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Welcome Janna;)

Your little one is precious! And, so much hair!!!

I hope all goes well with her!

You'll learn so much from this group, I love it here... I'm not a main

contributor, but, I read alot and learn alot..

Alison, close to New Orleans, Louisiana

SaHMommie to beautiful, breastfed, non-vax, co-sleeping Calista, born


ICQ # 1054124



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Jana wrote:

" Maddy was born with a congenital

heart defect of a serious nature called a ventricular septal defect, a large

hole between the upper two chamber of her heart, along with a few other less

serious defects. We are currently attending Vancouver's Childrens Hospital,


in Canada, where they are deciding whether or not surgery will be done in


next little while or whether we may wait until she's a bit older. All of


was the reason that I began my quest for knowledge about vaccinations. "

Deat Jana,

My thoughts are with you as I wish you and little Maddy all the best, the

best of luck and welcome to the list, too!

Lilian, Chicago,IL


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Maddy has only three short days on your little guy, November 26. Congratulations on your new baby, is he your first, and how did you come to your decision not to vaccinate? Jana.

RE: New Member

Jana, welcome! I also have an 8 week old little boy. Congrats for realizing how dangerous vaccines can be, especially for your little one. When is her birthday? ’s is Nov 29

Sherri Garrett

TR 2/17/00

1st TR baby born 11/29/00

-----Original Message-----From: Jana Thorn [mailto:janathorn@...]Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:46 PMVaccinationsegroupsSubject: New Member

Hello Group!

Thanks for letting me come aboard and join with you in educating ourselves on vaccinations.

To be honest I haven't clearly established my own feelings on the subject as I don't feel that I have enough knowledge to make an informed decision. However, simply by being here I am admitting that I am leaning towards avoiding the vaccinations. I'd like to just take a minute and tell you all a little bit about myself, and of course my daughter.

I'm Jana and my eight week old baby girl is Madeline Margaret, she talks much less than I do so I speak for the both of us. Maddy was born with a congenital heart defect of a serious nature called a ventricular septal defect, a large hole between the upper two chamber of her heart, along with a few other less serious defects. We are currently attending Vancouver's Childrens Hospital, here in Canada, where they are deciding whether or not surgery will be done in the next little while or whether we may wait until she's a bit older. All of this was the reason that I began my quest for knowledge about vaccinations.

I was also born with a CHD, as was my Grandmother, and have spent a lot of time on antibiotics being very careful not to become too ill. I have also witnessed my Nanny having a major heart surgery due to illness at the age of 76. With that in mind I couldn't see how injecting viruses into my baby could be a good idea. (In all fairness I received all the recommended vaccinations and they have been of no detriment to my health.)

Anyway, I'm not really sure what else I should tell you all but thanks again for allowing me join the group and I am looking forward to engaging your help in making an informed decision.

Also, I've attached a little photo of my inspiration from this effort!


Jana and Maddy.

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No, actually is my 5th, and my 5th boy no

less. All my others were vaccinated on their

schedules. My older boys are 15,

14, 12, and 10. I am now dealing

with kids with hyperactivity, mental retardation, ADHD, and Oppositional

Defiant Disorder. I am not taking any

chances with this little guy, whom I planned and waited 10 years for. There is no way I’m allowing formaldehyde,

mercury, and other toxins to be injected into his little body.

Sherri Garrett

TR 2/17/00

1st TR baby born 11/29/00



From: Jana Thorn


Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001

11:35 PM


Subject: Re: New



has only three short days on your little guy, November 26. Congratulations on

your new baby, is he your first, and how did you come to your decision not to

vaccinate? Jana.

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my child defies any adult authority figure. Just this school year he’s been suspended 4 times and has been

in a day psychiatric treatment program.

He had been diagnosed ADHD and we have tried different medications without

any relief at all. I’ve even tried

vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies.

Nothing works. has

run away from home once, but came home an hour later. We have him in counseling right now and hopefully the counselor

can help him learn to make better choices and help us learn how to handle the really

bad days. He is currently 12 years

old and I’m trying to head off juvenile delinquency at the pass.

Sherri Garrett

TR 2/17/00

1st TR baby born 11/29/00



From: beebemcel@...


Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001

10:35 AM


Subject: Re: New




what is " Oppositional Defiant Disorder " ? i've heard it referred

to and don't

know what it is or what it's symptoms are--thanks!!

brigit, in albany

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i never said thank you to all of you who welcomed me as a new member...

thank you so much. i hope to get to know each and every one of you and

that we can all be there to support one another.

~~ jacqui monroe, ny

Gretchen L wrote:


> Hi Jacqui! I'm very impressed with your dedication to your children's

> health - our oldest got 2 series of vaxes before we wised up; the younger

> two are completely vax-free. =o) Welcome to the list (which has been

> surprisingly QUIET these last few days*lol*) Namaste, Gretchen

> ________________________________________________________________


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Sherri...I am trying so hard to remember where I just read an article on this very thing. A woman had the same disorder with her son, and they finally found something that makes a difference, but I cannot remember what it is. If I can remember where I read this, and you are interested, I will let you know...

Sharon, Quakertown PA

RE: New Member

Basically my child defies any adult authority figure. Just this school year he’s been suspended 4 times and has been in a day psychiatric treatment program. He had been diagnosed ADHD and we have tried different medications without any relief at all. I’ve even tried vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies. Nothing works. has run away from home once, but came home an hour later. We have him in counseling right now and hopefully the counselor can help him learn to make better choices and help us learn how to handle the really bad days. He is currently 12 years old and I’m trying to head off juvenile delinquency at the pass.

Sherri Garrett

TR 2/17/00

1st TR baby born 11/29/00

-----Original Message-----From: beebemcel@... [mailto:beebemcel@...]Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:35 AMVaccinationsegroupsSubject: Re: New Member

hi sherri, what is "Oppositional Defiant Disorder"? i've heard it referred to and don't know what it is or what it's symptoms are--thanks!! brigit, in albany

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You bet I’m interested! Anything

that may help.

Sherri Garrett

TR 2/17/00

1st TR baby born 11/29/00



From: DeVan


Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001

8:32 PM


Subject: Re: New


Sherri...I am

trying so hard to remember where I just read an article on this very thing. A

woman had the same disorder with her son, and they finally found something that

makes a difference, but I cannot remember what it is. If I can remember where I

read this, and you are interested, I will let you know...


Quakertown PA

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My baby is in part time daycare. Here is the exemption letter.

To Whom It May Concern:

In accordance with the Georgia Code, Section 20-2-771 G , regarding

exceptions to immunization requirements (daycare and schools), we hereby

certify that the administration of vaccine and other immunizing agents to

our child, Sia Small, conflicts with the tenets and practice of a recognized

religion, of which we are adherents. We therefore request that our child be

exempted from the school and daycare immunization requirements.

Let this certified letter also apply for religious exemption from the other

state immunization requirements in accordance with the religious exemption

provisions of Georgia Code, Section 31-12-3 G (county board of health

immunizations) and, Georgia Code, Section 49-4183 G (Department of human

resources immunization requirements).

We are informed of and we fully understand the risks of non-immunization for

our child. We swear that all of the foregoing statements are true to the

best of our information, knowledge, and belief.

Parent ___________________________________________________________________

Date _________

Parent ___________________________________________________________________

Date _________

Subscribed and Sworn before me this _____ day of ___________, 19____.

Notary’s Signature and Seal

>From: " KCKalua " <kckalua@...>


> " vaccines " <Vaccinationsegroups>

>Subject: new member

>Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:36:41 -0500


>Hi! My name is Cameron and dh and I have a daughter who's 20 months old.

>She had one vaccine (HepB) in the hospital at birth - of which I have no

>recollection of giving approval for. My friend encouraged me to research

>vaccines, of which I had assumed we would do, no questions asked. But,

>after looking at a few sites on the internet, it was enough for dh and me

>to pause and question things. We had thought we'd compromise and vaccinate

>at age 12, when her immune system was mature, but have since heard that

>would be even worse on her system. Right now, we are at odds in figuring

>out what we want to do. Dh gets frustrated (and rightfully so) at scare

>tactics from both sides. There is so much info out there, we don't know who

>to trust. There are pros and cons of BOTH sides, we just have to figure out

>which is more " con " for us. Which is why I've joined this email list. I

>just start to cry whenever we talk about vaccinating our dd, the terror of

>something happening to her because we were trying to HELP her is just

>unthinkable. Yet, I don't know if I'm just being emotional about it more

>than intellectual. I would appreciate any advice having to do with couples

>who disagree on this issue, as well as some easy to read/understand info on

>this topic. I also get scared that when she reaches school-age, we'll be

>targeted for child neglect or something. I'm also a little unsure of how to

>write a waiver to be legally valid - we're facing that issue now with

>considering putting her in part-time daycare.

>Thanks for all your help!



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Hi Vania...I personally think that you are very wise to not vaccinate your

son. My son recieved 3 vaccinations total before I got informed about the

whole issue, and although he has had no side affects that I know of, I wish

I had never vaccinated at all. Just load up on info from any sources you

have (this list is great) and present them to your mother-in-law and

boyfriend. Maybe if they had the knowledge they would change their mind...

Sharon, Quakertown PA

new member

> Hi! My name is Vania, and I have a 12 month old son. He has never been

vaccinated, I am VERY happy to say. Unfortunately, it has been a long and

scary road. My in-laws and friends don't understand how I could not

vaccinate my son, and my MIL actually threatened to take him away from me if

I didn't vaccinate.

> I joined this list for support and new information.

> My boyfriend (I call his family my in-laws) and I don't agree over this

issue. . .but it is the one and only subject where I told him that his

opinion didn't count. I feel bad for saying that, but I WILL NOT vaccinate

my child.

> We have a nice pediatrician who still sees Drake when the need arises, but

he doesn't go to well-checks, so we don't see the ped. very often! :)

> My son is healthy and happy, and I will not risk that changing by doing

something that is supposed to be helping him.

> I wish vaccines were safer.


> Vania

> Drake 01-17-00



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<<<<i never said thank you to all of you who welcomed me as a new member...

thank you so much. i hope to get to know each and every one of you and

that we can all be there to support one another.

~~ jacqui monroe, ny>>>>

Nice to meet you from one newbie to another! Is monroe anywhere near the Albany

area? We just moved up here from DE.

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Excellent - the key is to just quote the law and sign it. DON'T try to

explain what religion that is or what your beliefs are.

They may try to get you to say, but that is unconstitional to ask.

You are complying with the law - that is all it asks.


At 02:51 AM 01/26/2001 -0000, you wrote:


>My baby is in part time daycare. Here is the exemption letter.




>To Whom It May Concern:




>In accordance with the Georgia Code, Section 20-2-771 G , regarding

>exceptions to immunization requirements (daycare and schools), we hereby

>certify that the administration of vaccine and other immunizing agents to

>our child, Sia Small, conflicts with the tenets and practice of a recognized

>religion, of which we are adherents. We therefore request that our child be

>exempted from the school and daycare immunization requirements.

>Let this certified letter also apply for religious exemption from the other

>state immunization requirements in accordance with the religious exemption

>provisions of Georgia Code, Section 31-12-3 G (county board of health

>immunizations) and, Georgia Code, Section 49-4183 G (Department of human

>resources immunization requirements).

>We are informed of and we fully understand the risks of non-immunization for

>our child. We swear that all of the foregoing statements are true to the

>best of our information, knowledge, and belief.



>Parent ___________________________________________________________________

>Date _________




>Parent ___________________________________________________________________

>Date _________



>Subscribed and Sworn before me this _____ day of ___________, 19____.




>Notary’s Signature and Seal



>>From: " KCKalua " <kckalua@...>


>> " vaccines " <Vaccinationsegroups>

>>Subject: new member

>>Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:36:41 -0500


>>Hi! My name is Cameron and dh and I have a daughter who's 20 months old.

>>She had one vaccine (HepB) in the hospital at birth - of which I have no

>>recollection of giving approval for. My friend encouraged me to research

>>vaccines, of which I had assumed we would do, no questions asked. But,

>>after looking at a few sites on the internet, it was enough for dh and me

>>to pause and question things. We had thought we'd compromise and vaccinate

>>at age 12, when her immune system was mature, but have since heard that

>>would be even worse on her system. Right now, we are at odds in figuring

>>out what we want to do. Dh gets frustrated (and rightfully so) at scare

>>tactics from both sides. There is so much info out there, we don't know who

>>to trust. There are pros and cons of BOTH sides, we just have to figure out

>>which is more " con " for us. Which is why I've joined this email list. I

>>just start to cry whenever we talk about vaccinating our dd, the terror of

>>something happening to her because we were trying to HELP her is just

>>unthinkable. Yet, I don't know if I'm just being emotional about it more

>>than intellectual. I would appreciate any advice having to do with couples

>>who disagree on this issue, as well as some easy to read/understand info on

>>this topic. I also get scared that when she reaches school-age, we'll be

>>targeted for child neglect or something. I'm also a little unsure of how to

>>write a waiver to be legally valid - we're facing that issue now with

>>considering putting her in part-time daycare.

>>Thanks for all your help!




>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com







Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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monroe is about a 2 hr drive from albany..... :-) howdy new

" neighbor " .

~~ jacqui monroe, ny

DEDOULA@... wrote:


> <<<<i never said thank you to all of you who welcomed me as a new member...

> thank you so much. i hope to get to know each and every one of you and

> that we can all be there to support one another.


> ~~ jacqui monroe, ny>>>>


> Nice to meet you from one newbie to another! Is monroe anywhere near the

Albany area? We just moved up here from DE.

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In a message dated 1/29/01 6:44:54 AM, jacq210@... writes:

<< monroe is about a 2 hr drive from albany..... :-) howdy new

" neighbor " .


Cool! I'd love to meet anyone in the area. Maybe we could meet somewhere in

the middle some day. I have a 5 yr old girl, 2yr old boy, and an infant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Joan,

Gail gave you good advice and I would back off a little too. Are you taking

the Cat's Claw (or any other herbs) before you use the blood electrifier?

Why don't you try it without the Cat's Claw just to see if the combination is

making you feel tired and achy. Are you drinking plenty of water to flush

out the toxins? Below is from the Beck instructions:

~~~~Subjects may feel sleepy, sluggish, listless, nauseous, faint or

headachy, or have flu-like reactions if neglecting sufficient water intake

for flushing toxins. We interpret this as detoxification plus endorphin

release due to electrification. Let them rest and stabilize for ~45 minutes

before driving if indicated. If this detoxing becomes oppressive, treat every

SECOND day.~~~~~


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Hi Joan,

I think you're reaction is completely normal. When stuff starts dieing off,

it can make you feel totally sick. That's why some people quit. Did you do

the liver flush and kidney cleanse or the blood cleansing tea? I didn't do

any of that stuff, just jumped in, and got sicker than hell. It might help

if you back off some. Just go at a rate you can tolerate. I know I'm a

fine one to be giving advice, being I didn't do it that way. I think some

people don't get as sick, but I think it might depend on how toxic you are

to begin with. Are you drinking the collodial silver? That's suppose to

help. I drank it, but it didn't feel like it was helping much if at all.

My advice would be to just go slow, easy does it. Take care.


New Member

> For 1 week if have used Blood Electrification for 1/2 hr on low pulse as

> directed and have felt tired and achy throughout the day. I am taking

> 6,000 mg of Cat's Claw to help bust the immune system, but can't

> understand my reaction. Is there any advice you can give to help me

> thru this dabilitating time? Thanks.







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Hi Joan,

I also have the Epstein-Barr virus or better known as CFIDS. No, it won't

be a fast turn around, but you can turn around. I wanted to suggest the

importance of calcium when doing the BEing. I've found that coral calcium

works the best. Also, a lot of the symptoms we suffer is, infact, a result

of a calcium deficiency. My friend, Donna, sells it at a reasonable price.

Her email address is: ruthful@..., if you're interested. This

CORAL calcium is sooooooo important; I can't stress it enough. One more

thing I wish I had done while BEing, include some homozon. The way one gets

rid of the toxins is through the eyes, nose, ears, skin, and bowels. The

homozon helps so much with elimination. I just think it would help speed up

the detoxing.

Hang in there, Joan. We are all here to help in any way we can.

God speed,


New member

> I do the treatment in the a.m. with an empty body. I have been

> diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus and should be more realistic about a

> fast turn around because being sick is what I know very well. Thanks

> for the suggestions such as blood cleansing teas, etc. I just wanted to

> make sure there wasn't something I was leaving out! Thanks again.







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In a message dated 2/11/2001 10:29:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, janazb@... writes:

.. During my pregnancy with her I was overcome with how wrong western medical practices were and decided to have a home birth without drugs.

Good for you!!!

Does your husband know she is not vaxed? Can you tell him she is? I guess it wouldn't be good to lie but maybe you could lead him to believe it will happen.

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At 01:23 PM 02/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:

> Hi! My name is Jana. I have a wonderful, healthy, non-vaccinated four

>month old daughter named Jude. During my pregnancy with her I was overcome

>with how wrong western medical practices were and decided to have a home

>birth without drugs. I will be going to court in one month in California

>for permanant custody of Jude . I am concerned that her father will use the

>fact that she is not vaccinated against me and would like to be as

>prepared as possible for how to best talk to the mediator or judge. I

>welcome any suggestions or experiences or legal facts. thank you. Jana


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  • 3 weeks later...

Far form insane, Kari... I'm feeling the same way! Thankfully, though,

no pressure form parents or in laws about vaxing my kids. Maxwell (10

mos) was vaxed until he was 9 mos old, we won't vax him anymore. The

new baby (due in Oct.) won't be vaxed at all.



--- kari williams <kdw909@...> wrote:

> my name is kari, i have a 6 month old daughter who, so far, is

> unvaccinated. i also have 2 daughters ages 13 and 15 who were

> vaccinated

> because i didn't know i had a choice.


> i taught special education for 10 years and have had more than my

> share of

> vaccine damaged children in my classes. this terrifies me. i don't

> want my

> baby to end up like that.


> i have recently been reading neil miller's " vaccines, are they really

> safe

> and effective " , and am very scared. i want to protect my baby from

> disease, but am not convinced that vaccines are the way to go. in the

> meantime, i am postpoing as long as i can while getting lots of grief

> from

> the grandparents. i need support in making this decision. when i

> attempt

> to talk to people about this, they think i am some " conspiracy

> theorist " ,

> thinking the pharmeceutical companies care more for profit than for

> public

> health. i don't know what to think.


> i would love to hear from anyone out there who is going through this

> with

> lack of support from extended family. also, would love to hear about

> homeopathic treatment in case the worst does happen and we end up

> with

> whooping cough or measles. i fear the DTaP and MMR more than whooping

> cough or measles... is this insane?


> ~k


> __________________________________________________


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from anyone out there who is going through this with

>lack of support from extended family. also, would love to hear about

>homeopathic treatment in case the worst does happen and we end up with

>whooping cough or measles. i fear the DTaP and MMR more than whooping

>cough or measles... is this insane?



Sounds perfectly sane to me!


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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I have not vaccinated my 21 month old son since he was 10 months old.

My in-laws or family are not arguring with me at all. I have been

questioned by my MIL about which vaccines he did receive. Guess what

she got very sick was down for a month. The dr. couldn't find out

what was wrong. It ends up the dr. thinks she had whooping cough. I

have three stepsons and a son of my own besides the baby. They were

all sick fevers, coughs and a myriad of different symptoms. They all

had DTP shots. I think dr.'s are calling this disease by different

names because the whooping cough should not be going around in

vaccinated children.

By the way being a Sp. Ed. Teacher should make you question all of

this. My 14 yr. old son has been dx with mild AS vs. ADHD. Even

though he does well in regular classes, his social skills are

horrible. He hasn't any friends and doesn't know how to hold a

regular conversation for more than a couple of minutes.

As long as you are convinced yourself with the vaccine issue, don't

let relatives make you feel guilty by questioning yourself.

Good Luck

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Guest guest


My situation is very similar to yours. I have 13 and 10 yr. old boys who

have both been fully vaxed except for the Hep. B.(which is one of the major

reasons I began my quest for info about vaccines........ the other being

the noticeable health problems in these two boys with their origins being

tied to the same time period of their kindergarten vaccines) We now also

have another son, 4 months old. We have held off of vaccines so far while

we continue to pray and pursue the right coarse to take. So, be encouraged.

You aren't the only one out there with friends and family questioning your

judgment. We homeschool too, so imagine the additional raised eye-brows and

scornful looks.


Carolyn L.

new member

> my name is kari, i have a 6 month old daughter who, so far, is

> unvaccinated. i also have 2 daughters ages 13 and 15 who were vaccinated

> because i didn't know i had a choice.


> i taught special education for 10 years and have had more than my share of

> vaccine damaged children in my classes. this terrifies me. i don't want my

> baby to end up like that.


> i have recently been reading neil miller's " vaccines, are they really safe

> and effective " , and am very scared. i want to protect my baby from

> disease, but am not convinced that vaccines are the way to go. in the

> meantime, i am postpoing as long as i can while getting lots of grief from

> the grandparents. i need support in making this decision. when i attempt

> to talk to people about this, they think i am some " conspiracy theorist " ,

> thinking the pharmeceutical companies care more for profit than for public

> health. i don't know what to think.


> i would love to hear from anyone out there who is going through this with

> lack of support from extended family. also, would love to hear about

> homeopathic treatment in case the worst does happen and we end up with

> whooping cough or measles. i fear the DTaP and MMR more than whooping

> cough or measles... is this insane?


> ~k


> __________________________________________________


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