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Ohhhhhhhhh. I figured there HAD to be some " real good "

reason why

someone would be happy to be stranded. And a " male " reasons

did enter

my mind (hehe) but I wasn't sure of your marital status and

didn't want

to pry. Now the cat's out of the bag!! (lol)

Re: Patti

In a message dated 2/17/2003 5:06:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

> This

> is just


> awful.


yipeeeeeeeee lolol....the man i am dating lives here..and i have been


busy lately..we have only been seeing each other on weekends soo this is


soo nice

not nice about the snow for everyone else ..but i am happy about it ..(

if he

gets home ok...he called and said it was reallllllllll

bad........geeeeeeeeeeesh ..i have a candle lit dinner waiting lololol


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Carmen, I just clicked on it and it brought me right there so I dunno,

I'm sorry

>From: pscarmen@...



>Subject: Patti

>Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 11:27:38 EST






>Please take the time to check out my homepage at


>and leave me a message there or just email me back.

>Love you all

>PattiPike<IMG height=12 src= " http://g


>Hi again, Patti,

>I went to the home page you listed above and got " nothing " . Are you sure

>it's a complete address?

>Ca. Carmen




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Hi Patti:

I went to your home page and had no trouble getting there but

I tried to sign your guest book but I could not access it. It kept telling

me that it was not accessible! TAKE CARE NOW AND BE PAIN FREE!

We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web Site at:


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Carmen, you are missing a " / " . Mine is

http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/peppermintp and you are typing

http://www.angelfire.com/hi2peppermintp. Do you see the difference between

the hi2 and the peppermintp. Good luck. Patti

>From: pscarmen@...



>Subject: Patti

>Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 10:34:18 EST



>Please take the time to check out my homepage at


>and leave me a message there or just email me back.

>Love you all

>PattiPike<IMG height=12 src= " http://g


>Hi again Patti,

>How in the heck can Bob get to your homepage and I cannot. I am typiing



>HREF= " http://www.angelfire.com/hi2peppermintp " >http://www.angelfire.com/hi2pepp\


>Is that correct? It keeps taking me to another site.

>Darn and double darn........... :o( I want to sign your guestbook....


>Ca. Carmen







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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks Patti

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

-- Re: Update on Lynn

Update on Lynn

Hello everyone,

Went to my doctors apt today. Still having massive headaches which my

doctor says can happen when you are on pain meds for too long, and not

getting good sleep. She put me on prednisone for the next few weeks with

the MTX to see if we can get the pain down and off the other drugs. She

also gave me ambien for sleep and upped my anti-depressant(maybe cause I

cried in her office) She also said she wants me in braces to support my

joints. She told me to start with the knees, then add ankles, and wrists.

Does anyone have experience or advice on this?? She wants me to do

stretching exercise 5-10 minutes per day, no more. Yikes!! Seems like


enough time to bother with (hee hee)

Also told me that a low dose of prednisone will not make me gain weight or

have other problems (of this I am skeptical) She put me on 5 MG twice a


The sweating she says may be the fever, or could be due to brain damage


my brain surgeries. I mentioned that many in my group have sweating


also. Temp was 100.6 today and the sweating is really bad so maybe that


it, although I sweat when it is 98.8 too!!

Thinking of you all and hope everyone is feeling good.

Come back Superman!!!!

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

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No problem hun!

Update on Lynn

Hello everyone,

Went to my doctors apt today. Still having massive headaches which my

doctor says can happen when you are on pain meds for too long, and not

getting good sleep. She put me on prednisone for the next few weeks with

the MTX to see if we can get the pain down and off the other drugs. She

also gave me ambien for sleep and upped my anti-depressant(maybe cause I

cried in her office) She also said she wants me in braces to support my

joints. She told me to start with the knees, then add ankles, and wrists.

Does anyone have experience or advice on this?? She wants me to do

stretching exercise 5-10 minutes per day, no more. Yikes!! Seems like


enough time to bother with (hee hee)

Also told me that a low dose of prednisone will not make me gain weight or

have other problems (of this I am skeptical) She put me on 5 MG twice a


The sweating she says may be the fever, or could be due to brain damage


my brain surgeries. I mentioned that many in my group have sweating


also. Temp was 100.6 today and the sweating is really bad so maybe that


it, although I sweat when it is 98.8 too!!

Thinking of you all and hope everyone is feeling good.

Come back Superman!!!!

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

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Patti, I hope that the decrease in the Prednisone works for you. It sounds

like you are doing pretty good. I am so happy for you.. I can't wait until I

can work 10hrs a day.. take care you are in my thoughts.. Kelley in Colorado

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My story is very similar to yours. They thought I had cancer for a while

(even did the bone marrow) I too was in the hospital for 10 days. Prior to

getting Still's, yes I too was very healthy (I don't remember even getting

that many colds as a kid). I too sometimes drive home, as I forget to take

my Pred (I now have an extra stash I leave in my office) :-) You are down

to 9 and working again so it sounds like you are doing well. I get nervous

whenever I cut my dosage as well. I seem to feel pretty tired and run down

the first 2 or 3 days after a cut, but I eventually adjust and look forward

to my next taper. I was 27 when I got sick, (young but not as young as you

were) Hang-in and be tough, you'd be suprised what you can accomplish with

your will...


>From: " Pike, Patti " <qt_4_him@...>


><Stillsdisease >

>Subject: KATIE, BRIDGET, KEVIN & everyone else

>Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 21:23:00 -0400


>Well hello again to and Bridget and thank you for your responses. To

>give you a quick summary here. I was first hit in August, they thought it

>was allergies then Serum Sickness then possibly Lupus then finally Stills

>was confirmed. I was hospitalized for 10 days and I am 20 years old. I was

>perfectly healthy prior to this illness, but I am not saddened when I think

>of all I had to go through. I always remember that there are people out

>there worse off and I have learned so much since August. Like really what

>20 year old or not many 20 year olds know the difference between Serum

>Sickness and Stills as well we normally don't know the side effects of

>Prednisone and other messed up drugs. It has also caused me to really slow

>down in my life, literally...hehhe. I was off work for 6 months, but have

>now returned and work as a Customer Service Rep for Royal Bank in Canada.

>...I am glad you had a good day. I did as well. Worked for 10 hours

>today. I have a bit of a cold and cough so it was a bit annoying, but my

>day was alright. Kind of funny though because I almost forgot to take my

>Prenisone this morning and had to drive all the way home from work!

>EVERYONE ELSE!!!!! I hope that God is blessing all of you and that the sun

>shines over your homes becuz you all deserve it. Remember that Patti loves

>you and to smile! Oh yea, I have decreased my dose of Pred to 9mg today. It

>is kind of exciting for me and I hope it works out!

>Have an awesome day and talk to you all soon

>Luv ya










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I am so sorry you can not make the conference...however..there is some kind

of intuition telling me something might change ...and..........maybe I am

dreaming....where isit you live ?? Any chance any of us would want to go


Ha ha ha thats my joke about where I live...I don't think tooo many people

would be crazy to visit where I live..ha ha ha beautiful downtown NJ...the sight

seeing would be too interesting!!! Well Philadelphia is close..not a bad

little town..anyway Patty...have a good day LIZ NJ ha HA (superman lives near

me...now that is the best attraction I can offer )

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Patti whenever we are tired we imagine all kind of negative things, we can

hardly see what good our lives hold...wait till morning when you are rested..I

think you will feel better....drugs like the one you mentioned can add to

depressive symptoms..maybe you doctor may want to try an antideppresant if all

else fails??I am about to try cod liver oil tablets...they have more mega

3's(inflammation fighters) than most oils...Yukie tast even if it is a


is also supposed to help with depression...are you in your 20's?? They are

hard times for women..even without an illness...hang in there..and get some rest

Liz NJ

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Patti whenever we are tired we imagine all kind of negative things, we can

hardly see what good our lives hold...wait till morning when you are rested..I

think you will feel better....drugs like the one you mentioned can add to

depressive symptoms..maybe you doctor may want to try an antideppresant if all

else fails??I am about to try cod liver oil tablets...they have more mega

3's(inflammation fighters) than most oils...Yukie tast even if it is a


is also supposed to help with depression...are you in your 20's?? They are

hard times for women..even without an illness...hang in there..and get some rest

Liz NJ

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Thanx Liz, just wanted to say that Toronto is an excellent idea for a conference

next year:) heheheheh:) I have been feeling ok lately, cept for the rash. Now

tonight, I feel really sad for some reason. I feel almost like none of my

friends really want to be my friend. Not that they have done anything. One was

busy when I called him and had to let me go, so I took that as he didn't like me

and sent him a really sad email. Could this be because I took a sleeping

pill(Lorazepam) last night? I think it is possible. I just feel like crying:(

Anyways I hope you all have an awesome night.

sad Patti in Canada

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In a message dated 05/24/2003 9:24:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lizdaly101@... writes:

> I am about to try cod liver oil tablets...they have more mega

> 3's(inflammation fighters) than most oils...

I was also reading on the sjogrens list about perilla oil- it is high in the

omega 3's.....


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In a message dated 05/24/2003 9:24:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lizdaly101@... writes:

> I am about to try cod liver oil tablets...they have more mega

> 3's(inflammation fighters) than most oils...

I was also reading on the sjogrens list about perilla oil- it is high in the

omega 3's.....


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Hi Liz and thank you. Yes I am in my twenties and it is rough! I didn't take

Larazepam again last night and I feel a bit better today. I even felt better

last night. I spoke to some friends and they were great! Cod Liver Oil eh?

Sounds yummy.....hehhehe....I will ask my doc about an anti depressant but will

that then make me like totally bubbly????? That would be funny! Anyways I'm off

to church again.

Talk to you soon


Re: Patti

Patti whenever we are tired we imagine all kind of negative things, we can

hardly see what good our lives hold...wait till morning when you are rested..I

think you will feel better....drugs like the one you mentioned can add to

depressive symptoms..maybe you doctor may want to try an antideppresant if


else fails??I am about to try cod liver oil tablets...they have more mega

3's(inflammation fighters) than most oils...Yukie tast even if it is a


is also supposed to help with depression...are you in your 20's?? They are

hard times for women..even without an illness...hang in there..and get some


Liz NJ

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Hi Patty..your doc and or one of your parents might help you descide if you are depressed or just maybe have pms..or were just tired...but if you are really down..there are meds out that that help people with that feeling that life is a total drag..I think we all feel like that sometimes...but hopefully not most the time. Also...my doc seems to think some of these antidepressants help with pain (arthritic or muscular) I am not taking anything cause my liver enzymes are up. I am 47 and hhave had this caaaraazy dragon since age 16.....I was 25 when it hit after I was told it would totally go away....well aone year flare really really upset me as well as bad luck with a boyfriend of 2 years..sooooo I am sensitive to people having the blues in their 20's........I wish you tons of fun and good health...I hope your weather is better than ours..yuk yuk yuk here in NJ ( I am 7 miles from philadelphia..) Liz NJ

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Thank you patti...

For the enthusiastic congratulation. :-)


>From: " Lil Stills Girlie " <stillsgirlie@...>


><Stillsdisease >

>Subject: Re: Superman Update(to anyone interested)

>Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 21:40:48 -0400


>CONGRATS TO SUPERMAN!!!!!You really are super!

>Luv ya


> Superman Update(to anyone interested)



> My taper of Pred just ended on 31 MAY. I have been drug free for 2 days


> and feeling pretty good. Trained legs heavy at the gym this morning and


> felt great. Getting blood work to check my levels next week and back to


> doc on the 23 of this moth.

> Hope everyone is feeling good today.


> Superman


> _________________________________________________________________

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  • 4 months later...


Forgot something.

The tips of my fingers are numb too. Maybe a tendon thing. The end in you

toes and fingers. At least that's what I tell myself so I don't worry.


If you feeling sluggish and not up to snuff - I would not drop down on the

Pred as that could cause a bad flair. I would hold steady till you feel better

and then drop down for two weeks every other day.

It doesn't seem like much but if your on 3 mg a day and you drop 1 mg that

33% of what your body is used to.

Just my opinion.

E in Ohio

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Forgot something.

The tips of my fingers are numb too. Maybe a tendon thing. The end in you

toes and fingers. At least that's what I tell myself so I don't worry.


If you feeling sluggish and not up to snuff - I would not drop down on the

Pred as that could cause a bad flair. I would hold steady till you feel better

and then drop down for two weeks every other day.

It doesn't seem like much but if your on 3 mg a day and you drop 1 mg that

33% of what your body is used to.

Just my opinion.

E in Ohio

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  • 1 month later...

LOL>.it was a surprise ..But it wasn't lolol...we have been dating for 4

years ....we are both always running back in forth between Albany and


but i was really surprised lolol...and very happy ..thanks for the good


we cant get married until my youngest gets married in June ..thennnnnnnn i

will be

able to relax and get married ..

soo the date is the farthest thing from my mind lolol...


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