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, the comment made below is true only in theory.

A vaccine exposes the body in a very different way than natural infection does

(which is why immunity from a vaccine is temporary and often doesn't work), and

it has added nasties to complicate the picture.

Killed or weakened viruses/bacteria are injected DIRECTLY into the bloodstream

(with the exception of OPV). This bypasses the normal pathways of infection

which our immune system is designed for, i.e. the respiratory system, mucous

membranes which bring about the first line of defence (IgA) when our bodies are

exposed to something.

Nose, tonsils, stomach juices etc are specific barriers of the immune system

that fight off the majority of any bugs that we are exposed to. Viruses injected

directly into the bloodstream have quicker, easier access to the internal, vital

organs, which is what the body's first line of defense tries to stop from


So first of all, the MODE OF ENTRY is different in a vaccine which has

repercussions on the immune system

Secondly, FOREIGN PROTEINS AND VIRUSES are in vaccines as they are cultured in

animal tissues. When we are injected with vaccines, we are possibly contaminated

with these.

Thirdly, SIZE OF DOZE. The quantities of the modified viruses/bacteria in a

vaccine are massive in relation to the quantities involved in natural infection.

Fourthly, CHEMICALS. Vaccines have adjuvants and preservatives in them like

aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury derivatives etc. These are known to be highly

toxic, even more so when injected directly into the bloodstream.

Fifth. COMBINATION VACCINES. Childhood vaccines are given in combination form,

ie. MMR, DPT and many vaccines given at one time. How 'natural' is that?

Infectious diseases tend to occur one at a time in nature. There may be

uncrecognized problems with provoking the immune system this way.

Researchers say that combination vaccines are fine, but they base this

assumption on how well the body produces antibodies against each of the vaccines

in combination. Usually the body can produce antibodies against all viruses in

combination vaccines...but this does not tell us about how it has effected the

immune system as a whole. And even then, antibodies are only one part of

protection against disease. Someone who has high antibody levels in their blood

can still contract the disease. Likewise someone with no antibodies against a

antigen may never get ill when exposed. Immunology is a new science. Scientists

don't understand it very well and are relying on a lot of guesswork at this


So in theory, sure, vaccines sound good, but the reality of how they work and

what is in them is quite different :-)


p.s. sorry if this is too much!

At 05:12 PM 3/17/99 EST, you wrote:

>From: CynNDirk@...


>My Email loops (Attachment Parents is having a bit of a debate on vaccinating

>... and I need some good Ant vaccine info!


>Like I have no idea how to respond to this comment that was made:


>>>>I don't know about this - all a vaccine does is expose your body

>to a killed or weakened form of a virus to allow your natural immune

>system to 'learn' about the virus and how to fight it. That way, if

>you're ever exposed to the real thing, your body recognizes it and

>already knows how to fight it off.<<<






>Come check out our brand new web site!


>Onelist: Making the Internet intimate



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Sorry, I can't help, I'm just learning, but would love to know about the

attachment parenting email group. (Am I allowed to ask?)


>From: CynNDirk@...


>My Email loops (Attachment Parents is having a bit of a debate on


>... and I need some good Ant vaccine info!


>Like I have no idea how to respond to this comment that was made:


>>>>I don't know about this - all a vaccine does is expose your body

>to a killed or weakened form of a virus to allow your natural immune

>system to 'learn' about the virus and how to fight it. That way, if

>you're ever exposed to the real thing, your body recognizes it and

>already knows how to fight it off.<<<






>Come check out our brand new web site!


>Onelist: Making the Internet intimate


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  • 9 months later...

to write to someone privately you need to copy their email address from the

email and put that in the send to list

other wise just hit reply to and the message will go to everybody

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

thanks i am just worried about tommorow. could it be some form of myotonic

dystrophy? oh her eeg was fine as for the plenimary results. the actual

results are not in,


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Tina 2,

My suggestion to you would be to list the reasons you are taking Alyssa to the doctor, like write down all of Alyssa's symptoms, especially the ones that are bothering you the most. This way when you are confronted by the doctor you wont forget or get intimidated. And the doctor will know the main problems straight away as it will be written down, saves alot of time.

Make sure your list is detailed. eg what happens when? if? how it happens? how she reacts etc

Also a history of what Alyssa has been through, including tests she has had and their results would be a good thing to write down. As well as any medications or conditions that have been proposed to you.

Good luck,


*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Believe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.Believe that you may be that light for someone else.- Kobi Yamada*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Aisha ElderwynICQ 55461955aisha@...http://www.elderwyn.com/aishaMailing list: aishaelderwyn Being Sick:

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Barbara!!

I'm so glad Chelle was able to help you get all this sorted out!! I

was so pleased to see you in the chat room the other nite. I know you are

busy and having puter problems on top of that, but I sure do hope that

after the holidays when things settle down that you'll have more time to

visit with us!!


Barbara wrote:


someone please help me with the irc chatroom? I have finally installed

it (yes I finally did it, I promised didn't I Aisha?) but now I don't

know what to do with the section that says IRC servers. It might

take me another week before I can learn what to do with this. Please

be patient, I'll be in the room soon, I hope. LOL


The Being Sick Community

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 8/20/01 3:24:20 PM Central Daylight Time,

gboughton@... writes:

> ps. I'll try to think of a response that is more

> helpful but I just got a chuckle out of that.

> Gail


> Have you tried earplugs, Di? Probably ignoring it is the best and hope it

> wears off soon.

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In a message dated 8/20/01 3:24:20 PM Central Daylight Time,

gboughton@... writes:

> ps. I'll try to think of a response that is more

> helpful but I just got a chuckle out of that.

> Gail


> Have you tried earplugs, Di? Probably ignoring it is the best and hope it

> wears off soon.

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In a message dated 8/20/2001 8:16:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

drf218@... writes:

> How do I get him to stop!


Try giving him something else to use for expressing his dissatisfaction.

Do they have clickers at the dollar store? Give him another means and then

slowly change that to something else. Good luck!!

Cheryl in VA

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In a message dated 8/20/2001 8:16:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

drf218@... writes:

> How do I get him to stop!


Try giving him something else to use for expressing his dissatisfaction.

Do they have clickers at the dollar store? Give him another means and then

slowly change that to something else. Good luck!!

Cheryl in VA

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drf218@... writes:

>Since Nic had his T & A/tubes done in June, that he now has a very powerful

>screeching scream.

>Any time he doesn't get his way or when a commercial interrupts his show


>I try to redirect him from something he wants to do (and shouldn't be) he

>lets out this scream.

>How do I get him to stop!



2 things 1) completely ignore the screaming. No eye contact, no talking...

Attention will only reinforce the behavior. 2) Teach Nick to wait for

things he wants. Start out by offereing Nick something he wants and

having him wait a very short amt. of time (1 second) Gradually increase

the amount of time he has to wait. Also, Egg timer's can be very helpful

in making waiting more concrete. Set an egg timer and let Nick know it

will be time to do _____ when the egg timer goes off. When the egg timer

goes off. Do ____.

Take Care,


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drf218@... writes:

>Since Nic had his T & A/tubes done in June, that he now has a very powerful

>screeching scream.

>Any time he doesn't get his way or when a commercial interrupts his show


>I try to redirect him from something he wants to do (and shouldn't be) he

>lets out this scream.

>How do I get him to stop!



2 things 1) completely ignore the screaming. No eye contact, no talking...

Attention will only reinforce the behavior. 2) Teach Nick to wait for

things he wants. Start out by offereing Nick something he wants and

having him wait a very short amt. of time (1 second) Gradually increase

the amount of time he has to wait. Also, Egg timer's can be very helpful

in making waiting more concrete. Set an egg timer and let Nick know it

will be time to do _____ when the egg timer goes off. When the egg timer

goes off. Do ____.

Take Care,


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At 08:16 AM 8/20/01 -0400, Di Ferko wrote:

> or when a commercial interrupts his show or

That is so funny DI! Sorry to laugh but I it just

struck me as funny!


ps. I'll try to think of a response that is more

helpful but I just got a chuckle out of that.


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At 08:16 AM 8/20/01 -0400, Di Ferko wrote:

> or when a commercial interrupts his show or

That is so funny DI! Sorry to laugh but I it just

struck me as funny!


ps. I'll try to think of a response that is more

helpful but I just got a chuckle out of that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rhonda, my mother has breast cancer and we took her to a clinic in Georgia

and she is doing well. It was an alternative clinic. There are seven states

in the US that can do anything that they are doing in other countries.

Dr. Brodie in Nevada is good. Type DRBRODIE.COM for info. I take it you are

in CA

Send me your number or you can call me if you wish and I'll fill you in.

Irene 402 592-4086. Please call me before she gets Chemo...please

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Rhonda, Qigong cured me of my cancer (along moonbeam's protocol 1 which i

have included below). if you ARE in California, i highly recommend you

contact my qigong doctor- Dr. Jerry Alan - 831-646-9399.

good luck!




Dianna Rawleigh



Cancer Protocol 1

1. No meat or dairy products of any kind. Meat and dairy products contain

xeno- estrogens and Arachdonic Acid, both of which are growth accelerants

for all types of cancer cells. When eating meat while taking proteolytic

enzymes, the

enzymes will use up much of their activity in digesting the meat, instead of

using their

activity to disolve the protein coating around the tumor.

2. The basic diet use a raw vegetable juice diet, with less then 30

percent of food cooked. The recommended juicer is a slow speed macerating

juicer, high-speed juices destroy he enzymes and Vitamins due to the

short-term high temperature spike created by the friction of a high-speed

juicer. Gerson therapy recommends 8 to12 glasses of homemade raw vegetable

juice per day. Juiced fresh pineapples (with skin left on) and PawPaw

(papaya) for bromelain and papayan enzymes. The enzymes remove the

protective coating which hides the tumor from the immune system.

Serrapeptase enzyme could also be used. Enzyme complex tablets containing


enzymes and Bromelain.

3. Diet to include at least two punnets of sprouts ( mung, alfalfa,

salad sprouts or broccoli sprouts) per day. Sprouts can also be placed in

the slow speed juicer. Carrots and green leafy vegetable's lycopene also

ideal for the juicer. The carotenes and enzymes bio-available a direct

anti-cancer effect. Home made Wheat Grass is ideal for the juicer.

4. Diet to include 500 ml of V8 vegetable juice or canned (cooked)

tomato juice per day. The lycopene (delta carrotene) in cooked tomato

juice is several times more potent an anti-cancer compound then Beta

carotene from carrots. It is only orally active when cooked.

5. Diet to include 1,000 micrograms of Organic form selenium per day. ie,

L-Selenomethionine. Any other form of selenium is not bio available.

Selenium is synergistic with Vitamin E, so Vitamin E

supplementation of 1,200 international units per day is suggested. Thirty

fold increase in anybody cells typically follows such a selenium Vitamin

the combination.

6. Diet to include to 2 or 3 grams of beta-glucan, per day, at least 40

minutes before food. Diet to include three grams of Vitamin C. powder,

three times per day. Three times a day is suggested as the kidneys remove

the Vitamin C. from the body after a few hours. Vitamin C. will be

synergistic with the beta-glucan and the selenium.

7. Diet to include one tablespoon of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil (cold

pressed linseed oil). Mixed with 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese. To be

taken two times per day. Research shows this dramatically increases the

oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Cancer is an anaerobic disease.

This treatment will be synergistic with the peroxide treatment.

8. Diet to include three heaped teaspoons of Spirulina electrically mixed

in juice, two or three times per day. The phycocyanin in Spirulina

dramatically increases production of red and white blood cells from the

bone marrow progenitor stems cells. Also contains 30 fold greater carotene

content then carrots, also rich in GLA, cystine and methionine.

Will help reduce nausea and immune cell depletion following


9. Diet to include 20 drops of stabilized oxygen. Starting at two drops

on the the first day, and adding one drop more each day till 22 drops on

the day 20. This is best taken in juice to cover the flavour, can be

taken with juice at meal time.

10. Peroxide Bath treatment. Add one large coffee mug of peroxide to a

hot, shallow Bath about one-third full, at two tablespoons of DMSO to

bath. Take bath twice a day for 15 minutes per time. Repeat bath in the

afternoon reheating bath using the immersion heater. The bath must be

comfortably hot. Discard water each day. Important not to get any of this

water in the eyes, flush eyes with freshwater if eye contact occurs.

Concentrated peroxide is hazardous, stored in safe place away from

children, avoid skin contact, flush with water if skin contact with

concentrate occurs.

11. Additional beta-glucan supplementation can be obtained from Agicarus

Blazei mushroom extract, PSK etc, available via internet.

12. Spirulina, beta-glucan, Vitamin C. and selenium should begin prior to

chemo therapy. It is suggested that taking these 4 items will also help

prevent any recurrence of the cancer, as well as any spread of the cancer

(metastasis). Spirulina, shark liver oil and L-selenomethionine have each

been shown to

reduce Leukopenia, or sudden drop in immune cell numbers associated with


13. A beta-glucan cream can be used to prevent or reduce ulcer formation

at areas where radiotherapy is used.

14. Broccoli sprouts, one punnets of home grown broccoli sprouts per day.


glucoraphanin the precursor to anti cancer sulforaphane.

15. Laetrile, vitamin B17, or mygdelin therapy. Taking at least two

punnets of mung been or Salad sprouts per day will supply B17. Raw

Macadamia nuts, the kernels from inside nectarines and fresh apircot

kernels are good sources of B17. They must taste bitter. The cyanide in B17

acts against

the cancer, whereas it does not act against good cells. Broccoli sprouts


contain B17. B17 tablets are a way to get a lot more B17 than by diet.

16. No cooked food if possible, thats why the slow speed juicer is so


17. No processed food, no tap water, only

filtered water, no artificial flavorings or colourings.

18. No sugar.

19. Hypericum to keep your spirits up. Cats Claw herb daily, make into a

tea. Ellagic acid, causes G1 mitosis arrest. (ie stops cell replication in

cancer cells) available via internet. (DMSO also produces reversable G1

cell arrest). Also for additional immune support; Astragalus, mannin (beta

1-6 glucan)

from Manotech, Noni Juice (contains bromelain), Transfer Factor, grape seed


shark liver oil.

on 8/31/01 2:42 AM, Rhonda at r_kage@... wrote:

> Hello,


> My name is Rhonda and I'm new to this list. I need help pretty fast.


> Three weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with cancer--specifically

> adenocarcinoma, which is in the lung, but may have originated in the

> digestive tract. She has a 4-inch fast-growing tumor, and is to start

> chemo next week. I'm really frightened by that idea because she is

> already under 100 pounds, and feel that there has been a significant

> decline in her health just over the past three weeks. I'm not sure how

> well she will tolerate the chemo and radiation therapy.


> I'm highly interested in learning about alternative treatments, such

> as green tea and the flaxseed oil, or any others. Also curious about

> immunotherapies such a that done at Jonsson Cancer Center at UCLA or

> similar ones, and the success rate of these. Please share personal

> success stories, or share links....


> Thank you so much.


> Rhonda








> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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Irene...where in Ga. is the alternative clinic and what is it's name. I am

looking for someone who knows about the Millinium Center in the Atlanta

area. Thanks Judy Hoffman

Re: help!!

> Rhonda, my mother has breast cancer and we took her to a clinic in Georgia

> and she is doing well. It was an alternative clinic. There are seven


> in the US that can do anything that they are doing in other countries.


> Dr. Brodie in Nevada is good. Type DRBRODIE.COM for info. I take it you


> in CA


> Send me your number or you can call me if you wish and I'll fill you in.

> Irene 402 592-4086. Please call me before she gets Chemo...please



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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My mother is at the grip of death due to chemo.

The cancer your mother has is the same as my mother.

Chemo for that type of cancer is useless.

Use the hospital for diagnostic purposes only, consult with moonbeam, and

others like him they are very knowledgeable.

Gauge your mothers success by the various treatments you use and make

adjustments as necessary.

I wish your mother the best.

God Bless

Joe Bavaro


> From: Rhonda <r_kage@...>

> cures for cancer

> Subject: help!!

> Date: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:42 AM


> Hello,


> My name is Rhonda and I'm new to this list. I need help pretty fast.


> Three weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with cancer--specifically

> adenocarcinoma, which is in the lung, but may have originated in the

> digestive tract. She has a 4-inch fast-growing tumor, and is to start

> chemo next week. I'm really frightened by that idea because she is

> already under 100 pounds, and feel that there has been a significant

> decline in her health just over the past three weeks. I'm not sure how

> well she will tolerate the chemo and radiation therapy.


> I'm highly interested in learning about alternative treatments, such

> as green tea and the flaxseed oil, or any others. Also curious about

> immunotherapies such a that done at Jonsson Cancer Center at UCLA or

> similar ones, and the success rate of these. Please share personal

> success stories, or share links....


> Thank you so much.


> Rhonda








> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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cures for cancer

From: " Rhonda " <r_kage@...>

Date sent: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 09:42:36 -0000

Send reply to: cures for cancer

Subject: help!!

> My name is Rhonda and I'm new to this list. I need help pretty fast.

> Three weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with cancer--specifically

> adenocarcinoma, which is in the lung, but may have originated in the

> digestive tract. She has a 4-inch fast-growing tumor, and is to start

> chemo next week.

> Rhonda

Hi Rhonda,

I agree with Dianna that Protocol 1 is the best idea.

Some of the harmful effects of chemo and radio therapy will be removed by

Protocol 1.

For example the sudden drop in numbers of immune cells caused by chemo has been

shown to

be prevented or reduced by Spirulina, shark liver oil or L-selenomethionine. If

it were

me I would begin Protocol 1 prior to chemo. The cancer causing effects of Radio


are also ameliorated and prevented by the Spirulina and beta glucan in Protocol


I am a big advocate of clinically proven immunotherapy and have posted dozens


clinical trial reports that have shown the ingredients in Protocol 1 to


boost the immune system and to effectively use immunotherapy against cancer.

My neighbour made a complete recovery in six months from stage 4 lung cancer by


Protocol 1. However although she had about 10 tumors they were not 4 inches


I would definitely take the peroxide bath daily for several months, after

chemo is


I would check with the oncologist if any things in protocol 1 are

contraindicated with

her current treatment, usually the oncologist says " take whatever you like " and

incorrectly suggests that supplements make no difference anyway.

Clinical trials show the immune boosting supplements in Protocol 1 at least

double the

success rate of patients taking chemo, compared to patients taking chemo without


I would look for a doctor or clinic to give several ethanol or hot saline


into the 4 inch tumor. Injections of harmless ethanol into tumors also has a

very high

success rate, 80% in some clinical trials and 4 inch tumors have been treated



In my opinion, if she did all of the above, she will survive.

My sister also recovered using the above means (without injections) and will

take some

vitamin C and 200mg of yeast beta glucan for at least 5 years to prevent tumor


It is best to purchase beta glucan by the kilo or half kilo for a much cheaper


per gram. Yeast derived beta glucan is much cheaper than mushroom beta glucan.

Contact me if you need addresses for any of the above items.

best wishes,


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?I am very interested in alternatives. I was just diagnosed with BC mets to

liver/lungs. I am not

hormone responsive and am doing weekly Taxotere. Just had my 3rd treatment.

Any info is much appreciated!


Re: help!!

> Rhonda, my mother has breast cancer and we took her to a clinic in Georgia

> and she is doing well. It was an alternative clinic. There are seven


> in the US that can do anything that they are doing in other countries.


> Dr. Brodie in Nevada is good. Type DRBRODIE.COM for info. I take it you


> in CA


> Send me your number or you can call me if you wish and I'll fill you in.

> Irene 402 592-4086. Please call me before she gets Chemo...please



> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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<cures for cancer >

From: " THahn " <hahnt@...>

Date sent: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 16:17:51 -0700

Send reply to: cures for cancer

Subject: Re: help!!

> ?I am very interested in alternatives. I was just diagnosed with BC mets

> to liver/lungs. I am not hormone responsive and am doing weekly Taxotere.

> Just had my 3rd treatment. Any info is much appreciated! Tricia


If I was in your situation this is what I would do.

Look at the current blood chemistry, like macrophage and immune cell numbers


macrophage activation state, red cell numbers. Check current cancer sizes with a

CT scan

or similar.

I would check with my doctor that nothing in Protocol 1 would interfere with


current therapy or pre-existing medical conditions like Diabetes, allergies,


I would then follow Protocol 1, or as much of it as I felt that I could


I would bulk buy for all items in Protocol 1.

I would monitor tumor cell markers in blood, from commencement of Protocol 1,

on a

monthly basis for at least 6 months.

Every several months or so, I would get another CT scan, or some other method


objective assessment to asses the situation and see if things were improving.

I would read material on this list and on the associated website and from the


internet medline access.

The Spirulina would be particularity useful.




> Re: help!!



> > Rhonda, my mother has breast cancer and we took her to a clinic in

> > Georgia and she is doing well. It was an alternative clinic. There are

> > seven

> states

> > in the US that can do anything that they are doing in other countries.

> >

> > Dr. Brodie in Nevada is good. Type DRBRODIE.COM for info. I take it

> > you

> are

> > in CA

> >

> > Send me your number or you can call me if you wish and I'll fill you in.

> > Irene 402 592-4086. Please call me before she gets Chemo...please

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

i havent had any door issues like that one, but many

virtual hugs and prayers that rebeka is backto herself

soon. shawna.

--- PAUL MAZZA <jokerman1uk@...> wrote:

> ---

> > > Hi everyone

> have just returned from a weekend away which turned

> out to be the weekend from Hell!!!

> Rebekah seems to have gained a fear of doorways.She

> flew into a dreadful panic everytime we approached

> one

> kicking, hitting and screaming. I feel so guilty as

> I

> feel like i've subjected her to 2 days of terror-it

> was intended to be a nice break for all of us.

> Has anyone else encountered this problem? and if so

> do

> you have any tips for over coming it?

> I think that her school doesn't believe how bad

> things

> are at home as we keep getting shining reports from

> them. But to be honest we're meant to be going to

> Lanzarote in 6 weeks time and I'm tempted to cancel

> as

> I don't want to put her through 2 weeks of upset

> again.

> Any ideas?

> mum to Rebekah 3 DS/?

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> ---

> > > Hi everyone

> have just returned from a weekend away which turned

> out to be the weekend from Hell!!!

> Rebekah seems to have gained a fear of doorways.She

> flew into a dreadful panic everytime we approached one

> kicking, hitting and screaming. I feel so guilty as I

> feel like i've subjected her to 2 days of terror-it

> was intended to be a nice break for all of us.

> Has anyone else encountered this problem? and if so do

> you have any tips for over coming it?

> I think that her school doesn't believe how bad things

> are at home as we keep getting shining reports from

> them. But to be honest we're meant to be going to

> Lanzarote in 6 weeks time and I'm tempted to cancel as

> I don't want to put her through 2 weeks of upset

> again.

> Any ideas?

> mum to Rebekah 3 DS/?

> > > Hi ,

Sorry to hear that you had a bad time over the weekend away.I havent

been through anything like that with , but he has been so

terrified about nothing that it scares me when he reacts that

way.Dont be too hasty in cancelling your holiday as Im sure you

deserve a break. We took to Eurodisney last year, he loved all

the rides but as soon as any Disney character came near us he freaked


Lelsey, 10 DS/ASD?

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