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Sheri Nakken wrote:

> At 05:34 PM 12/27/2001 -0800, you wrote:

> >Hi,

> >

> >My name is Carley. I have a daughter named Kiki. She

> >is in the sixth grade. I have already been informed that she

> >must have a Hepatitis B series and an MMR booster and a

> >tetanus shot before she will be allowed to attend the seventh

> >grade next year.

> >

> >I also have to get the chicken pox vaccinations for her or

> >provide *proof* that she had it. When I objected, I was told

> >thatnot only would she not be allowed to attend school, but

> >that I would be reported to the social services agency,

> >department of child welfare, and my child could be taken

> >away from me!


> Welcome - Carley - I just sent you this informaiton privately but wanted to

> share iwth the list too as so many lies are told.

**Hi again Sherry. I was going to reply to you off list, but I

think you are right that the list should hear. **



> >**The lady in charge of attendance and records at the front

> >desk (of the middle school where I was registering my child

> >to attend the 6th grade) is who gave me all the information

> >about what vaccinations are " mandatory " (her words). When

> >I expressed my concern, she told me that if we did not comply,

> >the child would not be allowed to attend school next year and that

> >I would be reported. The social services agency, department of

> >child welfare must investigate every report. During the

> >investigation, the child may be taken from you, whereupon

> >she would then be vaccinated anyway. Upon completion of

> >the aforesaid investigation, the child may or may not be returned,

> >depending on their findings. I am in California, where you would

> >*think* that something like this could not happen. I thought

> >this was one of the more *enlightened* states.**


> WHAT - you are in California - I'm from California - California has a very

> easy philosophical exemption - you j ust sign the back of the card they

> give you for the immunizations - refuse - full stop.


AM TO HEAR THIS!!! I'm nearly in tears from relief. I really

do think this is endangering my child and I believed them when

they said it was mandatory and they could take my child away

from me and vaccinate her anyway.**


> >

> THEY CANNOT - I will send you a copy of hte law and you give her to her and

> ask if you need to call your legal counsel if she harrasses you even more.

> This person needs to be reported - give copies of the law to whoever her

> boss is and tell them what she has done. I don't know who else to report

> to - I'll ask on the list to see if anyone else can think of who. Maybe

> even the police as she is threatening you with harm.

**You know, the principal was standing right there when she was

telling me all this, so I did think it was school policy. But maybe he

didn't hear and I am mistaken that he was condoning this. Maybe

I will call the school board and ask *them* about exemptions.

I did read about a case in New York (I know, this is California,

but still. . .see the link below) where the parents had all kinds of

trouble over this very same issue. They ended up filing a lawsuit

along with some other parents, but I don't want to go through the

same h*ll they had to. . .but if I have to, I will!**




> If it were me I would take this on big time - I would go to the top. I

> would be sure every parent in the school knew of the exemption. I would go

> to the press. Take this on in a big way so others aren't damaged. If she

> has told you this - she has told others who will not question! Thank

> goodness you came here!

**Yes! I am SO happy to have found this list!!!

With everyone's encouragement, I now think I can do what needs

to be done, and even though I've never been a crusader, with your

help maybe I'll not be a sheep anymore. . .**

Here is my other area of concern, what do you think about this?

Dec. 11, 2001



Washington, D.C. ? The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) today released

a comprehensive report on smallpox and smallpox

vaccine critical of model state legislation initiated by the Centers for Disease

Control (CDC) militarizing the public health infrastructure

during state-declared ìpublic healthî emergencies. In the report, which is

published in the organizationís newsletter, THE VACCINE

REACTION and is available at www.909shot.com, NVIC calls for full testing of

both old and new smallpox vaccines before release

because the old smallpox vaccine was never tested in clinical trials and the CDC

admits it is so dangerous that it cannot be used on a

mass basis today.

In an editorial, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher criticizes

a federal plan urging state health officials to use the state

ìmilitiaî to arrest, imprison and force vaccination and medication on Americans

and be exempt from liability for any injury or death that

results. The plan ìtreats American citizens like runaway slaves in need of

subjugationî said NVICís Fisher. ìAmerica should have a

sound, workable emergency plan in place in the event of a bioterrorism attack,

but not one that places the life and liberty of the majority in

the hands of an elite few, who will have the power to take both from citizens

without their consentî

The proposed legislation would also give health officials control of all

roads and the power to seize homes, cars, telephones, fuel, food,

firearms, prescription drugs and alcohol. It has already been introduced in


A non-profit, educational organization founded in 1982 by parents of vaccine

injured children, NVIC serves as a consumer watchdog on

vaccine development and policymaking. NVIC advocates the institution of safety

and informed consent protections in the mass

vaccination system and basic science research into genetic and other biological

factors which place some individuals at high risk for

vaccine injury and death.

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At 10:18 AM 12/28/2001 -0800, you wrote:



>Sheri Nakken wrote:


>> At 05:34 PM 12/27/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>> >Hi,

>> >

>> >My name is Carley. I have a daughter named Kiki. She

>> >is in the sixth grade. I have already been informed that she

>> >must have a Hepatitis B series and an MMR booster and a

>> >tetanus shot before she will be allowed to attend the seventh

>> >grade next year.

>> >

>> >I also have to get the chicken pox vaccinations for her or

>> >provide *proof* that she had it. When I objected, I was told

>> >thatnot only would she not be allowed to attend school, but

>> >that I would be reported to the social services agency,

>> >department of child welfare, and my child could be taken

>> >away from me!


>> Welcome - Carley - I just sent you this informaiton privately but wanted to

>> share iwth the list too as so many lies are told.


>**Hi again Sherry. I was going to reply to you off list, but I

>think you are right that the list should hear. **




>> >**The lady in charge of attendance and records at the front

>> >desk (of the middle school where I was registering my child

>> >to attend the 6th grade) is who gave me all the information

>> >about what vaccinations are " mandatory " (her words). When

>> >I expressed my concern, she told me that if we did not comply,

>> >the child would not be allowed to attend school next year and that

>> >I would be reported. The social services agency, department of

>> >child welfare must investigate every report. During the

>> >investigation, the child may be taken from you, whereupon

>> >she would then be vaccinated anyway. Upon completion of

>> >the aforesaid investigation, the child may or may not be returned,

>> >depending on their findings. I am in California, where you would

>> >*think* that something like this could not happen. I thought

>> >this was one of the more *enlightened* states.**


>> WHAT - you are in California - I'm from California - California has a very

>> easy philosophical exemption - you j ust sign the back of the card they

>> give you for the immunizations - refuse - full stop.




>**You know, the principal was standing right there when she was

>telling me all this, so I did think it was school policy. But maybe he

>didn't hear and I am mistaken that he was condoning this. Maybe

>I will call the school board and ask *them* about exemptions.


>I did read about a case in New York (I know, this is California,

>but still. . .see the link below) where the parents had all kinds of

>trouble over this very same issue. They ended up filing a lawsuit

>along with some other parents, but I don't want to go through the

>same h*ll they had to. . .but if I have to, I will!**



NY is a totally differnet story.

But we have help for new yorkers too.



>With everyone's encouragement, I now think I can do what needs

>to be done, and even though I've never been a crusader, with your

>help maybe I'll not be a sheep anymore. . .**

Go get em girl!



>Here is my other area of concern, what do you think about this?


>Dec. 11, 2001





Yes, we have been working on this issue and can use help - contact NVIC


See my webpages for the truth about smallpox



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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In a message dated 12/28/2001 3:27:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vaccineinfo@... writes:


> If it were me I would take this on big time - I would go to the top. I

> would be sure every parent in the school knew of the exemption. I would go

> to the press. Take this on in a big way so others aren't damaged. If she

> has told you this - she has told others who will not question! Thank

> goodness you came here!


> Sheri


I agree. Who knows who else she has FORCED into vaccinating their child.

Carly, I am pretty close to you. Danville, CA. Do you know where that is?

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  • 4 weeks later...

explain " allergies " please

New to group

Hey, new to the group. I followed the ER4YT plan for about 4 months

before I gave up. Yes I did lose weight and felt better. However,

I'm vegetarian. Are there any other vegetarians on here???

I'm vegetarian mostly due to allergies. I have allergies to beef,

seafood, and poultry. Doesn't leave me much of a choice.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Janet and welcome --

Just wanted to suggest that you try the leukotriene modifiers -- Accolate or

Singulair and/or Zyflo. They are prescribed for asthma but some here have found

them to help with the nasal symptoms and it certainly makes logical sense.

Also you might consider Serevent and if you can asking your doctor lowering your

dose of Flovent (don't know how much you're on) if your asthma is under control.

If you have a deviated septum on top of everything else AND you've never had

sinus surgery before, I don't know, but I would say go through the surgery. It

does sound like you wouldn't have such a recurrence like many of us have had but

of course there's no way to know. But the sinus surgery once is really worth

it. I wish we all could have it once and then be completely better but that

doesn't happen always. But for some it does. My dad had nasal polyps removed

at the age of 20 and they never came back.


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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome Paige!! Glad to have you. I am Hannah's mom... she's 2.5. I

also have four others and am expecting number six in October.... You'll

love it here!


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What?!!! Did I miss something?



kindafunny@... wrote:

> and am expecting number six in October....



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WOW! What a great group!! I've never felt more " welcomed. " Thank you. We

live in Texas near the Dallas, Fort Worth area. Our first child was very

planned (five years of trying and help from the fertility docs). Thinking I'd

love another, but I'll never go through that again, my husband and I believed

Sam would be an only child. Surprise! Got pregnant with and didn't even

know it. When I realized I was pregnant, I couldn't have been happier.

Throughout my pregnancy, I felt like he was a special gift to me, the icing on

my cake. After the shock of his diagnosis wore off, I realized that my

instincts during my pregnancy were so right. He has been a most adorable baby.

I can't believe he's already 14 months.

Paige mom to Sam ~4 and 14 mos ds

Re: new to group

Hi Paige, Welcome to the group. Yes I have a litle one and big ones.

26, 23, Cameron 16. Caleb 6 and Micah (DS) 17 months. I get to take on

all the age groups at the same time. Talk about sleep deprivation just have a

teenager and an infant in the house at the same time Ha Ha. You will love this

group. There is alot of wisdome and compassion here. Talk to you soon.

Loree Mom to 5

new to group


I'm Paige, and I have two boys, Sam (3 almost 4) and (14 mos DS).

Sooo glad to find this group. I really look forward to learning and sharing.

Are there others ones with little ones in the group?


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Just curious...where is your husband from? Tim and I went to high school with

some Wilhelms..one was a Don.

new to group


I'm Paige, and I have two boys, Sam (3 almost 4) and (14 mos DS).

Sooo glad to find this group. I really look forward to learning and sharing.

Are there others ones with little ones in the group?


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No, I went to school in WV. Wilhelm is an unusual name...but not in WV.

Your last name is part of your email address :) That is how I figured it


Don and I both went to high school in Weatherford, TX. My maiden name is

. . .ring a bell? BTW, how did you find our last name? Just curious

because I tried, but couldn't find yours.

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Don and I both went to high school in Weatherford, TX. My maiden name is

. . .ring a bell? Don and I both knew at least one in high school

and are wondering if it's you. Wouldn't that be wild! BTW, how did you find

our last name? Just curious because I tried, but couldn't find yours.

Paige, mom to Sam (~4) and (14 mos ds)

Re: new to group

Just curious...where is your husband from? Tim and I went to high school with

some Wilhelms..one was a Don.

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Hi, Paige! Sorry to take so long to greet you- I am Patty, and I have 4 kids, my

youngest is nearly 9 months old, Olivia and she is why I joined this wonderful

group. Olivia has had medical issues, but she is doing well now. I took the

advice of putting my info in the database at , so more is there. That

was such a good idea.

There is so much to learn here - welcome!

" Hi,

I'm Paige, and I have two boys, Sam (3 almost 4) and (14 mos

DS). Sooo glad to find this group. I really look forward to learning

and sharing. Are there others ones with little ones in the group?

Paige "


mom to (17), (5), (2 3/4) & Olivia, (8 mos: ds)


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Hi Patty,

Thanks for the greeting. How do I access the databank? I'm very new to group

emails and pretty slow in figuring it all out! Thanks, Paige

Re: new to group

Hi, Paige! Sorry to take so long to greet you- I am Patty, and I have 4 kids, my

youngest is nearly 9 months old, Olivia and she is why I joined this wonderful

group. Olivia has had medical issues, but she is doing well now. I took the

advice of putting my info in the database at , so more is there. That

was such a good idea.

There is so much to learn here - welcome!

" Hi,

I'm Paige, and I have two boys, Sam (3 almost 4) and (14 mos

DS). Sooo glad to find this group. I really look forward to learning

and sharing. Are there others ones with little ones in the group?

Paige "


mom to (17), (5), (2 3/4) & Olivia, (8 mos: ds)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

hello all of you

i have been lurking for a while and waiting to feel well enough to

introduce myself.

i have been ill for about 10 years following a bout of chicken pox. like

many of you it seems i fall into one, two and four of the subgroups.

I wanted to mention that the treatment helping me the most has been long

term antibiotics. they definitely help with severity of symptoms, but i

cant claim any sort of 'cure' effect. I have gone slowly over three

years from bedridden to housebound and now to being able to get out

occasionally but this could have happened over time anyway and is also

due to better management.

I tried imunovir back in 1993 which helped for a while and then the

effect wore off. unusually for here in the UK i have a wonderful

specialist who keeps up with all the latest developments and was on the

government working group over here which nearly came up with a helpful

report but not quite.

nice to meet you all


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hi hayley! nice to meet you, too!


" Would they have found nothing, unless nothing was what they wanted to

find? " - Agent Dales, X-Files



debbie s. - dlsherman@...

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I just got a botox shot 2 weeks ago, and the results have been great

(I just got back from a bar where I watched a game and had a beer and


I also did not want to get the surgery, and this seems to be a good

short term fix to put off surgery until I'm ready. The only potential

downside is that at least one study has shown that getting the botox

makes a future myotomy surgery more difficult. The study said this

may be due to fibrosis caused by the botox. However, my doctor does

not agree with this study.( Only 6 patients were used in the study).

If your not ready, there are alternatives to surgery.


> Hello, I am new to the group. I have been having problems for


> years. I have just recently had several exams over the past 8-9

> months, and have been told that I have classic textbook type

> achalasia. I am scheduled for a Heller Myotomy in 4 days. I want to

> know if anyone on the group lives in middle TN near Nashville and


> had this surgery? I am scared of the surgery and don't want to have

> it,but I am getting tired of all the symptoms. I have pain when

> swallowing,have lost 25-30 lbs over the past 6 months, have a white

> foam that occurs for no reason,poor appetite, can't finish a meal


> pain, pain to chest and abdomen area, at night I vomit a saliva


> fluid. I know it all sounds pretty gross but, I think all of you


> have had the same problems. Please advise.

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Hi. Welcome to the group. I'm from St Louis and had the Heller

Myotomy in March. My symptoms were the same as yours. Surgery was

successful for me and was no big deal. We're always scared of the

unknown. I went in the hospital had surgery and went home the next

day. There was very little discomfort. I was on soft foods for

about two weeks and now can tolerate almost all foods. I still have

a problem with bread that isn't toasted. Trust me, I can live with


Are you comfortable with your surgeon? Mine was so confident and

that reassured me. Before my surgery, some of the board members

suggested I get myself mentally ready for the procedure. I practiced

relaxation techniques and went into surgery with a positive attitude

that the outcome would be favorable. Are you able to swallow any

foods or liquids? I was pretty much at the liquid stage prior to

surgery, so I had plenty of whatever would go down. If chocolate

shakes went down, I had as many of them as I could drink.

Keep in touch. You are in my thoughts. Let me know if you have any

questions about my procedure or whatever...


> Hello, I am new to the group. I have been having problems for


> years. I have just recently had several exams over the past 8-9

> months, and have been told that I have classic textbook type

> achalasia. I am scheduled for a Heller Myotomy in 4 days. I want to

> know if anyone on the group lives in middle TN near Nashville and


> had this surgery? I am scared of the surgery and don't want to have

> it,but I am getting tired of all the symptoms. I have pain when

> swallowing,have lost 25-30 lbs over the past 6 months, have a white

> foam that occurs for no reason,poor appetite, can't finish a meal


> pain, pain to chest and abdomen area, at night I vomit a saliva


> fluid. I know it all sounds pretty gross but, I think all of you


> have had the same problems. Please advise.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

, the only way is to see a specialist in

scoliosis. I did not locate one until I was 59. By

then, I was in serious condition. Had I been treated

earlier, it would not have been so bad and recovery so

hard and long. As you reach middle-age, degeneration

speeds up and curves can change very fast. I

encourage you to see an expert ASAP.




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I went through the same situation when I first

discovered what's wrong with me. I kept exercising for

2 years till got much worst then they operate which

was not a big success back on 1982 :-(

Three years back they did a rib resection just to make

my back look better but not the pain.

I feel too frustrated sometimes wishing someone did

something when it was possible to make things good,

but I guess back in the early 80's nothing much would

be done.




--- cabintyme <HayDeS@...> wrote:

> Hi

> I'm new to the group. I was told by a teacher back

> in high school

> (1967)that I had scoliosis. I did go to my doctor &

> he just said I

> had it & no discussion as to what to do etc. He said

> that I would

> probally have back pain as I got older & that was

> it. I have had back

> pain for many years. I wish I had of gotten a second

> & third opinon.

> I have been going to a chiropractor for about 14

> years & it has

> helped me a lot. I have also seen doctors at Kaiser

> & get no where.

> No medications or suggestions besides excercise. I

> quit working a

> year and half ago. The driving to & from work, the

> sitting all day

> was just getting to be too much. I take over the

> counter motrin & use

> sports cream when the pain is real bad. I am not on

> disability or

> unemployment. I'm kinda frustrated & tired of the

> pain.

> How do you get a doctor to take you seriously

> regarding back pain???


> California







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Thats me too I cant drink water at all ever it comes

up as well as anything else that is hanging around. I

have always wondered about the way everyone else here

talks about drinking lots of water. I seem to do okay

with thicker drinks Like coffee with cream and Ice

Capacino and some of the thinker juices. But water is

definately bad. A friend of mine who has a different

condition suggested sucking on ice cubes as the water

then goes down in small enough doses to be less likely

to come up. I havent tried it cause my teeth are WAY

too sensitive. Next in line for me is bread,

hamburger, popcorn and then steak (my favourite :-( )

then chicken and then other meats, spagetti and then

every thing else.

I opted not to have the surgery as the side effects

sounded just about as bad as the disease to me. and

the damage it does is permanent whether you get good

results or not. I am living with the devil I know

instead of seeking another. Mind you I am actually in

an extreme minority here.

My doctor did not see a reason why I couldnt just live

with the condition. I have for the most part adjusted

to it. Restaurants are tough, and I have to really

watch so I do not choke at night and also I am worried

about dehydrating again like I did a few times last

summer. I have lost a third of my body weight but it

has seemed to stablize.


--- gmriggs14127 <theriggs@...> wrote:


Beannachd Mhath Duibh

Ailigin Chaimbeul




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Welcome to the group. We are glad to have you.

Do you mind me asking where your middle of no where is. I live in what I

felt for a long time was a middle of nowhere. I live in the country in SE

Oklahoma, close to a town called Idabel. My best sources of shopping are an hour

away, and food in both Paris, TX and Idabel, OK has greatly improved over the

past couple of years.

Are all of your family O's? Are they all going along with this way of eating?

Answers to these questions will help us to help you.

Dr. D in his first book, Eat Right 4 Your Type suggested for O's to take the

diet one item at a time. Your body goes through a slower cleansing and changing

that way and you aren't so easily discouraged right at the first. I'd take one

of the types of foods that is an avoid and cut it out one week. Remember you can

cut out potatoes and still eat sweet potatoes. You don't have to do with put a

food group entirely, just learn where to get the substitutes in many instances.

It is also possible that a Health Food store will carry what you can't find in

the grocery store or they can order it for you. If not, there may be some things

you can order online. Take it a step at a time and ask us any questions you

would like. Many of us have been here a while and don't mind giving help. After

all we were there once oursleves.

New to group

Hi. I'm new to the group & new to the diet. What we're supposed to eat is

almost the exact opposite of what my family usually eat so am afraid I'm

finding this overwhelming. The other part of the problem is that I live in

the middle of nowhere & don't have easy access to good food sources. Does

anyone have any tips or ideas to help me get started?

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If you know what you want to buy, many HFS will order the items

for you.


& Meyer wrote:

> Hi. I'm new to the group & new to the diet. What we're

> supposed to eat is

> almost the exact opposite of what my family usually eat so am

> afraid I'm

> finding this overwhelming. The other part of the problem is

> that I live in

> the middle of nowhere & don't have easy access to good food

> sources. Does

> anyone have any tips or ideas to help me get started?






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