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Thanks, . That's reassuring.



> I have always taken them all with breakfast and have been at amounts as high

as 125 mgs / day.




> My question is, does it matter whether I take all 4 Iodoral tablets with

breakfast, or do I need to split the dose between morning and evening? I have

been taking them all at once in the morning because I am somewhat forgetful

(brain fog), so reckon I would keep forgetting to take tablets later in the day

as well. Is this just as effective?


> Miriam


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Another question: does anyone know where I can get the Iodine Loading Test done

in the UK?


> > My question is, does it matter whether I take all 4 Iodoral tablets with

breakfast, or do I need to split the dose between morning and evening? I have

been taking them all at once in the morning because I am somewhat forgetful

(brain fog), so reckon I would keep forgetting to take tablets later in the day

as well. Is this just as effective?

> > Miriam

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This group is open to anyone.

Is your failed back surgery due to a prior scoliosis spinal fusion surgery or surgeries, or did prior scoliosis spinal fusions result in the failed back surgery?

Most members on this list have "flatback syndrome" due to prior spinal fusion surgeries with 1) Harrington Rod instrumentation during the 1960's, 1970's, and early 1980's or 2) long spinal fusion surgeries that include the L4, L5, and S1 vertebras with Harrington Rods and/or one of the newer instrumentation types (I am in the second group as my fusion is from T9 to S1 with Acromed Instrumentation a generic version of TSRH System Instrumentation in 1996).

I am a member of a number of group scoliosis groups. If you are not within one or both of the above, in addition to this group you may gain additional benefits from the "" group.

Hope this helps!!


New to Group

I am a 66 year old woman that has scoliosis because of failed back surgery. I am not sure if this is the group I should be in. Would like to talk to others about complications, pain, braces etc. If this is not where I should belong please let me know if there is a group out there for me.

Have a good day.

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What type of surgery did you have? Can you give us more detail about your initial surgery and what your scoliosis curve is now? I am a 50 year old woman who had scoliosis as a teenager and ended up with surgery at the age of 17. I now have pain and lower back problems as a result of the initial surgery.

Please give us as much detail as you feel comfortable with, I am sure there are many here who will respond to you to offer what help they can.



New to Group

I am a 66 year old woman that has scoliosis because of failed back surgery. I am not sure if this is the group I should be in. Would like to talk to others about complications, pain, braces etc. If this is not where I should belong please let me know if there is a group out there for me.Have a good day.

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Hi and welcome! While this group primarily is made up of people who have had

flatback caused by previous scoliosis surgeries (the majority of those being

Harrington rod surgeries), there are a number of people here who don't fit that

description. Please let us know a few more details of what you're experiencing.

For example, what was your original back surgery for? How severe is the

scoliosis that it caused? What have your doctors suggested you do to move

forward? Have you consulted with more than one doctor about this? It's often a

wise idea to get a second (or third) opinion, and to be sure that you are

consulting a surgeon with extensive experience in adult spinal deformities that

are like yours.

Welcome again, and I hope we can offer some helpful advice for you!


> I am a 66 year old woman that has scoliosis because of failed back surgery. I

am not sure if this is the group I should be in. Would like to talk to others

about complications, pain, braces etc. If this is not where I should belong

please let me know if there is a group out there for me.

> Have a good day.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


OMG…what a beautiful message/reminder to us all. Thank you

so much for sharing.

Om Spa

Fine Tuning The World

One Person At A Time

Mobile:570-780-5858 Skype:570-309-0317


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Steph

Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2010 8:41 PM

Subject: New to Group

Hello all. My name is Steph. I read every book

on Edgar Cayce I could get my hands on many times by the time I was 15 years

old. I'm 56 now, so it's been a while. I have read a lot more from others too

who understand true regression therapy now. Reading those books taught me so

much it stayed with me and a desire to continue my intense research into these

miracles of life that Edgar gave us. I went to metaphysics school, and have

done a lot of work with others besides having lots of work done with me. I

learned Rieki and a lot of other things having to do with healing.

When I was 15 years old, I had an out of body experience and it really scared

me as young as I was and felt I did not know enough of this state of being to

be doing this kind of thing yet. I know it sounds like maybe I was doing a

bunch of drugs or something, but I promise you, everything I say is the truth.

When I was about 40, my life did a major turn around on me. My body became very

ill and I had serious spinal problems which I had had for a long time, but

managed to learn to live with until then. Things became very difficult and at

one point, I thought I could go on no longer when my Angel came to me and

assured me that things would not stay like this and I would learn to live with

this and even come out much better for it. She gave me love and hope. A few

years later, I told my mother of her and described her and we found it, my

Angel was my great grandmother who long passed away when my mother was about 13

years old. She did give me hope and it was with that healing hope I continued

on, did not let myself get on the pity pot, and sought help in the world of

doctors too.

Long story short, I had nine spinal levels fused, a few years later, I had a

brain aneurysm which was quite a miracle that they found it before I either had

a major stroke or died. I've had a lot of other things too, but it matters not

at this point, that is just life on life's terms for me. The wonderful thing is

that I have always healed beautifully from everything that has happened. I

believe the prayer and meditation I perform has a tremendous amount to do with

it and I also believe we are taken when our work for this life time is

completed, the healing that is to take place is done for this life time and

then we will be taken.

About two months ago, one of my best friends passed on at a very young age and

it was very sad for us who will miss him, but we know he is at peace right now.

Something amazing happened when he passed. About week after it happened, I had

a " dream " if you wish to call it that, but I think of it as much

more. My friend came to me in Spirit form and I was in Spirit form when I

received him. He had always been that kind of a friend when he needed to talk

about something very personal or needed help with something, he would call me.

He told me he was very afraid and it did not surprise me at all, so I took his

hand and we began to walk through a dark tunnel, talking all the while and

telling each other how much we had meant to each other in life. I saw the

brightest light I have ever seen in all my meditation down the tunnel and all

of a sudden, I knew I could go no further. I told my friend to keep going and

that people, his father would be waiting for him, so we said our goodbyes and

expressed our love and on he went.

I know he is at peace today and it helped me to heal too. I was having a lot of

trouble with this because of the suddenness of it and his young age. Thank you

for letting me be a part of your organization and I hope to get a lot out of it

as well give as much as I am able to besides. Thank you so much.

Love and Light,


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  • 3 weeks later...

welcome to the group, maddy! glad to see you are taking things seriously & that you have a sensible doctor. Joy joybilee@... When I am dead, I hope it is said, 'His sins were scarlet, but his books were read'. -Hilaire BellocFrom: Maddy M <tea4maddy@...>100-plus Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 11:41:14 AMSubject: new to group


My name is Maddy. I'm a widow, mom and grandma who needs to lose at least one hundred pounds sensibly. My cardiologist would like me to follow a simple plan that uses the divided plate format as a guideline. There's no counting calories or points, no weighing either as the plate and place mat does this for me. I haven't had much luck following a prescribed diet but I can't ignore heart problems.

Looking forward to meeting everyone,


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Hi Maddy..welcome. Good luck with your efforts and hearing on your future success. :)


From: Maddy M <tea4maddy@...>100-plus Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 12:41:14 PMSubject: new to group

Hello,My name is Maddy. I'm a widow, mom and grandma who needs to lose at least one hundred pounds sensibly. My cardiologist would like me to follow a simple plan that uses the divided plate format as a guideline. There's no counting calories or points, no weighing either as the plate and place mat does this for me. I haven't had much luck following a prescribed diet but I can't ignore heart problems. Looking forward to meeting everyone,Maddy

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Hi Maddy great to meet you. Sorry I don't have any immediate suggestions never

heard of the divided plate theory lol... My name is Merry. I'm 75 lbs from my

goal. I started at 450lbs 3 years ago. My doctor sent me to a weight loss center

because my health was failing fast so I under went the gastric bypass procedure.

that was 175 lbs ago. I had lost more but I gained some when I was taking care

of my mom during her struggle with terminal cancer. So hang in there and you

will find the right thing for you....


current 275lbs

goal 200 lbs


> Hello,


> My name is Maddy. I'm a widow, mom and grandma who needs to lose at least one

hundred pounds sensibly. My cardiologist would like me to follow a simple plan

that uses the divided plate format as a guideline. There's no counting calories

or points, no weighing either as the plate and place mat does this for me. I

haven't had much luck following a prescribed diet but I can't ignore heart



> Looking forward to meeting everyone,

> Maddy


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Hi Maddy! I LOVE the divided plate method. Do you have the whole set or just the plate? I used a ceramic TV dinner style plate for a few months when I was trying to force myself to have more variety and smaller portions. It worked really well for me. I am currently using a small bowl for most of my meals as a portion control, so that I am eating 1 cup of food at a time.

This is a fab group!


-- new to group


My name is Maddy. I'm a widow, mom and grandma who needs to lose at least one hundred pounds sensibly. My cardiologist would like me to follow a simple plan that uses the divided plate format as a guideline. There's no counting calories or points, no weighing either as the plate and place mat does this for me. I haven't had much luck following a prescribed diet but I can't ignore heart problems.

Looking forward to meeting everyone,



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I don't have an answer for you and hope someone on the group might know more. I

have severe (no surgery) scoliosis and severe (lifelong) asthma. I have been in

and out of the hospital with asthma and pnuemonia. I do know the less you use

your lung - function deteriorates. Also, in my case the worsening curve is

restricting my lung function as well.  Bless you and your son. Sara


From: autumqueen <autumqueen@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Fri, August 13, 2010 6:46:24 AM

Subject: New To Group


Hi. Our son has cerebral palsy. He was diagnosed with sudden onset scoliosis at

13 years old with a curvature that went from 47 degrees to 82 degrees within one

year. Surgery was done. There was no real option to wait until he was 15 or 16.

He had Anterior L1-L4 and posterior T3-Pelvis spinal fusion. Unfortunately

around 15 years old he grew some more and developed crankshaft where the

vertebrae rotated along with the ribcage.

With the rotation a bar between the two rods ended up " poking " the skin,

resulted in a quarter size raised area and eventually an infection. He had

surgery to remove the bar but they were unable to remove all the hardware and so

he is now on lifetime anitibiotics to confine the bacteria on the rods/remaining


He was diagnosed with severe restrictive lung disease and the pulmonologist and

ortho surgeon both agreed that structurely there is nothing that can be done to

fix the problem and removing the hardware would result in pulmonary failure.

Ok...I love the several paged detailed reports from the pulmonologist. Was going

to say what his curve is now and what type so was looking at the 7 page report

done from March 2010. Ok. It says 10/23/2009 Spine: Broad-based 85 degrees

dextroconvex T-5 - L4 curve (mild worsening). Stable thoracic kyphosis and

lumbar lordosis, marked right side down pelvic tilt and the leftward truncal

shift. For some reason I thought the curve was less but guess not.

That all said what I am wondering is if anyone has been diagnosed with severe

restrictive lung disease. They did a CT...weren't able to do full pulmonary

function tests due to the cerebral palsy. We know that the right lung is smaller

than it should be and it should be the bigger of the lungs. We know that it is

confined/compressed between the spine and the right rotated ribcage. When you

listen to it there is very little air movement. The left lung is larger than it

should be and is doing most of the work. He breaths, always has, from the lower

left part of his stomach/abdomen.

We are doing breathing treatments with albuterol and pulmicort. That helps some

with the oxygen sats especially when spring hit and now apparently the humid

weather is doing a number on him. If anyone has been diagnosed with lung issues

related to the lung not being able to expand like it should do you know what the

effect is on the lung itself? I have been trying to research it but can't seem

to find anything. There is tons of stuff on obstructive lung disease or a couple

of the restrictive ones but very little on restrictive/scoliosis. If they do

talk about it they say " surgically fix the scoliosis " . We tried that and can't

fix it now. I know that if our son gets the flu/pnemonia that things will be

bad...but trying to figure out what is happening to the right lung over time

when it cannot move air like it should. Does it damamge the walls of the lung

inside over time? I visualize this lung sitting there barely moving and thinking

that it has to do something to the lung if it's not functioning properly. We see

the ortho doc and pulmonologist in Sept. so I know I can ask then but just

curious if anyone has dealt with the restrictive lung disease and what it does

over time to the lung that is restricted.


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I have restrictive lung disease from scoliosis (no cp, asthma) alone.

Anyone with a large upper curve will have restrictive lungs because the rib

hump prevents one lung (and therefore affects the other from expanding) from

fully expanding. And yes, I am fused there, but the fusion didn't cause the

restriction-the scoliosis did. I am vigillant about not catching the flu

(taking all shots) and pneumonia (with a shot) and staying away from anyone

with a cold or cough. As every person gets older lungs get more

restrictive due to age. Those of us with restrictive lungs MAY eventually


oxygen. MAY. There is an education/exercise that MAY help called

pulmonary Rehab. I haven't had it, so I don't know if it helps.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like you are detoxing and it will pass.

Drinks lots of water.

From: Payden <morganpayden@...>Subject: New to Group Date: Friday, September 3, 2010, 3:50 PM

Hi Everyone! I'm new to the group. I'm on day 3, first cycle! Today was SOOO hard! I go through my local doctor and he is GREAT it was only $200 for everythiny...anyways, I'm on the injections and they aren't that bad. I thought I'd be scared but needles aren't as bad as they use to be. Anyways, the first two days were a breeze! I had to force myself to eat (well I did have to over eat too). Today was difficult. I spent half the day dizzy, tired, unable to focus as work. It scared me, how am I going to get past this. Then all of a sudden around 3ish when it was time for my afternoon snack, I got energy. Still have a minor headache, and have to spend extra time concentrating. I'm really really motivated! I have between 50-70lbs to loose. Anyone have suggestions how to cope? Also, the cookbook, does it work? I made the chicken chili last night for today and it was DELICIOUS I've never tasted healthy food so good! Even my husband grabbed it all up.

I really would like all suggestions and tips as possible : ) OH and I'm doing GREAT with water! Around 3L a day but most of it does have the Walmart sweetner in it because too much water makes me queezy.Thanks everyone : )

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thanks. It did pass. I felt fine this weekend..actually I've decided to split up

ALL of my foods and eat every 2 hours so I'm eating all day, no time to be

hungry : ) it was VERY difficult yestarday at our bbq to be good. I did stay

away from the baked beans, but did snub a bit of my husband's burger (small bit

nothing on it, it was his first time ever grilling out) and I even bakes a cake

and didn't snag a piece...deff hard. I've decided to fnish this month up and

take a break because my dr does the 500 cal continuous for 2 months and I want

to hike and things next month so I want the energy and right amount of caleries.

I weighed myself this morning and lost 3lbs so YAY! 3 lbs in 4 days, not too bad



> From: Payden <morganpayden@...>

> Subject: New to Group


> Date: Friday, September 3, 2010, 3:50 PM







> Hi Everyone! I'm new to the group. I'm on day 3, first cycle! Today was SOOO

hard! I go through my local doctor and he is GREAT it was only $200 for

everythiny...anyways, I'm on the injections and they aren't that bad. I thought

I'd be scared but needles aren't as bad as they use to be. Anyways, the first

two days were a breeze! I had to force myself to eat (well I did have to over

eat too). Today was difficult. I spent half the day dizzy, tired, unable to

focus as work. It scared me, how am I going to get past this. Then all of a

sudden around 3ish when it was time for my afternoon snack, I got energy. Still

have a minor headache, and have to spend extra time concentrating. I'm really

really motivated! I have between 50-70lbs to loose. Anyone have suggestions how

to cope? Also, the cookbook, does it work? I made the chicken chili last night

for today and it was DELICIOUS I've never tasted healthy food so good! Even my

husband grabbed it all up.


> I really would like all suggestions and tips as possible : ) OH and I'm doing

GREAT with water! Around 3L a day but most of it does have the Walmart sweetner

in it because too much water makes me queezy.


> Thanks everyone : )


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I split my meat up and eat a little for breakfast (lean flat iron skillet steak or chicken.

I also have a digital scale and weigh all the meat.

I carry an apple for emergencies.

From: Payden <morganpayden@...>Subject: Re: New to Group Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 12:23 PM

thanks. It did pass. I felt fine this weekend..actually I've decided to split up ALL of my foods and eat every 2 hours so I'm eating all day, no time to be hungry : ) it was VERY difficult yestarday at our bbq to be good. I did stay away from the baked beans, but did snub a bit of my husband's burger (small bit nothing on it, it was his first time ever grilling out) and I even bakes a cake and didn't snag a piece...deff hard. I've decided to fnish this month up and take a break because my dr does the 500 cal continuous for 2 months and I want to hike and things next month so I want the energy and right amount of caleries. I weighed myself this morning and lost 3lbs so YAY! 3 lbs in 4 days, not too bad> > > From: Payden <morganpayden@...>> Subject: New to Group> > Date: Friday, September 3, 2010, 3:50 PM> > > Â > > > > Hi Everyone! I'm new to the group. I'm on day 3, first cycle! Today was SOOO hard! I go through my local doctor and he is GREAT it was only $200 for everythiny...anyways, I'm on the injections and they aren't that bad. I thought I'd be scared but needles aren't as bad as they use to be. Anyways, the first two days were a breeze! I had to force

myself to eat (well I did have to over eat too). Today was difficult. I spent half the day dizzy, tired, unable to focus as work. It scared me, how am I going to get past this. Then all of a sudden around 3ish when it was time for my afternoon snack, I got energy. Still have a minor headache, and have to spend extra time concentrating. I'm really really motivated! I have between 50-70lbs to loose. Anyone have suggestions how to cope? Also, the cookbook, does it work? I made the chicken chili last night for today and it was DELICIOUS I've never tasted healthy food so good! Even my husband grabbed it all up. > > I really would like all suggestions and tips as possible : ) OH and I'm doing GREAT with water! Around 3L a day but most of it does have the Walmart sweetner in it because too much water makes me queezy.> > Thanks everyone : )>

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maybe i should study that too,i need it

From: willow <leslielea@...> Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 1:29:28 PMSubject: New to groupHI everyone i am new to this group and wanted to introduce myselfI have 5 children 2 are still at home finishing up highschoolI am studying relaxation therapy i write poetry and i am joining a meditation group where i live. i hope to meet interesting people in this grouphope to hear from ya------------------------------------"Every day in every way,I'm getting better,better,better & better."

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a bird is singing on such a sad day,i guess i should learn that too. it sounded so peaceful to just sit and listen to her/him

From: willow <leslielea@...> Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 1:29:28 PMSubject: New to groupHI everyone i am new to this group and wanted to introduce myselfI have 5 children 2 are still at home finishing up highschoolI am studying relaxation therapy i write poetry and i am joining a meditation group where i live. i hope to meet interesting people in this grouphope to hear from ya------------------------------------"Every day in every way,I'm getting better,better,better & better."

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hi From: siobhan <greengoddess317@...>Subject: Re: New to group Date: Saturday, 11 September, 2010, 7:45 PM

maybe i should study that too,i need it

From: willow <leslielea@...> Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 1:29:28 PMSubject: New to groupHI everyone i am new to this group and wanted to introduce myselfI have 5 children 2 are still at home finishing up highschoolI am studying relaxation therapy i write poetry and i am joining a meditation group where i live. i hope to meet interesting people in this grouphope to hear from ya------------------------------------"Every day in every way,I'm getting better,better,better & better."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Lynn,Welcome to the group. You will find many resources available here that are generally not mentioned by doctors ; in particular, feel free to browse the message archive, where you will see that we have covered a great number of subjects these past years.If you worry about the membrane thickness, it probably means your fiance is contemplating an ethmoidectomy (= clearing the ethmoid sinuses, behind the top of the nose) or a sphenoidectomy (=clearing the sphenoid sinuses, further removed from the ethmoid sinuses). It is true that the bone separating the ethmoid sinus from the base of the skull is very thin, but unless the surgeon judges from a CT-scan that it is indeed too thin, or unless it has thinned unacceptably from lengthy steroid use (which is not likely if your fiance is young), there is a risk of complication, but definitely not a major risk. If your surgeon is skilled and is used to performing ethmoidectomies, there is no particular reason to worry that he will cause a leak (called in this case a CSF-leak = cerebrospinal fluid leak) or hurt the optical nerves (another possible complication).The only potential complicating factor in your fiance's case is how much the "landscape" has been modified by previous surgeries, and if these modifications may cause the surgeon to be disoriented due to lack of "landmarks". Note however that many members of this group have (unfortunately) had numerous surgeries but (luckily) without major complications ; risks however do exist and at least one member believes that a former sugery has resulted in a CSF leak ; another has reported a facial nerve being hit by accident. But it is not simply because one has already had one or two surgeries that the risk of complications is major.Some surgeons use navigational aids (=a magnetic headset linked to a computer and to the endoscope showing the position of the endoscope in real time) to minimize risks. If your fiance is really afraid, he could have the procedure performed under computer-guided navigation. In this case, the surgeon cannot be fooled or disorientated even if the "landscape" has been modified by previous surgeries.Please read the message archive where we have discussed at length which pre-op and post-op measures can or should be taken to ensure that one make the best out of a surgery.Loss of Sense Of Smell is linked to inflammation of the olfactory area. If polyps block and inflame the area or its access, outside air cannot reach the olfactory bulb and/or the olfactory bulb nerves cannot function properly. This is generally thought to subside if the inflammation is stopped, which is why steroids help temporarily regain SOS. There is no way of really knowing, but if steroids help regain SOS when the polyp development is still low (ie when the olfactory area is not physically blocked by polyps), it means that the SOS is not permanently impaired.>> Hello everyone. I am joing this group because my fiance' suffers from Samters Triad. He is suffering with all of the same symptoms described by all here. Mild asthma, aspirin & other NSAIDS allergies, severe nasal polyps and other allergies. > > He has been through 2 surgeries, but the polyps keep returning. Right now he is completely blocked, can't breath or sleep properly and has zero taste or smell. He has been procrastinating a 3rd recommended surgery with aspirin desensitization to follow.. in the meantime, dreading another round of prednisone. I am pushing him to schedule ASAP.. He is very worried because the membrane between the sinus cavity and the brain is very, very thin. > > In previous treatments, his sense of smell and taste returned, but only temporarily. Now, nothing brings it back.. not even high doses of prednisone. He (we) are both so worried that he will never enjoy those senses again. > > I am here to find as much information as possible and to gain some feedback on the aspirin desens..>

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what do you do for the adrenal.

from your ferritine you can see that there is inflamation somewhere probably

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:44 PM, tammy.green7120 <tammy.green7120@...> wrote:


Hi My name is Tammy and I was diagnosed with hypo and adrenal fatigue 2years ago. Would love some help with things i need to correct or dobetter. I still don't feel as well as I would like to and I am still

losing a lot of hair. Here are my new Test Results. I am currentlytaking 3 grains of ERFA thyroid.Cholesterol Total 89 Low (100-199) mg/dlHDL Cholesterol 25 Low (>39) mg/dlTestosterone, Serum 26 (6-82) ng/dl

Free Testosterone 1.0 (0.0-2.2) pg/mlB12 365 (211-946) pg/ml * I am currently taking b12 shots once amonthFolate Serum >19.9TPO Ab 7 (0-34) Iu/mlAntithyroglobulin AB <20 (0-40) iu/ml

Free T4 0.85 (0.82-1.77) ng/dlVitamin D 36.0 (32.0-100.0) ng/mlTSH 0.028 Low (0.450-4.500) uiu/mlEstradiol 84.5 Luteal phase (43.8-211.0) pg/mlProgesterone 6.2 Luteal phase (1.7-27.0) ng/ml

Ferritin Serum 164 High (13-150) ng/mlFree T3 3.3 (2.0-4.4) pg/mlRBC Magnesium 6.0 (4.2-6.8) mg/dlSex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 22.5 (26.1-110.0) nmol/l

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Hi Tammy,

ERFA thyroid contains a lot of T3 that floods the body (pituitary) quickly, then dissipates. The pituitary is responding by shutting off TSH production. But the the T3 dose doesn't last long, and when labs are drawn, it's already leaving the system (it can be gone within hours of ingestion). The low cholesterol is also indicative of hyperthyroid.This missing TSH is common in folks using natural (porcine) hormone replacement. But a pig makes much more T3 than T4, so often the hormone ratio is lopsided for humans.You might consider adding a T4-replacement hormone and cut your ERFA by a little bit. There are quite a few folks who take both - because they need T4 to raise a little more, but also need to maintain better T3 levels.

hope this helps.


From: tammy.green7120 <tammy.green7120@...>iodine Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 9:44:06 AMSubject: New to Group

Hi My name is Tammy and I was diagnosed with hypo and adrenal fatigue 2years ago. Would love some help with things i need to correct or dobetter. I still don't feel as well as I would like to and I am stilllosing a lot of hair. Here are my new Test Results. I am currentlytaking 3 grains of ERFA thyroid.Cholesterol Total 89 Low (100-199) mg/dlHDL Cholesterol 25 Low (>39) mg/dlTestosterone, Serum 26 (6-82) ng/dlFree Testosterone 1.0 (0.0-2.2) pg/mlB12 365 (211-946) pg/ml * I am currently taking b12 shots once amonthFolate Serum >19.9TPO Ab 7 (0-34) Iu/mlAntithyroglobulin AB <20 (0-40) iu/mlFree T4 0.85 (0.82-1.77) ng/dlVitamin D 36.0 (32.0-100.0) ng/mlTSH 0.028 Low (0.450-4.500) uiu/mlEstradiol 84.5 Luteal phase (43.8-211.0) pg/mlProgesterone 6.2 Luteal phase (1.7-27.0) ng/mlFerritin Serum 164 High (13-150)

ng/mlFree T3 3.3 (2.0-4.4) pg/mlRBC Magnesium 6.0 (4.2-6.8) mg/dlSex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 22.5 (26.1-110.0) nmol/l

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