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I did what you did, 20, 17.5, 15, 12,5 10, but now she wants me to go to 5 and I

did 7.5. I can't take it!!!! All of these I was supposed to do for 14 days

each. I may have to go back to 10 until I see the new doc.


Lynn Dudenhoefer


Re: Need advice


That sounds like a " too darn quick " taper off the prednisone to me.

From 20 me doc had me go to 17.5 (splittin the 5's in half), then

after a couple weeks of that went down to 15, then after a couple of

weeks down to 12.5, then after a couple weeks down to 10. Then it

was a prescription of 1mgs, and along with the 5mgs, after a couple

weeks on 10, I moved down to 9. This all went in like 2 week

increments and decrease 1mg each time.

From what you said it looks to me like you have been going from 20 to

15 to 10 and looking at 5. I am thinking OUCH !!!!!

Even with the little 1mg decreases I kind of had the ouchies for a

few days after each decrease. I do not know if they was real

ouchies, or in me head. (Know what I mean?) Anyway kido, I have

been off the prednisone since first part of February this year. Only

taking the MTX and celebrex and of course the folic acid.

Hope you figure out what to do there. Being in pain and misery " is

the pitts for sure " .


> Hi my nonvegas pals.

> My doctor has had me tapering off the prednisone. I got down to 10

mg from 20 mg with some pain and I have had constant pain at 10. She

then wanted me to drop to 5 mg after 14 days at 10. Well, I was not

doing that. after about 16 days I dropped to 7.5 and now I am in so

much pain. My whole body it hurting, every joint and my costo is

pretty painful. I don't see any of my new doctors here in Wisconsin

until October when my new health plan takes effect. I could take

pain pills to get thru this but should I be having this much pain, I

am tempted to just take a couple prednisone, except I am so

frustrated with the weight thing also. Any comments would be

appreciated based on your experience, not looking for medical advice.


> Lynn Dudenhoefer

> ldudette@c...



> ---

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> Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/2003



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Hae you tried Celebrex?

Need advice

Hi my nonvegas pals.

My doctor has had me tapering off the prednisone. I got down to 10 mg from

20 mg with some pain and I have had constant pain at 10. She then wanted me

to drop to 5 mg after 14 days at 10. Well, I was not doing that. after

about 16 days I dropped to 7.5 and now I am in so much pain. My whole body

it hurting, every joint and my costo is pretty painful. I don't see any of

my new doctors here in Wisconsin until October when my new health plan takes

effect. I could take pain pills to get thru this but should I be having

this much pain, I am tempted to just take a couple prednisone, except I am

so frustrated with the weight thing also. Any comments would be appreciated

based on your experience, not looking for medical advice.

Lynn Dudenhoefer



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/2003

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Hi Lynn- sorry you are having a hard time. From what I have heard

from others in the past, and from my own experience, it sounds like

maybe your doc needs to slow the taper down a bit. I was on 60mg/day

for almost a year before I began tapering, and I will tell you it was

not easy and it went very slowly. The closer you get to being off,

the slower you have to go with it. If I remember correctly, my doc

tapered me in 2.5 dose increments, and usually it was a 14-21 day

change. In other words, I would have come down from 22.5 to 20 mg/day

then for 2-3 weeks stay at 20. Then I would come down to 17.5 mg. I

will tell you that the tapering did hurt, but I was in so much pain

anyway. I did start to feel somewhat better though after finally

getting off the stuff- my PCP and Rheumy both had been trying to tell

me that it was the Prednisone that was making me hurt so badly, but I

thought they were both looney tunes until I got off the Pred. and

started feeling better. All I know to tell you is to keep in touch

with your doctor about your progress (or lack thereof) and if you

feel that he is moving too rapidly with the tapering, tell him (her).

Maybe you could ask for a temporary increase in dosage on your pain

meds to compensate. Try to get lots of rest, take hot baths, and take

pain medicine if you need it. Hang in there, and I will be praying

for you and thinking of you.

Love and hugs........ Traci

> Hi my nonvegas pals.

> My doctor has had me tapering off the prednisone. I got down to 10

mg from 20 mg with some pain and I have had constant pain at 10. She

then wanted me to drop to 5 mg after 14 days at 10. Well, I was not

doing that. after about 16 days I dropped to 7.5 and now I am in so

much pain. My whole body it hurting, every joint and my costo is

pretty painful. I don't see any of my new doctors here in Wisconsin

until October when my new health plan takes effect. I could take

pain pills to get thru this but should I be having this much pain, I

am tempted to just take a couple prednisone, except I am so

frustrated with the weight thing also. Any comments would be

appreciated based on your experience, not looking for medical advice.


> Lynn Dudenhoefer

> ldudette@c...



> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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> Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/2003



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Yep, celbrex, vioxx, advil, none of the nsaids do anything for me, thanks

Lynn Dudenhoefer


Need advice

Hi my nonvegas pals.

My doctor has had me tapering off the prednisone. I got down to 10 mg from

20 mg with some pain and I have had constant pain at 10. She then wanted me

to drop to 5 mg after 14 days at 10. Well, I was not doing that. after

about 16 days I dropped to 7.5 and now I am in so much pain. My whole body

it hurting, every joint and my costo is pretty painful. I don't see any of

my new doctors here in Wisconsin until October when my new health plan takes

effect. I could take pain pills to get thru this but should I be having

this much pain, I am tempted to just take a couple prednisone, except I am

so frustrated with the weight thing also. Any comments would be appreciated

based on your experience, not looking for medical advice.

Lynn Dudenhoefer



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 9/18/2003

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When coming off mine my doctor had me cutting ten in half and taking one.

Cut back 1 mg every two weeks. If I had a start of a flair go back up to the

ten for a full week and cut down less. It took me nine months I think to get

totally off Pred.

Now I'm off Pred. But having tiny flares.

Doctor increased my Dapsone but new pills haven't arrived yet. Your body has

to adjust VERY SLOWLY to the loss of strength of Pred. Plus it builds up in

your system and even though your off -- your body can have Pred still in it

for two to three month.

I know the storable.

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When coming off mine my doctor had me cutting ten in half and taking one.

Cut back 1 mg every two weeks. If I had a start of a flair go back up to the

ten for a full week and cut down less. It took me nine months I think to get

totally off Pred.

Now I'm off Pred. But having tiny flares.

Doctor increased my Dapsone but new pills haven't arrived yet. Your body has

to adjust VERY SLOWLY to the loss of strength of Pred. Plus it builds up in

your system and even though your off -- your body can have Pred still in it

for two to three month.

I know the storable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Colleen,

Thanks for the advice! Do you know how many grams a serving of

Protien should be?



> Asia,


> I would do a little tweaking on your menu if you aren't seeing

> results. All your meals should have 1 serving of protein and 1 of

> carbs. I see a few of your meals are missing carbs. Plus I'd lose

> the zone bar if you aren't seeing progress, Lots of sugar and not


> greatest source of carbs. Some of your meals are several servings


> protein. I'd try these changes before adding extra cardio.


> Colleen


> --------------------


> Hi. This is my first challenge, I'm at C1W5D4. So far, no inches

> lost and no pounds lost. I read on Hussman's page that adding

> 10-30 minutes of low to moderate cardio at the end of my High

> Intensity 20 minutes really burns fat. Should I eat more or less?

> What do you think? What do I need to change?


> Here is what I eat:


> Get up take 1 themo dynamx-work out, 16 oz water


> Meal 1 (1 hour after work out)2 scoops lean dynamx, b-12 vitamin,

> vitamin C, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 Zone bar, and 32 oz water.

> 28g Protien, 27 grams Carbs, 300 Calories


> Meal 2 Natures Best Isopure low carb protien powder shake. Multi

> Vitamin, Calcuim Vitamin, 32 oz of water

> 25g Protien, 0 Carbs, 105 Calories


> Meal 3 2 scoops Lean Dynamx,1 thermo dynamx, 3oz Chicken, 1 boiled

> potato, 1-2 cups of steamed broccoli or asperagus, 1 T Udos Oil,


> water

> 20g Protien, 28 Carbs, 375 Calories


> Meal 4 Natures Best Isopure low carb protien shake, 132 oz water

> 25g Protien, 0 Carbs, 105 Calories


> Meal 5 2 scoops Lean Dynamx, 3 oz Chicken Breast, 2 cups of

> Cawliflower, 1 cup of broccoli, 1T Udos Oil, 16 oz water

> 20g Protien, 11g Carbs, 325 Calories


> Meal 6 1 cup cottage cheese

> 24g protien, 10 carbs, 180 Calories


> So that's my plan pretty much everyday. I'm 5'5, 22 years old, and

> 145 lbs. The last time I lifted weights was about 2.5 years ago.

> What should I expect? Is it normal not to have any changes still

> after 5 weeks? I haven't missed a work out yet, and constantly push

> myself.


> Any advice is greatly appreciated!


> Thanks,

> Asia

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> Hey Colleen,

> Thanks for the advice! Do you know how many grams a serving of

> Protien should be?

> Thanks,

> Asia

For most women, it is about 20-25 grams of protein and 20-25 grams of

carbs per serving. This is an approxmation though. The best way to

measure is to use the palm/fist method by the book.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/27/2003 10:39:41 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

mom2bridget@... writes:

> I would come prepared with a request in writing for a Functional Behavioral

> Assessment. It should be performed by a behavioralist. If they want to use

> the school psych, ask what is his/her experience in this area? How many

> assessments has she/he done?

I agree with on this. Be careful of letting unqualified people make

up a program.

Have they done an ABC chart on her? Make one up and take it with you to have

them complete it for 2 weeks and say, " We'll meet again when there is some

data! "

And IF they and you feel the need for a behavioral program.....MAKE IT

POSITIVE!! They do NOT have to have a negative consequence for everything that

comes up!

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My first question would be what has changed? Nothing was mentioned before, so

just what has changed?

Then, I would ask what is the behavior specifically? When does it happen and

what happens before it?

I would come prepared with a request in writing for a Functional Behavioral

Assessment. It should be performed by a behavioralist. If they want to use the

school psych, ask what is his/her experience in this area? How many assessments

has she/he done? Then depending on this answer, ask for an outside eval. The

eval should include observation time at school, playground, after school, and

home. It should have a questionnaire for you, the teachers, and anyone else

that has ANY contact with her.

Good Luck!

mom to Bridget 10

Need Advice

Hi. Kaitlyn's resource room teacher just called and wants to have an

informal meeting to discuss Kaitlyn's behavior. Supposedly it is so bad now

that she is not progressing. Mind you we had a parent teacher conference last

Tuesday with both she and the reg ed teacher and not one word was uttered about

her behavior or lack of progression. In fact everything was good.

Now Kaitlyn is sitting in the principals office and they have come up with a

motivation plan? Ok its good that they are talking about a plan, but I am

questioning who is qualified to assess behavior?

I think that if behavior is an issue we should get a formal behavior

assessment and develop a positive behavior support plan based on that data. I

don't think this teacher is qualified to make such an assessment. What do I

need to ask for and who is qualified to make such an assessment? What

credentials do they need?

Part of my problem is that we have a communication book, I am in the school

several days each week and not one word has been said about behavior issues not

even at parent/teacher conference. How does Sue say it? This piggs me off!

Thanks for any input, I am meeting with her this afternoon. Darcy

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That was a darned inconvenient meeting. They should give you more notice. Did

you go alone? Never do that. Also, did they discuss placement? If so, they

are way out of compliance with the law. You must be given a certain amount of

notice. Did you ask for an independent evaluation? You can write a formal

letter asking for one but send it certified mail with receipt requested so that

they can't say they didn't get it.


Need Advice

Hi. Kaitlyn's resource room teacher just called and wants to have an

informal meeting to discuss Kaitlyn's behavior. Supposedly it is so bad now

that she is not progressing. Mind you we had a parent teacher conference last

Tuesday with both she and the reg ed teacher and not one word was uttered about

her behavior or lack of progression. In fact everything was good.

Now Kaitlyn is sitting in the principals office and they have come up with a

motivation plan? Ok its good that they are talking about a plan, but I am

questioning who is qualified to assess behavior?

I think that if behavior is an issue we should get a formal behavior

assessment and develop a positive behavior support plan based on that data. I

don't think this teacher is qualified to make such an assessment. What do I

need to ask for and who is qualified to make such an assessment? What

credentials do they need?

Part of my problem is that we have a communication book, I am in the school

several days each week and not one word has been said about behavior issues not

even at parent/teacher conference. How does Sue say it? This piggs me off!

Thanks for any input, I am meeting with her this afternoon. Darcy

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Elaine: It was not an official meeting. and I met with the spec. ed

teacher just like I would meet with a regular teacher if one of my boys


However, we did confront her about the fact that we had just had a parent

teacher conference within the past week (with both she and the regular ed

teacher) and not one word had been mentioned about behavior problems. Also no

notes had come home in her communications notebook either. I wish you could

see her. She got all red and she was trembling. We scare the pants off of the

woman. What I find incredible is that her explanation was there had been no

mention of the problem because she did not want to deal with us basically. I

explained back that if we are kept in the loop, it is much easier to work as a


She proposed a positive behavior plan (unofficial, not in IEP). We said that we

would agree to try it for two weeks to see if it would work. It was what I

would have recommended we try if she would have only asked me in the first

place. If behavior does not improve, then I am going to formally request a FBA

and go from there.

Sometimes I just wonder what in the world this woman is thinking.

Wish us luck. Darcy

Need Advice

Hi. Kaitlyn's resource room teacher just called and wants to have an

informal meeting to discuss Kaitlyn's behavior. Supposedly it is so bad now

that she is not progressing. Mind you we had a parent teacher conference last

Tuesday with both she and the reg ed teacher and not one word was uttered about

her behavior or lack of progression. In fact everything was good.

Now Kaitlyn is sitting in the principals office and they have come up with a

motivation plan? Ok its good that they are talking about a plan, but I am

questioning who is qualified to assess behavior?

I think that if behavior is an issue we should get a formal behavior

assessment and develop a positive behavior support plan based on that data. I

don't think this teacher is qualified to make such an assessment. What do I

need to ask for and who is qualified to make such an assessment? What

credentials do they need?

Part of my problem is that we have a communication book, I am in the school

several days each week and not one word has been said about behavior issues not

even at parent/teacher conference. How does Sue say it? This piggs me off!

Thanks for any input, I am meeting with her this afternoon. Darcy

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In a message dated 10/28/03 10:31:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, deads@...



> What I need to find out is how do I know the person doing the Assessment

> knows what the heck they are doing? I have a problem with our districts

> testing in other areas so I need to be able to feel confident that the


> is done correctly. Can I trust the results. Darcy


I had an FBA for my daughter when she was in 3rd grade when we were in CA. It

was VERY well done.... but I learned a lot up front from a parent who had one

done at the same school the year before that was a total joke.

This is what I can pass along:

1) you MUST get the wording your state uses for setting the standard for

doing a Functional Analysis (as it is called in CA) or a Functional Behavior

Analysis. (CA requires a person who is a " trained behavioral specialist with an

emphasis on positive behavior intervantions. " You could also all that you expect

a person experienced with DS if you want.)

2) Write a letter BEFORE the assessment begins, copy everyone on the IEP

team, detailing what you expect the FBA to cover.

From the CA statutes I wrote a letter, quoting the state standards, letting

the school know what I expected out of the assessment. Funny - in the meeting

they acted afronted, saying " of course " they always did an FBA as thouroughly

as I expected. (I snicked to myself, knowing that the previous year a child

got a 4 hour observation and a telephone report to the head of special ed

because that's all the district paid for, even tho it went totally against the

state statute. *smirk*)

Here's part of the letter I wrote (I've underlined the parts that are direct

quotes from CA law):

(note that I inserted exactly who I expected the person doing the assessment

to talk to, because I knew those people had been successful with in the

past - you should include exactly who you think would be beneficial. In our

case the school hired an outside consultant who was so impressed with the aise

form the year before she talked her into coming back!)


Per the California Code of Regulations (Title 5, Article I, Section 3052), I

understand that this Functional Analysis will be conducted by a person who

has documented training in behavior analysis with an emphasis on positive

behavior interventions.

The Functional Analysis assessment personnel shall gather information from

three sources: direct observation, interviews with significant others, and

review of available data in 's file. The interviews with significant


shall include (but not be limited to) interviews with myself, 's

teacher from last year (J_______) and 's aide from last year (_A______) in

order to establish the history of behaviors and the effectiveness of previously

used behavioral interventions, as well as insight into 's communicative

intent in her behavior.

The analysis will include an ecological analysis of the setting in which

behaviors occur most frequently, considering factors such as physical setting,

social setting, the activites and the nature of the instruction, scheduling, and

the communicative intent of the behavior. The communicative intent of

behavior is to be identified in terms of what is either requesting or

protesting through display of her behaviors.

The Functional Analysis Assessment Report shall be a written report and shall

include all of the following: a description of the nature and severity of the

targeted behaviors(s) in objective and measurable terms, including baseline

data; an analysis of antecendents and consequences that maintain the targeted

behavior;a description of the rate of alternative behaviors, their

antecendents and consequences; recommendations for the IEP team of a positive


for behavioral intervention.

A Behavioral Intervention Plan shall be implemented by or under the

supervision of a staff member with documented training in behavioral analysis

(behavioral intervention case manager), including the use of positive behavioral

interventions. Such interventions shall only be used to replace specified

maladaptive behavior(s) with alternative acceptable behavior(s) and never used

soley to

eliminate maladaptive behavior(s).

The behavioral intervention plan shall become part of the IEP and shall be

written with sufficient detail as to direct the implementation of the plan.

3) Hold the school accountable if they don't comply! Put your objections in

WRITING and copy everyone on the IEP team. If you can find any part of the

state standard they did not comply with, file a complaint with your state.

- Becky

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The IEP team should determine the parameters of the FBA at the time you make the

request. Who does it, where it is done,(specify each location) and for how long

(over one day, two days, a week?) Then the team sets a date to meet back and

review the data and listen to recommendations and then formulate a plan based on

the assessment.

Cheryl in VA

In a message dated 10/27/2003 3:37:28 PM Eastern Standard

Time, mom2bridget@... writes:

> It should be performed by a behavioralist. If they want to use the school

psych, ask what is his/her experience in this area? How many assessments has

she/he done? Then depending on this answer, ask for an outside eval. The eval

should include observation time at school, playground, after school, and home.

It should have a questionnaire for you, the

> teachers, and anyone else that has ANY contact with her.

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What I need to find out is how do I know the person doing the Assessment knows

what the heck they are doing? I have a problem with our districts testing in

other areas so I need to be able to feel confident that the assessment is done

correctly. Can I trust the results. Darcy

Re: Need Advice

The IEP team should determine the parameters of the FBA at the time you make

the request. Who does it, where it is done,(specify each location) and for how

long (over one day, two days, a week?) Then the team sets a date to meet back

and review the data and listen to recommendations and then formulate a plan

based on the assessment.

Cheryl in VA

In a message dated 10/27/2003 3:37:28 PM Eastern Standard

Time, mom2bridget@... writes:

> It should be performed by a behavioralist. If they want to use the school

psych, ask what is his/her experience in this area? How many assessments has

she/he done? Then depending on this answer, ask for an outside eval. The eval

should include observation time at school, playground, after school, and home.

It should have a questionnaire for you, the

> teachers, and anyone else that has ANY contact with her.

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In VA we have different Teacher Technical Assistance Centers

(T-TACS) set up at universities all over the state. Each T-TAC specializes in

different age students. They help teachers, they teach teacher wannabes, and

they do lots more. Our nearest university does FBAs, but they have to be called

in by the school (who NEVER wants to have outsiders come in and do that) There

are also private companies that do this too.

Call your federally funded state parent resource agency and ask them who does

GOOD FBAs in your area. See if your university has programs set up like we do.

Cheryl in VA

In a message dated 10/28/2003 10:30:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, deads@...


> What I need to find out is how do I know the person doing

> the Assessment knows what the heck they are doing?

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In a message dated 10/28/03 8:48:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> I would come prepared with a request in writing for a Functional Behavioral

> Assessment. It should be performed by a behavioralist. If they want to use

> the school psych, ask what is his/her experience in this area? How many

> assessments has she/he done? Then depending on this answer, ask for an


> eval

According to a lawyer that spoke at an advocacy training I just took if you

want the district to pay for the independent FBA, 1st you must let the district

do one. Then if you don't agree with the process or recommendations then ask

for the outside eval. If the district doesn't have an opportunity to first do

any type of testing they do not have to agree to paying for the independent

eval. Of course any family can choose to go outside of the district--just don't

expect to be reimbursed.


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In a message dated 10/29/2003 3:02:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, NEHolroyd


> want the district to pay for the independent FBA, 1st you must let the


> do one. Then if you don't agree with the process or

> recommendations then ask

> for the outside eval.

This is true of any evaluations but in our case, the T-TAC centers I spoke of

.... unless they have changed policy ....they don't charge! ;-)

Cheryl in VA

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Wow Becky. Thanks for this! It is very informative and detailed.


Re: Need Advice

> In a message dated 10/28/03 10:31:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> writes:


> >

> > What I need to find out is how do I know the person doing the Assessment

> > knows what the heck they are doing? I have a problem with our


> > testing in other areas so I need to be able to feel confident that the


> > is done correctly. Can I trust the results. Darcy

> >


> I had an FBA for my daughter when she was in 3rd grade when we were in CA.


> was VERY well done.... but I learned a lot up front from a parent who had


> done at the same school the year before that was a total joke.


> This is what I can pass along:


> 1) you MUST get the wording your state uses for setting the standard for

> doing a Functional Analysis (as it is called in CA) or a Functional


> Analysis. (CA requires a person who is a " trained behavioral specialist

with an

> emphasis on positive behavior intervantions. " You could also all that you


> a person experienced with DS if you want.)


> 2) Write a letter BEFORE the assessment begins, copy everyone on the IEP

> team, detailing what you expect the FBA to cover.

> From the CA statutes I wrote a letter, quoting the state standards,


> the school know what I expected out of the assessment. Funny - in the


> they acted afronted, saying " of course " they always did an FBA as


> as I expected. (I snicked to myself, knowing that the previous year a


> got a 4 hour observation and a telephone report to the head of special ed

> because that's all the district paid for, even tho it went totally against


> state statute. *smirk*)


> Here's part of the letter I wrote (I've underlined the parts that are


> quotes from CA law):

> (note that I inserted exactly who I expected the person doing the


> to talk to, because I knew those people had been successful with in


> past - you should include exactly who you think would be beneficial. In


> case the school hired an outside consultant who was so impressed with the


> form the year before she talked her into coming back!)


> ----------


> Per the California Code of Regulations (Title 5, Article I, Section 3052),


> understand that this Functional Analysis will be conducted by a person who

> has documented training in behavior analysis with an emphasis on positive

> behavior interventions.

> The Functional Analysis assessment personnel shall gather information from

> three sources: direct observation, interviews with significant others, and

> review of available data in 's file. The interviews with

significant others

> shall include (but not be limited to) interviews with myself, 's

> teacher from last year (J_______) and 's aide from last year

(_A______) in

> order to establish the history of behaviors and the effectiveness of


> used behavioral interventions, as well as insight into 's


> intent in her behavior.

> The analysis will include an ecological analysis of the setting in which

> behaviors occur most frequently, considering factors such as physical


> social setting, the activites and the nature of the instruction,

scheduling, and

> the communicative intent of the behavior. The communicative intent of

> behavior is to be identified in terms of what is either requesting


> protesting through display of her behaviors.

> The Functional Analysis Assessment Report shall be a written report and


> include all of the following: a description of the nature and severity of


> targeted behaviors(s) in objective and measurable terms, including


> data; an analysis of antecendents and consequences that maintain the


> behavior;a description of the rate of alternative behaviors, their

> antecendents and consequences; recommendations for the IEP team of a

positive programming

> for behavioral intervention.

> A Behavioral Intervention Plan shall be implemented by or under the

> supervision of a staff member with documented training in behavioral


> (behavioral intervention case manager), including the use of positive


> interventions. Such interventions shall only be used to replace specified

> maladaptive behavior(s) with alternative acceptable behavior(s) and never

used soley to

> eliminate maladaptive behavior(s).

> The behavioral intervention plan shall become part of the IEP and shall


> written with sufficient detail as to direct the implementation of the



> 3) Hold the school accountable if they don't comply! Put your objections


> WRITING and copy everyone on the IEP team. If you can find any part of


> state standard they did not comply with, file a complaint with your state.


> - Becky





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In a message dated 10/29/03 3:27:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, Wildwards


> unless they have changed policy ....they don't charge! ;-)


That's nice! You are fortunate to have an independent source that doesn't

charge. Fees can be quite pricey--depending on what type is being done and the

district can refuse to use them.


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  • 4 months later...
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First... move the coffe table out of the room. We did that last week because is cruising aroung the furniture and keeps falling and hitting his head. I would get the ortho appt moved up, find out what his curve is at and then if you are still concerned go to the Neurologist. Only you as Nates Mom knows what is normal, you know in your heart. Your Pediatrician doesn't live with Nate and doesn't watch him on a daily basis. Your maternal instinct will tell you what to do. What was his curve and RVAD at last time he had an x-ray? I know it was low but I can't remember. Try not to worry...easier said then done I know. Being a Mom is so hard, so much worry. I know Nate will be fine, he is just a crazy little wild boy, is going to be there too soon. I am exhausted!


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is a total MANIAC. He crawls so fast, I feel like we race for things half of the time. The Dishwasher left open, it's a race to see who gets there first. Me to close it or him to crawl into it. LOL He sees a gate left open and his wheels start spinning for the great escape. He stands up on the furniture and is cruising along it, so not walking quite yet. I am sure his cast will slow him down a tad, but I am not too worried about it.

Our coffee table had to be moved out last week because he stands at it and chews the darn thing. My floor lamp had to be removed too because the stinker pulls it over.

I have my hands full with this one. :)


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Nates curve is around 21 and RVA is around 15+/- a few. My husband

moved the coffee table into the family room in the basement for now,

we spend more time up here then down there. I also tried to find a

baby helmet for him. Can you believe that they used to sell them

for " newly walkers " but they discontinued them???? It makes no

sence. My mom suggested a bike helmet for a baby size, but the

wieght is a factor. Im afraid it will knock him furthur off balance,

not to mention aggrevate his curve. The baby safety helmets were

more streamlined to cover the forhead and temples and all. And they

were VERY light weight. A friend of mine had one for her child. She

doesnt have it anymore. Im bummed I cant find one... Ill keep

looking though. Let me know if you see one somewhere. Ive already

bought bumpers for all the tables and corners in the house. :P His

15 month check up is coming up soon. Ill ask his dr then about a

neurologist. Im just afraid if i dont look into it and he DOES have

something. Its better to be TOO cautious then let it go and there be

something there. Thanks for the advice though :P I appreciate it!!

Is Nickolas trying to walk already???? Hes still to young!! :P Dont

they grow up QUICK??!!

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  • 1 month later...
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A " pain in the butt " is usually the sciatic nerve. It's the biggest nerve in

your body, about as big around as your thumb! It runs from your spine, through

your glutes, and all the way down your legs. Try to give it time to get better.

You don't want to aggravate it to the point that you have blazing pain shooting

down your leg.

I would do whatever you can without hurting it. Maybe you could do some other

form of cardio? Or some lower body that doesn't affect it? Calf raises, maybe

leg extensions, stretching, whatever you can do that doesn't feel like it's

putting more pressure on it. If it flares up, anti-inflammatories like Advil can

help calm it back down.

Sciatica on WebMD


need advice

A week and a half ago I was doing my HIIT outside running (I usually nordic

track) and started feeling pain in my left glute area. By the time I finished

it was hurting and I was limping the next day, but only 1 day. I layed off lbwo

for a week because I could still feel a " twinge " when I hit my 9s and 10s on the

nordic track. 3 questions - do I stay away from lbwo until the twinge goes

away? (I only feel it when really pushing on the cardio - don't feel it until

I'm hitting a 9) Do I stay away from the 9s on the cardio until the twinge goes

away? Since I'm not doing lbwo how many days should a rest between ubwo?

Help! BTW, my husband is having a great time asking about my pain in the




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  • 3 months later...

In a message dated 8/22/2004 12:09:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Brettsmom@... writes:

Bretts has a mini joystick for his power chair and we are very unhappy with


Wow, I'm absolutely in love w/ my mini joystick! I've had mine since 2002

and haven't had problems w/ it. Maybe he can try the mouse pad joystick thingy?

I tried like 3 different joysticks (very frustrating) before finding the

perfect one, but when I tried the mouse pad joystick, I had no luck. It

required too much strength from me.

I'm 21 now and I have severe SMA Type 2. I had my spinal fusion in Jan 03

and my curve was AWFUL. It kept me in constant pain because my curve was over

100 degrees. My neck was and still is curved, my surgeon wanted to fuse up

into my neck, but soon discovered I cannot swallow UNLESS my head is turned to

the right. Therefore, he decided not to fuse my neck because my head couldn't

be turned. For my seating system in my chair they mold me in a Contour U and

my head rest supports my neck completely due to lack of head control. That

being said, after about two hrs in my chair, my neck starts to throb in pain.

It would be nice to have a straight stable neck :-)


s, the Unique Princess.

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