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Hi ,

Welcome to this list. It is good to meet you and know a little bit

about why you are on the list. Like Jeff, my son also gets stuck

because at present his symptoms are almost totally obsessive, very few

visible symptoms. My son, Louis, also had a very bad time with

Prozac. He is now doing well on Zoloft and Buspar.

Perhaps some of the other parents may have a child with Tourettes. I

believe that many of our children are effected by various spectrum

disorders associated with OCD. Once the list is linked to the new

web site being created by OCSDA we will have doctors on the list and I

think that will benefit all of us. My son suffers from social phobia

as well as OCD.

Take care and keep us posted on how Jeff is doing on the Celexa.



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Hi ,

My name is Lesli and I have a five-year-old daughter with OCD. Like you

described, her symptoms tend to morph from one thing into another. She also is

very particular about the texture of

her clothes, and that is now being modified by peer pressure. So it seems like

her wardrobe is growing smaller and smaller. For 3 years she would wear only

dresses. Then someone at

kindergarten teased her about her underwear showing. Now she will wear only

pants. She has five pairs but will wear only three of them for reasons I have

not yet decoded.

She takes Prozac and has been on it for four months. At first it made her quite

hyperactive but now she (and/or we) is adjusting and that side effect is

decreasing. Good luck to you with

your son's meds.

Hang in there,


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HI Kathy and everyone,

Kathy, you are lucky to have found medication and treatment for your daughter so

quickly. When my daughter (now five-and-a-half) started Prozac a few months ago

she was soooo hard to live

with, we thought we were trading one set of problems for another. She was so

hyper that she was climbing up on the dining room table during dinner! She was

so impulsive that she had to do

everything she laid eyes on. One day she got into a rage on the way to the

library, and before I could stop her, she had run up to the doors of the public

library and yelled, " Stupid damn

it, " into the building. She thought this was hilarious. But the drug helped

the OCD so much that we stuck with it. The behavioral side effects are very

minimal now (it's been a little over

four months.)

She was also very, very angry for a while and still is sometimes. We also had

the feeling that she was so angry at her father and me. But that phase passed

for us and I hope it will for

you, too. I have found that disengaging myself from her anger works wonders - I

force my self to be unnaturally calm and walk away.

I'm so relieved to talk with all of you and to have found this list.

Take care,



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I feel for you Kathy. Three of my five children have OCD. , age 6, has

it the worst. At age three it began suddenly. One night she wouldn't lie

down in her bed because when she did, it would wrinkle. She must have gotten

in and out of bed over 100 time a night for several weeks. Then all of the

sudden the wrinkles didn't matter, instead, she had to line her dolls up in

a straight row on her pillow. Of course when she laid down, they became

unorganized and she was up again. After about three months of this, and

having exhausted all our options, we took her to a child psychiatrist. She

was put on liquid Prozac. It seemed to help a little. The night time rituals

stopped. Then a few months later she became obsessed with death and dying.

This was horrible. I don't even want to talk about that. But after she

learned how to swallow pills, the doctor put her on Paxil. It seems to be

working. (Thank you Lord.) So don't lose faith. There is help out there. I

will pray for you.

Beth Broom

ICQ # 21777001

AIM Beth5K


If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no

woman around to hear him - Is he still wrong?

hi everyone

>From: " Kathy " <klr@...>





>Hi everyone, my daughter was diagnosed with OCD this month, she also turned

>5 this month. We are all so new at this. My daughter has the dressing

>problem I read in some of the other posts, her main OCD problem is

>obsessions about being hurt with cutting or sharp things (cutting off legs,

>cutting out eyes, etc.) and seemingly a million and one compulsions that


>added to daily, most involving touching her body in various places,


>twirling, etc. She's been on Prozac for 3 days so far, I don't know what


>expect from it.


>My daughter is explosively angry in general because of her " bad brain " , at

>her father and me, her doctor, counselor, etc. She has so far refused to

>have anything to do with the

>counselor. She is adamant that she will tell

>me things and that *I* will tell the therapist or doctor. Her anger is

>truly astonishing--she previously was such a steady-tempered child. She is

>also clumsy, awkward, fidgety, and distracted much of the time, not

>surprising I guess.


>I'm so glad to have found this list.








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Hi Kathy,

My son also refused " the talking Dr " at first it wasn't until his

reg. ped.

talked to him about he should at least give it a try( he also was 5 ). Finding

the right

meds. at the right dose also helped. Spencer is now 6 and I never thought I


see the day he was actually happy and relaxed. Lately the more we learn


the better he feels. We still have ups and downs but we are hanging in there.

He is learning to manage his anger which is a huge step. It does get easier

(sometimes :+) Take care,


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  • 7 months later...

in PA,

I too have multiple ocd'ers. My son, 2 daughters and husband have ocd and

depression. The girls are complete opposites in personality. Adi, 13, is

articulate, loves competition, a real teenager. My 10yo, Ziv is anxious,

quiet, non-competitive,... my son is another story all together. He is

loud, controlling, stubborn, ...

We diagnosed him first and he has been in and out of various places from

the hospital to living in a group home. The girls were diagnosed 6 months

after him. My husband was the last, do to his denial.

Dont get angry at yourself for not noticing T., kids have a way of

rotating who needs the most attention. Around here their father takes a turn


Most importantly, take care of #1 - yourself.

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Welcome to the group!!! My name is also ! I'm from La.

and I have two children; who has been in counseling since

she was 12 (16 now) and takes SSRIs for depression, and

who is 13 and has been dx with OCD, ADD, GAD (general anxiety

disorder) and Aspergers. 's OCD is severe and he has been

unable to go to school since last Jan. because of it. He receives

homebound instruction through the school board.

This is the most wonderful group of people in the world! I'm glad

that you will be a part of it!

You might want to sign your emails with your name and maybe where

you're are from, to avoid confusion and to help everyone remember

who you are .

Again Welcome and take care!

mary from La.

abbottfamily wrote:

> Hi to all, This is my first time writing to everyone. I introduced

> myself to Louis earlier today. So some of this may be a repeat -

> sorry. My name is , my husband is Andy. We have three beautiful

> girls. We live in PA. Our middle daughter was diagnosed with OC at 3

> 1/2 years of age. She also has sensory issues and mood issues. She

> is doing extremely well now due to incredible CB therapy and meds. As

> you all know, I'm sure too well, it has been a long and confusing

> journey. And actually at the time of the diagnosing of my daughter my

> own extended family opened up with all their personal pain with OC and

> bipolar and other related nervous disorders. The truth about my

> father (who has been dead for seven years) came out from my Mom -

> which explains his behavior and why he was such a heavy drinker. That

> and of course with my daughters diagnosing was so sad to hear. How he

> suffered and no one really knew how to help him. I've gotten closer

> with my brother (severe OC and depression among other issues). He

> calls alot to help my , but I think it helps him. God sure does

> work in mysterious ways. My oldest daughter (who is 8 years old), she

> is beautiful, but she is hurting now. She probably has always been.

> She grew up with and her incredible storms (outburst). She has

> been mortified a number of times in front of friends, etc. She just

> starting over the summer, not wanting to go out anywhere, cry to go to

> the movies. She is very anxious and shows mild OC characteristics.

> So, now since is some what at peace, we are focusing on

> T. It's hard because she is a different personality. is so

> loud, she makes herself known, where T. is so quiet - it saddens

> me how she has been so quiet these past 5 years. Now her pain is

> obvious. Well more work to be done - as always. I'm very pleased to

> be able to share thoughts with people who know where you are coming

> from. Thanks for listening.

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Hi ,

I just wanted to say welcome to the List!! I am sure

you will find it very helpful, as have I. I have a 10

year old son with ocd. I live in PA also. You have

been dealing with a lot! I look forward to talking

more in the future!!

Take Care

in PA

--- abbottfamily <abbottfamily@...> wrote:

> Hi to all,


> This is my first time writing to everyone. I

> introduced myself to Louis earlier today. So some

> of this may be a repeat - sorry.


> My name is , my husband is Andy. We have three

> beautiful girls. We live in PA. Our middle

> daughter was diagnosed with OC at 3 1/2 years of

> age. She also has sensory issues and mood issues.

> She is doing extremely well now due to incredible CB

> therapy and meds. As you all know, I'm sure too

> well, it has been a long and confusing journey. And

> actually at the time of the diagnosing of my

> daughter my own extended family opened up with all

> their personal pain with OC and bipolar and other

> related nervous disorders. The truth about my

> father (who has been dead for seven years) came out

> from my Mom - which explains his behavior and why he

> was such a heavy drinker. That and of course with

> my daughters diagnosing was so sad to hear. How he

> suffered and no one really knew how to help him.

> I've gotten closer with my brother (severe OC and

> depression among other issues). He calls alot to

> help my , but I think it helps him. God sure

> does work in mysterious ways. My oldest daughter

> (who is 8 years old), she is beautiful, but she is

> hurting now. She probably has always been. She

> grew up with and her incredible storms

> (outburst). She has been mortified a number of

> times in front of friends, etc. She just starting

> over the summer, not wanting to go out anywhere, cry

> to go to the movies. She is very anxious and shows

> mild OC characteristics. So, now since is

> some what at peace, we are focusing on T. It's

> hard because she is a different personality.

> is so loud, she makes herself known, where T.

> is so quiet - it saddens me how she has been so

> quiet these past 5 years. Now her pain is obvious.

> Well more work to be done - as always. I'm very

> pleased to be able to share thoughts with people who

> know where you are coming from. Thanks for

> listening.





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Hi , when you said had mood issues is this from OCD or something

else? Was your father bipolar?I'm sorry for all the pain you've had to go

through.Are 's sensory issues better now? I'm so happy you have a great

therapist for you are very lucky.Is getting help ? How is she doing

now? You were so right when you said this is a confusing journey. Take Care

,Beth in IN.

Hi Everyone

Hi to all,

This is my first time writing to everyone. I introduced myself to Louis

earlier today. So some of this may be a repeat - sorry.

My name is , my husband is Andy. We have three beautiful girls. We live

in PA. Our middle daughter was diagnosed with OC at 3 1/2 years of age. She

also has sensory issues and mood issues. She is doing extremely well now due to

incredible CB therapy and meds. As you all know, I'm sure too well, it has been

a long and confusing journey. And actually at the time of the diagnosing of my

daughter my own extended family opened up with all their personal pain with OC

and bipolar and other related nervous disorders. The truth about my father (who

has been dead for seven years) came out from my Mom - which explains his

behavior and why he was such a heavy drinker. That and of course with my

daughters diagnosing was so sad to hear. How he suffered and no one really knew

how to help him. I've gotten closer with my brother (severe OC and depression

among other issues). He calls alot to help my , but I think it helps him.

God sure does work in mysterious ways. My oldest daughter (who is 8 years old),

she is beautiful, but she is hurting now. She probably has always been. She

grew up with and her incredible storms (outburst). She has been

mortified a number of times in front of friends, etc. She just starting over

the summer, not wanting to go out anywhere, cry to go to the movies. She is

very anxious and shows mild OC characteristics. So, now since is some

what at peace, we are focusing on T. It's hard because she is a different

personality. is so loud, she makes herself known, where T. is so

quiet - it saddens me how she has been so quiet these past 5 years. Now her

pain is obvious. Well more work to be done - as always. I'm very pleased to be

able to share thoughts with people who know where you are coming from. Thanks

for listening.

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Hey Beth in IN

Just over the summer we switched to a new Dr. at Children's Hosp. in Phil. and

she started treating with Depakote for mood. Our previous dr. wanted to

treat her with Resperiol Although, no one has diagnosed her with Bipolar - they

just said " mood disorder " . Her SI issues are a hundred times better. I'd say

up till she was almost 5 years old, she couldn't brush her teeth, brush her

hair (she would scream if you walked towards her with a brush), couldn't put any

lotions on her body etc. Now, she brushes her hair with no problem (which is

great - cause it is so pretty) and will only brush her teeth with a tiny weenie

bit toothpaste and maybe once around her mouth. Some of these could of been OC

- who knows. There's always more, I think, than OC with our kids. I definitely

feel that depression and anxiety play such a role in the waxing and waning.

is getting help and is doing real good. And we are very lucky to have a

great therapist. I have a feeling we'll probably just journey through life with


Thanks - in PA

Re: Hi Everyone

Hi , when you said had mood issues is this from OCD or something

else? Was your father bipolar?I'm sorry for all the pain you've had to go

through.Are 's sensory issues better now? I'm so happy you have a great

therapist for you are very lucky.Is getting help ? How is she doing

now? You were so right when you said this is a confusing journey. Take Care

,Beth in IN.

Hi Everyone

Hi to all,

This is my first time writing to everyone. I introduced myself to Louis

earlier today. So some of this may be a repeat - sorry.

My name is , my husband is Andy. We have three beautiful girls. We

live in PA. Our middle daughter was diagnosed with OC at 3 1/2 years of age.

She also has sensory issues and mood issues. She is doing extremely well now

due to incredible CB therapy and meds. As you all know, I'm sure too well, it

has been a long and confusing journey. And actually at the time of the

diagnosing of my daughter my own extended family opened up with all their

personal pain with OC and bipolar and other related nervous disorders. The

truth about my father (who has been dead for seven years) came out from my Mom -

which explains his behavior and why he was such a heavy drinker. That and of

course with my daughters diagnosing was so sad to hear. How he suffered and no

one really knew how to help him. I've gotten closer with my brother (severe OC

and depression among other issues). He calls alot to help my , but I

think it helps him. God sure does work in mysterious ways. My oldest daughter

(who is 8 years old), she is beautiful, but she is hurting now. She probably

has always been. She grew up with and her incredible storms (outburst).

She has been mortified a number of times in front of friends, etc. She just

starting over the summer, not wanting to go out anywhere, cry to go to the

movies. She is very anxious and shows mild OC characteristics. So, now since

is some what at peace, we are focusing on T. It's hard because she

is a different personality. is so loud, she makes herself known, where

T. is so quiet - it saddens me how she has been so quiet these past 5

years. Now her pain is obvious. Well more work to be done - as always. I'm

very pleased to be able to share thoughts with people who know where you are

coming from. Thanks for listening.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I am so sorry for all the problems you are going thru. I hope everything

straightens up (or should I say dry up). Twins how neat, my first born were

twins. My son was killed when he was 4 but my daughter is now 23 and has

given me a lovely granddaughter. I always thought twins were so neat, they

are much easier to take care of then a single birth (I had 3 of them). take

care of yourself, your staying healthy and keeping those babies healthy are

the most important thing.

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It is hot as hades here. I went to the gym and went

swimming. It felt sooo good. I should go more often

because it does help my neck pain. I have to get up

the " get-up-and-go " to get to the gym!!!

I am willing to share our sunshine with everyone!!!!



--- TLS <country_desire@...> wrote:

> Hey,


> How have you all been doing? It seems like it has

> been forever since I've emailed. Well, the water is

> out of the house. We ended up with about 15 inches

> in

> the house. Red Cross might help us, so that is

> good.

> Since Sunday, I have been living in a camper in my

> driveway. It has been hard on all of us, but we'll

> get through it. ALOT of damage in and out of the

> house. As for my health, my back hasn't been doing

> to

> good. I am supose to get rest because of my back

> and

> carrying the twins, but right now that is a little

> hard to do. So my back is killing me, my IBS is

> getting better, my depression has gotten worse

> (surprised?), the twins are getting big. Boy, I can

> already see them moving around in my belly. It

> tickles when they move. is cool as ever, but

> we

> fight alot. Well, not really fight, but we have

> little arguements. He tells me that we are going to

> be married before the twins are here. I've only

> known

> this guy...well not that long. I do feel his love

> for

> me and he has told me that he does love me. In a

> few

> weeks I can find out the sex of the twins.

> Well that is all for me. Sorry I haven't been able

> to

> email, just have been very busy over here. Miss

> you

> all.


> Love,

> Leigh


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Lee...

Bring the warmth to Australia! Its bloody cold here!! Freezing my fingers off typing away!

Glad to hear you are well and pain free enough to get to the gym. Good for you!!

Hope more of us are able to follow in your footsteps...

Love A.

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Hi team, well I'm baaaaack. Moving house.....what a joy ha ha!! Finally,

things are beginning to become a bit more normal but I really have fallen out

of the loop. I had 1735 e-mails when I got back online and decided the best

way to catch up, would be to delete the entire lot and just jump right back

in. So hi everyone, hope everyone is doing fine. I'm starting a new

challenge today having fallen out of the loop by way of falling into the

habit of eating out every night!! Our new home had a gross oven from hell

and I couldn't bear to put food into it. One meal out led to another and so

on and so on. Had a great time, picked up a few pounds and a few inches but

the bod is really complaining and it's just great to be back!! Had my first

workout in a while this morning ow ow ow ow! So looking foward to catching

up with everyone and seeing how your'e doing. Lean (formerly known as

Much Leaner!)

PS. Are there new rules about photos - should they be taken excluding the

feet? Can't reach EAS on the phone but have an idea that I read this


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-Yeah 's back!!! and you survived the move, hopefully with not

many war wounds. Ease back into it so you don't get toooo sore. Glad

your back Taz

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, eljayef@a... wrote:

> Hi team, well I'm baaaaack. Moving house.....what a joy ha ha!!


> things are beginning to become a bit more normal but I really have

fallen out

> of the loop. I had 1735 e-mails when I got back online and decided

the best

> way to catch up, would be to delete the entire lot and just jump

right back

> in. So hi everyone, hope everyone is doing fine. I'm starting a


> challenge today having fallen out of the loop by way of falling

into the

> habit of eating out every night!! Our new home had a gross oven

from hell

> and I couldn't bear to put food into it. One meal out led to

another and so

> on and so on. Had a great time, picked up a few pounds and a few

inches but

> the bod is really complaining and it's just great to be back!!

Had my first

> workout in a while this morning ow ow ow ow! So looking foward

to catching

> up with everyone and seeing how your'e doing. Lean (formerly

known as

> Much Leaner!)

> PS. Are there new rules about photos - should they be taken

excluding the

> feet? Can't reach EAS on the phone but have an idea that I read


> somewhere.

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Guest guest

-Yeah 's back!!! and you survived the move, hopefully with not

many war wounds. Ease back into it so you don't get toooo sore. Glad

your back Taz

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, eljayef@a... wrote:

> Hi team, well I'm baaaaack. Moving house.....what a joy ha ha!!


> things are beginning to become a bit more normal but I really have

fallen out

> of the loop. I had 1735 e-mails when I got back online and decided

the best

> way to catch up, would be to delete the entire lot and just jump

right back

> in. So hi everyone, hope everyone is doing fine. I'm starting a


> challenge today having fallen out of the loop by way of falling

into the

> habit of eating out every night!! Our new home had a gross oven

from hell

> and I couldn't bear to put food into it. One meal out led to

another and so

> on and so on. Had a great time, picked up a few pounds and a few

inches but

> the bod is really complaining and it's just great to be back!!

Had my first

> workout in a while this morning ow ow ow ow! So looking foward

to catching

> up with everyone and seeing how your'e doing. Lean (formerly

known as

> Much Leaner!)

> PS. Are there new rules about photos - should they be taken

excluding the

> feet? Can't reach EAS on the phone but have an idea that I read


> somewhere.

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Hi a, Thanks for the welcome back! It was great to see messages from so

many BFLifers. Sorry for the confusion about my move - a lot of people think

I moved back to South Africa but no, I'm still in California. I'm returning

to SA for a vacation in October and wanted to fit in another challenge before

I went, but due to my carousing ways, that's out of the question now!

Anyway, how are you doing? Are you currently on another challenge? Good to

hear from you, Leaner.

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Hiya Taz, Yay good to hear from you. Talk about having to ease back into

things...this morning saw me flat on my belly doing those push up thingies to

strengthen my aching back again - just like at the beginning of the last

challenge. Guess that's what happens when the stomach muscles are allowed to

lol slothfully around for a few weeks!! Is my memory serving me

correctly...did you have a presentation to make a while ago? I know the

Sarge did and I heard his went very well - but weren't you doing one too?

Sure would have loved to have heard it - you are so inspirational. I'm so

glad you are still around! Leaner.

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Hi Laury, Yep your'e right. It was about time I got my (now larger) a**

back into motion! Good to see that your'e still here too. Are you currently

in a Challenge or in maintenance...I feel like I've been away for months,

asking all these questions! Leaner.

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Guest guest

Hi Laury, Yep your'e right. It was about time I got my (now larger) a**

back into motion! Good to see that your'e still here too. Are you currently

in a Challenge or in maintenance...I feel like I've been away for months,

asking all these questions! Leaner.

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Guest guest

, Like you...I have put back on more weight while trying to add muscle.

So now I am back into this full swing again. I am not enrolled in a

challenge but am working to getting back to the size and weight I was.

Progress, not perfection!


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  • 4 months later...

So good to hear from you. What are they going to do for Leigh's leg?

What has the Dr. said about Alairia having a hard time eating? I'm glad

your arm is feeling better. You sure do have your hands full! You are all

in my prayers daily. Take care.


> This is . Sorry Leigh or I have not been able to email sooner.


> are a bit crazy over here. The babies are doing good. I am having


> with Alaira though. It is difficult for her to eat. She is having a


> time with the bottle nipple. It can take two hours feeding her a few

> ounces. The woman that got pregnant is . She is living


> my parent's. She is a very sweet young woman. is still not


> and we have not heard from him. We will not hear from him until he walks

> through the door. A few of my sister's have set up an appointment for

> to see if everything is okay and all that good stuff. I hope that

> comes back home before she has the baby. Leigh will be having

> surgery tomorrow on her leg. She has been having bad nightmares about


> accident. She remembers almost everything that happened. She even

> remembers the paramedics working on her. The police trying to get her


> of the car. She remembers everything. I remember almost nothing. The

> trails start next week. The guys is facing a lot of charges. My hand is

> doing okay. So okay that I may not need to have that surgery in January.


> have to have the surgery, but I might not have to have it so soon. Thank

> you for your prayers and support. Leigh misses you. She says hi.


> Love,


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I am fairly new, but everybody told me what happened. I am so happy for you

and your little angels that Leigh is getting better. The memories can take a

very long time to go away.

I just wanted to let you and Leigh know that I am rooting for your family and

hope that it keeps getting better.

With love,

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Hello Everyone,

CONGRATS Carolyn (Mummy) and (Mommy) and welcome to the world Teddy! I

think that's a great name too.

We are all maintaining...

These kids are acting like typical 2 1/2 year olds! Being naughty and testing

us! AUGH!! LOL AUGH! LOL! If I didn't laugh, I'd cry!!!!!!

Vinnie has the runny nose again, it clears up for about a week and comes back

the next. He's been missing more school.

He went to the Dermatologist last Saturday and was diagnosed with Alopecia

Areata (bald spots) http://www.alopeciaareata.com/whatknow.html#1

I kinda knew that's what it was. Kei and I are not too worried about it, if

his hair grows back that would be wonderful and if it doesn't then that's OK

too. That's just another obstacle we have to hurdle. (like he hasn't had

enough hurdles and more to come)

My philosophy has always been " It could always be worse. "

Vinnie is getting his Thyroid check this Saturday.

Sloan went to the ENT and has major fluid behind her ear drums. She is taking

an antihistamine till she goes back to the Dr. on the 6th of December. She

might end up getting tubes put in.

She has been babbling more and has maybe 5 new words ( hey, blue,

Daddy/instead of Dada, Bubby/instead of Bubba and Mommy/instead of Mama)

So Carolyn and Patty I kinda know how you feel about being called 'Mommy "

Vinnie used to say " Moma " but he doesn't anymore and WILL not sign it, as

much as I'm after him with he says " Dada " (which is all the time) I say and

sign " Moma " and he says " Dada " LOL

Oh, and a brag! Vinnie put 3 signs together " more,please,apple "

Hope everyone is good and feeling well.

~,Mommy to (DS) & Sloan {2 1/2 years}

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