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Thyroid Issues

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I'm not trying to stabilize...i'm been stable for over two years.

I have no problem at all if at some point i for whatever reason I

felt that my implants were endangering my life....to explant them.

I just can't see any benefit at this time.


> > >

> > > Alleviating symptoms is only one reason for explant. There are

> > many others. I would hate to just be putting bandaids on my

> illness

> > knowing that down the road things could get really ugly. I


> I

> > just don't understand the willingness to take risks with


> > >

> >


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I'm curious too!

does she have any diagnosed autoimmune illness?



> im sure she doesn't get all her patients from our list of explant

surgeons. I was just curious because she seems to feel comfortable to

keep hers. I was wondering how she would treat someone like Cindi, who

doesn't want surgery.

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I call that a chronic illness that needs to be managed by a doctor as

well as the patient.

Sometimes, Sherry, I feel you just lie in wait for someone to make a

mistake you can pounce on.


At 07:21 PM 6/5/2006, you wrote:

>I hope you never require insulin.........

> Sherry


> Re: thyroid issues

> > >

> > >

> > > you folks are intent on me getting sick someway I see. ;-)

> > >

> > > well i don't plan on having double pneumonia either. but there

> > > probably is a herb that helps...

> > > cindi

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In

> >


<mailto: %40><mailto: %40>\



> > _00_ <5678@>

> >wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Who will you call if you develop a severe bilateral pneumonia?

> >Herbs

> > > won't help......

> > >

> >

> >



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If I remember right, she has done that in the past

with women who have come to the group.


--- Lynda <coss@...> wrote:

> Probably with a protocol similar to what she uses

> herself.??????????


> Lynda



> At 06:49 PM 6/5/2006, you wrote:

> >im sure she doesn't get all her patients from our

> list of explant

> >surgeons. I was just curious because she seems to

> feel comfortable

> >to keep hers. I was wondering how she would treat

> someone like

> >Cindi, who doesn't want surgery.

> >

> >

> >

> >Lynda <coss@...> wrote:

> >,

> >

> >Women seeking explant have generally made up their

> minds about doing

> >this. Otherwise they would not be seeing someone

> on our explant list.

> >

> >Lynda

> >

> >

> >At 05:46 PM 6/5/2006, you wrote:

> > >Has she ever been known to NOT suggest explant.

> What I mean is has

> > >she ever successfully treated someone's symptoms

> and not

> > >explanted. Or does she only explant her patients

> and doesn't listen

> > >to her own advice?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> > >All I care about is that she offers appropriate

> treatment and

> > >explants correctly. She does just that.

> > >Patty

> > >

> > >_00_ <5678@...> wrote:

> > >Sounds like a poor excuse to me..... surely if

> she believes they

> > >will make her ill, she would not be willing to

> permit that. It's

> > >impossible to function with the degree of

> fatigue. I don't like this

> > >excuse at all......... At the risk of angering

> everyone, being one

> > >of the only games in town for explantation and

> detox remedies is far

> > >more lucrative that sharing augmentations with

> every other cosmetic

> > >surgeon in the nation.

> > > Sherry

> > > Re: thyroid issues

> > >

> > >i thought it was rather odd myself.

> > >surely a physician who is convinced of the

> dangers of implants would

> > >not keep them in her own body.

> > >i don't see how that allows her to better treat

> anyone.

> > >cindi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > I have some trouble with this

> one...............

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >__________________________________________________

> > >

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She got her silicone gel implants out but replaced them with salines. Alot of women did, thinking the salines were safer. That proved to be a false notion. Pattycindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote: I just did. so what did she do? then have saline implants? cindi>> No, she was sick! That's why she knows about the dangers associated with implants. She had silicone gel and got sick from those....you can read it for yourself.> > http://www.plastikos.com/silicone.htm> > http://www.plastikos.com/art-silicone.htm __________________________________________________

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I really can't speak for Dr. Kolb . . . But I'm

betting that she's confident that she can manage

whatever problems her breast implants may cause . . .

and if she sees that a problem is getting out of hand,

I don't think she would hesitate to remove them.

I don't think it's our place to sit in judgement of

her . . . I'm so very thankful that she understands

the problem and is helping so many women! . . .

I pray that she stays healthy and lives a very long

life . . . implants or no. She certainly can afford

the best in medical care . . . which is more than many

of our women can do! Money means a lot in this case.


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I was undiagnosed at the time i got implants.

As i wrote much earlier, it was probably the Hashi's that lowered

the self image that even got me into a PS office. That was really

unlike me. But I can look back at that time period and see how my

brain was being affected by low thyroid hormone. It wasn't the only

stupid/impulsive thing I did then.

But my history, like many Hashi's folks...started with symptoms

right after chidlbirth (hormonal trigger). i have my history at the

STories at www.stopthethyroidmadness.com. But it's a 25 year

history of hypo related symptoms...and every single one was resolved

with thyroid hormone. I no longer take any medications except

Armour Thyroid. My story is not that unusual for a Hashi's

person...I'd say that most folks go over 10-15 years with symptoms

before they get diagnosed. Most folks don't realize the ailments

they have are hashi related.



> Cindi,


> So you had Hashi's before implants and thyroid and a PS put

implants in you

> anyway?

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Hi Cindi,

I've been too busy to keep up with all the emails . .

.. You're new since I've been online regularly . . I'm

happy to see you're bringing so much information on

thyroid problems to the group. I need to get checked


I just want to add one point, knowing you don't want

to be explanted . . .

Using my mother as an example. My mother had some

health problems that could have been addressed earlier

when she was in better health . . . Instead, she

refused. By the time it reached the point that she

could no longer stand the pain in her knee, she was

too frail for surgery . . .

Now, (at 93) she spends her days sitting in her chair

.. . . mentally able, but physically disabled. If only

she had tended to issues early on instead of accepting

them as part of the aging process she could still be

living independently.

Unfortunately, her doctors have looked at her problems

as aging problems when some of them were reactions to

medications - which has only made matters worse.

Hugs and prayers,


--- cindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote:

> i agree prednisone is toxic in pharmalogical

> amounts.


> most folks with adrenal dysfunction (common if

> thyroid dysfunction

> went on for a long time) use a more natural

> substance to the body,

> hydrocortisone. Alhtough prednisone in

> physiological doses (less

> than the body makes of cortisol - about 5 mg.) is

> not terribly

> risky.


> Ya know...maybe part of our " disagreement " ....is

> that i am a

> hopeless Hashi's thyroid gland case. End stage of

> the disease. I

> know that explant can't restore thyroid function.


> Were I in my 30s perhaps...in the beginning

> stages...explant would

> make more sense to me. there would be more years in

> which other

> autoimmune disease might affect me.


> But at age 50...there's more to consider. how

> surgery would affect

> my life? (could make me sick) do i want to spend

> that money? (not

> really although we could) looking at all that

> against...would there

> be any gain to me? (totally unknown) any added years

> of life?

> (totally unknown)

> these are questions that are all important i

> think....and in my

> case, it doesn't make sense to explant. I just

> can't see the

> benefit.

> cindi






> > > >

> > > > Well, when you get down to semantics, we say

> the implants

> cause

> > > the symptoms. You say the low thyroid causes

> the symptoms, but

> > what

> > > we imply is that the implants cause the low

> thryoid which causes

> > the

> > > symptoms. Same thing basically.

> > > >

> > > > Again, I would prefer to remove the source

> of the problem

> and

> > > save myself from future health issues than to

> just treat the low

> > > thyroid. This support group is about getting

> our health back.

> If

> > > we felt that was possible while keeping

> implants, we'd say

> that.

> > > But I don't think it happens often enough.

> > > >

> > > > We've got some awesome professionals that

> work with us, like

> > Dr.

> > > Kolb, a plastic surgeon and holistically

> trained MD. If

> > women

> > > could get their health back by just treating

> with armour

> thyroid,

> > I

> > > am sure Dr. Kolb would be willing to pursue

> that. But she, in

> > fact,

> > > counsels and explants women, and lots of them

> because the issues

> > are

> > > more than thyroid related and more complicated

> than just thyroid

> > > treatment. There are issues of mold, fungus,

> and neurotoxins.

> She

> > > has implants herself. She's been able to keep

> hers

=== message truncated ===

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Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just want

to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth degree,

and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is one

of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes

implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet in

your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about

your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.


--- In , _00_ <5678@...>



> Sounds like a poor excuse to me..... surely if she believes they

will make her ill, she would not be willing to permit that. It's

impossible to function with the degree of fatigue. I don't like this

excuse at all......... At the risk of angering everyone, being one

of the only games in town for explantation and detox remedies is far

more lucrative that sharing augmentations with every other cosmetic

surgeon in the nation.

> Sherry

> Re: thyroid issues



> i thought it was rather odd myself.

> surely a physician who is convinced of the dangers of implants


> not keep them in her own body.

> i don't see how that allows her to better treat anyone.

> cindi



> --- In , _00_ <5678@>


> >

> > I have some trouble with this one...............


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I have great difficulty reading this list when people make grandiose statements as factual rather than possible. Regarding Dr. Kolb, the pricing for her highly controversial detox procedures is worrisome.


Re: thyroid issues

Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just want to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth degree, and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is one of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet in your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.Sis> >> > I have some trouble with this one...............>

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That's what I did. My PS told me I wouldn't have any of the problems I had with silicone (double lumen). Wrong! I'd already had 5 surgeries; now I've had seven. Like Dr. Kolb told me recently: double lumen ... mold; saline ... more mold. Why is it so hard for doctors to make the connection that putting foreign objects made of toxic chemicals into a human body will likely flare up the immune system? Add to that the faulty valve problem and contamination with bacteria. With their training , they should understand more than anyone that our bodies are made of cells--they're not solid objects. It's not just breast implants but any implant. Someone with cheek implants e-mailed this group once and her symptoms were identical to mine. Kate Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: She got her silicone gel implants out but replaced them with salines. Alot of women did, thinking the salines were safer. That proved to be a false notion. Pattycindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote: I just did. so what did she do? then have saline implants? cindi>> No, she was sick! That's why she knows about the dangers associated with implants. She had

silicone gel and got sick from those....you can read it for yourself.> > http://www.plastikos.com/silicone.htm> > http://www.plastikos.com/art-silicone.htm __________________________________________________

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your mom is 93 and has knee pain?

and this has gone on how long?




> Now, (at 93) she spends her days sitting in her chair

> . . . mentally able, but physically disabled. If only

> she had tended to issues early on instead of accepting

> them as part of the aging process she could still be

> living independently.


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Ordinarily, I don't think it wise for folks to contemplate surgery

based on " what ifs " .



> Cindi,


> I understand your point on not wanting an unessassary surgery.

However, what if your implants are contaminated with fungus or mold or

even a breakdown of the silicone shell?

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I don't know anything about her other than what has been posted the

last day or two.

but there are a couple questions I would ask that would tell me more

about her:

does she sell supplements in her practice?

given that she knows the dangers of implants...and even does

explants...does she actually perform breast augmentation any more?

if so...what does her consent form look like?


does she


> Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just


> to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth degree,

> and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is


> of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes

> implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet in

> your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about

> your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.

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I don't think it's that hard for them actually....but until we

realize that all this is all about the $$$....we're expecting

something that isn't going to happen. They're not going to

overwhelmingly acknowledge it when it is ony 25% of the women who

seem to be getting those autoimmune conditions. If there is over

50% out there happy and healthy with their implants, things will not


At some point, I think we have to realize the medical profession is

not our friend...that we made a stupid choice....and that we can not

keep blaming the medical profession.

well we could..but it's a futile endeavor, isn't it?

the harm is being done in so many areas by physicians...harmful

drugs...especially psychotropic drugs...needless surgeries (i..e

bypass)...this is just a system gone wrong...and anyone who does

some research on this subject will quickly see that it's all

horribly wrong.

But I always say the consumer is to blame too. We go to the doc

wanting something for the cold, we want quick fixes, we obviously

wanted to put foreign objects in our bodies....so we need to be as

mad at ourselves as we are the docs. just my take on it. it was an

unhealthy choice we made...and i don't know how I could ever say

that I actually thought it was a good thing to do. Can any of you?


--- In , Kate Lowe <lagarita120@...>



> That's what I did. My PS told me I wouldn't have any of the

problems I had with silicone (double lumen). Wrong! I'd already

had 5 surgeries; now I've had seven. Like Dr. Kolb told me

recently: double lumen ... mold; saline ... more mold.


> Why is it so hard for doctors to make the connection that

putting foreign objects made of toxic chemicals into a human body

will likely flare up the immune system? Add to that the faulty

valve problem and contamination with bacteria. With their

training , they should understand more than anyone that our bodies

are made of cells--they're not solid objects. It's not just breast

implants but any implant. Someone with cheek implants e-mailed this

group once and her symptoms were identical to mine.

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When I spoke to Dr Kolb a few months ago with my symptoms, she stated

that if I had mold she could treat me. If I got better w/o the

reoccurence of my symptoms then I could keep them. But if I was sick

again after treatment then it may mean that the mold was in the


I have decided to explant anyway.

> Has she ever been known to NOT suggest explant. What I mean is

has she ever successfully treated someone's symptoms and not

explanted. Or does she only explant her patients and doesn't listen

to her own advice?






> __________________________________________________


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My mother's knee problems had gone on for 14 years

before she decided she had had enough! . . . She had

reached the point that she was ready for surgery when

she had early stage breast cancer. They gave her

Tamoxifen and she went rapidly downhill from there.

She's been in the nursing home for 2 1/2 years now . .

.. As I see it, the estrogen inhibitor/blockers puts

one on fast forward age-wise. I would rather live a

short life than a long one on those drugs!

After my cancer experience, I recognized the symptoms

that came on her rapidly with the medication and we

had it stopped. Her edema has improved dramatically.

Her color and affect are both improved too. However,

she's addicted to pain meds now, along with a cocktail

of other drugs. It would take very careful monitoring

to change her meds. . . When I talked to her care

takers, they say she's doing great and chalk

everything up to age . . " She's doing sooooooo well,

compared to our other patients " . . . Yeah, I know! .

.. .

Her older brother is still running around! . . .

They're not interested in doing anything. And I can't

do anything long distance.



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I hope that is not the case with Dr. Melmed, but it could be. I

really feel that the explant could help you and hate to see you have

to wait until late next year. Hopefully you will find a way to get

it done before then. It would be nice to have them out and know

what you are dealing with since there is always the possibility the

implants are contaminated also.

Hugs, Kathy

> > >

> > > No one in my family has auto immune illness either. I


> well,

> > then

> > > immediately almost died from a rupture. My health went

> downhill

> > so

> > > fast, not anyone would have doubted the cause.

> > >

> > > Autoimmne illness may be on the rise, but my cause and

> effect was

> > obvious.

> > >

> > > Your denial is so apparent, I wonder why you are on this

> > > site?????????? Are you seeking answers, are you in

doubt of

> your

> > own

> > > decisions, or are you out to prove you can keep your

> implants and

> > be

> > > safe????? I am really getting confused, but wonder if


> is the

> > > site for you.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My mom died at almost 89 and had two knee replacements in her early

80's. I don't think knee pain at 93 is uncommon or worrisome. I

would be delighted if my mom was alive and still had knee pain.


At 05:45 AM 6/6/2006, you wrote:

>your mom is 93 and has knee pain?

>and this has gone on how long?




> >>

> >>

> > Now, (at 93) she spends her days sitting in her chair

> > . . . mentally able, but physically disabled. If only

> > she had tended to issues early on instead of accepting

> > them as part of the aging process she could still be

> > living independently.

> >



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No, no, no. This is wrong. Every holistic doctor I have been to sells supplements! They don't give out prescriptions...they sell you what they are recommending right then and there. Herbals, homeopathics, vitamins, glandulars.... I've experienced this in Tucson AZ, as well as Las Vegas, NV and I have no doubt it occurs in every other state that holistic practitioners work. I see no conflict of interest there at all. In fact, I trust that they are giving me what they think will work for me. If they are going to be my doctor, I am trusting them to provide good quality supplements. If you also will remember, there are a number of products, such as those by Thorne Research, that are ONLY available through health care professionals. You can't go out and buy them yourself in most cases. Patty cindi22595

<cindi22595@...> wrote: uh...not really...many good holistic doctors are not going to be selling supplements that they profit from...that's pretty much a conflict. they might tell folks what supplements they need....but don't sell them. cindi> >> > Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just > want > > to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth degree, > > and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is > one > > of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes > > implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet in > > your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about >

> your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.> > > > > > __________________________________________________>

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You know as well as I do that the medical profession (allopathic)

does not think the same way we do and tends to put down doctors who

are holistic. It has always been this way. So criticizing them

selling supplements is a way to put them down.

I do trust my holistic practitioners to tell me what they think is

best for me to take. Sometimes I get my products from them and

sometimes I go on line for better prices, when the products are

available there.


At 10:10 AM 6/6/2006, you wrote:

>No, no, no. This is wrong. Every holistic doctor I have been to

>sells supplements! They don't give out prescriptions...they sell

>you what they are recommending right then and there. Herbals,

>homeopathics, vitamins, glandulars.... I've experienced this in

>Tucson AZ, as well as Las Vegas, NV and I have no doubt it occurs in

>every other state that holistic practitioners work.


>I see no conflict of interest there at all. In fact, I trust that

>they are giving me what they think will work for me. If they are

>going to be my doctor, I am trusting them to provide good quality supplements.


>If you also will remember, there are a number of products, such as

>those by Thorne Research, that are ONLY available through health

>care professionals. You can't go out and buy them yourself in most cases.





>cindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote:

>uh...not really...many good holistic doctors are not going to be

>selling supplements that they profit from...that's pretty much a



>they might tell folks what supplements they need....but don't sell






> > >

> > > Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just

> > want

> > > to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth


> > > and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is

> > one

> > > of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes

> > > implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet


> > > your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about

> > > your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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ok..let me qualify the remark..because my experience is with the

holistic physicians that folks go to for thyroid problems...all of

those that sell supplements have been shown to not be good thyroid

doctors. they just empty your pocketbook. and leave you undertreated.

steer clear if they are treating your thyroid dysfunction..and selling




> No, no, no. This is wrong. Every holistic doctor I have been to

sells supplements! They don't give out prescriptions...they sell you

what they are recommending right then and there. Herbals, homeopathics,

vitamins, glandulars.... I've experienced this in Tucson AZ, as well as

Las Vegas, NV and I have no doubt it occurs in every other state that

holistic practitioners work.

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Me too, once I know what they are recommending. Often you can get much better prices online. I've been selective also if they want to sell me a whole bagful of stuff....if I know I've got something similar already at home in my cupboards. I'm so thankful for holistic doctors. They are necessary. We should have the option for all natural treatment if we so choose to receive it, instead of being brainwashed into thinking that only MD's are qualified with their drugs, slashing and burning. It's shameful how the allopathic medical field treats these other professionals. Patty Lynda <coss@...> wrote: Patty,You know as well as I do that the medical profession (allopathic) does not think the same way we do and tends to put down doctors who are holistic. It has always been this way. So criticizing them selling supplements is a way to put them down.I do trust my holistic practitioners to tell me what they think is best for me to take. Sometimes I get my products from them and sometimes I go on line for better prices, when the products are available there.LyndaAt 10:10 AM 6/6/2006, you wrote:>No, no, no. This is wrong. Every holistic doctor I have been to >sells supplements! They don't give out prescriptions...they sell >you what they are recommending right then and there. Herbals, >homeopathics, vitamins, glandulars.... I've experienced this in

>Tucson AZ, as well as Las Vegas, NV and I have no doubt it occurs in >every other state that holistic practitioners work.>>I see no conflict of interest there at all. In fact, I trust that >they are giving me what they think will work for me. If they are >going to be my doctor, I am trusting them to provide good quality supplements.>>If you also will remember, there are a number of products, such as >those by Thorne Research, that are ONLY available through health >care professionals. You can't go out and buy them yourself in most cases.>Patty>>>>cindi22595 <cindi22595 > wrote:>uh...not really...many good holistic doctors are not going to be>selling supplements that they profit from...that's pretty much a>conflict.>>they might tell folks what supplements they

need....but don't sell>them.>>cindi>>> > >> > > Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just> > want> > > to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth>degree,> > > and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she is> > one> > > of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes> > > implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives - yet>in> > > your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry about> > > your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.> >> >> >> >> >> > __________________________________________________> >

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Not sure I agree with that statement about most holistic doctors

that are good do not sell supplements.

They sell pharmaceutical grade stuff and have it in their office for

the convenience of their patients. Granted they are making a

profit....but one doesn't have to buy it.

> > >

> > > Sherry, I'm not trying to stir up a bees nest here, but I just

> > want

> > > to point out that you defend all other doctors to the nth

> degree,

> > > and this statement about Dr. Kolb is interesting because she


> > one

> > > of the few who is skilled and willing to help us, and believes

> > > implants make us sick, and you're questioning her motives -


> in

> > > your eyes all other doctors have no motives. I'm not angry


> > > your statement, but your posts confuse me sometimes.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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