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Forward per Glinda request..

My name is Glinda Fortner and I am new to your list.

I am the Clinical Coordinator for Pathobiotek - a research and

development company engaged in the discovery, identification, and

characterization of novel microbial agents. We have identified an

organism that may be associated with symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS)

patients, CFS and other autoimmune diseases. This organism has not been

previously characterized or associated with any specific human disease.

We have ongoing studies that have shown a 100% correlation between

clinical improvement and reduction of levels of organism in clients and


Why did I join the list - any information of importance that we receive

we pass along to our clients and participants to help them out. Some of

our clients don't have access to computers or the Internet and this is

one of our ways of helping. The other reason is that Pathobiotek is

looking for additional participants, willing to provide blood to further

our studies. Shipping kits are provided along with the blood tubes,

airway bills and minimal paperwork.

My mother has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS. We recently put

her and other clients, both MS and CFS, on a trial study of nutritional

supplements. Initial results are promising. We still have positions

open for more patients.

If you would be interested please email me at pathglin@... or call me

at 713-939-1833 extension 300.

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I am interested, let me know,

>Forward per Glinda request..


> My name is Glinda Fortner and I am new to your list.

> I am the Clinical Coordinator for Pathobiotek - a research and

> development company engaged in the discovery, identification, and

> characterization of novel microbial agents. We have identified an

> organism that may be associated with symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS)

>patients, CFS and other autoimmune diseases. This organism has not been

> previously characterized or associated with any specific human disease.

> We have ongoing studies that have shown a 100% correlation between

> clinical improvement and reduction of levels of organism in clients and

> participants.


> Why did I join the list - any information of importance that we receive

> we pass along to our clients and participants to help them out. Some of

> our clients don't have access to computers or the Internet and this is

> one of our ways of helping. The other reason is that Pathobiotek is

> looking for additional participants, willing to provide blood to further

> our studies. Shipping kits are provided along with the blood tubes,

> airway bills and minimal paperwork.

> My mother has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS. We recently put

> her and other clients, both MS and CFS, on a trial study of nutritional

> supplements. Initial results are promising. We still have positions

> open for more patients.

> If you would be interested please email me at pathglin@... or call me

> at 713-939-1833 extension 300.










>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

>other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

>discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Dessa!

Congratulations on being able to focus on water and exercise! Those

are the two I have trouble with, well, that and the food part....

You have a wonderful day as well!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ! Welcome to the group! You have a great New Year also!


> Hi everyone,

> I am new to this group. My name is and I live in Ohio with


> husband and five year old son. I started using the foodmover in

January of

> 2001. I just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone a HAPPY







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Hi ! Welcome and happy New Year! I look forward to getting to know

you too...


I did the thing I feared the most -- excuse me while I cheer.

Now here I stand, a stronger soul -- and all I've lost is fear.

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Welcome . When you have time, tell us about yourself!

Mejim6@... wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I am new to this group. My name is and I live in Ohio with my

> husband and five year old son. I started using the foodmover in January of

> 2001. I just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!





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  • 9 months later...

In a message dated 10/12/02 11:50:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

praymom@... writes:

> I'd catch up on all


Great to hear from you n. The Key to success is finding what works for

you. Just make sure you journal so you can go back and see what has worked.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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>I've been really busy with teaching our girls

I'm glad you were able to sneak a few minutes to check in. I thought now

that my son is attending college I would have all the time in the world to

do what *I* wanted to do, but find myself a busy as ever and *still* need

more time! One of these days I'll " get it together " and get back to sewing,

making day trips, maybe even a part time job.

Enjoy these years homeschooling - they were orecious to my son and me and

helped him tremendously in his college work.

> the 2 weeks, I had gained 2 pounds. What this confirmed for me is that it

> is not so much a factor of what I eat, because I don't eat that badly and


> rarely binge. For some reason, I am not burning of the calories I consume

> no matter how few they are.

Gee, a story I know all too well.

> So, after several days of researching the combination of all the


> symptoms I have, I came to the same conclusion that I have been telling my

> doctors for 10 years---I have a thyroid problem.

Sounds like we have the same doctor. I had those thyroid tests taken 3 times

over a 2 year period, and each time they showed my thyroid function to be

low-normal and the doc refuses to treat it. He says he won't treat until I

become sympotmatic. HUH?!?! I read off the list of my complaints again -

everything from lack of weight loss on a 1000 calorie diet, to the

overwhelming fatigue, blood sugar problems, to all the aches and pains, and

he says they're not severe enough to be considered treatable with thyroid.

Oh, how I wish there were better doctors around that took our insurance

plan! These guys are okay, but are sometimes set in their ways. Just about

every other doctor around here is worse, if you can believe it, and (no

offense to anybody) have such thick foreign accents and attitudes (women are

scum beneath their feet) I would go out of my way to *avoid* them!

> So, I am working on regulating my thyroid, but it will probably take

> some time.

So your doc *is* giving you meds for it, right? Sometimes I wish more meds

were available OTC. Imagine going to the drug store for an antibiotic if

your kid is running a fever at 2am on a Friday night and otherwise the next

time you can even get the doc on the phone would be late Monday afternoon.

Ah, heaven!

> no problem. A friend of mine had the gastric bypass surgery a couple of

> weeks ago and is doing great. I was even thinking gee, if I gained 20

> pounds, I could have the surgery! (Stupid thought I know!)

Many surgeons no longer *have* a weight limitation, especially if your

insurance doesn't cover it and you're paying cash. You can have *any*

surgery you want if you'be got the dough.

> Now, as far as exercise, I am also doing pretty well. I've been

> square dancing once a week, and clogging for a two hour class as well. I

You dancing fool, you! LOL I would trip over my own feet just walking into

the room!

> like to get an extra night of dance in there, but I just can't find the


> time when there is a dance going on.

They don't have anything like that around here in our city. The *was* a

country dance with class one night a week at one of the churches, but this

year they didn't do it because the woman who started it all died this summer

and nobody else wanted the job of organizing and running it. At 9pm on a

Wednesday night, there wasn't much demand for it, anyway.

Plenty of places for *kids* to learn to dance, but not for adults, except

one ballroom class at the high school for 6 weeks out of the year. About the

only dance I can do is the Bunny Hop and Hokey Pokey, anyway! :)

Sue in NJ

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  • 2 months later...


> I ordered

> food mover tonight!

You should have held off just 2 more weeks so you could order the new one

that's being released Dec. 26th.

> I look forward to making friends.

You came to the right place. :)

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Welcome to the group! :) Dodie

> Greetings from southeast Missouri (ville), my name is Tracey


> i'll be 31 on Feb 3rd. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I ordered

> food mover tonight! I've used his programs before

> and been successful!


> I'm a mother of two, wife of 11 1/2 yrs and a student. I'm going to

> school to be a teacher!


> I look forward to making friends.

> Hugs

> tracey

> 256/256/175 mini goal 235 by march

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  • 1 month later...

Sounds like the two of you had fun. I remember Mousercise. I am surprised that its still on.


HelloJust though I would drop an note and say hi. I had a pretty good day today. Water could have been better. I did the treadmill for 15 minutes this morning. That was good. I even upped the pace a little. I also mousercised with my daughter. I could only do about 10 minutes and I was beat so was she lol. Mousercise is and exercise tape with Micky Mouse. She was home from school today because of MLK day. She seen on one of her PBS programs that we need to excercise so she is really into it today. Hope everyone else is doing great.

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Jelayne " <jelayne@...>

> Sounds like the two of you had fun. I remember Mousercise. I am

> surprised that its still on.

Has anyone done Elmocize with their kids?


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Good morning.

I am new on this list. I have been watching what I eat for a couple weeks now. I lost 3 1/2 lbs in the past week. I'm on no diet, just trying to learn how I need to eat for the rest of my life. Cutting out the sugar and most of the starch and using salt sparingly. Taking note of what food triggers cravings or causes water retention. I started walking the treadmill yesterday. My blood pressure has dropped already so I guess I'm doing ok. My goal is 1 pound loss per week. A big loss only means I fill up with water and it makes me give up.

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>I am new on this list.

Welcome! Our third " " on the list. We're going to catch up to the

" " contingency pretty soon. :)

>I lost 3 1/2 lbs in the past week. I'm on no diet, just trying to learn

how I need to eat for the rest of my life.

Congrats! That's the best way to do it.

> Cutting out the sugar and most of the starch and using salt sparingly.

Taking note of what food triggers cravings or causes water retention.

Gee, you know all the tricks already! :)

> I started walking the treadmill yesterday.

There's nothing like wintery weather to bring out the treadmill walkers.

How long have you had yours, and how far/fast do you usually go? I have mine

for 3 years but don't really use it that much, preferring an aerobic video.

In the beginning, or when re-starting, I'm lucky to get 10 minutes at 0.8

mph. Today I was able to get up to a whole 2 mph for about 10 minutes, with

an average of 1.2 mph for the warm-up and cool-down.

> My blood pressure has dropped already so I guess I'm doing ok.

I keep telling my father he can probably get off some of his BP meds if only

he would use my step-mom's stationary recumbent bike, but he refuses. He

says he worked hard for almost 40 years before retiring, and there's no way

he's going to do any more work than he needs to. He feels the same way about

his cholesterol meds and water pills, too. He's rather eat what he wants and

take another pill than deprive himself. Of course, knowing this is his

second bout of lung cancer (and fifth diagnosed cancer altogether) in less

than 5 years also tells him he doesn't have that many years left.

>My goal is 1 pound loss per week. A big loss only means I fill up with

water and it makes me give up.

Like the new Craig (?) ads that promise a guaranteed weight loss in

your first week or your money back. Of *course* you're going to lose

*something* in the first week if you eat those meals - they're not only

lower in calories but probably salt than people eat otherwise! I know one

girl who would take a water pill before WW weigh-in's just to show a loss if

she ate off-program that week.

Sue in NJ

who has babbled enough for now

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Sue and the group

My weight problem has been life long. I bought a doctors scale and tread mill years ago. The problem is I tend to ignore them for long periods :) I take a water pill with my blood pressure med every night before I go to bed. It's part of my high blood pressure treatment.

Of course these diet companies knows you will lose the first week. It's called WATER. And after so many years you get like a trap shy fox. You know you can't stay on that diet the rest of your life so thats why I'm not on a 'diet'. I'm learning to eat 'normal' for me for the rest of my life. There is a formula to maintain a particular weight and if you eat that amount of calories following the old food pyramid you will lose because it takes calories to maintain the excess fat. Anyway, thats how I'm doing it.

Thanks for the welcome

Re: Hello

>I am new on this list.Welcome! Our third "" on the list. We're going to catch up to the"" contingency pretty soon. :)>I lost 3 1/2 lbs in the past week. I'm on no diet, just trying to learnhow I need to eat for the rest of my life.Congrats! That's the best way to do it.> Cutting out the sugar and most of the starch and using salt sparingly.Taking note of what food triggers cravings or causes water retention.Gee, you know all the tricks already! :)> I started walking the treadmill yesterday.There's nothing like wintery weather to bring out the treadmill walkers.How long have you had yours, and how far/fast do you usually go? I have minefor 3 years but don't really use it that much, preferring an aerobic video.In the beginning, or when re-starting, I'm lucky to get 10 minutes at 0.8mph. Today I was able to get up to a whole 2 mph for about 10 minutes, withan average of 1.2 mph for the warm-up and cool-down.> My blood pressure has dropped already so I guess I'm doing ok.I keep telling my father he can probably get off some of his BP meds if onlyhe would use my step-mom's stationary recumbent bike, but he refuses. Hesays he worked hard for almost 40 years before retiring, and there's no wayhe's going to do any more work than he needs to. He feels the same way abouthis cholesterol meds and water pills, too. He's rather eat what he wants andtake another pill than deprive himself. Of course, knowing this is hissecond bout of lung cancer (and fifth diagnosed cancer altogether) in lessthan 5 years also tells him he doesn't have that many years left.>My goal is 1 pound loss per week. A big loss only means I fill up withwater and it makes me give up.Like the new Craig (?) ads that promise a guaranteed weight loss inyour first week or your money back. Of *course* you're going to lose*something* in the first week if you eat those meals - they're not onlylower in calories but probably salt than people eat otherwise! I know onegirl who would take a water pill before WW weigh-in's just to show a loss ifshe ate off-program that week.Sue in NJwho has babbled enough for nowTo leave the list, send a blank email to: 100-plus-unsubscribe To contact the owners of this group, send an email to:100-plus-owner

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

hang in there Sheila - you know it comes off faster in the beginning - how great that you're swimming! that's a great workout. You're going to blow by that 250 mark in no time and it'll feel great. meanwhile don't let that 1 pound make you crazy - look how far you've come and in such a short time no less! happiness should be here and now :)

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.- Margaret Thatcher


Hi there,

It seemed pretty quiet on the list today so I thought I would post something. I just got back from swimming at the Y. I usually swim a modified back stroke for about 45 minutes at a medium speed. They partition off the pool lanes for the gung ho fast swimmers , the slow wall hangers on-ers and the medium (ie old or very out of shape) swimmers. I usually do my best thinking while I am swimming. I highly recommend swimming as a form of exercise and doesn't put too much strain on the joints. However my arm has been hurting ever since getting my flu shot yesterday.

As far as weight goes I am still stuck on the 251 mark. I just can't figure out what the deal is. I started drinking water (6 bottles so far) and am still eating the same portion controlled exchange diet and I have just STUCK on 251. It is like my body is happy there. I would be happy there if it was 151 instead. Actually when I started working on my weight in June at almost 300 lbs I felt that anything below 250 would be great. I guess that is why this plateau is bugging me so much (whine). Happiness is just a couple of pounds away and I can't seem to get there! So far for the month of Oct. I have a 1 pound weight loss compared to the 10-12lb. losses the months previous and I am doing essentially the same amount of eating and exercise. Anyway those are my ramblings for today. Sheila

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>It is like my body is happy there. I would be happy there if it was 151


This happens to so many people.

>I guess that is why this plateau is bugging me so much (whine). Happiness

is just a couple of pounds away and I can't seem to get there!

always recommends increasing the exercise a bit to get off a

plateau. Maybe you need something a bit more strenuous than swimming. It may

be gentler on your joints, but is it getting you into your target heart


>Anyway those are my ramblings for today.

Feel free to ramble any time. I know *I* do! LOL

Sue in NJ

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