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Try baked fish with a cream sauce. Chew it up relly well and take

small bites. White meated fish is about the easiest thing I know of

to go down that is solid protein.

You might try eating four or five smaller meals a day so you don't

have to try to get in more at each meal.


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Jena, You sound too tight to me, and that begs for trouble.

With a good fill, you shopuld be able to eat at least 1/4 - to 1/2

cup of solids at least 2 times a day - meaning chicken, meat, fish,

and a few bites of soft veggies. You need to be able to get in

crackers and cereal for the fiber. You need 50-60 grams of protein a

day and 25 of fiber. 1200-1500 cal a day is a good goal - much more

of less will cause your weight loss to stall out. Track on FitDay for

a few days or a week to see where these things are.

Everry time you pb, you're likely loosening your sutures, and leading

to a slip. You should never be pbing with every meal - 1-2 times a

month is the max, IMO.

Be sure your meats are soft and moist - like beef stew, pot roast,

soft white fish. If you really cannot eat these, you must get a small

unfill. A too-tight fill will always get you in trouble, so please

don't continue the way you are.

When one is not losing, another fill is never the first thing to do.

Check your calories and protein first. Check your exercsie and water.

Be sure these things are good before you think about a fill. We

should always be as loose as we can be to still lose weight, never as

tight as we think we can get away with.

I know you know all this by now! :-) Let us know how you are - Sandy


> Hi I got a fill a couple weeks ago and I regret it, I wasnt losing

and I wanted to kick it up a notch, well now almost everytime I eat a

pb and I cnat eat good foods for the most part. I did ok with a

little egg the other day and was surprised. I dont want to get the

small unfill yet. But I am looking for food tips as to waht I can eat

because I am so darned mad at myself, I am looking for foods that go

down well, crap alkways does for some reason and I cant live on that

but anybody have any ideas of meals for a tight bandster at the

moment, I dont want to do soft foods that has totally stalled my

weight loss, I am getting a little out of sorts too because my darn

port with the weight loss is rubbing my rib!!! Yesterday I hated my

band!!! I dont like that feeling I want to work with it and not

against it, Please advise thanks Jena j.snook@c...




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My last fill (in September) was very tight and I had the same

problem for the first several weeks. I seriously considered getting

a small unfill but I decided to wait out for several weeks to see if

I would adjust. It took some time, but I did in fact adjust. First,

I realized I was eating too fast and not chewing enough. I thought

I was but I wasn't. It seemed the PB would come after only one or

two bites. Not good. But it did take about three or four weeks

before I was able to figure out how to eat. One thing that works

well is tuna fish with low fat mayo. The other thing is I do think

things have loosened up a bit. I am glad I did not get an unfill

because I think I am at the right level now. Things may loosen for

you, but don't go too long without an adjustment if you are not able

to eat at all. Just my two cents.


dr. ortiz

05/21/04 -36

> Hi I got a fill a couple weeks ago and I regret it, I wasnt losing

and I wanted to kick it up a notch, well now almost everytime I eat

a pb and I cnat eat good foods for the most part.

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Well I tried to get a slight unfill and cant get in for a week and a half, dr.

is being an ass not opening up any time for me andsaid to do liquids until I see

him. sandy you gave me good advice but dont assume that I jsut went for a fill

without checking all those things exercise, protein,water, etc. and for 3-4

weeks I wasnt losing so I got a small .2 fill and that was enought to give me

the problem, I just wonder how would I be able to lose if I am going to stay

there when this too tight when i was doing everyhting right and not losing? Then

what I still want to lose about 40-50 lbs and seem to have completely stalled.

my dr. is pissed I couldnt come at 8am when I was taking my kids to school and

my husband couldnt and I didnt have anybody else to do it. So he could care less

when I get in now, his personality stinks sometimes that he is goign to have me

wait this long now because I couldnt come to that appt. Thanks for your help

Sandy Jena

Re: Help

Jena, You sound too tight to me, and that begs for trouble.

With a good fill, you shopuld be able to eat at least 1/4 - to 1/2

cup of solids at least 2 times a day - meaning chicken, meat, fish,

and a few bites of soft veggies. You need to be able to get in

crackers and cereal for the fiber. You need 50-60 grams of protein a

day and 25 of fiber. 1200-1500 cal a day is a good goal - much more

of less will cause your weight loss to stall out. Track on FitDay for

a few days or a week to see where these things are.

Everry time you pb, you're likely loosening your sutures, and leading

to a slip. You should never be pbing with every meal - 1-2 times a

month is the max, IMO.

Be sure your meats are soft and moist - like beef stew, pot roast,

soft white fish. If you really cannot eat these, you must get a small

unfill. A too-tight fill will always get you in trouble, so please

don't continue the way you are.

When one is not losing, another fill is never the first thing to do.

Check your calories and protein first. Check your exercsie and water.

Be sure these things are good before you think about a fill. We

should always be as loose as we can be to still lose weight, never as

tight as we think we can get away with.

I know you know all this by now! :-) Let us know how you are - Sandy


> Hi I got a fill a couple weeks ago and I regret it, I wasnt losing

and I wanted to kick it up a notch, well now almost everytime I eat a

pb and I cnat eat good foods for the most part. I did ok with a

little egg the other day and was surprised. I dont want to get the

small unfill yet. But I am looking for food tips as to waht I can eat

because I am so darned mad at myself, I am looking for foods that go

down well, crap alkways does for some reason and I cant live on that

but anybody have any ideas of meals for a tight bandster at the

moment, I dont want to do soft foods that has totally stalled my

weight loss, I am getting a little out of sorts too because my darn

port with the weight loss is rubbing my rib!!! Yesterday I hated my

band!!! I dont like that feeling I want to work with it and not

against it, Please advise thanks Jena j.snook@c...




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Liquids in, liquids out. It will get better as you move into full liquids/mushy

foods. Also, the barium used in your barium swallow may contribute to this.

This is very common but a minor nuisance, things will go the other direction

once your're back on solids.

Congratulations on your banding!



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Loose stools is pretty normal, until you are back on regular foods.

What does your doc allow for diet now? If you are on full liquids,

you can have anytghing pureed and thin anough to get through a straw -

pureed and thinned meats, veggies, fruits.

You might also ask your doc if some Immodium would be ok.

What do you mean " what am i to expect " ? You mean for the rest of

your banding journey??!! This can and does fill up volumes in books

and posts, and I'm sure you did very extensicve research before

choosing to be nbanded, so you know what to expect.

If you have a specific question, please ask.

You also might want to order Jessie Ahroni's Band book : lots of

stuff essentialo to know to do well with weight loss.



v=glance & s=books (Youll need to cut and paste the entire link from

http through books)

There is a GREAT del to lean , and keep learning, to keep your band

safe and healthy. the more you know, the better you are likely to do.

Sandy RN



> I got banded nov 2. I still have the runs. how long does this

> last? and what am I to expect for now on?

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The same thing happened to me. I was confused by this because most

people said they had the opposite problem.

I went to my family doc who told me it would be a perfectly normal

reaction for some. There's nothing in your system but liquids so it's

not easy to make a stool. Sorry for the graphics, but when she told

me that, it made sense.

It kept going for me until I began to eat the mushy stuff.

Good luck.




> I got banded nov 2. I still have the runs. how long does this

> last? and what am I to expect for now on?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ross,

> Hi everyone, I'm writing tonite because I have a problem and I'm

in desperate need of your experience and advice. There is a dog

that's been abandoned in need of help. I'm thinking of adopting him,

but I have six cats. ....

If you've tapped on lots of aspects about the external consequences

of adopting the dog, my intuition you should look at the internal


In particular my intuition says:

" What will it say about you if you DON'T help this dog? "

I feel a strong need in you to rescue and help - but this is in

conflict with what you know will be the very significant difficulties

of adding this dog to your household.

So try tapping on anything you believe about why you need to help

this dog or animals in general.


" Even though I NEED to help this dog... "

" Even though I fear I will be violating my own values not to help

this dog "

" Even though I think I'm the only person in the whole world who has

responsibility for this dog. "

" Even though I couldn't live with myself if I didn't help this dog. "

" Even though I feel this conflict about helping this dog. "

" Even though I WANT to help this dog AND I DON'T want to help this

dog. "

(Not all the above are necessarily true - just trying to give you a

flavour of the kinds of things to think about).

As well as any tapping you might do - here's a coaching question for


Is there any other way to truly help this dog which doesn't involve

you taking it into your own household?

You can use EFT to help generate creative solutions to this that you

may not have thought of so far. Who knows, perhaps there is a home

somewhere without cats and where this dog could get a good home and

without the friction and problems of joining your home?

I believe that when a " problem " doesn't respond to EFT, this can

SOMETIMES mean that the answer is to actually listen to what those

feelings are saying and follow them - sometimes the feeling uneasy

about taking a particular path is your intuition working correctly.

Just a thought....

Best of luck to you and all your cats and of course the dog.


L.R. BSc MSc

Personal Coach, EFT Advanced Practitioner and Trainer, NLP


07803 616107


Author of " The EFT Coach " : www.eftcoach.com

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Dot on, !!!

Ross, add to that: " Even though I can't decide, I deeply and

completely accept myself, and I forgive myself for


I would also alternately do a YES-NO-YES-NO type of sequence with

EFT on all the dualities you are experiencing, till it's all

neutralized. Then, when many of the emotions have been discharged,

and you are feeling more decisive, make a deliberate statement of

choice and tap on that:

" I want to help this dog. "

" I can't help this dog. "

" If I don't help this dog, it means ____________ " (your belief - e.g.

I am a bad person, etc)

If I help this dog, it means____________ " (your belief)

" I can decide. "

" I can't decide. "

" I feel extreme anxiety if I keep this dog. "

" I feel extreme anxiety if I let this dog go. "


Fainlly, tap on statement of deliberate choice:


Hope that helps bring some relief and a decision you (and your cats)

can live with! :-)

Happiness, joy and laughter,



> Hi Ross,


> > Hi everyone, I'm writing tonite because I have a problem and


> in desperate need of your experience and advice. There is a dog

> that's been abandoned in need of help. I'm thinking of adopting


> but I have six cats. ....


> If you've tapped on lots of aspects about the external


> of adopting the dog, my intuition you should look at the internal

> consequences.

(snipped for brevity)



Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA [Fin & Bkg], CKHFT [Dip - A.K.]

Energy Flows Coach

Applied Kinesiologist

Certified Kalos Health Facilitator Trainer www.kalos.org

EFT, BSFF, TAT Trainer, iSt 9x9, PEAT, Dyslexia, Silva Method,

Allergy Antidotes/Energy

Toxins, Light Language, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Meditation enthusiast:

www.sos.org Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths, Montreal, Canada





International Phone Consultations: 1 (786) 293-8123

To Schedule Appointments: sequoia40@...

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  • 2 weeks later...

My surgery was early (0730) too. Good because it didn't give me all day to

get wound up about it.

Leave for the hospital early - you don't want to have traffic hassles and be


Apart from that, have faith in your surgeon and remind yourself (s)he's done

this sort of thing before.

Anaethesia = the best sleep I've had in a long time. Recovery was fine, no

pain, balance was fine.

The worst part of the whole deal was the hospital meals.

Surgery 16 November 04

Activation 13 December 04

> help





> Hi

> My surgery is on Dec 12 at 7 30 in the morning. Wwhat did u do to

> help yourself to be relaxed before the surgery? Any of u guys were

> afraid of general anesthesia or the recovery ??







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Congratulations !

Now you'll have only 4 more days! Now that I've endured seven weeks

of silence (though with an HA on the unimplanted ear), I can tell you

that you'll get so much noise when you get activated that you'll freak

out at the amount of noise that we " hear " in this world. (I wonder if

you were hearing before?)

preling profoundly deaf, implanted 10/20, activated 12/8 N24C R

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:48:21 +1300, <J@...> wrote:


> My surgery was early (0730) too. Good because it didn't give me all day to

> get wound up about it.

> Leave for the hospital early - you don't want to have traffic hassles and be

> late.

> Apart from that, have faith in your surgeon and remind yourself (s)he's done

> this sort of thing before.

> Anaethesia = the best sleep I've had in a long time. Recovery was fine, no

> pain, balance was fine.

> The worst part of the whole deal was the hospital meals.



> Surgery 16 November 04

> Activation 13 December 04




> > help

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi

> > My surgery is on Dec 12 at 7 30 in the morning. Wwhat did u do to

> > help yourself to be relaxed before the surgery? Any of u guys were

> > afraid of general anesthesia or the recovery ??

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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your posts are inspiring - I hope I have even half the degree of

success " out of the blocks " that you are.

My deafness - totally on the left side for about 35 years, mostly on the

right side. Started loosing it at about 9 years of age (otosclerosis and

possibly antibiotic side effects) Have got by up till now with hearing aids

but the audie said the Senco I have is the host powerful available and it

was no longer helping.

The CI went into the right side as the surgeons opinion was that the left

had been without input for too long to have a good chance of success -

although that view is disputed by many members of this forum.

Monday is going to be interesting, to say the least

> Re: help

> Congratulations !


> Now you'll have only 4 more days! Now that I've endured seven weeks

> of silence (though with an HA on the unimplanted ear), I can tell you

> that you'll get so much noise when you get activated that you'll freak

> out at the amount of noise that we " hear " in this world. (I wonder if

> you were hearing before?)


> preling profoundly deaf, implanted 10/20, activated 12/8 N24C R

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Hi Deb,

My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30AM. Yes, I'm a little worried

about general anesthesia myself as the group was fired and replaced with a

new group - yikes! I'm not too nervous as you got remember you are in

professional hands. I just try to think positive thoughts of the outcome and

why I'm doing this. Remember, most people found it to be a " breeze " to go

through this surgery. Luckily I will be in company with a friend tonight so

that should keep my mind occupied. This too shall soon pass as they say.

Wishing you success and let us know how it goes!

Message: 2

Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 11:30:02 -0000

From: " lesdeb18 " <debmitnick@...>

Subject: help


My surgery is on Dec 12 at 7 30 in the morning. Wwhat did u do to

help yourself to be relaxed before the surgery? Any of u guys were

afraid of general anesthesia or the recovery ??

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for what you have shared so far. I have a deep desire to

cure this, but I am still incredibly confused on what steps to take to

do so.

How do I " remove addictions and get real clear on it. " ?

I have read over the following pages many times:


I also joined the addiction group, but no one has posted in there for

weeks and the message I posted still has not been approved to be

displayed. So should I just post my questions to this discussion area?

I reposted the replies I have received on this topic below... anyone

with ideas, or who wants to explain more to me, know that I am deeply



===== 's Reply to the Bayard's Post =====

Dear ,

HI, I just want you to know that your " situation " is an addition to

sex. It is a surprisingly common addiction and there are several

people I know of that have this addiction. When I first found out

about it I was devastated but there are many books you can find on it.

Probably one you might want to read is 'Out of the Shadows' but the

best thing to do is remove addictions and get real clear on it. Make

sure you aren't switched and keep writing to us, asking questions and

testing them for yourself. Join the addiction buddies to don't be

afraid to 'talk'.

===== Bayard's Inital Reply to Me =====

I want you to belong to the immunicsBuddies groups that what you have

written here is relevant to -- all of them, and send this to them. Do

you belong to them? Did you already do this? Those people need your

help, and it's obvious from this that you're able to help them. You

can find, and join them, on this page.

[ http://www.wayimmune.org/00open/email/e_tutorial.htm


I want immunicsBuddies who know what they've done, and can do, and

want other people to do it.

I want you to cure this.

===== My Original Message to Bayard =====

Dear Bayard,

Hi! My name is and I am currently a college student going to the

Rochester Institute of Technology. I have a problem that no one seems

to be able to fix, so I am coming to you for help.

I have just recently paid for the student password, your immunics

materials are amazing! I am learning a lot. I apologize for bringing

this to you, as I know you are really busy. However, I keep hitting

dead ends and I got an intuitive hunch that I should ask you for some

guidance. This is a really personal event and I always have trouble

admitting I have this problem. If you feel the need to publish any

part of this if you just use my initials (or keep it anonymous)

instead of my name that would be appreciated.

So anyway, here it goes . . . When I was really young (about 7 years

old) I got exposed to some graphic pornography. I think that I did not

know how to deal with it, so in my early teens I did about the dumbest

thing possible and watched tons of pornography and got addicted to it

for over a year. I then finally broke the addiction and now I have no

desire to watch any of that stuff any more.

However, now I am 21 years old and have a horrible bad habit that is

robbing me of my energy and my health. During my sleep at least once a

week or every other week, I have all of these sexual dreams that cause

me to wake up fully erect and many times I ejaculate during the night.

I did not used to have this happen even when I was watching the porn,

I am not sure why this is happening now.

I already have a health condition, Ulcerative Colitis which I am

finally getting under control (I see you have two cure shows on that

topic). However, this ejaculating at night, makes my condition worse

and robs me of all of my strength. So this problem hurts me in so many

ways messing up my sleep, my energy etc.

Do you have any suggestions / advice for getting this under control?

I have been actively trying different methods on your site, I thought

for sure the " Partner with Your Organs "

[ http://immunics.org/00_connect/0int.htm

]http://immunics.org/00_connect/0int.htm I could get this under

control, but I still have the problem. I refuse to give up, but I feel

very overwhelmed at the moment.

Again, I am very very greatful for you taking the time to read and

reply to this email. If you need any other information from me please

ask away.

Thank you,

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HI Dave,

NO ONE can do your yoga for you!! Did you watch and follow the introductory

video in which you learn to test??

http://www.wayimmune.org/give/subscribe.htm If you do not have video

capability (hey, I live in the woods with dial up & even I managed) there is

also the text version. http://www.wayimmune.org/give/subscribetext.htm

FIRST, you must learn to test. It doesn't matter how many times you read

that addiction page you sent unless you know how to test!

If I sound a bit overbearing it is because we often hear from people that

want someone else to do it for them. Pease let us know if you learned to

test. I'm quite sorry about the addiction group, it is beyond my scope

but...I'd just keep on posting here until something else happened there!

: ))

THEN, listen to as many Cure Shows as you can until you really get the hang

of RIKing (Remove, Install, Know). We do want you and everyone to succeed

but I can't do your Immunics for you. Report back, we want to hear you

success story!!!!

, an Immuner

Join http://www.TheCureDrive.org Over 10,000 reported so far

Listen to http:// www.TheCureShow.org Hear Immunics working

A Not for Profit Yoga of Immunity http://www.Immunics.org

Re: help




> Hello Everyone,


> Thank you for what you have shared so far. I have a deep desire to

> cure this, but I am still incredibly confused on what steps to take to

> do so.


> How do I " remove addictions and get real clear on it. " ?

> I have read over the following pages many times:

> http://immunics.org/colleague/skills/skill07/addiction.htm


> I also joined the addiction group, but no one has posted in there for

> weeks and the message I posted still has not been approved to be

> displayed. So should I just post my questions to this discussion area?


> I reposted the replies I have received on this topic below... anyone

> with ideas, or who wants to explain more to me, know that I am deeply

> grateful.


> -Dave


> ===== 's Reply to the Bayard's Post =====

> Dear ,

> HI, I just want you to know that your " situation " is an addition to

> sex. It is a surprisingly common addiction and there are several

> people I know of that have this addiction. When I first found out

> about it I was devastated but there are many books you can find on it.

> Probably one you might want to read is 'Out of the Shadows' but the

> best thing to do is remove addictions and get real clear on it. Make

> sure you aren't switched and keep writing to us, asking questions and

> testing them for yourself. Join the addiction buddies to don't be

> afraid to 'talk'.



> ===== Bayard's Inital Reply to Me =====

> I want you to belong to the immunicsBuddies groups that what you have

> written here is relevant to -- all of them, and send this to them. Do

> you belong to them? Did you already do this? Those people need your

> help, and it's obvious from this that you're able to help them. You

> can find, and join them, on this page.

> [ http://www.wayimmune.org/00open/email/e_tutorial.htm

> ]http://www.wayimmune.org/00open/email/e_tutorial.htm


> I want immunicsBuddies who know what they've done, and can do, and

> want other people to do it.


> I want you to cure this.


> ===== My Original Message to Bayard =====

> Dear Bayard,


> Hi! My name is and I am currently a college student going to the

> Rochester Institute of Technology. I have a problem that no one seems

> to be able to fix, so I am coming to you for help.


> I have just recently paid for the student password, your immunics

> materials are amazing! I am learning a lot. I apologize for bringing

> this to you, as I know you are really busy. However, I keep hitting

> dead ends and I got an intuitive hunch that I should ask you for some

> guidance. This is a really personal event and I always have trouble

> admitting I have this problem. If you feel the need to publish any

> part of this if you just use my initials (or keep it anonymous)

> instead of my name that would be appreciated.


> So anyway, here it goes . . . When I was really young (about 7 years

> old) I got exposed to some graphic pornography. I think that I did not

> know how to deal with it, so in my early teens I did about the dumbest

> thing possible and watched tons of pornography and got addicted to it

> for over a year. I then finally broke the addiction and now I have no

> desire to watch any of that stuff any more.


> However, now I am 21 years old and have a horrible bad habit that is

> robbing me of my energy and my health. During my sleep at least once a

> week or every other week, I have all of these sexual dreams that cause

> me to wake up fully erect and many times I ejaculate during the night.

> I did not used to have this happen even when I was watching the porn,

> I am not sure why this is happening now.


> I already have a health condition, Ulcerative Colitis which I am

> finally getting under control (I see you have two cure shows on that

> topic). However, this ejaculating at night, makes my condition worse

> and robs me of all of my strength. So this problem hurts me in so many

> ways messing up my sleep, my energy etc.


> Do you have any suggestions / advice for getting this under control?


> I have been actively trying different methods on your site, I thought

> for sure the " Partner with Your Organs "

> [ http://immunics.org/00_connect/0int.htm

> ]http://immunics.org/00_connect/0int.htm I could get this under

> control, but I still have the problem. I refuse to give up, but I feel

> very overwhelmed at the moment.


> Again, I am very very greatful for you taking the time to read and

> reply to this email. If you need any other information from me please

> ask away.


> Thank you,











> Please forward these e-mails because they find their way into the right

> hands -- you'll save somebody's life.


> To join go to:

> http://www.TheCureDrive.org

> Over 5000 reported so far


> Listen to

> http://www.TheCureShow.org

> Hear immunics working


> A Not For Profit Yoga Of Immunity

> http://www.immunics.org


> Immunics taught imperfectly still cures people. Don't explain it - just

> give it. Show anybody you can how to do this as best you can, and as soon

> as possible.


> -- -- --





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks to all the responses!

My surgeon is Dr. Emma . Unfortunately, I don't think I have anything

in writing that would require her to provide free aftercare for any period of

time (only words). It is a fairly long drive so I would love to find someone

around Seattle, but my first priority is cost. Luckily, I've gotten in quite a

few free appointments since September when I had surgery. I'll figure something


Thanks again,


Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 00:15:53 -0000

From: " Elsa " <elsajacobo@...>

Subject: Re: help!


Dr. Fitzpatrick is in Portland and charges $150.00 per fill.

Her information is in the database section. Also, if you have

insurance, she might be able to charge part of the visit to them,

depending on your coverage. Who is your Dr. in Portland that did

your surgery and now charges for fills/appointments?

Good luck.

Martha Elsa


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I checked with the WishCenter. They don't do fill's they are just

trying to get names to justify doing fill's.

They told me they may be doing fill's in the next month or two. Had

no information on the requirements and didn't know what the charge

would be.

There is also a Dr in Edmonds that said that they might be doing them

in the next coupleof months.

....always in the future.

Just thought I'd let ya know.


> I saw the Wish Center in Renton has a Fill program that if you meet

> their qualifcations you can get fills. Not sure how much they


> but you can check into it. It was on their web site.

> http://www.wishcenter.org/new/lapband_01.asp



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  • 2 weeks later...
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It sounds like you need another fill. Do you know what size band you have?

Phyllis - Texas

mom1960cq <mom1960cq@...> wrote:

It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given 3

cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs twice. I

feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting a

little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10 weeks, but

feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to have

a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I was

before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and starting to

break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is that

after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I burp

an awful lot.

I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is my

capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller? How

would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with the

fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and ask

for another fill?


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> It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given 3

> cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

twice. I

> feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting a

> little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10 weeks,


> feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to


> a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I


> before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and

starting to

> break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

> dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is


> after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I


> an awful lot.

> I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is


> capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?


> would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with


> fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and


> for another fill?

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Hi Phyllis,

I have a VG band. I think you e-mailed me in the past and we

corresponded on a similar issue. Thank you for your advice. Did

you mention that you had a VG too? I also think I may need another

fill. I just didn't think it would be this soon.


> It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given 3

> cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

twice. I

> feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting a

> little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10 weeks,


> feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to


> a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I


> before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and

starting to

> break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

> dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is


> after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I


> an awful lot.

> I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is


> capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?


> would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with


> fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and


> for another fill?





> ---------------------------------


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" Mom " , First of all, as we often discuss, it commonly takes 3-5 fills

over severaal months to get to a good restriction. Only rarely does

just the very first fill turn out to be enbough.And then, if it is,

one must make VERY major and sudden eating habit chanfes to adjust!

And it is not always successful. It is far better to creep up slowly

on a good fill, so you can mnake n\the needed changes slowly and


Then, if you got a 3 cc fill, you have one of the larger bands, and

this can tske a bit longer still to get to a good fill level. If you

happen to have the VG band, the first 3.5 cc only fills the long

tubing, and does not inflate the band AT ALL. the first fill with

this VG band needs to be 4-4.5 cc for any chance at even small

restriction. If your doc didn't know this, I'd be concerned that he

might need a bit more knowledge about this particular band to be able

to fill you well. Check with your band surgeon to know exactly which

band you got, then we can give you more specific info.

You've lost well so far, so it's about the time when your body will

take a break, as it regularly will. you will never lose steadily at

the sdam pace. there will be many weeks or longer when you lose no

scale weight, but you are still becoming helthier - and remember,

THIS is the goal of banding, not simply weight loss.!

Your stomach is not smaller with the band. The band makes the top

part into an area the size of a golfball, and this size does not

change, unless you consistently eat too much food and enlarge the

pouch. When you get to a good fill, the food will GO THROUGH the

stoma (leave the pouch) slower, but your stomach is not any smaller.

PLEASE never bend over after you have just eaten!! This puts a lot of

pressure on the band and pouch and can cause slippage! Eat slowly and

carefully, chewing well, and you should not be swallowing so much air

that you have to burp.

You simply need more fill, and can go back for more after a month,

and then more still a month later, if needed. In ther meantime,

follow the band rules re good choices, exercsie, and attention to

good amounts of protein, fiber, and calcium, and yout serious weight

loss will begin when you get to a good fill. Sandy R

> It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given 3

> cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

twice. I

> feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting a

> little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10 weeks,


> feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to


> a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I was

> before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and starting


> break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

> dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is


> after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I


> an awful lot.

> I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is


> capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?


> would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with


> fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and


> for another fill?

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" Mom " , It looks as if you DO have a VG band, so your 3 cc fill was

not a fill at all. AS I said in my previous post, the first fill with

a VG band needs to be at least 4-4.5 cc to even start to inflate the

band. Are you very sure that 3 cc is all you received? Plese clarify

this with your doc. Is your band suregon the one doing your fills?

Surely he knows the fill rquirements of teh VG band!?, but another

fill person may well not. Sandy RN

> > It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given


> > cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

> twice. I

> > feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting


> > little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10


> but

> > feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to

> have

> > a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I

> was

> > before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and

> starting to

> > break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

> > dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is

> that

> > after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I

> burp

> > an awful lot.

> > I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is

> my

> > capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?

> How

> > would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with

> the

> > fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and

> ask

> > for another fill?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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Yes, Mom -- it's about that time :) although the general rule of thumb

is about 4 weeks between fills, since you're supposed to account for

possible " kick in " on the fill later on... but that didn't happen to

me. My first fill gave me poor restriction, and that didn't change in

the month I was supposed to wait it out - so I got my second fill,

which was a lot better, and now I'm going for a 3rd one on thursday.

Good luck -


> > It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given 3

> > cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

> twice. I

> > feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting a

> > little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10 weeks,

> but

> > feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to

> have

> > a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I

> was

> > before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and

> starting to

> > break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch or

> > dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing is

> that

> > after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I

> burp

> > an awful lot.

> > I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why is

> my

> > capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?

> How

> > would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it with

> the

> > fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and

> ask

> > for another fill?

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Thanks again for your help. I am also concerned that the doc would

only give me 3 cc's. My surgeon is also my fill doc. He originally

was going to put 2 in and then decided right there in the middle of

the fill to say, " I'll give you 3. " I really don't get a chance to

ask all of the questions that I have when I see him and I'm

determined the next time to just whip out my list. Like why not 3.5

to start and is my port tilted, etc. He'll just have to sit and

listen to me. He did say in the beginning that he likes to take

things slow and fill gradually and I guess I am glad thats the case,

like you said, its better than too much too soon. You are also

right about eating slowly. I never considered myself a fast eater,

but lately I notice that I am going a little quicker. I wonder why

this would happen when I am well aware that I need to slow down.

The bending has been since the very beginning, it almost seems like

I have to bend in order for things to move along. Is it possible

that my band could be on a strange angle also? sorry for all of my

dumb questions. I am grateful for all of your time and knowledge.

> > It will be 2 wks on Tues since I got my first fill. I was given


> > cc's. Since that time I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs

> twice. I

> > feel almost the same as when I had no fill. I guess I'm getting


> > little frustrated. I'm very happy with a 30 lbs loss in 10


> but

> > feel myself slowly slipping into old habits. I'm about ready to

> have

> > a chocolate binge and it seems as though I'm more hungry than I


> > before the fill. I feel like I did when I was dieting and


> to

> > break. I can eat about 2 cups at a time usually only at lunch


> > dinner, and then I'm hungry 1-2 hrs later. The wierdest thing


> that

> > after I eat I feel the need to bend over in order to burp and I

> burp

> > an awful lot.

> > I notice that the food is taking longer to go through, but why


> my

> > capacity so great if my stomach is supposed to be much smaller?

> How

> > would I know if I have slippage? Would the doc have seen it


> the

> > fluoro if there were? Should I go in before my 6 week ck up and

> ask

> > for another fill?

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