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ken I also had a 20 year interval between episodes of CFS. the first one

took care of it self but the second one seems like it is here to stay.



New member Intro

From: " Lassesen " <KenL@...>

Hi, my name is Ken Lassesen, and I have had my 2nd round with CFS start with

sudden onset about 8 months ago. My first round was 23 years ago while in

university -- a relatively minor case [but bad enough to cause a student

starting university doing triple-honors (Math, Chemistry, Physics) to almost

flunk out of math courses designed for education students after the CFS].

My academic training is heavily in modelling and statistics (including

medical statistical analysis - my topic for my Master of Science was in this

area) - yes, after recoverying I went on to post-graduate work.

As an interesting random note: both cases were preceeded by significant

stress, followed by a 'warning stress cough', before the onset.

For this round, I had been making 'amazing recovery' -- I suspect because

(of the prior bout) I ended up doing the " right things " from the start -- no

attempt to work, total de-stress [wife had never seen me unplugged so much

before], listen to my body requests for a change of diet (all subsequently

found to be very appropriate). Plus, a very firm self-discipline (result of

overcoming a childhood handicap).

I've been reading intensely all available professional research/papers

(because of involvement in a special enrichment program as a high school

student -- I've been reading profession medical articles since 14 years).

I am currently in major remission of the fatigue symptoms ... as a result of

taking one 325mg aspirin with each meal and at bedtime (to which I have

subsequently added 16oz of Concord Grape Juice, Vitamin E) to see if this

non-prescription blood thinner would have any affect [i do risk analysis

before each choice... and decided that 72 hrs of aspirin had ~ 0% of

downside risk and perhaps 5% chance of improvement]. For me, in my current

state -- it did. The change happened in < 48 hours -- from < 30% of normal

to > 80% of normal.

At my next MD appointment, I will be pressing for the ISAC panel from Hemex

as well as starting the 36 weeks of antibiotics described at


If the remission persists, I will likely be returning to work for the 'Evil

Empire'(Microsoft) by Christmas.

I maintain a website at http://www.folkarts.com/idef/. My goal of the site

is try summarizing the best results into a simpler form for " brain-fogged "

PWCs with links to the professional articles for their MDs.

Oh, by the way... I have 2 FOUR FOOTED PWCs ... that is Pembroke Welsh

Corgis, they have their own website http://corgi.folkarts.com/


This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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>From: " Lassesen " <KenL@...>


>Hi, my name is Ken Lassesen, and I have had my 2nd round with CFS start with

>sudden onset about 8 months ago. My first round was 23 years ago while in

>university -- a relatively minor case [but bad enough to cause a student

>starting university doing triple-honors (Math, Chemistry, Physics) to almost

>flunk out of math courses designed for education students after the CFS].

Dear Ken,

Welcome to our list and thank you for your intro! Also thanks for all your

info on your progress. I know what you mean about the brain decline - I

couldn't keep up with a course at the college I taught at because of the

illness! It sounds like you have a handle on your CFS and will look foward

to your posts.

Take care,


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome aboard! We are always happy to have new folks in here. So glad

you found us. You won't find a better group of people than right here.


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  • 5 months later...

Why don't you think you can use the religious exemption?

Here's the PA code,

Pennsylvania Vaccination Exemption Code


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

State Statute for Exemption for immunization.


(a) Medical exemption. Children need not be immunized if a physician or his

designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental

to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization

is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the child shall be

immunized according to this subchapter.

(B) Religious exemption. Children need not be immunized if the parent,

guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on

religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction

similar to a religious belief.

I have four children and stopped vaccinating last Sept. My oldest is 16, my

youngest, Noah, 18 months. I used the religious exemption (Jax FL) when I

recently enrolled my 5 yr old in Kindergarten w/out his " required " boosters.

>From: " Terry & Tamara Demers " <tntdemer@...>



>Subject: New Member Intro

>Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:58:07 -0700


>Hello All!


>My name is Tammy and I have a 10 month old ds named Noah Keegan. I know

>(Ziggy) from a new mothers board and she urged me to join. My dh and

>I have been struggling with the decision of whether or not to vax Noah. We

>both feel deep down that Noah should probably not get the rest of his vax.

>He has been sick off and on since he was 2 months old. He got RSV when he

>was 2 months (right after vax) We feel that he may have been vulnerable

>due to decreased immune function from the vax. He had RSV again at 5

>months and was sick with resp infection in between several times. Then

>again around 6 months, then 8 1/2 months and now again at 10 1/2 months.

>This time though, it is not nearly as bad and I attribute this to our new

>doc ( a naturopath) and the herbs, vitamins, flax seed oil, removal of

>dairy and also acidophilous/bifidus to replace all the lost " good bacteria "

>from all the antibiotics (stupid, stupid me!) We are also doing

>hydroptherapy with him 3-4 times per day to combat the chest congestion and

>it seems to work beautifully!


>So because of his near constant illnesses and the fact that dh and some of

>his cousins at some point in there lives had some form of epilepsy AND he

>had a really bad crying fit (high pitched, couldn't get him to stop) after

>his last vax, we think it is in his best interest not to vax. But b/c in

>my state, PA, ND's are not able to get licensed, i'm not sure how i will

>ever get a medical exemption and i know we couldnt get a religious

>exemption. there are so many obstacles to get over and i am not sure where

>to start.


>oh, well i guess i have done enough rambling...i just hope that i can find

>the info and support here that we will need to finalize our decision.


>thanks so much


>Tammy (25) and Noah (10/14/99)


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  • 1 month later...


For abs, I do a regimin of ' techniques. I do 3 sets of 12 of

regular crunches with my feet on the wall and then 2 sets, each side, of side

crunches. I alternate with decline sit-ups and cable crunches. The slow

technique of the crunches really does the trick. Along with cardio 4 times a

week, I have achieved a six pack. Pretty neat for a girl!

Thanks for the idea about the signature on my shirt. I don't think it would be

too bad to put a clear iron-on patch on it. I will take it somewhere to get some

more options though. Until then it will be enshrined in my bedroom on the top of

my bureau. =)


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Thanks, I'll have to try that.



> For abs, I do a regimin of ' techniques. I do 3 sets of 12

of regular crunches with my feet on the wall and then 2 sets, each side, of

side crunches. I alternate with decline sit-ups and cable crunches. The slow

technique of the crunches really does the trick. Along with cardio 4 times a

week, I have achieved a six pack. Pretty neat for a girl!

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Thanks, I'll have to try that.



> For abs, I do a regimin of ' techniques. I do 3 sets of 12

of regular crunches with my feet on the wall and then 2 sets, each side, of

side crunches. I alternate with decline sit-ups and cable crunches. The slow

technique of the crunches really does the trick. Along with cardio 4 times a

week, I have achieved a six pack. Pretty neat for a girl!

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  • 3 months later...


Welcome to the list. There are several members of the list who are from

California and who can probably direct you to specific resources in your state.

UCLA is one such. My 12 yo son has OCD and other alphabet soup, diagnosed when

he was 9. Please tell us a bit more about your situation -- specific Os and Cs,

meds, what you've tried in the past, etc.

What do you do at UC Santa Cruz? (I only noticed because I also work at a

university -- Cleveland State.)


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Hello Jan and welcome to the list. You are right, if the former therapist

did not do CBT with E & RP for OCD, it's not surprising that your son did not

get better as a result of this counseling. Wasting time, money and effort

on the wrong therapies is unfortunately a common experience. Does the new

therapist plan to use E & RP? The wisdom on this list is that E & RP should

begin within five visits, or it's time to cut your losses and search for

another provider.

What sort of resources are you looking for?

Many of us have shared the frustrated and helpless feelings of untreated OCD

in our kids. But your son has every chance of a significant recovery once

he receives the proper therapy.

Kathy R in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: <jaburrou@...>

> Hello...just signed up for this list and I thought I'd introduce myself

> briefly. My name is Jan and have an 11 year old son with OCD, we just

> recently started with a new therapist that I hope will help us. We saw

> a therapist for a few months last spring and he did not help much at

> all, but also didn't seem to follow the course of therapy that is

> recommended for OCD. I'm very frustrated and feeling quite helpless at

> this point, any recommendations as far as good resources would be

> appreciated. Thanks...Jan

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  • 9 months later...

In a message dated 10/18/2001 6:30:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

folkymom@... writes:

> If our decision " gets out " to the

> family, THEN we can talk about having pressure (would love to hear

> some of your responses to freaking-out parents and family members who

> think you're nuts), but my plan at this point is to just avoid the

> topic. :)


There really isn't any way that the family would find out unless you tell

them. My side of the family knows because my Mom was very concerned about

them, she knows quite a few people with autistic children who's parents say

that it is from vaccines, so I told her. My grandmother sees a chiropractor

who told her that they were essentially garbage, she was concerned, so I told

her. My husband's side of the family would probably freak out, so they don't

know. It seems like only people who know about the harm that vaccines cause

will ask about them.


Colin's Ap Mama

A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

Come see us at <A

HREF= " http://www.sos.state.mi.us/election/elecadmin/2000web/index.html " > </A>h<A

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Welcome again!


>We looked into a charming little daycare center near us. When they heard

that our son was not immunized, they went ballistic! We were not prepared

at all for it. We had already gone to the county to get a perfectly

legitimate religious exemption (one of only 2 options in Florida) and

weren't hassled at all. But the daycare center was spooky because they

started to see n as being a germ-bag! They were so illogical! First of

all, if they're immunized and believe it works, that means they shouldn't

be so paranoid about having an unimmunized person nearby. Second of all,

the Director actually said, " It's one thing if he has a MEDICAL exemption,

but we just can't tolerate a RELIGIOUS one. " Like THAT makes a lot of

sense. As if a MEDICALLY exempted kid is less of a disease threat! Surely

it is illegal to pick and choose amongst exemptions.

People are so bizarre. No critical thinking skills anymore - 'educated'

out of them.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi and welcome, I, too, am a but go by or Jen. I can

understand your desire to lose weight. Thats what we are all here for.

once again welcome aboard!!


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  • 2 months later...
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New Member Intro


My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old son. I have

joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out. My son has had his

two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots didn't seem to

effect him at all. don't think he even ran a fever afterwards. Only thing

is, I have since discovered a few vaccine websites and what I'm reading is

scaring me to death.

I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus it

much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish it

was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.

So any way here I am, soon it will be time for my baby's 4 month shots and

I'm trying to sort all this vaccine stuff out.

Thanks for listening.

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You have to realise that vaccines are the holy grail of peds as Shaw put so


" As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the

worth of vaccination. " --- Bernard Shaw

A " ped " is an ALLOPATH which is drug using medical doctor. Not all medical

doctors are allopaths, there are plenty who use nutrients, naturopathy etc and

who advise against vaccination. To question one of his medicines is questioning

his whole belief structure, as well as his knowledge etc, so don't expect much

from that direction. he might humour you if he thinks you will end up

vaccinating but expect a row if you start giving him grief about vaccines--my

wife had one and they agreed to differ in the end, but some will strike you off

their lists. It only takes the reading of one vaccine book, or article, to know

more than a ped about vaccine safety & effectiveness, by the way.

I found two naturopaths (more natural hygienists which is pure naturopathy) and

a homeopath to get me over the allopath brainwashing, when I was in your

situation, but now having done years of reasearch I would no more vaccinate my

kids than drop them off a high building in the hope they will bounce.

When you get medical doctors turning against vaccines

http://www.whale.to/vaccine/articles4.html I have to ask why parents still want



New Member Intro


My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old son. I have

joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out. My son has had his

two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots didn't seem to

effect him at all. don't think he even ran a fever afterwards. Only thing

is, I have since discovered a few vaccine websites and what I'm reading is

scaring me to death.

I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus it

much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish it

was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.

So any way here I am, soon it will be time for my baby's 4 month shots and

I'm trying to sort all this vaccine stuff out.

Thanks for listening.

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Search our archives...research research research. You should be scared by what

you have found. Your child's health is YOUR responsiblity, no one else's. YOUR

FAMILY will have to live with whatever decision you make. He has been effected

by the shot...his immune system has been compromised. Remember, what you have

put in him cannot be taken out. The side effects may be negated with

homeopathy. I have lost all my favorite sites and links(on my pc) dealing with

vaxxes but I will add my dh is a family doc and he is opposed to them. We have

made the acquaintance of a DO who said " they can be scary " . Shop around for

another practioner who respects your right to question and be informed. You are

paying them for their services.

I have 5 children and 4 are in school(3 different ones) and we haven't had any

problems with exempting but if we do, I am ready for them to BRING IT ON!!!



New Member Intro


My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old son. I have

joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out. My son has had his

two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots didn't seem to

effect him at all. don't think he even ran a fever afterwards. Only thing

is, I have since discovered a few vaccine websites and what I'm reading is

scaring me to death.

I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus it

much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish it

was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.

So any way here I am, soon it will be time for my baby's 4 month shots and

I'm trying to sort all this vaccine stuff out.

Thanks for listening.

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> -----Original Message-----

> From: mos9@... [mailto:mos9@...]

> Hi,


> My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old

> son. I have

> joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out.

> My son has had his

> two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots

> didn't seem to

> effect him at all. don't think he even ran a fever

> afterwards.

Dear ,

A lack of fever is not necessarily a good thing.

Also, to say at this point that the shots didn't have any effect is

like planting a seed in the ground and then coming back the next day

and saying, after you couldn't find any growth above ground, " I guess

the seed was no good. " It doesn't work like that. That kind of

judgment is very superficial. Actions have consequences. They may be

minor. They may not. Lots of things go on that you can't see. Poison

was sowed into the child's tissues. I wouldn't take it for granted

they have all been eliminated.

Good diet (not the kind recommended by the medical establishment) and

good hygiene is the way to grow a healthy child. Put a little poison

on your new garden and see how it does. The point is, it doesn't (or

if it does, it does it with less than it would have). You grow healthy

plants, animals, and human beings with good nutrition and cleanliness,

not poison.

Disease (and germs) is/are nothing to be afraid of when you are

healthy (unless you do something stupid [i'm not calling you stupid]

like unnaturally inject them directly into the blood stream).

God bless, your friend,


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Hi ,

Welcome! You sound so much like I did when I first started researching

vaccinations. I read about the dangers of vaccinations from so many sources

(some that I trusted very much - like Mothering Magazine), but just couldn't

believe that something that was so accepted and recommended by society at

large could really be that bad. The more research I did, the more

disillusioned I became. It's a hard thing to find out that the medical

system that is supposed to take care of us could go so wrong.

Congratulations on finding this group! This, plus research on your own will

help you come to your own decision. It's a big and scary step to take

charge of your own and your family's well being and health - but it's

something that we as parents must do. I'm glad you thought to do some

research on the subject of vaccinations. I wish I could say it will be an

easy road for you, but it probably won't be. There isn't much support for a

self-educated parent in the world of vaccines. My Dr. and I have parted

company over this issue.

If I had to offer you one piece of advice as you start out on the path of

taking charge of your family's health, it would be to consider this, do your

research and be sure of your decision before you take your son in for his

second set of shots. The shots can always be given, but they can never be

reversed. Go on to to the Center for Disease Control's website to get the

statistics on your son's chances of contracting the diseases that vaccines

address for his age and your area. When I did this for my son, I felt much

better about waiting until I was better informed.

In all the research I've done, I've always hoped that I will find credible

evidence that vaccines are safe and really are effective. I'm sad to say

that in all the books I've read and research I've done, all I've found is

more evidence to the contrary.

Our children are so precious and so dependent on us to make the right

decision. At the end of the day, it's our families that have to live with

the decisions our Dr's make on our behalf. The crucial thing to realize is

that the Dr. doesn't have the same vested interest.

Take some time and look around you. Learn what a vaccine damaged child

looks like, then look at your family and friends' children... you may notice

some things that you hadn't noticed before.

Good luck in your journey!


>From: mos9@...



>Subject: New Member Intro

>Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 18:49:15 EDT




>My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old son. I have

>joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out. My son has had


>two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots didn't seem to

>effect him at all. don't think he even ran a fever afterwards. Only thing

>is, I have since discovered a few vaccine websites and what I'm reading is

>scaring me to death.


>I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

>and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

>websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus


>much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish


>was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.


>So any way here I am, soon it will be time for my baby's 4 month shots and

>I'm trying to sort all this vaccine stuff out.


>Thanks for listening.







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My name is and I am mommie to an adorable 3 month old son. I have

joined this group in the hopes you guys can help me out. My son has had his

two month shots and he came thru like a champ. The shots didn't seem to

effect him at all.


Firstly, welcome, you have come to the right place for quality information and

the benefit of experience from other parents, I congratulate you on your courage

to look 'outside the circle'.

I only wish I had had access to this list before I vaccinated my son.

My son came through his two month shots 'like a chump' as well, or as far as i

could tell at the time as a two month old baby has not achieved milestones

necessary to detect any possible visible chronic illness.

I would do some serious investigating before continuing with 4 month shots as

many ingredients in these vaccines are toxic and cumulative. For example a

child under six months does not produce bile which is required to excrete heavy

metals (which are in some vaccines). This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Many doctors are not 'up' on vaccine issues as they only have two lectures in

medical school and are only required to listen to what they are told. You will

find many in this forum have spent years dissecting the facts and have extensive

medical knowledge.

I wish you all the best in what will be an 'eye-opener' for you.


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: I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

: and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

: websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus it

: much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish it

: was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.

Hi ,

I have an 8 month old baby girl and was in EXACTLY the same position as you. We

did our first two rounds of vaccines (HIB and polio) and by the time it came

time for the third in the series, I had read all this stuff about vaccines, was

seeing first hand what vaccines were doing to one of my dogs and it just didn't

feel right to continue vaxing. So I didn't. Stopping vaccination was the BEST

decision I have ever made in my life - I only wish I had done it sooner and wish

that I knew then what I know now. Not a day goes by that I don't kick myself

for giving 2 shots of HIB and polio.

If vaxing doesn't feel right to you (and it didn't feel right to me) then don't

do it. Once you give the vaccine you can't turn the clock back and undo things.

My doctor was completely unsupportive of my concerns about vaccines. He's

fairly holistic in his views but he completely pooh-poohed my questions.

" Reactions are so rare.... vaccines are NOT linked to allergies.... it's all a

bunch of hog wash... besides, don't you want your daughter to be protected

against these terrible and deadly illnesses? " I vax'd out of fear.

That's what it came down to. What I did not realise at the time was that in

vaxing her I was 1) not guaranteeing her immunity against these " horrible

illnesses " 2) that these illnesses are NOT all that common in the first place

3) I was putting my child at risk for chronic disease 4) mercury toxicity is

VERY real and a serious threat to children under the age of 6 months 4)

vaccines form a large part of a doctor's practice which puts him in a conflict

of interest when presenting both sides of the story.

My daughter didn't spike a fever during her vaccines and other than getting a

little cranky she " did fine " as well. Now she's 8 months old, has never been

ill a single day in her life but she's suffering from acne. Why? No idea. Not

a clue. Allergy? Perhaps. Hypersensitivity due to the vaccines? Perhaps.

But now I'll never know because I gave those damn vaccines. is just going

to start homeopathic care for the acne and I have not been able to trace the

acne to a food allergy. I will not take her to the doctor for the problem

because the last thing I want to do is suppress the symptoms. She's a happy

child, very content and if she is " the one " who becomes autistic because of

vaxing out of fear I could never forgive myself knowing what I know now.

Once you understand the real dangers of vaccines, it's like opening up a door

that can never be closed again. Once you " see " the dangers you can't go back

into naivety. I only wish I had seen sooner.

My best advice to you is this: follow your gut. I wish I had followed mine.


Tokyo, Japan



seniorbarf Got a senior dog?

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Mindy Fenton s <12paws@...> wrote:

: I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

: and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

: websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't discus it

: much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do wish it

: was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.


you can't talk get advice from someone who doesn't know. I asked over ten

doctors what thimerosal was, not one could tell me, best response I got was

'probably a preservative'. And try ang get them to explain the little

insert?????? You have got to be joking. I don't know who it is but someone on

the list has a saying by Bernard Shaw that goes something

like......discussing vaccination with a doctor is like discussing vegetarianism

with a butcher...........


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In a message dated 7/5/02 1:49:43 AM GTB Daylight Time, mos9@...


<< Only thing

is, I have since discovered a few vaccine websites and what I'm reading is

scaring me to death.


Hi !

I say read the vaccine inserts and check out the vaccine injury compensation

program.If your child is injured by a vaccine most doctors will deny it.And

even if you get as far as the courts you will still be turned down.As I

mentioned in my webmd post..how can anyone possibly know if their newborn is

allergic to vaccine ingredients,or has some sort of blood/seizure disorder????

Postpone and if you do vax only do one at a time.


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That email wasn't from Mindy, it was from .

And you are right, Joanna




> Mindy Fenton s <12paws@...> wrote:

>: I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

>: and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

>: websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't

discus it

>: much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do

wish it

>: was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.





>you can't talk get advice from someone who doesn't know. I asked over ten

doctors what thimerosal was, not one could tell me, best response I got was

'probably a preservative'. And try ang get them to explain the little

insert?????? You have got to be joking. I don't know who it is but

someone on the list has a saying by Bernard Shaw that goes something

like......discussing vaccination with a doctor is like discussing

vegetarianism with a butcher...........








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Hi Sheri,

it was my impression that it was from Mindy in response to , my computer has

automatically deleted the original post, which I snipped when I responded so I

cannot verify from my sent box, but I believe it was from Mindy.


Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote: That email wasn't from Mindy,

it was from .

And you are right, Joanna




> Mindy Fenton s <12paws@...> wrote:

>: I feel like it is really best to vacinate, but now I have all these doubts

>: and questions. When I tried to bring up some of what I read on the vaccine

>: websites to my pediatrician he seemed a little annoyed and wouldn't

discus it

>: much. Don't know whether I should stop the shots or not, but sure do

wish it

>: was possible to find a doctor who would talk to me about it.





>you can't talk get advice from someone who doesn't know. I asked over ten

doctors what thimerosal was, not one could tell me, best response I got was

'probably a preservative'. And try ang get them to explain the little

insert?????? You have got to be joking. I don't know who it is but

someone on the list has a saying by Bernard Shaw that goes something

like......discussing vaccination with a doctor is like discussing

vegetarianism with a butcher...........








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: it was my impression that it was from Mindy in response to , my computer

has automatically deleted the original post, which I snipped when I responded so

I cannot verify from my sent box, but I believe it was from Mindy.

Hi Joanna,

Nope, it was . I replied to 's introduction because I was in EXACTLY

the same position that she's in now so I can totally empathise.

But I totally agree with EVERYTHING that you said. There's still a part of me

that continues to be shocked at how little our doctors know about vaccines,

their constituents and the reactions that *do* occur over time. I figure, if we

can get the information so easily, why do they have to maintain such tunnel

vision? Is it really all about money?


Tokyo, Japan



seniorbarf Got a senior dog?

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> Hi,


> My name is

Hi ! Glad you've joined this group. I know you'll find lots of

information to your questions here. If you have specific questions

it's a good idea to post them to the group to get them answered :)

And, as for your ped.....if he/she isn't willing to sit with you,

listen to your questions, and at least make an effort to answer you

without getting annoyed, then it really is time to find a more

supportive doctor!!! I believe that with any type of medical

procedure if the doctor isn't willing to talk with you and answer all

your questions, then he/she isn't fit to receive your money.

Remember...the doctor works for YOU, not the other way around :) My

2 cents!


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