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Hi Joan...

I had surgery at age 42, from T4-L3, for a S curve of just a little

larger than your curve. Because there are so many variables, every one

of us has a different experience. The things that seem to have the most

impact on how difficult it will be to recover are age, length of fusion,

type of approach (anterior/posterior), patient's activity level, and


In my case, I would say that for about 5-6 weeks post-op, I wished I

were dead (more so in week 1 than in week 6). After that, the pain

diminished gradually over a period of 2-3 years. I was able to work

full time at about 3-4 months post-op, but I work from my home.

At this point, I would encourage you to get a second opinion. There's

no reason for me to believe that you haven't chosen the right surgeon,

but there are some surgeons that are much better than others. You also

want to be sure that your surgeon has chosen the right procedure for

you. You can find a list of scoliosis specialists at:


Good luck!


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Dear Joan,

I had surgery at age 59. I'm now 60 and 5 mo.

post-op. My worse curve was 94 degrees and it was a

large, serious case. I had three surgeries. The

anterior procedures were T4-10 and L1-4 and done the

same day. The posterior procedure was a week later

and included T2-L5.

The first couple of months were rough. I'm still a

long way from recovered, but am doing ok. I can now

do all my personal care, cook, wash dishes, do the

laundry with the use of my grabber. I care for my

puppy and learned mny new positions and ways to do

things by having him. In the kitchen, someone still

has to reach items for me and carry anything over 4


One thing, be sure to attend physical therapy. It

really helps. Another, get a pain management doctor

to regulate your pain medicine; I only got one a

couple of weeks ago--it truly helps.

I'd be glad to tell you about my surgery and recovery

if you want to e-mail me. My address is


Good luck.




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Good to have you here. :) This list is REALLY informative. I vaxed my

11 mo. old son until his 9 mo. appt, we will not vax again. I am due w/

#2 Oct. 17th and that baby willnot be vaxed at all. Why infect a

perfectly healthy child wiht something they don't even need?


San , Texas

--- gnatkingkong@... wrote:

> Hi,

> My name is Chris. I have two children. My four year old son was born

> five

> weeks early. He was birthed naturally in a birthing center and


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At 10:51 PM 03/07/2001 EST, you wrote:


>My name is Chris. I have two children. My four year old son was born five

>weeks early. He was birthed naturally in a birthing center and stopped

>breathing ten hours after birth. He then spent thirteen days in an ICU at a

>nearby hospital. It was a horrifying experience. (The hospital stay, not the

>birth) He was vaccinated a little later then the " vaccination schedule " and

>has received most of the vaccinations. I decided to stop getting his

>vaccinations when my dd was born. Colds always seem to go to his lungs and

>stay there for extended periods. He seems to have a little weaker immune

>system than the rest of the family. Not terrible though. Thanks, I think, to

>a good healthy diet and organic foods. My dd emerged from the birthing tub

>with the most beautiful peachy glow. We knew she was hearty and healthy from

>that moment. I can't bear the thought of vaccinating her. I don't want to


>anything into her body like that. I find myself worrying though, living in a

>big city, that she's exposed to a lot of scary stuff. I look forward to




Welcome Chris! And your dd has the best start that she could have! That

supposed scary stuff is only scary to those who have immune suppression to

due vaccines and other crap!



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 3 weeks later...
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We have a very similar history. Two children, vaccinated, with PDD. One child,

partially vaccinated (this is when we found out about it), ADHD. One child,

vaccine-free, too young to tell if any problems will develop, but if I was a

betting lady, I would be willing to lay alot of money on it.


new member

Hi everyone. My name is Bob. My wife Sherice and I have two wonderful

children, (4 1/2) and Oesa (2 1/2). Both have received some vaccines

but we've decided to stop. had a reaction to his second dtp, (body

swelling, high temp, stopped urinating for about 12 hours), which his former

pediatrician denied was related.

After educating ourselves, (since our doc wasn't very informative), we

came to the conclusion we didn't want to vaccinate further. Being an attorney,

I checked out the existing laws and requested the introduction of SB450, to add

a philosophical exemption to Oregon law. (Although, even I didn't realize how

broad the religious exemption is in Oregon (( " any set of beliefs, practices, or

ethical values " )) )

Bob Snee

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At 09:13 AM 03/24/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi everyone. My name is Bob. My wife Sherice and I have two wonderful

children, (4 1/2) and Oesa (2 1/2). Both have received some

vaccines but we've decided to stop. had a reaction to his second

dtp, (body swelling, high temp, stopped urinating for about 12 hours),

which his former pediatrician denied was related.


The operative word here is " FORMER " pediatrician. Same old song.

> After educating ourselves, (since our doc wasn't very informative), we

came to the conclusion we didn't want to vaccinate further. Being an

attorney, I checked out the existing laws and requested the introduction of

SB450, to add a philosophical exemption to Oregon law. (Although, even I

didn't realize how broad the religious exemption is in Oregon (( " any set

of beliefs, practices, or ethical values " )) )


Way to go Bob!



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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hi bob,

welcome to the list. sorry to hear of your sons reaction to his vaxes...but

am very glad to hear that you were able to question this and decide to

discontinue them!! hope you are able to get as much out of this group as i

have and again, welcome!!


in albany, ny

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In a message dated 3/29/01 9:38:23 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Abbott@... writes:

> After reading the story of Alan R Yurko, he mentioned lot #'s for vaccines

> (HOT lot). How do you find out these #'s.


I doubt it, but the lot # may be listed on the vaccination card they

give you to keep track of which vax the baby has gotten. More likely, you

will have to look at the baby's medical record and *hope* they wrote it down

in there. There is a LOT of info about this subject in the archives-

hopefully you will find something to help you in your search. I am so sorry

you have to go through such a tragedy =(

Good luck,

CherylO in Michigan

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I will write you off the list! This is a serious problem everywhere!

We will try to mobilize the forces for you.

And absolute nightmare you and many others are living.


At 08:16 PM 03/28/2001 -0600, you wrote:

>I just now have the time to tell you a little about my problem.


>I had a premature infant, 30wks 2lbs 61/2oz. Everything was fine til a

week after we got home. We went to the dr on a mon for a well baby visit (2

mth) and had 3 (DTaP, HIB, Prevnar) of the 5 (IPV, Hep B). That wed we

ended up in the hospital, respiratory distress. They said he refluxed at

got aspiration pneumonia.


>Got synagis shots, still got RSV.


>(4mth well check 1-3-01) received 4 shots (DTaP, HIB, IPV Prevnar) on

1-7-01 took him in to the hospital for what was a lump on the side of his

head. After CT scan they said he had bleeding. Later said he had subdural

hemmorages and retinal bleeding, and skull fracture. How? we asked

ourselves. They said the only way this is possible is from SBS (Shaken Baby

Syndrome). Wrong!!! From what I have read under retinal bleeding court

cases after searching for answers, because there is NOOOOOO way we would

even think of doing this, I found that vaccines can cause reactions similar

to that of SBS.


>After reading the story of Alan R Yurko, he mentioned lot #'s for vaccines

(HOT lot). How do you find out these #'s.


>Any help or insite. We are going through a similar court battle over this,

and any information that can be provided that might help would be

appreciated as well as the prayers.


>JA<br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <a

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In a message dated 4/2/01 9:44:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

starfishdsb@... writes:

> (the nurse thought I was a


Hi Dana,

Welcome to the list - we're all LOON " S around here!! (well ok - there are a

few fringe lunatics too).


San Diego, CA

Mommy to Trenton 8/19/99 - No Shots!

" Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. "

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Dana - You know, I thought I was normal, but I just recently have been

informed that non-vaxing, chiropractor visiting, homeschooling,

breastfeeding, " conservative " Christians are considered a " radical fringe

group. "

So put on your tinfoil hat and join us! :)

M. in Michigan

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Yeah Dana ! Good for you!


At 04:43 AM 04/03/2001 -0000, you wrote:

>Hello, I am a mother of three (7,5,6mos) who until recently thought

>the only *risk* of vaccinating my children was actually catching the

>disease we were trying to avoid. A friend of mine just finished the

>book " A Shot in the Dark " and was appalled at what he found out. At

>his urging, I started searching the net to see what(if anything)could

>be found regarding this subject. BOY WAS I SHOCKED!! When my

>daughter was due for her 6mos shots, I politely asked my pediatrician

>about the controversy....of course he told me not to be worried, that

>the internet is full of radicals posting " unproven " information.

>Well, that only triggered my protection instinct........and my baby

>girl did NOT get any shots that day (the nurse thought I was a

>loon). Anyway, I have since read enough information,testimonials,

>research,etc to make a person go blind, and have since decided (along

>with my hubby) to NOT vax any further. Of course, I am also learning

>that my new " perspective " is proving to be quite unpopular with

>others. My pediatrician urged me (when I insisted on having the

>package inserts from the vaccines) to " not be seduced by the hype and

>protect my child " I told him that is EXACTLY what I am doing with my

>*informed* decision.

>Sorry for the long email...I wanted to introduce myself so that I

>could find some support out there somewhere. Thank you, Dana







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Hi Dana,

Nice to meet you, I have a 23 month old daughter, Ruby and my hubbie and I have

recently decided NOT to vax any further. She hasnt had the MMR or the menengitis

jab and she isnt going to!

This is a great group of intelligent, informed, kind and helpful people and I am

now in the process of learning about homeopathic/alternative remedies should

Ruby fall ill.

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Oh Dana, you brought a tear to my eye. It is so refreshing to see a woman be

strong and tell a doctor NO and mean it. So many say NO and the doctor keeps

talking and before you know it that little baby receives several

needlesticks. I'm glad you're on the list so that you can feel even more

confident about your decision to not vaccinate.

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Welcome , you are in the right place. Alot of the concerns you voiced

have actually been addressed recently such as learning how to treat the

disease naturally. And Sheri was just saying the other day, that back in her

day, measles was considered as harmless as chickenpox. That it is the

vaccine manufacturer's scare tactics that have blown it out of proportion.

(Guys, please correct me if I got any of that wrong). By the way if the

number of e-mails is a problem, you can subscribe to the article-only e-mail

list. But I gotta say, I wouldn't miss everybody's e-mails for the world.

We are a great support group and when you got a question all you gotta do is

ask! Bless you for wanting to know the truth.

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In a message dated 4/3/01 11:07:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mothertracy@... writes:

> > months old and hasn't had any shots. I've seen pertussis

> and what it can do

> to a child. Now, are you going to come in here tomorrow or not? "

*While this is rather extreme, this attitude of intimidation is

typical of doctors. THey want to put fear and compliancy into you AND to

strip you of those pesky maternal instincts. Guess what? Non-vaxers want to

empower and inform you. We want you strong, with your eyes wide open! We

will insist that you get intune with those instincts!>

> New York just " mandated " the chicken pox vaccine for school starting in

> 2003

> or 2003, I believe.

> *THere are exemptions- we'll tell you how to get 'em later, but

> don't worry about that just yet.


" If we don't give him the measles vaccine, he could get measles and go

> blind. That's how they wiped out these diseases in the first place. More

> children would die or be crippled from measles than would have a reaction

> from a vaccine. "

ROFL!!!! Disease has been reduced thanks to ***SANITATION

AND HYGIENE******. Measles is not a big deal. Once you learn the natural

course of the disease and the various treatments, you won't be fearful


It seems like everyones husbands agree with them. > Any suggestions

> on how to talk to mine?

> ** WRONG! I see this pattern ALL the time- mom is finding her way

> on a new path and dad is resistant. Doesn't matter if its vaxxing,

> homebirth, or homeschooling. It takes time to gently pull, coax, and

> convince the DH's! LOL My suggestiion is to start by pointing out an

> interesting site for him to read and having him read a few particularly

> informative emails- don't overload him. If he balks at reading anything or

> blows it off consistently, you may want to consider overwhelming his

> mailbox with links, emails, websites, and articles that pertain to

> vaccination or printing out an enormous amount of info and dumping it into

> his lap.LOL Challenge him to gather info to support his side. BTW, the

> only " fact or statistic " that matters is your child!


However, I want to know what I can do to prevent my son from

> getting the diseases naturally and how to treat him safely with natural

> remedies.

*Disease is a necessary part of living a healthy life. Whether

that illness is just a cold or 3 months of Pertussis, it serves a purpose.

Doctors are trying to eradicate ALL illness and some are starting to figure

out this might not be such a good idea (creates chronic illness or worse

disease). However, by living a healthy life and having alternative

treatments at your disposal, you should breeze right through illness with a

minimum of worry. Your son will be stronger for it and your confidence will

increase exponentially!

Good Luck!

CherylO in MI >


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Forgot to send you links if you don't have these already!!!

<A HREF= " http://www.909shot.com/ " >National Vaccine Information Center</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm " >Vaccination Information &

Choice Network - Vaccine/Vaccination/Immunization


<A HREF= " http://www.access1.net/Via/ " >VACCINE INFORMATION & AWARENESS</A>

CherylO in MI

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, the only reason my husband agrees with me on the damage that vaccines

can cause is because he saw it with his own eyes, when our son began to

wheeze 3 days after being vaccinated, and began to refuse all food, and

stopped growing. He is now 25 months and under 20 pounds, he's gained

almost 5 pounds in 18 months. Before his 3rd round of shots, he was gaining

an average of 1.5 - 2 pounds per month.

After much research and reading about what is in the shots, there is no way

my child will be vaccinated again. What you need to find for your husband

is OLD material about measles, because before the vaccine, measles was not

described as so deadly or disasterous. Someone had posted the before

vaccine description and the after vaccine description, something I would

like to see posted again. Just like Hep A, material not that aged describes

it much like chickenpox and self limiting, but now that there is a vaccine,

I am sure it will be reported to be much more threatening. Research the

diseases that we vaccinate against, for that is how they keep us

vaccinating, talking up the fear of disease, and by giving you the

impression that your child will end up with every one of these if you don't


>From: " Adamo " <mothertracy@...>



>Subject: New Member

>Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 23:05:36 -0400


>Hi everyone. This is my first day with the group and I must admit I am a

>bit overwhelmed with the number of e-mails when I saw 47 new messages! I

>hope I can stay with you. I got this website from the www.mothering.com

>discussion boards.


>I am an at-home-mother to my 14 month old healthy son. In striving to be

>the best mom I can be to him, I try to research everything before I make


>decisions. So far, my husband and I chose to leave our son intact (no

>circumcision), I am still breastfeeding, family bed, homemade babyfood,

>currently looking into cloth diapers, environmentally friendly household

>products inc. shampoos, soaps, etc. My greatest stress has been with our

>vaccination decisions.


>When my son was 2 months old, I would not give him any shots b/c I felt he

>was too young. At 3 months, I cancelled 2 Dr. appts. for shots. The

>pediatrician called me at home and harrassed me. He said, " Your son is 3

>months old and hasn't had any shots. I've seen pertussis and what it can


>to a child. Now, are you going to come in here tomorrow or not? " I felt


>stomach turn over and tears welling in my eyes as I looked at my tiny son

>nursing in my arms. Fearing I may be responsible for killing him with

>pertussis, I stupidly gave in and got the DTPA the next day. Later that


>he screamed a high pitched cry for 45 minutes. Nothing calmed him - not

>even his bath which he loved. I was crying, sick to my stomach. I felt

>betrayed by the Dr. I changed my Dr. to one that would let me vaccinate on

>my own schedule.


>So I guess I haven't learned my lesson. I have given him the DTPA 3x,


>2x, and HIB 3x- all shots separately, which I thought was better than


>them all at once. I read that it is better not to overwhelm the immune

>system. So I spread them out, too by at least a month or more. He hasn't

>had any shots since September.


>New York just " mandated " the chicken pox vaccine for school starting in


>or 2003, I believe.


>My instincts tell me to stop now- my son is healthy (although who knows


>the future may bring b/c of the vaccines I already gave) and bright. But

>when I brought up my reasons and tried to show my husband info., he said,

> " If we don't give him the measles vaccine, he could get measles and go

>blind. That's how they wiped out these diseases in the first place. More

>children would die or be crippled from measles than would have a reaction

>from a vaccine. " I try to tell him that the chances are slim of our son

>getting measles anyway and that we don't know for sure the effects of

>vaccines...asthma, ADHD, Autism, etc. " OK " he said, " We'll talk about it

>tomorrow. " He's OK with not giving the Hep B and Chickenpox. We need to

>make a united decision. It seems like everyones husbands agree with them.

>Any suggestions on how to talk to mine?


>I want to stop the vaccines and try to learn about Religious exemptions as


>do feel that we should not be putting something into our son's body that

>might cause him ailments one day. This is the reason I did not want him

>circumcised- I did not feel it was my decision to make in cutting off a


>of his body. However, I want to know what I can do to prevent my son from

>getting the diseases naturally and how to treat him safely with natural

>remedies. I don't think just " not vaccinating " is enough. Does anyone


>any advice? I am so confused sometimes, I feel that my head is going to

>explode! Not to mention the reactions and debates that occur when the


>of Vaccination comes up with friends or family. I don't have any close

>friends that don't vaccinate but some that selectively do. Thank you for

>your help.



>Long Island, New York


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> >From: " Adamo " <mothertracy@h...>

> >Reply-Vaccinations@y...

> >Vaccinations@y...

> >Subject: New Member

> >Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 23:05:36 -0400

> >

bit overwhelmed with the number of e-mails. The

> >pediatrician called me at home and harrassed me.Later that

> >day

> >he screamed a high pitched cry for 45 minutes. It seems like

everyones husbands agree with them.

> >Any suggestions on how to talk to mine? Does anyone

> >have any advice? I am so confused sometimes, I feel that my head

is going to

> >explode!I don't have any close friends that don't vaccinate but

some that selectively do. Thank you for

> >your help.

> >

> >

> >Long Island, New York

> >_


Welcome to the group. My name is and I have a son who is 22

months old and still breastfeeding. If you have been reading the

posts I'm the mom who's son had a reaction to the new PREVNAR vaccine.

To help with the no. of e-mails you might want to set your

preferences on the digest form. This way you will get one e-mail with

maybe about 25 messages combined.

I'm shocked that your ped. called you to harrass you, he must have a

lot of free time. When you mentioned high pitched screaming, my 14

yr. old did this after his 4 month DPT. The screaming went on for

hours with fever with no way to console him. As far as the MMR goes

it did a lot of damage to my son. It caused gastro. problems which he

had to be hosptialized for.

my husband will read bits of pieces of things that I ask him to

read, but there is one thing that really made him say no more

vaccines. It is a letter that Sheri Nakken had made reference to a

couple of months ago. I hope Sheri doesn't mind if I download it to

the files section so you can read it. I downloaded a letter to the

files yesterday from the FDA concerning vaccines and mercury.

I'm new at downloading, so if Sheri has a problem with anything I

have downloaded into the files, please let me know. I don't want to

put something in the files that isn't helpful.

the decision is not easy when you haven't any one to support

you. That is what this list is for. It is your child and if friends

and family make you feel uneasy about your decision it can be very

hard. I have learned when I talk to family and friends the best way

to handle it is to state facts, they usually back off when I do.

Hope I have helped you feel less confused.

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Nice to meet you, Im quite new too so Im just saying Hi!

I have 1 daughter called Ruby, the apple of my eye. She has been unfortunately

vaccinated up to the MMR but not including it. Very fortunately, she seems to

be ok so far...She isnt going to have any more vaccinations and Ive just

recently decided that, not long ago I was going to selectively vaccinate......I

am still nervous of my decision but am getting lots of info., support and advice

from ppl here. Welcome. :-)

Also wanted to ask you and/or others....what's with all this circumcising!??!

Surely not EVERY child has to be circumcised (boys of course I mean!)

Is it certain children? Is it because of religion? What's going on?

So many of you are mentioning it that it just seems to me that every child

has to have it done? Do most of you belong to religious groups then?

Am I confused and British??!! Uummm yes! LOL

Sue, mum to Ruby (23 months)

Wales, UK

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In Response To:

" Also wanted to ask you and/or others....what's with all this


Surely not EVERY child has to be circumcised (boys of course I mean!)

Is it certain children? Is it because of religion? What's going on?

So many of you are mentioning it that it just seems to me that every child

has to have it done? Do most of you belong to religious groups then?

Am I confused and British??!! "

Hi Sue,

Thanks for the chuckle about being British!

The North American Medical attitude about circumcision is that it is more

hygienic and just another of those things that you do to babies as a matter

of course. I think that unless you speak out that you don't want it, they

just start to arrange for it and it's done!

in Calgary, Canada

Mother of 7-year-old, home-birthed, unvaxed, uncircumcised, co-sleeping,

beautiful boy, Kalen!

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