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Weight loss

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It does take a lot of practice to get good with calipers. The best thing you can do with them is to practice on everyone you know. My kids use to come to me daily for their "pinching". LOL I also practiced on myself. It's hard to do on yourself, so I had to hold my arm out at shoulder height to get the tricep measurement (which I was taught to do at one gym anyway), but I learned the right amount of pressure to use that way before I started practicing on anyone else.


Weight Loss>>> Hi All,> I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I am a Mom> of 2 and have recently lost 40lbs using The Firm videos, and reducing> my caloric intake. I have mostly used The Firm with the transfirmer,> and weights. I started with no weights and have increased to 10 pound> weights. Now I'm finding that I am gaining weight on the scale. I> exercise 6 days a week for about 1 1/2 hours. Despite the weight gain> my clothes still fit and some are a little looser. Has anyone else> experienced this?> Thanks,> Di>

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Tanita scales measure body fat, I think they are pretty accurate. Jen Tonya - <mslightning@...> wrote: Di, There are several ways to determine body fat percentage.

The easiest and least expensive is a pair of calipers, measuring 3 sites, and looking it up on a chart. There are also handheld analyzers that use electrical current to measure body fat. These are more accurate in that they measure internal body fat, not just the topical that calipers get, and they are less intrusive when working with others. However, they are more expensive. The absolute best way of measuring is hydrostatic weighing, which is typically only available at universities as it is extremely expensive and not easy to do. Personally, for someone who is not wanting to spend a lot of money, or any money, I tell them to take their measurements. Biceps, bust, waist, lower abs (where the bulge is), hips, thigh, calf, and anywhere else you are concerned with. The limbs you measure at the halfway point or the thickest point depending on who is

doing the measurement and what certification they have. The torso (bust, hips, lower abs) is typically at the thickest point, but the waist is where you bend when you bend to the side. From these measurements, there is a formula for figuring body fat, but it is extremely complicated. Personally, I don't do it, I just use the measurements to see that I'm moving in the right direction. I'll be glad to email you the formula if you want it though. Tonya Weight Loss>>> Hi All,> I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I am a Mom> of 2 and have recently lost 40lbs using The Firm videos, and reducing> my caloric intake. I have mostly used The Firm with the transfirmer,> and weights. I started with no weights and have increased to 10 pound> weights. Now I'm

finding that I am gaining weight on the scale. I> exercise 6 days a week for about 1 1/2 hours. Despite the weight gain> my clothes still fit and some are a little looser. Has anyone else> experienced this?> Thanks,> Di>

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Hi Tonya,

Thanks, I think I will just take my measurements. I've never done that

so I'm interest in what I will find out. Also, I think the easier the

better. If it's too complicated I know I won't follow up.



> >

> > Di,

> >

> > Hi and welcome to the group. I'm one of the resident personal


> on the group. The reason you are gaining weight is because you are

> gaining muscle while burning fat (losing inches). This is the normal

> response to doing weights and cardio together. I try to tell all my

> clients to throw away their scale and lets go by their body fat

> percentage and how their clothes fit. Congratulations on transforming

> your body. Keep up the good work.

> >

> > Tonya

> > Weight Loss

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> > I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself. I am a Mom

> > of 2 and have recently lost 40lbs using The Firm videos, and


> > my caloric intake. I have mostly used The Firm with the transfirmer,

> > and weights. I started with no weights and have increased to 10


> > weights. Now I'm finding that I am gaining weight on the scale. I

> > exercise 6 days a week for about 1 1/2 hours. Despite the weight


> > my clothes still fit and some are a little looser. Has anyone else

> > experienced this?

> > Thanks,

> > Di

> >


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Hi Tami,

Have you tried boosting your protein intake? Drinking lots of water

throughout the day? Exercising? If your exercising alot, then remember

the muscle is heavier than fat, go by your clothes. I would say try to

boost your protein levels up, I've done that and it's helped me get

beyond a plateau I was going through. Are you eating just 3 meals a

day, you may want to eat smaller meals with protein throughout the

day, give your metabolism a kick start. I hope it all works out, it's

frustrating being stuck. I've started workign out at the gym and I've

noticed I've been bulking up on muscle but nothing shows on the scale,

but my clothes are getting so loose, that's how I go on my loosing

weight. Just try changing things up a bit, if you get in a routine

your body will adjust to it but if you can switch it up now and then,

it may help start your metabolism in losing again...best of luck to

you...always remember how far you've come and that without the band

you probably would have gained more weight not lose...cheer up!! :)



> I had my surgery on October 23rd last year. I have only 37 pounds.


> have been at the same weight for 3 months. I am on my 4th fill.


> am I supposed to do? I am only at the half way mark for my weight


> my goal is 148. I dont drink with meals. I eat healthy. My friend

> had her surgery here in the US and she was put on a regimented


> program and she has lost 60 pounds. She had her surgery only a


> o month before me. I feel like the follow up is more important than

> was explained to me. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Two important

things you didn’t mention: How much can you eat? How much do you

exercise? Can you eat more then a cup and a half of food? Do you exercise at

least 4-5 times a week? It is important that you do not compare yourself to

another person. Your friend could have many different things going on.

Different metabolism, more weight to lose, more restriction, more

exercise. I have weighed the same for many months now. My downfall is

exercise. I am restricted enough, I just don’t exercise. My body has

gotten used to the amount of calories I am intaking and is at a standstill. I

know I must exercise to break the routine. I guess I will when I get good and

ready. I am happy at where I am for now. I bounce between 168 and 171 all the

time. How many calories are getting in daily? It helps to track your calories

at fitday.com as well.


DOB 3/1/05



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of tamiderr

Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:58



Weight loss

I had my surgery on October 23rd last year. I have

only 37 pounds. I

have been at the same weight for 3 months. I am on my 4th fill. What

am I supposed to do? I am only at the half way mark for my weight loss

my goal is 148. I dont drink with meals. I eat healthy. My friend

had her surgery here in the US

and she was put on a regimented follow

program and she has lost 60 pounds. She had her surgery only a couple

o month before me. I feel like the follow up is more important than

was explained to me. Does anyone have any ideas?

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ALLY PLEASE RUN, do not walk, but RUN to a different doc, YOU need to be seen in person every 2 weeks when on treatment! WHAT kind of doc are you seeing? Honey, in order to be able to finish tx, YOU NEED the doc to keep a close eye on you, not just answer your messages left on an answering machine.. PLEASE,, find another doc hon... you are NOT being treated correctly! jaxAlly <4thMoon@...> wrote: Thanks Jackie, Yeah, maybe that is the problem then because I never see my

Dr. I have been pre-sceduled for all my blood tests to the end of tx so just go to the lab. My Dr then calls me if there is anything I need to know. If I have any questions whatsoever I just call and leave a message on her machine and she gets back to me. I feel like such a pest calling all the time so now I just don't bother. I haven't seen her since she gave me the kit to begin tx 15 weeks ago. It would have been nice to have a few appointments within the first 12 weeks when I was having so many sides but now that they have calmed down, I guess there's no reason to see her so it's no big deal. That's one reason I was excited to find these groups, it is literally the only support I get. Ally On 7/22/06, Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote: Hi ally Well Im sure that THAT is why you are not having problems with the iron in the boost... THATS good hon,, YOU should be able to get copies of your stuff from the doc when you see her,, I mean, it shouldnt be a big deal to get them,, my husband is in the VA system and when we see the doc, we just ask him for copies and its never been a big deal, the doc just goes down the hall and makes a copy, comes back and gives them to us... Hey sweetie, we ALL have days that are down once in awhile,, dont you worry about that.. Im sure your doc is on top of things,, so dont worry.,,, you DONT have to keep copies of your labs, its not anything anyone HAS to do,, we just suggest it cuz something you have questions and sometimes we can help you figure them out,, thats all Well I hope you are having a good weekend.. its so hot here 105 today

and they predict 112 tomorrow,, ack! Im hiding inside! hugs, jaxAlly <4thMoon@...> wrote: I am 42 years old so yes I still have my periods, in fact, since I started tx, they have been lasting for like 10 days, ugh, so maybe that is why the iron has not been a problem. I don't get copies of my blood tests actually. In order for me to get a copy I am going to have to go thru the red tape of the VA system which I would rather not. I know I should but I really don't have the energy. I'm sure everyone is going to tell me to do it anyway and maybe I will if I do get some added energy at some point. Till now, my Dr has assured me everything looks okay so I trusted

her, maybe I shouldn't? I know it is probably the meds that make me not really care to find out... Sorry, just having one of those "low" mornings I guess. On 7/21/06, Jackie on < redjaxjm@...> wrote: ally, make sure you keep an eye on your ferritin levels,, really,, even a little iron added to boost can be a problem,, hopefully it wont,, remember that iron has no way to escape other than bleeding,, so if you still have your periods, that should help to take care of it, but if not, please be careful... hep tends to cause you to store iron and that can effect the long term

outcome of tx,, you are winning now,, and I have read that its actually better to be short on iron rather than up on iron while on tx... I dont know how old you are so Im going to assume you are still having your periods so its probably ok! hugs jaxAlly <4thMoon@...> wrote: It has a little iron in it yes but I checked with my Dr about that and she said that because it is iron that is coming from food rather then a supplement it would be okay in the amount I am taking in and it obviously hasn't effected the effectiveness of the treatment so I'll keep drinking it as a supplement. Yes, the biopsy, well, I can't get it till my Dr gives it to me and that won't be till

after tx so I am rather stuck there. On 7/21/06, elizabethnv1 < elizabethnv1@...> wrote: I good way to find out about the state of your liver (guesstimated that is ) is by having your iron levels done . The more damage the higher the liver saturation of your blood . But the best way would be for you to have a biopsy . Doesnt Boost have iron in it ? Re: weight loss Really? I heard (and read) that a carb based diet was best for ppl with HCV because protein gets processed on the liver. I've been eating a high carb diet all thru tx. Is this wrong? Should I change? I see a nutritionist who also agrees with the high carb diet so now I am confused... Ally On 7/20/06, Jackie on < redjaxjm@...> wrote: Hi Tim THATS an excellent question,, and ya know what, I dont have the answer to that,, Im NOT sure nor have I ever heard that the virus can disguise itself as a protein.. ALL of the studies show that especially when on tx,, IF you are NOT decompensated, you need a protein BASED diet..in order for tx to work better.and it prevents nausea.. I followed it to a T and it worked for me.. I'll see IF I can find any info on this... Hillbilly Tim < knoxweb1@... > wrote: Jackie,question and please I'm asking this for knowledge not

as and argument.but if the virus disguises it self as a protein,would you not want to limit it to keep the virus from replicating?its nothing ive read just something ive thought about. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie

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Well, I just had a long talk with her on the phone yesterday about everything. She explained in detail why she originally wanted to wait but we both agree that there is damage because (a) I have had this awhile and (2) I used to drink like a fish. I am definitely getting one so am releaved about that. I asked about my RBC and she said my hemoglobin is 10.7. She's probably going to put me on Epogen but is waiting to see the results of my next blood test which is the 28th. My plateletts are very low too (105) which explains my extended periods and bloody noses. As far as seeing someone else, there is no one else so I'll stick with her. I have no insurance so it's the VA or no one for me. Fortunately though, as far as " seeing " me, I am looking very healthy according to all my friends probably because of all the exercise I am doing. So I'm not sure what seeing her versus talking to her on the phone will do. She has given me her private number so is available whenever I have questions or need to talk.

Thanks so much for motivating me to talk to her. :)


On 7/25/06, Jackie on <redjaxjm@...> wrote:


PLEASE RUN, do not walk, but RUN to a different doc, YOU need to be seen in person every 2 weeks when on treatment! WHAT kind of doc are you seeing? Honey, in order to be able to finish tx, YOU NEED the doc to keep a close eye on you, not just answer your messages left on an answering machine.. PLEASE,, find another doc hon... you are NOT being treated correctly!

jaxAlly <4thMoon@...> wrote:

Thanks Jackie,

Yeah, maybe that is the problem then because I never see my Dr. I have been pre-sceduled for all my blood tests to the end of tx so just go to the lab. My Dr then calls me if there is anything I need to know. If I have any questions whatsoever I just call and leave a message on her machine and she gets back to me. I feel like such a pest calling all the time so now I just don't bother. I haven't seen her since she gave me the kit to begin tx 15 weeks ago. It would have been nice to have a few appointments within the first 12 weeks when I was having so many sides but now that they have calmed down, I guess there's no reason to see her so it's no big deal. That's one reason I was excited to find these groups, it is literally the only support I get.


On 7/22/06, Jackie on <

redjaxjm@...> wrote:

Hi ally

Well Im sure that THAT is why you are not having problems with the iron in the boost... THATS good hon,,

YOU should be able to get copies of your stuff from the doc when you see her,, I mean, it shouldnt be a big deal to get them,, my husband is in the VA system and when we see the doc, we just ask him for copies and its never been a big deal, the doc just goes down the hall and makes a copy, comes back and gives them to us...

Hey sweetie, we ALL have days that are down once in awhile,, dont you worry about that.. Im sure your doc is on top of things,, so dont worry.,,, you DONT have to keep copies of your labs, its not anything anyone HAS to do,, we just suggest it cuz something you have questions and sometimes we can help you figure them out,, thats all

Well I hope you are having a good weekend.. its so hot here 105 today and they predict 112 tomorrow,, ack! Im hiding inside!


jaxAlly <4thMoon@...>


I am 42 years old so yes I still have my periods, in fact, since I started tx, they have been lasting for like 10 days, ugh, so maybe that is why the iron has not been a problem.

I don't get copies of my blood tests actually. In order for me to get a copy I am going to have to go thru the red tape of the VA system which I would rather not. I know I should but I really don't have the energy. I'm sure everyone is going to tell me to do it anyway and maybe I will if I do get some added energy at some point. Till now, my Dr has assured me everything looks okay so I trusted her, maybe I shouldn't?

I know it is probably the meds that make me not really care to find out...

Sorry, just having one of those " low " mornings I guess.

On 7/21/06, Jackie on <

redjaxjm@...> wrote:

ally, make sure you keep an eye on your ferritin levels,, really,, even a little iron added to boost can be a problem,, hopefully it wont,, remember that iron has no way to escape other than bleeding,, so if you still have your periods, that should help to take care of it, but if not, please be careful... hep tends to cause you to store iron and that can effect the long term outcome of tx,, you are winning now,, and I have read that its actually better to be short on iron rather than up on iron while on tx...

I dont know how old you are so Im going to assume you are still having your periods so its probably ok!


jaxAlly <

4thMoon@...> wrote:

It has a little iron in it yes but I checked with my Dr about that and she said that because it is iron that is coming from food rather then a supplement it would be okay in the amount I am taking in and it obviously hasn't effected the effectiveness of the treatment so I'll keep drinking it as a supplement. Yes, the biopsy, well, I can't get it till my Dr gives it to me and that won't be till after tx so I am rather stuck there.

On 7/21/06, elizabethnv1 <

elizabethnv1@...> wrote:

I good way to find out about the state of your liver (guesstimated that is ) is by having your iron levels done . The more damage the higher the liver saturation of your blood . But the best way would be for you to have a biopsy . Doesnt Boost have iron in it ?

Re: weight loss

Really? I heard (and read) that a carb based diet was best for ppl with HCV because protein gets processed on the liver. I've been eating a high carb diet all thru tx. Is this wrong? Should I change? I see a nutritionist who also agrees with the high carb diet so now I am confused...


On 7/20/06, Jackie on <

redjaxjm@...> wrote:

Hi Tim

THATS an excellent question,, and ya know what, I dont have the answer to that,, Im NOT sure nor have I ever heard that the virus can disguise itself as a protein.. ALL of the studies show that especially when on tx,, IF you are NOT decompensated, you need a protein BASED diet..in order for tx to work better.and it prevents nausea.. I followed it to a T and it worked for me.. I'll see IF I can find any info on this...

Hillbilly Tim <

knoxweb1@... > wrote:

Jackie,question and please I'm asking this for knowledge not as and argument.but if the virus disguises it self as a protein,would you not want to limit it to keep the virus from replicating?its nothing ive read just something ive thought about.

Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931

865-588-2465 x107 work


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  • 2 months later...

Jen what 2 meds are you one? one lex and he other is____? i ask cause i

think i got weight gain from lexapro OR it was the useless steroid

injections in my spine i gained while eating less or even NONE and that

makes no sense to me so i gotta blame it on one or another medication or

that i turned 36 ? I am short so always prone to being NON -twiggy btu

this is not ok with me as it does not help my anxiety or other issues or

even my back problems one bit. makes things sooo much worse.

anyhow..i am being put on a new ned this coming week and doc always kind

of lets me pick from a list like i know what i am picking or doing ( but

i guess neither does she cause its all a guessing game what works for

someone) one thing i am adment about is noggin known to cause wight gain

i,.if there is any for sure on that i need to avoid .

so i am curious what other one you are on and does it work for anxiety or

just depression? also i am wondering if your combo deal or another combo

may actually work better for me than a single medication


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Hi Alison,

I'm on 300mg Wellbutrin in the am and 30mg Lexapro at night. I also

take Ambien about half the time to fall asleep.

I've been on Lexapro for over two years now. I started losing weight

earlier in the summer before I started Wellbutrin because I wasn't

eating much, but I've lost quite a bit more since starting the

Wellbutrin. I've gone down 15 pounds since May. Ten of those pounds

were spread out over four months. The other five pounds in the past

four weeks. Five pounds a month would be great if I was trying to

lose weight, but I'm not trying. That worries me since I don't lose

that much weight when I Am trying.

I'm taking the Wellbutrin to increase my energy level. On just the

Lexapro it was helping me feel better emotionally, but I still didn't

budge from the couch. Now I'm getting out of the house every day and

getting the things done that need to get done.

I'm not a good judge of whether it produces anxiety or not. I used to

have intense anxiety years ago but I dealt with that with various

breathing techniques, grounding myself in the here and now, and other

mental exercises. My anxiety has come back somewhat over the past

week. But this could just be because I'm finally feeling less

depressed so now I can feel more emotions. I should have been feeling

anxiety over my situation months ago but I was completely flat.

I'm pretty short, too. For most of my life I've been the average

weight for my height, just very curvy as well. I was never one of the

twiggy ones.

I think that steroid injections do make people gain weight. I've

never had them, but some of my friends have. I'm not 36 yet, but I do

notice my metabolism slowing down with each year. It's been a

concerted effort not to eat like the rest of my family... otherwise

I'm looking forward to a lot of extra weight when I get older.

Just a tip from when I was trying to lose weight... Eating little or

nothing makes a person's body go into starvation mode. Since it never

knows when it's going to get it's next meal it stores away whatever it

is that you do eat as fat, instead of burning it off as energy. So

people actually gain weight. (Years of dancing, having anorexic and

bulimic classmates, trying to find healthy ways to maintain my weight

so I could dance... made me obsessed with how to stay a low and

consistent weight.)

I really don't know which med you and your doctor should decide on.

But maybe if you know which ones he'll suggest you can look up their

websites ahead of time to see which ones have anxiety as a likely side


Sorry I can't help more. Like you said, different people respond to

different meds in different ways. But if single meds haven't been

working for you, you could always bring up the idea with your doc.

It's pretty common to be on multiple meds.

Jen :)


> Jen what 2 meds are you one? one lex and he other is____? i ask cause i

> think i got weight gain from lexapro OR it was the useless steroid

> injections in my spine i gained while eating less or even NONE and that

> makes no sense to me so i gotta blame it on one or another medication or

> that i turned 36 ? I am short so always prone to being NON -twiggy btu

> this is not ok with me as it does not help my anxiety or other issues or

> even my back problems one bit. makes things sooo much worse.


> anyhow..i am being put on a new ned this coming week and doc always kind

> of lets me pick from a list like i know what i am picking or doing ( but

> i guess neither does she cause its all a guessing game what works for

> someone) one thing i am adment about is noggin known to cause wight gain

> i,.if there is any for sure on that i need to avoid .


> so i am curious what other one you are on and does it work for

anxiety or

> just depression? also i am wondering if your combo deal or another combo

> may actually work better for me than a single medication


> alison


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  • 11 months later...

You can tell her to start following the rules for how to make the surgery work. She should be eating 3 maybe with a snack or two meals per day. No eating and drinking at the same time and increase her physical activity. Check out the pouch rules for dummy's under the files on the list serve. It sounds like this patient may be grazing/picking all day long and it is a very easy way to defeat the pouch.

Tina Musselman RD, CCN Bariatric Program Coordinator (708) 747-4000 ext. 7444 or (708) 679-2717 (708) 679-2418 (fax)

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of shannon smileySent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:11 PMbariatric dietitianSubject: Weight Loss

I have a patient one year post op gastric bypass. She has lost a total of 100 lbs now weighs 115 lbs. She doesn't like her current weight and wants to gain 15 to 20 lbs back. The patient claims she has increased her caloric intake and eating about 6 to 8 times per day. Any advise I can give her????Thanks Smiley, RD

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.

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I would have her do several days of food records and activity records to estimate caloric balance and then help her change the balance for +300-500 calories day. She is likely able to get that all from food since she is one year out but it may not be a bad idea to include some liquid supplements if she is having trouble with the volume she needs to eat. I would also encourage some sort of strength training/weight lifting so that what she is gaining back is primarily lean body mass. If you have access to body composition testing that would be a helpful thing for her to understand how her body is putting weight on. I would also encourage her to think about weight maintenance first (if she is still losing) and then slowly adding the 10-15# maybe over 4-8 months to allow for more gain of lean body mass vs fat mass. This is just what I would focus on..

Laschkewitsch RD LDDietitian, Legacy Obesity Institute(503) 413-8135

Weight Loss

I have a patient one year post op gastric bypass. She has lost a total of 100 lbs now weighs 115 lbs. She doesn't like her current weight and wants to gain 15 to 20 lbs back. The patient claims she has increased her caloric intake and eating about 6 to 8 times per day. Any advise I can give her????Thanks Smiley, RD

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This communication, including any attachment, contains information that may be confidential or privileged, and is intended solely for the entity or individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you should contact the sender and delete the message. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message is strictly prohibited. Nothing in this email, including any attachment, is intended to be a legally binding signature.

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- Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts and recommendations. You were very helpful! "Laschkwitsch, :LPH Obes Inst" <KLaschke@...> wrote: I would have her do several days of food records and activity records to estimate caloric balance and then help her change the balance for +300-500 calories day. She is likely able to get that all from food since

she is one year out but it may not be a bad idea to include some liquid supplements if she is having trouble with the volume she needs to eat. I would also encourage some sort of strength training/weight lifting so that what she is gaining back is primarily lean body mass. If you have access to body composition testing that would be a helpful thing for her to understand how her body is putting weight on. I would also encourage her to think about weight maintenance first (if she is still losing) and then slowly adding the 10-15# maybe over 4-8 months to allow for more gain of lean body mass vs fat mass. This is just what I would focus on.. Laschkewitsch RD LDDietitian, Legacy Obesity Institute(503) 413-8135 Weight Loss I have a patient one year post op gastric bypass. She has lost a total of 100 lbs now weighs 115 lbs. She doesn't like her current weight and wants to gain 15 to 20 lbs back. The patient claims she has increased her caloric intake and eating about 6 to 8 times per day. Any advise I can give her????Thanks Smiley, RD Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This communication, including any attachment, contains information that may be confidential or privileged, and is intended solely for the entity or individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you should contact the sender and delete the message. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message is strictly prohibited. Nothing in this email, including any attachment, is intended to be a legally binding signature.

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was kind of wondering the same thing. recently switched

back to IVIG every 3 weeks after doing weekly SQIG for 8mts. He

actually gained some weight after starting the SQIG. I never made

the connection until now because of the weight loss. I was wondering

if it could be from not getting the IG weekly? Hmmmmm.....

Proud Mom to 3 yr old : PID~combine immune deficiency and




> Can missing an infusion cause weight loss? My son usually gets

IVIG every 21 days, but this time went almost 8 weeks. During that

time, he started eating enough food to sustain a large adult. The

overeating was concerning. He is on the SCD diet to control small

bowel bacterial overgrowth, so he was not eating empty calories. He

was eating outrageous amounts of protein and vegetables. He had a

GI appointment today and grew since his last appointment in June,

but lost weight (he is now in the 5th %ile for weight). The only

change in his life has been the missed infusion. Is there a

possible connection?


> -



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sara - interesting - I am paying $5/mo for my calorie counter.com. I have lost almost 50 lbs since end of Oct being on a low carb diet as recommended by the American Diabetic Association. It tracks carbs, has food info in their data base, tracks exercise, etc. Does this site have that and does it have info for low carbs? Thank you and wow - congratulations on the weight loss - I KNOW how hard it is. I am a Christian also :) hugs Tait <sarah.tait@...> wrote: I have lost 100 pounds and did it through www.sparkpeople.Com. It is A free site. You keep track of your eating plan

and any exercise That you do and it is also full of educational articles. I am Co=leader of the Christians with fibromyalgia group. If you are Interested and would like a personal invitation just send me your Home email address to my home email address of sarah.tait@... And I will send you one. You do not have to be personally invited To join but it will be easier for you to join that way plus I get credit For your joining (spark points that aren't really worth anything but Fun to collect) You can find me there under sarahtait as my User name. It really helped me with the weight loss and I will Be with the site for the rest of my life as they also have maintenance Groups. They have groups geared just for people with fibro like us Such as the one I am co=leading. Hugs,

-- Re: Hands and arms falling asleep at night So, , share how you lost weight. I have a hard time staying on track, especially when my life is in emotional turmoil. Deb Halvorson Hands and arms falling asleep at night Do any of you have a problem with waking up and your arm or a hand is asleep and tingling? It scares me as I always think , oh, heart attack. but I move them around and it goes away.

Maybe from a nerve I layed on? Or layed too long on one side? I have noticed if I lay on one side too long it will begin to hurt in my butt and hips. I move alot at night.

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Hi again Amie, 40 breaths are what Rashelle recommends. I hope you are also

following a good eating plan. Whole body health is so VIP. I struggle with a

sugar addiction and that is not so good. But when I eat right and exercise I

lose. Just a thought. Hugs, Connie

Weight loss


> ive been doing one cd a day...is this enough to lose inches and

> weight? Do I need to do 40 breathes a day? I do I

> love this stuff...it's amazing!



> Amie Black-Buchanan

> Salon Carpe Diem

> 770-965-4201



> ---------------------------------

> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.



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Yes I am on a good eating plan. I have found a GREAT sugar replacment (in my

opinion) Have you ever heard of Xylitol? It is a natural alternative to sugar

and tastes almost exactly like it. It is low glycemic ,good for diabetics. It

is made from birch trees or corn cob. They have used it in I think Asia for a

long time. Look it up and see what you think...I started with a small bag to

try it out. You can get it at any health food store. Also agave is yummy and

low glycemic, it tastes like maple syrup. We made a pecan pie with the agave

instead of karo syrup and it was delicious! There is a cookbook on how to

convert recipes over to xylitol it breaks down just a little different i guess.

I hope maybe some of this helps you...I just started my journey with no

sugar...emotionally it has been easy since I can have the xylitol in my coffee

and I have some chewy snacks sweetened with stevia,but my body knows its not the

real mcoy and Iv had a few headaches but not too

bad. If you try it let me know what you think or if you have any questions.

conistar@... wrote: Hi again Amie, 40

breaths are what Rashelle recommends. I hope you are also following a good

eating plan. Whole body health is so VIP. I struggle with a sugar addiction

and that is not so good. But when I eat right and exercise I lose. Just a

thought. Hugs, Connie

Weight loss


> ive been doing one cd a day...is this enough to lose inches and

> weight? Do I need to do 40 breathes a day? I do I

> love this stuff...it's amazing!



> Amie Black-Buchanan

> Salon Carpe Diem

> 770-965-4201



> ---------------------------------

> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.



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Thanks Amie, I will look for it the next time I am at my health food store. :-)

My biggest downfall is cookies, everything else I can leave ok--but cookies

are like cigarrettes to me and I can't eat just one, so I have to just stay away

from them. And its Girl Scout cookie time---oooo its gonna be hard! lol


Weight loss

> LifeLift


> > ive been doing one cd a day...is this enough to lose

> inches and

> > weight? Do I need to do 40 breathes a day? I

> do I

> > love this stuff...it's amazing!

> >

> >

> > Amie Black-Buchanan

> > Salon Carpe Diem

> > 770-965-4201

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >

> >

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When I saw Agave I had to respond. I do not crave sweets nor do I

usually like anything sweet. I found Agave a few years ago and it

tastes awesome. A great idea for a good healthy, filling snack is

toasting Hemp Bread (full of great fiber but try to buy from a frozen

section of a health food store; lasts longer); pour Agave over the

toast; then I put shredded coconuts and sliced almonds on top of it.

Agave is usually found near the honey in a health food store.

Anyone else have some tasty snack ideas? Love to hear them.


Hi again Amie, 40 breaths

are what Rashelle recommends. I hope you are also following a good

eating plan. Whole body health is so VIP. I struggle with a sugar

addiction and that is not so good. But when I eat right and exercise

I lose. Just a thought. Hugs, Connie

> >

> > Weight loss

> > LifeLift

> >

> > > ive been doing one cd a day...is this enough to lose

> > inches and

> > > weight? Do I need to do 40 breathes a day? I

> > do I

> > > love this stuff...it's amazing!

> > >

> > >

> > > Amie Black-Buchanan

> > > Salon Carpe Diem

> > > 770-965-4201

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > >

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winwithlifelift <winwithlifelift@...> wrote:

When I saw Agave I had to respond. I do not crave sweets nor do I

usually like anything sweet. I found Agave a few years ago and it

tastes awesome. A great idea for a good healthy, filling snack is

toasting Hemp Bread (full of great fiber but try to buy from a frozen

section of a health food store; lasts longer); pour Agave over the

toast; then I put shredded coconuts and sliced almonds on top of it.

Agave is usually found near the honey in a health food store.

Anyone else have some tasty snack ideas? Love to hear them.


Hi again Amie, 40 breaths

are what Rashelle recommends. I hope you are also following a good

eating plan. Whole body health is so VIP. I struggle with a sugar

addiction and that is not so good. But when I eat right and exercise

I lose. Just a thought. Hugs, Connie

> >

> > Weight loss

> > LifeLift

> >

> > > ive been doing one cd a day...is this enough to lose

> > inches and

> > > weight? Do I need to do 40 breathes a day? I

> > do I

> > > love this stuff...it's amazing!

> > >

> > >

> > > Amie Black-Buchanan

> > > Salon Carpe Diem

> > > 770-965-4201

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > >

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

It doesn't seem as if anyone has.


I know this is a bit random as it is not a weight loss forum, but hasanyone tried any herbal appetite suppresants, fat burners along sideall the other things we take?

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Hi Angie,

I would recommend an appetite suppressant called "Pure Hoodia" from www.purehoddia.co.uk

Hoodia is a succulent plant found in the Kalahari desert of South Africa. For many generations the nomadic SAN tribe's people of the region have used the Hoodia Gordonii plant to suppress appetite and thirst during long hunting trips of several days duration.

I have personally tried this product and can honestly say that it did indeed suppress any cravings I had when following a new diet structure. I was cutting down on carbohydrate intake which led to the well known "carbo withdrawal" stage and with these capsules, I sailed through it. They come with a money back guarantee which I can confirm they do indeed honour. I bought a three month supply and returned two unopened and received a full refund no problem. In case you're wondering, I returned them simply because I didn't need them anymore – they did the trick and got me through onto a stable and healthy eating plan with half a tub !

I did a huge amount of research before buying this product, so please be aware that there are a great many Hoodia Gordonii products on the market that are sub-standard. Buy only from this site (trust me – you won't find it cheaper any where else!). Spend a good while reading the certification section of the web site and you'll understand why this is the product of choice.

Good luck. Let me know how you get on.


>> I know this is a bit random as it is not a weight loss forum, but has> anyone tried any herbal appetite suppresants, fat burners along side> all the other things we take? Any that work.> Should change my user name to mis impatient!> Angie x>

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

wow! was is hard? are you hungry?jacqueline <jkeempc@...> wrote: i have lost 20 pounds in 15 days ,just missing my chocolate,------------------------------------

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Are you sure its not your condition that caused your weight loss? I lost one and

a half stone in 2 months when my anxiety/depression started.

Depression / anxiety usually leads to a loss of appetite - you will probably

find your appetite increasing soon as the lexpro kicks in.

I have been on lexpro for 3 months now (10mg) - I read a lot of comments about

how it makes you gain weight - thought it was not going to affect me - was fine

for the first 2 months but in the last few weeks I have put back on about a

stone of the weight I lost.

My appetite is greater than it ever was before - a lot of people come of

lexpro because of the weight gain - you might be lucky but i just want to warn

you - give it a month or 2 and you may find yourself putting on weight !!!

tommydd2112 <tommydd2112@...> wrote:

has anyone experienced any weight loss with lex? i lost 5 lbs in 3

weeks so far without exercising .my appetite has decreased slightly.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Are you drinking w/ the meal?


Pampered Chef

Independent Consultant


Weight loss

Help.I had the lap band surgery in July of 07. I have only lost 37 pounds so far. I am very frustrated. I have always been able to hold alot more than a cup and a half. Things still get stuck very easily and I am very tight in the morning. I have had two fills. My metabolism is very slow. It doesn't matter what I eat, when I eat, how much or how little, I just go back and forth with the same 2 to 3 pounds. One week I will lose it and the next week I gain it. I keep a food log every day. I exercise 3-4 times a week but nothing is coming off.Does anyone have any suggestions?

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