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Way to go GAIL!!!!!!!




Do you find that LL helps with your headaches or do the headaches keep

you from doing your LL? I have not reported in this week because like

you I have been laid low by killer sinus headaches which are a result of

a headlock and allergies. However, the good news is that I got rid of

my headache long enough this morning to do 63 breaths.

Gail VW


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Hi Gail,

I've noticed when I'm having sinus problems, that it's best to do as much

breathing in the morning as I can, because I usually feel worse later in

the day and it's hard telling what I'll be able to do then. Sometimes I

just have pressure in my face and I can exercise some through that. (If

it isn't too bad). If I'm having the actual pain like I had Sun. and

yesterday it's hard to do anything.

I hope we feel better soon! Mold get out of here!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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Hi Liz,

The funny thing about my allergies is that I don't know what I am allergic to.

I used to work in an Allergy Clinic, and I was tested, but everything came back

negative. I do feel fortunate that my

allergies only cause sinus headaches. It would be much worse if it caused the

congestion, sneezing and watery eyes also. I try to be grateful for small


Gail VW

stevku@... wrote:

> Hi Gail,


> I've noticed when I'm having sinus problems, that it's best to do as much

> breathing in the morning as I can, because I usually feel worse later in

> the day and it's hard telling what I'll be able to do then. Sometimes I

> just have pressure in my face and I can exercise some through that. (If

> it isn't too bad). If I'm having the actual pain like I had Sun. and

> yesterday it's hard to do anything.


> I hope we feel better soon! Mold get out of here!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz


> ________________________________________________________________


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Hi Gail,

I love your attitude. This is the way we should all see life. It would make everything so much easier.



I try to be grateful for small blessings> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

My son, who is 4, has suffered from chronic severe daily headaches since he was

2 years old. It was originally thought to be indicative of a brain tumor, as

clinical symptoms suggested this could be the cause. Thankfully, through CT

and MRI, a tumor has been ruled out, and we are left with a diagnosis of chronic

paroxysmal hemicrania. The head pain is helped with daily meds. Through all

my researching I have quite a number of links on headaches that I can send you

if you would like.

I'm sorry your son is having to cope with headache. Have you talked to his

drs about them?

, and s mum


Does anyone have children who suffer from chronic headaches? My son, who is

eight, has recently been complaining of headaches that tend to occur in the back

of his head. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between his infusions and

his headaches. Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.

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No I haven't spoken to his doctor yet because I am not sure if it's

worth the trip or not. He says that the headaches originate from the back

of his head and kind of make a " halo. " I have been putting the trip to the

doctor off until I can get more information to find out if it's worth the

trip or if I should just keep giving him Tylenol.




> Does anyone have children who suffer from chronic headaches? My son,

who is eight, has recently been complaining of headaches that tend to occur

in the back of his head. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between his

infusions and his headaches. Any information or help would be greatly







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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 1/9/2003 10:46:18 PM Central Standard Time,

girl19766@... writes:

> I wanted to ask if anyone can think of a reason for bad headaches? too much

> protein? carbs? not enough?

> dont know.

> maybe just stress

> thanks for being here

> love this group

> Magdalena



WOW! Funny you should mention headaches. Yesterday (day 4 for me) - was to

have been " cardio " - and I had such a sick headache - I took 3

Advil..........and had to skip my workout. Bummer! cynthy

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  • 7 months later...

In my own experience, my kids(one in particular) get headaches when the

upper segment(s) in their necks are out of alignment. We get the kids

adjusted by our chiropractor, and they're good to go ;-)


El Paso, TX

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Caroline,

Sounds like you've had a miserable time with headaches too. I do see a

neurologist in addition to my family doctor. Have had many MRIs of my head

plus and MRI and xrays of my neck. All normal. Some of my pain seems to

come from my neck and maybe jaw, as seeing a chiropractor has made a big

difference. Problem is...the relief never lasts. Have tried nearly

everything with the muscles on the left side of my neck (several physical

therapists, very very light stretches at home, massage, ice, heat, etc.) and

nothing helps. Have had problems with these muscles since my Stills began in

1990. Why just that one spot...who knows????

I do get migraines which can sometimes last for days. Don't always get the

lights or aura, only rarely. My mom gets migraines too & sometimes just

gets the aura and then no headache - wierd?? In addition to the migraines,

my doctors' best guess is that I have several other types of headaches.

Most of my headache pain is in my left temple and just above the inside

corner of my left eye. The headache literally never goes away, sometimes

it's barely there but sometimes it's awful. Maybe this sounds wierd, but I

do feel like I have different types of headache. I can definitely tell the

migraines from my " usual " headache. Some days the headache will be so bad,

and sleeping will help alot. Other times, if I sleep, it is worse when I

get up. Who knows??!!!

Thanks for sharing your story,

Trish in PA

Re: New member (again)


> Tell me about where the headaches hurt. I think I have had just about

every kind of headache imaginable. For me, here are some of the types.


> Dizzy, light-headed headache = blood sugar issues (check blood sugar and

take corrective measures if needed).


> Pain in the eyes headache is my " TV epilepsy " (stop whatever

overstimulation is occuring) or my " Krukenburg Spindles " creating pressure

(eye exam) or fever (rest).


> Pain in the face headache is sinus and is usually accompanied with

congestion of some sort. (take decongestant approved by doc. Heat on

sinuses, if needed see doc)


> Pain in the back of my head is a stress headache and related to tight

shoulder and neck muscles.(take muscle relaxer if okay with my doc and get

massage, destress with hot bath, do something that relaxes me)


> Pain in my temples, just behind my ears or in the area where a crown would

sit on your head is TMJ and caused by clenching or grinding teeth. Pain meds

did very little to help these headaches. Oh sure, I was knocked out but if I

woke, I still had headache... just didn't know it when I was sleeping.

(Wear splint, be aware of teeth touching, cradleing the phone on shoulder

and holding with chin, chewing " chewy " foods, do neck and face relaxing

exercises, massage)


> " Half " headaches are usually migraines and are preceeded by " sparkles " in

the periferal vision. They make my sick to my stomach, light hurts my eyes

and any sound is too much, even the sound of my own breathing. (take my

medicine (herbs since chemical drugs make me sick, ice my entire head and

hot water bottle on my feet, lay down and sleep it off in dark and quiet

room.Must say that the ice / heat thing help considerably and so does



> I have had cluster headaches before and I haven't for a while. I think

they are hit and miss. I have them for a bit and then they go away, come

back, go away and feel a lot like migraines only don't last as long.


> If any of these sound familiar to you, perhaps if gives you an idea of

what to check for to alleviate the symptoms. A brain MRI will help allay

fears about things like MS, brain tumors and other serious health issues.

Does this help at all? Do you find yourself in any of these senarios? Always

work with your family doc to find the cause and treat it.


> Welcome home and smiles, Caroline


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Hi Caroline,

Sounds like you've had a miserable time with headaches too. I do see a

neurologist in addition to my family doctor. Have had many MRIs of my head

plus and MRI and xrays of my neck. All normal. Some of my pain seems to

come from my neck and maybe jaw, as seeing a chiropractor has made a big

difference. Problem is...the relief never lasts. Have tried nearly

everything with the muscles on the left side of my neck (several physical

therapists, very very light stretches at home, massage, ice, heat, etc.) and

nothing helps. Have had problems with these muscles since my Stills began in

1990. Why just that one spot...who knows????

I do get migraines which can sometimes last for days. Don't always get the

lights or aura, only rarely. My mom gets migraines too & sometimes just

gets the aura and then no headache - wierd?? In addition to the migraines,

my doctors' best guess is that I have several other types of headaches.

Most of my headache pain is in my left temple and just above the inside

corner of my left eye. The headache literally never goes away, sometimes

it's barely there but sometimes it's awful. Maybe this sounds wierd, but I

do feel like I have different types of headache. I can definitely tell the

migraines from my " usual " headache. Some days the headache will be so bad,

and sleeping will help alot. Other times, if I sleep, it is worse when I

get up. Who knows??!!!

Thanks for sharing your story,

Trish in PA

Re: New member (again)


> Tell me about where the headaches hurt. I think I have had just about

every kind of headache imaginable. For me, here are some of the types.


> Dizzy, light-headed headache = blood sugar issues (check blood sugar and

take corrective measures if needed).


> Pain in the eyes headache is my " TV epilepsy " (stop whatever

overstimulation is occuring) or my " Krukenburg Spindles " creating pressure

(eye exam) or fever (rest).


> Pain in the face headache is sinus and is usually accompanied with

congestion of some sort. (take decongestant approved by doc. Heat on

sinuses, if needed see doc)


> Pain in the back of my head is a stress headache and related to tight

shoulder and neck muscles.(take muscle relaxer if okay with my doc and get

massage, destress with hot bath, do something that relaxes me)


> Pain in my temples, just behind my ears or in the area where a crown would

sit on your head is TMJ and caused by clenching or grinding teeth. Pain meds

did very little to help these headaches. Oh sure, I was knocked out but if I

woke, I still had headache... just didn't know it when I was sleeping.

(Wear splint, be aware of teeth touching, cradleing the phone on shoulder

and holding with chin, chewing " chewy " foods, do neck and face relaxing

exercises, massage)


> " Half " headaches are usually migraines and are preceeded by " sparkles " in

the periferal vision. They make my sick to my stomach, light hurts my eyes

and any sound is too much, even the sound of my own breathing. (take my

medicine (herbs since chemical drugs make me sick, ice my entire head and

hot water bottle on my feet, lay down and sleep it off in dark and quiet

room.Must say that the ice / heat thing help considerably and so does



> I have had cluster headaches before and I haven't for a while. I think

they are hit and miss. I have them for a bit and then they go away, come

back, go away and feel a lot like migraines only don't last as long.


> If any of these sound familiar to you, perhaps if gives you an idea of

what to check for to alleviate the symptoms. A brain MRI will help allay

fears about things like MS, brain tumors and other serious health issues.

Does this help at all? Do you find yourself in any of these senarios? Always

work with your family doc to find the cause and treat it.


> Welcome home and smiles, Caroline


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I got headaches from Inspra. Are you taking that?

> Are headaches a typical symptom of hyperaldosteronism? It seems


> I eat too much salt (more than 1500 mg a day, my typical diet), I


> them.


> Jim

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Yes, I am, but the headaches were there before the Inspra, so I cannot

say the Inspra is the cause. Thanks for checking!


> > Are headaches a typical symptom of hyperaldosteronism? It seems

> when

> > I eat too much salt (more than 1500 mg a day, my typical diet), I

> get

> > them.

> >

> > Jim

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yes they are common.

May your pressure be low!

CE Grim MD

Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine

Professor of Epidemiology

Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hypertension

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jim,

I do kind of the same thing, mostly dizzyness without headache unless I screw up

and get to much salt, then I get the headaches. I attribute it to sodium. The

better I DASH less I notice this. Are you DASHing? I still have kind of a 2-3

week cycle of feeling quite well and then have a few days of just feeling off

(which is kind of the dizzy times).

Good luck,


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> Hi Jim,


> I do kind of the same thing, mostly dizzyness without headache

unless I screw up and get to much salt, then I get the headaches. I

attribute it to sodium. The better I DASH less I notice this. Are

you DASHing? I still have kind of a 2-3 week cycle of feeling quite

well and then have a few days of just feeling off (which is kind of

the dizzy times).


> Good luck,

> Randy

Hi Randy,

Yes, about the same cycle time for me, and I am doing a modified DASH

(sensitive to dairy, so doing soy instead). I have not had a lot of

salt in last few days, altho I have had a few days in the past week

that were higher in salt. Sounds like it might be related to salt for

me too. I'll have to keep a record and see if I can relate the two.

Thanks for sharing your experience!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Seattle. I was getting concerned that it was like diabetes or

something. I do drink LOTS of water too.

In a message dated 8/23/2004 6:28:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

seattle_lady2003@... writes:

Sugar withdrawal can be a decidedly unpleasant thing. Give your body at

least a week to get over it.

If you eat a bunch of refined carbs and spike your blood sugar, then

your body pumps out a bunch of insulin to deal with it. That, in turn,

can take your blood sugar too low. Pre-BFL, I experienced this with a

certain degree of frequency. I'd get shakey, couldn't concentrate, cold

sweat, lightheaded. Not fun.

Eating six small meals balanced with unprocessed carbs and lean protein

will completely eliminate this rollercoaster.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

i know that for me, low blood sugar causes headaches-so that very well could

be your problem. sometimes using a " heavier " carb (like pasta or potatoes)

helps me.

take care.


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I would suggest trying to eat some oatmeal later in the week, like

maybe Wednesday night b4 bed and again on Thursday......

> Is it possible to trigger migranes by dropping your calories too


> I've noticed in the last 3 weeks that every thursday and friday I'm

> ending up with a migrane. Sat. is my free day, and I've been fine

> that day. I'm wondering if I'm creating too much of a calorie


> by Thursday and maybe this is triggering it? I'm not TRYING to drop

> my calories too low, but I often find I end up forgetting to eat one

> of my meals everyday. The kicker is, then on thurs and fri my head

> hurts so bad I usually miss my workouts those days...any thoughts?


> thanks in advance

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Hi! Having lived in that whacky, wild world of migraines for several years now,

I swear anything is possible! Another possible contributor - could it be that

you're getting dehydrated about the time the fun begins? Good luck! Barb


Is it possible to trigger migranes by dropping your calories too low?

I've noticed in the last 3 weeks that every thursday and friday I'm

ending up with a migrane. Sat. is my free day, and I've been fine

that day. I'm wondering if I'm creating too much of a calorie deficit

by Thursday and maybe this is triggering it? I'm not TRYING to drop

my calories too low, but I often find I end up forgetting to eat one

of my meals everyday. The kicker is, then on thurs and fri my head

hurts so bad I usually miss my workouts those days...any thoughts?

thanks in advance

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thanks for the tips...I will try adding oatmeal in and see if that

helps. I don't think I'm dehydrated, since I'm drinking more now

that I'm on bfl then I ever have before! But I can try to add more

there too...basically I'll do ANYTHING to avoid this weekly torture!

> Hi! Having lived in that whacky, wild world of migraines for

several years now, I swear anything is possible! Another possible

contributor - could it be that you're getting dehydrated about the

time the fun begins? Good luck! Barb

> headaches



> Is it possible to trigger migranes by dropping your calories too


> I've noticed in the last 3 weeks that every thursday and friday


> ending up with a migrane. Sat. is my free day, and I've been


> that day. I'm wondering if I'm creating too much of a calorie


> by Thursday and maybe this is triggering it? I'm not TRYING to


> my calories too low, but I often find I end up forgetting to eat


> of my meals everyday. The kicker is, then on thurs and fri my


> hurts so bad I usually miss my workouts those days...any



> thanks in advance



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hey, new to the board...but I just wanted to share my

personal migraine drama w/ ya. I never got migraines,

and then out of the blue I'd get a random one, like

oh, once a year. Then this year I switched my birth

control to the ortho evra patch. After being on it a

coupla months, I started to get frequent migraines.

Now, that may not have been the only contributor, but

my doc took me off and put me back on the pill, poof

no more migraines. So if you can, look at any other

new factor in yr life, in addition to BFL. Then again,

if you can predict yr migraine will attack on low-cal

days only...

it just might be the culprit. good luck with those,

they are awful!


--- moosemama4 <no_reply > wrote:

> thanks for the tips...I will try adding oatmeal in

> and see if that

> helps. I don't think I'm dehydrated, since I'm

> drinking more now

> that I'm on bfl then I ever have before! But I can

> try to add more

> there too...basically I'll do ANYTHING to avoid this

> weekly torture!



> > Hi! Having lived in that whacky, wild world of

> migraines for

> several years now, I swear anything is possible!

> Another possible

> contributor - could it be that you're getting

> dehydrated about the

> time the fun begins? Good luck! Barb

> > headaches

> >

> >

> > Is it possible to trigger migranes by dropping

> your calories too

> low?

> > I've noticed in the last 3 weeks that every

> thursday and friday

> I'm

> > ending up with a migrane. Sat. is my free day,

> and I've been

> fine

> > that day. I'm wondering if I'm creating too

> much of a calorie

> deficit

> > by Thursday and maybe this is triggering it?

> I'm not TRYING to

> drop

> > my calories too low, but I often find I end up

> forgetting to eat

> one

> > of my meals everyday. The kicker is, then on

> thurs and fri my

> head

> > hurts so bad I usually miss my workouts those

> days...any

> thoughts?

> >

> > thanks in advance

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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I was on the Norplant years and years ago...before having it, never

a migrane in my life...after 1 month I was having them once a week,

and by 3 months I was having them at least 5 times a week. Needless

to say, I had it removed. Since then, I've not even been able to

take b/c pills...the last time I tried I had a headache for a full

30 days, and then gave up on waiting for my body to adjust. Of

course, this probably explains why I have 4 kids! Hubby's fixed

now, so no more worries about that. My sister is really prone to

migranes...takes preventative meds, sees all sorts of docs, has

specific foods that she can't eat, etc etc etc. I'm not to that

yet! I did a little (bad) experiment yesterday...after I took

enough Midrin to get rid of most of it, I ate a 1/2 bag of one of

those " grab bag " doritos...I know too many calories and fat!...but

in 1/2 hour, the headache was gone and another 1/2 hour later I had

the best workout I've had in weeks. So I'm thinking it may be that

I just get to the bottom of my tolerance for calorie deficiency and

fall apart. Course, can't really scientifically prove it! :)

Thanks for everyone's input!

> > > Hi! Having lived in that whacky, wild world of

> > migraines for

> > several years now, I swear anything is possible!

> > Another possible

> > contributor - could it be that you're getting

> > dehydrated about the

> > time the fun begins? Good luck! Barb

> > > headaches

> > >

> > >

> > > Is it possible to trigger migranes by dropping

> > your calories too

> > low?

> > > I've noticed in the last 3 weeks that every

> > thursday and friday

> > I'm

> > > ending up with a migrane. Sat. is my free day,

> > and I've been

> > fine

> > > that day. I'm wondering if I'm creating too

> > much of a calorie

> > deficit

> > > by Thursday and maybe this is triggering it?

> > I'm not TRYING to

> > drop

> > > my calories too low, but I often find I end up

> > forgetting to eat

> > one

> > > of my meals everyday. The kicker is, then on

> > thurs and fri my

> > head

> > > hurts so bad I usually miss my workouts those

> > days...any

> > thoughts?

> > >

> > > thanks in advance

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 months later...

I get headaches, too. I used to think to nfb training GAVE me a headache. Then I realized that it ALLOWED me to use my senses which were disconnected from my conscious awareness. Each sense (sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and especially the sense of balance) has a different location and style of headache.

The "combination" of related senses can difficult to unravel. In particular the eyes focus based on how they are balanced within the head and the trunk.

For me, switching off the right hemisphere visual alpha (P4) causes me to read by talking to myself (emphasis in T5). But the action to "turn off" the right hemisphere is a frontal headache (F3). It feels like a spark in my head (F3) as it starts to happen, then quickly turns in the headache you describe as pressure and heavy. Soon the eyes don't work well, reading stops, and the head is in heavy fog. This headache can be counter-acted by caffeine (sometimes needed in combination with aspirin/Motrin/allieve, that I refer to as a "headache relieving cocktail").

I used to get this same F3 location headache when waking up in the morning. In addition to the headache the right back side of my neck (behind P3) would be very stiff. A "cocktail" and morning balance exercises (TaiChi, ballet bar, etc) would dissipate this problem quickly, and be gone within a half hour. Shining a laser (auto-level) on the wall while doing balance exercises REALLY REALLY helps. By defocusing the eyes you can tell exactly what is happening in EACH eye as you move. You will see a line out of each eye. If you see the lines separate you are OFF LEVEL. It's that simple. Its really Biofeedback at it best!

So for me describing the location of the pain based on the 1020 system has helped my isolate the sensory "cause" and so far have achieved some basic relief. As my body is getting more in balance and physically stronger (T3T4C3C4 SMR training based on the TLC) I get very few bad morning headaches. And I'm just starting to be able to physically FEEL the switch when I'm closing off the use of the right hemisphere while reading.

HTH. Everyday in everyway better and better...


Do Something Useful


I have one client imparticular who is susceptible to headaches from nfb. She describes it as pressure and a heavy feeling in her head. She says it feels like fluid build up in her brain.

Sometimes they aren't bad during the session, and go away pretty quickly afterwards. But sometimes they get progressively worse after the session, Does anyone know what is happening that causes these headaches?

Diane Curriden


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