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> Hi

Welcome to the group.It is wonderful to have so many that understand

our problems.I haven't had surgery so I can't help you with that but

I'm sure you will get lots of replies.

Sherry from Ohio

> Hello everyone,

> WOW!! I'm simply overwhelmed by both the support and

> information in this group! I wish I would have known about the

> group a year ago when I had my surgery, but I'm glad I found you

> guys now.

> Only one yaer after surgery, my doctor says I need to have a

> dilation. I'm having a difficult time trying to find out a)Why the

> problem came back, and b)What the after effects(ie. recovery time)

> of the dilation are. Any help would greatly appreciated.

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In a message dated 24/10/2004 12:36:21 GMT Daylight Time, Desperate4DMPSEurope-acceptsub-vGJBMGaF505U6EO59KNkNwc writes:

I'm an italian mother of 4 years old dpp who is using TD-DMPS (just startedon Octomber, 19).


The following person would like to join the Desperate4DMPSEurope group:

Email address: sibilliq <llaumon@...>

Comment from user:

I'm an italian mother of 4 years old dpp who is using TD-DMPS (just started

on Octomber, 19).

This membership request requires your approval because the

Desperate4DMPSEurope group is restricted, which means you must

approve each new member.

To approve or reject this pending membership using the web,

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NOTE: This membership request will expire after 14 days. If you do

not take action within that time, this membership request will be

automatically rejected. does this to maintain a high

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Thank you for choosing .


Customer Care

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, - good to see you here. You'll see some familiar names.

Hope you find all the information you need for Bump! Wonderful bunch of

people on this list too.

Love, light and peace,


" Learn from the mistakes of others--you can never live long enough to make

them all yourself. " - Luther


> Hi,


> I just joined the group, I expect there are a few people here that I'm on

> other lists with :)


> I'm , 36 (eeek, where did the years go!) and I'm English.

> I've got two

> girls (, 5) and (11) and a baby on the way who is due later

> this month.


> is fully vaccinated, has had the meningitis vaccine and the

> MMR at her own request but otherwise hasn't had any of the

> standard vaccines

> since her birth mother didn't agree with vaccinations at the

> time, she's had

> the other two in the last two years.


> Now we're having this new baby and I'm more aware of the vaccination issue

> (I considered not giving the MMR but decided to in the end, no

> problem there - it was the right decision for me/her at the time

> - I refuse

> to let myself feel guilty about it) and want to make an informed choice

> about whether we're going to vaccinate this time round and if so which

> vaccines we'll accept and which we'll reject or whether we'll go with none

> of them or all of them.


> With that in mind, I joined here to get some more information about the

> vaccines and issues surrounded them so we can make a decision

> that is right

> for us. I might well be quiet sometimes when the baby arrives but

> people who

> know me on other lists will know I can talk a lot at times! lol.


> Thanks for letting me join the list.





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>Welcome, - good to see you here. You'll see some familiar names.

Thanks Sue, good to see you here to.

>Hope you find all the information you need for Bump!

I hope so, especially if I can get to read the messages as well - his

current feeling is that he wants us to vaccinate as it's the lesser of the

two evils and I really can't decide what to do, mind you I can't decide what

I want for lunch most days so anything more complex than that is pretty much

unattainable right now!

>Wonderful bunch of

>people on this list too.

I'm sure they are all great :)

(she of the indecisive pregnancy brain lol)

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Hi nne,

>Welcome , good to see you here!

Thanks, it's good to see you here as well.

>How's the baby doing?

Fine thanks, if only s/he could make his/her mind up about whether to make

an appearance or not - I had contractions every 2-4 minutes most of the

night and early hours of this morning and now, nothing at all <sigh>

How are the girls?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Välkommen Siv.

I'm a Swede based in Australia. Hope you enjoy the group.

Gösta Liljeqvist


Iam a norwegian nurse, working on a english oilboat. And i also work in

the hospitale in Norway, ER ward! Have some experience from intensive

care and medical heart wards!


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Hei hei!

Da er det vel muligt for meg aa skrive norskt til deg! Det var bra! Jo jeg har

jo nettopp signert inn i gruppen, saa dette er aldelsen nytt for meg! Men haaper

jeg skal dra nytte av dette og gjerne dele mine erfaringer med andre!

Hvor er du stasjonert i Australia?

Og hva gjoer du der?


Gosta Liljeqvist <gosta@...> wrote:

Välkommen Siv.

I'm a Swede based in Australia. Hope you enjoy the group.

Gösta Liljeqvist


Iam a norwegian nurse, working on a english oilboat. And i also work in

the hospitale in Norway, ER ward! Have some experience from intensive

care and medical heart wards!


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Jo du kan skrive på norsk.

But write to my private email. English is better on the forum.

Gösta Liljeqvist

Risk Management Consultant

+61 (0) 2 94501601

+61 (0)416282275


Specialising in hostile environment health and safety.

Provider of remote and mobile global medical field support.

(An approved EMS partner)

RE: new member

Hei hei!

Da er det vel muligt for meg aa skrive norskt til deg! Det var bra! Jo

jeg har jo nettopp signert inn i gruppen, saa dette er aldelsen nytt for

meg! Men haaper jeg skal dra nytte av dette og gjerne dele mine

erfaringer med andre!

Hvor er du stasjonert i Australia?

Og hva gjoer du der?


Gosta Liljeqvist <gosta@...> wrote:

Välkommen Siv.

I'm a Swede based in Australia. Hope you enjoy the group.

Gösta Liljeqvist


Iam a norwegian nurse, working on a english oilboat. And i also work in

the hospitale in Norway, ER ward! Have some experience from intensive

care and medical heart wards!


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We're uk too, my daughter Amber's 18 mths now, unvaxed and hasn't

had anything at all not even cp which has been doing the rounds. We

bf for a year. And erm do i have to give my age lol, I'm 28.

Are you having a home or hospital birth btw? i had a home water

birth, great stuff. We refused (about 25 times) the birth vitamin K

as well btw. I myself am part vaxed as is dh. Theres no rush, you

can delay at least and look at things meantime. A lot of people

nowadays are delaying or doing singles etc. i'm also on Sue's board

and a coupla others.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy Jessi! I have to jot a note at the irony here... my sister has four

boys... Dominic and are her two youngest... You maybe in line for an

and a ... just to give you the heads up!

Welcome to our little corner of the internet. These peopled SAVED MY SANITY

many times...


Mom to Tatyanna-16,Sergey-15, -14, Midori- 12, Hannah age 5 with Down

Syndrome and Theresa -2 going on 20.

In a message dated 12/5/2004 2:57:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

dominick3997@... writes:

My name is Jessi and I live in Rohnert Park, CA. I am 29 years old.

I am not married but have been with the father of my 2 kids for 10

years. We are planning to get married next year in June. I have 2

boys. Dominick is 7 years old and Danial is 18 months with Down

Syndrome. Danial is doing very good. We are so proud of him.

We found out that he has DS when I was pregnant with him. He is the

sweetest boy. There is so much joy when he smiles.

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Howdy Jessi! I have to jot a note at the irony here... my sister has four

boys... Dominic and are her two youngest... You maybe in line for an

and a ... just to give you the heads up!

Welcome to our little corner of the internet. These peopled SAVED MY SANITY

many times...


Mom to Tatyanna-16,Sergey-15, -14, Midori- 12, Hannah age 5 with Down

Syndrome and Theresa -2 going on 20.

In a message dated 12/5/2004 2:57:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

dominick3997@... writes:

My name is Jessi and I live in Rohnert Park, CA. I am 29 years old.

I am not married but have been with the father of my 2 kids for 10

years. We are planning to get married next year in June. I have 2

boys. Dominick is 7 years old and Danial is 18 months with Down

Syndrome. Danial is doing very good. We are so proud of him.

We found out that he has DS when I was pregnant with him. He is the

sweetest boy. There is so much joy when he smiles.

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Jessi ~

Rohnert Park!!!

I went to school there oh-so-many years ago.... Sonoma State.

I live in Stockton now - and have 4 kids - Amber (29), Meryl (22),

(20 - with DS) and (16)....

Welcome aboard!!!



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 12/5/2004 at 7:55 AM Jessi opined:

| My name is Jessi and I live in Rohnert Park, CA. I am 29 years old.


| I am not married but have been with the father of my 2 kids for 10

| years. We are planning to get married next year in June. I have 2

| boys. Dominick is 7 years old and Danial is 18 months with Down

| Syndrome. Danial is doing very good. We are so proud of him.

| We found out that he has DS when I was pregnant with him. He is the

| sweetest boy. There is so much joy when he smiles.








| Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

| messages to go to the sender of the message.


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Jessi ~

Rohnert Park!!!

I went to school there oh-so-many years ago.... Sonoma State.

I live in Stockton now - and have 4 kids - Amber (29), Meryl (22),

(20 - with DS) and (16)....

Welcome aboard!!!



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 12/5/2004 at 7:55 AM Jessi opined:

| My name is Jessi and I live in Rohnert Park, CA. I am 29 years old.


| I am not married but have been with the father of my 2 kids for 10

| years. We are planning to get married next year in June. I have 2

| boys. Dominick is 7 years old and Danial is 18 months with Down

| Syndrome. Danial is doing very good. We are so proud of him.

| We found out that he has DS when I was pregnant with him. He is the

| sweetest boy. There is so much joy when he smiles.








| Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

| messages to go to the sender of the message.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, my name is Dimples. My ma just finished her radiation and chemo and

made little response. Yes, cancer is said to not be able to live in high

alkaline bodies...and in case you can't eat, use the juicer if you can.

Dark greens are highly alkaline...best wishes...we are going through many


moments here, I know the feeling. I'll pray for you. Dimples

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Eating alkaline producing foods won't change blood pH (alkalinity) but maybe

tissue somewhat. I've not seen a study on it. You can tell it's working by

measuring urine pH.

Baking soda does it a lot faster if you take it on an

empty stomach. 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp with as much water as you care to take. Wait

30 minutes or so to eat.

In my experience it has stopped or greatly reduced getting up nights and I

believe it has some effect on pain. According to Dr. Lark it reduces cold

and flu symptoms. I've tried it for colds and it helps but is no quick cure.

I think it's worth a try against cancer pain or discomfort. You notice the

results in a day--like overnight.

If you burp after taking soda your stomach wasn't empty. Use digestive enzymes

(pancreatin) with each meal to keep things moving. Most cancer patients are

constipated. That can't be good.

And by the way, vegetarians get cancer too. Loren

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Howdy Dimples, Thanks for the confirmation on that. I will pull up the web site

where I found the foods list and start doing something. Have a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year!! Take Care. Jay

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Howdy Loren, Thanks Buddy. I knew that blood runs at about as good as it gets

with the pH deal, and I wanted to see how to adjust the body itself.

I have found foods that I can eat that will slowly do that. Right now, I am

grasping at straws as I'm not real ready to hit the dusty trail just yet. While

everything is in place for when it happens, I do have some things I would like

to get done! LOL.

Anyway, I am going to drop a quarter next week and request his info on

those mushrooms he has e-mailed me about. Talk with you later!

Moderator: I do not mind if anyone wants to e-mail me directly. It would save

others from recieving mail they don't want and I have a box that will take care

of just about any size e-mail I might get. I will await for your permission to

post my e-mail address. Thanks!

Jay Sweet Home, Oregon

[Jay, is your e-mail not johndeerecwby@...? No permission

is needed to post e-mail addresses.]

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I asked permission to post my e-mail address(s) to the group so as not to

take up space. I have several addresses, but these are the ones I use most of

the time.

1) johndeerecwby@...

2) johndeerecwby@...

3) sweethomecowboy@...

I check all of those 3 to 4 times a day.

Thanks for all the information you all have been sending and a Special Thank You

to the Moderator for putting together this group. I was about to call it quits

when I found it on a search.

I belong to several groups of this type, but none with as much activity as

cures for cancer! Thanks Again To All. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


Sweet Home, Oregon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Louis -

Nice to " read " you on this list!



New Member

I'm a 24 year EMT-Basic here in the US with an interest in remote and

austere conditions medicine and EMS capability. I am a full time EMS

educator and

author living in Texas but I hail from New Jersey originally.

Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET



979-690-3607 (Home Office)

979-412-0890 (Cell Phone)

979-458-0795 (TEEX Office)

" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

The comments contained in this E-mail are the opinions of the author and


author alone. I in no way ever intend to speak for any person or

organization that I am in any way whatsoever involved or associated with

unless I

specifically state that I am doing so. Further this E-mail is intended only

for its

stated recipient and may contain private and or confidential materials

retransmission is strictly prohibited unless placed in the public domain by


original author.

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Welcome Darren, sounds like you get right to the point. So, moving right

along, check out the databases over to the left. What area of town do you live

in? I'd suggest you call Mom's dairy first. In general, order by noon Monday

for a Wednesday delivery. How's that for service?


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> Welcome Darren, sounds like you get right to the point. So,

moving right

> along, check out the databases over to the left. What area of town

do you live

> in? I'd suggest you call Mom's dairy first. In general, order by

noon Monday

> for a Wednesday delivery. How's that for service?


> Will


I live in Prior Lake and am near many farms and dairies, I'll take a

look in the database as well and thanks for the info. I sent you an

e-mail asking about group meeting times? could you let me know?


Darren s



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Welcome Sara! For those of you who don¹t know Sara, she is an audiologist

at our school. She does very interesting work with children who have

auditory processing problems.


On 1/12/05 9:34 AM, " audio1800212 " <scook@...> wrote:



> Hi I'm a new member that joined last week, sorry it's taken me a few days to

> introduce

> myself. I've been reading the messages and realizing how much I do not know.

> I'm in the

> very beginning stages of trying to make changes in my families diet. I'm

> trying to learn all

> I can. I probably won't respond much, except to ask questions. It sounds

> like everyone

> has a wealth of knowledge. I'm a busy mother with 2 beautiful girls age 2

> years and 9

> months, which is the main reason I have started this search in the first

> place.


> All of this can be overwhelming. Does anyone have a suggestion of where to

> start?


> Thanks.


> Sara Cook










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hi sara! i also started the search for nutritious foods with the arrival of my

baby boy! i want to provide him with the best nature has! and of course myself

and the rest of my family as well! my parents are finally starting to see the

light!!!!! yay!!

a starting place...clean out your cupboards!!! i thought i would donate to a

food shelf...but i thought...why subject others to so-called " food " ?? it was

better off in the garbage!

you'll find that you have TONS of cupboard space when you take out all the

boxed, processed foods! and there will be no temptation in an empty cupboard!

then go shopping for fresh organic whole foods!! and lots of lacto-fermented


good luck!


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> Hi I'm a new member that joined last week, sorry it's taken me a

few days to introduce

> myself. I've been reading the messages and realizing how much I

do not know. I'm in the

> very beginning stages of trying to make changes in my families

diet. I'm trying to learn all

> I can. I probably won't respond much, except to ask questions.

It sounds like everyone

> has a wealth of knowledge. I'm a busy mother with 2 beautiful

girls age 2 years and 9

> months, which is the main reason I have started this search in the

first place.


> All of this can be overwhelming. Does anyone have a suggestion of

where to start?


> Thanks.


> Sara Cook


Welcome, I am also a new member my name is Darren s. A

suggestion is to keep doing what you are doing. Ask questions and

I'm sure everyone will be willing to help you however they can. My

mother has studied nutrition for 30 years so feel free to ask any

questions you have and I'll do my best to answer.


Darren s

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