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checking in

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Hi ,

Anyone that can do LL at 4:30 in the morning is a hero in my book.

Waking up at 4:30 ea. morning would kill me. What time do you go to bed

at night?

Love ya!!!!



On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 19:18:00 -0600 (Mountain Standard Time) " rdc "

<rdc@...> writes:

Hi guys,

I got up at 4:30 this morning and did 40 LL breaths before work. I am


to try and do that each day because I am way too tired when I get home.


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Hi Liz,

It's not so bad once you get used to it. I usually go to bed about 10 and

get up at 4:30 and into work at 5:30. But I get off at noon so I have the

whole afternoon to rest if I want, but usually I don't need to.


Hi ,

Anyone that can do LL at 4:30 in the morning is a hero in my book.

Waking up at 4:30 ea. morning would kill me. What time do you go to bed

at night?

Love ya!!!!



On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 19:18:00 -0600 (Mountain Standard Time) " rdc "

<rdc@...> writes:

Hi guys,

I got up at 4:30 this morning and did 40 LL breaths before work. I am


to try and do that each day because I am way too tired when I get home.


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Same here Bonnie

When I get started I feel so goooood!


checking in

Hi guys,

I got up at 4:30 this morning and did 40 LL breaths before work. I am


to try and do that each day because I am way too tired when I get home.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Great job

You can do it


Checking in

Hi breathers,

I did my 40 breaths today and am going to try to do my best to get up 30

minutes earlier in the morning this week so I can do my breathing before I go in

at 5:30.


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, wonderful! What a great thing, {I hope}, that your hours will change

and you can get your workout in earlier. It'll be nice to get it done and

still be able to do more during the day...


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That's terrific !!!

Love ya!!!



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Thank you my sweet friend, it feels good to get back into the swing.


That's terrific !!!

Love ya!!!



The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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Hello Dearest ,

All it takes is one day to get your sweet little feet on the right track and you

are on your way!

Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to feel better than the day before.

I am so happy to see that you managed to get your LifeLift breaths in. Your

precious body will love you for it!

Take good care,


The Body You Have Always Wanted is Coming Soon!

What can changing the way you breathe do for you?

More than you can imagine!

Remember that it is oxygen that burns fat, tones muscle, reduces stress and

increases strength and endurance.

Learn to breathe in the most efficient way possible with Life Lift!

Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

Checking in

Hi breathers, I managed to get in my 40 breaths Saturday, yesterday and today.


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Hi Rashelle,

Thank you for your encouraging remarks. It is amazing how much better I

feel already. I had not quit doing my breathing but was not getting in as good

of a workout as I wanted. My hours are going to change soon and though I will

still have to go in at 5:30, I will be able to come home at 11:30 so I can get

my workout in early enough in the afternoon so that it won't keep me up at


Love you,

Hello Dearest ,

All it takes is one day to get your sweet little feet on the right track and

you are on your way!

Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to feel better than the day

before. I am so happy to see that you managed to get your LifeLift breaths in.

Your precious body will love you for it!

Take good care,


The Body You Have Always Wanted is Coming Soon!

What can changing the way you breathe do for you?

More than you can imagine!

Remember that it is oxygen that burns fat, tones muscle, reduces stress and

increases strength and endurance.

Learn to breathe in the most efficient way possible with Life Lift!

Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

Checking in

Hi breathers, I managed to get in my 40 breaths Saturday, yesterday and



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Hello ,

You are most welcome. It always makes me happy when a see a post from you.

I am glad your schedule is changing to make it easier on you. Just remember you

can do them 5 or 10 minutes at a time through the day and it will do great

things for your body and your mental state.

Love you back,


The Body You Have Always Wanted is Coming Soon!

What can changing the way you breathe do for you?

More than you can imagine!

Remember that it is oxygen that burns fat, tones muscle, reduces stress and

increases strength and endurance.

Learn to breathe in the most efficient way possible with Life Lift!

Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

Checking in

Hi breathers, I managed to get in my 40 breaths Saturday, yesterday and



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Great job !!!!

Love ya!!!



On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:15:23 -0600 " rdc " <rdc@...>


Hi everyone,

Wednesday I did 10 LL breaths before work and then a few more whenever I

could through the day. Yesterday I did 20 and today I did 40.


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Re: Checking in

Great job !!!!

Love ya!!!



On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:15:23 -0600 " rdc " <rdc@...>


Hi everyone,

Wednesday I did 10 LL breaths before work and then a few more whenever I

could through the day. Yesterday I did 20 and today I did 40.


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Thanks Lizkins!!!


Re: Checking in

Great job !!!!

Love ya!!!



On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:15:23 -0600 " rdc " <rdc@...>


Hi everyone,

Wednesday I did 10 LL breaths before work and then a few more whenever I

could through the day. Yesterday I did 20 and today I did 40.


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That's great !!!! I didn't do any.. so you beat me. :-) I was

singing quite a bit today, did I sound ok???? :-)

Have a great Sunday!!!!

Love ya!!!!



On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 20:09:25 -0600 " rdc " <rdc@...>


Today I don't know how many breaths I did but breathed while I ironed all

afternoon. I culd hear you singing Lizkins!!!!


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You sounded fabulous my dear!!! Don't worry too much about not doing any, I

think you deserve a day off occasionally!!!!

You have a great Sunday also,


That's great !!!! I didn't do any.. so you beat me. :-) I was

singing quite a bit today, did I sound ok???? :-)

Have a great Sunday!!!!

Love ya!!!!



On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 20:09:25 -0600 " rdc " <rdc@...>


Today I don't know how many breaths I did but breathed while I ironed all

afternoon. I culd hear you singing Lizkins!!!!


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Great job


Checking in

Hi everyone,

I was awake at 3 this morning so I got up and did 40 breaths with stretches.

It sure helped me get through the day!!! I am now going to wash my little face,

put on my jammies and go to la la land!!!


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Hi !

Wondered where you've been... Know how to get the fan fixed in the PC??? YOU can unplug it, take the side panel off yourself, then when your children want to use it, They will have to fix it to use it :o) Changing the fan isn't hard to do, and it cost us around $11.00 for ours... It would only take them a couple of mins top do it! Just an idea... You see, I have one of them like that that has to be Pushed into getting things done, especially when its mine to be done, not his!

Hiring someone will cost ya an arm and a leg just for labor...

Keep checking in when your able too...


((( Caring Hugs )))


Hi everyone!I'm at the local library, and dont have much time, but wanted to check in. I miss you! I keep waiting for one of the boys to fix the pc fan.... they go ahead & use it with the alarm going off, and discuss how yea, they need to fix it.... while I leave the room or the house cause it feels like I'm about to have an aneurism from that noise. The 1st of the month I am calling someone in the yellow pages.Summer is over here in Colorado. The kids are all back to school- yea! It is already getting cold as soon as the sun goes down. I've been busy, busy, but I dont really get anything done.Dr says Sara has a mild post concussive syndrome, and put her on a med- crs(cant remember shit)- its an old tricyclic anti depression med I thought they quit using cause it makes you a fat listless couch potato. She was supposed to take it for a month, then go back in- but she hasnt tried it yet, said she was waiting for the weekend, then she had to work, and Raquels birthday party... and she is afraid of what it will do to her. ly so am I. The insurance company is really pushing for settlement, and I cant do that if she is still having problems, so yesterday I asked the hospital to bill to our insurance- took me a week of phone tag to get to a human being, who says it will take 2-3 weeks for her to get the info if I dont fax it to her! AAARGH! What a racket! The hospital is about 2 blocks away, all info is on file there, and hasnt changed in 11 years.... but they pay a co to bill for them- more efficient? Good LORD!So, how is everyone???? I try to get on once in a while & just read a few posts. Hope everyone weathered thru the storms. You are always welcome to send any excess water this way, please. Please take care everyone. Hope to be back soon. Love,

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Hello Helen

Back in the late 80's, I took care of a mainframe in Canada, when a fan

went out, they would fly an Engineer up from the States to change it

out. I noticed that it looked just like the fans in Radio Shack so the

next time a fan went out, instead of calling Houston, I went to Radio

Shack and had them match up the fan. Turned out to be way better than

flying someone up from the States because they just brought a fan junked

out of an old computer so it was on it's last legs and was about to fail

whereas, the ones I would get for $11.00 were brand new. The mainframe

became much more reliable. That's one of the reasons why they

transfered me to Houston, as long as I was out there, the Houston office

wasn't getting any repair business.


angelbear1129@... wrote:

> *Hi !*

> * Wondered where you've been... Know how to get the fan fixed in the

> PC??? YOU can unplug it, take the side panel off yourself, then when

> your children want to use it, They will have to fix it to use it :o)

> Changing the fan isn't hard to do, and it cost us around $11.00 for

> ours... It would only take them a couple of mins top do it! Just an

> idea... You see, I have one of them like that that has to be Pushed

> into getting things done, especially when its mine to be done, not his!*

> *Hiring someone will cost ya an arm and a leg just for labor...*

> * Keep checking in when your able too...*

> *Love*

> *((( Caring Hugs )))*

> *Helen*

> **



> Hi everyone!

> I'm at the local library, and dont have much time, but wanted to

> check in. I miss you! I keep waiting for one of the boys to fix the

> pc fan.... they go ahead & use it with the alarm going off, and

> discuss how yea, they need to fix it.... while I leave the room or

> the house cause it feels like I'm about to have an aneurism from that

> noise. The 1st of the month I am calling someone in the yellow pages.


> Summer is over here in Colorado. The kids are all back to school-

> yea! It is already getting cold as soon as the sun goes down. I've

> been busy, busy, but I dont really get anything done.


> Dr says Sara has a mild post concussive syndrome, and put her on a

> med- crs(cant remember shit)- its an old tricyclic anti depression

> med I thought they quit using cause it makes you a fat listless couch

> potato. She! was supposed to take it for a month, then go back in-

> but

> she hasnt tried it yet, said she was waiting for the weekend, then

> she had to work, and Raquels birthday party... and she is afraid of

> what it will do to her. ly so am I. The insurance company is

> really pushing for settlement, and I cant do that if she is still

> having problems, so yesterday I asked the hospital to bill to our

> insurance- took me a week of phone tag to get to a human being, who

> says it will take 2-3 weeks for her to get the info if I dont fax it

> to her! AAARGH! What a racket! The hospital is about 2 blocks away,

> all info is on file there, and hasnt changed in 11 years.... but they

> pay a co to bill for them- more efficient? Good LORD!


> So, how is everyone???? I try to get on once in a while & just read a

> few posts. Hope everyone weathered thru the storms. You are always

> welcome to send any excess water this way, please.


> Please take ! care everyone. Hope to be back soon. Love,


> **



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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Helen, I like the way you think! SueH

May today there be peace within you.May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. "I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly." Even Angels Need Bear Hugsangelbear1129@...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi a!

This is FREAKY your microwave caught on fire like that! I hop you

don't have a poltergiest or something! :-)

With your 300+ workout vids/dvds I'm sure you'll be back in your

routine again soon!

Delt raises,

-- In , " a Frey " <paulajfrey@l...>


> Hey everyone! I'm in Austin. I still have limited Internet access...ugh.


> My cable will be installed Saturday. So hopefully, I'll get to try a

workout then. My diet and regime have been awful...but normal for this

situation. I only did 20 min of today. Needed something light.

I woke up at 4AM (the day I start my job) to a fire in my apartment.

My microwave started on fire by itself. Yeesh. The cats woke me. Thank

God I was home.


> Did weights the other day and am STILL sore. Plenty of hills in the

area for walking. There is a gym. Its ladies only. It will be a few

months before financial stability kicks in enough to check that out.

There is a gym at work, but I'll have to go through an orientation

session first and now I have to concentrate on learning my job before

my new boss goes out of town.


> Thanks for the well wished . When I catch up I need to check

out your site again!

> Hugs,

> a

> --

> _______________________________________________

> Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages




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Darrius is FIVE???


Good to hear from you, Tina!



(mom to -19 DS, 16-HoH, Meryl 21-AVM, and Amber 28(!) - NDA -

grandma to Jade (8 -CUTE))

-------------- Original message --------------

> Take care

> Love & Light

> Tina

> mom to (19nda) (18ds) (9nda) Darrius (5nda)

> and way too many cats

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Please don't feel like you have to censor yourself. If there is nothing else, we can at least get our feelings out, and that helps. I understand the way you feel. I've always been told that it is normal to be abnormal (whatever that means) when it comes to my periods and pelvic pain. I believe I may have the correct diagnosis with PCOS, but there still isn't much they can do. I tried Synarel for a long time when they were sure I had endo. It made me crazy and nearly destroyed every relationship I had. I see now that I was in a false-menopause. The hardest thing is that now that my mother is going through menopause, she says I don't know what she's going through because I'm too young. I've been in medication induced menopause several times, for years at a time. I now see that when my 'normal' hormones do their own thing, I develop cysts on my ovaries within a month or two. When I go off of a treatment (like continuous bcps or lupron or depo) I'm okay for a month, maybe two. I had ovarian cancer in California, they told me they took out one of my ovaries, I find out later they didn't. I was in a very low stage, but just being lied to is not cool. I came to find out that they just took cancerous tissue from the ovary, but left it there because of my being so young. I wanted it gone! I'm seriously considering having both of my ovaries removed. I know it is drastic, but it seems to be the source of my pain. This wouldn't be any time soon, I still have many other options to consider, but it is a viable option. I hope you find something soon that works for you.


Checking in

Hi everyone,I hope you are having a good first weekend of autumn (it is myfavorite season). The weather here in NC has been wonderful this week. Mostly wanted to check in to say I am alive and still here in theshadows even though I have been very quiet the last week and half. The doctor's appointment on the 14th left me feeling very defeated andI needed to retreat into myself for a while. The short version of theappointment outcome is that I am dealing with a change in hormonetreatment strategy to see what effect that has on the pain. This meansa few weeks of a weird combination of some pregnancy like and somemenopause like symptoms. After my body has time to adjust, I'llfigure out what to try next.Other than that, classes are keeping me busy. I am still essentiallyout of a suitcase but hope to go retrieve my belongings from Floridain two weeks; assuming the hurricane gods don't destroy the stuff andcooperate in terms of travel plans.A long grumpy update and vent are below. I debated whether or not todelete them as they are both grumpy and whiney. Shirley Long Update:I left the appointment on the 14th feeling unheard, rather hopelessand very much like I had wasted $200. The bottom line of theappoitnment was being told that with endo there are no easy answers(no news there). The doctor laid out things we could try and said"tell me what you want to do and I'll do it." In his opinion thetreatment developed by the last doctor was making matters worse notbetter. That meant my options were: stop the hormone treatment I hadbeen follwing and see where things are after my body resets itself;start Lupron for six months to a year(has serious side effects andonly a temporary solution in the best of cases); have anotherlaparoscopy to vaporize the implants they can and clean up adhesions(another temporary fix at best and that might create even moreproblems, to really be effective the endo would need to be excised butonly a few doctors in the country use that procedure. I have had twolaps in the last 18 months); plan a hysterectomy which might or mightnot offer substantial relief. What I want is someone to help me develop a plan for dealing with thepain and fatigue so that my life is about more than struggling toexist. My experience with gynecologists is that they want to focus onshort term bandaids to the problem. I know there is no cure for endobut there have to be ways to minimize its symptoms and/or cope withthe symptoms better.Anyway, I opted to take the most reversible and least dramatic option(my usual strategy when I am unsure what decision to make). I stoppedtaking the aygestin and started taking some more herbs and vitamins. Now it is a matter of waiting for my hormone levels to settle down andsee what happens and how bad things are without the aygestin. I waswarned several times that the next few weeks may be unpleasant. In the meantime, I am going to try even harder to control the pain andfatigue through diet and nutrition. I will also try to find somecomplimentary treatment options (e.g., accupuncture, herbalism) tohelp. If things don't improve by late winter, I am going to seriouslyconsider a hysterectomy as soon as classes end in May. Even if Iwanted to have it sooner I couldn't because of the amount of recoverytime needed. For the record, no one here has made me feel the way that is behindthis vent. This group has been wonderfully supportive. The vent isabout general attitudes no one and no group in particular. It ismostly just a way of getting this out of my system: I wish the public and the medical profession took endometriosis moreseriously. It is true that it is very seldom life threatening butthat doesn't make the effect it can have on the lives of some peopleany milder. It is most likely to be treated as a problem when itcauses infertility. Given my life situation I can't even remotely saythat it is doing that. For me it doesn't even cause uncontrollablebleeding. For me it is about pain and fatigue the things you can'tmeasure objectively; things that don't show up on lab tests or x-rays. That means that to many doctors they are things that don't matter. Itmatters to me because it has affected every aspect of my life personaland professional. It has cost me friends and my research career (orat least put it at serious risk). I see myself more negativelybecause of the things I don't do as well and the things I can't do atall now. It has taken the last hopes I had for motherhood away. Yetto many people endometriosis will never mean anything more than "ohyou have PMS and bad cramps" and the fact that it affects by mood andbehaviors is weakness and whining on my part not a real problem. ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./links Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe This group is not intended to diagnose or treat illnesses. No one on this group is qualified to diagnose medical conditions. If you feel you need medical attention, seek the advice of a qualified physician.~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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