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These boys will be our first. Every tuesday night we have them for dinner until they come to live with us at the end of the school year. We had a great night with them tonight. No one needed redirection. our child with AS...we read a book together...he was able to stay focused longer then I thought. It was such a great night.

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I just looked it up on Overstock and it is $2 cheaper. Even though you will

end up paying that in shipping. thought it sounded great. I just ordered it.


>From: Penny <smadaynnep@...>

>Reply-Autism and Aspergers Treatment

>Autism and Aspergers Treatment

>Subject: HELP

>Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:34:19 -0700 (PDT)


>Charlotte and ,


>Thanks for all the additional input on this book --- It has just gone way

>up on my list of must buys in my next Amazon order!!!! It sounds like it

>will help with explaining Aspergers to my kids as well as to many others

>who will have contact with my daughter. Not to mention also help me as I

>am still in the learning phase!


>So Charlotte is there a reason that you are not using this book to help

>your daughter understand her big brother better?




>designs <scottdesigns@...> wrote:

>It's a VERY good book! It also make the diversity of this kids known,

>instead of grouping them all as being obsessed with the same things like

>many other things you might read

>----- Original Message -----

>From: M Strahlendorf


>Can I tell you About Asperger Syndrome is great. I have it and am giving it

>to my sons 5th grade teacher to share with his class at the beginning of

>5th grade. It is absolutely perfect for kids between the ages of about 7

>and up. I made copies of it and handed them out to my family. Aunts,

>Uncles, cousins, grandparents. They were amazed that a childrens book could

>identify AS in such a remarkable way and yet make it understandable to the

>young. GET THE BOOK... You wont be sorry


> in Lancaster, CA


>Penny <smadaynnep@...> wrote:

>I am also looking at possibly getting

>Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family

>by Newson (Foreword), Jude Welton, Jane Telford (Illustrator)










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Do you have any other children or will these boys be your first? I have 3 girls.trkb726@... wrote:

The weekend has been so crazy I forgot why I actually asked where you live. We are in Deer Park. We actually use to live in Mineola. We are in the process of adopting two boys, they are brothers. is going to be 7 in August and is 5. has AS. We, my partner and I are in the process of learning all we can so that we can provide with all the help he needs. Maybe we can be a support for each other. Looking forward to chatting..hope you had a great holiday weekend.

Carol, mom to

, 3/14/94

, 2/18/97

Lily, 9/7/04__________________________________________________

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That is so great, you guys really have your hearts in it!


These boys will be our first. Every tuesday night we have them for dinner until they come to live with us at the end of the school year. We had a great night with them tonight. No one needed redirection. our child with AS...we read a book together...he was able to stay focused longer then I thought. It was such a great night.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hi Tara and welcome to the group. I know exactly what you are going through!

My son is 7 and when he was 6, right before and after he was diagnosed with

OCD he was constantly hitting his younger brother and me, just out of irritation

I think. He would throw the biggest fit over the littlest things, which in

their mind, is not little. We have been dealing with it for over a year and a

half and I got in on this group a week and a half ago. With the school thing,

other people have suggested it as well, but IEP is what we have in Oklahoma and

my son is covered under that. He doesn't have to be pulled out of regular

class for anything, as yet, he does get speech, but with his OCD diagnosis, this

qualified him to be put under the special services teacher and the protection

that creates with school work and such. I wish I knew therapists down in Texas,

but I don't...I wish you the best of luck in finding one. We got lucky with

the one we have, I am very thankful that God put her with us. Hang in there!

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Oh, Tara, my heart goes out to you and Olivia. I don't have any dr's

to recommend, hopefully others here will. I just wanted to let you

know that I have been where you are, it's a very dark, scary place and

you feel so alone in the battle. Please come here often to vent and

get support, it's a great resource.

I will tell you that as bad as things were for us (my daughter

is now 8, the worst time was at 7), we are now in a heavenly place,

comparatively. The difference was finding that trained therapist.

You obviously have found ones that are very misguided in how to handle


As for the school, I know many here have had issues with the school

not understanding OCD. Sounds like yours has not had any experience

with it. Then again, you didn't say whether they know she has OCD,

have you told them? If not, you might need to sit them down and

provide them with as much info as you can gather (online, from books,


I'm sure you'll get some great advice from others here -- please hang

on, and try to keep your sanity through all of this!



> Hi. My name is Tara and my daughter is Olivia. I'm sorry this is

> like a book. Olivia was diagnosed with OCD in January. Since that

> time I have been unable to find a doctor who can help her. The one

> who diagnosed her put her on Zoloft and did not suggest therapy. The

> second one told my daughter she was a mean, manipulative little

> girl. She then told me the next time Olivia cries about crumbs or

> for any other ridiculous reason I am to take her to the behavorial

> unit at the hospital. She said she would admit her and it would only

> take staying there 1 night to make her behave. Her school complained

> everyday. They want me to make her behave. She is now worse than

> ever. She has dropped out of all the activities she use to love. She

> can't sleep. She cries all the time. She is agressive- hitting,

> kicking and digging her nails in me if she thinks I don't understand

> her or didn't hear her. All of her clothing bothers her. A few weeks

> ago she wanted to go to the movies and get pizza. At the movies she

> cried and worried the whole time about it ending because she didn't

> want it to be over. At the pizza place she couldn't put her drink

> down because it might get crumbs on it, she kept wipping crumbs off

> of her plate and mine. Every few minutes she walked around the table

> making sure there were not any crumbs. She was crying so much we had

> to leave. She obsesses for hours about minor things for example she

> recently cried all afternoon because when she was 2 I got her ice

> cream in a cup instead of a cone. She hates cups. Our family doctor

> does not know of any good psychiatrist or psychologist to recommend.

> I am afraid she will not be able to start the 1st grade in August. I

> would appreciate any advice on how to help her deal with this. The

> names of good doctors anywhere in Texas -preferably in Houston or

> San . I want to know how to deal with the school. Thank you,

> Tara

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Hi Tara,

So many of us here have been about where you and Olivia are, with OCD

running rampant and controlling everything, causing tears (the child

& the parent!) and all the stress that comes with it and having to

find help! So welcome to the group!

The things you mentioned sound so familiar here. I'm sorry that you

had to go thru that one doctor who obviously doesn't know a thing

about OCD; and a lot of us have had to deal with our child's school

too, even educate them about OCD.

How much Zoloft is she taking now? (wondering would she need a

higher dose?) Also sometimes a 2nd medication can be added to the

first and that can get better results if the " main " medication isn't

helping enough. If not helping at all, then I would wonder about

dosage (upping it) or trying another medication. The OCD Foundation

website has information on medications, including the dosage amounts,

which for Zoloft is 50-150mg/day (if I just read that right!).

Here's a link to the page: http://www.ocfoundation.org/ocf1060a.htm

Also the Foundation website has lots of good info on OCD. There is

some place on the site that you can request them to send you a list

of therapists or doctors who live in your region that are apparently

qualifed to treat OCD.

About school - since you have an actual diagnosis now, you should be

able to get accommodations and modifications for Olivia through

either a 504 Plan or an IEP. She obviously needs one of them if the

school is calling! And I'm sure her education is suffering! When

does school begin there? I would call the special education director

at the school and ask about getting an IEP or a 504 Plan for her

upcoming school year. (lots of us here can tell you ALL about

getting help for our kids at school, and go into more detail)

I'm just a parent, but it does sound like maybe Olivia needs a good

medication right now to help ease up her anxiety and then get into

some therapy (which you can read about CBT and ERP therapy at the

Foundation website). Have you had a chance to learn/read much about

OCD yet? There are some great books on OCD & children also. And

books FOR children that you can read to Olivia.

As bad as things are right now, take heart in that once you can get

her into therapy and hopefully get some help from medication to lower

her anxiety too (this can help people participate in therapy better

if things are really bad), Olivia will improve and things will NOT

stay like they are now! And believe it or not, you WILL keep your

sanity! ;) I thought I'd lose mine sometimes when my son (now 16 but

around 12 when OCD began) first began having all these 24/7

compulsions and tears and not being able to go to bed, etc., but

through the help of this great group mainly, I managed to stay sane!

single mom, 3 sons

, 16, with OCD, dysgraphia and Aspergers/autism

> Hi. My name is Tara and my daughter is Olivia. I'm sorry this is

> like a book. Olivia was diagnosed with OCD in January. Since that

> time I have been unable to find a doctor who can help her. The one

> who diagnosed her put her on Zoloft and did not suggest therapy.


> second one told my daughter she was a mean, manipulative little

> girl. She then told me the next time Olivia cries about crumbs or

> for any other ridiculous reason I am to take her to the behavorial

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Hi, Tara and welcome to the group. It has been a lifesaver for me, just

to know that there are others who understand the bizarre things that OCD

causes. My son was 14 when it hit and was crying and wreckless and even

mean and sometimes violent (usually towards things, not people,

though). The first doctor who saw him was an ER doc at the end of a

very bad day. He prescribed a miniscule dose of Zoloft (about 25 mg if

I recall correctly) which did almost nothing, but enough to know that we

were on the right track. When we finally got in to see a psychiatrist

she began increasing it. He's now at 175 mg and doing well on it in

combination with Risperdal. This summer he is acting very " normal. "

(did you hear the huge sigh of relief?)

I hope you will find a doctor who is willing to work hard to find

solutions for Olivia. We have not had therapy for our son because no

one here does it, but if you can find someone you should see good

results. For my son the medication plus our " do-it-yourself " therapy

(many of the OCD books give good suggestions. It's better if you can go

to a therapist with experience treating OCD, but I found that there were

some things we could do at home that helped.)

Waiting periods to get in to a specialist can be long. Do you have a

pediatrician who can tweak doseage and do follow up until you can get

in? Ours was great and showed genuine concern and compassion.

Let us know how it goes.

Kim in IA ( 15, OCD)

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She was taking 75mg per day. Currently she is not on

any medication. The last psychiatrist and her

pediatrician both recommended I take her off the

medication since she was getting worse. I haven't

found a new doctor to take her to. Our pediatrician

said she will talk to a friend of hers in Corpus

Christi to see if she can recommend anyone.


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  • 1 month later...

>is something wrong?



It doesn't matter at all.

What is important is that you add enough starter.

Don't worry about the culture. It's merely an added benefit. You can get by

without one but add what you have and forget about it's behaviour.

All you need is in the starter.



I mixed up my KT today and then put the cultures in but they didn't

float, is something wrong? They were small about 3-4 inches in

diameter. Will they float later? Thanks,

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I was wondering where the first Kombucha came from.... i mean which

came first the chicken or the egg kinda thing.

What would happen if you took distilled vinager and the tea and sugar

and let it sit for days... would a kombucha miraculesly appear?

> >is something wrong?

> -

> No.

> It doesn't matter at all.

> What is important is that you add enough starter.

> Don't worry about the culture. It's merely an added benefit. You

can get by without one but add what you have and forget about it's


> All you need is in the starter.

> rusty

> help



> I mixed up my KT today and then put the cultures in but they


> float, is something wrong? They were small about 3-4 inches in

> diameter. Will they float later? Thanks,






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>I was wondering where the first Kombucha came from..


There is much speculation about this.

The theory that I like is te Solshenizan explantion of the birch tree sap fungus

found in Siberia,

where a combination of yeast and bacteria got into some sap oozing from birch

trees and that was the beginning. How it got from there to a tea brew is pure

speculation but the origins of KT and Soviet tea kvass seem to be similar.

Again this is but one of many theorys.


>What would happen if you took distilled vinager and the tea and sugar

and let it sit for days... would a kombucha miraculesly appear?


Sure, if the air around you " happened' to carry the essential bacteria and

yeasts at the same moment. It might take a few centuries of trying in a zillion

locations but it could happen.


From: tristansmother

kombucha tea

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 9:51 AM

Subject: Re: help

I was wondering where the first Kombucha came from.... i mean which

came first the chicken or the egg kinda thing.

What would happen if you took distilled vinager and the tea and sugar

and let it sit for days... would a kombucha miraculesly appear?

> >is something wrong?

> -

> No.

> It doesn't matter at all.

> What is important is that you add enough starter.

> Don't worry about the culture. It's merely an added benefit. You

can get by without one but add what you have and forget about it's


> All you need is in the starter.

> rusty

> help



> I mixed up my KT today and then put the cultures in but they


> float, is something wrong? They were small about 3-4 inches in

> diameter. Will they float later? Thanks,


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In a message dated 28/08/2005 20:30:35 GMT Daylight Time, jane_hogan@... writes:

Urinary toxi metals after dmsa challenge (300mg = 3 capsules, threetimes a day for two days; void bladder before giving last dose; thencollect next 6 hours' urine. Faecal toxic metals after dmsa challenge.Not quite sure - do I take one sample of urine over six hours, all theurine over six hours, a bit of each ??

>>>all of it in the collection period - be sure to note what that was on the lab form - they convert to 24 hours for reporting

Mandi x

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We did this back in April and we collected all urine over that period. We

had to do it for the whole day, around 12 hours and collected it in that

big brown plastic bottle that was kept in the fridge. At the end of the day

we then had to shake it and then put a certain quantity(can't remember the

amount, but it was in the instructions, into a test tube).

We had no negative response to the challenge apart from very smelly wind!



-- Original Message -----

From: " melander12000 " <jane_hogan@...>

<TreatingAutism-Biomedical >

Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:29 PM

Subject: help

> Hi all,


> Can anyone help me with when to take urine and stool samples. Dr H

> has written


> Urinary toxi metals after dmsa challenge (300mg = 3 capsules, three

> times a day for two days; void bladder before giving last dose; then

> collect next 6 hours' urine.

> Faecal toxic metals after dmsa challenge.


> Not quite sure - do I take one sample of urine over six hours, all the

> urine over six hours, a bit of each ??


> Anyone know ??


> Thanks,


> Jane








> No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical

> advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably

> qualified practitioner.



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In a message dated 29/08/2005 13:01:38 GMT Daylight Time, jane_hogan@... writes:

He is not impressed at the smell of the oral dmsa. Hope we can eventually use trans dermal. Which is thought to be more effective?

>>>.TD is VERY expensive and smells bad also :(

Kirkman capsules come in small doses 25mg, 50mg (and 100mg I think) and taste and smell is masked. Covers up B vits and all sorts :)

Sam was so moved by the rotten smell of reguar DMSA, he barricaded himself in his room one day so I couldn;t creep up on him and give it when he wasn;t concentrating LOL.

For a while we mixed it in chocolate spread (ARGHHHHHHHHHHH) then I managed to work my way round getting it direct from Kirkman in the US. They no longer require a prescription. He takes it in a little pineapples juice with other supps without any problems - in fact I htink he likes it. I did ask Kirkman if they made anuything other than the DMSA and ALA with this flavour and unifortunatelky they don't. Wish they do it for the B vits - very problematic with B2

I am looking for somebody to split an order of 3 bottles (I'll take 2) of Kirkman flovaoured DMSA at 40% discount - let me know

Mandi x

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Thanks Kay,

He is not impressed at the smell of the oral dmsa. Hope we can eventually use trans dermal. Which is thought to be more effective?


help> Hi all,>> Can anyone help me with when to take urine and stool samples. Dr H> has written>> Urinary toxi metals after dmsa challenge (300mg = 3 capsules, three> times a day for two days; void bladder before giving last dose; then> collect next 6 hours' urine.> Faecal toxic metals after dmsa challenge.>> Not quite sure - do I take one sample of urine over six hours, all the> urine over six hours, a bit of each ??>> Anyone know ??>> Thanks,>> Jane>>>>>>> DISCLAIMER> No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical > advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably > qualified practitioner.>>

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In a message dated 29/08/2005 15:55:04 GMT Daylight Time, jane_hogan@... writes:

I am now waiting for the anti parasite medicine - we've got to treat the blastys hominis whilst waiting for the test results.

>>We had those nasty little critters too - Biocidin from Biobotanicals sorted them and Dientibema Fragillis (?sp) in 2-3 months. We did Flagyl for 10 days first but you need longer treatments sometimes to get them at all stages of the life cycle.

Out of interest, have you seen cyclical behaviours - around the full moon? Jo keeps a track of when they are since I mentioned it to her LOL

Mandi x

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Hi Mandi,

I am going to wait for the results of the challenge to see what Dr Heard recommends for . He takes all his supps without a problem. This stink is something else!! He refused all his usual temptations and shut his mouth tight!! Eventually got it in using a syringe. Will let you know if we are to continue with the DMSA.

I am now waiting for the anti parasite medicine - we've got to treat the blastys hominis whilst waiting for the test results.


Re: help

In a message dated 29/08/2005 13:01:38 GMT Daylight Time, jane_hogan@... writes:

He is not impressed at the smell of the oral dmsa. Hope we can eventually use trans dermal. Which is thought to be more effective?

>>>.TD is VERY expensive and smells bad also :(

Kirkman capsules come in small doses 25mg, 50mg (and 100mg I think) and taste and smell is masked. Covers up B vits and all sorts :)

Sam was so moved by the rotten smell of reguar DMSA, he barricaded himself in his room one day so I couldn;t creep up on him and give it when he wasn;t concentrating LOL.

For a while we mixed it in chocolate spread (ARGHHHHHHHHHHH) then I managed to work my way round getting it direct from Kirkman in the US. They no longer require a prescription. He takes it in a little pineapples juice with other supps without any problems - in fact I htink he likes it. I did ask Kirkman if they made anuything other than the DMSA and ALA with this flavour and unifortunatelky they don't. Wish they do it for the B vits - very problematic with B2

I am looking for somebody to split an order of 3 bottles (I'll take 2) of Kirkman flovaoured DMSA at 40% discount - let me know

Mandi x

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Dr Heard told me that in Australia these parasites are treated with four different types of medication at the same time!

Re: help

In a message dated 29/08/2005 15:55:04 GMT Daylight Time, jane_hogan@... writes:

I am now waiting for the anti parasite medicine - we've got to treat the blastys hominis whilst waiting for the test results.

>>We had those nasty little critters too - Biocidin from Biobotanicals sorted them and Dientibema Fragillis (?sp) in 2-3 months. We did Flagyl for 10 days first but you need longer treatments sometimes to get them at all stages of the life cycle.

Out of interest, have you seen cyclical behaviours - around the full moon? Jo keeps a track of when they are since I mentioned it to her LOL

Mandi x

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  • 1 month later...

Debs can you get one of his doctors to

speak to or write a letter to the school indicating what they MUST do by law

for your son regarding an IEP and services and then tell them that he will recommend

outside placement if they do not comply>?

From: Autism and Aspergers Treatment [mailto:Autism and Aspergers Treatment ] On Behalf Of Barry Hitchcock

Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005

8:36 AM

Autism and Aspergers Treatment

Subject: HELP

Hi gang,

I just need to vent here and hopefully

someone will give me some advice here. As you recall my son Devin, 8yrs with

AS, Language Disorder, High IQ with variation of Aspergers, we have had

problems at the school. Devin is NOT doing his work at school. I called off the

Behavior Plan in fear he was having anxiety issues from having his nose stuck

to the wall. I hope you all recall that. Ever sense, I have been trying to find

some help in our local area, professional help. I know the school wants to know

what to do with him as the BMP has been removed. I don’t know what to do myself

and I am unsuccessful in having found a professional help. I believe the school

is now following the handbook for there is nothing in place for my son. I know

I need to act quickly. The school is now sending multiple pages of homework

home, IM sure this is because he can’t finish it all at school along with the

homework he needs to get. IM at my wits end, I wanted to cry yesterday. We were

on our way to an appointment at the “behavioral specialist” (this is our second

appointment; tons of paperwork didn’t get anywhere) on the car ride there (that

happens to be clear across town) I asked my son if he had any homework. Devin

replied yeah, “800 pages of it and I was told if I don’t get it all then I go

to principles office”.

Seems as if no one cares, I was thinking

great, by the time we get home after the appointment, there is dinner to be prepared,

homework, baths and he has tons of homework? I started thinking ok since there

is no BMP in place they have just decided that this is the way it’s going to

be, lets punish both mom and child…pile up homework as much as we can. I

realize they need Devin to do his work in order to be graded, passed to fourth

grade. I just can’t get anywhere with any of them!! IM thinking, do I need to

pull him out of school? DO I need to home school? Then there is my

husband….forcing the issues of homework, when I knew he was done for the night.

My husband was left disgusted after we only done one page of math and only

started on another. We still had social studies to do, spelling to study. IT

didn’t get done…I don’t know what else to do. This son of mine will only do

what he wants to do. IM proud of him but I also know he is way to bored in

school. I don’t know how else to help him. I can’t get the help we need…IM out

of time, patience and resources any suggestions would be greatly appreciative.

Deb’s in Bama

Re: ,


> Charlotte,




> Sometimes I'm ready to throw the computer out


> window because

> Lucas is obsessing with it. We have

kids in the

> neighborhood that

> are a year older but too advanced for

Lucas. He has

> one friend that

> he occassionally plays with. He rather


> computer than

> anything. I have hired a therapist so

mayby she can

> get him

> interested in something else.

> dandyliondawn












> >

> >

> > Debs...................drive him Monday,


> his BIP be

> revised, or he will not attend school, Call

me if

> you need support.

> >

> >

> > oxoxoxox

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > PS, Charlotte, thank you for helping my friend.





> TURN!!!!! We

> need to start a " Mother's from H***

group " , anybody

> up for it?

> >

> >

> > RE: People


> >

> >

> >

> > 2) nose to the wall for three minutes

when all

> else fails:

> >

> >

> >

> > *************Debs, I have NEVER heard of

a school

> doing anything

> like this EVER!

> >

> > I am SO sorry!

> > -Charlotte

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >


> >

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We have it in outr son's IEP that he only get a maximum of 10 minutes of homework each night due to anxiety issues. Is it possible to incorporate that into his IEP?



Hi gang,

I just need to vent here and hopefully someone will give me some advice here. As you recall my son Devin, 8yrs with AS, Language Disorder, High IQ with variation of Aspergers, we have had problems at the school. Devin is NOT doing his work at school. I called off the Behavior Plan in fear he was having anxiety issues from having his nose stuck to the wall. I hope you all recall that. Ever sense, I have been trying to find some help in our local area, professional help. I know the school wants to know what to do with him as the BMP has been removed. I don’t know what to do myself and I am unsuccessful in having found a professional help. I believe the school is now following the handbook for there is nothing in place for my son. I know I need to act quickly. The school is now sending multiple pages of homework home, IM sure this is because he can’t finish it all at school along with the homework he needs to get. IM at my wits end, I wanted to cry yesterday. We were on our way to an appointment at the “behavioral specialist” (this is our second appointment; tons of paperwork didn’t get anywhere) on the car ride there (that happens to be clear across town) I asked my son if he had any homework. Devin replied yeah, “800 pages of it and I was told if I don’t get it all then I go to principles office”.

Seems as if no one cares, I was thinking great, by the time we get home after the appointment, there is dinner to be prepared, homework, baths and he has tons of homework? I started thinking ok since there is no BMP in place they have just decided that this is the way it’s going to be, lets punish both mom and child…pile up homework as much as we can. I realize they need Devin to do his work in order to be graded, passed to fourth grade. I just can’t get anywhere with any of them!! IM thinking, do I need to pull him out of school? DO I need to home school? Then there is my husband….forcing the issues of homework, when I knew he was done for the night. My husband was left disgusted after we only done one page of math and only started on another. We still had social studies to do, spelling to study. IT didn’t get done…I don’t know what else to do. This son of mine will only do what he wants to do. IM proud of him but I also know he is way to bored in school. I don’t know how else to help him. I can’t get the help we need…IM out of time, patience and resources any suggestions would be greatly appreciative.

Deb’s in Bama

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Since the school he goes to cannot meet his needs it seems it may be time to request that he be put in an Autism/Aspergers school if you have any in your area. If the school fails to meet his needs and has exhausted all their resources then the school district should pay for the school. You may want to speak with an advocate about it. A lawyer wouldnt hurt either. If you have the finacial resources that is... Speak with an advocate first and request another IEP and have the advocate go to the meeting with you. Have you requested an Autism Specialist from the school district to attend these IEP's? If not then do so... It is your parental right to have one there at schools expense. THEY MUST PROVIDE ONE IF YOU REQUEST ONE... If they say they dont have one then THEY MUST bring one from out of thier district to attend the IEP.... Hope this works..... If they refuse these things you should then get a lawyer.....

in Lancaster, CaBarry Hitchcock <bazndeb@...> wrote:

Hi gang,

I just need to vent here and hopefully someone will give me some advice here. As you recall my son Devin, 8yrs with AS, Language Disorder, High IQ with variation of Aspergers, we have had problems at the school. Devin is NOT doing his work at school. I called off the Behavior Plan in fear he was having anxiety issues from having his nose stuck to the wall. I hope you all recall that. Ever sense, I have been trying to find some help in our local area, professional help. I know the school wants to know what to do with him as the BMP has been removed. I don’t know what to do myself and I am unsuccessful in having found a professional help. I believe the school is now following the handbook for there is nothing in place for my son. I know I need to act quickly. The school is now sending multiple pages of homework home, IM sure this is because he can’t finish it all at

school along with the homework he needs to get. IM at my wits end, I wanted to cry yesterday. We were on our way to an appointment at the “behavioral specialist” (this is our second appointment; tons of paperwork didn’t get anywhere) on the car ride there (that happens to be clear across town) I asked my son if he had any homework. Devin replied yeah, “800 pages of it and I was told if I don’t get it all then I go to principles office”.

Seems as if no one cares, I was thinking great, by the time we get home after the appointment, there is dinner to be prepared, homework, baths and he has tons of homework? I started thinking ok since there is no BMP in place they have just decided that this is the way it’s going to be, lets punish both mom and child…pile up homework as much as we can. I realize they need Devin to do his work in order to be graded, passed to fourth grade. I just can’t get anywhere with any of them!! IM thinking, do I need to pull him out of school? DO I need to home school? Then there is my husband….forcing the issues of homework, when I knew he was done for the night. My husband was left disgusted after we only done one page of math and only started on another. We still had social studies to do, spelling to study. IT didn’t get done…I don’t know what else to do. This son of mine will

only do what he wants to do. IM proud of him but I also know he is way to bored in school. I don’t know how else to help him. I can’t get the help we need…IM out of time, patience and resources any suggestions would be greatly appreciative.

Deb’s in Bama

Re: , Progress?> Charlotte, > > > > Sometimes I'm ready to throw the computer out the> window because > Lucas is obsessing with it. We have kids in the> neighborhood that > are a year older but too advanced for Lucas. He has> one friend that > he occassionally plays with. He rather play> computer than > anything. I have hired a therapist so mayby she can> get him > interested in something else.> dandyliondawn> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Debs...................drive him Monday, DEMAND> his BIP be > revised, or he will not attend school, Call me if> you need support.> > > > > > oxoxoxox> > > > > >

> > > > > > PS, Charlotte, thank you for helping my friend. WE> ALL NEED TO > STAND BEHIND DEBS, WE ALL HAVE BEEN THERE, IT'S HER> TURN!!!!! We > need to start a "Mother's from H*** group", anybody> up for it?> > > > > > RE: People

leaving> > > > > > > > 2) nose to the wall for three minutes when all> else fails:> > > > > > > > *************Debs, I have NEVER heard of a school> doing anything > like this EVER!> > > > I am SO sorry!> > -Charlotte> >

> > > > > > > > > > --> > No virus found in this incoming message.> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 -> Release Date: > 9/23/2005> > > > > > > > --> > No virus found in this

outgoing message.> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 -> Release Date: > 9/23/2005> > > > > > > > --> > No virus found in this incoming message.> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 -> Release Date: > 9/23/2005> > > > > > > > --> > No virus found in this outgoing message.> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.6/111 -> Release Date: > 9/23/2005> > > > __________________________________________________> >

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Yeah Charlotte I suppose so but lately

I have been getting confusing diagnosis! SO far the last three people we have

seen 2 of them being a counselor (which I know they don’t have the credentials

as a PHD to say so) the other being Glenwood which is a group hired in by the

school. They all are seeing red flags that cause them to analyze his Autism dx.

IM so frustrated and confused! I go to these people for some help for the

school…and they are opening up a different new can of worms. For gods sakes,

now what?

Deb’s J

Re: ,


> Charlotte,




> Sometimes I'm ready to throw the computer out


> window because

> Lucas is obsessing with it. We have

kids in the

> neighborhood that

> are a year older but too advanced for

Lucas. He has

> one friend that

> he occassionally plays with. He rather


> computer than

> anything. I have hired a therapist so

mayby she can

> get him

> interested in something else.

> dandyliondawn












> >

> >

> > Debs...................drive him Monday,


> his BIP be

> revised, or he will not attend school, Call

me if

> you need support.

> >

> >

> > oxoxoxox

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > PS, Charlotte, thank you for helping my

friend. WE




> TURN!!!!! We

> need to start a " Mother's from H***

group " , anybody

> up for it?

> >

> >

> > RE: People


> >

> >

> >

> > 2) nose to the wall for three minutes

when all

> else fails:

> >

> >

> >

> > *************Debs, I have NEVER heard of

a school

> doing anything

> like this EVER!

> >

> > I am SO sorry!

> > -Charlotte

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >


> >

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I don’t know Tracey, I haven’t been able

to get very far with my wants and wishes for his IEP, which is why IM looking for

professionals to help me with this. Now IM getting conflicting diagnosis with

the last three we have dealt with.

Deb’s J



We have it in outr son's IEP that he only get a

maximum of 10 minutes of homework each night due to anxiety issues. Is it

possible to incorporate that into his IEP?



Hi gang,

I just need to vent here

and hopefully someone will give me some advice here. As you recall my son

Devin, 8yrs with AS, Language Disorder, High IQ with variation of Aspergers, we

have had problems at the school. Devin is NOT doing his work at school. I

called off the Behavior Plan in fear he was having anxiety issues from having

his nose stuck to the wall. I hope you all recall that. Ever sense, I have been

trying to find some help in our local area, professional help. I know the

school wants to know what to do with him as the BMP has been removed. I don’t

know what to do myself and I am unsuccessful in having found a professional

help. I believe the school is now following the handbook for there is nothing

in place for my son. I know I need to act quickly. The school is now sending

multiple pages of homework home, IM sure this is because he can’t finish it all

at school along with the homework he needs to get. IM at my wits end, I wanted

to cry yesterday. We were on our way to an appointment at the “behavioral

specialist” (this is our second appointment; tons of paperwork didn’t get

anywhere) on the car ride there (that happens to be clear across town) I asked

my son if he had any homework. Devin replied yeah, “800 pages of it and I was

told if I don’t get it all then I go to principles office”.

Seems as if no one cares,

I was thinking great, by the time we get home after the appointment, there is

dinner to be prepared, homework, baths and he has tons of homework? I started

thinking ok since there is no BMP in place they have just decided that this is

the way it’s going to be, lets punish both mom and child…pile up homework as

much as we can. I realize they need Devin to do his work in order to be graded,

passed to fourth grade. I just can’t get anywhere with any of them!! IM

thinking, do I need to pull him out of school? DO I need to home school? Then

there is my husband….forcing the issues of homework, when I knew he was done

for the night. My husband was left disgusted after we only done one page of

math and only started on another. We still had social studies to do, spelling

to study. IT didn’t get done…I don’t know what else to do. This son of mine

will only do what he wants to do. IM proud of him but I also know he is way to

bored in school. I don’t know how else to help him. I can’t get the help we

need…IM out of time, patience and resources any suggestions would be greatly


Deb’s in Bama


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.10/119 - Release Date: 10/4/2005


No virus found in this outgoing message.

Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.10/119 - Release Date: 10/4/2005

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Well that has been my ultimate goal all

along is to send him to a Autism School or rather a Aspergers school. I don’t think we have any in

our area. It has become my plan, my goal…I realize the people there at

this school is just not simply equipped to deal with my son’s special

needs. They have skirted around this recently. They recently hired a ED teacher

trained in Autism or rather has had experience in the Autism field. (Whom my

son likes, will do his work for her, go figure that should be clue enough for

them there.) On the other hand, I have had a lawyer involved the case is now

closed but I have brought this to his attention, if they can’t teach him

then have them pay for proper teaching elsewhere. The lawyer and my advocate

SEAC, says that won’t happen, take what they are offering you for now.

The plan was to exhaust all areas of resources which is what they will make us

do anyway. But when I ask for these things to be put into place they already

have a plan in action. Example, I ask for a Aid…the special education/resource

teacher is already in the class room working beside him and when she isn’t

the new teacher hired in is there working with him.

So I have taken this route, after I asked

for the BM Plan to be taken off for now, I am trying to find someone to help me

advocate and put in place a better or more effective BMP for my son. I have

seen new counselors that have been refereed to us because this is the nature of

what these counselors do and that are supposedly good at. After a party of 3

professionals; 2 of them being counselors and not affiliated with one another, 1

being Glenwood a company the school hired long ago for a second dx, they brought

Glenwood back into the school for “class room observations” for in

hopes of giving teachers advice in how to work with my son. Well, although none

of them directly said “this is NOT autism” they are telling me they

see red flags that lead them to believe this is not Autism, possibly ADHD??


Confused & Frustrated state of mind I

am these days

Deb’s in BamaJ

Re: ,


> Charlotte,




> Sometimes I'm ready to throw the computer out


> window because

> Lucas is obsessing with it. We have

kids in the

> neighborhood that

> are a year older but too advanced for

Lucas. He has

> one friend that

> he occassionally plays with. He rather


> computer than

> anything. I have hired a therapist so

mayby she can

> get him

> interested in something else.

> dandyliondawn












> >

> >

> > Debs...................drive him Monday,


> his BIP be

> revised, or he will not attend school, Call

me if

> you need support.

> >

> >

> > oxoxoxox

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > PS, Charlotte, thank you for helping my

friend. WE




> TURN!!!!! We

> need to start a " Mother's from H***

group " , anybody

> up for it?

> >

> >

> > RE: People


> >

> >

> >

> > 2) nose to the wall for three minutes

when all

> else fails:

> >

> >

> >

> > *************Debs, I have NEVER heard of

a school

> doing anything

> like this EVER!

> >

> > I am SO sorry!

> > -Charlotte

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> > Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database:

267.11.6/111 -

> Release Date:

> 9/23/2005

> >

> >


> >

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