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Welcome! Congrats on choosing BFL. It is a very liveable program.

If you have a used sports stuff store around check it out. You can

also get a 40lb set of dumbbells in a little case for about 30$.

This would probably be enough to start with.

I'm not a vegetarian, but do you eat eggs? Soy? Cottage cheese? Whey

protein powders are cheap.


> hi everyone, I just got the bfl book and am trying to get some

> weights and food together to start. My main issue is regarding

> money. I want to get maximum benefits without spending too much

> since I don't have a whole lot of money to begin with. Here are my

> stats by the way. I'm 5'6 " , 22 years old, and hovering aroundf 158

> lbs. I lost 32 lbs in the past 6 months by running and eating less

> calories than when i was fat. The running was successfull and I

> think it's because I naturally interval trained as bill phillips

> suggests in his book. Now I am at a plateau. My legs are


> muscular because I focused on lower body strength and they just


> very defined now. My upper body however, is a different story. I

> have very little upper body strength and would like to work on that.


> question about weights: will dumbbells be enough? As a beginner


> weights should I purchase? Where can I get them cheap?


> Also, have any vegetarians had luck with this fitness regime? I'm


> vegetarian (no chicken or fish or turkey either) and there was no

> mention of them in the book.


> Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi Shweta, welcome!!!

(I'm semi-new myself, I used to come in here very regularly about a

year ago, and am just now back).

This is the greatest group ever for online weight loss support. My

one piece of advice? Just keep coming here. Even if you just read

other's posts.

This group is a huge reason I stayed so motivated and was able to be

successful my first time around, and leaving I think lead to

my " downfall " .

Coming back, even just as a " lurker " helped get my " fire " going again.

Hang in there and good luck!!!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I don't know if you've already contacted the school district and they are the

one's telling you that he can only have a few hours each month. Too bad he's too

old for Early Childhood Intervention.

You might try getting him services through PPCD, if you haven't already. I

searched the Texas Education Agency sight and found these from a school in San

. It may not provide a lot of information, but it has phone numbers to





i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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Guest guest

I don't know if you've already contacted the school district and they are the

one's telling you that he can only have a few hours each month. Too bad he's too

old for Early Childhood Intervention.

You might try getting him services through PPCD, if you haven't already. I

searched the Texas Education Agency sight and found these from a school in San

. It may not provide a lot of information, but it has phone numbers to





i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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Guest guest

Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is in

northside independent school district. It is the school telling me that he can

only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of summer break.

i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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Guest guest

Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is in

northside independent school district. It is the school telling me that he can

only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of summer break.

i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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If he is 3 the school district is responsible for his education all year

long. They should have a summer program for him if not at the school then

at home. Of course you live in Texas and it is the worst state for special

ed so I truly would not expect them to provide the appropriate services even

though they are required by law.

If he is only 3 I would strongly suggest looking into a home ABA program

(Lovaas). Do you know what that is? It has proven extremely valuable when

started with young kids with austism. Let me know if you need more info.

But from a lot of experience, including legal ones, I would suggest moving

out of Texas. You are in for a long battle.

in Austin

i'm new

> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




> Unlocking Autism

> www.UnlockingAutism.org


> Autism-Awareness-Action

> Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

> child with AUTISM.


> Schafer Autism Report

> News and information on Autism

> To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

> Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet






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Guest guest

If he is 3 the school district is responsible for his education all year

long. They should have a summer program for him if not at the school then

at home. Of course you live in Texas and it is the worst state for special

ed so I truly would not expect them to provide the appropriate services even

though they are required by law.

If he is only 3 I would strongly suggest looking into a home ABA program

(Lovaas). Do you know what that is? It has proven extremely valuable when

started with young kids with austism. Let me know if you need more info.

But from a lot of experience, including legal ones, I would suggest moving

out of Texas. You are in for a long battle.

in Austin

i'm new

> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




> Unlocking Autism

> www.UnlockingAutism.org


> Autism-Awareness-Action

> Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

> child with AUTISM.


> Schafer Autism Report

> News and information on Autism

> To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

> Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet






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My son goes to Magnolia school district. His summer program is 4 hours a

day for 4 weeks. Definitely not worth the trouble. He is 11 years old.

Re: i'm new

Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is

in northside independent school district. It is the school telling me

that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of

summer break.

i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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Guest guest

My son goes to Magnolia school district. His summer program is 4 hours a

day for 4 weeks. Definitely not worth the trouble. He is 11 years old.

Re: i'm new

Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is

in northside independent school district. It is the school telling me

that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of

summer break.

i'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


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Guest guest


There are a few of us on the list from San --my children are

NEISD even though they have been attending private school, and I work

for SAISD. I can tell you that that phrase, " the squeaky wheel gets

the oil " usually pertains to the districts here. I know that NISD

and NEISD have contracted out some of their 3 year olds to private

day cares--or private schools (we were not benefits of this but we

know of others who have received this). It is a hard thing to

receive. You need ECI to really stand behind you and possibly some

expert opinions from doctors saying your child needs more support to

avoid regression. I would call Ron at Brighton School and

ask his opinion on this. He sometimes acts as an advocate or refers

you to someone that can. Basically, summer school is not set up to

be for progression, only to avoid severe regression. It is

frustrating for all of us that deal with school districts.

Feel free to e-mail me off list for any other help. I have a 4 yr

old son with autism--actually will be 5 in 1 1/2 weeks--where has the

time gone? We do an in-home program and pre-K and may know of a

couple of therapists with a few hours open to help supplement summer--

of course that is not covered by school district or insurance.

Theresa Madore, SA

> Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But

he is in northside independent school district. It is the school

telling me that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a

month of summer break.

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Guest guest


There are a few of us on the list from San --my children are

NEISD even though they have been attending private school, and I work

for SAISD. I can tell you that that phrase, " the squeaky wheel gets

the oil " usually pertains to the districts here. I know that NISD

and NEISD have contracted out some of their 3 year olds to private

day cares--or private schools (we were not benefits of this but we

know of others who have received this). It is a hard thing to

receive. You need ECI to really stand behind you and possibly some

expert opinions from doctors saying your child needs more support to

avoid regression. I would call Ron at Brighton School and

ask his opinion on this. He sometimes acts as an advocate or refers

you to someone that can. Basically, summer school is not set up to

be for progression, only to avoid severe regression. It is

frustrating for all of us that deal with school districts.

Feel free to e-mail me off list for any other help. I have a 4 yr

old son with autism--actually will be 5 in 1 1/2 weeks--where has the

time gone? We do an in-home program and pre-K and may know of a

couple of therapists with a few hours open to help supplement summer--

of course that is not covered by school district or insurance.

Theresa Madore, SA

> Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But

he is in northside independent school district. It is the school

telling me that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a

month of summer break.

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Guest guest

I am sorry to butt in here...You mentioned MH/MR. Is there a way to get the

respite so that I can leave my son with somebody? They are covering a

behavior specialist to come in the home and only paying $10 and she is $60 an


What are my rights?

Thank you


Oh also, the school district thing...We are in Temple and my son is in the

Belton ISD and they said even with his dianosis, they do not do summer school

unless they can prove regression would occur over the vacation.

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Guest guest

I am sorry to butt in here...You mentioned MH/MR. Is there a way to get the

respite so that I can leave my son with somebody? They are covering a

behavior specialist to come in the home and only paying $10 and she is $60 an


What are my rights?

Thank you


Oh also, the school district thing...We are in Temple and my son is in the

Belton ISD and they said even with his dianosis, they do not do summer school

unless they can prove regression would occur over the vacation.

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Guest guest

You may also try the local mh/mr- you will likely have to go through

another assessment (diagnostic and to set their service parameters), and

have to wait on a list, but it can provide respite (someone to watch your

son and give you a break), in home care for management/independence,

case-management for resources, medical and possibly therapuetic services.

is redrum your name after dealing with the school??????

On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 08:07 PM, redrum wrote:

> Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is

> in northside independent school district. It is the school telling me

> that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of

> summer break.

> i'm new



> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




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Guest guest

You may also try the local mh/mr- you will likely have to go through

another assessment (diagnostic and to set their service parameters), and

have to wait on a list, but it can provide respite (someone to watch your

son and give you a break), in home care for management/independence,

case-management for resources, medical and possibly therapuetic services.

is redrum your name after dealing with the school??????

On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 08:07 PM, redrum wrote:

> Thank you for your help and info. My son is currently in PPCD. But he is

> in northside independent school district. It is the school telling me

> that he can only get a few hours a day 5 days a week for a month of

> summer break.

> i'm new



> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




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Thanks for the help. My nickname is Redrum because i'm a King fan.

i'm new



> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




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Thanks for the help. My nickname is Redrum because i'm a King fan.

i'm new



> Hello everyone.


> I'm new here and just wanted to intoduce myself. My name is Robyn. I

> have a VERY cute little boy named . He is 3 years old. Yesterday

> i found out that he is severly autisic. We just moved here to San

> a few months ago. I really at lose of what to do now about my

> boy's autisim. They said that he is severe but all they can provide

> him for the summer is a few hours for a month. Then I guess he has to

> wait untill school starts. I have tryed calling the health care

> center here and they said that there was nothing they could do to

> help until he turns 5. So i'm at lose of what to do next to help my

> little one. Anyways its nice to meet all of you.


> Robyn




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  • 8 months later...

Hi and welcome! You will find a lot of great support here, the

information is great and motivation off the charts!

My advice would be to shake it up a little bit, as they say. Maybe

do a different cardio machine, change your exercises. You might

want to re-evaluate your portion sizes if you think that might be

the problem.

I have to tell you, last year I did the challenge and it was almost

an instant BAM moment at 8 weeks. This was of course my own

experience, but all of a sudden I looked down and the fat was just

gone. The women on this board told me OVER and OVER and OVER and

OVER (I'm sure you will hear it too!) not to watch the scale, just

keep working at it and it WILL come off. Now, why didn't I believe

them and stop doubting myself? Who knows! But it did come off, and

it WILL come off. It sounds like you are motivated and dedicated,

so don't stop and keep coming here for advice!

Looking forward to seeing your great transformation!


> Hi. My name is . I started BFL six weeks ago. It was

> recommended to me by a male friend who lost 35 pounds in 12

weeks. I

> was skeptical because I've never lost weight in my life. I hate

> exercise! I don't enjoy sports and I despise getting out of


> I'm proud to say I haven't missed a workout, but lately I've been


> close to quitting my cardio 2 minutes into it.

> I was really skeptical when I read the BFL book and saw all the

> photos. I just couldn't believe the results that were pictured


> in the back of my mind I doubted seriously that I would ever see

> anything like this. Anyway, I decided to be committed because I

> figured if I don't give it one last try, I'll probably never get


> shape. I'm 36 years old. I'm a stay at home mom with 2 demanding

> boys (3yrs and 17 months) I have to get up at 5:30 am to do the

> workouts or I would never get the time. It's really hard getting


> of bed but when I'm done exercising I'm so glad it's out of the


> and I don't have to think about fitting it in sometime during the

> day. In that way it's a relief.

> I need a support group to keep me going and help with questions.


> know everybody says don't rely on the scale for results but I


> help feeling discouraged. This weekend I will complete six weeks


> BFL and I have not lost a pound. My body isn't as bloated as


> and I'm getting trimmer in the waist and abs. I'm just anxious to

> see some number changes in weight. I had high hopes to lose at


> 10 pounds, but now it seems impossible considering I'm almost


> through and haven't lost anything. I don't know where all the


> is hiding. I have skinny legs and arms! I'm 5'7 " and weigh 152

> lbs.

> I am so tired during the day! And lately I really want to eat!


> first few weeks I wasn't feeling hungry, but now I constantly


> about food. I broke down tonight and had a carb binge! I need

> something to keep me motivated to finish the next 6 weeks and that

> means results!

> I've never taken any supplements and I'm thinking I need something

> just to keep me going through the day. I'm really dragging and


> hard with two high energy boys in the house. Any suggestions?

> I look forward to learning from all of you.


> K

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Hi , welcome :-)

Congrats on finishing 6 weeks! The first thing I want to tell you is

that someone I know did a fantastic challenge with amazing results.

At week 4 she was exactly the same weight as she was at the

beginning. At week 6 she weighed slightly MORE than when she

started. But her final results were great. You can see them here:


As for getting out of bed, I think we all have that problem..hehe..

What I do is set my alarm for 15 minutes earlier than I actually want

to wake up. As soon as it goes off, I swallow an EAS phen-free

capsule (caffiene etc - gives me energy). Then snooze for 15

minutes. Then when the alarm goes off again, I get up, get dressed,

and by the time I get to the gym the half hour has elapsed that I

needed to get the phen-free working and I'm all perky and ready to

work out. I only do that the last 3 days of the working week though,

the first 2 I'm rested enough from the weekend to do it without aid.

I do know what you mean about giving up 2 minutes into your cardio

routine. Sounds like it's time for you to try a different type of

cardio! Change them around as much as you like, whatever keeps you

from quitting.

As for feeling hungry, yay for your roaring metabolism! First things

first, do an analysis to make sure you're eating enough. If your

calorie intake is too low, then you won't have enough energy, and

will be hungry. Secondly, make sure you're getting enough protein.

Are you having flaxseed oil? It's meant to help curb appetite

according to some things I've read, who knows. And have you got your

period at the moment? Because one of the ladies in here said you

need extra calories at that time of the month (is it 200 or 300?).

Look at it this way, you're already halfway there!!! Don't quit now,

or you'll never know what could have been......

in NZ


> Hi. My name is . I started BFL six weeks ago. It was

> recommended to me by a male friend who lost 35 pounds in 12 weeks.


> was skeptical because I've never lost weight in my life. I hate

> exercise! I don't enjoy sports and I despise getting out of


> I'm proud to say I haven't missed a workout, but lately I've been


> close to quitting my cardio 2 minutes into it.

> I was really skeptical when I read the BFL book and saw all the

> photos. I just couldn't believe the results that were pictured and

> in the back of my mind I doubted seriously that I would ever see

> anything like this. Anyway, I decided to be committed because I

> figured if I don't give it one last try, I'll probably never get in

> shape. I'm 36 years old. I'm a stay at home mom with 2 demanding

> boys (3yrs and 17 months) I have to get up at 5:30 am to do the

> workouts or I would never get the time. It's really hard getting


> of bed but when I'm done exercising I'm so glad it's out of the way

> and I don't have to think about fitting it in sometime during the

> day. In that way it's a relief.

> I need a support group to keep me going and help with questions. I

> know everybody says don't rely on the scale for results but I can't

> help feeling discouraged. This weekend I will complete six weeks


> BFL and I have not lost a pound. My body isn't as bloated as


> and I'm getting trimmer in the waist and abs. I'm just anxious to

> see some number changes in weight. I had high hopes to lose at


> 10 pounds, but now it seems impossible considering I'm almost


> through and haven't lost anything. I don't know where all the


> is hiding. I have skinny legs and arms! I'm 5'7 " and weigh 152

> lbs.

> I am so tired during the day! And lately I really want to eat!


> first few weeks I wasn't feeling hungry, but now I constantly think

> about food. I broke down tonight and had a carb binge! I need

> something to keep me motivated to finish the next 6 weeks and that

> means results!

> I've never taken any supplements and I'm thinking I need something

> just to keep me going through the day. I'm really dragging and


> hard with two high energy boys in the house. Any suggestions?

> I look forward to learning from all of you.


> K

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Marci, I'm Pat K. I'm the grandmother of an 11 year old autistic boy. I diagnosed him and have done ABA with him for 8 years. This is a good group; they try to help and give support. Pat K

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