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In a message dated 4/26/99 12:45:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mgrahn@... writes:

> I also find it frustrating they don't consider this an important symptom in

> conjunction with all our other body changes.

Hello Marcia...... Some are paying attention to this now, I have

friends that have gained alot and like me in the begining lost without

realizing it was not natural to do so. Then to gain back and then some , and

not be able to loose it, drivs them up a wall, I have gained but not as much

as them , only one friend that I know has lost after cfs and can not afford

to loose any weight, she had that problem growing up also but never this


She gets told the opposite of us, why don't you just eat more ! plus she does

not do any more physical activity then most of us do.

There is no logic in cfsfms ......

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Judi, from what I'm hearing from some of the researchers, the fat is put on

by a method that is part of CFIDS....so if you get well, it goes away

naturally. The best part is not dieting....the worst part is they don't know

how to get you well. The few on the pilot trial with Hemex that were

overweight are now finding the pounds just leaving. But I've also seen the

same thing happen with others who have found something that helps. One man

just called and was losing weight along with feeling better just by using

Noni Juice. Different strokes....


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Has anybody read any material or discovered any way to help us get rid of

this weight? I've tried things that worked in the past for me but now

nothing will budge this fat. To lose I have to get down to under 600

calories a day on an exchange type diet. Discouraging!


Re: Weight gain

>From: SUSYDOG@...


>In a message dated 4/26/99 12:45:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>mgrahn@... writes:


>> I also find it frustrating they don't consider this an important symptom


>> conjunction with all our other body changes.

>Hello Marcia...... Some are paying attention to this now, I have

>friends that have gained alot and like me in the begining lost without

>realizing it was not natural to do so. Then to gain back and then some ,


>not be able to loose it, drivs them up a wall, I have gained but not as


>as them , only one friend that I know has lost after cfs and can not afford

>to loose any weight, she had that problem growing up also but never this


>She gets told the opposite of us, why don't you just eat more ! plus she


>not do any more physical activity then most of us do.

>There is no logic in cfsfms ......




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>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Judi Hoynacki wrote:

> From: " Judi Hoynacki " <judihoynacki@...>


> Has anybody read any material or discovered any way to help us get rid

> of

> this weight?

This is my favorite diet tip:Eat a chocolate bar before each meal.

It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less!!!



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In a message dated 5/3/99 12:44:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

judihoynacki@... writes:

<< Does strawberry pie count? >>

Absolutely not, Judi....unless it has whipped cream on top!

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Does strawberry pie count?



Re: Weight gain

>From: Rae <sonnyrae@...>


>Judi Hoynacki wrote:


>> From: " Judi Hoynacki " <judihoynacki@...>


>> Has anybody read any material or discovered any way to help us get rid

>> of

>> this weight?


>This is my favorite diet tip:Eat a chocolate bar before each meal.

>It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less!!!








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> /ad/shoptheglobe11


>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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Hi Rae,

> Ok, now some info about myself. I am a female who will turn 50 in a few

> days (wow, half a century old). I have had CFIDS since 1990. I have

> been unable to work for about five years now. I experience the aches

> and pains and brain fog. Some days are better than others and I can

> never figure out why. Some days the medications ease the pain, some

> days they don't. You know how it goes.

Your e-mail address looks familiar. Maybe from another CFS/FMS list. I

really appreciated your reply about the chocolate bar. We just came home

from Carrow's restaurant where I had a piece of strawberry pie and your

e-mail made my night. :)

I can relate to a couple of things you mentioned above. First, I will be 50

years young (it's just my body that feels old) in 13 days. Second, I was dx

with CFIDS last fall and now my doctor is running more of the same test to

check out what tissue disease I tested positive for. Makes me crazy. I

start calling doctors tomorrow to see if I can find one in my area that has

some sort of idea how to treat this our maybe even what is wrong with me.

Not nearly as long as you have dealt with this dd. Third, some days are

good and some days are bad and then some are really bad. I thought maybe

the B-12 shots were helping me a lot, but now I'm not sure. Thought that

the 10mg. of NADH were helping, but then had some bad days. I haven't

stopped taking either. But there is nothing I can really pin point. The

doctor gave me some medicine to help me get to sleep. but now it has

stopped working and if I take the second pill he said that I could. I don't

want to get up at all and feel tired all day. I'll call him tomorrow too.

Welcome Rae to this list. There is always tons of information and sometimes

I struggle to get through it all but I feel it is worth. And everyone seems

to want to share.

I'll try the chocolate bar tomorrow before dinner!!!! giggle


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> From: GAILRONDA@...


> judihoynacki@... writes:


> << Does strawberry pie count? >>

> Absolutely not, Judi....unless it has whipped cream on top!


But it must have chocolate syrup dripping down the whipped cream!!!!

It's the chocolate that makes us lose weight!!!


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I had a terrible time with weight right after I had my last baby. then I

had a miscarraige and was fat from that wt gain too. I would starve

myself trying to lose the wt...nothing else worked...... and I gained 8 lbs

in that month. I cried all the time...I was chubby...My mother said I was

fluffy,not fat... Now that I seem to be getting more stable and feeling

better more often,the weight is sliding off and the dr is worried....I am

losing so quickly.. I am on protein shakes and I eat every 2-3

hours,otherwise I feel so sick. High protein helps me feel better too.

Still losing wt. Down to a size 5. I know how it felt to be chubby

though,and not be able to lose the weight for 2 1/2 years. Alot of it was

water wt gain....my excuse anyway!! water weighs alot. Wt gain is common

in CFS. I read that when you start getting more stable,the wt will be

easier to lose. I didn't even try. With all the humiliations and symptoms

of this illness,being chubby was just something else to be miserable about.

It won't be forever though,unless you eat too many of those candy bars

before meals! Very funny. You have a great sense of humor. That will sure

get you through alot of this illness. BYE TRacy

Re: Weight gain

>From: Rae <sonnyrae@...>


>Judi Hoynacki wrote:


>> From: " Judi Hoynacki " <judihoynacki@...>


>> Has anybody read any material or discovered any way to help us get rid

>> of

>> this weight?


>This is my favorite diet tip:Eat a chocolate bar before each meal.

>It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less!!!








>G-Shock Sports Watch ** NOW JUST $59.95 ** SHIPPING INCLUDED

>Built Tough, Built Cool! Full of Features! Electro Luminescent, Alarm

>1/100th of Second Stopwatch, 12/24 Hour, Great for Sports, and more!

> /ad/shoptheglobe11


>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.


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You wrote: " I had a terrible time with weight right after I had my last baby.

then I

>had a miscarriage and was fat from that wt gain too. I would starve

>myself trying to lose the wt...nothing else worked...... and I gained 8


>in that month. I cried all the time...I was chubby "

I had the opposite problem. When I was pregnant was the only time my body

worked right. I tease about being born a size 14, but with the first

pregnancy I only gained 14 lbs.. Was walking and swimming almost everyday

since we lived in Del Rio, Tx. where the sun shines more than in southern

California. During the second pregnancy I gained 28 lbs.., still lived in

Texas but in Wichita Falls and swam at the pool everyday just about. After

giving birth to twins, 3 weeks early, I could wear a size 10. Never had worn

a 10 before unless when I was preteen and haven't been back to that ever

again. 12 but not a 10. Now I'd settle for a size 14.

" . With all the humiliations and symptoms

of this illness,being chubby was just something else to be miserable about.

I've been reading about detoxing your body by going strictly vegetables, no

fruit, sugar - you know the routine, and had bought fresh vegetables to

try. But I'm starving. I have been on a no sugar, very low carb and high

protein diet and never felt hungry until I started veggies only. Now I'm

craving everything sweet. With the high protein diet I seldom craved sweets

and if I did I would usually discover that the Italian dressing I had on my

salad was low fat and high in sugar. So I started eating my salads dry with

alot of pepper. I think I'm giving up the so called " detox " diet. In one

week I've gained 7 lbs.. It'll take me 7 weeks or more to get it off. I

had a good cry about it last night. It is so maddening. Of course my

husband who sees everything in black and white wanted to give me his 2 cents

and most the time I'll listen, but last night I wasn't in the mood to

listen. He is so good to me and I love him dearly but he still doesn't get

the weight thing. At least he doesn't expect me to be a size 1 like my

first husband.


That chocolate candy bar idea is sounding sweeter and sweeter. ha

Thanks all for letting me vent. I'm interested in anything you can

contribute about losing the weight that has worked for you. Guess I may

just have to wait until my system gets straightened out. I'm ready!!


-----Original Message-----

From: oobadooba <oobadooba@...>

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  • 9 months later...

At 05:23 AM 02/24/00 -0800, na wrote:

>After a 4 pound loss last month...I gained it back.

>the funniest thing is, my clothes look better, so I am

>attributing this to muscle gain. I ahve to admit this

>is the first time in my ligfe that I have gained wait

>and not felt like crap.

That's TAE-BO for ya!

-- Sandy (hoping to get back to Tae-bo soon)

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I wish...My parents were here for a weeka nd a half, and in that time, I

gained five pounds!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! But on the upside, I am in love, and

the man I love, loves me back!!! Isn't life grand? He wants to be with me

for the rest of his life, and mine. YAY!!


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In a message dated 02/25/2000 6:02:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Honeybear3899@... writes:

<< I wish...My parents were here for a weeka nd a half, and in that time, I

gained five pounds!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! But on the upside, I am in love, and

the man I love, loves me back!!! Isn't life grand? He wants to be with me

for the rest of his life, and mine. YAY!!

B >>

Losing it will be a piece of cake once you get back on schedule

(but don't eat the cake!!!)


who thinks it is neat how you guys met when you were heavier too so your guy

sees past that superficial stuff

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In a message dated 2/25/00 1:15:54 PM Hawaiian Standard Time,

Horsemom2@... writes:

<< Barb

who thinks it is neat how you guys met when you were heavier too so your guy

sees past that superficial stuff


It is funny that you should say that, cuz just this morning we were talking

about that. He told me that if I lose the weight great, if I don't, great.

He doesn't care about that stuff.


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In a message dated 2/27/00 12:13:35 PM Hawaiian Standard Time,

tarad_24@... writes:

<< ~

I hope I get as lucky as you did and meet someone that great!!

Tara >>

All I have to say is that if you do, hold on tight. I cannot believe my luck

in finding him. Though to be honest, I odn't think it was luck! I think the

Lord had something to do with it! I hope everyone who hasn't yet meets the

man of their dreams. I am going to marry tis one! I guarantee it!


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honeybear389-@... wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=12805

> In a message dated 2/25/00 1:15:54 PM Hawaiian Standard Time,

> Horsemom2@... writes:


> << Barb

> who thinks it is neat how you guys met when you were heavier too so

your guy

> sees past that superficial stuff

> >>


> It is funny that you should say that, cuz just this morning we were


> about that. He told me that if I lose the weight great, if I don't,


> He doesn't care about that stuff.


> B


I hope I get as lucky as you did and meet someone that great!!


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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 11/5/00 9:20:07 AM Pacific Standard Time,

egroups writes:

> Hey, when we put on Risperdal I thought he could stand to gain the

> weight, too. He had been 36 pounds for 3 years. Now, just a year and a


Wow, Loriann! I guess it's the fact that has the hyperactivity that

prevents him from gaining more....does it just make them retain water or does

it give them an increased appetite that actually causes the weight gain, I


is 7 1/2 and is about 42 in. high and WAS a hair under 40 lbs. before

the Risperdal.....now, he's 44 in. and 49 lbs.

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I never thought the weight gain we saw with risperdal was water gain. We

saw an immediate increase in appetite combined with a disinclination to

MOVE! Funny though - now that we are vigilant about WhAT is eaten , we are

starting to see an increase in activity even though the dose of Risperdal

has been doubled plus. We are 3.5 lbs decrease now.

It really is hard to motivate a zombie but it is impossible to mostivate a

behavorially defiant child. Ya takes what ya can gete, I guess.



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In a message dated 11/05/2000 7:23:32 PM Central Standard Time,

pastmidvale@... writes:

<< It really is hard to motivate a zombie but it is impossible to mostivate a

behavorially defiant child. >>

Isn't that the truth?!?!

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's weight gain is solid, it's definately not water gain. I had worried

about that one myself just recently, with his heart problems. Isn't that

amazing that I was just thinking that? Small world. But his is definately

approaching fat.....


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, DS-ASD, ADHD, ODD

And , 16 months and Strong Willed

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/9/02 1:26:00 PM Pacific Standard Time,


> The funny thing is that he hasn't increased his diet and

> we try to get him moving with skiing, swimming and recently hooked him up

> with a personal trainer at the gym for weekly work outs.... and he just

> keeps

> growing out (height has stopped) ..... It is very disconcerting and I am

> fearful he will never stop!


Caroline, I wonder about these med's too....in 's case, this Zyprexa is

causing an increased appetite, but the other's he was on, he gained a little,

maybe from water retention or something? It's scary though, when they gain

anyway, even though they're not eating more........like I've said, too bad

they can't find something without weight gain side effects....our kids don't

need the help with weight gain!

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In a message dated 3/12/2002 9:42:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Ltb3105@... writes:

> Like I've said, too bad they can't find something without weight gain side


My son's doc mentioned a medication that can help with the weight gain but

the down side is that one has to drink at least 2 quarts of fluid a day to

keep the kidney's flushed since there tends to be a higher incidence of

kidney stones. One of my son's problems is he loves to drink gator / power

aid which is chock full of calories. I am trying to substitute with crystal

Lite but they don't sell it in the vending machine at school (part of the

enticement with the aids - buying from the machine) and even if they did, it

doesn't have the same kick. There is no way I can get him to drink water...

even from the bottle...


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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/20/02 10:13:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> . Now at 13 he is getting stocky. It isn't meds contributing for him. He

> is on stimulant meds. We tried risperidol but he was ravenous right away

> and

> with his heart issues we didnt' want that.




Wow, Karyn! I would think the stimulant med's would decrease his

appetite.... was skin and bones on Ritalin, but I guess different med's

and each of our kids are different.....

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In a message dated 3/21/02 2:42:26 PM Central Standard Time, Ltb3105@...


> Wow, Karyn! I would think the stimulant med's would decrease his

> appetite.... was skin and bones on Ritalin, but I guess different med's


> and each of our kids are different.....






The adderall definitely depresses his appetite but I give it after breakfast

and it has pretty much worn off by supper. Maybe that is why he never asks

for more lunch. no, he was that way before the meds.

I think it is age and puberty. is definitely still a thinner build than

most kids with ds.


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In a message dated 3/21/02 2:56:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> Did the doc

> say it was definitely related to the meds?

Definitely! He's NEVER had an appetite like this.....ironically, 70 per cent

tested on this med LOST an average of 3 lbs. on this med.......and also, when

was on Risperdal, same drug classification, he lost weight and had to be

forced to eat! Wonder what makes Zyprexa so different? The doc wants to try

the Risperdal again, this time, with the Trileptal he's on, which we hadn't

done before in that combo. We certainly can't have continue to gain, he

will be a " false weight " for Dr. Capone to base any new dosages of med's

on!!!! I will certainly have to let him know that that's not 's " normal

weight " when we get there.

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