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my booklets are among the land of the lost at the moment but I went to the site and it says:

1 C = 1 starch or

low fat/low sodium - 1/2 c = 1 veg

boy that's as annoying as my cottage cheese!

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.- Jennings


I've been searching high and low for the food exchange booklet. It was lost when we moved everything to do some wallpapering in the diningroom. I have the booklet for restaurants, but not the food exchange one. I had a bowl of 's veg/beef soup for lunch and don't know which windows to close. Does anyone have a scan of the booklet? It would be GREATLY appreciated! (Searching high and low for the book) *sigh*Thanks in advance,Mystic

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Thanks , you're a gem!

I made a few phone calls and a lady who I (foolishly) gave an extra

copy to is going to give it back. She had passed it on to her sister

in law, who passed it on to her daughter. Lesson learned? Don't

give anything away!

Thanks again , much appreciated!


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LOL - but look at the knowledge you are responsible for sharing <GBG>, now if I could only find mine *sigh*

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.- Jennings

Re: Help!

Thanks , you're a gem!I made a few phone calls and a lady who I (foolishly) gave an extra copy to is going to give it back. She had passed it on to her sister in law, who passed it on to her daughter. Lesson learned? Don't give anything away! Thanks again , much appreciated!MysticTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome to the group. There is a bunch of people here that can give you support. Read over the old posts and look iver the sight. There is a lot of information in there. Sorry to here your husband is having so much trouble. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

in Suffolk

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Hello Meg

In reference to your comment:

My husband was diagnosed with A at 23. he had dilitations which were unsuccessful. 15 yrs ago he had a myotomy to fix the esophagus.

Welcome to the group and big hugs to you both. There are a

few members who have had the esophagectomy and you will

be hearing from them. In the meantime, please tell us where

you live and if you don't mind share the name/hospital of

your doctors. Are they experienced with Achalasia?

As said, go to the site read the links there...do a lot

of research and don't hesitate to ask any question that comes

to mind. Nothing is too trivial to leave out. We have some

smart people on this board and someone will have an answer

for you.



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Hello Meg:

Welcome to the group. I am new her too. I am so sorry that your

husband is having such a tough time. I hope that things will start

to get better. What a long trip.

You mentioned that his is diabetic too. Is that type 2? How does

the Achalasia affect the diabetes? Just wondered.

Hope you enjoy the group



> Hi there,

> I am new to the group. My husband was diagnosed with A at 23. he


> dilitations which were unsuccessful. 15 yrs ago he had a myotomy to

> fix the esophagus. The past 2 years he was hospitalized with

> frequent pneumonia. He is now 46. Come to find out he was


> food due to A. He had a second myotomy on 1/21/05. Last Friday was

> his first day to eat blended foods. he did and it all got stuck. We

> went to the er and they did an endoscopy. He vomited, etc and the

> stuck food came up. He was told to stay on liquids only. We went to

> the gastroent. Mon and he said the esophagus is not working. He


> to wait a few weeks and see if it improves. If not, will have

> to stay with just liquids for good. He is diabetic also. The


> are also going very slowly. Another option is to have a gtube or ng

> tube put in. Eventually will need an esophagectomy. Phew, it

> was overwhelming to process all that and to write it just now.


> you for any advice and experience you can offer in our regard.

> Meg

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Hello Meg ! Welcome to the group ! Whew what a huge bundle of worry you have

to deal with all at once! It is bad enough for some one like me to deal with

the prospect of an oesophagectomy when I have gained some knowledge of A and

was able to prepare myself for the last stages of the game. There are

several folk in the group who have has an oesophagectomy and they will tell

you that while the recovery stage is a long road and not easy, their quality

of life is so much better. They do not regret taking this option.

Where are you from ? How experienced is your doctor and GI with achalasia?

Could you get a second opinion if you found someone with more experience? I

don't blame you if you never want to see another doctor again !

If your hubby's Oesophagus was working he would not have achalasia ! So that

was a dumb remark and shows a lack of knowledge about A. A person has

achalasia when his oesophagus has no peristalsis or in the early stages

peristalsis which is erratic and disordered.

(peristalsis is the action of the muscles which force the food down into

your stomach). there must also be a spastic lower oesophageal sphincter

(LES) - when the valve which allows food into the stomach from the

oesophagus does not open and remains closed or opens at odd times and not

when required to do so. It is this muscle ring that gets cut to relieve the

spasm and allow the valve to open when they do a Heller's myotomy. If the

cut is not made high or low enough the op may not work. If a fundoplication

was done to make a new protective cover for the LES to keep stomach acid

out - this could be too tight. The op has also a poor chance of success if

there have been repeated dilatations which caused scar tissue. If the

oesophagus is stretched out badly there is also less of a chance of success.

I am at the stage where my oesophagus (E) is very enlarged and there are

numerous pockets which have formed in the flabby wall. I have lived on

fluids for 12 months now ! I make home made soup out of ground meat and

vegetables and water which I liquidise till it is quite thin. You can take

any normal meal and liquidise it to a thin 'soup' which can go down. This I

think is more nourishing than canned soups. You can use all sorts of food

supplements, but here I do not know which are suitable for diabetics. You

should stay away from acid food or spicy food which can irritate the


I can eat hot or cold food which is 'heavy' such as a sweet fruit smoothy

made with pure fruit pulp and sorbet - some of us find that food that is

'frothy' and light floats in the E and does not go down easily. Some others

can't have hot food and others not cold food, but that he has probably

worked out for himself by now. Some find that water will push the food down

and even have to drink water after liquids. Others use carbonated beverages

e.g.. Coca-Cola or Sprite or Soda water.

He might find that an acid blocking medication (a proton pump inhibitor)

will allow his LES to heal quicker E.g..Losec.

Please read the posts for the previous few months and look at the info on

the website. If you type achalasia into a Google search you will get a lot

of information.

Please feel free to ask questions - someone who has dealt with that problem

will answer you. Feel free to contact me personally if you want to.

You must be feeling quite battered by now !

Good wishes !



South Africa





> Hi there,

> I am new to the group. My husband was diagnosed with A at 23. he had

> dilitations which were unsuccessful. 15 yrs ago he had a myotomy to

> fix the esophagus. The past 2 years he was hospitalized with

> frequent pneumonia. He is now 46. Come to find out he was aspirating

> food due to A. He had a second myotomy on 1/21/05. Last Friday was

> his first day to eat blended foods. he did and it all got stuck. We

> went to the er and they did an endoscopy. He vomited, etc and the

> stuck food came up. He was told to stay on liquids only. We went to

> the gastroent. Mon and he said the esophagus is not working. He said

> to wait a few weeks and see if it improves. If not, will have

> to stay with just liquids for good. He is diabetic also. The liquids

> are also going very slowly. Another option is to have a gtube or ng

> tube put in. Eventually will need an esophagectomy. Phew, it

> was overwhelming to process all that and to write it just now. Thank

> you for any advice and experience you can offer in our regard.

> Meg









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  • 6 months later...

Donna --

Try looking at the www.FitDay.com website. Go to the "food" tab. There is a list of food categories. Choose the one for vegetables and the one for fruit. You'll get to a bunch of lists of different veggies and fruit.

You may also want to take a look at the tab marked "Guidelines". There looks like there is some good information in that area.

Are you diabetic? Have you been referred to a diabetic education specialist? Have you gone to see a dietitian/nutritionist? My insurance covers my visits to the dietitian because I am a diabetic.

Donna <donna.eyesforthelord@...> wrote:

I need a different list than I can find. I need a list of all veggies and fruits that have very little or No sugar in them. Also a list of good carbs. My blood sugar keeps going up when I eat carrots and onions, rice ect......... So does anyone have any idea's Please let me know. I also cant have caffine or salt. :( now this is bland) lolIn Jesus Love,Donna

Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


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Hi Dacia,

Yes I am diabetic and the doctor took me off the starch, fruit, and some veggies due to making my sugar level to high. I eat very little to no sweets but the starch and fruits are killing me so I have to find food and veggies with out sugar... Thanks for the web site.... I tried to get the doc to referrer me to a diabetic dietitian to help me but they did not refer me.....


-- Re: Help!

Donna --

Try looking at the www.FitDay.com website. Go to the "food" tab. There is a list of food categories. Choose the one for vegetables and the one for fruit. You'll get to a bunch of lists of different veggies and fruit.

You may also want to take a look at the tab marked "Guidelines". There looks like there is some good information in that area.

Are you diabetic? Have you been referred to a diabetic education specialist? Have you gone to see a dietitian/nutritionist? My insurance covers my visits to the dietitian because I am a diabetic.

Donna <donna.eyesforthelord@...> wrote:

I need a different list than I can find. I need a list of all veggies and fruits that have very little or No sugar in them. Also a list of good carbs. My blood sugar keeps going up when I eat carrots and onions, rice ect......... So does anyone have any idea's Please let me know. I also cant have caffine or salt. :( now this is bland) lolIn Jesus Love,Donna

Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


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You may want to push your doctor a little to get referred to a diabetic dietitian. It has helped me out a lot. We've been working on a food plan that is reasonable & doable for me. My blood sugars have been under control with diet, exercise & oral medication.

Have you thought about getting a second opinion from another doctor?

Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


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all I have is my PCP and he don't seam to care much. I did not even get a referral so they want me to go in and use a visit and that would leave me with 7 visits left till next July. I will keep trying.


-- Re: Help!

You may want to push your doctor a little to get referred to a diabetic dietitian. It has helped me out a lot. We've been working on a food plan that is reasonable & doable for me. My blood sugars have been under control with diet, exercise & oral medication.

Have you thought about getting a second opinion from another doctor?

Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


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are you on any other email lists? like the ones that focus on diabetes? you may be able to pick up some ideas from them.

visit your local library. there should books & resources available to you there.

Donna <donna.eyesforthelord@...> wrote:

Hi Dacia,

Yes I am diabetic and the doctor took me off the starch, fruit, and some veggies due to making my sugar level to high. I eat very little to no sweets but the starch and fruits are killing me so I have to find food and veggies with out sugar... Thanks for the web site.... I tried to get the doc to referrer me to a diabetic dietitian to help me but they did not refer me.....


-- Re: Help!

Donna --

Try looking at the www.FitDay.com website. Go to the "food" tab. There is a list of food categories. Choose the one for vegetables and the one for fruit. You'll get to a bunch of lists of different veggies and fruit.

You may also want to take a look at the tab marked "Guidelines". There looks like there is some good information in that area.

Are you diabetic? Have you been referred to a diabetic education specialist? Have you gone to see a dietitian/nutritionist? My insurance covers my visits to the dietitian because I am a diabetic.

Donna <donna.eyesforthelord@...> wrote:

I need a different list than I can find. I need a list of all veggies and fruits that have very little or No sugar in them. Also a list of good carbs. My blood sugar keeps going up when I eat carrots and onions, rice ect......... So does anyone have any idea's Please let me know. I also cant have caffine or salt. :( now this is bland) lolIn Jesus Love,Donna

Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


Dacia <>< August Walking Challenge: 0/240

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Kathey BREATHE... You are doing great and I am not sure of your numbers. I to get NO good support except online. You can do this. Get back to basics. Water, portions, and exercise. If you need a ME moment. Lock the bathroom door. Fill tub with nice warm water. Get some music going. Light some candles. Nice cold glass of whatever because it is a ME moment. And then move on.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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>Why do we keep DOING this to ourselves?

Because 1) We need food to live and 2) Because of #1, the powers that be

made food so darn tasty!

To lose weight we have to go against our instincts, against our genetics,

against our very evolution!. We have to fight our bodies and its natural

inclination to grasp and retain every spare calorie it gets by starving it

(restricted calories) and over-working it (exercise). It is NOT an easy task

and it's not something our bodies *want* to do.

>Just need someone to tell me I am a good person and that I CAN do this....

There is no " good " or " bad " , it's just a matter of how long can you

physically and mentally hold out in this battle. The 2-5% of " successful "

dieters are able to hold out at least a year after reaching their goals

(Yes, that's all - only a year to be called a " success " to the National

Weight Control Registry). The other 95 to 98% of us give up out of sheer

exhaustion and frustration long before that.


>(get no support from hubby, no kudo's and that is hard!!!)

And that makes it even harder. Mine is the same way. He feels that as long

as I get a clean bill of health from the doctor, that I continue to eat the

healthiest foods on earth and get as much exercise as I can without injuring

myself, that there's no reason to worry about the numbers on a scale. He

knows that I eat mostly vegan, very low fat, avoid junk foods, etc. He calls

me a saint for being able to stick so closely to the low cal food plans,

saying he would be stark raving mad with hunger if he ate as little as I ate

for even one day. He knows that although I have arthritis from my neck to my

feet that I also walk more than he does, and exercise more than he does on a

daily basis. And he knows that even doing all *that* I'm still fat, that if

I eat less than what I do, not only am I a b*tch to live with but start

getting frequent hypoglycemia crashes, brain fog, and flare-ups of my cfs.

It's *not* the picture of health, that's for sure!

Still, I would love to weigh less than I do now, and I keep plugging along.

If I drift from my food plan for more than a meal or 2 I immediately go

right back on. If I don't exercise for a few days I feel it in my joints and

dust off the VCR and pop an exercise tape in again, or put some Chinese

flute music on the stereo and do my tai chi, or drive over to the park and

start walking again.

The only thing you *can* do is just pick up where you left off, getting back

on your food plan with your very next meal; getting back to an exercise

program as soon as possible.

Think about why you drifted off - Were you bored with your food choices?

Then search the Internet for new recipes. Were your old recipes too hard to

follow? There was just a whole thread about Joanna Lund's Healthy Exchanges

cookbooks, that contain simple to follow recipes that use packaged foods to

help make them quick and easy to make. Hate your exercise routine? Find

something else to do, like a different person's videos, switch gyms, take up

a sport or activity that gets you sweating. If you're used to exercising

indoors, switch to outdoor activities. If you usually hit the gym, find some

videos to do at home, or walk outdoors. Or take dancing lessons of some

sort - guaranteed to quicken your pulse while it puts a smile on your face,

and you get to meet new people at the same time.

I know how frustrating it is, how you can devote all your waking hours to

the pursuit of weight loss, being tired and hungry 24/7, only to see the

scale move in the wrong direction. But if you truly want to get the weight

off, you just gotta keep plugging at it, keep starting over, and one of

these days your body and mind will finally get the picture of what you want

it to do and the weight will start coming off.

Like they say in all the 12 step programs - Keep coming back. It works if

you work it!

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Don't lose control! Don't give it up! You can do this! I'm sure it's

passed by now. But you're doing great and keep it up!

> Just one word! Help! I need some support and encouragement from

> you guys.....I have been doing SO well on ww and now I feel like I am

> out of control again!!! I can NOT gain this weight back and be a

> failure AGAIN!!!!! Why do we keep DOING this to ourselves?

> Just need someone to tell me I am a good person and that I CAN do

> this....(get no support from hubby, no kudo's and that is hard!!!)

> Thanks for letting me whine for a bit...

> Kathey



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Kathey, I just got on this morning and seen your letter. Listen, We all go though these stages. Don't feel like you are failing. As long as you straighten your shoulders and pull up yours pants and get back on track you are doing great! I have been reading your post and so far you have only reason to be proud of yourself. I mean this is hard. I cannot sugar coat it for anyone. We all know how hard it is!!! We all need this support. Many of us do not have support at home so please.....stick your head in our houses(via email:) and sit down with us and vent. I'm sure there will be someone around soon. I was in bed sleeping when your post came though and I'm sorry I couldnt talk with you sooner. This is a very long proccess so what really counts is how long you allow yourself to stay off your diet and exercise. You was able to whine and cry for awhile(sorry I wasnt available last night to give your your hankie.*hugs*)but today is time to remind yourself why you want this. Remember your starting weight....Remember your starting picture....Remember how winded you used to be.....Remember all the things you used to not be abe to do......Envision your goal weight.....Envision your end body.....Envision being able to do all kinds of activities like"normal weight" people......Envision yourself in good health and happy. You can do it! We all can. We know what we have to do. Remember it's really up to you. You have to do it. You don't have to have support from your hubby,or anyone else for that matter(although you know we are always here for you) You are the one doing the hard work and you will be the one to reap the rewards when you finish! Seriously think of how bad you want this. And always remember you will slip and fall down every so often. The key is too quickly stand back up!!!!


Just one word! Help! I need some support and encouragement from you guys.....I have been doing SO well on ww and now I feel like I am out of control again!!! I can NOT gain this weight back and be a failure AGAIN!!!!! Why do we keep DOING this to ourselves?

Just need someone to tell me I am a good person and that I CAN do this....(get no support from hubby, no kudo's and that is hard!!!)

Thanks for letting me whine for a bit...


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You can do it Kathy. I highly suggest WW's magazine sub. They have great

articles, and especially the success stories, they keep me going!

>From: Kathey <WeRBlessed4@...>

>Date: Tue May 02 21:45:23 CDT 2006


>Subject: HELP!

>Just one word! Help! I need some support and encouragement from you guys.....I

have been doing SO well on ww and now I feel like I am out of control again!!! I

can NOT gain this weight back and be a failure AGAIN!!!!! Why do we keep DOING

this to ourselves?  Just need someone to tell me I am a good person and that I

CAN do this....(get no support from hubby, no kudo's and that is hard!!!)Thanks

for letting me whine for a bit...Kathey


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>I highly suggest WW's magazine sub. They have great articles, and

especially the success stories, they keep me going!

And they also have a new book out, a non-recipe one, that is also filled

with testimonials. It's called Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the 10

Big Diet Myths, and is authored by Rippe, M.D. and Weight Watchers.

Amazon link: http://tinyurl.com/fp3q5

It also comes in paperback, or check your library - that's where I found it.

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Oh Kathey I am so sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have just been so down myself. You can get control again. I can get control again. We can both get control again. We have done it before and we can do it again. You are a good person. Please don't put yourself down. You can do this! You are a strong person. I know you can do it. I'm sorry you don't get much support from your hubby. Mine tries to be supportive, but sometimes, well, lets just say he is human. Please whine any time you need to. I sure have been doing a lot of that lately. We can both get back in control again. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try try try. You can do this!!!!!! I have confidence in you! from MO

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Another good magazine is Prevention. (www.prevention.com) I've recently started a subscription to it and really enjoy it.Sue in NJ <susang@...> wrote: >I highly suggest WW's magazine sub. They have great articles, andespecially the success stories, they keep me going!And they also have a new book out, a non-recipe one, that is also filledwith testimonials. It's called Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the 10Big Diet Myths, and is authored by Rippe, M.D. and Weight Watchers.Amazon link: http://tinyurl.com/fp3q5It also comes in paperback, or check your library - that's where I found it. Dacia <>< He lives, all glory to his name! He lives, my savior, still the same;What joy this blest assurance gives: I know that my Redeemer lives!

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I like it too.

I find the more health and weight loss (healthy weight loss that is, like WW,

prevention, etc) magazines I read, the more I am motivated. Helps me see others

can do it, and so can I.

I like to read at least one a month. But, usually more. They really keep me


>From: Dacia <DEReinke@...>

>Date: Thu May 04 12:12:03 CDT 2006


>Subject: Re: HELP!

>Another good magazine is Prevention.  (www.prevention.com) I've recently

started a subscription to it and really enjoy it.<BR><BR><B><I>Sue in NJ

<susang@...></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq

style= " PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid " >>I

highly suggest WW's magazine sub. They have great articles, and

>especially the success stories, they keep me going!


>And they also have a new book out, a non-recipe one, that is also filled

>with testimonials. It's called Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the

10<BR>Big Diet Myths, and is authored by Rippe, M.D. and Weight

Watchers.<BR><BR>Amazon link: <A

href= " http://tinyurl.com/fp3q5 " >http://tinyurl.com/fp3q5</A><BR>It also comes in

paperback, or check your library - that's where I found it.





> Dacia <><   He lives, all glory to his name!  He lives, my

savior, still the same;

>What joy this blest assurance gives:  I know that my Redeemer lives!


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WOW I didn't know that! I'm going to go look for that!!!!!!!

>From: Sue in NJ <susang@...>

>Date: Thu May 04 11:52:28 CDT 2006


>Subject: Re: HELP!

>>I highly suggest WW's magazine sub. They have great articles, and

>especially the success stories, they keep me going!


>And they also have a new book out, a non-recipe one, that is also filled

>with testimonials. It's called Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the 10

>Big Diet Myths, and is authored by Rippe, M.D. and Weight Watchers.


>Amazon link: http://tinyurl.com/fp3q5

>It also comes in paperback, or check your library - that's where I found it.




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> Another good magazine is Prevention. (www.prevention.com)

Prevention is just a shadow of its former self. I used to subscribe to it

back in the 1980's, but in recent years it just became a shill for the

Atkins diet. They used to have a sister magazine, Walking, too, that they

shut down after a few years because it wasn't profitable enough, even though

it had more advertising than articles for the last year.

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  • 7 months later...


You don't necessarily need cornstarch to make body butter. I use to use

cornstarch so that my body butters/lotions don't feel so greasy, I switched

to Natrasorb instead. If you are using oils/butters that absorb quickly into

the skin you can skip the addition of the cornstarch. I wouldn't use the

baby cornstarch powder unless I know exactly what's in it.




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  • 1 month later...


I think the only thing to do is place it all in a double boiler, as it was a

larger batch, it must lose heat before you can get all together, so you can miss

some EO fragance, but I don't think anything else but get together your oils and

the beeswx together, no lumps, and if you decided use the microwave (me?, never

again, I had to clean it too many times, in a double boiler you can control more

the process) .....Ruth

<doobiedo@...> escribió:

If anyone out there knows a solution to this problem I would greatly

appreciate it~!

I just tried to quadruple a recipe for skin cream that I and everyone

loves, since I am having to make more and more. Well I think that

was a huge mistake!

the original recipe is:

1/4 c. grapeseed oil

1 tablespoon beeswax beads

1/4 cup flower water (I have used rosewater and lavendar water, this

time chamomile water)

EO of choice (1 or 2 drops)

I melted the wax in the oil in a water bath and slowly added the

water, but it started setting up fast so added the rest and whiped

like crazy! I has little pockets in it, highly unattractive :( What

did I do wrong and can I fix it? Or do these type of recipes have to

be made only in small quantities (I used 1 c each of the water and

oil, and 4 T beeswax).

I tried to add more melted wax since I spilled out some of the water

in the whipping frenzy, but it didn't help.

It does feel good on the skin though and leaves it soft, absorbing

quickly, so if there is no fix, guess I have a years supply of cream!

Thanks ahead of time ,




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