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I love shea butter. I think it’s fabulous and the nicest natural thing to

use. no preservative needed or anything (assuming you don’t add water

ever). You can use it as is or whip with nice oils.

Congratulations doesn’t seem the right thing to say in response to you

surviving five years but for lack of a more appropriate, wonderful thing to

say…..Congratulations!! My best wishes and nice to meet you!



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of nubianp2

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 12:27 PM

Subject: New Member

Hello everyone,

My name is Janet and I'm a 5 year cancer survivor whose oncologist

suggested that I only use natural products on my skin. I'm interested

in making my own soaps/lotion and deodorants but haven't a clue as to

where to start.

I would appreciate any assistance you can give me as I'm eager to get



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Hello, and Welcome! The following URL will give you plenty of

information about possible exemptions for you and your family - start

reading <g> and when you have questions, get back to the list soonest.

There are many people here that have " been there, done that " and can

help lead you through the maze...


HTH, Judith Mateo - Portland OR (P.S. You're in luck, Ohio has all

three possible exemptions - medical, religious AND philosophical - but

sometimes the exemption has to be worded *just so* for any particular

state. You're welcome to email me privately as well. I'm also on TAV

and CHP...)

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Welcome ! Great to see you here.

Don't beat yourself up over what's been done in the past. We all had to start

our journey to knowledge somewhere! I am a former pediatric/obstetric RN who, 6

years ago thought people who didn't vaccinate their children, much less their

pets, were absolutely nuts! Of course at that time I had done no research on my

own, and was blindly following what I had always been taught.

My kids were fully vaxed up until 5 years ago. They are 14 and 16 now, and will

never get another vaccine as long as I can help it. We now have a religious

exemption for them for school, and so far have never been asked about it. We

live in Kentucky.

I feel terrible about their first 10 or so years of life. If only I could go

back and do it all over again, I would breast feed longer, not vaccinate, and

keep them away from the pediatrician's office! I don't let myself dwell on

what's been done though, or I'd get really depressed!

My kids were ALWAYS sick when they were younger. We had a revolving door at the

doctor's office, and pharmacy. It was a vicious cycle. Then 5 1/2 years ago

we got our first puppy. He had a reaction to vaccines, and that started me on

my search to know the truth. Was I ever appalled at what I discovered! Then I

thought, if vaccines are so damaging to animals, what in the world are they

doing to people?! And I started researching about that. That led me to

homeopathy and I left allopathic medicine in the dust behind us!

We've never been healthier since staying away from MDs and allopathic drugs. We

only use homeopathy now, and I WISH I had known about it 16 years ago!

You're in luck with Ohio. Here is the link to the exemption information for

that state: http://www.vaclib.org/exempt/ohio.htm Ohio has religious,

philosophical, and medical exemptions available.

Let us know what other questions you have. This is a very supportive group of



new member

Hello, I have recently started feeding my pets raw and have joined some groups

(pet related ) about not vaccinating. It made me decide that I really needed to

look into what we are doing to ourselves and someone from one of those groups

referred me to here. I do have alittle boy 4 yrs old that has been vaccinated. I

must admit that I am now feeling like a really bad Mom. I was unaware that I

even had a choice when it came to vaccinating. I know that he will be expected

to get a vaccine before starting kindergarten and now I know that I have a

choice. I live in OH does anyone know what the rules are here?


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I'm interested

> in making my own soaps/lotion and deodorants but haven't a clue as to

> where to start.


> I would appreciate any assistance you can give me as I'm eager to get

> started.

As always, I welcome you to the group, and somewhat egocentrically

recommend that you take a look at my ebook, _Making Soap In Your Own

Kitchen_. It is a practical, fully-illustrated-with-photographs guide

for beginner soapers.

You can read more about it here: www.soapcrone.com/ebook.php

Good luck,


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This is almost exactly how I got to where I am now. Through a puppy that we lost

because of vaccine damage. What part of Kentucky are you from? I am originally

from southern OH

you can e mail me privately if you would like

Re: new member

Welcome !

Then 5 1/2 years ago we got our first puppy. He had a reaction to vaccines,

and that started me on my search to know the truth. Was I ever appalled at what

I discovered! Then I thought, if vaccines are so damaging to animals, what in

the world are they doing to people?! And I started researching about that.

That led me to homeopathy and I left allopathic medicine in the dust behind us!

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> Hello everyone,


> My name is Janet and I'm a 5 year cancer survivor whose oncologist

> suggested that I only use natural products on my skin. I'm


> in making my own soaps/lotion and deodorants but haven't a clue as


> where to start.


> I would appreciate any assistance you can give me as I'm eager to


> started.


> Thanks!:)



Congrats on being a five-year survivor!! I haven't had cancer, but

endometriosis, which is a benign condition that I keep close watch

on. I am 49 years old and had endometriosis since my twenties.

As on how to start, I did a lot of reading and getting " choice " books

on making soap and other bath products. I have ventured out to the

Melt and Pour method, where you buy glycerine soap chunks, melt them

in a microwave, and pour into a mold, then add your color and

scents. I have lots of experiments to do with this melt and pour

method, and some ideas, so I am doing this whenever the mood strikes

and whenever I have the time. I am trying to make up an inventory of

soaps and bath salts for gifts and hopefully to sell.

Good luck on your bath product making ventures.

Anita B.

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Hi Dyannea~

You need to eat to be able to lose weight... trust us. Your body is more than likely holding on to every calorie it can when you do eat because it thinks it is starving. These gals are going to give you a wealth of information such as websites that you can go to for finding out "a proper amount" of calories to be aiming for each day, then spread it out over the course of the day ;-)

Anyway, I am , have lost 30-so pounds and have a lot to go (around 100).... welcome and I look forward to getting to know you better

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In a message dated 2/26/06 8:12:59 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, MONTANAMYHOME@... writes:


Welcome. First all you need to eat more than once a day. Start a journal. Set small goals. Be acccountable. It does help.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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Welcome Dyannea, I havent been here for a long period myself. But the knowledge that I can come to this group and admit my failures and confess my fears or even brag about my small accomplishments and know that people understand what I am going though is a big help. We are all in the same boat sailing for the same goals here. So don't feel bashful or ashamed to post. You may hear us shout for joy over very small or large weight loss, you may hear us cry over weight gain or you may just hear us gripe about the exercise and water intake or how we rorally screwed up and ate too much today,but they are all what we are feeling in our struggle to lose. I wish you the best of success and I look forward to hearing of your weight loss as you head toward your goal. Good Luck. Shout out to any of us when you want to. We are all here for each other.

~:~The Personal Touch~:~Tags, Stats, or anything else personalized with your name.Everything here is personalized!http://free.hostdepartment.com/t/thepersonaltouchMy Personal Web Site

new member

Hi , I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dyannea I need to lose 100+ lbs and simply do not know where to turn. I am not an over eater ( in fact I only eat once a day) I was on infertility drugs for 8 years and just ballooned up! I have tried about every diet plan out there and no real results. I am at the point in my life that I am really worried about my health and I need support and help.I need to be held accountable and look forward to all the advise I can get. We ( DH and I travel quite a bit... I just need help. any ways thank you for listening. «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:» Ed & Dyannea [] ____ ¸...¸ __/ /\____ ,·´º o`·,/__/ _/\_ //____/\ ```)¨(´´´ | | | | | | | || |l±±±± ¸,.-·²°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°²·-. :º° «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:» As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»

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Hi Dyannea, It is nice to meet you. My name is and so far I have lost 43.7 pounds. I started back in September trying to exercise and eat the way my diabetic clinic taught me to eat. In fact finding out I had diabetes is what started me wanting to really work at losing the weight. Right now I feel like I am in a little bit of a slump. I am having a hard time eating the way I am supposed to. I know I need to get that turned around again, but it is soooooooo hard. When I want to eat a certain thing I just want to eat it, even though I know I shouldn't. I don't have the problem like you do of not eating enough. I think you need to eat more often. Your body could be in starvation mode. Well, any way I was telling you about myself. I have a wonderful Christian husband who means the world to me. Both my husband and I are disabled. He has a mild form of Cerebral Palsy and I have a mental disorder. We have a cat and her name is Gracie. She thinks she rules the apartment, but I hate to tell her she is just spoiled. There is a walking track across the street from my apartment and my apartment complex also has an exercise room, so I have no excuse for not exercising. Although, I am pretty good at coming up with excuses that seem to work for that moment. Well, that is just a little about me. I wanted to welcome you to the group. I hope you like it here as much as I do. People here are very supportive, and have a wealth of knowledge. I myself am just learning as I go along. Well, any way, welcome! 340/296.3/275

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Another book is From Fatigued to Fantastic by Teitlebaum. He's also got a



In a message dated 2/27/06 8:24:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mercuria@... writes:

There are also great (and other, not-so-great) books. One of the

first on the list might be " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment

Guide " by a Verillo and Gellman.


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On Feb 27, 2006, at 5:24 AM, bj812201 wrote:

> Hi everyone


> I'm a new member of this group. I have been suffering chronic fatigue

> for around 6 years and am suffering depression as a result of the CFS.

> I am currently taking antidepressants but nothing for my CFS and I

> have joined this group to try and find out about what I can do to help

> me get better. I'm not quite sure where to start though so any help

> would be appreciated.

BJ: Do you have a good, smart trustworthy doctor? Do you have

medical insurance? And where do you live?

Our advice on possible first steps will be very much affected to the

answers to these three questions.


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Hi BJ,

Welcome to the group. I've been around for several years but not

well enough to do much research or participation till the last few


I have several spine and nerve problems, the symptoms and extenuating

circumstances of which my doctor can't separate into FM or CFS or

anything I actually am already known " to have. " Sometimes I feel

like I'm fishing in a big barrel and my hook is empty. I'm in the

middle of Illinois, in Champaign, where the main campus of the

University of Illinois is.

I took amitriptyline for around 25 years, prescribed first for sleep

and then for pain, and I was not happy with the way it worked, so I

stopped. And it took me only a quarter of a century to figure it

out! Argh. Sometimes it's a long haul. Which antidepressant do you


Welcome again, BJ, to the " long haul. " I hope it's not too much

longer for you.

Champaign IL


> Hi everyone


> I'm a new member of this group. I have been suffering chronic


> for around 6 years and am suffering depression as a result of the


> I am currently taking antidepressants but nothing for my CFS and I

> have joined this group to try and find out about what I can do to


> me get better. I'm not quite sure where to start though so any help

> would be appreciated.


> Thanks for listening,

> BJ


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I have medical insurance

I live in Sydney, Australia

I have a doctor that I see regularly. How do I know if he is good,

smart, and trustworthy?

Thankyou for offer to help me



> > Hi everyone

> >

> > I'm a new member of this group. I have been suffering chronic


> > for around 6 years and am suffering depression as a result of

the CFS.

> > I am currently taking antidepressants but nothing for my CFS and


> > have joined this group to try and find out about what I can do

to help

> > me get better. I'm not quite sure where to start though so any


> > would be appreciated.


> BJ: Do you have a good, smart trustworthy doctor? Do you have

> medical insurance? And where do you live?


> Our advice on possible first steps will be very much affected to


> answers to these three questions.


> Sara


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On Feb 27, 2006, at 4:55 PM, bj812201 wrote:

> I have medical insurance


> I live in Sydney, Australia


> I have a doctor that I see regularly. How do I know if he is good,

> smart, and trustworthy?

You know because you can discuss your condition with him openly; he

understands what it is; and he's open to working with you to find

solutions. (There are a lot of doctors who don't believe it exists,

don't want to hear about it, and will not work with you.)

One of the unique things about this disease is that we very often

know as much or more about it than our doctors do. That's OK -- as

long as you've got a doctor who is comfortable being in that

position, and open to being experimental.

There is no single " cure " that helps all of us. But there are several

treatment families that have helped many, sometimes even a majority,

of us. What you'll get on this list are suggestions and discussions,

along with an earful of personal experience with these various options.

If I were starting out today, here's the document I'd first want to

read, and take to my doctor:


The author is a member of this list, and he's written a terrific step-

by-step process you and your doctor can systematically work through.

If you're like the rest of us, some of this will help, and some of it

won't. But, at the end, you are likely to feel considerably better

than you do now.

One of the things not on this list are the wide range of supplements

that many of us have tried. We've all got our own collections and

combinations, which have evolved over the years (added one by one, as

another poster said) to also help.

There are also great (and other, not-so-great) books. One of the

first on the list might be " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment

Guide " by a Verillo and Gellman.


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Thank you for posting the url for the article by Rich - very

informative and helpful.



> > I have medical insurance

> >

> > I live in Sydney, Australia

> >

> > I have a doctor that I see regularly. How do I know if he is good,

> > smart, and trustworthy?


> You know because you can discuss your condition with him openly; he

> understands what it is; and he's open to working with you to find

> solutions. (There are a lot of doctors who don't believe it exists,

> don't want to hear about it, and will not work with you.)


> One of the unique things about this disease is that we very often

> know as much or more about it than our doctors do. That's OK -- as

> long as you've got a doctor who is comfortable being in that

> position, and open to being experimental.


> There is no single " cure " that helps all of us. But there are several

> treatment families that have helped many, sometimes even a majority,

> of us. What you'll get on this list are suggestions and discussions,

> along with an earful of personal experience with these various options.


> If I were starting out today, here's the document I'd first want to

> read, and take to my doctor:


> <http://www.cfsresearch.org/cfs/research/treatment/13.htm>


> The author is a member of this list, and he's written a terrific step-

> by-step process you and your doctor can systematically work through.

> If you're like the rest of us, some of this will help, and some of it

> won't. But, at the end, you are likely to feel considerably better

> than you do now.


> One of the things not on this list are the wide range of supplements

> that many of us have tried. We've all got our own collections and

> combinations, which have evolved over the years (added one by one, as

> another poster said) to also help.


> There are also great (and other, not-so-great) books. One of the

> first on the list might be " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment

> Guide " by a Verillo and Gellman.


> Sara


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Welcome, I'm pretty new here too. The first thing you need to start doing is eating, I know it may sound strange but your body goes into starvation mode and will only burn muscle and store more fat. Small meals are the best, and always eat something in the morning. I work with a trainer because personally I know what I'm supposed to do it's the doing that I have trouble with. He has me eating breakfast(cereal/banana/skim milk) a snack(veggies or fruit) lunch(I love tuna/whole wheat bread with a drink Ido light white grape juice) another snack(fruit or veggie) I'm also supposed to eat another snack which I haven't fit in yet of a protein shake or now a granola bar and for supper(halibut/chicken/pork tenderloin and a baked potato, I also drink skim milk then) plus plenty of water(which I struggle with). I also work out 3 times a week with him(but will have to go down to 2time due to cost) and try and walk or something inbetween. I still am struggling with the diet but am getting better with the exercise. I hope this helps. It also is great if you have a partner to help push and support you along the way, my family and friends have been wonderful also the members of the board are an insperation too.

Blessed Be,


One Ring to rule them all,One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

From: "Dye" <MONTANAMYHOME@...>Reply-100-plus To: 100-plus Subject: new memberDate: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 04:51:28 -0000Hi , I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dyannea I need to lose 100+ lbs and simply do not know where to turn. I am not an over eater ( in fact I only eat once a day) I was on infertility drugs for 8 years and just ballooned up! I have tried about every diet plan out there and no real results. I am at the point in my life that I am really worried about my health and I need support and help.I need to be held accountable and look forward to all the advise I can get. We ( DH and I travel quite a bit... I just need help. any ways thank you for listening. «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:» Ed & Dyannea

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Welcome to the group.I hope that will enjoy the exchange of ideas, the group

of remote site medics have.Fair winds to your voyage with this site and you will

meet allot of medics with different way-points and expertise.

I hope the swell is not 5-10 meters high.........................



I am Dan Arkenau and I am the medic on the dive vessel Eclipse in the Red Sea.


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Well Dan it isn't my fault...maybe Wilf had something to do with it...!


Dan Arkenau <captaindaniel2@...> wrote:


I am Dan Arkenau and I am the medic on the dive vessel Eclipse in the Red Sea.


Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

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Well Dan don't blame me...maybe Wilf had something to do with it...!

But welcome anyway...do you take all those gorgeous Israeli girls on

snorkelling trips ?


Dan Arkenau <captaindaniel2@...> wrote:


I am Dan Arkenau and I am the medic on the dive vessel Eclipse in the Red Sea.


Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

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Welcome to the group Dan,

Felix, amazing how you seem to have predicted our weather

for today. LOL

40 knot winds (53 miles per hour) and , 5 m seas (16.5


Dan, as Felix said, hope you are having better weather.



On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 05:14:11 -0800 (PST)

Felix Gaudiel <fastcraft2004@...> wrote:



> Welcome to the group.I hope that will enjoy the exchange

>of ideas, the group of remote site medics have.Fair winds

>to your voyage with this site and you will meet allot of

>medics with different way-points and expertise.



> I hope the swell is not 5-10 meters




> felix


> Hello:


> I am Dan Arkenau and I am the medic on the dive vessel

>Eclipse in the Red Sea.







>Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello, and welcome to the group. The surgery is not a cure for this disease. It will help in your husband being able to eat more normally. The disease is a progressive one but if you get treatment in the early stages you have a better chance of the surgery being more effective. Depending on what type of surgery your husband is having tat will determine the length of stay in hospital. Laproscopic surgery is better for a short stay in hospital and a faster recovery. I had an open Heller's about ten months ago and I stayed in hospital for 5 days. The surgery is not that bad and he should see a dramatic improvement in eating right after surgery. Just follow the doctors orders and he should be fine.

What are your names? Congratulations on your new baby. Take some time and look over the group site. There is a lot of information there as well as many caring people. We are here to support you and your husband. If you have any questions please feel free to ask or if you just want to talk please feel free to do so.

Again welcome to our group and family.

in Suffolk

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I had the surgery done about 3 weeks ago. I was able

to eat soft foods 12 hours later and was eating more

solid foods within 3 days. I was able to eat anything

within a week. I have very few problems swallowing.

Occassionally I have some regurgitation, but very

little and it usually happens after I eat too much.

The surgery was a breeze. I was in and out of the

hospital in 20 hours. Post op was not too bad. I was

a little sore and took tylenol for that. I had bad

diarehea for 5 or 6 days but that cleared up. I was

very scared going into it but the rest was easy. You

will need a solid 2 weeks to recover, but you will

enjoy it.


--- Rachna Chawla <rachnachawla@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> I am new here. My husband has a A for the last 2

> years. We live in Spokane (WA). He always needs

> gallons of water to wash the food down. We tried

> herbal medications & yoga too, but nothing helped.

> He always struggles with the food and that makes me

> cry. He got scheduled for the Heller's myotomy and

> fundoplication (half) for the next month. I am

> really scared. I delivered a baby just 15 days

> before.


> Will he able to eat after the surgery?


> Is this a permanent solution?


> Please help...


> Thanks.




> ---------------------------------


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