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i just recently started having spasms. They feel like a burning sensation

to me and like someone is forcing something where it shouldn't go...my

pain has started to go up my jaw and into my ears...it is really

weird....Not liking it to much. Started taking procardia for it or nitro.

but the nitro makes me have headaches.

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Hi , welcome to the group:

sorry to hear about your daughter's health problems. There are more

parents of kids with A in this group who know how you feel. Here my


1. Achalasia is a chronic condition, so your daughter should have a

good doctor who can keep track of her A over time. Find a good

Gastroenterologist (doctor who specializes in the digestive system)

who has experience with A (which might be hard to find).

2. Even after surgery or other treatments, the doctor should follow-

up on the progression of A. Endocopy and barium swallows are good

follow-up methods to check for any irritation due to reflux, ulcers,

strictures, excessive scaring, excessive widening of the esophagus or

other possible problems. Unfortunately both methods are not pleasant

for a 7 year old.

The doctor should also presribe or adjust any medication given to

controle reflux (which is not only painfull, but can cause


3. Severe spasmns are common in A patients. Check with your doctor on

possible remedies. There is also lots of info on spasmns in this

group. Try sipping cold water and chewing plain crackers, a

tablespoon of cola syrup helps to controle my spasmns, try some

cool " drinkeable " yogurts.

But see a professional for better help.

4. What to eat depends entirely on your daughter. Observe what she

likes to eat and what she can get down. Check with an experienced

dieticien, nutritional expert.

Soft, mild foods are often better tolerated by people with A, like

soups, stews, soft vegetables. Sweets, cookies, chocolate often go

down easier. Hard to swallow are often fresh fruit (try to puree it),

salads, raw vegetables, meat. But observe your daughter and let her

choose what she wants to eat. If you are worried she doesn't get

enough vitamins, protein, have her try some of the liquid supplements

like " boost " or " ensure " . My 3 year old son (who does not have A)

loves the chocolate boost. But check with your doctor first if this

is OK.

Please feel free to contact me directly at tbeshear@...

Best wishes, Tanja

California, 2 months post myotomy, doing well

> I have a 7 yo daughter that was diagnosed with achalasia when she


> 2 years old we have been through alot sence then and before thenI

> will write more about it all in my next post the question i have


> she isnt on any medication for anything. Should I talk to the doc.

> about putting her on something I never knew what it was but


> she just holds her chest but she is to scared to tell me if


> hurts because of all that she has been through in her life and also

> the other questin I have is what sort of foods should I feed my

> daughter? I want to make sure I do all i can do for her. And she is

> to scared to tell me if anything is bothering her because she is so

> afraid of seeing the surgin again that she just tells me she is


> To complicate matters even more on top of the she was born with

> ctomegalo virus wich resulted in her having moderat CP cognativaly

> she is a head of herself she just cant walk yet but she scoots


> just fine sorry I am ramballing on please anyonr that could help

> would be greatly appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pat and welcome to the group. You are lucky you could find a someone to

help you on your quest. I wish I could find one in my area (I moved and now

if I want to see anyone I have to drive forever-well it seems like forever

because of the heavy traffic-30min to go 5-10 miles-huge back up)

Good luck and take care

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome Chandi and to all the new members... we're a bunch of wacky folks who

love our children so much we do what we think is best... even when other people

think we are wackos, lol. Who cares what your family thinks... they are your

kids ONLY.

~ le (mom to Tuck- my 20 month old, fully breastfed - not a fan of solids

either, just moved into his own bed/room with cool tie-dye sheets, slinging,

cloth diapered, baby who got his last jab at 4 months old and will NEVER get


New to group



Hello! I am new to the group and just wanted to say hi. My name is

Chandi. I am a SAHMama to 2 wonderful girls. is Liane will be 5 in

December and Peyton Elise is about 6 1/2 months. We are a breastfeeding

(she is refusing solids) co sleeping,baby wearing,cloth diapering and

now NON VAXING family.

I have struggled with this issue since the birth of Peyton. I didn't

know any better or that I had a choice with is. I have

read,researched,cried,talked to my doctor who instilled a lot of FEAR in

me,cried,read,researched and the list goes on. I HATE what vaccines

really are but yet am afraid of what will happen if she does get one of

these diseases. is is fully vaxed but will not be getting her

Kindergarten boosters. Peyton was fully vaxed at 2 months,partially

(DTaP and HIB) at 4 months and NOT AT ALL at 6 months. I am pretty

comfortable with my decision and I have my DH's support. Our families

don't know that we are not vaxing as they are already condemning our

parenting practices :(

I can't wait to learn more!!


Chandi Haling

Mama to is (12-01-97) and

Peyton (04-01-02)

Saving the World, One Breastfed Baby at a time!!!!


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Welcome to the group!!

mother to two beautiful children

Tristan 3


wife to 5 yrs.

~~~ " He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he

cannot lose. " ~~Jim Elliot





> >

> Hello! I am new to the group and just wanted to say hi. My name is

> Chandi. I am a SAHMama to 2 wonderful girls. is Liane will be

5 in

> December and Peyton Elise is about 6 1/2 months. We are a


> (she is refusing solids) co sleeping,baby wearing,cloth diapering


> now NON VAXING family.

> I have struggled with this issue since the birth of Peyton. I


> know any better or that I had a choice with is. I have

> read,researched,cried,talked to my doctor who instilled a lot of


> me,cried,read,researched and the list goes on. I HATE what


> really are but yet am afraid of what will happen if she does get

one of

> these diseases. is is fully vaxed but will not be getting her

> Kindergarten boosters. Peyton was fully vaxed at 2 months,partially

> (DTaP and HIB) at 4 months and NOT AT ALL at 6 months. I am pretty

> comfortable with my decision and I have my DH's support. Our


> don't know that we are not vaxing as they are already condemning our

> parenting practices :(


> I can't wait to learn more!!

> Chandi


> Chandi Haling

> Mama to is (12-01-97) and

> Peyton (04-01-02)


> Saving the World, One Breastfed Baby at a time!!!!





> _____



> <http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El=hotbar%


> nt%3bst%3b & SG= & RAND=1> Upgrade Your Email - Click here!




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I am glad you joined the group Chandi!!! It is great to have another

non-vaxer from the AP meetings.


" Chandi "


<Vaccinations >


10/11/02 09:51 PM Subject: New to


Please respond to




Hello! I am new to the group and just wanted to say hi. My name is

Chandi. I am a SAHMama to 2 wonderful girls. is Liane will be 5 in

December and Peyton Elise is about 6 1/2 months. We are a breastfeeding

(she is refusing solids) co sleeping,baby wearing,cloth diapering and

now NON VAXING family.

I have struggled with this issue since the birth of Peyton. I didn't

know any better or that I had a choice with is. I have

read,researched,cried,talked to my doctor who instilled a lot of FEAR in

me,cried,read,researched and the list goes on. I HATE what vaccines

really are but yet am afraid of what will happen if she does get one of

these diseases. is is fully vaxed but will not be getting her

Kindergarten boosters. Peyton was fully vaxed at 2 months,partially

(DTaP and HIB) at 4 months and NOT AT ALL at 6 months. I am pretty

comfortable with my decision and I have my DH's support. Our families

don't know that we are not vaxing as they are already condemning our

parenting practices :(

I can't wait to learn more!!


Chandi Haling

Mama to is (12-01-97) and

Peyton (04-01-02)

Saving the World, One Breastfed Baby at a time!!!!


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nt%3bst%3b & SG= & RAND=1> Upgrade Your Email - Click here!

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Cool to have another WI person on board!

New to group



Hello! I am new to the group and just wanted to say hi. My name is

Chandi. I am a SAHMama to 2 wonderful girls. is Liane will be 5 in

December and Peyton Elise is about 6 1/2 months. We are a breastfeeding

(she is refusing solids) co sleeping,baby wearing,cloth diapering and

now NON VAXING family.

I have struggled with this issue since the birth of Peyton. I didn't

know any better or that I had a choice with is. I have

read,researched,cried,talked to my doctor who instilled a lot of FEAR in

me,cried,read,researched and the list goes on. I HATE what vaccines

really are but yet am afraid of what will happen if she does get one of

these diseases. is is fully vaxed but will not be getting her

Kindergarten boosters. Peyton was fully vaxed at 2 months,partially

(DTaP and HIB) at 4 months and NOT AT ALL at 6 months. I am pretty

comfortable with my decision and I have my DH's support. Our families

don't know that we are not vaxing as they are already condemning our

parenting practices :(

I can't wait to learn more!!


Chandi Haling

Mama to is (12-01-97) and

Peyton (04-01-02)

Saving the World, One Breastfed Baby at a time!!!!


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nt%3bst%3b & SG= & RAND=1> Upgrade Your Email - Click here!

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  • 4 weeks later...

> Hi Everyone

> I just discovered this group.

> I'm on Effexor and Zoloft now. Started with Wellbutrin, then


> That worked well for the longest time. But I played around with


> dosage because of the sexual side effects. Then decided to for go

> all antidepressants. That sure didn't work. Came back and tried

> Effexor. This was the best without sex-side effects. But had BP

> problems. Then did the Prozac. Didn't like that one. Tried Zoloft.

> The Zoloft & Effexor seem to work for awhile. It seems like


> working now. I go tomorrow to see the Doc. She had talked about a

> new drug made by same people as Celexa.

> JW


How long did you give each anti? Usually takes 6-8 weeks on them to

even start working. Except for the Lexapro which is supposed to

kick in within a weeks time, or so they say.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It worked better than celexa for me with less tiredeness. Good

luck and if it doesnt work theres always another resort

> hi ~ I am from the Celexa group and just started taking Lexapro

on Fri. evening. I wanted to see how everyone was doing on

Lexapro, I sure hope this works for me because it is my last



> J.

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  • 1 month later...

> Hello everyone!


> My name is Blatt and I am just over a week away from having

> the surgery in Mexico by Dr. Rumbaut.

> - I have a friend who is also being banded by Dr. Rumbaut

next week. His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, the 8th. His

name is Jim son. He and his wife, Laurie will be arriving in

Monterrey this Saturday. They will be staying at the Hampton, so

connect with them if you get a chance.

Elma in Graham, WA

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I think you are right about being concerned that you may not lose all your

weight with the band. I'm 5' 7 " , surgery on 07/01/02, 285 pounds. I have lost

35 pounds in 6 months and it has been a real struggle. For me, it has meant

alot of " p-bing " or burping up the food you just ate. Not quite as gross as

throwing up since it hasn't mixed with stomach acid but it is a real bitch. I'm

resolved to losing about 5 pounds a month. I thought it was going to be much

easier to lose weight and now I am resolved too that this band is a tool to that

end but not the magic wand I thought it was going to be.

I too investigated having a by-pass instead of the band. I don't know how I

will feel tomorrow but today I am satisfied that I chose the less drastic

surgical option. The fact that the band can be removed and all systems can be

returned to normal makes alot of sense to me still. If someday I develop an

illness like cancer and I need my digestive system resources, I still have that

option. The fact that it is adjustable is also a big benefit.

Even though I really hate to admit it, losing weight a bit slower is better for

my health. So I'm thinking that I will have to excersise and eat less sugar in

order to keep losing weight; it won't be auto-pilot.

I may never fit into size 8 pants but my M.D. told me that for every pound I

lose, I take three pounds of pressure off my knees. I'm grateful to be 35

pounds less but losing to my goal of around 170 seems pretty far away right now.

If I can lose five a month that means it will take 16 more months.

, it's definitely a journey. I think alot of the people who are active on

these sites have been very successful and are happy to pass along their

excitement. I've always wondered about all those people who are not following

the web sites and haven't been satisfied with their outcomes. I'm not sure we

will ever know how either of the options are working based on these web sites.

I had my surgery done in Mexico and no one has followed up with me for any data.

In the big picture of things, I always remind myself about my dear departed

Mother. She died of renal failure in the Mid-West the year that the kidney

dialysis machine was invented in Seattle Washington. I am 43 years old and if I

live to be 80, there may be some pretty significant changes in medicine. I

truly wish that I would not have had to have this lap band surgery and that I

was able to be free of obesity without it. But I am grateful for every pound

gone and glad I'm still hedging my bets.

Good luck making your decision and welcome back to the Pacific Northwest.

Darla Morton


Dr. Kuri, TJ, Mexico


new to group

Thank you all for allowing me to join your group. My name is

Hansen and my lap-band surgery is scheduled for 01/20/03 in

Nacogdoches, Tx with Dr. . I joined the PNW Bandster group

because, shortly after my surgery, we are finally getting out of

Texas and moving back home to Portland. I was originally going to

have a lap RNY, but my surgeon now wants me to have the lap-band. I

have heard that it is safer, but I am very concerned that I will not

experience the weight loss that I would have with the bypass. I have

read your posts and visited some of you sites and found alot of

encouraging information there. I was looking through Bio-Enterics

brochure on the lap-band and there figures were pretty dismal. It

showed that only 22% of the people had lost at least 50% of their

excess body weight. I really want to get further than halfway to my

goal. I would appreciate any thoughts you all might have.



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Hi ,

I'm mainly writing because I lived in Corpus Christi, TX for 6 years and moved

back t0 Portland 2 years ago. Oregon is beautiful but be prepared for some

kinda dark gloomy days in Winter. And yes, very high income taxes.

I had the lap band 10/15/02 by Rodriquez in Acuna, Mexico. Current stats:

220/185/135-140. The most appealing things I found about the lap band is that

nobody is dissecting and re-plumbing your insides, and should you drop

dangerously low in weight (sometimes people do if they get really sick and as

they age) then the solution can be withdrawn.

I've had one fill, which was enough to teach me how to do it myself. and I've

done several small ones since. I'm a healthcare professional and am in no way

going to pay somebody for a procedure I can do for pennies (including all

sterile equipment)

I don't recommend that you tell anybody else this info because the average

bandster would have a cow. I did go to school for 6 years which qualifies


Good luck in your decisions, your life is about to change and once in Portland

give me an email.



new to group

Thank you all for allowing me to join your group. My name is

Hansen and my lap-band surgery is scheduled for 01/20/03 in

Nacogdoches, Tx with Dr. . I joined the PNW Bandster group

because, shortly after my surgery, we are finally getting out of

Texas and moving back home to Portland. I was originally going to

have a lap RNY, but my surgeon now wants me to have the lap-band. I

have heard that it is safer, but I am very concerned that I will not

experience the weight loss that I would have with the bypass. I have

read your posts and visited some of you sites and found alot of

encouraging information there. I was looking through Bio-Enterics

brochure on the lap-band and there figures were pretty dismal. It

showed that only 22% of the people had lost at least 50% of their

excess body weight. I really want to get further than halfway to my

goal. I would appreciate any thoughts you all might have.



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don't put a lot of faith in those numbers, these were the original studies,

where pts were empressed that they could have the band removed any time (yadda,

yadda, yadda). In reading the data that I could find, I don't think that they

were able to select patients that had the same level of motivation that we see

today. Today we find many people who are paying out of their own pocket and

therefore have a much greater interest (personal and financial) in their own

success. do yourself a favor, call the physician who is going to do your

surgery and ask him/her what the success rates are in their patient group.

Well you are at it, consider asking for info on how many times the opperation

had to be converted to an open proceedure (ie full incision, not laproscopic)

and how many of their band patients have had the band removed. (I had mine

done by a different Mexican provider and it eased my mind greatly when I found

out that the dr had done 740+ pts, and only 4 conversions and 1 removal. Also

that his patients adverage weight loss was 66 percent of pre surgery weight.

Good Luck



Dr Ortiz Tiajuana 10/24/02

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HI Loriann,

My Surgeon had retired however, the surgeon that has since replaced

him. Trained with him. They specialise in scoliosis. I will post to the group

after my visit. Thank you for your response.


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Hi Carla,

I also have Harrington Rods and have gone to several doctors looking

for advice on what to do about the flatback syndrome symptoms they

are causing me. While I can't give you advice on whether or not to

get the rods out, I can give you advice on your search for answers.

Are you going to the same doctor that put your rods in? Be sure to

get opinions from doctors who are knowledgable about the

complications Harrington Rods can cause and who have actually done

revision surgeries. Not all orthopedic surgeons/scoliosis doctors

have the knowledge and experience. If they don't automatically take

an x-ray of your hips, ask for one! Also, before they do x-rays of

your back, ask what types of views will be taken. If you lean

forward and have difficulty standing upright, in addition to x-rays

of your spine from the front, a standing view from the side should

better help them diagnose. Good luck and it would be great if you

would post again after your doctor visit.


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Hello Carla,

You didn't have your surgery done by Dickson in Houston did

you? Just curious, you mentioned your surgeon has retired and the

new guy trained with him....

That is the case with me. I saw my surgeon's... " new doogie houser

md " in December. I am contemplating rod removal and three doctors

have now said they would do it! There is much to be considered when

thinking about this and I am not taking it lightly! I would not even

consider the " new guy " messing with my hardware. I was very

interested in his opinions, but I just want the guy opening me up to

have done a couple hundred at least!

Let me know if I can help, just to correspond about your fears is so

helpful. I do not have classic flatback syndrome as they tell me I

am not fused far enough down. I do have severe upper back and neck

pain from the flatening of my thorasic fusion from those nasty

harrington rods.

Rodsapain - in Waco

T4 - L2 Harrington Rods 1985 when I was 21

T5 - T10

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Judy:

I am not familiar with SI joint problems but my revision surgery was done by

Dr. Boachie and I can't recommend him enough. My first surgeon was very

competent but when I ran into major problems after his surgery he highly

recommended Dr. Boachie. I even went to a highly recommended surgeon in

Miami and he also recommended me to Dr. Boachie as I live on Long Island.

You won't get any better care from Hospital for Special Surgery. Dr. Boachie

has his own staff at the hospital. They know exactly how to treat spinal

surgery patients. He goes all over the world doing complex spinal surgeries.

He is very warm and kind as well as his office staff. He is worth every

dime that he charges. If you have any other quesitons, please ask.


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Judy and Dave...

I believe that the BMP trial is for single level fusions only at this

point. That still may be helpful, especially for people whose fusion

includes the L5-S1 space.


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Dave, thank you so much for your reply and helpful info. BMP may not be quite

the thing for my surgery, but at least now I have more info for understanding

why the doctor may choose not to use it. Thanks again, Judy

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi . I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism a little over a year ago. I was fatigued (extremely!), forgetting things and had gained about 25 pounds I just could not get off! Unfortunately, I have not lost any of the weight being on Synthroid, and from what I have read, it is very difficult, but not impossible, to lose the weight. I think you just need to watch your diet and exercise more. I will say that the meds have helped my other problems.

new to group

hi my name is jennifer and a few weeks ago i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism....i kept going to the doctor because i was gaining weight...and my hair was falling out...they kept saying it was my birth control...well i have gained a significant amount of weight in 3 years...they put me on synthoid...once my thyroid levels out will i lose weight or is there something i can do to take it off faster...i want to be back to normal...i'm tired of feeling tired...so if anyone can offer some advice i'd really appreciate ittake carejennifer

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I have gained 140 in 3 years. I stopped gaining with thyroid drugs

but I havne't lost anything. And I was trying pretty good for almost

an entire year (did fitness classes in college so I was forced to work

out at least 5 hours a week).

I started ou on synthroid but I'm now on Armour which I like better

and works better except for me with getting some of this weight off.


> hi my name is jennifer and a few weeks ago i was diagnosed with

> hypothyroidism....i kept going to the doctor because i was gaining

> weight...and my hair was falling out...they kept saying it was my

> birth control...well i have gained a significant amount of weight in

> 3 years...they put me on synthoid...once my thyroid levels out will


> lose weight or is there something i can do to take it off faster...i

> want to be back to normal...i'm tired of feeling tired...so if


> can offer some advice i'd really appreciate it

> take care

> jennifer

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Cecilia welcome to the group. Way to go on the coke. I just started doing the NEW exercise dvds. LOVE THEM... Now I have to get my eating in control. We are all in the same boat. Check out the web page and there is alot of great links.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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>I'm Cecilia from Oregon.

Welcome, Cecilia!

>I was on overweight child

Same here.

>I got his excercise book

" Never Say Diet " ? I think I still have it! That curly hair! Those leotards!

> and I spend all summer excercising and started 7th grade very slim,

During 7th and 8th grade I was on a doctor-prescribed 1000 cal/day.

restricted fluids plan. I went from 150 to 120 in those 2 years, had to stop

when he found an electrolyte problem that could lead to sudden death

(Yikes!), put me up to 1200 calories, and in that first month I not only

gained back all 30 pounds I lost but another 20.

It's amazing what some of went through to ruin our metabolisms at such early


> could wear a size 8 pants (I still have a pair!)LOL.

All that and I only went down to a 12 or 14. I wasn't there long enough to

get many clothes in that size.

>I just turned 40 on the 21st of March and I weigh 267 pounds

I'll be 50 this October and weigh about the same. I fluctuate between 262 -

268, whether I stick with 1000 calories or 2000; whether I exercise or not.

The only time in recent history (since 8th grade, that is) that I lost

weight and kept most of it off was around 2001 when I stuck religiously to

the McDougall Maximum Weight loss plan - very low fat, high complex carb and

vegetarian. I dropped 45 pounds before I plateaued, and have been struggling

ever since. At one point I let my calories get too low - only around

800/day - and further ruined my metabolism. It felt good to be under 250 for

the first time in 20 years, but it only lasted about a week.

Now, I'm back to using the FoodMover on a plan more resembling Sugar Busters

than McDougall - whole grains and now sugar, lower in fat but not

vegetarian. I *like* the taste of meat and eggs too much to go 100% veg. I

was almost back to the 250's just before vacation a few weeks ago, but keep

stumbling. Whole wheat bread tastes too delicious when it's made fresh at

home! LOL

, and I'm trying to chase a 2 year old and keep up with my 10 year

My chasing days are over until my now 19 yo son settles down and gives me

grandchildren. Since he just started college this year, I'm hoping he has a

way to go before that happens. :)

> I'm starting slow,

A phrase we toss around this list frequently is " take baby steps " . Sometimes

big changes are just too over-whelming and subconsciously we rebel against

them and binge eat. Little changes will eventually add up to a more

permanent weight loss.

>So I haven't had a coke in 4 days,

Great! Do you drink regular coffee or tea? If so, this is probably why

you're not having too many withdrawal symptoms. Getting off the caffeine fix

is horrible!

and I haven't ate

> after 8pm for the past 3 nights.

Last night we didn't sit down to start dinner until after 8 pm. :(

I miss hubby's old job where he worked 5 blocks away from home, came home

for lunch every day, and was home, sitting at the table ready for dinner at

4:30 pm. Now he's got a 1 1/2 hr commute each way, doesn't get out until

after 5pm, and some nights, like during those blizzards this winter, he

doesn't get in until after 7 pm.

>I'm going to make a list of what I'll do

> next.

Making lists is a good activity. You see what you're eating, where you're

eating, what you *should* be eating, etc. A person like me makes a list for

everything, as does my hubby and kid. You should see the papers strewn all

over this house! LOL

Again, welcome to the group. And don't forget to check out the goodies on

the web site.

Sue in (freezing) NJ

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> I started taking Celexa in May of 2000. The first week was hell


> by the sixth week I was feeling great on 20mg. One year later I


> up to 40mg and feeling fine. Now I am back down to 20mg and


> tired all the time.


> I talked to my doctor about it and he thinks I should try 10mg of

> Lexapro. My prescription should be here by this weekend and I am

> looking forward to some relief.


> I don't feel nearly as down as I did before the meds, but I still

> don't have that sense of well being I used to get from the meds.


> Maybe happiness doesn't come in a pill???



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