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>>> " Haylee's teacher will say things to the kids like " if

you can't be still, you can stay in from recess to practice being still " .<<<

This irks me...Why can't teachers think outside the manual??? Why do they always

assume behavior is " mis " behavior???

ARGH! Penny-------------------------------------------------------- " Just remember this: Plenty of Horsepower, No Traction " - R. S. on

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry Thoreau

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome back Huda,

How was the time away? Was Amir with you? Last time you posted

that he is doing so much better.

take care, wendy, in canada


Hi everbody on the list, I'm back from vacation, I had extended

it few days. I missed you all, hope this year will carry all the good

for everybody, we can see all our chirdren in good conditions. So

I'll start meet everyone of you through your e-mails on this list.

Hugs for all



Web-hosting solutions for home and business! http://website.yahoo.ca

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Hi Huda,

I have reset your subscription. I read your earlier post, but did

not realize that your subscription needed to be reset because you did

not ask me to do so.

Take care.




> Hi ,

> I'm back from my vacation. I want to say Hi also to everybody on

this list,

> I missed you all. So please put me back on this list so that I'll

> recmunicate with you.

> Hugs for all

> Huda


> _________________________________________________________________

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  • 3 months later...
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Lady D,

I am so sorry to hear of your losses...please know that I will keep you and

your family in my prayers during this period of sorrow ....

Take care,


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  • 2 months later...
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Tricia here, I am so sorry the dragon pulled

you out of remission! How depressing.

Welcome back to the group.

your friend, tricia

-- I'm back

Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I have been gone from the group

about a year, and I really missed it. There has been a lot going on

in my little corner of the world, BUT I decided now is a good time to

rejoin. I am no longer in remission, and I am now beginning to wonder

if there is a such thing as permanent remission. Every time this

happens, it throws me emotionally!! The pain is worse this time than

it has been in years...(Or so it seems) ANYway...I am glad to be back

and have enjoyed the many posts I have read...I know I have a lot of

catching up to do!

Love you all!

Rhonda Creely

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Hello there Rhonda Rainbow!!!

Welcome Home! You have been very missed.


--- rgcmagnolia <rgcmagnolia@...> wrote:

> Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I have been

> gone from the group

> about a year, and I really missed it. There has been

> a lot going on

> in my little corner of the world, BUT I decided now

> is a good time to

> rejoin. I am no longer in remission, and I am now

> beginning to wonder

> if there is a such thing as permanent remission.

> Every time this

> happens, it throws me emotionally!! The pain is

> worse this time than

> it has been in years...(Or so it seems) ANYway...I

> am glad to be back

> and have enjoyed the many posts I have read...I know

> I have a lot of

> catching up to do!


> Love you all!

> Rhonda Creely




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Right on eb!

Glad you're back and charged up to have success.


I'm back

OK folks, I've been gone for quite awhile. Broke my foot, had a cast

for 5 weeks, can no longer jog, took a new job that has me

travelling, and have fallen off the fitness bandwagon. But, I'M

BACK! I turn 40 on Monday and this is the time to give BFL a solid

effort. No more excuses, no more broken promises. After looking at

a myriad of fitness plans and diets, BFL is the most sensible,

doable, and beneficial. Now, I also leave for a week-long business

trip on Sunday, but I know that I can still stick to my promises,

life is to be lived, not merely walked through and our bodies are

amazing machines that work best when they are in motion. I've only

gained about 7 or 8 pounds since April, and I have no doubt that will

fall off quickly once I start living clean again. I plan on keeping

this site as my homing device......something that keeps me grounded.

So, here we go ladies, I'm about to take off!


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  • 2 months later...

Dearest Marilyn; I am so happy to read of your beautiful vacation.

And I so hope they haven't given your November chance for surgery to

someone else. That is my daughters birth date. And the best of luck

with the Neurologist. My appt. is tomorrow with a new one. I am

with you about the neck, nerve trepadition and how! My neck has a

quite a bit of deterioration and I would be so afraid of work in that

area also. But, lucky we live in the medical times we do for sure.

Also the best of luck with the medication management. I'll write

soon, welcome home, Melt

> Does anyone remember me mentioning about my neck crunching and


> etc. and how it has progressed into my head causing tingling and


> etc., well the MRI showed that I do have degeneration/destruction

going on

> in the top two vertabraes I guess it would be and my Rheumy is

sending me to

> see a neurologist about possibly having those two vertabrae's


> Anything to do with the neck, head or back scare the living

begeebeee's out

> of me

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Dear Marilyn,

Thanks for sharing the details of your trip with us. It does sound

beautiful. Welcome Back! I really hope you can get the sooner surgery

appointment. Let us know. That would be so wonderful. Sorry to hear the

Remicade isn't working out as well as expected. I hope you feel better




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Dear Marilyn,

Thanks for sharing the details of your trip with us. It does sound

beautiful. Welcome Back! I really hope you can get the sooner surgery

appointment. Let us know. That would be so wonderful. Sorry to hear the

Remicade isn't working out as well as expected. I hope you feel better




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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,

My name is Carmen and I've been a member of this group for a little over a

year now. I'm glad you are checking in with us again as it's good to keep up

with us " Stilligans " and learn from one another.

What is the new drug you are going to try? Is it Humira? I take Enbrel and

I have to self inject twice a week. I understand that Humira is a once every

two week injection and is comparable to Enbrel in the price range. I tried

Remicade and did not do well with it so that is why my doctor and I decided

to try Enbrel. I also take MTX along with it which I hate taking. I'm going

to ask my Rhematologist if I can't start decreasing it little by little and

see if I still do okay.

Keep us informed on how you are doing with the " new " drug.

Ca. Carmen

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Hi , my name is Patty and I use Melt. I have read your history and it

is good to meet you. I hope this year turns out better and how exciting

about trying the new medication. Please let us know how you are and once

again it is good to meet you. Till later, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: <aaron@...>

> I have found my way back to the site. I know its been a very long

> time since I have been here or posted anything. I posted a response

> last night on a subject that I thought I could help out a lot with.

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Hi ,

Glad to see you post, sorry you are doing so pooly. Some of those new

medicines you mentioned have worked very well for some folks, hope they

do for you. Good to " read you " keep us posted, Louise.

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> What is the new drug you are going to try? Is it Humira?


Yes it is Humira. only one injection every two weeks sound so much

better then twice a week. That is one thing I don't miss since being

off enbrel over a year now. I was on Enbrel but had side effects

from it so I had to stop. And it was starting to work when I had to

stop. Hopefully the Humira will work. If not then I will have to go

on Kineret but don't look forward to that one. It's not the shots

that bug me, its having to do it everyday if I go on kineret. I got

use to shots a very very long time ago. Well I guess I should try to

go to sleep since it is almost 1 am. Don't sleep to well lately.

Until next time take care.

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Hi ,

My name is Dave. Welcome back to our group. I'm so sorry to hear that your

doing so poorly hang in their. I'm curently on Enbrel for the past 4 weeks

now I feel a little improvment. I was also on Kineret it didn't a darn thing

for me so my Rheumy switched me to Enbrel. I hope the new medication will

help you. Take care and try to be PAIN FREE!!------Dave

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Hi it's Dave here,

I was recently put on Enbrel I get side effects like severe nausea, and

headaches, massive!! And dizzyness!! But I've been only on it for a month now

and I hope they will subside until they get used to my system!!--------Dave

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> Okay...Okay....Okay.....what do you mean " side effects " from



Enbrel seems to work great for many and has not had a lot of side

effects. But when it comes to me and meds, well I have a problem with

getting some of the rare side effects of meds. The probelm I had with

enbrel was that every time I took the shot and a day or two

afterwards it felt like someone was sqeezing my head. I also seemed

to have a lot of troulbe remembering things the next day after taking

it, don't know if that part had anything to do with the enbrel, but I

ended up stop driving because of those to problems togeather. Now

that I relize how long I haven't drove I have been off enbrel for

over 2 years. Anytime you take meds there is always a chance of side

effects and some of us are very unlucky when it comes to meds and

side effects.

Back in 87 I had a major side effect from Alzufidine " not sure if I

spelled that right " This is another one of the rare side effects that

I have had. I had a Grandmal Siezure. And every since I had that side

effected I hate going on new meds at times. but I don't let it stop

me from doing it. Just might take me a few days to start it after I

have it. I was only 13 when I had that major side effected and it was

only about 1 month after I had my right hip replaced. the last part

of 87 Was a very very bad year for me.

I just hope none of you get like I am when it comes to meds or new

meds worring about side effects. They just seem to allows find me.

But I know one day I will find a med that works good for me again.

Until next time take care all

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>I see you are a fellow Montanan.


Yep I have been in Kalispell now for almost 5 years now. I do like it

here, except during the winter time, but so far we really haven't had

winter this year. This is the first time I have seen no snow on the

ground in Feb. Hopefully things will pick up soon, or it will be a

bad summer I have a feeling. I have a great team of medical doctors

here and I do have a lot of them LOL.

Bye for now, until next time take care.

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Hi Dave,

welcome back, and I truly hope that the Enbrel works for you very soon. I

am waiting anxiously myself for approval and should hear any day. I am

sorry that the side effects have been so bad. I have been having horrible

headaches with my MTX lately and hope to address this with my rheumy this

week. Be well friend, and let me know how it does for you.

Love,Sue #2

-- Re: Re: I'm Back

Hi it's Dave here,

I was recently put on Enbrel I get side effects like severe nausea, and

headaches, massive!! And dizzyness!! But I've been only on it for a month


and I hope they will subside until they get used to my system!!--------Dave

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  • 2 months later...
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Hey Colleen,

I'm back here posting, too. I haven't really been on track, just

busy. Of course, I haven't been as focused as I should be. I can

definitely do better. So sorry to hear about your car accident!

I've only been in one, about four years ago, and it took me a while

to recover physically and emotionally. It's hard to stick to our

resolutions in time of stress, when you just want to indulge in

comfort food. No wonder your eating plan went by the wayside.

Welcome back!


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--- In , run_girl_la


> I'm back here posting, too. I haven't really been on track, just

> busy. Of course, I haven't been as focused as I should be. I can

> definitely do better. So sorry to hear about your car accident!

> I've only been in one, about four years ago, and it took me a while

> to recover physically and emotionally. It's hard to stick to our

> resolutions in time of stress, when you just want to indulge in

> comfort food. No wonder your eating plan went by the wayside.

> Welcome back!


I've missed the support and friendship. And this time my husband is

interested also. Although he'll only commit about 80%, at least it's

something to help keep me motivated! And help keep meals easier!!

It's so much easier not to indulge when he isn't indulging either <G>


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