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Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

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Thank you, Aggi, good to hear from you too... I'm not cured yet but

under control. Hopefully one day I'll get rid of this for good.

All the best to you,


On 4/17/2012 10:54 AM, Aggi Assmann wrote:


Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much


Take care !



jessnyc <helpnynow@...>


bird mites


17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012


Re: Re: Turn around time for

Entomology reports


Hi birdluvr4evr,

Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet?

I had an awful infestation last year. I took a

sample of the critter to an entomologist and I

believe he was mistaken because he said the

critter was a "baby spider." All my critters

were around the same size, so it was no baby

and it was no spider. I suspect it was a mite

of some sort because there were feathers

around the area where I found them, but who


Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do

anything. I slept with a swimming cap on my

head and a nylon net over my face, then I

purchased an overall used for painting at home

depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it

was still hard to not have those things all

over me.

One day I finally poured boric acid all over

the floor in my room, I spread it evenly until

everything was white with the powder, and I

left it like that for a few days. After that,

the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I

never saw them again, except dead on the

floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types

of mites or whether this could work for you,

but it might be worth a try.

Though I was happy to get rid of the mites, I

was left with a terrible Morgellons infection

that I am still battling. I have it under

control thank God and I don't feel it all the

time, but I did have to move out of my

apartment and get rid of lots of things for

this to happen. I believe, based on my

experience, that these things need you and

your surroundings to thrive. They need your

clothing and your body to go back and forth,

to hatch and reproduce. If you get rid of the

most infested things, you're getting rid of a

big part of their population, though you can

get easily reinfested, unfortunately.

I hope you don't get Morgellons, but if you

do, there's some Lyme and Morgellons literate

doctors out there. I haven't seen one yet

because they're pretty expensive and my

symptoms are very under control, but there are

doctors out there.

I hope you can get this under control soon,

all the best,


On 4/17/2012 9:12 AM, birdluvr4evr wrote:


I have entered a part of the world I

never knew existed. How our wonderful

lives can change from one day to the

next! Getting rid of my carpets is one

thing but my wonderful bed that I love

so much? And my sofa? My bed is very

expensive and my place of sanctuary. I

will never be able to afford another

like it. The sofa is a 6 piece set that

fits our odd shaped family room

perfectly. We bought it used 23 years

ago while this house was being built and

had it reupholstered. I intended that

both my bed and that sofa set be the

last I ever buy. I may try to find bags

big enough to bag up each piece and

super-fumigate them.

It is amazing what these bugs do to me.

Last night I decided to not take the

Hydroxyzine my doc prescribed for me but

had 2 glasses of wine, instead - shortly

before going to bed. But, before that I

thoroughly vacuumed my mattress &

box spring, taking extra care of the

seams - sprayed it with Professional

Lysol Spray, let that dry, then puffed

20 Mule Team Borax on the seams of the

mattress, in the side vents of the

mattress, between the mattress & box

spring and between the box spring and

metal frame. I put on my freshly

laundered sheets & pillowcases,

pillows just out of 40 minutes in the

dryer with a Bounce sheet, on high heat.

In the meantime my Roomba was vacuuming

the carpet. He is a new addition since

this happened and I love him to pieces!

I have come to the conclusion 20 Mule

Team Borax is of no use with my

particular mite. Anyway, I woke up with

many, many mites all over me, the same

as every day. I immediately used my Neti

Pot - with a solution of boiled water,

salt, baking soda & Peroxide that I

make, bathed in Epsom Salts, as every

day. I am blessed that my tub has jets

and I can lay in the swirling water and

get the creatures off me. However, today

my body feels traumatized. My conclusion

is that the prescription helps with that

in a way the wine didn't. My face

forever feels like something is crawling

on it so last night & this morning I

used my steam facial machine. My skin

looks better and I don't feel the

crawling sensation. I think I may go to

the Y a couple of times a week and use

the Sauna. I normally don't because I am

never still that long - but now I have


Besides being an accountant, tax season

oficially ends today, thank goodness!!!

I am a Beauty Consultant. The horrible

thing about this is that I don't even

bother to put on makeup these days. None

of my clients have ever seen me without

makeup before. They ALL commented on how

tired I looked. I let them assume it was

because of tax season and that they were

at fault for piling their stuff on me so

late in the game, not letting on that it

was because of all the hard work

cleaning, laundering and loss of sleep

because of tiny white creatures crawling

all over me.

My friend is seeing a nutritionist who

treats with biofeedback and quantum

reflexology. She is my next stop.

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Also, these bugs do not like leather or nylon. I slept on a nylon shower curtain with a nylon sleeping bag as a blanket. Also pillow inside a plastic bag and covered with a nylon pillow cover(had to be a square decorative type pillow size). AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:

I used this too and very effective... every single night I sprayed entire bed with this and used Swiffer mop to spread it around. Hopefully birdluvr has already put vinyl mattress covers on mattress and box springs. Eventually organisms will die under those vinyl mattresses. I sprayed the vinyl with the above combo for a year and frame of bed. We had spent a lot of money on a new bed and wished later we did not throw the entire new bed away in dump. It could have been fine later... but who knew at the time. I would not get rid of sofa birdluvr. You can deal with that... find plastic covers and use DE on the sofa under the vinyl. It is only temporary - I still say carpets have to go! There are just too many places for mites to hide in carpet. From: "healinghope"

<mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:57:53 AMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsSpray wintergreen rubbing alcohal mixed with some vinegar, spray bedding sheets pillows pillow cases ectt> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their

urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > >> >>------------------------------------

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I also found the bugs don't like synthetics, but they seem to love cotton.From: "Aandraya" <aandraya@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 3:41:10 PMSubject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Also, these bugs do not like leather or nylon. I slept on a nylon shower curtain with a nylon sleeping bag as a blanket. Also pillow inside a plastic bag and covered with a nylon pillow cover(had to be a square decorative type pillow size). AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:

I used this too and very effective... every single night I sprayed entire bed with this and used Swiffer mop to spread it around. Hopefully birdluvr has already put vinyl mattress covers on mattress and box springs. Eventually organisms will die under those vinyl mattresses. I sprayed the vinyl with the above combo for a year and frame of bed. We had spent a lot of money on a new bed and wished later we did not throw the entire new bed away in dump. It could have been fine later... but who knew at the time. I would not get rid of sofa birdluvr. You can deal with that... find plastic covers and use DE on the sofa under the vinyl. It is only temporary - I still say carpets have to go! There are just too many places for mites to hide in carpet. From: "healinghope"

<mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:57:53 AMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsSpray wintergreen rubbing alcohal mixed with some vinegar, spray bedding sheets pillows pillow cases ectt> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their

urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > >> >>------------------------------------

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Today I talked to a Nutritionist who uses bio-feedback & quantum reflexology.

She had never heard of this and was quite alarmed. She seems to think I have

something viral going on and that is why the mites are after me. They are not

the biting kind but seem to want to get inside me. She thinks I may have been

bitten by a tick and is getting me something to start taking tomorrow. She has a

couple of local instructors with whom she consults but was not able to reach

them today.

I started taking Bragg's Organic Cider Vinegar with Black Strap Unsulphered

Molasses today. Can't hurt.

I bought Sage bundles to burn. Maybe the fumes will be offensive to the mites.


> > > >

> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Birdluvr

Get boric acid at any dollar stroe sold as ant & roach killer. $1.00 per 32 oz

bottle .

or use 20 mule team Borax laundry booster sold at almost all grocery stores .

$4.00 per box

ps this mix applied to the skin & left on till the next shower stops all itching

& heals bites ,


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & the is no fizz

or bruning from this mix & it is cheap

If they are deep ones I use

8tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

8 oz peroxide (3%)

8 oz water.


God bless you ,



110:1 (A

Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,

Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst

of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in

the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy


:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.


.... __/ /\____ ____

, o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\

```)( | | | | | | | || |l |

,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :

As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!


(Mat 27:40

50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the

bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were

opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the

graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto

many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus,

saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly,

saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding

afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast

received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might

dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with

benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 1:50 AM EDT birdluvr4evr wrote:

>I went to Leaves & Roots, Whole Foods, Wal-Mart & Walgreens looking for Boric

Acis. Non have it. I was told it is an old product and not available anymore.

Wal-Mart said they could order it for me. Any suggestions as to where I can find







>> Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much better.

>> Take care !

>> Aggi



>> ________________________________

>> Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@...>

>> An: bird mites

>> Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012

>> Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports




>> Hi birdluvr4evr,


>> Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful infestation

last year. I took a sample of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he

was mistaken because he said the critter was a " baby spider. " All my critters

were around the same size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it

was a mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where I

found them, but who knows.


>> Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a swimming cap

on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used for

painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it was still hard to

not have those things all over me.


>> One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I spread

it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I left it like that

for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I never

saw them again, except dead on the floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types

of mites or whether this could work for you, but it m

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You don't need to get rid of your furniture if you handle this now.

Just cover everything in plastic, vinyl or leather. I had a severe

problem and all my things are fine now. Drinking alcohol isn't a good

idea, the pathogens in your body feed off of the sugar. Do you notice

debris coming out of your skin?


On Apr 17, 2012, at 9:12 AM, birdluvr4evr <no_reply >



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I bought the magnifier. I hope my husband can see with it. I can't. It's very

small and you have to use one hand to turn the focus and the other hand to hold

the light switch that must be held in the on position. Think I'll take it back.

not worth the money, at least for me. A toy! Does not connect to the computer.


> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week &

a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I

had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Aggi-Yeah, Lyme and coinfection symptoms vary greatly and I believe you addressed these infections early on before they really knocked you down. Watch for symptoms because if not fully treated relapse is likely. AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...> wrote:

Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but still believe I have/had Lyme

and/or co-infections !

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth. AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in

them. > > >> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >> >> >>

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It was because of the info you folks on here gave me.


> > > > >

> > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a

> > delivery

> > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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We will wrap the furniture soon. My daughter will come help us.

I don't see any debris - what would that be like?

I know the wine isn't good at this time but I wanted to test not taking the rx

I've been taking. I found I sleep sounder and longer with the rx. So, for now

that's what I need to do.



> >


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Birdluvr-Yes, you were bitten by an infected tick which causes Lyme and a whole slew of coinfections.AandrayaOn Apr 18, 2012, at 12:59 AM, birdluvr4evr <no_reply > wrote:

Today I talked to a Nutritionist who uses bio-feedback & quantum reflexology. She had never heard of this and was quite alarmed. She seems to think I have something viral going on and that is why the mites are after me. They are not the biting kind but seem to want to get inside me. She thinks I may have been bitten by a tick and is getting me something to start taking tomorrow. She has a couple of local instructors with whom she consults but was not able to reach them today.

I started taking Bragg's Organic Cider Vinegar with Black Strap Unsulphered Molasses today. Can't hurt.

I bought Sage bundles to burn. Maybe the fumes will be offensive to the mites.


> > > >

> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Yes, Bill's right, that's the powder form. The liquid form is at Walgreens.AandrayaOn Apr 18, 2012, at 1:01 AM, Doe <doe1769@...> wrote:

Hi Birdluvr

Get boric acid at any dollar stroe sold as ant & roach killer. $1.00 per 32 oz bottle .

or use 20 mule team Borax laundry booster sold at almost all grocery stores . $4.00 per box

ps this mix applied to the skin & left on till the next shower stops all itching & heals bites ,


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & the is no fizz or bruning from this mix & it is cheap

If they are deep ones I use

8tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

8 oz peroxide (3%)

8 oz water.


God bless you ,



110:1 (A

Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,

Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth

:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.


.... __/ /\____ ____

, o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\

```)( | | | | | | | || |l |

,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :

As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!


(Mat 27:40

50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 1:50 AM EDT birdluvr4evr wrote:

>I went to Leaves & Roots, Whole Foods, Wal-Mart & Walgreens looking for Boric Acis. Non have it. I was told it is an old product and not available anymore. Wal-Mart said they could order it for me. Any suggestions as to where I can find it?






>> Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much better.

>> Take care !

>> Aggi



>> ________________________________

>> Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@...>

>> An: bird mites

>> Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012

>> Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports



>> Â

>> Hi birdluvr4evr,


>> Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful infestation last year. I took a sample of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he was mistaken because he said the critter was a "baby spider." All my critters were around the same size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it was a mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where I found them, but who knows.


>> Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a swimming cap on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used for painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it was still hard to not have those things all over me.


>> One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I spread it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I left it like that for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I never saw them again, except dead on the floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types of mites or whether this could work for you, but it m

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I have 20 Mule Team Borax. Are there different types of Boric Acid? I want to

use it to make eyewash.


> >>

> >> Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much better.

> >> Take care !

> >> Aggi

> >>

> >>

> >> ________________________________

> >> Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@>

> >> An: bird mites

> >> Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012

> >> Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

> >>

> >>

> >>  

> >> Hi birdluvr4evr,

> >>

> >> Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful infestation

last year. I took a sample of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he

was mistaken because he said the critter was a " baby spider. " All my critters

were around the same size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it

was a mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where I

found them, but who knows.

> >>

> >> Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a swimming

cap on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used

for painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it was still hard

to not have those things all over me.

> >>

> >> One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I

spread it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I left it like

that for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I

never saw them again, except dead on the floor. I'm not sure if we have similar

types of mites or whether this could work for you, but it m


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Hi there,

I found that Borax was not as effective at killing mites as was

boric acid, though boric acid can be a hazard if you breath it

closely. If you pour it, you have to be careful and read very well

the directions because it might not be appropriate on some surfaces.

I had wooden floors and I covered them all for about 2-4 days. This

is not professional advice, just what someone who was desperate did

to get rid of mites and it worked. I just knew that the mites were

hiding in the corners of my floors/walls, so I knew they had to

travel to my bed. So basically my entire room was covered

completely, and when they tried to get to me, they'd walk on the

acid and it disintegrated them.



On 4/18/2012 1:20 AM, birdluvr4evr wrote:

I have 20 Mule Team Borax. Are there different types of

Boric Acid? I want to use it to make eyewash.


> >>

> >> Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much


> >> Take care !

> >> Aggi

> >>

> >>

> >> ________________________________

> >> Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@>

> >> An: bird mites

> >> Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012

> >> Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around

time for Entomology reports

> >>

> >>

> >> Â

> >> Hi birdluvr4evr,

> >>

> >> Just wondering if you've tried boric acid

yet? I had an awful infestation last year. I took a sample

of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he was

mistaken because he said the critter was a "baby spider."

All my critters were around the same size, so it was no

baby and it was no spider. I suspect it was a mite of some

sort because there were feathers around the area where I

found them, but who knows.

> >>

> >> Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do

anything. I slept with a swimming cap on my head and a

nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used

for painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline,

and it was still hard to not have those things all over


> >>

> >> One day I finally poured boric acid all over

the floor in my room, I spread it evenly until everything

was white with the powder, and I left it like that for a

few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm

serious, I never saw them again, except dead on the floor.

I'm not sure if we have similar types of mites or whether

this could work for you, but it m


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Now that you've all mentioned these tiny warts....I have got them too and they are all on my neck !

Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 18:53 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I also have those tiny tiny wart things that started coming with this process. They are mainly on tops of hands for me. Seem to be resolving with treatment. This is my theory that all of the skin stuff we experience is Bartonella (there are many types of Bart and new being discovered all the time; it is THE most expansive infection going on worldwide). So one drug works for one and not the other!

From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:50:02 AMSubject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but still believe I have/had Lyme

and/or co-infections !

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth. AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in

them. > > >> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >> >> >>

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Same here Jess ! I also hope that with the help and godsent support of this awesome group

we're all going to beat the beast one fine day.

Yes, WE can ! :-)

Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 19:12 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Thank you, Aggi, good to hear from you too... I'm not cured yet but under control. Hopefully one day I'll get rid of this for good.All the best to you,JessOn 4/17/2012 10:54 AM, Aggi Assmann wrote:

Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much better.

Take care !


Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Hi birdluvr4evr, Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful infestation last year. I took a sample of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he was mistaken because he said the critter was a "baby spider." All my critters were around the same size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it was a mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where I found them, but who knows. Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a swimming cap on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used for painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it was still hard to not have those things all over me. One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I spread it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I left it like that for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I never saw

them again, except dead on the floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types of mites or whether this could work for you, but it might be worth a try. Though I was happy to get rid of the mites, I was left with a terrible Morgellons infection that I am still battling. I have it under control thank God and I don't feel it all the time, but I did have to move out of my apartment and get rid of lots of things for this to happen. I believe, based on my experience, that these things need you and your surroundings to thrive. They need your clothing and your body to go back and forth, to hatch and reproduce. If you get rid of the most infested things, you're getting rid of a big part of their population, though you can get easily reinfested, unfortunately. I hope you don't get Morgellons, but if you do, there's some Lyme and Morgellons literate doctors out there. I haven't seen one yet because they're pretty expensive and my symptoms are very

under control, but there are doctors out there.I hope you can get this under control soon, all the best,JessOn 4/17/2012 9:12 AM, birdluvr4evr wrote:

I have entered a part of the world I never knew existed. How our wonderful lives can change from one day to the next! Getting rid of my carpets is one thing but my wonderful bed that I love so much? And my sofa? My bed is very expensive and my place of sanctuary. I will never be able to afford another like it. The sofa is a 6 piece set that fits our odd shaped family room perfectly. We bought it used 23 years ago while this house was being built and had it reupholstered. I intended that both my bed and that sofa set be the last I ever buy. I may try to find bags big enough to bag up each piece and super-fumigate them. It is amazing what these bugs do to me. Last night I decided to not take the Hydroxyzine my doc prescribed for me but had 2 glasses of wine, instead - shortly before going to bed. But, before that I thoroughly vacuumed my mattress & box spring, taking extra care of the seams - sprayed it with Professional Lysol Spray, let that

dry, then puffed 20 Mule Team Borax on the seams of the mattress, in the side vents of the mattress, between the mattress & box spring and between the box spring and metal frame. I put on my freshly laundered sheets & pillowcases, pillows just out of 40 minutes in the dryer with a Bounce sheet, on high heat. In the meantime my Roomba was vacuuming the carpet. He is a new addition since this happened and I love him to pieces! I have come to the conclusion 20 Mule Team Borax is of no use with my particular mite. Anyway, I woke up with many, many mites all over me, the same as every day. I immediately used my Neti Pot - with a solution of boiled water, salt, baking soda & Peroxide that I make, bathed in Epsom Salts, as every day. I am blessed that my tub has jets and I can lay in the swirling water and get the creatures off me. However, today my body feels traumatized. My conclusion is that the prescription helps with that in a way the wine

didn't. My face forever feels like something is crawling on it so last night & this morning I used my steam facial machine. My skin looks better and I don't feel the crawling sensation. I think I may go to the Y a couple of times a week and use the Sauna. I normally don't because I am never still that long - but now I have motive.Besides being an accountant, tax season oficially ends today, thank goodness!!! I am a Beauty Consultant. The horrible thing about this is that I don't even bother to put on makeup these days. None of my clients have ever seen me without makeup before. They ALL commented on how tired I looked. I let them assume it was because of tax season and that they were at fault for piling their stuff on me so late in the game, not letting on that it was because of all the hard work cleaning, laundering and loss of sleep because of tiny white creatures crawling all over me.My friend is seeing a nutritionist who treats with

biofeedback and quantum reflexology. She is my next stop.

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I can believe so, too ! Perhaps I should be grateful for the mites, because they made me aware of

what was under the surface..., haha

And yes, I am very much on alert for the slightest symptom since dealing with this crap !

Von: Aandraya <aandraya@...>An: "bird mites " <bird mites > Gesendet: 8:08 Mittwoch, 18.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports


Yeah, Lyme and coinfection symptoms vary greatly and I believe you addressed these infections early on before they really knocked you down. Watch for symptoms because if not fully treated relapse is likely.


On Apr 17, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...> wrote:

Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but still believe I have/had Lyme

and/or co-infections !

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth. AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in

them. > > >> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I > > called and left a message

but haven't had a returned call yet, > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >> >> >>

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Very good Sharon ! I wasn't aware that you are with an LLMD already.

I am actually rotating with anti-fungal Itraconazole and antibiotic Doxycycline.

Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 19:07 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I agree Aggi. I think the antifungal I'm taking has helped a lot. (Diflucan). LLMD put me on high doses of it every other day.

From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:23:02 AMSubject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I know this sounds awful, but you are still quite lucky for not being bit by the critters.

My mites used to bite me 24/7, didn't get one single minute of rest or peace, I felt like

a piece of pray really.

You should also consider the possibility of having a fungus on your skin or in your body.

When my mite infestation happened, I used to have a skin fungus without knowing or having

any symptoms at the time. Still pretty sure that the fungus attracted the mites in the first place and

it all went from there.

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:43 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet. My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need

to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.> > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >>

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Mine were not warts, mine were tags. MMS baths they crumbled away. This article

shows great pics of what I got AFTER the tck bite. Now I have none, love it. I

had many.


> > > > >

> > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a

> > delivery

> > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Mine look like tags also !

Von: healinghope <mfrreman@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 17:40 Mittwoch, 18.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Mine were not warts, mine were tags. MMS baths they crumbled away. This article shows great pics of what I got AFTER the tck bite. Now I have none, love it. I had many.http://www.medicinenet.com/skin_tag/article.htm--- In bird mites , Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>> Bartonella does this when present with Lyme.> Aandraya> > > > On Apr 18, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...> wrote:> > > Now that you've all mentioned these tiny warts....I have got them > > too and they are all on my neck !> >> >> > Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>> > An: bird mites > > Gesendet: 18:53 Dienstag, 17.April 2012> > Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology > > reports> >> >> > I also have those tiny tiny wart things that started coming with > > this process. They are mainly on tops of hands for me. Seem to be > > resolving with treatment. This is my theory that all of the skin > > stuff we experience is Bartonella (there are many types of Bart and > > new being discovered all the time; it is THE most expansive > > infection going on worldwide). So one drug works for one and not > > the other!> >> > > >> > From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>> > bird mites > > Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:50:02 AM> > Subject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology > > reports> >> >> >> > Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but > > still believe I have/had Lyme> > and/or co-infections !> >> >> > Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >> > An: bird mites > > Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012> > Betreff:

Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports> >> >> > I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. > > In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been > > seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am > > healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many > > from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, > > Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my > > bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth.> >> > AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front > > of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she > > can't remove them because the insurance company will say are > > cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon

I used > > to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's > > outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover > > but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm > > afraid the mites will get in them.> >> > > > > > >> > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a> > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a > > delivery> > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I> > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,> > > > either. I know their

urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

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They fall off with Bart treatment.AaOn Apr 18, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...> wrote:

Mine look like tags also !

Von: healinghope <mfrreman@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 17:40 Mittwoch, 18.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Mine were not warts, mine were tags. MMS baths they crumbled away. This article shows great pics of what I got AFTER the tck bite. Now I have none, love it. I had many.http://www.medicinenet.com/skin_tag/article.htm--- In bird mites , Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:>> Bartonella does this when present with Lyme.> Aandraya> > > > On Apr 18, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...> wrote:> > > Now that you've all mentioned these tiny warts....I have got them > > too and they are all on my neck !> >> >> > Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>> > An: bird mites > > Gesendet: 18:53 Dienstag, 17.April 2012> > Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology > > reports> >> >> > I also have those tiny tiny wart things that started coming with > > this process. They are mainly on tops of hands for me. Seem to be > > resolving with treatment. This is my theory that all of the skin > > stuff we experience is Bartonella (there are many types of Bart and > > new being discovered all the time; it is THE most expansive > > infection going on worldwide). So one drug works for one and not > > the other!> >> > > >> > From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>> > bird mites > > Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:50:02 AM> > Subject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology > > reports> >> >> >> > Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but > > still believe I have/had Lyme> > and/or co-infections !> >> >> > Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >> > An: bird mites > > Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012> > Betreff:

Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports> >> >> > I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. > > In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been > > seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am > > healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many > > from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, > > Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my > > bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth.> >> > AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front > > of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she > > can't remove them because the insurance company will say are > > cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon

I used > > to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's > > outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover > > but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm > > afraid the mites will get in them.> >> > > > > > >> > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a> > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a > > delivery> > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I> > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,> > > > either. I know their

urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

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Aa mine never came off until mms baths.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the

> > specimens a

> > > > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a

> > > > delivery

> > > > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but

> > haven't so I

> > > > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > > > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I was told that mites will often burrow down into carpet fibers and hide or lay

eggs there. If you can find a powder, like this cedar powder I have found, you

can try sprinkling the powder on the carpet and use push brooms to push it down

into those fibers. At least that is what the instructions say. I have been

ready to start treating my house this week, but my landlord called another pest

control company out to take a look at things. They said they would tent if

necessary, but want to see if they can save money with other treatments which

have worked with clover mites and bed bugs. That is fine with me. I am so

exhausted I wasn't sure what or how I was going to treat the house. Best of

luck with the carpets. Terry

> > > >

> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Sharon, I have been and am still in your shoes. I too knew nothing about

bird mites, although I am learning more and more about them these days then I

had ever wanted to learn. I had canaries and I had abandoned robin's nests

outside the room where my canaries were. Don't know if it started with the

canaries or with the abandoned nests, but probably will never really matter. I

saw them on my hand at first. They were sort of brown little dots. I could see

them because they were leaving my bird so probably had some blood in them. Got

rid of the birds and since then they have had me and my little dog as their

movable feasts.

lI too never really feet them bite. Oh the occasional nip and pin prick, but

for the most part, that was not all that bad. Not compared to the many mites

that seemed to be determined to climb into every body opening on my face (and

other places I refuse to think about). You are right, Vicks Vapor Rub does not

stop them. It might slow them down some, but they always managed to get past

it. I tried oils and I tried Vaseline and, well, ran the gamut of things to


I found that I had to constantly mix it up. One day I might use Vaseline with

some tea tree oil mixed in, another day it might be Avons skin so soft bug

repellant. One other day I used Avons skin so soft body oil with eucalyptus and

lavender. I always was changing it up. And took constant showers. This aspect

of weathering these mites with this kind of attack has been the hardest to

endure. I found that I was always spitting and coughing them up. Took to

gargling with cold coke or pepsi. For some reason the mites would " dislodge "

more readily to this then to Listerine, either the menthol or the original.

Perhaps it was the cold and the carbonation. I also started sucking on menthol

drops all the time. And peppermint oil or soap in the shower really worked too.

But I still had to use something around my face before I could go to sleep and I

mean I smeared it on thick. I made sure my pillow was encased and that my

blankets were freshly laundered. I would sprinkle Borax around my bed before

going to sleep and sprayed the mattress with diluted ammonia.

I found the bird mites in the middle of February and I contacted the Entomology

Department at the closest University. Spoke with the Parasitologist and

explained everything. He was convinced they were red bird mites. I never sent

off examples. In fact he told me not to bother as he was so certain. So, got

rid of the birds and called in a fumigator. February 27...that was my first day

of fumigation. PCO used Onslaught/Nygard (which is an IGR) on all the carpets,

sofas, walls, etc. Really helped. Initially, but after about 3 weeks of waiting

for them to " just die " I gave up, called him out again. This time he used

Zenprox. Same method. Same result...NADA. Oh, there was a lull for a day or

two which was an absolute God-send, but when they came back it was almost

torturous. So called them out again. And this time they repeated with the

Onslaught, used an Exciter and fogged inside some of the walls. Really did not

work. Although, I do believe it is getting better, eradication is still a ways

away and I have to keep throwing in the towel and moving into a hotel for a few

days just to get some rest. The sleep deprivation, loss of weight because I

can't eat anything, and the stress all combine to make things really horrible.

It sounds like you are enduring the exact same thing. I believe that our

systems seem to attract and/or repel these mites, and for some reason, like me

and sounds like you too, they just love to crawl inside our mouths, nose, ears

and eyes. There are many theories about this. Like weakened immune systems, or

high acid or too much sugar in our diet. I did beef up on my vitamins and

probiotics as well as liver boosters. I have suffered through two bladder

infections since this started. Don't know if it is the mites or the fact that I

am downing so much diet soda. But only thing I can stand.

Anyway, I contacted a PCO in Hawaii who uses an organic product called Cedar Bug

Free. He swears by it. You might google the name and you can read his story.

You can also call him and talk to him. He is great and has lots of good advice

at no charge. He has been fighting mites for 23 years including his own home

infestation which he had to get through. He says they have been dealing with a

lot of the invisible mites which can burrow into your skin. He can ship from

Hawaii pretty cheap. But before I could get started with the carpet powder and

the fogging, my best friend called Terminix for me. They are coming out to do a

free inspection. They can identify the pest (no need to send it to a lab) and

will provide me with a quote on how to get rid of the critters. Apparently they

have been dealing with a lot of clover mites of late as well as bed bugs. He

said I did not need to throw away my sofas. They have some kind of process in

which the entire sofa is encased in plastic and then they inject inside the

" bubble " , that is formed around the sofa, with frozen carbon dioxide. He says

it kills everything inside the sofa. He said that they also systematically

treat everywhere inside the house, inside the walls and outside as well to keep

mites from coming inside. I am meeting him tomorrow and keeping my fingers

crossed. He said that although they might have to tent, they are hoping not to

have to do that in order to keep the costs down.

There are many here who have tons of great advice about how to take care of this

on your own and I bet a lot of it works. But I have an impaired immune system

(which is probably why I am so tasty) and am very fatigued and in pain a lot

(before the bird mites)...so there is much I just can not do. I have been using

everything from Ammonia to alcohol to Borax to Essential oils...and much

works..but this fight was just lasting too long and it was killing me. I know

the life cycle of a bird mite (from its last avian blood feed) can last as long

as 9 months. I think an IGR really shortens that life cycle down. And provided

you know exactly where these mites are coming from AND you get rid of that site,

then you know what amount of time you are facing. After almost 3 months of

dealing with this, I knew there was no way I could last another 6 months. So, I

have resolved myself to try Terminix, and if that does not work, then I will be

using the DIY Cedar Bug Free...and if that does not work, then I am moving out

for 6 months and storing my furniture (if I can keep some of it).

Oh, and throwing away much of my clothes cut down on my mite attacks. I have

tried to give them no place to hide. Emptied out all my dresser drawers and all

my closets. I have all my clothes in bags outside in moth balls.

This is a furious, no holds barred kind of fight. It isn't easy and there are

no quick solutions, at least not that I have found, but I do believe they can be

killed and driven off. This is a great group of people here who have had lots

of success. I am new here myself but have already learned a lot. I will

continue to share anything I find that might be successful.

I do stress that giving yourself a couple of days break every now and then, if

you can afford it, is really critical. If it was just the bites I probably

could have endured without needing to leave. But I just could not tolerate the

sleep deprivation for more than a couple of weeks at a time after a while. I

think I lasted 3 weeks initially.

Good luck and hang in there. I know this battle can be won. Be nice to

yourself. I hated to spend money on a hotel, but those couple of days every now

and then were really worth it.

Take care, Terry

> > > >

> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

The nutritionist I consulted had an older, wiser, more experienced nutritionist

call me and she felt she does not have the experience to help me. So I'm back to

square one.


> > > > > >

> > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the

> > specimens a

> > > > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a

> > delivery

> > > > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't

> > so I

> > > > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > > > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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