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Re: Naturally Thin

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I like your idea -- I think I will start it tonight -- let's see, we're having

pork chops (with mushrooms/brandy/cream/mustard sauce -- a favorite of my

husband's -- but which always sits heavy on me) -- I will put half my portion

into the fridge! And maybe Harry will eat it for me! I think I will simply cut

back a bit on the salad, but not halve it -- I don't like wilted greens, runny

tomatoes, limp cucumbers, and blackened avocadoes :(



Re: Naturally Thin


Would it be possible for a bit to make meals that you can halve?

One thing I've started doing, since I only cook for me now with my dear Rick on

the road, is on the weekend I'll make up meals for the week. I divide them in

two and usually freeze one. That way at the end of the day I already have

something ready and can often zap it. If I don't do it during the

weekend...like this past weekend we were out of town. I also am trying to make

half the salad I normally would make for me. I'm really bad with the " eyes are

bigger than my stomach " believe it or not (looking down at my extra rolls

*grimace*). When I can't get it done during the weekend, like this past weekend

as we were out of town I've been doing the following.

What I have been doing is fixing my plate up just the way I normally would. Then

I literally divide what's on my plate in half and put half on another plate, put

a piece of press n wrap on it and shove it in the fridge. Now I will say that

I don't always eat the other plate, it often gets thrown out, but I figure it is

the price I need to pay right now to NOT eat what I used to. I do find that

after eating the " half " plate, I'm usually full enough to NOT get up and get the

other plate and have to zap it because it's already cold in the fridge. The

thing I have found with this method is that you MUST put the second half,

wrapped in the fridge, or you will get up out of your chair and grab the plate

and eat it LOL At least I do. So once it's all put away..it's sort of out of

site, out of mind..you know?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like

a very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I

tend to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling

stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry,

have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat

until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm

trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently

I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I

never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly

low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the

ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want.

She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and

I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) --

no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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No, I've not tried that -- though I do remember talk about it (on one of the

bulletin boards) of nuking cheese?????

So, how do you do it -- grated or sliced? and do you use any oil? I think I

would prefer " frying " it, I like the soft center of the frying cheese... BTW,

the price isn't too bad -- $3.50 for a pound block -- we pay that for other

types, too....

String sounds particularly interesting, it's basically low fat and low sodium

.... how do you do that one -- all in one piece or do you shred it or ?????


Re: Naturally Thin

Bonnie, have you ever just melted your cheese in a pan or in the microwave to

make it into 'chips'? It's YUMMY! It takes about 2 to 3 minutes if you nuke

it. I actually like it better than having chips, no bloating and sick

feelings, and it comes out crunchy. I've used, string, mozzarella, pepper jack,

then use with salsa or whatever. Any cheese can be used. I've never heard of

the frying cheese you mentioned, but sounds like a new marketing strategy to me

to up the price...

Love ya,


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Each morning we have a fairly large breakfast -- right now I'm eating eggs

(scrambled, omelets) -- on weekends I add cheese, mushrooms, olives.... --

during the week just plain. And coffee with half-and-half. My breakfast tends to

keep me until early afternoon.

Then, about 1:30 or so, I'll eat a pouch of tuna or chicken -- maybe a string

cheese or two. Sometimes leftovers from the night before (particularly cottage

cheese salad -- I love the stuff!). And just lately I've added a hard-boiled egg

at around 5:00 PM (just before I leave work).

I'm upping my eating, but I'm trying to keep it healthy (sort of!) and fairly

low-carb..... And I'm trying to keep the salt reasonable (can't stand jerky and

the salty, metallic taste! -- though my husband and dogs love the stuff!).


Re: Naturally Thin


If you're that hungry when you get home, you should be having a snack or 2

during the day. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and snack? Eat several

small 'meals' during the day and maybe that will help. Try beef jerky,

individual SF jello pots, string cheese. There's more that I can't think of



Love ya,


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Bonnie...you can keep your lettuce crisp with a paper towel! Line a container

with a sealed lid with a paper towel. Clean your head of lettuce and break it up

and put it in the bowl. Seal. Stays crisp for a week! I learned this about a

month ago and now I don't have to clean my lettuce every I eat. Also, I cut of

a section of cucumber for my salad and put the cuke back in the fridge in a

sealed bowl. I actually cube everything and put them in separate bowls...they

usually last about 3 days...even the tomatoes :) If you put them all together

they get yucky. The only thing I've learned not to cut up is my

mushrooms...they brown very easily if you cut them up in advance. None of my

veges are ever runny.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like

a very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I

tend to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling

stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry,

have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat

until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm

trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently

I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I

never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly

low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the

ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want.

She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and

I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) --

no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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I hear you but I think Bonnie and I are the old school and it's really hard to

lose a habit that was ingrained all your life. I too got the strap when I

didn't finish my plate. You don't forget something like that very easily and

when you do try to do it you feel sooooooooooooo guilty! I can still see my

dad's red face when I went in the bathroom and got sick over stewed

tomatoes..........to this day I can't smell them without feeling nauseous ....

he got the strap and put another helping on my plate.

Talking about ingrained......LOL (rubbing butt)

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: Naturally Thin

Jenni, good idea too. Food prep, I've heard is the way to go...LOL Sure

wish I could do that, every time I get hungry and want to eat, I always wish I

had it all made...LOL I guess I have no problem pushing away a plate, and

putting it in the fridge. Not saying I can't pig out big time, just doesn't


very often at all. I get to sick when I do that.

Bonnie, have you just tried putting a smaller portion on your plate? Try to

fool yourself into knowing you cleaned your plate, if that's the problem? You

probably have, but I'm just trying to come up with something too, that may


Love ya,


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What about a pear, or an apple instead of the pouch of food? It's a healthy

alternative and will keep your blood sugar going, and help you feel full. Then

before you leave work that hardboiled egg?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: Naturally Thin


If you're that hungry when you get home, you should be having a snack or 2

during the day. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and snack? Eat several

small 'meals' during the day and maybe that will help. Try beef jerky,

individual SF jello pots, string cheese. There's more that I can't think of



Love ya,


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I'd like to hear about this too.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: Naturally Thin

Bonnie, have you ever just melted your cheese in a pan or in the microwave to

make it into 'chips'? It's YUMMY! It takes about 2 to 3 minutes if you nuke

it. I actually like it better than having chips, no bloating and sick

feelings, and it comes out crunchy. I've used, string, mozzarella, pepper


then use with salsa or whatever. Any cheese can be used. I've never heard of

the frying cheese you mentioned, but sounds like a new marketing strategy to


to up the price...

Love ya,


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Bonnie, The Weigh Down diet book says to wait until you are really

hungry, stomach growling hungry, when you first feel hungry -wait 10

minutes to make sure it is true hunger and then eat only until your

tummy feels " pleasantly full " if you are not sure ask God to help you

discern this and stop eating. Then wait again until you are stomach

growling hungry and stop again when your tummy is " pleasantly full "

again asking our Fathers help with discernment. When you get munchies ,

mindless, food wants, stop and ask for our creators help and if after a

few minutes of meditation you still want it go ahead and eat it.

Without guilt, but after awhile you will find you don't really want to.

I was on this for a month and lost 12 pounds, so I know it works. But

my Dr. didn't;t think I was wafting enough and told me to eat more and

cut crabs. Obviously, that didn't work!! I am thinking of trying God's

way again. Hugs~Connie

Re: Naturally Thin

Hi Bonnie,

I read that book many years ago. She does have some good points...i.e.

eating until your satisfied...I've gotten away from that. But I think

part of that, for me anyway, was that you never left anything on your

plate. I remember being punished as a child for doing that, and I think

those old habits die hard....you know? I never had a weight problem

until I turned 40. I started gaining on a regular basis, but rather

than cut back on anything, I just ignored it. Almost 40 pounds later

I'm regretting not listening to my body.

I've slowly gone to the " whole food " diet. I like the way I feel. I

haven't lost any weight per se, but I do like the energy. I simply

don't eat processed foods, with the exception of things like may,

mustard, ketchup, salad dressing...things like that.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like

a very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I

tend to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling

stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry,

have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat

until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm

trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently

I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I

never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly

low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the

ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want.

She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and

I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) --

no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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I was following you Kiki! Can you give me an example of a days eating

for you? I am always searching.... Hugs~ Connie

Re: Naturally Thin

Good morning ladies {and any men lurkers...LOL} I'm coming late to this

conversation. The book, Naturally Thin, does sound like it has some OK

ideas in

it. Now, I can tell you this, it's NOT for me. I refuse to be one of


people who get all upset and think everyone should follow MY WAY! I

know people

like this and I just wanna ring their necks sometimes...LOL I've been


high protein for more years than I'll ever admit to ;) I don't follow


as a rule, but some of his ideas are ones I've used all this time. I


with Stillmans, that I think came out right around, I think just before,

Adkins, back in the 70's. It works for me. I did try the low fat for a

time and

all I did was gain weight. {I did enjoy those taters tho...LOL} I

believe in

the, eat till your satisfied, and have never counted carbs or calories.


look at the carbs, but pay more attention to the protein, it's what

burns fat.

I know this works for me, and it may not work for everyone, correction,


WON'T work for everyone. I've done it so long that when I do eat

something with

flour and/or sugar, I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I'm also not


who has to have all these variety of foods like so many. I try to stick

to the

basics and know that I can allow myself to add a little more here and


if I want. Does any of this even pertain to what you're talking about?


I did perk up when she said she spent 2 months on Adkins and didn't lose

weight, only replaced fat for muscle....DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Muscle weighs

more, but

takes up LESS space so to speak...LOL Doesn't sound like she wants to


she lost inches or that the eating plan worked for her. But then, if

she did

that, she couldn't sell her books, huh? I think I may be rambling. I

need to

go get ready to go to the soup kitchen...


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I love that idea Jenni! Thanks Connie

Re: Naturally Thin


Would it be possible for a bit to make meals that you can halve?

One thing I've started doing, since I only cook for me now with my dear

Rick on the road, is on the weekend I'll make up meals for the week. I

divide them in two and usually freeze one. That way at the end of the

day I already have something ready and can often zap it. If I don't do

it during the weekend...like this past weekend we were out of town. I

also am trying to make half the salad I normally would make for me. I'm

really bad with the " eyes are bigger than my stomach " believe it or not

(looking down at my extra rolls *grimace*). When I can't get it done

during the weekend, like this past weekend as we were out of town I've

been doing the following.

What I have been doing is fixing my plate up just the way I normally

would. Then I literally divide what's on my plate in half and put half

on another plate, put a piece of press n wrap on it and shove it in the

fridge. Now I will say that I don't always eat the other plate, it

often gets thrown out, but I figure it is the price I need to pay right

now to NOT eat what I used to. I do find that after eating the " half "

plate, I'm usually full enough to NOT get up and get the other plate and

have to zap it because it's already cold in the fridge. The thing I

have found with this method is that you MUST put the second half,

wrapped in the fridge, or you will get up out of your chair and grab the

plate and eat it LOL At least I do. So once it's all put away..it's

sort of out of site, out of mind..you know?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems


a very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I

tend to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up


stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get


have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then


until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now,


trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full --


I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I


thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios.


never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything


low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in


ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you


She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house --


I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others)


no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in


2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm


changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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You are right about that Kiki, I think for me it helped me cut down on

how often I ate. But my bad eating is evening. I am trying to combine

all diets I have learned into something I can lose and live with!! I

gained 2 more pounds this week I am ashamed to say. :-( Connie

Re: Naturally Thin


While I will not disagree on you with asking GOD for help in this


what I have a problem with is waiting till your that hungry! That's

when people

will eat WAY more than they should or even want. We get so hungry that


tend to shovel it in and don't realize that we were full many, many


ago. IMO, when you start thinking you're hungry, drink a glass of water


wait that 10 minutes. Water does fill you up and make you see that it




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Thank You Kiki, I printed this out, you have some good ideas and I like

everything ... but what is a frattata?? Sounds good! Hugs~Connie

Re: Naturally Thin


My eating probably isn't the best...LOL I tend to NOT eat, something I


every day, not to go back to old habits. I try to stick with protein

and do

add in veggies when I remember. Cauli with some sour cream and maybe


cheese, green beans, broc. {these are the ones I eat mostly} Stay away

form the

yellow ones...corn {I love corn but it's HIGH in carbs and natural


carrots, same thing, etc.

I may have 3 scrambled eggs and add broc. or bacon, or both with cheese

melted in.

I try to always have chicken cooked up and will warm a piece and have it


ranch. Sometimes I'll melt a piece of cheese on it too.

I'll cook up a batch of taco meat and make it like taco guts, with no


There is a shell on the market that I've used for years, cuz it's think


I like them. I had no idea they were LC...LOL I'm drawing a blank on


brand tho.

Hamburger patties with NO ketchup, since it's full sugar. OK, by me I


cheap yellow mustard.

They have LC tortillas now that are not bad at all. So you can wrap a


{ALL BEEF} in that if you don't want it plain. I'll also cut hotdogs in

half, fry them in a pan and make a couple soft in the middle eggs for



Turkey from the deli is good. Get lettuce, not iceburg, and use that as


bread. Put mayo on it, cheese, and tomato if you want. I use it as a

'shell' for tacos too. I can make them up, put them in my bag or take

on a picnic

and I have a tummy snack too.

Make fratattas {sp} Those are really good. Put some salsa on your


sour cream too if you want.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are other things


I'll let you know. I'm doing good to eat 2 kinda meals a day. I just

try to

make it as high in protein as I can. Usually a high protein selection

will be

pretty low carb. Also, I don't use the store bought low carb stuff.

Most of

it isn't! I did buy some of the Doretos chips and they were good. TO


I ate 1 and a 1/2 bags in a weekend. No more of that! I'll take the


chips. KISS Keep it simple sweetie, a good thing to go by.



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I did find a low carb salad dressing, catsup and steak sauce at our health food

store. I went over the ingredients and there is no hidden anything in it. I

love it, but you have to get used to it. I still love my catalina dressing so I

do use about 2 TBS of that on my salad though. But their italian dressing isn't

too bad...you just have to acquire a taste for it. I want to learn to make my

own dressing like catalina but haven't figured it out yet.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: Naturally Thin


My eating probably isn't the best...LOL I tend to NOT eat, something I fight

every day, not to go back to old habits. I try to stick with protein and do

add in veggies when I remember. Cauli with some sour cream and maybe some

cheese, green beans, broc. {these are the ones I eat mostly} Stay away form


yellow ones...corn {I love corn but it's HIGH in carbs and natural sugar},

carrots, same thing, etc.

I may have 3 scrambled eggs and add broc. or bacon, or both with cheese

melted in.

I try to always have chicken cooked up and will warm a piece and have it with

ranch. Sometimes I'll melt a piece of cheese on it too.

I'll cook up a batch of taco meat and make it like taco guts, with no shell.

There is a shell on the market that I've used for years, cuz it's think like

I like them. I had no idea they were LC...LOL I'm drawing a blank on the

brand tho.

Hamburger patties with NO ketchup, since it's full sugar. OK, by me I LOVE

cheap yellow mustard.

They have LC tortillas now that are not bad at all. So you can wrap a hotdog

{ALL BEEF} in that if you don't want it plain. I'll also cut hotdogs in

half, fry them in a pan and make a couple soft in the middle eggs for dunking


Turkey from the deli is good. Get lettuce, not iceburg, and use that as your

bread. Put mayo on it, cheese, and tomato if you want. I use it as a

'shell' for tacos too. I can make them up, put them in my bag or take on a


and I have a tummy snack too.

Make fratattas {sp} Those are really good. Put some salsa on your omelets,

sour cream too if you want.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are other things and

I'll let you know. I'm doing good to eat 2 kinda meals a day. I just try to

make it as high in protein as I can. Usually a high protein selection will be

pretty low carb. Also, I don't use the store bought low carb stuff. Most of

it isn't! I did buy some of the Doretos chips and they were good. TO GOOD,

I ate 1 and a 1/2 bags in a weekend. No more of that! I'll take the cheese

chips. KISS Keep it simple sweetie, a good thing to go by.



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Can I put butter on them, KiKi? Hugs~Connie

Re: Naturally Thin


I understand the night time, bordom eating! That'swhen I get out the


and or ronies. They really take care of that need and I am satisfied



Just thought of something else you may want to try. Faux tatoes and

caulisaold. O steam cauli till it's kinda mushy and them smash it up

like you would

for mashed patatoes, that's another yummy! Or cut it up and add the

ingre for

potato salad. In all honesty, I like it better. Have no full, bloaty,


feeling what so ever...



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Thanks Kiki!!!! Hugs,~ Connie (PS I NEED kick/started!!! and only

friends do that!)

Re: Naturally Thin


I'm getting ready to leave for the soup kitchen, but when I get home


send some recipes. A fratata {still don't know how to spell it...LOL}

It's egg

and a few other ingre. It's thin and you cook it in the oven. I'll be

thinking of some other things tol, I hope...LOL Please be aware that I

am NOT

trying to force this down your throat, but make a suggestion of how to

maybe get

you kick started.

See y'all this evening. Now don't go getting into trouble while I'm


That's mY job...LOL



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Cauli and butter is one of my favorites! I keep telling the kids it tastes like

mashed potatoes but they don't believe me! Think I just figured out lunch LOL

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: Naturally Thin


I understand the night time, bordom eating! That'swhen I get out the


and or ronies. They really take care of that need and I am satisfied



Just thought of something else you may want to try. Faux tatoes and

caulisaold. O steam cauli till it's kinda mushy and them smash it up

like you would

for mashed patatoes, that's another yummy! Or cut it up and add the

ingre for

potato salad. In all honesty, I like it better. Have no full, bloaty,


feeling what so ever...



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YES, you can use butter. NOT margarine. In the mashed cauli, also cheese,

bacon bits, things like that, I put sour cream on mine. Yeah, I put cheese in,

and SC on, A LOT of things...LOL

I'm off to find some recipes to send. And I think make myse;f some cauli for




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In a message dated 10/25/2004 11:59:18 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

cmiskini@... writes:

(PS I NEED kick/started!!! and only

friends do that!)

We'll be gental, I promise...LOL



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I hear ya on kids not believing you...LOL I was very lucky with my kids,

they have always loved their veggies. We'd go out to a Mexican place to eat,


they'd want the taco salad. Not so much anymore tho...LOL Make the mashed

cauli, and don't tell them...maybe you can sneak one over on them??!!

I made myself hungry for cauli so I'm gonna have that for dinner. I'd love

some roni chips, but I forgot to freeze part of my HUGE bag I got at Sams and

it kinda spoiled...drat it all! Guess cheese chips and salsa will have to do




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I wish restaurants would not feel the need to give such HUGE portions. It's

no wonder people are over weight. Specially if they grew up in the same way,

to clean their plate! I always know I'll need a to go container. I can get

one to two more meals out of what's left. I say make the portions smaller and

reduce the price!!! Lets picket!!!!

I've never been a fruit eater, or much of a sweet eater, so that has never

been an issue for me. When I want a little something, I get out the Jello and

put some real whipped cream on it. Altho I have been using the Land O Lakes 0

carb, 0 sugar, 0 everything it seems, spray WC in a can. It's good! I try

too, to keep my carbs down, and am usually very successful at it, since I try to

eat the high protein. As for processed foods, I know they aren't good for

you, and don't eat much of them. Yes, I do eat cheese, bacon, hotdogs, meat in

general, and I know what they do to the animals to get them in the shape they

are. I wish I could afford to buy grass fed beef all the time. That's the

best for you. Until then, I'll do what I've always done.

I agree with you Bonnie, on The Makers Diet. Way to extreme for me, but I'm

sure it works fine for others. I just try to go by KISS, keep it simple

sweetie. It works out well for me...



{PS, when I said for y'all not to get in trouble while I was away, I didn't

mean for you to stop all together...LOL!!!!! And Bonnie, how rude of your

bosses to think you should actually work!}

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Wow, I just came back to my email (for some reason, they expect me to work here

....) -- and what a lot of very good ideas!

I am definitely going to start " splitting " my evening meal -- and if it's not

important enough to get up and get the second half, then I'll just forego it. I

have a very good friend who, whenever we go out to eat, orders a doggie bag

along with her meal. When her food is served, she immediately divides it into 2

portions -- eats one and takes the other home for the next day. I have also

started that with eating out (the portions are typically way too large for me --

I got 2 meals out of our steak dinner last Saturday, and I felt good afterwards,

not stuffed like my husband felt).

I am really leery of introducing carbs into my diet (particularly fruits -- I

can eat several apples in an afternoon) -- I no longer seem to crave the sweets

(except for the occasional lo-carb chocolate and/or cheesecake). I love breads,

the heavier the better -- but I plan to wait until I get some weight off before

eating these again.

A while back I read a book " The Maker's Diet " -- I think many of you would enjoy

this book and agree with the basic tenets. Essentially if God didn't create the

food -- as eaten -- then don't eat it. In other words, nothing processed. It

seemed much too extreme for me, but it was an interesting read....

Tanks for all the input!


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I like the weigh down book also


Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like a

very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I tend

to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling

stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry,

have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat

until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm

trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently

I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I

never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly

low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the

ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want.

She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and

I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) --

no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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That sounds like a special treat!


Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I read

is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book hasn't arrived


Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like a

very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I tend to get

very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling stuffed) -- when I

was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry, have something that I

really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat until I reached a certain

point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm trying to listen better to my

body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently I no longer have that " instant

messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I never

had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first pregnancy. My weight

gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly low -- I didn't even look

pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the ninth month I gained about 20

pounds in one week. The doctor went berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately

sat down and non-stop gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed

amphetamines (this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the real

foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my book copy!) --

with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want. She keeps the cookies,

chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and I bet she also keeps the cream,

butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) -- no

scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says that her

way of eating might not show positive results for well over a year. Hardly seems

like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats (butter,

coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the justification for doing

so at this point. I will read the second book when it comes, perhaps there is

more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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Of course it is called Wisconsin Frying cheese(that is where I live)

we in Wisconsin love our cheese


Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I read

is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book hasn't arrived


Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like a

very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I tend to get

very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling stuffed) -- when I

was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry, have something that I

really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat until I reached a certain

point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm trying to listen better to my

body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently I no longer have that " instant

messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I never

had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first pregnancy. My weight

gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly low -- I didn't even look

pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the ninth month I gained about 20

pounds in one week. The doctor went berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately

sat down and non-stop gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed

amphetamines (this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the real

foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my book copy!) --

with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want. She keeps the cookies,

chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and I bet she also keeps the cream,

butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) -- no

scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says that her

way of eating might not show positive results for well over a year. Hardly seems

like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats (butter,

coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the justification for doing

so at this point. I will read the second book when it comes, perhaps there is

more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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Great Job Jenni

That is what I do when I go out to a restaurant and bring it home for someone

else to share

I do it as soon as I get the meal so I'm not tempted

It has helped me alot

Portion control has been a key factor and daily LL with my 27 lb weight loss.

water also is a big help


Naturally Thin

Over the weekend I read the book " Naturally Thin " . I think the one I

read is the author's first one (published in 1989), the second book

hasn't arrived yet.

Some comments:

1. " Eating until you're satisfied, but not overstuffed " -- seems like

a very good general idea. I have been working to gain that ability (I

tend to get very hungry, then eat more than I need to and end up feeling

stuffed) -- when I was young (before the age of 30), I would get hungry,

have something that I really wanted to eat (like a hamburger), then eat

until I reached a certain point -- and not touch another bite. Now, I'm

trying to listen better to my body, and stop when I'm full -- apparently

I no longer have that " instant messenger " that I once did.

2. " Various stages of eating/weight getting out of whack " -- I never

thought about it in this way, but I sure do fit one of the scenarios. I

never had a weight problem until at the age of 26 and my first

pregnancy. My weight gain during the pregnancy was if anything slightly

low -- I didn't even look pregnant for the first 8 months -- but in the

ninth month I gained about 20 pounds in one week. The doctor went

berserk, you'd think that I had deliberately sat down and non-stop

gorged on junk food (I hadn't) -- anyway, he prescribed amphetamines

(this was back in 1970) and diuretics. The weight came off, but I

" watched " it from that time on.....

3. It sounds to me that the " correct diet " that she's pushing is

essentially a low fat/low sugar diet -- sort of standard (however, the

real foods, borderline foods, and non-foods lists were torn out of my

book copy!) -- with the only twist that you can eat as much as you want.

She keeps the cookies, chips, and other junk foods out her house -- and

I bet she also keeps the cream, butter, and mayo out too.

4. There were only anecdotal results (hers, her cat, and 5 others) --

no scientific studies or reasons.

5. She's quite negative to Atkins -- she didn't lose any weight in a

2-month (I think) period, only switched fat for muscle -- yet she says

that her way of eating might not show positive results for well over a

year. Hardly seems like she gave the low-carb a good chance.

Over all, I found some interesting insights, but I'm not sold. I'm not

changing my way of eating (essentially low/good carb) with some fats

(butter, coconut oil, cheese, and half-and-half). I don't see the

justification for doing so at this point. I will read the second book

when it comes, perhaps there is more information in it....

Looking for comments....


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