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Hi Sue. I love your daughter's name! I am nervous, too about deciding not

to continue with vaccinations. Now I must also research Religious

Exemptions b/c my state only accepts this for school entrance. But I think

that if I do give the shots I'll be wondering everyday if he will get

seizures, asthma, allergies, etc. in the future. If I don't give him the

shots, then his body will be pure and I can try to keep him healthy. I will

probably pray everyday that he doesn't get any of the diseases, but then

again I don't know anyone who has had Pertussis, HIB, etc...my husband had

the mumps as a child but he's fine (obviously not sterile!). While the

decision not to vaccinate seems obvious once you research it, it is still

not an easy decision when you are alone ie. everyone else you know

vaccinates. I feel better already by talking with everyone in this group.

Thank you for your help!

Oh- Circumcision is basically routine in the US. If you have your baby in a

hospital you need to speak up that you don't want your son circumcised!

They asked me about 3 times after I gave birth! In my region, I think most

boys are circumcised. Most people were disgusted or shocked that we chose

not to circumcise. I believe in the Jewish faith, they circumcise boys on

the 8th day. Otherwise, in America I think it's a matter of vanity- they

think the circumcised penis looks prettier. It makes me sick that insurance

companies still cover this procedure when it is proven to be not medically

necessary. So why don't they cover breast implants and nose jobs- these are

cosmetic, too! I can't believe how much I agonized over this decision while

I was pregnant...I had a hard time finding a pediatrician that felt it was

OK to leave a baby boy intact! Yes, I am realizing we live in a sick world.

And parents say, " Oh, it only hurts for a minute. He wasn't crying after

the surgery. " Yes, probably because the poor innocent baby was in shock

from the pain. I'm glad to hear this is not the norm in other countries.

Have a pleasant evening!

>From: " suziesparkle " <suziesparkle@...>


><Vaccinations >

>Subject: Re: New Member

>Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 16:28:13 +0100



>Nice to meet you, Im quite new too so Im just saying Hi!

>I have 1 daughter called Ruby, the apple of my eye. She has been

>unfortunately vaccinated up to the MMR but not including it. Very

>fortunately, she seems to be ok so far...She isnt going to have any more

>vaccinations and Ive just recently decided that, not long ago I was going

>to selectively vaccinate......I am still nervous of my decision but am

>getting lots of info., support and advice from ppl here. Welcome. :-)

>Also wanted to ask you and/or others....what's with all this


>Surely not EVERY child has to be circumcised (boys of course I mean!)

>Is it certain children? Is it because of religion? What's going on?

>So many of you are mentioning it that it just seems to me that every child

>has to have it done? Do most of you belong to religious groups then?

>Am I confused and British??!! Uummm yes! LOL


>Sue, mum to Ruby (23 months)

>Wales, UK






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Hi there !

Thankyou for the comment about Ruby's name. :-D

I have definately decided not to vax anymore and am actively seeking a homeopath

in my area. I have a list of them already. Thanx to people like Sheri, who help

us newbies out alot! ;-)

Yes, I agree it is not an easy decision to make(the hardest yet for me,

regarding my daughter).

No need to feel alone when you have squillions of us here on the list though!


I feel better when I email this group too, . You only need type in a

question and,more often than not, the same day you get lots of people replying

and trying to help. It is lovely.

Im sure Sheri wont mind me saying I am in the process of also joining another

list regarding natural parenting/remedies etc. Think of all the emails Im gonna

get!! Yikes! Hehehe.....

So, next step....here I come! :-)

Sue, mum to Ruby (23 months)

Wales, Uk

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Welcome Sue!! Just jump on in! I like Ruby's name too, as red is my favorite

color. LOL As for email lists I'm on approx 38 lists, some active, some not.

I guess I'm an email junkie


suziesparkle wrote:

> Hi there !


> Thankyou for the comment about Ruby's name. :-D

> I have definately decided not to vax anymore and am actively seeking a

homeopath in my area. I have a list of them already. Thanx to people like Sheri,

who help us newbies out alot! ;-)

> Yes, I agree it is not an easy decision to make(the hardest yet for me,

regarding my daughter).

> No need to feel alone when you have squillions of us here on the list though!


> I feel better when I email this group too, . You only need type in a

question and,more often than not, the same day you get lots of people replying

and trying to help. It is lovely.

> Im sure Sheri wont mind me saying I am in the process of also joining another

list regarding natural parenting/remedies etc. Think of all the emails Im gonna

get!! Yikes! Hehehe.....

> So, next step....here I come! :-)


> Sue, mum to Ruby (23 months)

> Wales, Uk



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Hi, I'm Ebony and I'm new to the group. I have a 4 year young son who is

very healthy and completely unvaccinated. I'm a law student with plans to

fight for our rights as parents when I graduate. I homebirthed and always

just knew that I would not vax. I had awful reactions as a child to

vaccines. I started doing the research when I was 19 and had my son when I

was 22.

I planned to become a midwife but switched to law school after 2 semesters

at Columbia Univ. School of Nursing bcus I realized that I would not be

able to affect change by being a part of the system, even though that

works for others. I received my BA in Anthropology from Columbia

University. My final paper for graduation was on pregnant women, HIV and

breastfeeding. So, that's me. I'm looking forward to all of the great

info :-)

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Hi Ebony!!

Nice to meet you. :-)

I am Sue from Wales in the Uk. I am married and have a 23 month old daughter ,


She had her last vaccinations at 9 months......I have decided not to vax my

darling girl anymore after all the things I have discovered and am still


This is a great list full of kind, supportive people and packed with information

and ideas!!



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Leena...

The only way to correct a rib hump is through a procedure called a

thoracoplasty. In that procedure, a small section is removed from each

of the involved ribs. The patient is then braced to push the ribs in.

The ribs grow back, but when they do, they are flattened. I've seen the

results of several well done thoracoplasties, and they are quite

impressive. The down side? Everyone I ever talked to who had this

procedure says it is incredibly painful. Also, some insurance

companies view the procedure as cosmetic and won't pay for it. If you

decide to pursue this, I strongly urge you to find a doctor who has done

a lot of these procedures. Ask to see pictures of the results and get

the names and phone numbers of some of the patients to hear what they

have to say about it. I've seen a few thoracoplasties done by doctors

that don't do very many of them, and the results weren't nearly as good.


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At 03:14 PM 05/03/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi! My name is and I am a married mother of two. My daughter is

3 and has had all vaccinations to date except varicella. My son is 14

months and is vaccinated to date, but now I am begining to question my

previous decisions. There are no problems that I can see directly. I

suppose my questions were raised most by reading the recent article in

MOTHERING magazine about vaccinations. I am not ready to stop things, but

am slowing down the process. I have gotten my pediatrician to agree to get

the MMR vaccine separately and will give to my son one at a time.

Glad you are looking at this.

There is no guarantee that separate vaccines are safer - autism, damage and

death have occured after all vaccines.

If we have a third child, I will handle everything differently based on my


>I have joined the group just this week. not sure if I can sustain it with

the volume of mail generated, but I will try for awhile.. It is very

interesting to me.

Please start reading on my website



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Hi . Welcome to the group. I just want to share with you

something on the separate MMR. Early on in my research, I e-mailed

Alan , who is a known researcher in the field of vax. He

sent me back an e-mail explaining to me that separating the MMR will

actually give the child more mercury because you have 3 shots with 3

amounts of the mercury. He has a web site that is called Citizens

for Heathcare Freedom and he is currently in Law School, I would bet

to help partents of vaccine injured children. This is where I started

my research, the MMR. I just want to say that if you are serious

about wanting to learn more about vaxes, do the research, and put off

the MMR you decide. You can postpone it and sign a release stating

that you refuse it at this time. I will tell you that upon doing

further research, we have decided agaist any further vax, but you

have to make your own decision. If you are interested, I can give

you several titles of books that will help your research. I will

even mail some to you. I have a small Library going on here!:) By

the way, what is varicella??

> Hi! My name is and I am a married mother of two. My

daughter is 3 and has had all vaccinations to date except varicella.

My son is 14 months and is vaccinated to date, but now I am begining

to question my previous decisions. There are no problems that I can

see directly. I suppose my questions were raised most by reading the

recent article in MOTHERING magazine about vaccinations. I am not

ready to stop things, but am slowing down the process. I have gotten

my pediatrician to agree to get the MMR vaccine separately and will

give to my son one at a time. If we have a third child, I will

handle everything differently based on my reading.

> I have joined the group just this week. not sure if I can sustain

it with the volume of mail generated, but I will try for awhile.. It

is very interesting to me.

> <br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

<a href= " http://explorer.msn.com " >http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>




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At 12:58 AM 05/04/2001 -0000, you wrote:


>Hi . Welcome to the group. I just want to share with you

>something on the separate MMR. Early on in my research, I e-mailed

>Alan , who is a known researcher in the field of vax. He

>sent me back an e-mail explaining to me that separating the MMR will

>actually give the child more mercury because you have 3 shots with 3

>amounts of the mercury.

Sorry, Alan, but MMR doesn't have mercury according to all the information

we've had (until last week - maybe it is used in manufacturing and maybe not).

He has a web site that is called Citizens

>for Heathcare Freedom and he is currently in Law School, I would bet

>to help partents of vaccine injured children. This is where I started

>my research, the MMR. I just want to say that if you are serious

>about wanting to learn more about vaxes, do the research, and put off

>the MMR you decide. You can postpone it and sign a release stating

>that you refuse it at this time. I will tell you that upon doing

>further research, we have decided agaist any further vax, but you

>have to make your own decision. If you are interested, I can give

>you several titles of books that will help your research. I will

>even mail some to you. I have a small Library going on here!:) By

>the way, what is varicella??

I agree with the rest.

Varicella is the word to make you scared of chicken pox.



>> Hi! My name is and I am a married mother of two. My

>daughter is 3 and has had all vaccinations to date except varicella.

>My son is 14 months and is vaccinated to date, but now I am begining

>to question my previous decisions. There are no problems that I can

>see directly. I suppose my questions were raised most by reading the

>recent article in MOTHERING magazine about vaccinations. I am not

>ready to stop things, but am slowing down the process. I have gotten

>my pediatrician to agree to get the MMR vaccine separately and will

>give to my son one at a time. If we have a third child, I will

>handle everything differently based on my reading.

>> I have joined the group just this week. not sure if I can sustain

>it with the volume of mail generated, but I will try for awhile.. It

>is very interesting to me.

>> <br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

><a href= " http://explorer.msn.com " >http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>




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I too started off researching about the MMR and have come to the same

conclusion.......NO MORE vaccinations for my Ruby.

Good idea to just put it off til you are very sure and confident in the

choice you make.

Everyone here will support you whatever you decide and alot of people

on this list have a mountain of info. experience and knowledge. Ask

anything and people will help if they can.

Sue, mum to Ruby (nearly 2)

Wales, Uk

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Dear Leena

I know it is hard to deal with scoliosis and everything that goes along with

it....like you mentioned...I do not want to downplay your concern about your

rib deformity, but I do want to point you in the direction that a change in

your ribs (thorax) could maybe be a sign of change in your spine. I would

therefore recommend that you try to get an appointment with a scoliosis

surgeon who is experienced with adult scoliosis patients. I know the

frustration of trying to find a good and caring doctor, but they're out

there, we just need to keep looking. The Scoliosis Research Society has a

list of their members on the internet:


You are not guaranteed to find the perfect doctor on that site, but it's a

good place to start.

Good luck with your search and welcome to the group.


New Member

......... My name is Leena and I am 26 Years old. I had surgery to correct

> my scoliois when i was 12.................My biggest concern is my rib

> deformity I need to know what new procedures there are to fix this

> other than wearing my hair long. ............I have not seen my doctor

since i was 17

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I have asked for people send me some information on Young Living essential

oils and the Enerjet. But no one answered my requests.

I would like some more information on these if I could. What is the point

of telling us about them, but don't tell us how to get a hold of them.



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In a message dated 5/15/01 12:16:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

robynmb12@... writes:

<< I have asked for people send me some information on Young Living essential

oils and the Enerjet. But no one answered my requests.

I would like some more information on these if I could. What is the point

of telling us about them, but don't tell us how to get a hold of them.

Robyn _ >>

I've not heard of those until someone sang their praises on this list

briefly. I have to admit when I read the posts, I had the feeling they were

ads rather than a bona fide testimonials. Tree

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When I wrote to the the list about Young Living Oils and supplements it was

not an add they really work and I never heard back from anybody. My Brother

has been taking Juvatone for his liver and Rehemogen for his blood.With

GREAT results he has even gone back to work.Young livings web site is

www.youngliving.com not to difficult to figure out.I dont mean to be rude

but when someone offers hope to people who have little it hurts when you

read that someone thinks it is just an add!!!You have to sigh up to order

them it is the way it works and it is in American money which is almost

double for us Canucks!!lol ...but they are worth every penny.I have suffered

from boils since i picked up an infection in the hospital when i was an

infant and for 30 years i suffered.Youngliving clove and lemon oil have made

them dissapear now for 1 whole year.Nothing i have tried has worked. Go to

there web site and research them check it out fully!!!! My brother Darrell

was so excited when he came home from the doctors he asked me to tell

everyone on the list that they work he was on cloud nine.So Tree if you

would have asked me instead of just having a feeling .......... Oh well

heres the info.This is the first time anybody even responded to my mail i

was starting to wonder if they even went through. Thanks Dina

Re: New Member

>In a message dated 5/15/01 12:16:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>robynmb12@... writes:


><< I have asked for people send me some information on Young Living


> oils and the Enerjet. But no one answered my requests.

> I would like some more information on these if I could. What is the point

> of telling us about them, but don't tell us how to get a hold of them.

> Robyn _ >>


>I've not heard of those until someone sang their praises on this list

>briefly. I have to admit when I read the posts, I had the feeling they


>ads rather than a bona fide testimonials. Tree





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--- You`ll have to ask!!! <aking35@...> wrote:

Hi Andy and WELCOME! My name is Janet, another

" hepper " just wanted to say hello and welcome! Thanks

for the offer. ;-) Have a good one! Janet


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In a message dated 5/15/01 10:54:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

loeb@... writes:

<< This is the first time anybody even responded to my mail i

was starting to wonder if they even went through. Thanks Dina >>

I'm sorry, Dina. I just wasn't sure, but will certainly check out the web

site. thanks for the info. Tree

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Thanks for your welcome Janet.

Look forward to having a chat with you sometime.


--- Janet Caldwell <chattyjanet@...> wrote:





--- You`ll have to ask!!! & lt;aking35@... & gt;



Hi Andy and WELCOME! My name is Janet, another<BR>

& quot;hepper & quot; just wanted to say hello and

welcome! Thanks<BR>

for the offer. ;-) Have a good one! Janet<BR>




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sorry it has taken so long to welcome you. i dont have hep C but my

little boy, dillon, who is 2 1/2 does. he got it from a blood

transfusion during one of his open heart surgeries. i just found out

3 weeks ago but the hospital knew all along. if i have any questions

i will be sure to look you up.

> Just to let group members know that i`am a new member. My name is

> Andy and I have been diognosed hepC + since 1993. I also work in a

> street agency taylored to give support to i/v drug users. So I have

> regular access to up to date research so give me a shout if you


> any information. Andy. AKing35@y...

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, It was nice to hear from you. If i can help

you with anything i will.


--- shelly <dillon@...> wrote:




sorry it has taken so long to welcome you. & nbsp; i

dont have hep C but my <BR>

little boy, dillon, who is 2 1/2 does. & nbsp; he got it

from a blood <BR>

transfusion during one of his open heart

surgeries. & nbsp; i just found out <BR>

3 weeks ago but the hospital knew all along. & nbsp; if

i have any questions <BR>

i will be sure to look you up. & nbsp; <BR>



& gt; Just to let group members know that i`am a new

member. My name is <BR>

& gt; Andy and I have been diognosed hepC + since 1993.

I also work in a <BR>

& gt; street agency taylored to give support to i/v

drug users. So I have <BR>

& gt; regular access to up to date research so give me

a shout if you <BR>

need <BR>

& gt; any information. Andy. AKing35@y...<BR>




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  • 1 month later...
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I also have " atopic dematitis " (don't know if it's eczema, per se but

a skin condition), and allergies( my nose keeps running )-

I'm 52 Female....going thru menopause. you don't have that.....

yet after being pregnant with my son at age 35 my eyes started to

water from allergic elements of some sort in Southern California.

Now I live in Portland, Oregon with all the Christmas trees !!!!

Can't help you regarding ethnic groups, but my parents were from

Southern China.

--Good luck, " Rashunda " >

I did MUCH BETTER with ER......saved my many a Dr bills at the

dermatologist !!!!!!

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Welcome Rashunda!

If you go on this eating plan for life you will see dramatic results in

getting rid of the eczema, hay fever, allergies and asthmatic episodes.

These all cleared up for me! I am an O+ and am Caucasian, so I don't know

about your question as to whether or not certain ethnic groups have certain

blood types. From what I have seen on this list, one can be any ethnic group

and still be an " O " .

Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi new member, this is a good place to come. There are alot of good people here. Everyone is in a different stage of the dragon. I find that talking with someone helps or just being heard. People have many life changes it depends on how we choose to deal with it. I believe support groups are a healthy way to start. That is why I am here. I enjoy reading the post and it also makes me feel like I am not alone. Remember that you need to be strong and people here will help. One step at a time. Ladonna

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