anyone forcing my child to do anything. I don't

even like the " safe " take down holds. But, with all that has been

through, that's why I'm so glad that God has given me the temperament (and

patience almost as big as Job's) to homeschool. (I'm not saying I'm perfect, I

do lose my temper, but jeez, it's my kid, I'm never away from him. These

teachers can step out of the room, and they get to send the kids home.)


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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Hi Everyone,

I can't resist joining this discussion about shoes. My (age

14) has always hated wearing shoes & socks. Over the years at school they

treated taking her shoes off as inappropriate behaviour. She was given time

outs, etc. They taped her shoes (with my knowledge & consent), I always

tried to buy high topped shoes & we tied the laces as tightly as possible.

Somehow she always got them off. The school maintained that it was a safety

issue (fire drills, etc.) & also in a completely integrated setting, it was

only fair & appropriate that be expected to conform with what

everyone else did - wear shoes! Recently I have discovered the world of

Sensory Integration & have explained to the school personnel that I feel it

is a sensory issue with Steph & not " inappropriate behaviour " . I have

suggested that they give her " breaks " where she is allowed to have her shoes

off. I've asked them to brush or massage her feet (apply cream) & this has

helped greatly. I have a practical problem, though. Every day when she

arrives home from school (by taxi) she has her shoes & socks off & she has a

sock in her mouth which she has been chewing on for 10 min (of course it's

soaking wet!). She seems to make it to school in the a.m. without doing

this (occasionally she will). I have asked the aide if she could

incorporate a feet-rubbing time just before home time & also to give her a

little " pep talk " about keeping them on during the ride home. The aide says

she's doing this. Also, we give her a chewy toy ( teething toy or similar),

but she prefers the sock! Any ideas on how we could break this pattern???

, Please remember that Advil & any other over the counter meds are

still meds. It sounds like you're feeling better. I'm glad that you will

be getting some counselling. We're all praying for you even though we don't

all post that often. Talk to us any time you need to. We 're all here for

each other.

Gail (Smiling) - What do you mean, you're not intelligent? I have learned so

much from you. You are a wonderful Mom & advocate for Seth. I am very

saddened to hear about the things going on in your district. Speak up if

you can ( we all need to pick our battles). We all put so much trust &

faith in our school personnel. It's very scary to think of how easily they

can abuse that trust.

I don't know about all of you, but my heart is still very heavy since Sept.

11. It's tough to keep a positive attitude about things. By the way, my 85

yr. old Dad is recovering beautifully from his broken hip. I'm very


Irma, Donna, Leah, Joan & Everyone

Your posts are so uplifting & helpful.. Thanks for being here. I

don't know how I coped before I found you all.

Love & Prayers to All,

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Yeah, I know that all types of pills, etc. is

medication. Well I guess I'm doing a little bit

better, even though I have tons of schoolwork to do

this weekend before I have fun. Yeah, I start

councling on Monday, hopefully it'll be helpful.

Thanks y'all for praying for me. Thanks so much.

> , Please remember that Advil & any other

> over the counter meds are

> still meds. It sounds like you're feeling better.

> I'm glad that you will

> be getting some counselling. We're all praying for

> you even though we don't

> all post that often. Talk to us any time you need

> to. We 're all here for

> each other.


> Love & Prayers to All,



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Say , could just have an extra clean sock for the ride

home? I know it's still not what you would hope for but at least it would

be designated for her mouth and not have been on her foot already. Or will

she eat chewy candy such as gummy bears? ( Ben won't chew on anything

but his fingers, which can be bad enough, so I know it can seem futile to

have someone suggest chewing on licorice sticks or gummy bears. PB tends

to spit these out. He was ok with gum- once.)

Mry Beth Mum to Ben age 11

(, great news about your Dad! )

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>> I don't know about all of you, but my heart is still very heavy

since Sept. 11. It's tough to keep a positive attitude about

things. By the way, my 85 yr. old Dad is recovering beautifully from

his broken hip. I'm very thankful.

Yes, same here on that day it has really turned our world upside

down . It will be a very long grieving stage for all of us . We must

always stay United & strong . Prayers for our childrens future and

the safety of our world against evil .

, Thank God !!! That your father is recovering well , this is

definintley good news .

> Irma, Donna, Leah, Joan & Everyone

> Your posts are so uplifting & helpful.. Thanks for being

here. I don't know how I coped before I found you all.


> Love & Prayers to All,


Your welcome and likewise . I feel the same when you share and post ,

too . We've really all bonded so well , even if its through cyber-

support . We've come along way dealing with our kids challenges and

for someone to understand where we're coming from . It reminds me of

the misfit toys from a Christmas show , when nobody wanted to listen

to us. : ) Our prayers or wishes have been answered when we've joined

this e-group . Take care.

Irma, 13,DS,ASD.

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In a message dated 10/12/01 8:45:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

jmedlen@... writes:

<< YOu know, this is the first year we're doing better with shoes than any

other. I had a very long talk with Pat Winders (PT with a specialty in DS).

She thought perhaps I should look for shoes that are the lighest in weight

and the most flexible soles along with an arch support.

Well, I went looking! >>

I used Converse high tops for Seth for a long time. I can't find them in his

size now, but they have them in larger sizes. Light weight, over the ankle

type. I think his feet could *breathe* better in those. They didn't get as

hot and sweaty as with these leather Nike ones.

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 10/12/01 10:26:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

duffey48@... writes:

<< Yea, Maddie definitely takes her off so she can dangle them. She'll


walk around ALL day long with one shoe and sock on, and one shoe and sock

off. They actually noted this once in her multidisciplinary evalution at

KenCrest. I asked them why they noted it and what it meant. She had no


Donna >>

LOL Donna! Let me know if you find out because that is EXACTLY what Seth

does too. LOL Deedle Deedle Dumplin we call him. LOL

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 10/12/01 5:39:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

burnett@... writes:

<< Also, we give her a chewy toy ( teething toy or similar),

but she prefers the sock! Any ideas on how we could break this pattern???


Careful ,

LOL We broke Seth of chewing his sock. LOL Wet spitty thing he would spin

around and all the spit would go flying. I always had a clean sock tied to

my pocketbook for when one got too wet. LOL BUT, that is when he became

obsessed with shoes. Seems to me, if they are fulfilling a need, they will

just replace one thing with another. The next thing she becomes attached to

could be worse than the sock. LOL Well, I was glad to get rid of the sock

in exchange for the shoe. LOL Nothing worse than spinning a spitty sock

around! LOL

Gail :-)

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In a message dated 10/12/01 9:40:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, paul.3@...


<< Ben won't chew on anything

but his fingers, which can be bad enough, so I know it can seem futile to

have someone suggest chewing on licorice sticks or gummy bears. PB tends

to spit these out. He was ok with gum- once.) >>

LOL Beth! ONCE???????? LOL

Gail :-)

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


I get Brook wide shoes, he wears orthotics in his shoes, and I always get

velcro. I have had no problem finding them at Stride Rite and department

stores, like Macy's and Nordstom's. They will also order the size for me if

they don't have it in stock. You could probably order them online if you know

his size.


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I used to wear orthotics a long time ago when I was a

little girl. Stride Rite is a good shoe company.


--- poggim@... wrote:

> a,

> I get Brook wide shoes, he wears orthotics in

> his shoes, and I always get

> velcro. I have had no problem finding them at Stride

> Rite and department

> stores, like Macy's and Nordstom's. They will also

> order the size for me if

> they don't have it in stock. You could probably

> order them online if you know

> his size.

> Marisa




" It means people on crutches and in a wheelchair can do anything. "

--Hannah McFadden, age 4


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thnks will think about it, nathan cant reall have velcro, he wears it out in a

few weeks obsessing with it over and over and over and over, lol shawna.

Re: shoes


I get Brook wide shoes, he wears orthotics in his shoes, and I always get

velcro. I have had no problem finding them at Stride Rite and department

stores, like Macy's and Nordstom's. They will also order the size for me if

they don't have it in stock. You could probably order them online if you know

his size.


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  • 1 year later...

Your shoes sound great. I love strappy heels, they're so nice looking. I

might actually go to DH's Christmas party this year. BFL has me feeling

much more confident about myself.

85 pounds lost is amazing! What an accomplisment.


----- Original Message -----

Just picked up my new inspiration at a Nordie's shoe sale: a pair of

2.5 " -healed black strappy shoes that I will be wearing to my hubby's

company's Christmas party and to Carmina Burana on New Year's Eve.

Oh, and if the scale is to be believed this morning, I'm down a grand total

of 85 lbs.

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  • 3 months later...

I hATE the fact that no shoes fit my damn feet. Does anyone know a good

shoe? I was scrunched on the city bus lift my feet are both now in

plastic " protective " boot like. I never can wear shoe that fits my

chubby limp feet. again

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my foot are also little bit thicker than normal feet is. anyway i don`t

have many problems with shoes. my favourite shoes are martens and converse.

i also like sport shoes from nike or reebok. i have two or three pairs of

more stylish shoes. sometimes i have to use plastic bag to put my right feet

in shoe, cause my big toe is going under foot.



GG: 902963

ICQ: 27512127

ID: lilcia2001

-- Re: Christmas & New years

My gifts: a leopard bean bag chair, lil tv, dvd player from my bro, shirt

from my sis, make up box, discman, candy, sarah mclachlan cd, $50

im sick, so on new years i did nada. speaking of new years , football

anyone? haaaa...er


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I too suffer from swollen feet, mine is due to excess fluid. I'm on a fluid

intake restriction. Bummer. I also have the elevating leg rests. They help

some but not totally for me. I don't wear shoes, I always had problems

getting the right fit. I could never wear anything with heels. I'm short


and even fitting leg rests are a problem. My right foot likes to turn out. My

MDA dr prescribed AFO'S but Medicare will not pay for them if you use a

wheelchair 24 hrs. My therapist ordered night splints which I use during the


I Don't use them at night because they constrict movements of my legs.

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