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Hello there.

Welcome. I was wondering if youve lived in the same home for 9 years. My nephew had

severe breathing prob. headaches until my brother realised that toxic mold was the cause

& ripped his carpet out and sealed the walls and replaced his wood floor base.

Rock on, *Ami*

ABILITY is what you're capable of doing

MOTIVATION determines what you do

ATTITUDE determines how well you do it

Lou Holtz



From: tn_nascar_fan@...Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:45:01 +0000Subject: new here

Hi all,I just joined. My name is Tammi, I'm 26 and have had a constant headache for 9 years. I was a dx'd with fibromyalgia syndrome in 2000.Today is a much better day for me than yesterday. yesterday I had went all night without sleeping and wasn't getting any sleep. I slept last night and still my head is throbbing. I just don't know what to do for the headache anymore. I am going to go to my neurologist later today to see what he says this time. He's my 8th neurologist. I've had all the MRI's, CT scans, spinal tap, EEG, blood work, ect., everything is normal. Thankful that it's normal, but it does get old not knowing what is wrong.I'm getting tired and need to get ready for my doctor's appointment. So, I'm going to end this email. But hope to talk to some of you all soon.Tammi i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference. Learn more

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WELCOME TO THE GROUP ;;TAMMI;; SORRY THAT YOU HAVE HEADACHES SO OFTEN;; THEY ARENT FUN;; BEST WISHES WITH THE DR;; HOPE THEY GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT;; I HAVE A DAUGHTER WHO GETS PERIOD TIME HEADACHES & ENDS UP THROWING UP FOR 24 TO 48 HRS;;SHE IS FLAT DOWN THEN IN BED;;YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HUGA DORT FROM MICHtn_nascar_fan <tn_nascar_fan@...> wrote: Hi all,I just joined. My name is Tammi, I'm 26 and have had a constant headache for 9 years. I was a dx'd with fibromyalgia syndrome in

2000.Today is a much better day for me than yesterday. yesterday I had went all night without sleeping and wasn't getting any sleep. I slept last night and still my head is throbbing. I just don't know what to do for the headache anymore. I am going to go to my neurologist later today to see what he says this time. He's my 8th neurologist. I've had all the MRI's, CT scans, spinal tap, EEG, blood work, ect., everything is normal. Thankful that it's normal, but it does get old not knowing what is wrong.I'm getting tired and need to get ready for my doctor's appointment. So, I'm going to end this email. But hope to talk to some of you all soon.Tammi

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi -

Welcome to our group. Congrats on the weight lost so far!! That is great!!

Keep up the good work.

in WA310/257.2/170 (WW Flex)WOOOOHOOOOO - 52.8 lbs gone!!Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet.-AnonymousSee AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, !

I grew up in St. Louis, and have taken my son, Eli,

who is now 3, to Dr. O'Connor at Cardinal Glennon

before. He is a pediatric

hematologist/oncologist/infectious disease doc, and we

had a very positive experience with him. I believe

there are others in this group that see some of the

specialists at Children's Hospital.

We live in Prescott, AZ, which is a pretty small town

with no pediatric specialists, so we have only been to

Cardinal Glennon once, however, my mom is a pediatric

nurse practitioner there.

So many of us have heard the " it's a virus " routine,

so I am glad you broke out of that! It took us

almost a year to get a diagnosis! You are lucky to

have met that ER doc who took you seriously! For us

it was the on-call pediatrician who I didn't know very

well, who, on a Saturday in December of 2006 said " I

think I know what your son has! " He mentioned ,

and it described Eli completely. Of the 3 doctors in

our peds group, he was the only one who had ever seen

it before.

Right now, we use Prednisone for about half of Eli's

fever episodes. Sometimes it makes the episodes come

unbearably close together...in December he had THREE

rounds of fever in just 10 days. So, we then let

Eli suffer through a full fever cycle, of about 3-4

days, alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen until someone

somewhere is getting rich off of it! Then we get

about a 3 week break before the next fever cycle (due

any minute now, and it's never been more than a 23 day


We are also using Singulair, which for some has a

dramatic helpful effect. I can't say it's a miracle

drug for us, but it does lower the overall temps of

the fever episode with no apparent side effects. We

have not tried Tagamet, which many on this group are

having good results with.

Many here will attest to the success of a

tonsillectomy. It has not been recommended to us,

although I wonder, since so many report complete

resolutions of all fevers afterwards! Wouldn't that

be wonderful! Most of us here are in it for the long

haul otherwise!

Welcome to the group! You have found the right place!

Jen Harvey



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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I share your frustration! We were also told for ages 'it's just a virus' and so

were many parents on this board.

Firstly, is a diagnosis of exclusion so one cannot really say it's

without ruling out other PFS (periodic fever syndromes) such as HIDS, TRAPS,

FMF, juvenile arthristis etc.

Once those tests come back negative one can pretty much assume it must be .

It can be treated with Prednisone, a cortico-steroid but many parents on this

board are understandably worried about using a steroid regularly. It resolves

the fever within a couple of hours but has the side effect that it is likely to

bring the episodes closer together. We use prednisone on our daughter and have

seen the episodes more frequently at first, but now they seem to have gone back

to a monthly cycle, sometimes even longer.

A tonsillectomy might work. There are numerous parents on this board who have

had their child's tonsils & adenoids out and never had another episode. Others

still get the other symptoms (joint & tummy pains, mouth ulcers etc) but no more

fevers after the T & A, which obviously also makes this syndrome easier to handle.

We are going to have Emma's (2.5 years, fevering since she was 11 months)

tonsils and adenoids out within the next couple of months. We were going to have

them out in November and then had to cancel the surgery because I was on

bedrest, pregnant with number 2. Emma's little brother was born a week ago and

we're just waiting until he is a few months old and we're in a position to

handle Emma's recovery better, without a newborn to look after!

Hope this helps

Take care


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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. You'll get lots of great information here.

As one other mentioned, is a diagnosis of exclusion, but our

Immunologist didn't want to go crazy with tests. We took some fairly

basic tests and ruled out rheumatoid and inflammatory issues (arthritis

and Crohn's, I believe), her symptoms and genetics didn't indicate most

of the other PFS's, and we also tested for HIDS (Hyper IGD). Her

symptoms were quite classic (high fevers, unresponsive to Tylenol,

normal behavior with outrageous fevers, large lymph nodes, red

strep-like throat, ulcers in mouth - no stomach or joint issues that we

are aware of), with the exception that the fevers didn't come on a set

schedule. Our Immunologist indicated about 50% of her cases weren't on

a set cyclical schedule - but it may be because we caught it fairly

early on. I've seen some parents go through spinal taps and bone marrow

tests --- I personally think that might be excessive unless there are

some additional troubling symptoms.

We tried Prednisone and it did in fact work - we started with the 2

mg/kg dosage (which equaled 2 teaspoons of Orapred for a 32 pound 2-year

old), but that dosage made her get very aggressive and fevers started

coming every 12-14 days. In the end, we were using closer to .6 mg/kg

(about 3 mls for a 35 pound 2-year old) - and it did work, but she would

have a low grade (100) fever the following day. Without Prednisone

she'd run about 103-105 (sometimes higher spikes) for about 4-7 days.

And yes - we gave Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours for that full time.

We tried Cimetidine for 4 months with no major results. This is a

miracle drug for some (about 30% of the population of kids) - but

for us, it simply lowered the fevers a bit (but she would still hit

105-106 frequently). She also ran a constant fever around 99.5 while on


We then went in for a consult on ear tubes with her ENT and discussed

as well. Since she had had 17 episodes in 14 months of high

fevers with throat involvement, he recommended a T & A. We scheduled it 2

weeks later (on 12/11/07). We felt that we didn't want to keep giving

her medicine every day for the next several years. She has (knock on

wood) been fever free since 11/16. She was due for a fever right about

the time we went in for the T & A. She's gone 70 days before, so I'm not

yet declaring victory, but she is sleeping sounder and has bounced back.

Regarding the T & A on a young child (she was 28 months) - it is REALLY

tough for about 10 days. I underestimated how tough it would be

(despite all the warnings from other moms on this board). We thought we

were going to have to take her back to the hospital to be put on an IV,

then one day she just rounded a corner and within 48 hours of our

absolute panic at keeping her hydrated she was eating like normal. At

about 12 days after the surgery she downed 2 bowls of chili and about 3

bowls of ice cream. I didn't even know she liked chili! Luckily she's

a big kid, because she probably lost at least 3 pounds in a week. She

didn't eat ANYTHING for a week - only the Pedialyte we forced into her

via syringe.

So... there are some options for treatment. I'd definitely recommend

getting a prescription for Orapred and trying it, but then I'd also try

to use the smallest dose that is still effective. I'd certainly try

Cimetidine and probably would try Singulair. My husband got to a point

that he was tired of giving her daily medication when the ENT felt so

strongly that the T & A may work for her, that we decided to go ahead with

the T & A (especially since she'd likely need more ear tubes and be under

general anesthesia anyway). If the T & A doesn't work, we'll likely try


Best of luck to you. There is a wealth of knowledge from this group.


Daughter - le, almost 2.5 years old

(fevering since 7 months, diagnosed at 15 months, T & A on


Son - Jay, 8 months old



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Thank you for your feedback. I am opomistic to determine the best

approach to treat her. We see the Immunologist on the 31st and maybe

can get some resolution. Its like waiting for the other shoes to drop

til she gets the next episode and it all starts over. I am just glad

that we can know what is going on and I have a place to hear others,

so I know I am not alone and we are not crazy, oh jeez..its just

another virus.

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Thank you for your feedback. I am opomistic to determine the best

approach to treat her. We see the Immunologist on the 31st and maybe

can get some resolution. Its like waiting for the other shoes to drop

til she gets the next episode and it all starts over. I am just glad

that we can know what is going on and I have a place to hear others,

so I know I am not alone and we are not crazy, oh jeez..its just

another virus.

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Hi ,

I live in Doniphan, MO, and we made the 3 hour drive to St. Louis to

St. Louis Children's about a month ago. Our pediatrician had been

saying for several months that his fevers were caused by a virus as

well, but something just didn't click with us about that. We finally

got him to refer us up north. Like you, our son's test would always

come back normal or negative. Our ped. first sent us to an Infectious

Disease specialist who immediately stated she thought it was , and

we were lucky enough to get to see the Immunologist that afternoon, who

verified the other specialist. Currently, we are waiting on this next

round of fevers to try out the prednisone, so we don't know yet if it

will work. As for our pediatrician, he still believes it's a virus,

regardless of what Children's says, so I do definitely feel your

frustrations. Hang in there!

Liz, mom to , 12 months old

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Hi ,

I live in Doniphan, MO, and we made the 3 hour drive to St. Louis to

St. Louis Children's about a month ago. Our pediatrician had been

saying for several months that his fevers were caused by a virus as

well, but something just didn't click with us about that. We finally

got him to refer us up north. Like you, our son's test would always

come back normal or negative. Our ped. first sent us to an Infectious

Disease specialist who immediately stated she thought it was , and

we were lucky enough to get to see the Immunologist that afternoon, who

verified the other specialist. Currently, we are waiting on this next

round of fevers to try out the prednisone, so we don't know yet if it

will work. As for our pediatrician, he still believes it's a virus,

regardless of what Children's says, so I do definitely feel your

frustrations. Hang in there!

Liz, mom to , 12 months old

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Hi ,

I live in Doniphan, MO, and we made the 3 hour drive to St. Louis to

St. Louis Children's about a month ago. Our pediatrician had been

saying for several months that his fevers were caused by a virus as

well, but something just didn't click with us about that. We finally

got him to refer us up north. Like you, our son's test would always

come back normal or negative. Our ped. first sent us to an Infectious

Disease specialist who immediately stated she thought it was , and

we were lucky enough to get to see the Immunologist that afternoon, who

verified the other specialist. Currently, we are waiting on this next

round of fevers to try out the prednisone, so we don't know yet if it

will work. As for our pediatrician, he still believes it's a virus,

regardless of what Children's says, so I do definitely feel your

frustrations. Hang in there!

Liz, mom to , 12 months old

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the one thing that still bothers my son 13 ys is the twisting and turning of

his limbs. and all the questions are overwhelming so write every thing down

before you go. good luck

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Does anyone know what I can expect when we see the Imminologist? My

daughter is scared of Drs now, which I can understand - having seen

them once a month and having her throat swabbed.

I imagine they will do blood tests...I will be there alone with her

and they said it will take one to 1 1/2 hours maybe more.

I just want to be as prepared as I can...so I know what bribe to

bring to get her to along with things.


Mom to 6 and Emma 3

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Does anyone know what I can expect when we see the Imminologist? My

daughter is scared of Drs now, which I can understand - having seen

them once a month and having her throat swabbed.

I imagine they will do blood tests...I will be there alone with her

and they said it will take one to 1 1/2 hours maybe more.

I just want to be as prepared as I can...so I know what bribe to

bring to get her to along with things.


Mom to 6 and Emma 3

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Does anyone know what I can expect when we see the Imminologist? My

daughter is scared of Drs now, which I can understand - having seen

them once a month and having her throat swabbed.

I imagine they will do blood tests...I will be there alone with her

and they said it will take one to 1 1/2 hours maybe more.

I just want to be as prepared as I can...so I know what bribe to

bring to get her to along with things.


Mom to 6 and Emma 3

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I would try and get a prescription of Emla cream for your daughter beforehand.

It will numb the skin before they prick her for blood tests. It really helped my

son. Just a suggestion to make the visit less painful :). I would also bring

along all of her medical records from her regular DR. You can request that all

documents be copied and given to you. And most importantly if you have written

down all the dates of the fevers... bring that as well. Hope that helps!

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I would try and get a prescription of Emla cream for your daughter beforehand.

It will numb the skin before they prick her for blood tests. It really helped my

son. Just a suggestion to make the visit less painful :). I would also bring

along all of her medical records from her regular DR. You can request that all

documents be copied and given to you. And most importantly if you have written

down all the dates of the fevers... bring that as well. Hope that helps!

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I would try and get a prescription of Emla cream for your daughter beforehand.

It will numb the skin before they prick her for blood tests. It really helped my

son. Just a suggestion to make the visit less painful :). I would also bring

along all of her medical records from her regular DR. You can request that all

documents be copied and given to you. And most importantly if you have written

down all the dates of the fevers... bring that as well. Hope that helps!

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 3 weeks later...


> Hello everyone,

> I am very new to Kombucha. I have finally gotten my kiefer down pat, I

> hope.

Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy kombucha as much as we all do.

I'm going to be annoying right now, though, and play Spelling-Nazi.

It's spelt " kefir " and pronounced similarly, as it's a Middle-Eastern

word: keh-FEER. KEE-fur just sounds unappetizing to boot. *grin*


Again, welcome, and if you have any questions about your kombucha,

you're in the right place!

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Welcome AJ,

Alot of us did our time in Iraq. It wasn't all about the money. Welcome to town.

Randy A. " Butch " RN, EMTP

RSTC- The 185

Hercules Offshore Drilling

Angola, West Africa

Cell: 573-631-5561


The 185 #



Move Forward....Safely

New Here

Hello everyone. AJ from the USA buy way of the sand in Iraq. Worked the

street for 12 years and then decided that the money was not enough.

Also the debt got way out of hand. So far the change has been pretty

interesting. But.... Now that I've been here it is getting easier.

Just looking to better myself and support the family back home in the


Everyone Be safe,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Judith - welcome to our group!! Do you have a plan you are following to get healthier and lose weight? Jump in anytime, I am sure you will get a lot of support and motivation.

in WAGoal for Bloomsday 5/4/08: 275.4/253.2/225.4 (27.8 lbs to go!! Getting tight for this goal at 2.53 lbs/wk, but I'm holding on to the dream!!)310/253.2/170 (-56.8 total, 13.2 from half-way point) -1.2 this week!! You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.--Dr. Wayne DyerDelicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Thanks for the Welcome :) I am following a diet that was given to me by our nutritionists and an exercise program that came from a personal trainer but it is still so much easier when you can talk to someone going through the same thing my hubby can think the word diet and lose 5lbs so he can't understand the big hoopla when I lose 3. Does it seem like an unrealistic goal to aim for 10lbs a month?? JudithABrite@... wrote: Hello Judith

- welcome to our group!! Do you have a plan you are following to get healthier and lose weight? Jump in anytime, I am sure you will get a lot of support and motivation. in WAGoal for Bloomsday 5/4/08: 275.4/253.2/225.4 (27.8 lbs to go!! Getting tight for this goal at 2.53 lbs/wk, but I'm holding on to the dream!!)310/253.2/170 (-56.8 total, 13.2 from half-way point) -1.2 this week!! You are not stuck

where you are unless you decide to be.--Dr. Wayne Dyer Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Judith Welcome. Where are you from? Have you chosen a plan to follow? Best advice Journal. WATER, PORTIONS, and EXERCISE are part of anything you chose to do.

N.H.Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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>my hubby can think the word diet and lose 5lbs

My son is like that. My husband, on the other hand, never changes in

weight. He's the same today as he was 40 years ago in high school,

whether he gorges on sour cream and onion potato chips or eats small

portions of whole grains and very low fat vegan meals.

>so he can't understand the big hoopla when I lose 3.

My husband doesn't understand why I even want to lose weight. He doesn't

care that I'm fat - I was fat when we got married, when I had our kid,

when we first met when I was in 6th grade and he and my brother were

freshman in high school (but didn't start dating until about 15 years

later). My BP, cholesterol, triglycerides (usually) are all perfect,

EKG's have been fine. He sees no reason why I should lose weight and

does try to sabotage my efforts frequently, most recently this past

Valentine's day.

> Does it seem like an unrealistic goal to aim for 10lbs a month??

In the beginning of any weight loss plan, many people lose a lot of

weight because of water loss and the sudden drop from high calories to

low, but the body soon adapts to the new lower level of calories then

slows down the rate of loss. You should aim for 1 to 2 pounds a week on

average. Some weeks you may lose more, some you may not lose any or may

gain. It's expected to plateau every few weeks as your body gets used to

its new size.

Don't drop your calories too low or your weight loss will stall. As long

as you're working with the nutritionist and trainer you shouldn't have

any problems.

Sue in NJ

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 2/20/2008 9:58:45 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, hunterbarn_mom@... writes:

Does it seem like an unrealistic goal to aim for 10lbs a month??

It depends. For myself, I wouldn't aim for 10 lbs a month because it would set me up for feeling bad if I didn't meet it. I aim for the 5 lbs a month goal ;-)

You are right about guys though, they lose weight differently than us.

in WADelicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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