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sometimes your health insurance will cover the cost for treatments outside

the united states. if you would like more information you may email me at:



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This was sent to me from a friend a few minutes ago..and I want to share it with you..


When you are sad,.............I will dry your tears.When you are scared,..........I will comfort your fears. When you are worried,.........I will give you hope.When you are confused,........I will help you cope.And when you are lost,........And can't see the light. I shall be your beacon........Shining ever so bright. This is my oath...............I pledge till the end.Why you may ask?..............Because you're my friend.


This above statement came to me just a few moments ago..and how true this is, especially since Mel and I have been many years working with a Friend that has had years of grief in the mental health behavior. Her disorders were analyzed in the field of manic-depression. There were times she had acute attacks, and had threatened suicide..but was smart enough each time to omit herself into a clinic for good bed rest and 24 hour care.

I've spent many long hours with her, trying to cope with her mood swings , they were often irritable, where she would have sudden attacks of rage. Or a spell where for days she wouldn't eat, or take a bath. And I kept blaming it on hundred and one things. And what it came down to the medication she was given to calm the nerves was making her worse.

Now to explain how she got this way in the first place was the fact..she is the type of person that thinks she can reach out to help someone else..only later she realizes to late, the other person has been using her.

I kept telling her to learn to say " No" every time somebody phones, or knocks on her door for a hand out..for she wasn't yet able to help herself..surely not someone else. Her disorders were many I can't deny that..and there were times I was about ready to shut my door on her myself..only God had something else in store for us both.

I took her into my home for 6 months..she finally was able to hold a decent job..not those kind she had known before taking care of elderly with worse problems than she already had. But at least while she lived with me,she was keeping out of bars, and places that serve liquor. But the one problem still remained, even though she had started back to Church she hung onto her fortunetellers,mediums and tarot cards..that and hundreds of other devils tools, to numerous to mention here..And men, she was always seeking for the right husband. ( 6 so far )..and I think number 7 is in the fry-pan. But that is another subject altogether..As many of these men only used her to help them pay bills, or had just through death lost a wife of many years and sexually needed a bed-partner. They promised her of course the moon, and she being of ill mind, felt sorry for them, and didn't give herself a moment thought. I've sing now at three weddings and wonder if I should refuse this 4th one? ( another story we won't make issue of now..as she is a friend that is still needing help..

I'm already marveled at how far she has come in about ten years. This week she is moving from one apartment to a house-trailer for at least 8 weeks, until if all goes as she hopes, a larger brick house will be remodeled..then she will finally have a home she can call her own..She has been working steadily now for three years, and just this past year got a good clean job in a Red Lobster. She attends Church off and on, as much as possible. But again lately demanded her Sundays to be free. ( That is one Step for woman-kind ) and she done this all on her own..with no coaxing from me. This past week we've been shopping together, buying drapes, and fixing up her trailer. Yesterday afternoon I went and helped her move furniture, and tidy up the bed room and office..so today she could relax more at work..I've learned with her that she can't be cramped with to many outside attractions. Before we left last evening Mel went and got pizza, so we wouldn't have to cook and dirty the freshly cleaned kitchen. But I can remember a time a few years back she would care less if the dishes even got washed..now she is talking about the new kitchen she is going to soon have in the "Big House", that she is calling her soon to be home. " Just think a home of my own..no rent will I have to pay anymore. And Judy I can have a yard, with flowers and a garden and listen to this..even a dog." She bubbled over yesterday.. I was seeing a new person before my eyes. Actually I've seen a great change in her in two years..Oh how I thank God my friend has come this far. And she is no longer on the prescribed drugs..which was causing some of her gloomy outlook, because it made her want to sleep and not get up and exercise as she so needed. Now she drives everywhere and has no problems.but I have to agree to one thing the medication did for awhile calm her down to think a little for herself..What was rejoicing was the day she phoned me not to long ago that her doctor said she no longer need the drugs. I'm also glad that we found her a reliable doctor that understood her case. God does have good doctor's in this world believe me..and when you find a Christian Doctor you can't go wrong.

I hope one day my friend can tell her own testimony..hey she is talking about getting a putter so she can chat with you people out here on this site..I will wait for her to tell her own story..Yes there is cure's for any illness all one has to do is seek and they shall find it.

Sincerely, One of Your Best Friends, Judy

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Do not feel like a failure! You have treated yourself well and I am

sure the effect of the drugs will be lessened because of it. Keep your

belief in the Lord strong, all things are possible through him!


Graham wrote:


> I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading testimonies from the

> group and all the helpful information. I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's

> 4-1/2 yrs ago and have not had any treatment. I have been on flax seed oil

> and cottage for months and always have watched my diet. I also have been

> juicing carrots for months. Unfortunately, my tumors in my stomach do not

> go away.


> I feel like a total failure but I don't have much choice now but to cave

> into allowing my oncologist to treat me. After I have further testing done,

> i.e., gallium scan, bone marrow, and surgery to remove a lymph node, my

> oncologist will determine how to treat me. He knows how I detest having

> chemo. We are going to try a combination of CHOP and Rituxan. He claims

> Rituxan has been proving to be quite effective but supposedly doesn't take

> care of certain cells whereby the chemo would. He is talking about an 8

> week treatment.


> Again, I feel like a failure. Yes, I do believe in our Lord and Savior and

> yes, I know he is by my side. I am a very religious person. My attitude is

> very positive that the treatments will heal my body. I was just hoping that

> I wouldn't have to expose my body to chemo. I thought about alternative

> treatments outside of the US but the cost............................


> Thanks for listening.

> Judy Graham


> (no subject)



> > It is well known that alpha-lipoic acid is used by the body to aid in

> > mitochondrial energy metabolism, but this new study, published in the

> > November 1999 issue of Free Radical Biology & Medicine showed that it

> > specifically inhibits the oxidation of protein, LDL cholesterol and

> > cellular DNA.

> >

> > Protein oxidation has been implicated in aging and heart disease. Since

> > alpha-lipoic acid is both fat- and water- soluble, it could prove to be

> > more potent than other antioxidants. Besides preventing neuropathy,

> > alpha-lipoic acid is especially important for diabetics because it may

> > improve blood-glucose control by improving insulin action while also

> > inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which contributes to heart

> > disease, said the researchers. Diabetics are at increased risk of heart

> > disease and have increased oxidative stress.

> > http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2000/feb00-products2.html

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > You have a voice mail message waiting for you at iHello.com:

> > 1/2130/5/_/378/_/952147401/

> >

> > -- Talk to your group with your own voice!

> > -- VoiceChatPage?listName=cures for cancer & m=1

> >

> >

> >


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Choose 1 of 5 fantastic FREE gifts -- ranging in value from

> $24 to $40 -- when you make a nonprescription purchase of

> $10 or more on your favoritehealth and beauty products!

> Visit PlanetRx.com NOW!

> 1/2634/7/_/378/_/954162718/


> -- Check out your group's private Chat room

> -- ChatPage?listName=cures for cancer & m=1

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sometimes your health insurance will cover the cost for treatments outside

> the united states. if you would like more information you may email me at:

Thank you, Virginia. Unfortunately my husband gave 21 years of his life in

the US Air Force serving as an officer and the insurance our government gave

us certainly is one not to boast about. If only he would have been a

politician or worked for the Dept of State, we'd have it made. I don't have

to inquire to know that Tricare would not cover alternative medicine.


Re: (no subject)

> Judi,

> > TWIGGY8481@...


> virginia


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.

> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already

> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:

> 1/2622/7/_/378/_/954196414/


> -- 20 megs of disk space in your group's Document Vault

> -- docvault/cures for cancer/?m=1




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judy, being retired myself, i certainly can appreciate your feeling towards

our governments " biggest discrace " which is the way our insurance thru

tricare is handled.. also the va is a place where i will never go back to..

and you are right we tried to get tricare to help my wife to no avail... they

even had problems with conventional treatment... best of luck zeke

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

At 09:39 AM 04/22/2000 -0600, you wrote:

>I am lodging a formal complaint with your ISP!



I asked you to NEVER email me again.

Then you continued to harrass people on this list, so I simply pointed out

to everyone the bully that you are.

Please do complain to my ISP. I'm calling the FBI to see what can be done

about this problem. As you have violated my request to cease emailing me.

Tom, you are a DANGEROUS person. It doesn't take a psychic to conclude

that you are a bully.

In now way do I tolerate abuse from any person, and least of all you.

Go your way Tom.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

>From: 773@...


>CC: GARNME@..., chaskc@..., Chris-T_01@...,

>chefnag@..., drainey0@..., sdeganon@...,

>Jeadarnell@..., halley@..., deannaposig@...,

>donsgolf@..., ernieb@..., STEWARTFRAZER@...,

>Beckgilmor@..., PROSCOMMAS@..., LGiles1529@...,

>Genie@..., dh@..., EHoefnagel@...,

> jeniferaus@..., HFHAM@..., lanjun@...,

>MMMJewelry@..., Black_@..., mjo@...,

>ploganea@..., Pooley_R@..., jackierollins@...,

> Rtr5556@..., prucker@..., ssprouse@...,

>taxplan@..., RVoskuil@..., ronnvic@...,

>chitacat@..., DRWSEA@..., MZuverink@...

>Subject: Fwd: FW: (no subject)

>Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 12:16:33 EDT




Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

In a message dated 06/01/2000 4:11:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

ST125814@... writes:

<< >

> >A woman gets home, screeches her car into the

> >driveway, runs into the house, slams the door and

> >shouts tothe top of her lungs, " Honey pack your

> >bags. I won the lottery! "

> >

> >The husband says, " Oh my God! What should I

> >pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff? "

> >The wife yells back, " It doesn't matter.....

> >just get the hell outta here. >>

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  • 2 months later...

Tom, this is a laugh riot. You are actually very funny! Thanks, Kathy

In a message dated 8/23/00 3:19:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tdalton@... writes:


> Did you know that if you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6

> > days, you would

> > have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of

> > coffee? (Hardly seems worth it.)

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In a message dated 08/27/2000 12:21:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tdalton@... writes:

<< I tried Immunocal for 6 months (3 packets per day)

and it did nothing for me....

it was a waste of money!!!! >>

Where did you buy it at ? The local cow feed store

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In a message dated 08/27/2000 12:19:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tdalton@... writes:

<< Immunocal is nothing but unpasturized dried milk!!!! >>

How do you know this. I thought it was goats milk., or snake milk

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Did you check Tony Lebec's Immunocal web site? He offers a money back

guarantee for cancer. Please report to the group any difficulty in getting

your refund.

(no subject)

> I tried Immunocal for 6 months (3 packets per day)

> and it did nothing for me....


> it was a waste of money!!!!



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Sorry folks but I have got to stick my two cents worth in here. I hope that

many of you will feel what I say is worth more then that.

First of all I would like to say, right here and right now, for the record,

Immunocal does not cure cancer. IMMUNOCAL DOES NOT CURE CANCER!!!! For

anyone who is confused on this issue I hope that clarified it for you.

Okay it isn't a cure, so what is it. Immunocal is a food. IMMUNOCAL is a

FOOD!! Okay we now got that. Why would you possibly want to eat it? Well the

part of your body it nourishes is GLUTATHIONE.

What is glutathione, glutathione is a protein found in all of our cells.

Your life depends on glutathione. Without it, your liver would shrivel up

and die from the overwhelming accumulation of toxins, your cells would

disintegrate from unrestrained oxidative stress and, as if you needed more

problems, your body would have little resistance to bacteria, viruses or

cancers. So many protective systems of the body, including its use of

vitamins C and E, depend heavily upon this remarkable molecule.

If there is a cure to be had it will be because the cells are supporting

your body against the attack it is receiving. This is for your immune

system. And because cancer is about the bad formation of cells, sorry makes

to much sense to me.

I know you are going to wonder why I am not addressing Tom. Well I don't

know Tom's story, I do know that in the past I have caught flack about

Immunocal from Tom. So if Tom did take it and it didn't work for him I can't

say what he did to get his money back. .

If you go to mine or Tony's web site, no where does it say Immunocal is a

cure for cancer. It says that Immunocal has the precursors for

glutathione.Then it talks about glutathione and what role it plays in

regards to the cells and cancer.

Perhaps you got that impression because of the three patents for cancer,

that Immunocal has. These patents were obtained through the research done

with cancer.

In any disease we need a healthy immune system. To prevent or fight against.

It is the heart beat of our existence, it is something man cannot get a

transplant for.

I don't really see this as Immunocal working or not working. It has been

proven to have the precursors for glutathione. Glutathione is in all of our

cells. In order for it to function, we need the precursors. You do the math.

The only control we have is whether we give it the precursors it demands for

a job well done or not. Once we give the body what it needs, it is not our

decission as to what will happen, that is up to glutathione.


(no subject)



> > I tried Immunocal for 6 months (3 packets per day)

> > and it did nothing for me....

> >

> > it was a waste of money!!!!

> >

> >

> > Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links


> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

> >

> >




> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Well Stated Debbie.

We are behind you more than 100%..And when more people get on here to tell what the Immunocal is doing for them, will seen even more greater results..

Hey if I can just get a good nights rest, and know that my cells are being fed good food that they need, so that no more good cells die off..I'm for that. ( and so is my doctor for that )

No Immunocaol may not be a CANCER cure all..but it makes sense to get good cells..for it is in those bad ones that contributes some of the cause of cancer.

Even my own doctor told me this a few days ago. She read the report I and Mel handed to her. And she made a few phone calls I insisted she make. However she was sorry to report that Medicare and medicaid in Columbus,Ohio, hasn't yet been able to help pay for Immunocal But she says, that day is soon coming, when all good preventives, such as this Immunocal, will be paid for..right now, the only patients to receive this is now those that have to be fed Immunocal through tubes..and Mel and we are not that ill to be fed. So when this is purchased, by us, we have to pay for it out of our own pocket. But when I asked her, to tell me the truth about Immunocal..she told me this.

( " I see no harm in something that can build back good cells..and to continue also with the way you and Mel are eating. That also some foods will destroy cells.)

We talked at length about many things in general on health. Then she said in leaving ( " I will keep a tab on you two..because what you've been doing, and going to do, is not going to be of harm in anyway. In fact it is going to benefit you tremendously to even better health..) Now that should be telling people something about what Immunocal can do. Like anything else we have to give any product a fair trial..and if our attitude is skeptical to begin with, than I doubt if it will work for us..but when we read, and study all about Immunocal..which Mel and I, are still doing after weeks of researching, we are finding this is what our bodies need.

I'm anxious to soon report of it's findings. Like Mel said yesterday, we have been so tired, and out of sorts far to long, And as long as our doctor has given us the go-ahead sign, then we're at least going to try this Immunocal. And I've stated I will report factual data..one way or another. I have more to gain then to loose..for I have a doctor that is very interested to see what we report. She has said that she watches Mel and I in everything we tell her. She has already seen what the Ellagic Acids, and parasite cleansing is doing. And the zapping too.. And she definitely knows we have been watching carefully, the kinds of foods we eat. Because, she had tried us on various things, and mainly, ( Drugs, for my weight a few months )And she knew was not good for me when she prescribed it. Later when she could see it wasn't my answer took me off, and here words were this " I don't feel this is doing you anything good. If anything it will cause harm in the long run. So why don't we stick with proper foods, and try to find wholesome foods that we know is working." ..So we went to organic foods, as much as possible; and juicing at least a couple times a week. ( fasting ), and staying away from sugars, milk, cheese..Then the doctor noticed a great improvement in our health.

Flaxseed oil, she wouldn't comment to much on it. Because she said that she would be honest, she hadn't read, or known to much about its use, but said she had heard some people get results. But for me, to use it, she questioned the excess oil. WHY.. since I had already cut down on fried and greasy foods, she wasn't to keen about me using to much of the flaxseed oil in the diet. That if I was or going to use it, to do it with extreme caution. If I begin to gain even an ounce to stay off awhile..and maybe take it no more than once a week....She said that once I got my cells, and immune system working, properly, then maybe some oil wouldn't hurt me, but not to over do it. I think right now she is more concerned about not gaining back the weight I had for years trying to get off. ( I've wrote this to cures for cancer and flaxseed-list before about this..)

Now what mine and Mel's health boils down to is this, we are not ill, as many of you are ..but we have been, over ten years now,watching what we put into our bodies, and using products that help us prevent getting diseases. And we haven't had flu or nasty colds in years. We are in hopes ,of one day , to be able to use, maybe one or two things, and in time be able to throw away what we never want again to take.

Mel is lucky, he has never been on medication of any sorts from a doctor in his life..and I've had to take some to keep going. So right now it is my health we are at this time really more concerned about than his.

Yes Mel, and I.. have both had various operations..that we know could maybe, have been prevented, if we'd known then, twenty years or more ago, what we know today, all about how to stay healthy. Even another doctor told us, ( me ).. ten years ago, that I caused many unnecessary bad health problems upon myself. Because I was not exercising enough, not watching what I was eating, and taking a poor attitude about life in general. Believe me that cut deep..but it also got me to thinking.

Because I was young, I figured that I had a life time to grow old, so why worry..live it up and enjoy my youth...So I did that. I ate anything that was put in front of me..I popped the headache pills, I snorted the nasal-sinus medications. Took over the counter drugs, whatever was available for whatever I felt I needed..and for letting me sleep, I took amphetamines, to try to combat fatigue, or to reduce my appetite..Nothing was working..OR WAS there SOMETHING working? It sure was..all against me..everything I put into the body was harmful over a period of time. And one thing kept leading to another..My Cancer ten years ago was a combination of reasons as to why I got that (*(* & ^% Melanoma. The biggest problem was in my attitude. I wouldn't listen to what the elders and other doctor's were telling me to do for my health. One doctor said that to stop headaches I had to first find the cause..So I went cold turkey..I mean That Turkey was cold!!! I gave up the things I so much had depended on. Then my nerves, and my entire body, was fighting me.. to give back what it was craving. It wanted to continue to feed the good cells, all the wrong things..and the wrong things caused the cancer cells to take over. ( I've talked to my doctors through the years about this subject, and they have all told me that I've 'hit the nail', on the head. I found for myself what it was , that I was doing wrongly, and at the same time found what it is I can do about correcting years of abuse to my own body. I have nobody to blame but myself. And to get well and enjoy what life God may have for me..I had to learn to forgive myself.

For years I hated me..absolutely despised the day I was born. Even though I had excepted the Lord at an early age..I hadn't yet given him back my body,soul, and mind. And when I did this, the whole world before me took on a different meaning, and I once more had a purpose in life..I had Myself back..ME! MYSELF and I, now was going to get good health.and ME,MYSELF and I was going to do it or burst...well here We all 3 are..and we're making it. DETERMINATION is a only one 'key', for there are many doors to unlock, and therefore, there may be yet, another 100 'key's', to find. But I know that that "Key' will unlock the right door..providing I research..and research, to prove to myself what is right from wrong. There is absolutely no man or woman on this earth that can do this for me..I and God are alone, as one unit. For this body He created. And this body, is to be a clean vessel, in which God can work through, only God don't want an unclean body to dwell in. It took me years to figure this out. Then he also wants my soul and the mind, do I can think with. LOOK AT IT THIS WAY..we as parents..always want the very best in life for our children..Right? and that is the way God wants us..for we are his child. God didn't send to us a bad health..NO! he gave to us a mind to think with..not to destroy that brain..We have a conscious, and with it we have to exercise it daily, and by using it we know when to, feel, smell,or to hear when something is wrong or when something is right. With the conscious we are in awareness to the way we are feeling..even aware of our deepest thoughts..that tells us of the physical or emotions about our health. And whom, but ourselves knows just how we feel, or want to feel when it comes to being ill with disease..or do we want to prevent ills from coming to our good clean body? As for myself..I prefer to have good health. Thus I will continue to find for myself the things I know is working for me. And when I find they work..No man, nor no Woman, can take that away from me. Why would I ever want to go back to what was, when I have WHAT IS?

Sincerely, One of Your Best Friends, Miz Judy

(no subject)>>> > I tried Immunocal for 6 months (3 packets per day)> > and it did nothing for me....> >> > it was a waste of money!!!!> >> >> > Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own linksthere.> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv> >> >>>>> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or byvisiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv>>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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You're learning to be more careful already.

Of course only one " t " in atrocious. But you're

only half right since you spelled it " atrousious " .


Better look up the word Attrocious..No such word in my Webster..Don't you

mean atrousious? So where did you get your schooling in a back alley?

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What was the health condition you were trying to treat?

Kay Heizer

(no subject)

>I tried Immunocal for 6 months (3 packets per day)

>and it did nothing for me....


>it was a waste of money!!!!



>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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  • 3 months later...

Not potassium by itself...The Calcium Factor

by Robt Barefoot explains it a lot better than I.

Look at it before you take something out of

context and say it doesn't work. We're talking

about combining it with high calcium, magnesium, Vit D, and the cesium.


potassium DOES NOT make the body more alkaline.

potassium rich foods are generally healthy but anyone who has

studied medicine knows that the body keeps itself within a very

narrow pH. Outside of this pH usually causes death.

Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

In addition, I am looking for info on the Resan vaccine. Perhaps Vince can

give us info on it to and who uses it, if there are any side effects from

its use, etc. Perhaps detailed info on the different vaccines, when they

should be used, who provides them, etc.


Melinda Wiman


Cancer Cure Foundation

(no subject)

> Mr. Gammill,


> Could you please tell me what

> is a Conjugate cancer vaccine?

> and where would a person with cancer go to obtain one.


> thank you,



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Guest guest


Where did you find these ststistics for complications from measles?

Which populations?

The Risk of serious permanent damage is much greater in adults.

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

(no subject)

> One in 500 children will die if they have the Measles!


> do you want to take that kind of chance with your child?


> Approximately 30% of reported measles cases have one or

> more complications. Complications of measles are much more

> common among children.


> The risk of death is higher among young children.

> Viral pneumonia accounts for about 60% of the deaths.


> Permanent residual neurologic

> damage occurs in 2% of children with the Measles!


> Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is

> degenerative central nervous system disease believed to

> be due to persistent measles virus infection of the brain.

> Average onset occurs 7 years after measles and occurs in ten cases per

> million reported measles cases. The onset is insidious, with

> progressive deterioration of behavior and intellect,

> followed by ataxia (awkwardness), myoclonic seizures, and

> eventually death.


> Measles illness during pregnancy results in Birth defects!


> Measles in developing countries has resulted in high

> attack rates among children. Complications include

> diarrhea, dehydration, stomatitis, inability to feed, and

> bacterial infections (skin and elsewhere). The fatality

> rate is 25%. Measles is also a leading cause of blindness in African

> children.



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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cures for cancer

From: Tom Dalton <tdalton@...>

Date sent: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:16:00 -0600

Send reply to: cures for cancer

Subject: (no subject)

> One in 500 children will die if they have the Measles!

This wrongly assumes that no homeopathics or immune boosters like beta glucan

+ vitamin C are taken.

You seem to be unaware of the new zealand outbreak of diabetes attributed to

measles vaccine.

You also seem unaware of the risk of vCJD (mad cow ) in measles vaccine.



> do you want to take that kind of chance with your child?


> Approximately 30% of reported measles cases have one or

> more complications. Complications of measles are much more

> common among children.


> The risk of death is higher among young children.

> Viral pneumonia accounts for about 60% of the deaths.


> Permanent residual neurologic

> damage occurs in 2% of children with the Measles!


> Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is

> degenerative central nervous system disease believed to

> be due to persistent measles virus infection of the brain.

> Average onset occurs 7 years after measles and occurs in ten cases per

> million reported measles cases. The onset is insidious, with progressive

> deterioration of behavior and intellect, followed by ataxia (awkwardness),

> myoclonic seizures, and eventually death.


> Measles illness during pregnancy results in Birth defects!


> Measles in developing countries has resulted in high

> attack rates among children. Complications include

> diarrhea, dehydration, stomatitis, inability to feed, and

> bacterial infections (skin and elsewhere). The fatality

> rate is 25%. Measles is also a leading cause of blindness in African

> children.



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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--- moonbeam@... wrote:



> cures for cancer

> From: Tom Dalton <tdalton@...>

> Date sent: Tue, 01 May 2001 00:16:00 -0600

> Send reply to: cures for cancer

> Subject: (no subject)


> > One in 500 children will die if they have the

> Measles!


> This wrongly assumes that no homeopathics or

> immune boosters like beta glucan

> + vitamin C are taken.

> You seem to be unaware of the new zealand

> outbreak of diabetes attributed to

> measles vaccine.

> You also seem unaware of the risk of vCJD (mad cow

> ) in measles vaccine.


> moonbeam



> >

> > do you want to take that kind of chance with your

> child?

> >

> > Approximately 30% of reported measles cases have

> one or

> > more complications. Complications of measles are

> much more

> > common among children.

> >

> > The risk of death is higher among young children.

> > Viral pneumonia accounts for about 60% of the

> deaths.

> >

> > Permanent residual neurologic

> > damage occurs in 2% of children with the Measles!

> >

> > Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is

> > degenerative central nervous system disease

> believed to

> > be due to persistent measles virus infection of

> the brain.

> > Average onset occurs 7 years after measles and

> occurs in ten cases per

> > million reported measles cases. The onset is

> insidious, with progressive

> > deterioration of behavior and intellect, followed

> by ataxia (awkwardness),

> > myoclonic seizures, and eventually death.

> >

> > Measles illness during pregnancy results in Birth

> defects!

> >

> > Measles in developing countries has resulted in

> high

> > attack rates among children. Complications include

> > diarrhea, dehydration, stomatitis, inability to

> feed, and

> > bacterial infections (skin and elsewhere). The

> fatality

> > rate is 25%. Measles is also a leading cause of

> blindness in African

> > children.

> >

> >

> > Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and

> post your own links there.

> > Unsubscribe by sending email to

> cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> > visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

> >

> >

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