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Hi Barbara

WOOhooo! congrats on your new job, be sure to fill us in on how it is going when u get the chance. Hope u like it, take it easy and don't over do it Ok!!

Take care

Lots of love


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Thanks. I intend to let my dr know about this cold on Fri

even though I'm hoping that it will go away before then.

At least I'm trying to make sure that I get lots of rest.

Unfortunately b/c of overdoing it on Sat my vulvar pain got

worse and sent the flare up to the highest peak and I'm

waiting for the pain level to come down. I will let you

know if that happens.

Take care and talk to you later.


Kristy :)



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Hiya Barb!

How's that new job going?? I sure do hope it's working out okay for

you. Please take care to not wear yourself out, though!!


Barbara wrote:


everyone! I hope you are all having a good day! My day just

perked up. I received a phone call from my pharmacy & they offered

me a job. How about that!? It is just about 20 hours a week,

which is all I want to work anyways. I'm not even sure if I want

to work, but the money sounds good especially around this time of year.

I have had pharmacy experience before (12 years as pharmacy technician

& manager) but I haven't worked in a pharmacy for about 6 years.

So, I guess I might be able to help with any medication questions ( I can

ask my friend the pharmacist, which by the way, she used to be married

to my nephew). I just hope that my headaches & neck & back

pain bear with me through the working hours. Please

know that I am thinking of you all & praying for better health for

us all!! Take

care & hang in there! Barb

: o)

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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> #4--I used to take Neurontin. I was on it for about 3

years & towards the end, I was so tired, all I wanted to do was

sleep. My doc put me on Zoloft instead. I'm not sure about this

one. Sometimes I feel tired, & sometimes I feel wired & shaky. I

can't figure out what this med. is supposed to do or when I should

take it. I sure hope you are feeling better!!! Take care & Hang in

there babe!!



Pfizer have a website devoted to Zoloft at


The site contains the full US prescribing information for the drug

and is a bit technical but very comprehensive.

The adverse reactions detailed include somnolence AND insomnia,

agitation, fatigue and tremor but see for yourself if you can get on


Hang on in there - SSRIs can make you feel weird - I used to be on

Prozac and often felt really strange.


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At , you wrote:


I can't believe that you are still sane after all of those stones.


Who told you I was sane? <grin>


brother-in-law has kidney stones & has created quite a bit of

problems for him also. He has been off work for 6 months,

depressed, & now has liver probs. from all of the pain meds. I

can see how much pain he is in & can tell you that I think of your

pain often & hope for better days for you. Please take


It can be tough. I try hard, not to take

the pills, unless I really need them. Other than that....it's

more a thing of learning to live with some level of pain. If he's

had multiple stones, have they figured out why he's making them?

It's real important to get a proper diagnosis, so he doesn't end in even

worse condition. It took an endocrinologist to figure out why I was

making so many.

Hope he get's some relief, soon,

Owner of Kidney Stones E-Mail List:

A support group for people with kidney stones.





mailto:tabcobee (DOT) net

Web Page:


Net Pager:


ICQ # 3106983

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, barb,

Sorry about your mom. :(And your back. :(is there anyway your mom can get a Home Health Aide? i dont know how it all works but I know that they help do those things that you are helping y our mom do. ( my mom is a HHA)

Anyway, feel better soon, hope your appointment goes well.



Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a great new year so far. As for me, well, I'm not so sure yet. Friday night my mom fell in her parking lot & broke her arm right below the shoulder. When I tried to help her up, I strained my back so now I'm having a lot of pain. Can't sit too long--that is why I have not posted lately. The headaches are no better either. I go to my neuro next Monday so we'll see what he has to say about this. ( both of us are his patients) I feel so bad for my mom lately. She is really looking bad. She used to be so active & now she can hardly walk. (That is why she fell--She is being treated for Parkinson's) . I have been trying to help her with whatever I can, dishes, laundry, getting in & out of the shower, but it is really painful. I try not to moan to much so she doesn't know that I am hurting as she will refuse my help. Then she would do it herself & her arm will never heal.

Anyways, I just wanted to touch base with you all to let you know not a day goes by that I don't think of you all. Take care & hang in there.


BarbThe Being Sick CommunityVisual problems with colors?Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. Members Lounge:-Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./chat.htmSharing our resources:-Add a website URL you have found useful. Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator either via email <-owneregroups> or visit:-/Moderators.htmSubscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Thank you Melinda!!! I will have to look into this!! Your info is really helpful as I would have never thought of this. Hope all is well with you. Take care!!



Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a great new year so far. As for me, well, I'm not so sure yet. Friday night my mom fell in her parking lot & broke her arm right below the shoulder. When I tried to help her up, I strained my back so now I'm having a lot of pain. Can't sit too long--that is why I have not posted lately. The headaches are no better either. I go to my neuro next Monday so we'll see what he has to say about this. ( both of us are his patients) I feel so bad for my mom lately. She is really looking bad. She used to be so active & now she can hardly walk. (That is why she fell--She is being treated for Parkinson's) . I have been trying to help her with whatever I can, dishes, laundry, getting in & out of the shower, but it is really painful. I try not to moan to much so she doesn't know that I am hurting as she will refuse my help. Then she would do it herself & her arm will never heal.

Anyways, I just wanted to touch base with you all to let you know not a day goes by that I don't think of you all. Take care & hang in there.


BarbThe Being Sick CommunityVisual problems with colors?Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. Members Lounge:-Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./chat.htmSharing our resources:-Add a website URL you have found useful. Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator either via email <-owneregroups> or visit:-/Moderators.htmSubscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer The Being Sick CommunityVisual problems with colors?Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. Members Lounge:-Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./chat.htmSharing our resources:-Add a website URL you have found useful. Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator either via email <-owneregroups> or visit:-/Moderators.htmSubscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Barb

sorry to hear your mum has broken her arm, ouchies!! how is your back coping now? hope you can get some answers form your neuro?

Are you still working? If so how is it going?

I know what you mean about trying to hide you are hurting so the other person doesn't feel bad, have the same prob with my hubby but he can always tell when I am tired or sore so can't get one over on him , I still try thought *giggles*

Is there anyone else, family or otherwise who could give you a hand so you don't wear yourself out as well hon?

Take care ok

Lots of love


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Well glad that i could help some. I dont know if insurance pays for any of

this or what. I wonder also if your mom has like Medicare. I know that they

will pay for some time in a nursing home in a rehab type thing. Maybe if the

HHA doesnt work out you could try that avenue. I know you prolbly want to

take care of her, but being sick yourself you really will just wear yourself

out. :(

Good luck.


Re: Hello!

Thank you Melinda!!! I will have to look into this!! Your info is really

helpful as I would have never thought of this. Hope all is well with you.

Take care!!



Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a great new year so far.

As for me, well, I'm not so sure yet. Friday night my mom fell in her

parking lot & broke her arm right below the shoulder. When I tried to help

her up, I strained my back so now I'm having a lot of pain. Can't sit too

long--that is why I have not posted lately. The headaches are no better

either. I go to my neuro next Monday so we'll see what he has to say about

this. ( both of us are his patients) I feel so bad for my mom lately.

She is really looking bad. She used to be so active & now she can hardly

walk. (That is why she fell--She is being treated for Parkinson's) . I

have been trying to help her with whatever I can, dishes, laundry, getting

in & out of the shower, but it is really painful. I try not to moan to much

so she doesn't know that I am hurting as she will refuse my help. Then she

would do it herself & her arm will never heal.

Anyways, I just wanted to touch base with you all to let you know not a

day goes by that I don't think of you all. Take care & hang in there.



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" Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to

what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what

you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even

if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Barbara,

I am sorry i am late at posting, But i just wanted to say i

praying for your mom. I hope she will be ok.

How are you doing now??..I hope your back is better!

Your in my thoughts and prayers!


Hugs to you


Barbara wrote:

Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a great new year so far.

As for me, well, I'm not so sure yet. Friday night my mom fell in

her parking lot & broke her arm right below the shoulder. When

I tried to help her up, I strained my back so now I'm having a lot of pain.

Can't sit too long--that is why I have not posted lately. The

headaches are no better either. I go to my neuro next Monday so we'll

see what he has to say about this. ( both of us are his patients)

I feel so bad for my mom lately. She is really looking bad.

She used to be so active & now she can hardly walk. (That is

why she fell--She is being treated for Parkinson's) . I have been

trying to help her with whatever I can, dishes, laundry, getting in &

out of the shower, but it is really painful. I try not to moan to

much so she doesn't know that I am hurting as she will refuse my help.

Then she would do it herself & her arm will never heal. Anyways,

I just wanted to touch base with you all to let you know not a day goes

by that I don't think of you all. Take care & hang in there. Love, Barb

The Being Sick Community

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Barbara

How ya doing hon? *hugs*

Sorry to hear you are in the "on your own" boat too as far as family goes , is rotten I know!!

I am glad you like your job but is a bummer it wears you out so much, pity there isn't something that could be done to make it less of a strain on ya physically but that is life I guess.

LMAO at the klutz part sounds like me I am always hitting things and walking into stuff, I bruise easily and am always wondering what I did to get that bruise etc coz I forget LMAO

It is the hottest time of year right now, but it is lovely here coz we are next to the beach so are going and sitting in the ocean for an hour in the afternoon to cool down. I love the hot weather but it is really playing havoc on rich and makes him feel even yuckier than normal.

I am fed up a bit at the moment but will be alright in a day or too, am fed up of life type mush!!! But I am ok so no worrying *giggles*

UMMM I like the sound of this something yummy in the post, I will look forward to it, now I am hoping it cools down soon LMAO

Take care

lots of love


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello to you and welcome to the group!! I am Carolyn, also a mother of 4.

I don't have twins etc, but my youngest 2 girls both have Ds so I call them

my 'twins'. We live in New Zealand.

Emma is nearly 5 and Nicki is nearly 4 and they too are the light of our

lives as are our older 2 (actually I type this with gritted teeth as they

have been on summer vacation for the last 6 weeks and Mummy is getting a bit

frazzed - lets be honest! LOL).

I know you will enjoy this group and your inbox will never be the same



Mum to on, , Emma (Ds) 5 on March 5th and Nicki (Ds) 4 on April




> Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to introduce myself

> and my family.


> I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3), and Amber (13

> months). Amber and are not identical twins. Amber is my

> special gal with DS. Our lives have been so blessed with the birth

> of the twins.


> Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her, she had only a

> slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own. She has no other

> major phsyical issues related to DS at this time (i.e., hearing loss,

> etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over trying to keep up

> with , who is creeping and walking (on her knees) all over the

> place!


> I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope that I can learn

> many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to her fullest

> potential.





> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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Welcome to the group Jackie (that is your name?? You forgot to sign your

post, so I got it from your email addy!) and welcome to Amber and family!!

Sounds like she is doing great! If you ever get a chance to get her (and

's!) pics online... let us see how beautiful she is, ok?? :o)

Just wanted to say hi! I am the " list owner " for lack of better word. I

don't have kids yet... I am 20 years old and I am attending University at

Buffalo to become a developmental ped. For more info on me and what I do in

the DS World ... www.DSyndrome.com !


--On Wednesday, January 24, 2001, 9:11 PM +0000 jackievdb@... wrote:

> Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to introduce myself

> and my family.


> I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3), and Amber (13

> months). Amber and are not identical twins. Amber is my

> special gal with DS. Our lives have been so blessed with the birth

> of the twins.


> Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her, she had only a

> slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own. She has no other

> major phsyical issues related to DS at this time (i.e., hearing loss,

> etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over trying to keep up

> with , who is creeping and walking (on her knees) all over the

> place!


> I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope that I can learn

> many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to her fullest

> potential.





> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples


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Hello! You'll have to tell us your name, especially

now since we know all of your kid's names!! LOL

I'm Judi, mom to Sam and . They are identical

twins and just turned 4 years old a few weeks ago.

You'll find that there are a lot of families here with

fraternal twins like your girls. My boys are in the

" rare " group as there's only a couple of families with

identicals. Nevertheless, our struggles and triumphs

are the same!

Welcome to the list, so glad you found us. I look

forward to learning more about you and your family.

Judi-Mom to Sam and , 4, Identical Twins


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Hello, and welcome. I am ,my husband is

Rusty,we been married 7yrs. We have 7yr and

Dayton 2yr,both Down syndrome. We live in Georgia.




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Hi and welcome to " the group! " Don't think I caught your name.........

I'm Gail, from NJ, and Mom to Bobby 7, Jillian 4 1/2, and Tara{Ds}

22 months............Tara is doing well, no " major health ailments " ,

although she just had labs today to see IF she has Celiac

disease{malabsorbtion of the small bowel} love this group of families,

it's truely a life saver for me! :)



{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{GO GIANTS!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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13 months old?? That's so great...my two little guys are 13 months old too.

Their birthday is Dec. 2nd, when is the girls' birthday? There are a couple

of others with children around this age here. Anyway, my guys are

(DS/cleft lip & palate) and . They are both so cool!

Our website is http://sites.netscape.net/cabevizzo/homepage if you'd like to

see pics, also there are pics at the club under The Izzo Family.

and are doing about the same things that Amber and are

doing. Isn't it an exciting time? I just love it. They're both getting so

much fun to play and interact with.

Welcome and glad to have you here.

Have a good night!


Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to introduce myself

and my family.

I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3), and Amber (13

months). Amber and are not identical twins. Amber is my

special gal with DS. Our lives have been so blessed with the birth

of the twins.

Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her, she had only a

slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own. She has no other

major phsyical issues related to DS at this time (i.e., hearing loss,

etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over trying to keep up

with , who is creeping and walking (on her knees) all over the


I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope that I can learn

many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to her fullest



FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com

Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

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Hi Jackie!! Welcome. I'm and I live in N Texas with my hubster

Dennis. Dennis has 2 kids, Misty 24 & 23 and I have 3, TJ 17 & twins

Rudy (ds) & 14. They were also born in December (the 2nd to be

exact). There is another in the group so for confusions sake, I'm

1. Welcome to our group. You will meet the most extraordinary people

here that are filled with lots of great info and more love and kindness than

you could hope for.

mom to twins Rudy (ds) & 14, & TJ 17

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Hi Jackie,

Welcome to our group. We are glad you found us. I am Marcia, Mom to twins,

Sara, who has Down Syndrome and who does not. They are six. Our

son, Lucas is 10. My husband is Rand and we live in Sisters, Oregon.

Sara and are in Kindergarten. I have Sara's conference today. I

think she has been full of power struggles at school, lately, so I imagine I

will hear about that. Otherwise, when I take her to school--every child we

meet says, " Hi Sara " , so I know she's in a friendly environment.

Sara's main health issue has been chronic sinisitis. I keep searching for

new ways to deal with it and right now she is clear...For which I am grateful.

I look forward to hearing more about you and your very busy family.


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So sorry about the name thing. I am new to this and am still

learning . . . Name: Jackie, Husband's name: Mike, and you learned

my girls' names (Liz, Leanne, and Amber (Ds)).

What a warm reception! I am looking forward to getting to know all

of you better.

My girls were born on December 9th, 1999. Their original due date

was January 20th, so they were a bit early. weighed in at 6

pounds and 2 ounces and Amber was close behind at 4 pounds and 10

ounces. They had a few difficulties sucking so they stayed in the

hospital a few weeks. came home after about 8 days and Amber

came home the day after Christmas. Wow! Was I ever relieved to get

them home! However, that's when the " fun " started! Feedings every 3

hours, apnea monitors, doctor visits, cardiologist visits, etc.!

Whew, what a first year. Things have settled down nicely now. The

girls are doing wonderful and we are really enjoying them. However,

our life is quite busy with my oldest (14) heading off to her first

formal event (dress and all) this Saturday, my 3 year old in

Preschool and the twins blessing us each day with their new

accomplishments. (Wouldn't change it for the world though.)

I, unfortunately, am not a stay-at-home mom. I work 40 hours per

week, but I am trying to reduce this so that I can stay with the

girls. My husband, bless him, watches the girls Mon - Thur and I

care for them Fri - Sun. This is how our work schedules work out.

He does a good job for having to care for 3 children 3 years and


If there are any neat links that I should know about, please let me

know. I look forward with talking with you soon.

(Don't have a digital camera, but will try and figure something out

to get pictures of our girls out there!)

Jackie - Mom to Liz-14, Leanne-3, and and Amber (Ds)-13months

> Hiya!!


> 13 months old?? That's so great...my two little guys are 13 months

old too.

> Their birthday is Dec. 2nd, when is the girls' birthday? There are

a couple

> of others with children around this age here. Anyway, my guys are

> (DS/cleft lip & palate) and . They are both so cool!


> Our website is http://sites.netscape.net/cabevizzo/homepage if

you'd like to

> see pics, also there are pics at the club under The Izzo Family.


> and are doing about the same things that Amber and


> doing. Isn't it an exciting time? I just love it. They're both

getting so

> much fun to play and interact with.


> Welcome and glad to have you here.


> Have a good night!

> :)




> Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to introduce myself

> and my family.


> I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3), and Amber (13

> months). Amber and are not identical twins. Amber is my

> special gal with DS. Our lives have been so blessed with the birth

> of the twins.


> Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her, she had only a

> slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own. She has no other

> major phsyical issues related to DS at this time (i.e., hearing


> etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over trying to keep up

> with , who is creeping and walking (on her knees) all over the

> place!


> I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope that I can learn

> many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to her fullest

> potential.



> ______________________________________________

> FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com

> Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

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Hi and WELCOME! I am also a mother of 4.

Mother to Josh 19, Dusty 14, Hannah and 5 1/2.

My twins are identical and they have DS.

You will enjoy this group alot I know. Through good

times and bad, without out this group of women, I

don't know whee I would be.

Pam Houser

--- jackievdb@... wrote:

> Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to

> introduce myself

> and my family.


> I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3),

> and Amber (13

> months). Amber and are not identical twins.

> Amber is my

> special gal with DS. Our lives have been so blessed

> with the birth

> of the twins.


> Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her, she

> had only a

> slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own. She

> has no other

> major phsyical issues related to DS at this time

> (i.e., hearing loss,

> etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over

> trying to keep up

> with , who is creeping and walking (on her

> knees) all over the

> place!


> I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope

> that I can learn

> many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to

> her fullest

> potential.





> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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oh thank you, Sara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have wanted to get pictures of my boys here too.....

you will probably be hearing from me!!!

Peggy mom to , Jordan, Tyler, Dylan with DS (5yo) and Caleb with

t9p and Ds (1 yo)

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Welcome to a great place Jackie!

My name is , my husband and I have been

married for 12 years this year. We have 2 1/2 year old

boy/girl twins, (DS) and Sloan.

Vinnie started Special Ed Pre K this past September,

he has been out sick more than he has actually gone to

school. I knew he would need to bulid up his immune

system, but this is taking a real toll on him, health

wise and emotionally. Vinnie really misses his time

with his Dada. has stayed at home with the

twins, since I went back to work when they were 6

weeks old. I work a 40 hour week also, Monday through

Friday. started his own business a year ago and

he works nights. Saturday's are family day, when we

are all together.

I look forward to getting to know more about you and

your family. I have messenger and anytime you

see me on, please feel free to say hi. I will add your

name to my list.

To everyone else on the list I have changed my E mail

address. I no longer have AOL and am using , so I

can read my mail when I'm at work (ssshhh, don't tell

the boss)

~, moma to (DS) & Sloan {32 months}

--- jackievdb@... wrote:

> So sorry about the name thing. I am new to this and

> am still

> learning . . . Name: Jackie, Husband's name: Mike,

> and you learned

> my girls' names (Liz, Leanne, and Amber

> (Ds)).


> What a warm reception! I am looking forward to

> getting to know all

> of you better.


> My girls were born on December 9th, 1999. Their

> original due date

> was January 20th, so they were a bit early.

> weighed in at 6

> pounds and 2 ounces and Amber was close behind at 4

> pounds and 10

> ounces. They had a few difficulties sucking so they

> stayed in the

> hospital a few weeks. came home after about

> 8 days and Amber

> came home the day after Christmas. Wow! Was I ever

> relieved to get

> them home! However, that's when the " fun " started!

> Feedings every 3

> hours, apnea monitors, doctor visits, cardiologist

> visits, etc.!

> Whew, what a first year. Things have settled down

> nicely now. The

> girls are doing wonderful and we are really enjoying

> them. However,

> our life is quite busy with my oldest (14) heading

> off to her first

> formal event (dress and all) this Saturday, my 3

> year old in

> Preschool and the twins blessing us each day with

> their new

> accomplishments. (Wouldn't change it for the world

> though.)


> I, unfortunately, am not a stay-at-home mom. I work

> 40 hours per

> week, but I am trying to reduce this so that I can

> stay with the

> girls. My husband, bless him, watches the girls Mon

> - Thur and I

> care for them Fri - Sun. This is how our work

> schedules work out.

> He does a good job for having to care for 3 children

> 3 years and

> under.


> If there are any neat links that I should know

> about, please let me

> know. I look forward with talking with you soon.


> (Don't have a digital camera, but will try and

> figure something out

> to get pictures of our girls out there!)


> Jackie - Mom to Liz-14, Leanne-3, and and

> Amber (Ds)-13months





> > Hiya!!

> >

> > 13 months old?? That's so great...my two little

> guys are 13 months

> old too.

> > Their birthday is Dec. 2nd, when is the girls'

> birthday? There are

> a couple

> > of others with children around this age here.

> Anyway, my guys are


> > (DS/cleft lip & palate) and . They are both

> so cool!

> >

> > Our website is

> http://sites.netscape.net/cabevizzo/homepage if

> you'd like to

> > see pics, also there are pics at the club under

> The Izzo Family.

> >

> > and are doing about the same things

> that Amber and

> are

> > doing. Isn't it an exciting time? I just love it.

> They're both

> getting so

> > much fun to play and interact with.

> >

> > Welcome and glad to have you here.

> >

> > Have a good night!

> > :)

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi! I am a new member to the group and wanted to

> introduce myself

> > and my family.

> >

> > I am a mother of 4 - Liz (14), Leanne (3),

> and Amber (13

> > months). Amber and are not identical

> twins. Amber is my

> > special gal with DS. Our lives have been so

> blessed with the birth

> > of the twins.

> >

> > Amber is absolutely beautiful! Luckily for her,

> she had only a

> > slight VSD at birth, but it closed on its own.

> She has no other

> > major phsyical issues related to DS at this time

> (i.e., hearing

> loss,

> > etc.). She is crawling (army crawling) all over

> trying to keep up

> > with , who is creeping and walking (on her

> knees) all over the

> > place!

> >

> > I am excited to be a part of this group. I hope

> that I can learn

> > many things to help in the devlopment of Amber to

> her fullest

> > potential.

> >

> >

> > ______________________________________________

> > FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com

> > Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup




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