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Has anyone had a colonic and had parasites come out?**********

Colonics and colemas remove many things inside the colon, parasites often

included. Many parastites are too small to see. Sometimes with a good cleanse

using apple juice/clay previous to the colonic/colema you can get out pockets

and nests of debris that the parasites live in.

of DH

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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i've had colonics but i couldn't see any parasites, i would imagine the eggs

did, and really you don't have much of a chance to see all that has come out

because it automatically flushes as it fills! Mog

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Sue,

I did the colonics weekly for about three months.

It is a great way of cleaning out..........but it also means a total change

in eating habits.........

I found the colonics a little uncomfortable.......especially holding as much

water as possible.........what relief when they suck out everything....but

definitely helped to cleanse me................no doubt about it.

Good luck............its amazing what is found in your

intestines...........some things have been fermenting for years. :)


Leave no stone unturned.......and ask questions!

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  • 3 months later...
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Hi Kristie,

I have gotten lots of colonic treatments. I found mine through the

recommendation of a friend, so I don't have experience in trying to locate

them. But, I would suggest calling some health food stores; they usually

know who does colonics.

Good luck,


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  • 4 months later...

Thank you Lynne A! Now what exactally is colonics? I know some people that go

down to TJ and get it done all the time, I just never asked them what it was....


in CA

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A colonic is when you get about 25 to 50 gallons of pure water run

through your colon via clear tubes. One puts the water in, the

other lets it out. The out tube is where you see the things that

live or are stuck inside of you.

One session should take about an hour.

> Thank you Lynne A! Now what exactally is colonics? I know some

people that go down to TJ and get it done all the time, I just never

asked them what it was.... duh!


> in CA




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<< A colonic is when you get about 25 to 50 gallons of pure water run

through your colon via clear tubes. One puts the water in, the

other lets it out. The out tube is where you see the things that

live or are stuck inside of you.

One session should take about an hour. >>

THANK YOU!! I'm going to get one of those! Is it like an enema? Is that how

they run it though your colon?

in CA

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It is like a super charged enema. You lay in a private room and two

tubes are put into your anus. The technician monitors the water

pressure and assists with abdominal massage when necessary, to ensure

blockages are moving and gas bubbles internally are able to be


> << A colonic is when you get about 25 to 50 gallons of pure water >

> THANK YOU!! I'm going to get one of those! Is it like an enema?

Is that how they run it though your colon?


> in CA




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Thank you so much for this info! Now at least when I go in I won't be sitting

there waiting for a foot rub or a facial! LOL

in CA

<< It is like a super charged enema. You lay in a private room and two

tubes are put into your anus. The technician monitors the water

pressure and assists with abdominal massage when necessary, to ensure

blockages are moving and gas bubbles internally are able to be

cleared >>

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  • 3 months later...
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I pay $55 a session however in my area they can cost $80. Let me ask my

colon hydrotherapist if she knows where I can get a listing. What state

do you live in?


How do you find someone that does colonics? And what do they cost?

There were a few people listed in my phone book, but when I called the


said they didn't do it anymore and the other number was disconnected.

I've been doing the coffee enemas and I really like them, but I think I


something more.


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  • 9 months later...

Has anyone had any success with colonic therapy? I have tried it once and

am thinking of trying it a second time as it seemed to work well (along with

ThreeLac) in ridding of toxins and candida. Just wondering others opinion.



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What is colonic therapy?

Re: colonics

Has anyone had any success with colonic therapy? I have tried it once


am thinking of trying it a second time as it seemed to work well (along


ThreeLac) in ridding of toxins and candida. Just wondering others





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> A few years back my husband had a colonoscopy. He had always had

> trouble with his bowels (- maybe went every few days (an inherited thing

> unfortunately). Anyway, we were discussing it yesterday and he said his

> " plumbing " has been working much better ever since then. And daily. That

> and the addition of 2 Tbsps of ground flax every morning seemed to do

> the trick.

Just goes to show, Penny, that what is " inherited " is often poor

dietary habits, not genetic defect. Same goes for diabetes and heart


Duncan Crow

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  • 2 months later...
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Thanks for sharing Jan. To me it's extremely useful! So you got polups but

you did it as well?



Had my first one last night following the liver flush on Saturday

night. Man oh man oh man, I would never be doing this stuff if I

didn't have to. The colonic was horrible but amazing. I am now

convinced of the value of it and that it was something I really

needed to do (I can only speak for myself, not trying to convince

anybody of anything, just sharing). Last July when I had a

colonoscopy my gastro told me there were some dried impacted feces in

the colon, but everywhere she could see all looked fine except some

pre-polups that should be checked again in 5 years, so I knew some

cleaning was in order, I just didn't want to do it. Once I did the

liver flush, following up with a colonic was the thing to do so I did

it. I didn't realize that when some of the impacted feces are washed

out, it's similar to pulling off a scab. I saw several items that

looked like the tread off an 18 wheeler that you see laying in the

road. Afterwards, last night and this morning, I passed some white

mucousy stuff with blood specks in it. She said to expect that. I

was totally exhausted afterwards and went to bed, but feel great this

morning except for tenderness in abdomen and bottom area. She

stressed using probiotics right away to give a headstart to the good

bacteria while the bad stuff was diluted. Instinct and results tell

me I'm on the right track and plan another liver flush in 2 weeks

followed by another colonic. No one else I know would want to hear

what I'm telling you guys, so thanks for a place to share. Later, Jan

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I have that bloody mucousy stuff coming out too. Did she tell you

what it is?

> Had my first one last night following the liver flush on Saturday

> night. Man oh man oh man, I would never be doing this stuff if I

> didn't have to. The colonic was horrible but amazing. I am now

> convinced of the value of it and that it was something I really

> needed to do (I can only speak for myself, not trying to convince

> anybody of anything, just sharing). Last July when I had a

> colonoscopy my gastro told me there were some dried impacted feces


> the colon, but everywhere she could see all looked fine except some

> pre-polups that should be checked again in 5 years, so I knew some

> cleaning was in order, I just didn't want to do it. Once I did the

> liver flush, following up with a colonic was the thing to do so I


> it. I didn't realize that when some of the impacted feces are


> out, it's similar to pulling off a scab. I saw several items that

> looked like the tread off an 18 wheeler that you see laying in the

> road. Afterwards, last night and this morning, I passed some white

> mucousy stuff with blood specks in it. She said to expect that. I

> was totally exhausted afterwards and went to bed, but feel great


> morning except for tenderness in abdomen and bottom area. She

> stressed using probiotics right away to give a headstart to the


> bacteria while the bad stuff was diluted. Instinct and results


> me I'm on the right track and plan another liver flush in 2 weeks

> followed by another colonic. No one else I know would want to hear

> what I'm telling you guys, so thanks for a place to share. Later,


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I have pre - polups. I saw the picture from the colonoscopy, it's

like a blister, not yet a polup. I think with polups it's

diverticulitus, pre - polups is diverticulosis.

> Thanks for sharing Jan. To me it's extremely useful! So you got

polups but

> you did it as well?

> Simona


> Colonics


> Had my first one last night following the liver flush on Saturday

> night. Man oh man oh man, I would never be doing this stuff if I

> didn't have to. The colonic was horrible but amazing. I am now

> convinced of the value of it and that it was something I really

> needed to do (I can only speak for myself, not trying to convince

> anybody of anything, just sharing). Last July when I had a

> colonoscopy my gastro told me there were some dried impacted feces


> the colon, but everywhere she could see all looked fine except some

> pre-polups that should be checked again in 5 years, so I knew some

> cleaning was in order, I just didn't want to do it. Once I did the

> liver flush, following up with a colonic was the thing to do so I


> it. I didn't realize that when some of the impacted feces are


> out, it's similar to pulling off a scab. I saw several items that

> looked like the tread off an 18 wheeler that you see laying in the

> road. Afterwards, last night and this morning, I passed some white

> mucousy stuff with blood specks in it. She said to expect that. I

> was totally exhausted afterwards and went to bed, but feel great


> morning except for tenderness in abdomen and bottom area. She

> stressed using probiotics right away to give a headstart to the


> bacteria while the bad stuff was diluted. Instinct and results


> me I'm on the right track and plan another liver flush in 2 weeks

> followed by another colonic. No one else I know would want to hear

> what I'm telling you guys, so thanks for a place to share. Later,






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She said it's like shedding of the layers of the colon where impacted

feces was more or less pulled off due to the colonic exposing new

skin, and there may be slight blood specks. My own understanding,

gross, but if you pull a scab off a wound, there may be blood and

pus. That's what I think it is but she didn't say that. I'm very

glad she told me to expect it or I would have freaked out! This is

way more serious stuff than I gave it credit for.

> > Had my first one last night following the liver flush on Saturday

> > night. Man oh man oh man, I would never be doing this stuff if I

> > didn't have to. The colonic was horrible but amazing. I am now

> > convinced of the value of it and that it was something I really

> > needed to do (I can only speak for myself, not trying to convince

> > anybody of anything, just sharing). Last July when I had a

> > colonoscopy my gastro told me there were some dried impacted


> in

> > the colon, but everywhere she could see all looked fine except


> > pre-polups that should be checked again in 5 years, so I knew


> > cleaning was in order, I just didn't want to do it. Once I did


> > liver flush, following up with a colonic was the thing to do so I

> did

> > it. I didn't realize that when some of the impacted feces are

> washed

> > out, it's similar to pulling off a scab. I saw several items


> > looked like the tread off an 18 wheeler that you see laying in


> > road. Afterwards, last night and this morning, I passed some


> > mucousy stuff with blood specks in it. She said to expect that.


> > was totally exhausted afterwards and went to bed, but feel great

> this

> > morning except for tenderness in abdomen and bottom area. She

> > stressed using probiotics right away to give a headstart to the

> good

> > bacteria while the bad stuff was diluted. Instinct and results

> tell

> > me I'm on the right track and plan another liver flush in 2 weeks

> > followed by another colonic. No one else I know would want to


> > what I'm telling you guys, so thanks for a place to share.


> Jan

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Thanks Jan

> She said it's like shedding of the layers of the colon where


> feces was more or less pulled off due to the colonic exposing new

> skin, and there may be slight blood specks. My own understanding,

> gross, but if you pull a scab off a wound, there may be blood and

> pus. That's what I think it is but she didn't say that. I'm very

> glad she told me to expect it or I would have freaked out! This is

> way more serious stuff than I gave it credit for.



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  • 3 months later...
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Kari, here is a copy of the post I sent to you before. Copy and paste

it into your personal email so that you have it easily available. If

you want to stay in San , check the yellow pages, talk to

each person on the phone and go visit the office and have them show you

the equipment. By then you would feel comfortable with the person &

place. You have the right to chat with the person & check each office.

" Olson " <sanols02@y...>

Date: Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:33 pm

Subject: Re: Colonic Search

I live in the SF Bay area, too. I found an excellent woman who does

colonics in a lovely office in Lafayette -- if you don't mind driving

an hour north of SJ. The place is called " Body Wraps & More " and the

phone # is (925) 284-1564. Ask for Rose.

They have all of the latest equipment and use filtered water. It's a

very pleasant, nicely decorated office suite with two rooms for the

colonics. A second hydrotherapist works in the other room. Often, I'm

the only client there. Rose is a trained colon hydrotherapist & is a

pleasure to spend time with. She massages the colon during the

treatment. Soft music plays in the background. You're given a mineral

drink afterwards. She's been doing this for years. If I can answer any

other questions for you, feel free to backchannel me.


" kari95135 " <karitrautman@e...> wrote:

>> Regarding this topic again,

> Who ever sent me the email about the person they highly recommend,

> I can not find your email! Would you mind resending,

> and/or letting me know again what you liked about them and their

> number? > Thanks so much! > Kari

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I was wondering if anyone knows what type of equipment a colonics

irrigationist should use.I am looking

at a woman who uses a closed system.Her tubes are disposable.She has well

water uses the master whole house filter and a carbon filter at the faucet.



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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

You might try lubing the tip and anus with olive oil.



> I am new to the board and I am very into colon hydrotherapy my problem

> is that some time when I do a colonic that I am having problems with

> putting in the tip in the rectum. I have done a total of ten on

> family members and on two of them I get the tip rectum and water is

> runing out onto the board. I feel that the tip is not in to its

> rectum fully but when I tell them to slowly ease it in the complain of

> pain. I am needing alot of wisdom on this because I don't want to

> cause any pain. I have done it on myself over ten time and also on my

> son with no problems but with these two person really didn't want to

> do it and they were not fully relaxed. Any help on this would be very

> helpful.


> Love and respect

> Yahbles


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  • 9 months later...


> Hi, Bee, or anyone reading this...I had constipation problem ever

> since a I was an infant, it runs in the family. After taking

> antibiotics as a child, eating a bad diet, and many bad habits later


> got yeast few years ago. Recently these few months, I started

> professional colonics every few weeks. Now I feel much better with

all the toxins out. I stopped doing professional colonics now. But

every three to four months I would go. Everyone is different, maybe it

won't work for others but for me it worked because I have constipation

> problem ever since I was born. I am not convincing anyone to do it,

> but it might work well for people with constipation.

==>Hi Karni. You are right colonics, or enemas, do help some people

with constipation. What I recommend is doing your own enemas, starting

with the coffee ones, because there have been problems with getting

professional colonics (I'm not saying your's was however): 1) they

often recommend doing too many and sometimes they are too close

together, which interferes with the important functions of the large

colon, and 2) they often administer them with too much force, and 3)

sometimes they are too invasive going too far up into the bowel.

The best, Bee

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  • 3 months later...


>> I phoned the practioner the next day and told him I feel

dehydrated and he said the dixie cup size of gatorate was to prevent

me from getting dehydrated..... then when I went into the details

that I was experiencing.... he then denied that colonics can make you

dehydrated ect...twisting his words ect and then had the ordasity to

say... are you still coming in today for your next session!!! I

couldn't believe it.


> It took 3 days for me to get better. And I will never get one again

> although I drink mostly water now being on the candida diet.


> So... besides the lack of water in my system... does anyone think

the candida had anything to do with it since that was mostly coming

out of me?

==>Your reaction wasn't as much to do with candida as it was the lack

of hydration by water, along with minerals and good saturated fats.

My electrolyte drink would have helped you a lot, before and after.


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