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Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

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Hi Birdluvr

I read of qute a few poster trying to get there bug identified , most were told

it was dirt , or they lost the specimen ..

Here is a good post to read giving some solid help before you find out what bug

it is

Repasted form previous post :

Mites and farmer tricks


bird mites/message/10634

I don't know where you people are from, whether it be city, or too far north to

know this, but " mites " are nothing new, and there is nothing " foreign about


I was raised, and still live in Louisiana, which is called, " semi-tropical. " I

was raised on a farm/ranch. There are so many different types of mites, that

bite, that I will not begin to try to list many; I will give a few examples.

Warm blooded animals get lice; plants get lice; they are not the same type of

lice. the " lice " that infest your turnip green patch, will not bite you because

it suddenly " got warmer " in the US. The mites and lice that infest your chicken

house, will not be satisfied with sucking on turnip greens; but they will crawl

all over a human and give you the " itch " for many days after you have gotten

rid of the mites. There are " redbugs, " picked up from walking through grass,

brush, or sometimes dirt. They will burrow under your skin and make you want to

take a wire brush and shed your won hide off. There are seed ticks that will

cover you from brushing against the wrong tree limb, or infest your living room

when you buy that " real " tree at Christmas. The " Mange " in dogs, or as we

humans dislike having to call it, " Scabies, " that will infest you and all your

pets. There are hog lice, chiken mites, Sarcopic mange, ring worm, ( & scores of

other funguses from cattle and horses and dogs), that humans can get. There is

the " creeping crud, " a fungus, that sometimes does not show to the naked eye for

months, but will make you claw until you bleed, usually starting at the

ankles and working up; it lives in the soil. While we back woods, country people

may call all these vermin and varmints funny names, and we may seem

stupid to some, we know these critters you are talking about; they were here in

the US long before you went overseas. It is just as possible that you caught it

from your Georgia tent mate when he returned from leave, as it is that you

caught it in Iraq, or some other " hot " place.

We have put a couple of cap fulls of pine oil or bleach in our bath water for

years; we have cleaned our houses with pine oil for hundreds of years. We have

dabbed pine oil, turpintine, and sometimes if desperate enough, coal oil, on

redbugs, (and various other critters that attached themselves to us), to kill

them for hundreds of years. We have coated ourselves in various kinds of fats,

mud, and paste to keep them off, and to kill them when they decided to live on

us anyway. We have bathed in baking soda, salt and epsoms salt to keep from

itching; smeared paste from mustard, baking soda and tobacco to help. We have

taken the " skin " from egg shells and pit on bad bites, to draw the " itch " out.

We have chewed on the sulphur ends of hard matches, and made a paste out

of " flowers of sulfur; " which bugs hate the smell of, and it keeps the bites

from getting infected. One of the bad things about itchy bites, it all that

scratching and hot, blooding flesh, attracts even more critters.

As for borax; you can buy " 20 Mule Team " borax powder; it's been around longer

than any of us. We wash with it, neutralize orors with it, remove stains with

it, etc. Most of all, down here, we have been rubbing it on our meat in our

smoke houses for ages; flies won't even light on it. we just wash it off when

we take it out to eat. I heard in the eighties, that they were " blowing "

recycled, chipped up, news papers into the walls of old historical homes to

insulate them. Guess what they were soaking the news paper in prior to drying

and chopping it up? That's right...Borax. Not only does it kill bugs, repel

bugs, repel rodents and prevent them from chewing and nesting in the paper

insulation, but it makes the paper fire retardent. You can make your on roach

and ant bait with it by mixing it with flour and sugar, or just corn syrup and

Borax. You can use it like carpet fresh, and you can wash your walls and floors

and counters with it; use it as a paste for scrubbing; just don't rinse it too

well, and you will see a lessening of itchy critters. And for people that want

their clothes clean, but do not like fragrance fumes, etc., it's the best for

your laundry.

If the varmints are eating your ankles up, mix some borax with your lotion or

vaseline; it will repel them and has antibiotic properties

Summary :


Mustard 2.00

skin of egg $1.99 haven't tried that one yet

coaltar shampoo 5.99

pinesol $4.00

bleach .69

sulphur $12.00 www.Americarx.com

baking soda $1.00

tobacco $4.00

fats .01 off a steak

mud $.00

and make s paste

Pretty cheap ! And they work



God bless you Birdluvr,



On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 3:36 PM EDT birdluvr4evr wrote:

>Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half

ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so

hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!


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I've never heard of mites besides dust mites and never experienced them. The

mites that are attracted to me, so far, don't bite, as a rule. Ocassionally, I

feel like a pin-prick but mostly they just crawl all over me, especially while I

am sleeping. In my nose, mouth, eyes, ears, etc, etc. How in heaven's name can I

stop that? Vicks DOES NOT work. I bought an air mattress and sprinkled 20 mule

Team Borax all around the base of it to prevent them from getting up on it thus

on me and it didn't stop them.

I dread the night! I am exhausted. I cannot take a nap. I have nowhere in my

house that I can lay down.



> >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> >


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Birdluvr-I don't want to disuade you but identifying the bugs is no the issue though I understand the need to know what they are. Do you have any other health issues? Have you felt more fatigued, anxious, brainfoggy before this attack occured? Have you noticed any issues with memory/attention or visual/auditory changes? Skin issues? AandrayaOn Apr 16, 2012, at 10:31 PM, birdluvr4evr <no_reply > wrote:

I've never heard of mites besides dust mites and never experienced them. The mites that are attracted to me, so far, don't bite, as a rule. Ocassionally, I feel like a pin-prick but mostly they just crawl all over me, especially while I am sleeping. In my nose, mouth, eyes, ears, etc, etc. How in heaven's name can I stop that? Vicks DOES NOT work. I bought an air mattress and sprinkled 20 mule Team Borax all around the base of it to prevent them from getting up on it thus on me and it didn't stop them.

I dread the night! I am exhausted. I cannot take a nap. I have nowhere in my house that I can lay down.



> >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> >


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birdluvr4evr,They aren't biting us anymore - but I still sweep up debris. Do you have a pet? If so, they need to be treated too.This is what I did initially.It is important to keep it dry in your home - they love moisture.Got rid of all the rugs (we have hard wood floors). Cleaned from top to bottom with lysol and windex. All sinks, toilets, tanks were sprayed with lysol, even the pipes under the sink. These critters need water, so

I ran a dehumidifier 24 x 7. I even sprayed under my refrigerator. We

took showers 2 x a day for 2 weeks, now it is only

once a day. I sprayed down the shower after each use. I washed all the bedding daily, and covered everything we sat on with sheets and washed them too. All in hot water with borax and in the dryer for an hour at the highest setting. I also baked everything - shoes, purses..I used

dish soap to shower and poured epsom salt and water from an old dish soap bottle as a rinse, then used a hair dryer to dry myself.This really helped:Each day(for 4 days) I would add to a gallon jug of water (no fluoride) 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of soda, and fill a 26 oz bottle with the solution with a pinch of borax. The next three days I would just drink the soda/vinegar solution. The gallon jug lasts about 3

days. I bought a zapper and used it as much as I could. I purchased it on ebay for about $100 - the Don Croft Terminator II. I don't know much about these machines, but after using it for two days, the mites did not

bite me anymore. I hardly use the zapper now, but keep it handy just in case the summer brings them back.After about 3 weeks, I am

still drinking the vinegar/soda/borax solution and using the zapper, but I don't have to wash everything everyday. I do not feel them anymore, but I

am sweeping up a small pile of dead ones - they look like little specks, and fine sand. They are getting fewer and fewer, and I am afraid

to stop. I have put my house in order, not using plastic bags anymore and feel better than I have in months. I will keep up this regiment until there are no more dead mites to sweep. I have also treated the cat with a little vinegar/soda/borax in her food. Hope this helps. I think the cat was infected first, but they didn't transfer to us until the cat was not enough. Now I use MMS baths and drink MMS buffered with baking soda. Sometimes I feel dry crystals on my eyes, but the biting stopped long ago. I think I had other things going on, but the mites were the first indication something was wrong. With the MMS, and soda taken internally, I believe other infections were present making the mites interested in me. I sent a sample to the physician and they never got back to me - that was last September. They were going to refer me to a dermatologist which really turned me off. There is a lot of good information in this forum - hang in there.One other thing that helped me was making clove oil - you can buy it too - they do not like it - I made quite a bit of it and have it in the house. When I take

a bath in MMS - I use the water in all the drains and toilet tanks - those buggers like to live and breed in water. Make sure your water softener is working - Tobacco is also an insecticide. I boiled it up - the wet snuff stuff - don't know how effective that was but it nearly made me leave the house. From: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >Subject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsbird mites Date: Monday, April 16, 2012, 10:31 PM

I've never heard of mites besides dust mites and never experienced them. The mites that are attracted to me, so far, don't bite, as a rule. Ocassionally, I feel like a pin-prick but mostly they just crawl all over me, especially while I am sleeping. In my nose, mouth, eyes, ears, etc, etc. How in heaven's name can I stop that? Vicks DOES NOT work. I bought an air mattress and sprinkled 20 mule Team Borax all around the base of it to prevent them from getting up on it thus on me and it didn't stop them.

I dread the night! I am exhausted. I cannot take a nap. I have nowhere in my house that I can lay down.



> >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> >


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Ditto on the dehumidifier running 24/7 and keeping everything dry!AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 12:03 AM, <claire_l_beumer@...> wrote:

birdluvr4evr,They aren't biting us anymore - but I still sweep up debris. Do you have a pet? If so, they need to be treated too.This is what I did initially.It is important to keep it dry in your home - they love moisture.Got rid of all the rugs (we have hard wood floors). Cleaned from top to bottom with lysol and windex. All sinks, toilets, tanks were sprayed with lysol, even the pipes under the sink. These critters need water, so

I ran a dehumidifier 24 x 7. I even sprayed under my refrigerator. We

took showers 2 x a day for 2 weeks, now it is only

once a day. I sprayed down the shower after each use. I washed all the bedding daily, and covered everything we sat on with sheets and washed them too. All in hot water with borax and in the dryer for an hour at the highest setting. I also baked everything - shoes, purses..I used

dish soap to shower and poured epsom salt and water from an old dish soap bottle as a rinse, then used a hair dryer to dry myself.This really helped:Each day(for 4 days) I would add to a gallon jug of water (no fluoride) 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of soda, and fill a 26 oz bottle with the solution with a pinch of borax. The next three days I would just drink the soda/vinegar solution. The gallon jug lasts about 3

days. I bought a zapper and used it as much as I could. I purchased it on ebay for about $100 - the Don Croft Terminator II. I don't know much about these machines, but after using it for two days, the mites did not

bite me anymore. I hardly use the zapper now, but keep it handy just in case the summer brings them back.After about 3 weeks, I am

still drinking the vinegar/soda/borax solution and using the zapper, but I don't have to wash everything everyday. I do not feel them anymore, but I

am sweeping up a small pile of dead ones - they look like little specks, and fine sand. They are getting fewer and fewer, and I am afraid

to stop. I have put my house in order, not using plastic bags anymore and feel better than I have in months. I will keep up this regiment until there are no more dead mites to sweep. I have also treated the cat with a little vinegar/soda/borax in her food. Hope this helps. I think the cat was infected first, but they didn't transfer to us until the cat was not enough. Now I use MMS baths and drink MMS buffered with baking soda. Sometimes I feel dry crystals on my eyes, but the biting stopped long ago. I think I had other things going on, but the mites were the first indication something was wrong. With the MMS, and soda taken internally, I believe other infections were present making the mites interested in me. I sent a sample to the physician and they never got back to me - that was last September. They were going to refer me to a dermatologist which really turned me off. There is a lot of good information in this forum - hang in there.One other thing that helped me was making clove oil - you can buy it too - they do not like it - I made quite a bit of it and have it in the house. When I take

a bath in MMS - I use the water in all the drains and toilet tanks - those buggers like to live and breed in water. Make sure your water softener is working - Tobacco is also an insecticide. I boiled it up - the wet snuff stuff - don't know how effective that was but it nearly made me leave the house. From: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >Subject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsbird mites Date: Monday, April 16, 2012, 10:31 PM

I've never heard of mites besides dust mites and never experienced them. The mites that are attracted to me, so far, don't bite, as a rule. Ocassionally, I feel like a pin-prick but mostly they just crawl all over me, especially while I am sleeping. In my nose, mouth, eyes, ears, etc, etc. How in heaven's name can I stop that? Vicks DOES NOT work. I bought an air mattress and sprinkled 20 mule Team Borax all around the base of it to prevent them from getting up on it thus on me and it didn't stop them.

I dread the night! I am exhausted. I cannot take a nap. I have nowhere in my house that I can lay down.



> >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> >


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I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact,

before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful

nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I

eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo

foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the

Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth.

AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears,

around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because

the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment

with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay

because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover

but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the

mites will get in them.

> > >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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Bartonella causes those warty things, had those too, they go away with treatment.AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 12:15 AM, birdluvr4evr <no_reply > wrote:

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth.

AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in them.

> > >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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Birdluvr,Activated MMS used topically - and in the bath should help remove them. From: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >Subject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsbird mites Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 12:15 AM

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth.

AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in them.

> > >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a

> > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery

> > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I

> > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

> > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling

all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as

are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the

rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and

now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I

vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all

around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the

bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to

crawl up from the carpet.

My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be

adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off

me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom


Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need to find someone who treats naturally

who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.


> >


> > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!


> > >


> >


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I purchased a steamer too - but they love moisture - best to dry out the place. You need to treat internally - even if you just start with ACV(Apple Cider Vinegar) and water. Check out the website http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/mite_infestation.html. If they are hitting you in the eyes, nose, ears, mouth.From: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >Subject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsbird mites Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 12:43 AM

I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet.

My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.

Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.


> >


> > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!


> > >


> >


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BirdluvrThere's a really good herbal formula called A-Bart that is broad spectrum antimicrobial but targets bartonella. You can get it at Forrest Health. AandrayaOn Apr 17, 2012, at 12:43 AM, birdluvr4evr <no_reply > wrote:

I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet.

My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.

Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.


> >


> > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!


> > >


> >


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I think it is harder to get rid of these bugs with pets, so good you don't have pets. We had to remove our new carpeting to get rid of them too. There was no other way as they were hiding in the carpet and the carpets were thick. We replaced flooring with a product similar to linoleum, not the best flooring, but it is glued down and there is no space between planks where something could hide. You may have to remove carpets to get rid of these bastards. We also took lots of furniture and area rugs to the dump, even our new bed. I kept my vacuum outside and put a piece of duct tape over the hose to keep anything from escaping; changed the bags often. Used DE as long as we could tolerate it in and around bookcases and books, around bed. The routine for us was spraying with Windex or ammonia water. Ceilings are 10' so my husband would climb on our tallest ladder and spray ceilings, walls, floors, over and over again. We did each room. Windex leaves a slight tinge of blue on the paint which I don't mind. I vacuumed the whole hose daily and used a steam press to kill mites in our clothing which worked for us, but tired me out terribly. I still have steam press and use it occasionally more as an iron now. Also bought dehumidifier for months on end and it helped; had vents cleaned out. Did everything we could think to do in the house, since we live in a townhouse and could not hire someone to tent the house as we are connected to two other residences. Did not have that option. We had hired PCO company to spray and that just didn't even touch the problem. They used the wrong chemicals. I still occasionally use ammonia in my washer with Arm and Hammer detergent with Borax. I don't always use all 3, but switch off. We never saw a bug, but sounds like you did. I took samples to County Vector Control, but they turned out to be nothing according to them. That sort of thing would give us hope, but it was a big 0 for us. These bugs that were biting us carried diseases which we now have and I am dealing with daily. I am taking drugs through a Lyme Literate MD. I had preexisting Lyme, but I believe the bugs brought us Bartonella and Babesia. I am dealing with those things now through the use of medications. The symptoms of Bartonella are very similar to the experience of being bit by a bug, but it comes from the internal body, not something crawling on the outside.That's where my focus is now. I do some preventive cleaning in the house, but very little, just regular housekeeping mostly. We repainted ourselves in the last 2 months and focused on updating some of the kitchen. Getting rid of any mold in the house is essential to clear things. In some ways we have a normal life. I'm a housewife now retired for 6 years and husband still working a job. A normal type of life. But it was insane 4 years ago and it almost broke me. It was so difficult and everything you described we had also. We sure know where you are coming from. From: "birdluvr4evr" <no_reply >bird mites Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:43:05 PMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsI don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet. My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive. > > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >>------------------------------------

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If you have captured mites on tape, please let me know what you see. Do you have a magnifier or a scope? From: "birdluvr4evr" <no_reply >bird mites Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:43:05 PMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsI don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet. My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive. > > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >>------------------------------------

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With my naked eye I can see a white speck that is distinct from skin, etc. Radio

Shack has a magnifier that is 60x-100x and I am going to buy one today.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but still believe I have/had Lyme

and/or co-infections !

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth. AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in

them. > > >> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >> >> >>

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I have entered a part of the world I never knew existed. How our wonderful lives

can change from one day to the next! Getting rid of my carpets is one thing but

my wonderful bed that I love so much? And my sofa? My bed is very expensive and

my place of sanctuary. I will never be able to afford another like it. The sofa

is a 6 piece set that fits our odd shaped family room perfectly. We bought it

used 23 years ago while this house was being built and had it reupholstered. I

intended that both my bed and that sofa set be the last I ever buy. I may try to

find bags big enough to bag up each piece and super-fumigate them.

It is amazing what these bugs do to me. Last night I decided to not take the

Hydroxyzine my doc prescribed for me but had 2 glasses of wine, instead -

shortly before going to bed. But, before that I thoroughly vacuumed my mattress

& box spring, taking extra care of the seams - sprayed it with Professional

Lysol Spray, let that dry, then puffed 20 Mule Team Borax on the seams of the

mattress, in the side vents of the mattress, between the mattress & box spring

and between the box spring and metal frame. I put on my freshly laundered sheets

& pillowcases, pillows just out of 40 minutes in the dryer with a Bounce sheet,

on high heat. In the meantime my Roomba was vacuuming the carpet. He is a new

addition since this happened and I love him to pieces! I have come to the

conclusion 20 Mule Team Borax is of no use with my particular mite. Anyway, I

woke up with many, many mites all over me, the same as every day. I immediately

used my Neti Pot - with a solution of boiled water, salt, baking soda & Peroxide

that I make, bathed in Epsom Salts, as every day. I am blessed that my tub has

jets and I can lay in the swirling water and get the creatures off me. However,

today my body feels traumatized. My conclusion is that the prescription helps

with that in a way the wine didn't. My face forever feels like something is

crawling on it so last night & this morning I used my steam facial machine. My

skin looks better and I don't feel the crawling sensation. I think I may go to

the Y a couple of times a week and use the Sauna. I normally don't because I am

never still that long - but now I have motive.

Besides being an accountant, tax season oficially ends today, thank goodness!!!

I am a Beauty Consultant. The horrible thing about this is that I don't even

bother to put on makeup these days. None of my clients have ever seen me without

makeup before. They ALL commented on how tired I looked. I let them assume it

was because of tax season and that they were at fault for piling their stuff on

me so late in the game, not letting on that it was because of all the hard work

cleaning, laundering and loss of sleep because of tiny white creatures crawling

all over me.

My friend is seeing a nutritionist who treats with biofeedback and quantum

reflexology. She is my next stop.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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I know this sounds awful, but you are still quite lucky for not being bit by the critters.

My mites used to bite me 24/7, didn't get one single minute of rest or peace, I felt like

a piece of pray really.

You should also consider the possibility of having a fungus on your skin or in your body.

When my mite infestation happened, I used to have a skin fungus without knowing or having

any symptoms at the time. Still pretty sure that the fungus attracted the mites in the first place and

it all went from there.

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:43 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet. My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need

to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.> > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >>

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Hi birdluvr4evr,

Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful

infestation last year. I took a sample of the critter to an

entomologist and I believe he was mistaken because he said the

critter was a "baby spider." All my critters were around the same

size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it was a

mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where

I found them, but who knows.

Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a

swimming cap on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I

purchased an overall used for painting at home depot, I covered

myself in vaseline, and it was still hard to not have those things

all over me.

One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I

spread it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I

left it like that for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE

for good. I'm serious, I never saw them again, except dead on the

floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types of mites or whether

this could work for you, but it might be worth a try.

Though I was happy to get rid of the mites, I was left with a

terrible Morgellons infection that I am still battling. I have it

under control thank God and I don't feel it all the time, but I did

have to move out of my apartment and get rid of lots of things for

this to happen. I believe, based on my experience, that these things

need you and your surroundings to thrive. They need your clothing

and your body to go back and forth, to hatch and reproduce. If you

get rid of the most infested things, you're getting rid of a big

part of their population, though you can get easily reinfested,


I hope you don't get Morgellons, but if you do, there's some Lyme

and Morgellons literate doctors out there. I haven't seen one yet

because they're pretty expensive and my symptoms are very under

control, but there are doctors out there.

I hope you can get this under control soon, all the best,


On 4/17/2012 9:12 AM, birdluvr4evr wrote:

I have entered a part of the world I never knew existed.

How our wonderful lives can change from one day to the

next! Getting rid of my carpets is one thing but my

wonderful bed that I love so much? And my sofa? My bed is

very expensive and my place of sanctuary. I will never be

able to afford another like it. The sofa is a 6 piece set

that fits our odd shaped family room perfectly. We bought

it used 23 years ago while this house was being built and

had it reupholstered. I intended that both my bed and that

sofa set be the last I ever buy. I may try to find bags

big enough to bag up each piece and super-fumigate them.

It is amazing what these bugs do to me. Last night I

decided to not take the Hydroxyzine my doc prescribed for

me but had 2 glasses of wine, instead - shortly before

going to bed. But, before that I thoroughly vacuumed my

mattress & box spring, taking extra care of the seams

- sprayed it with Professional Lysol Spray, let that dry,

then puffed 20 Mule Team Borax on the seams of the

mattress, in the side vents of the mattress, between the

mattress & box spring and between the box spring and

metal frame. I put on my freshly laundered sheets &

pillowcases, pillows just out of 40 minutes in the dryer

with a Bounce sheet, on high heat. In the meantime my

Roomba was vacuuming the carpet. He is a new addition

since this happened and I love him to pieces! I have come

to the conclusion 20 Mule Team Borax is of no use with my

particular mite. Anyway, I woke up with many, many mites

all over me, the same as every day. I immediately used my

Neti Pot - with a solution of boiled water, salt, baking

soda & Peroxide that I make, bathed in Epsom Salts, as

every day. I am blessed that my tub has jets and I can lay

in the swirling water and get the creatures off me.

However, today my body feels traumatized. My conclusion is

that the prescription helps with that in a way the wine

didn't. My face forever feels like something is crawling

on it so last night & this morning I used my steam

facial machine. My skin looks better and I don't feel the

crawling sensation. I think I may go to the Y a couple of

times a week and use the Sauna. I normally don't because I

am never still that long - but now I have motive.

Besides being an accountant, tax season oficially ends

today, thank goodness!!! I am a Beauty Consultant. The

horrible thing about this is that I don't even bother to

put on makeup these days. None of my clients have ever

seen me without makeup before. They ALL commented on how

tired I looked. I let them assume it was because of tax

season and that they were at fault for piling their stuff

on me so late in the game, not letting on that it was

because of all the hard work cleaning, laundering and loss

of sleep because of tiny white creatures crawling all over


My friend is seeing a nutritionist who treats with

biofeedback and quantum reflexology. She is my next stop.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > >Does anyone know how long this can

take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know

they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I

had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called

and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet,

either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!

> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Hi Jess, good to see that you are so much better.

Take care !


Von: jessnyc <helpnynow@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 17:42 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Hi birdluvr4evr, Just wondering if you've tried boric acid yet? I had an awful infestation last year. I took a sample of the critter to an entomologist and I believe he was mistaken because he said the critter was a "baby spider." All my critters were around the same size, so it was no baby and it was no spider. I suspect it was a mite of some sort because there were feathers around the area where I found them, but who knows. Anyway, I also felt like I couldn't do anything. I slept with a swimming cap on my head and a nylon net over my face, then I purchased an overall used for painting at home depot, I covered myself in vaseline, and it was still hard to not have those things all over me. One day I finally poured boric acid all over the floor in my room, I spread it evenly until everything was white with the powder, and I left it like that for a few days. After that, the mites were GONE for good. I'm serious, I never saw

them again, except dead on the floor. I'm not sure if we have similar types of mites or whether this could work for you, but it might be worth a try. Though I was happy to get rid of the mites, I was left with a terrible Morgellons infection that I am still battling. I have it under control thank God and I don't feel it all the time, but I did have to move out of my apartment and get rid of lots of things for this to happen. I believe, based on my experience, that these things need you and your surroundings to thrive. They need your clothing and your body to go back and forth, to hatch and reproduce. If you get rid of the most infested things, you're getting rid of a big part of their population, though you can get easily reinfested, unfortunately. I hope you don't get Morgellons, but if you do, there's some Lyme and Morgellons literate doctors out there. I haven't seen one yet because they're pretty expensive and my symptoms are very

under control, but there are doctors out there.I hope you can get this under control soon, all the best,JessOn 4/17/2012 9:12 AM, birdluvr4evr wrote:

I have entered a part of the world I never knew existed. How our wonderful lives can change from one day to the next! Getting rid of my carpets is one thing but my wonderful bed that I love so much? And my sofa? My bed is very expensive and my place of sanctuary. I will never be able to afford another like it. The sofa is a 6 piece set that fits our odd shaped family room perfectly. We bought it used 23 years ago while this house was being built and had it reupholstered. I intended that both my bed and that sofa set be the last I ever buy. I may try to find bags big enough to bag up each piece and super-fumigate them. It is amazing what these bugs do to me. Last night I decided to not take the Hydroxyzine my doc prescribed for me but had 2 glasses of wine, instead - shortly before going to bed. But, before that I thoroughly vacuumed my mattress & box spring, taking extra care of the seams - sprayed it with Professional Lysol Spray, let that

dry, then puffed 20 Mule Team Borax on the seams of the mattress, in the side vents of the mattress, between the mattress & box spring and between the box spring and metal frame. I put on my freshly laundered sheets & pillowcases, pillows just out of 40 minutes in the dryer with a Bounce sheet, on high heat. In the meantime my Roomba was vacuuming the carpet. He is a new addition since this happened and I love him to pieces! I have come to the conclusion 20 Mule Team Borax is of no use with my particular mite. Anyway, I woke up with many, many mites all over me, the same as every day. I immediately used my Neti Pot - with a solution of boiled water, salt, baking soda & Peroxide that I make, bathed in Epsom Salts, as every day. I am blessed that my tub has jets and I can lay in the swirling water and get the creatures off me. However, today my body feels traumatized. My conclusion is that the prescription helps with that in a way the wine

didn't. My face forever feels like something is crawling on it so last night & this morning I used my steam facial machine. My skin looks better and I don't feel the crawling sensation. I think I may go to the Y a couple of times a week and use the Sauna. I normally don't because I am never still that long - but now I have motive.Besides being an accountant, tax season oficially ends today, thank goodness!!! I am a Beauty Consultant. The horrible thing about this is that I don't even bother to put on makeup these days. None of my clients have ever seen me without makeup before. They ALL commented on how tired I looked. I let them assume it was because of tax season and that they were at fault for piling their stuff on me so late in the game, not letting on that it was because of all the hard work cleaning, laundering and loss of sleep because of tiny white creatures crawling all over me.My friend is seeing a nutritionist who treats with

biofeedback and quantum reflexology. She is my next stop. > > > > > > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a

delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > >

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Spray mms spritzer on face, do oil pulls, use Vicks inhaler for nose.




> >

> > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> > >

> >


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Spray wintergreen rubbing alcohal mixed with some vinegar, spray bedding sheets

pillows pillow cases ectt

> >

> > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a

half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had

so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but

haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my

emergency. But!!

> > >

> >


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You must have a PC birdluvr4evr... I wish I could find something like this for the iMac. Have not found anything like this. From: "birdluvr4evr" <no_reply >bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:35:40 AMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsWith my naked eye I can see a white speck that is distinct from skin, etc. Radio Shack has a magnifier that is 60x-100x and I am going to buy one today. > > > > > > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > >

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I also have those tiny tiny wart things that started coming with this process. They are mainly on tops of hands for me. Seem to be resolving with treatment. This is my theory that all of the skin stuff we experience is Bartonella (there are many types of Bart and new being discovered all the time; it is THE most expansive infection going on worldwide). So one drug works for one and not the other!From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:50:02 AMSubject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

Remember Aandraya, I had no symptoms either, nothing at all, but still believe I have/had Lyme

and/or co-infections !

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:15 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I have no health issues or diseases and take no maintenance drugs. In fact, before this you couldn't get me to take meds. I had been seeing a wonderful nutritionist for 2 years and feel like I am healthier than I have ever been. I eat healthy, lots of greens, many from my garden, mostly organic - non-gmo foods, very little dairy, Almond milk. I am active, go to water aerobics at the Y & ride my bicycle. I have regular checkups, for whatever they are worth. AHA!! I have been developing warty like things on my face in front of my ears, around my hairline and on my chest. My doc says she can't remove them because the insurance company will say are cosmetic so I planned to make an appointment with a surgeon I used to work for and have them burned off. I'll have to pay because it's outside my plan. I have tried removing themself with wart remover but it's a very-slow process. Now I don't want to do it because I'm afraid the mites will get in

them. > > >> > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a > > week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery > > confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I > > called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, > > either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >> >> >>

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I used this too and very effective... every single night I sprayed entire bed with this and used Swiffer mop to spread it around. Hopefully birdluvr has already put vinyl mattress covers on mattress and box springs. Eventually organisms will die under those vinyl mattresses. I sprayed the vinyl with the above combo for a year and frame of bed. We had spent a lot of money on a new bed and wished later we did not throw the entire new bed away in dump. It could have been fine later... but who knew at the time. I would not get rid of sofa birdluvr. You can deal with that... find plastic covers and use DE on the sofa under the vinyl. It is only temporary - I still say carpets have to go! There are just too many places for mites to hide in carpet. From: "healinghope" <mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:57:53 AMSubject: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reportsSpray wintergreen rubbing alcohal mixed with some vinegar, spray bedding sheets pillows pillow cases ectt> > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > >> >>------------------------------------

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I agree Aggi. I think the antifungal I'm taking has helped a lot. (Diflucan). LLMD put me on high doses of it every other day. From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:23:02 AMSubject: Re: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I know this sounds awful, but you are still quite lucky for not being bit by the critters.

My mites used to bite me 24/7, didn't get one single minute of rest or peace, I felt like

a piece of pray really.

You should also consider the possibility of having a fungus on your skin or in your body.

When my mite infestation happened, I used to have a skin fungus without knowing or having

any symptoms at the time. Still pretty sure that the fungus attracted the mites in the first place and

it all went from there.

Von: birdluvr4evr <no_reply >An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:43 Dienstag, 17.April 2012Betreff: Re: Turn around time for Entomology reports

I don't have any pets. The thing is these mites aren't biting me, just crawling all over me. That's what scares me. What do they want? My bedroom is carpeted as are the other 2 bedrooms & the big dining area. Over 15 years ago we tiled the rest of the house and I wish we had done those rooms, too. I have a steamer and now that tax season is over I will try to heat the little suckers out. I vacuumed my mattress & box spring tonight and puffed 20 mule team Borax all around the sides and the frame. Let's see if it helps. I have the wheels of the bed frame sitting on glue boards thinking that will stop any critters trying to crawl up from the carpet. My shower head broke so my husband just replaced it with a new one that can be adjusted and is like a pressure washer. That will surely blow the suckers off me!! LoL It felt so good to have a shower - I am so sick of soaking in Epsom Salts.Thanks for all the good suggestions. I need

to find someone who treats naturally who can get my BO or whatever attracts them to me, unattractive.> > > > > > >Does anyone know how long this can take? I sent the specimens a week & a half ago. I know they received it because I have a delivery confirmation. I had so hoped to have heard by now but haven't so I called and left a message but haven't had a returned call yet, either. I know their urgency is not my emergency. But!!> > > >> > >>

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