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Hello! In addition to what folks have said, I would like to mention

that in addition to any breastfeeding you can do (every day is

important, so if you can feed for only a few days,try to!!), you might

be able to get donor milk through a milk bank in your area. This would

ensure fresh breastmilk supply for your little one. There are milk banks

everywhere-you can find the nearest one to you online I am certain.

Good luck to you!!!


, 10 months old

See him at <http://www.tabulas.com/~wanderings/gallery/43809/>


new to group

hello - i am new to the group. I have been trying to keep up with the

post for about a week and just have finished reading them. So I

thought i would give an introduction.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and facing a tough road ahead of me. I am high

risk b/c i have kidney disease. So far, everything is going great, the

baby's growth is right on time and my health is stable. I am looking

at a preterm baby and i wish not to vaccinate. Has anyone not

vaccinated a preemie?

Also, b/c of the potential progression of my kidney disease they have

told me that i will not be able to breast feed for very long

(hopefullt at least a week) b/c they will want to put me back on my

medicine which is excreted in breast milk & is not safe for the baby.

I look forward to getting to know you all better and just in a week i

have already received so much encouragement from all of the brave




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Guest guest

> There werent any replies to the last message I posted so I am


> again. My name is Margie and I have dysthymia with obsessive

> tendencies. My doctor had me take 10 mg. the first week and then

> wanted me to increase to 20 this past week. I took 20mg and felt

> really spacey to the point that I couldn't drive. He cut me back


> 15 mg which I took a couple of mornings. I was a little less


> but not great. My doc switched me to bedtime and I tried that


> night.


> I feel less despair and the self-destructive obsessions seem to be

> less since I started Lex. My appetite has increased. Are weight


> and spaciness side effects?


> Margie

Are you just taking Lexapro and that is it? I was put on 20mg too

but I am on other drugs also.. The first nite I took the 20 mg with

the other med I felt like a zombie...

I also am taking Lamtrical.. (I may be spelling it wrong) It is an

anti convulsant drug used for mood stablizing.. I went thru a

horrible trauma 3 yrs ago and I have Post Traumatic Stress and

anxiety and depression.. Ugh To get these meds right is hard to deal


Carol R

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Hi Chris! Welcome to the group.........I don't write a lot on here like other

people, I am on day 5 of taking Lexapro for my anxiety. What is SAHM? After

you read what everyone writes you start feeling better about taking the

medication. I was concerned and not wanting to start it. My side effect that I


have right now is sleepy. I can sleep for hours and hours and then still

yawn.......hope that goes away soon.

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Well, I don't have any kids at home and I am 49, teach 52 piano students per

week and love it! I have a great marriage, 3 grandsons and my life is good.

But......for some reason, I started experiencing chest pressure, heart

palpitations, and just this terrible feeling inside. The doctor wrote me the

prescription in May, but I didn't want to take it. Finally I realized that I am

being stupid and I need to try it. I also have been in menopause for 9 years


I am sure the hormones are a part of it. I am on two hormones, they upped my

does in May thinking maybe that was the cause of my problems. We are just

all going to get better and see the results daily! That is my prayer! in


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welcome to the group Chris!

bring on the questions.


On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 07:27:24 -0500 (Central Standard Time) " Chris

Fairchild " <mommyto2girlz@...> writes:

> Hello, my name is Chris. I am 34 , married with 2 daughters ( 8 1/2

> yrs and

> 6 yrs). I am currently a SAHM, take a leave from my nursing career

> for a

> while. I just started on Lexapro a week ago today. I have a lot

> of

> questions that I may ask in the upcoming days and months, so I hope

> everyone

> will bare with me. I am happy I found this group so I have some

> other

> people that understand what I am going through who have actually

> been

> through depression and anxiety. Well, I will write more later.

> Thanks for

> listening to me ramble. LOL.


> Chris



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SAHM = Stay at home mom

-- Re: New to group

Hi Chris! Welcome to the group.........I don't write a lot on here like


people, I am on day 5 of taking Lexapro for my anxiety. What is SAHM? After

you read what everyone writes you start feeling better about taking the

medication. I was concerned and not wanting to start it. My side effect that

I still

have right now is sleepy. I can sleep for hours and hours and then still

yawn.......hope that goes away soon.

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I have felt I should be on something for a little over a year now, but just

have been in denial I think. I am a Type A personality who like control and

order. I am very detailed. That is a good trait as a nurse, but not always

in a family setting at home. My irratibility, outbursts, crying, stress and

anxiety has gotten worse since I quit work a year ago. I am happy that I am

home for a while with my kids and doing all I do, but I have become a mess

really. I am really bad for 2 weeks when it is my time of the month, so I

do feel hormones are playing a factor in it too. Last week, I felt like I

had a breakdown, I just felt everyone was out to get me and I couldn't do

anything right. So , I called the doctor and now I am on Lexapro.


-- Re: New to group

Hi Chris! Welcome to the group.........I don't write a lot on here like


people, I am on day 5 of taking Lexapro for my anxiety. What is SAHM? After

you read what everyone writes you start feeling better about taking the

medication. I was concerned and not wanting to start it. My side effect that

I still

have right now is sleepy. I can sleep for hours and hours and then still

yawn.......hope that goes away soon.

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susan .. did they check you for other causes for the heart palpatations?

Just curious .I have them as well and of course they are a symptom of

panic/anxiety. I am just curious as no one ever checked me out for

anything other than anxiety . currently I have actaula chest pain and

migrains.. and back spasms.. I am stuck wondering is it anxiety or

something else.. that is what gives me panic. alison

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:37:27 EDT susanb4piano@... writes:

> Well, I don't have any kids at home and I am 49, teach 52 piano

> students per

> week and love it! I have a great marriage, 3 grandsons and my life

> is good.

> But......for some reason, I started experiencing chest pressure,

> heart

> palpitations, and just this terrible feeling inside. The doctor

> wrote me the

> prescription in May, but I didn't want to take it. Finally I

> realized that I am

> being stupid and I need to try it. I also have been in menopause

> for 9 years but

> I am sure the hormones are a part of it. I am on two hormones, they

> upped my

> does in May thinking maybe that was the cause of my problems. We

> are just

> all going to get better and see the results daily! That is my

> prayer! in

> Atlanta




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susan that is right ..you said that before sorry. still seems like it

could be confusing huh ? you ar elucky to have what sounds liek good

medical care.


On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 10:07:25 EDT susanb4piano@... writes:

> ! I have PSVT, which is a heart arrhythmia, but I am on a

> pill for

> that. The Card. said this newest thing is not my heart, that is

> fine and

> controlled!




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Hi Welcome to the group. I've found Lexapro to be a miracle drug for

me. I've been depressed and anxious most of my life (since age 9) I've been

as you describe yourself ; anxious with outbursts, crying, stressed etc.

Lexapro has given me a new life and my friends are wondering what's gotten

into me....actually most of them know I'm on a new med and they are

delighted at the new me. I hope you have the same good results with Lex.

that I have come to experience. As far as your questions go, ask away, that

s what we are here for. We all have had our own DIFFERENT experiences with

Lexapro. Questions about dosage, etc should be addressed with your doctor

as we don't give medical advice here....we share how it has been for us.

Sue C

-- Re: New to group

Hi Chris! Welcome to the group.........I don't write a lot on here like


people, I am on day 5 of taking Lexapro for my anxiety. What is SAHM? After

you read what everyone writes you start feeling better about taking the

medication. I was concerned and not wanting to start it. My side effect that

I still

have right now is sleepy. I can sleep for hours and hours and then still

yawn.......hope that goes away soon.

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Welcome and thanks for sharing your introduction. You are certainly right

about how nice it is to share with others who experience anxiety and depression.

No one, and I mean no one, can understand what it is like unless they have lived

it themselves. Lexapro has made a huge difference in my life and my prayer is

that you will find relief too. Just jump on in and ask any questions that come

to mind!

New to group

Hello, my name is Chris. I am 34 , married with 2 daughters ( 8 1/2 yrs and

6 yrs). I am currently a SAHM, take a leave from my nursing career for a

while. I just started on Lexapro a week ago today. I have a lot of

questions that I may ask in the upcoming days and months, so I hope everyone

will bare with me. I am happy I found this group so I have some other

people that understand what I am going through who have actually been

through depression and anxiety. Well, I will write more later. Thanks for

listening to me ramble. LOL.


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and Cyn -

Welcome to both of you! This list is a good place - I have only been on

Lex 5 days myself, and it is because of this group I got over my fears, and

decided to just start taking the Lexapro.

Let us know how you are doing.


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Ed, welcome to the group. We have members from all over the

world, but I don't recall another from Germany. We are glad

you decided to join us.

The pains you are having I assume to be the spasms we all

talk about. I too have not been able to associate them with

any foods or anything I do. They just seem to pop up with

me for no rhyme or reason. I drink or gulp cold water to

stop mine. Thankfully mine don't seem to last as long as they

do for some.

You are a welcome addition to our group, and hope you will

keep posting.



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Hello Ed!

Welcome to

our group! I’m sure you benefit a tonne by having joined this group. Most

of us have learned WAY more here than we ever could have learned from our

doctors. Some are even teaching him a thing or two! J Feel free to ask any question you might have, that is what we

are here for!


in BC


achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of ka0zwv

Sent: August 30, 2005 1:54 PM


Subject: New to group

Hello all,

I am thankful I found this group. I was

diagnosed with achalasia in

1999. After three dialations I began to have

relief. I haven't had

major problems since my last dialation in

2001. I do have pain (major

pain) from time to time. There seems to be

no relation to the foods I

eat or stress. When I have these pains I

drink milk or anything cold

that I can get my hands on to help ease the pain,

sometimes it scares

me when I can't get the milk down. These

episodes don't happen too

often so I am thankful for that. I am able

to eat just about anything

I like but I always have to have water near

by. I drink about a liter

of water with every meal.

I now live in Germany. Are there members on

here from Germany


than me?


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Hi Ed,

My name is Evita and I'm from Belgium. So we're kind of neighbours too :-)

I've had A for about 7 years now. The first 2 years were the hardest, in

the end I couldn't even keep soup down.

No doctor seemed to know what was wrong with me, they even thought that it

was in my head. But then I found a nice Croatian doctor working in Belgium,

who did my dilatation.

I haven't had any major trouble since ... I'm now 8 months pregnant and I

feel to have less problems than before.

If you have any more questions, just ask us, there's always one who can give

an answer, has been through the same or can cheer you up a bit!

All the best!


>From: " ka0zwv " <ka0zwv@...>



>Subject: New to group

>Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 20:53:31 -0000


>Hello all,


>I am thankful I found this group. I was diagnosed with achalasia in

>1999. After three dialations I began to have relief. I haven't had

>major problems since my last dialation in 2001. I do have pain (major

>pain) from time to time. There seems to be no relation to the foods I

>eat or stress. When I have these pains I drink milk or anything cold

>that I can get my hands on to help ease the pain, sometimes it scares

>me when I can't get the milk down. These episodes don't happen too

>often so I am thankful for that. I am able to eat just about anything

>I like but I always have to have water near by. I drink about a liter

>of water with every meal.


>I now live in Germany. Are there members on here from Germany other

>than me?





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Crystal, welcome to the group! We lived on the Cape for six years and

loved it. From 1988-1994. My son was born at Tobey and his heart

specialist was in Boston. I am trying to remember my ENT's name up

there, you might know who it is. Anyway, sounds like you have a lot to

add to this board! I found your post very interesting as I too have

other medical issues that include autoimmune disorder, fibromyalgia,

osteoporosis, etc. Hmmmmm, maybe they can find that gene soon so my

body can have some peace! Keep posting and once again, welcome. Trudy.

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Yes, I

have heard of it, since moving to CA I have been to two different ENT that had

not heard of it and the last one that I went to said that in his opinion I

could not be in pain and that I should just live with the sinus problems since

they are not life threatening.

Luckily I was able to get a second opinion and am now waiting for my

insurance to approve my surgery so that I can function again with out pain or

pain meds (at least for awhile!).

My PCP that I go to has heard of it but does not know that much but

again luck has been on my side and my PCP has done research so that he can

understand my symptoms and put me on the correct course for treatment.




From: samters

[mailto:samters ]On Behalf Of capecodgal1988

Sent: Wednesday, September 07,

2005 5:38 AM


Subject: New to group

Thanks for the welcome Trudy. The Cape is a beautiful

place....especially now that the tourists have gone back home ;-)

Yesterday at the allergy clinic getting my weekly allergy shots, I

was updating the allergy nurses on my latest diagnosis - Samter's.

These nurses have seen me go thru all my various problems: sinus and

ear infections, ESS surgeries,loss of hearing, allergy testing and

have been my cheering squad as well as a source of information on

allergies. Well for all the years that these two women have been in


I was a bit surprised they didn't even know the term...Does everyone

encounter this lack of knowledge? NO wonder it took so long for

someone to tell me it was a disorder. Thank goodness I have access

to the doctor in Boston - who by the way also teaches at Harvard.

At least the newer doctors will be informed about it.

Thanks for being there!

Take good care!


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Marjory and Crystal,

Sometimes it's called aspirin triad, or just triad syndrome, too. That's what my doctors called it for years before the name Samters became more widely used.

Billie in Texas

Marjory Hatfield <marjory.hatfield@...> wrote:

Yes, I have heard of it, since moving to CA I have been to two different ENT that had not heard of it and the last one that I went to said that in his opinion I could not be in pain and that I should just live with the sinus problems since they are not life threatening. Luckily I was able to get a second opinion and am now waiting for my insurance to approve my surgery so that I can function again with out pain or pain meds (at least for awhile!). My PCP that I go to has heard of it but does not know that much but again luck has been on my side and my PCP has done research so that he can understand my symptoms and put me on the correct course for treatment.


-----Original Message-----From: samters [mailto:samters ]On Behalf Of capecodgal1988Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 5:38 AMsamters Subject: New to group

Thanks for the welcome Trudy. The Cape is a beautiful place....especially now that the tourists have gone back home ;-) Yesterday at the allergy clinic getting my weekly allergy shots, I was updating the allergy nurses on my latest diagnosis - Samter's. These nurses have seen me go thru all my various problems: sinus and ear infections, ESS surgeries,loss of hearing, allergy testing and have been my cheering squad as well as a source of information on allergies. Well for all the years that these two women have been in this office

THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD OF SAMTER'S TRIAD. I was a bit surprised they didn't even know the term...Does everyone encounter this lack of knowledge? NO wonder it took so long for someone to tell me it was a disorder. Thank goodness I have access to the doctor in Boston - who by the way also teaches at Harvard. At least the newer doctors will be informed about it.Thanks for being there!Take good care!Crystal

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Phil, welcome to the group. I have had two balloon dilatations.

One lasted 3 1/2 years. I had my last one in February and it is

still good.

We are all different and some last longer than others. I believe

Debbi on this board is still eating fairly well after 7 or 8 years.

(Where are you Debbi....don't let me tell it wrong here?) I have

heard that 3 1/2 years is about average. Doctors use different

size balloons too, which I also think makes a difference in how

long they last. Some doctors don't feel comfortable using the

larger balloons and do them progressively.

Please keep reading and asking questions here, then when you

return to your doctor you will be armed with more questions

so you can get your doctor's opinion.



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Hi Phil and welcome,

Since you are collecting info from different people on what procedures we've had, I never had any dilations or botox. I just had the myotomy. I was offered botox by a gastro doctor but I declined it because I felt it was only a temporary solution.

After seeing a higher level specialist, I was given the options of botox, balloon dilation, or surgery. I chose surgery because I didn't want to have to keep for back for dilations for unknown periods of times. I just wanted to be fixed and surgery was the option I chose to fit the bill.

A few days before the surgery, my medical insurance tried to tell me that I had to have a balloon dilation first and they denied approving payment for my surgery. But I appealed and later had my surgery. The insurance said when they were reviewing my case initially they were using an old outdated system and upon further review they agreed to pay for my surgery.

Hope others share their experiences with you, too.

pfriso1 <pfriso1@...> wrote:

Hello Everyone,I am new to the group and was very interested even to find a group onachalasia. I was diagnosed with achalasia 4 months ago, after 5 yearsof mis-diagnosis for acid reflux. I have started to read some of thepast posts and am finding the information very interesting but had aquestion for anyone who has had the balloon dilitation.I am 33 and had my first dilitation a few months ago and seem to bedoing fine. Before it I couldnt even drink a glass of water withoutgetting sick and now I can eat anything under the sun. Anyway, myquestion is just wondering on average if people have had the balloondilitation of their sphincter muscle about how long it has lasted andhow many additional procedures you all have had. I know there issurgery too to cut that muscle but I wasnt ready to get that done. Mydoctor is hopeful

that it will last a year or so but you never know.Thanks for any comments.Phil

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Hi Phil,

Welcome to the group. I had one balloon dilation a few years after

onset of symptoms and it helped for a few months, then I went right

to surgery which left me 80% better for a few years and now 60%

better off. Everyone is different and I'm sure you'll get a variety

of responses.


> Hello Everyone,


> I am new to the group and was very interested even to find a group


> achalasia. I was diagnosed with achalasia 4 months ago, after 5


> of mis-diagnosis for acid reflux. I have started to read some of


> past posts and am finding the information very interesting but had


> question for anyone who has had the balloon dilitation.


> I am 33 and had my first dilitation a few months ago and seem to be

> doing fine. Before it I couldnt even drink a glass of water without

> getting sick and now I can eat anything under the sun. Anyway, my

> question is just wondering on average if people have had the


> dilitation of their sphincter muscle about how long it has lasted


> how many additional procedures you all have had. I know there is

> surgery too to cut that muscle but I wasnt ready to get that done.


> doctor is hopeful that it will last a year or so but you never



> Thanks for any comments.


> Phil

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, welcome to the group. We certainly understand your

husbands frustration and his feeling when food gets stuck with

others around. I think everyone here has been through the

stage where we hating eating out or with guest. One thing most

of us have in common is, we always sit closest to the restroom

when we are eating out, so if we have to go get food up then

we can do it with less attention. We also request lost of water.

My husband usually drinks tea but he also ask for a glass of

water so there will be an extra on the table in case I run out.

It would be good if he good read these messages and participate

in asking questions. We all began this journey thinking we are

so different to everyone else, but here we learn that there are

others who are going through and having the same problems we

do which helps with the acceptance.

Do research the heller's myotomy. The surgery last longer for

most, just be sure that you find a doctor who has a lot of

experience since my GI's don't. Please tell us where you live.

Someone may be able to recommend one.



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Tell your husband he isn’t alone at

all. There are tons of us that have this disease. I went through

the whole “Are you ok” thing for years!!! Yes it is aggravating!!!

He should seek other therapy for this…that’s the only way for most

of us. Some can manage it without treatment but there aren’t

many!! I’ve had 5 dilations and 2 surgeries. My last surgery

was in 2002, and I’ve done quite well since, but I also had an open

surgery done. I’ve only recently started having problems again but

nothing major!!


achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005

3:50 PM


Subject: New to group

Hi Everyone,

I am the wife of an achalasia sufferer who was

misdiagnosed for years.

We were diagnosed for achalasia 2 years ago, and

have had one balloon

therapy. My husband is very frustrated with this

illness. Mostly, he

hates eating, unless it's an easy event. He gets

very angry when he

gets " stuck " , and everyone around asks

" are you ok? " . We're at the

point of him just dealing with it. I'd like him to

go for more balloon

therapy, or maybe, if I can talk him into it with

research, surgery. I

am so glad you all have made this group what it is

today. I look

forward to all that there is and will be to learn.


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Hi Phil-I'm beginning my third year after a balloon dilation at the Brigham and Woman's Hospital with Dr. Carr-Locke and I'm still 100%---trying not to think about it!!! from Bostonkclutesi <katsmeow@...> wrote:

Hi Phil,Welcome to the group. I had one balloon dilation a few years after onset of symptoms and it helped for a few months, then I went right to surgery which left me 80% better for a few years and now 60% better off. Everyone is different and I'm sure you'll get a variety of responses.Kat> Hello Everyone,> > I am new to the group and was very interested even to find a group on> achalasia. I was diagnosed with achalasia 4 months ago, after 5 years> of mis-diagnosis for acid reflux. I have started to read some of the> past posts and am finding the information very interesting but had a> question for anyone who has had the balloon dilitation.> > I am 33 and had my first dilitation a

few months ago and seem to be> doing fine. Before it I couldnt even drink a glass of water without> getting sick and now I can eat anything under the sun. Anyway, my> question is just wondering on average if people have had the balloon> dilitation of their sphincter muscle about how long it has lasted and> how many additional procedures you all have had. I know there is> surgery too to cut that muscle but I wasnt ready to get that done. My> doctor is hopeful that it will last a year or so but you never know.> > Thanks for any comments.> > Phil

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