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Hey, Terry. I'm glad you gave us that update. I was wondering how

you were doing, but didn't want to pry and force you to dwell on

negative stuff. As for you and Regina, I just want to say that you

are, as they say in Yiddish, a " mensch " -- a very decent guy -- to

want to protect Regina against negative impressions right in the

midst of your own troubles. I'm also glad to hear that the

insurance company is not giving you a hard time -- it didn't make

sense to me that they would, but it must be a relief to have that

confirmed by them. Best of luck with your move to Indiana. Let us

know when the eagle has landed. Warmest regards. (Dov)


> Hi all,

> I just wanted to give everyone an update on some things since my

last post

> about how my situation has changed. First off, Regina is being

great and

> being very nice, so if I gave the impression she was mental, she

is not, and

> in fact has been making things allot easier on us both. Our

breakup was not

> only her fault, we in fact were both at fault. I may have made

mention of

> her having anger issues, well to be fair I think we all have some

sort of

> anger issues at times. In all breakups there are hard feelings,

but overall

> she is handling things very well.

> I also had mentioned that the private insurance company that pays


> disability had called and were changing the definition of my

disability from

> not being able to perform my former job as a credit card fraud


> to being able to perform any reasonable job. Well I received good

news last

> night. I received a call from the representative and I have been

*approved *to

> continue drawing my benefits for the agreed upon term up to 2031.

So that

> was a major relief for me, and did take allot of worry and

pressure off of

> me. I have to say I was expecting them to give me more of a

hassle, but to

> their credit they didn't. Now if only I can get the Social Security

> Administration to do the same..hehe. If I am approved for that I


> basically get the same amount as I have been, it just will mean I

will get

> two checks a month instead of one. One coming from SSD, the other

from my

> private insurance company to make up the difference to the set

amount that

> they were suppose to pay me. *major sigh of relief*

> I am not waiting for my check to come and once some loose ends are

tied up

> here, then I will be going back to Indiana for good. Take care all


> thanks again for listening,


> Terry


> --

> " There is nothing ever wrong..but

> nothing's ever right..such a cruel contradiction " .




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Not good! Why, oh why can't we keep our 25 year old bodies forever???

I had to go to the orthopedist today. Yuck!

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:47 AM

Subject: update

Well, the pain got worse Sunday to the point that I called an ortho to find out what was going on... rotator cuff, etc

X rays showed it is actually the neck... arthritic spurs causing most if not all problems

They gave me a cortizone shot - if it worked there was a problem with my shoulder also (and I would be out of excruiating pain)... if it didn't that meant the neck was totally the culprit. I had tried so much in hot/cold, ointments, etc. Well, it may be 2 % better ... I am supposed to get a call from therapy to start some exercises etc tody and I have an afternoon apt with chiro... Thur I have apt with neck doc to see what else can be done (excluding surgery)... I am hoping the therapy does the trick... getting harder and harder to deal with this pain..and am missing work on account of it alos..



What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.




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  • 1 month later...

Well that's good news and bad news. Overall good, I would say. I have a couple of questions, if I may? If you use the bone spurs, will they have any growth tendencies to make more spurs? Is their make up different from regular bone?

Will bone spurs recur with time? Will they have to be corrected in several years?

Best of luck and rest well.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 8:32 PM

Subject: Update

Well, where do I begin.....

I met with the neck surgeon... first, let me say I really like him... for a dr, he is alright... even got a hug before I left.. Sat and talked for an hour... (and he was already 45 minutes late into my apt..) Told me I was asking all the right questions... told him I had thought long and hard over this and did my research.

Well, after looking at the xrays, all the MRI scans, etc. (the ruptures are pressing against the spinal cord...- not good)

The ruptures are not the greatest... luckily the first and second disks are fine... which are the ones that control most of the mobility of the neck. Besides the ruptures are the bone spurs.. so it is like a double whammy. He told me that though I'm not in pain right now, the pain will return in time... and the numbness in my thumb will eventually get worse and possibly spread a bit. I don't have to have surgery today but eventually I will need it. We discussed all the options, all the risks, etc... Risks are actually minimal if any in my case. Most likely one is that for a couple weeks I would either lose my voice a bit or that it would be raspy due the closeness of the vocal cords... but it would come back and he told me I could karaoke again. He did tell me they would have to fuse between the 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6.

but that I would hardly notice (if I did) any change or lessening of movement. He said the best way would be to use my own bone. and that it what he would do if it were him, rather than the metal or a bone bank..(which is from a dead person)... I would be outpatient, spending one night before going home - possibly two nights - I would be off work for 2-3 weeks... no lifting the first week limiting below 10 pounds.. And it usually takes the bone 6 months to totally bond or heal. He did suggest I go home and talk with my family etc.. I don't have to do this right away but it is better to do it before it gets worse (which it will) and also while I'm healthy I will heal faster. He also says he believes there is enought bone spurs to create the fuse without having to take any bone from the hip (that's alot of bone spurs) He liked the fact that I'm not relying on drugs and that I'm finding alternative natural means.. (I like this guy) And he is around my age...around 50.

I'm going to do some further checking on his record.... I've heard good about him so far.

And I've decided to do this surgery after the holidays and after he comes back from vacation which would put it in the later half of Jan. I figure i can do comfrey tea to help the bones knit faster.. cal mag, bone, flesh & cartlidge etc to help me heal... along with alot of greens, etc. I figure if I'm going to eventually not have a choice on this...I should do it now while it is not in alot worse condition and the fact that I have good health on my side. He told me I don't have to rush at this point as I'm not in a weakened state... I'm loosing grip strength but it is not bad enough yet that he says we have to rush... but today I noticed when picking up a large can of tomato juice that it was starting to slip out of my grip... I almost dropped it before I made it to the counter...

I have researched and realize I can't replace the "cushion" between the disks.. and the bone spurs are what is really messing everything up.. and though I can not fix it myself I can assist with my recovery. So this is one of those times where I will need a dr's help.

But I'm okay with this...actually, at first when I heard neck my heart sunk... but the more I've read and the more people I've talked to... everyone has come out better on neck surgery. And I think after talking with this doctor...I'm at peace with this decision.

So, this is where I'm at with the situation. Knowing that it will continue to get worse as the neck is not curving the right way and pressing on the spinal column was a big factor... cause if the spinal cord/column gets in trouble then we're looking at the back... and I'm NOT going there, unless it is life/death situation.

Well, I'm off to bed... talk at you all later.


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.




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Bummer, but sounds like you're doing all the right things. You talked about what you will do after to help the healing. What are you going to do BEFORE to ready yourself for surgery? That's the one I would want to focus on seeing as it sounds like you know what to do after.

And also how are you going to detox yourself from the drugs administered during surgery? That's a big one, too.


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Good questions Shari... I'm being more faithful now with taking my complete nutrition for one.. my complete tonic every day instead of when I need it. and my cal mag (now that I have it) and generally going to do more lemon water than plain water and a mini 3 day cleanse after the holidays. that will be a few weeks prior to a surgery date.. I don't want to cleanse to close to surgery. I will wait about a month to do a major detox.. I will be focusing on mostly raw, greens and juices after surgery... Heck, I forgot to ask if I will be able to eat solids right after... but I figure the Jack Lalaine juicer will really get a work out. lol The web site I posted earlier regarding detoxing is a good one to read. I figure with the juices and greens, and the supplements I plan on after surgery will carry me till I'm strong enough to go thru a good detox cleansing..SV <shavig@...> wrote: Bummer, but sounds like you're doing all the right things. You talked about what you will do after to help the healing. What are you going to do BEFORE to ready yourself for surgery? That's the one I would want to focus on seeing as it sounds like you know what to do after. And also how are you going to detox yourself from the drugs administered during surgery? That's a big one, too. Shari Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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Hi Suzi, It sounds like you found a good

doc. As strong as you are, I know you will come out of this surgery just

fine. Plus you have all of us praying for ya!


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006

8:33 PM




Well, where do I begin.....

I met with the neck surgeon... first, let me say I really like him...

for a dr, he is alright... even got a hug before I left.. Sat and talked

for an hour... (and he was already 45 minutes late into my apt..) Told me

I was asking all the right questions... told him I had thought long and hard

over this and did my research.

Well, after looking at the xrays, all the MRI scans, etc. (the ruptures

are pressing against the spinal cord...- not good)

The ruptures are not the greatest... luckily the first and second disks

are fine... which are the ones that control most of the mobility of the

neck. Besides the ruptures are the bone spurs.. so it is like a

double whammy. He told me that though I'm not in pain right now, the pain

will return in time... and the numbness in my thumb will eventually get worse

and possibly spread a bit. I don't have to have surgery today but

eventually I will need it. We discussed all the options, all the risks,

etc... Risks are actually minimal if any in my case. Most likely

one is that for a couple weeks I would either lose my voice a bit or that it

would be raspy due the closeness of the vocal cords... but it would come back

and he told me I could karaoke again. He did tell me they would have to

fuse between the 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6.

but that I would hardly notice (if I did) any change or lessening of

movement. He said the best way would be to use my own bone. and

that it what he would do if it were him, rather than the metal or a bone

bank..(which is from a dead person)... I would be outpatient, spending one

night before going home - possibly two nights - I would be off work for 2-3

weeks... no lifting the first week limiting below 10 pounds.. And it

usually takes the bone 6 months to totally bond or heal. He did

suggest I go home and talk with my family etc.. I don't have to do this right

away but it is better to do it before it gets worse (which it will) and also

while I'm healthy I will heal faster. He also says he believes there is

enought bone spurs to create the fuse without having to take any bone from the

hip (that's alot of bone spurs) He liked the fact that I'm not

relying on drugs and that I'm finding alternative natural means.. (I like this

guy) And he is around my age...around 50.

I'm going to do some further checking on his record.... I've heard good

about him so far.

And I've decided to do this surgery after the holidays and after he

comes back from vacation which would put it in the later half of

Jan. I figure i can do comfrey tea to help the bones knit faster..

cal mag, bone, flesh & cartlidge etc to help me heal... along with

alot of greens, etc. I figure if I'm going to eventually not have a

choice on this...I should do it now while it is not in alot worse condition and

the fact that I have good health on my side. He told me I don't have to

rush at this point as I'm not in a weakened state... I'm loosing grip strength

but it is not bad enough yet that he says we have to rush... but today I

noticed when picking up a large can of tomato juice that it was starting to

slip out of my grip... I almost dropped it before I made it to the


I have researched and realize I can't replace the " cushion "

between the disks.. and the bone spurs are what is really messing everything

up.. and though I can not fix it myself I can assist with my recovery. So

this is one of those times where I will need a dr's help.

But I'm okay with this...actually, at first when I heard neck my heart

sunk... but the more I've read and the more people I've talked to... everyone

has come out better on neck surgery. And I think after talking with this

doctor...I'm at peace with this decision.

So, this is where I'm at with the situation. Knowing that it will

continue to get worse as the neck is not curving the right way and pressing on

the spinal column was a big factor... cause if the spinal cord/column gets in

trouble then we're looking at the back... and I'm NOT going there, unless it

is life/death situation.

Well, I'm off to bed... talk at you all later.


What is a

weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.




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Music Unlimited.

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Hi Gayla, I think I can answer some of

your questions. Bone spurs do not tend to grow on their own like, say, a

tumor. Their makeup is no different from regular bone except they won’t

have the inner core that bigger bones do. Bone spurs can be a problem

again, but it’s unlikely it will happen in the same area. Correction

in several years is unlikely to be necessary as well. It took Suzi all

this time to get her neck this way and it will probably take her this much more

time to do it again ;-) My grandfather had a much worse but similar

problem with his neck when he was around Suzi’s age and never had a

problem after surgery – he lived to be 96.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Gayla

Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006

8:57 PM


Subject: Re:


Well that's good news and

bad news. Overall good, I would say. I have a couple of questions, if I may? If

you use the bone spurs, will they have any growth tendencies to make more

spurs? Is their make up different from regular bone?

Will bone spurs recur

with time? Will they have to be corrected in several years?

Best of luck and rest



Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California


Bill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Saturday, December

09, 2006 8:32 PM



Well, where do I begin.....

I met with the neck surgeon... first, let me say I really like him...

for a dr, he is alright... even got a hug before I left.. Sat and talked

for an hour... (and he was already 45 minutes late into my apt..) Told me

I was asking all the right questions... told him I had thought long and hard

over this and did my research.

Well, after looking at the xrays, all the MRI scans, etc. (the ruptures

are pressing against the spinal cord...- not good)

The ruptures are not the greatest... luckily the first and second disks

are fine... which are the ones that control most of the mobility of the

neck. Besides the ruptures are the bone spurs.. so it is like a

double whammy. He told me that though I'm not in pain right now, the pain

will return in time... and the numbness in my thumb will eventually get worse

and possibly spread a bit. I don't have to have surgery today but

eventually I will need it. We discussed all the options, all the risks,

etc... Risks are actually minimal if any in my case. Most likely one

is that for a couple weeks I would either lose my voice a bit or that it would

be raspy due the closeness of the vocal cords... but it would come back and he

told me I could karaoke again. He did tell me they would have to fuse

between the 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6.

but that I would hardly notice (if I did) any change or lessening of

movement. He said the best way would be to use my own bone. and

that it what he would do if it were him, rather than the metal or a bone

bank..(which is from a dead person)... I would be outpatient, spending one

night before going home - possibly two nights - I would be off work for 2-3

weeks... no lifting the first week limiting below 10 pounds.. And it

usually takes the bone 6 months to totally bond or heal. He did

suggest I go home and talk with my family etc.. I don't have to do this right

away but it is better to do it before it gets worse (which it will) and also

while I'm healthy I will heal faster. He also says he believes there is

enought bone spurs to create the fuse without having to take any bone from the

hip (that's alot of bone spurs) He liked the fact that I'm not

relying on drugs and that I'm finding alternative natural means.. (I like this

guy) And he is around my age...around 50.

I'm going to do some further checking on his record.... I've heard good

about him so far.

And I've decided to do this surgery after the holidays and after he

comes back from vacation which would put it in the later half of

Jan. I figure i can do comfrey tea to help the bones knit faster..

cal mag, bone, flesh & cartlidge etc to help me heal... along with

alot of greens, etc. I figure if I'm going to eventually not have a

choice on this...I should do it now while it is not in alot worse condition and

the fact that I have good health on my side. He told me I don't have to

rush at this point as I'm not in a weakened state... I'm loosing grip strength

but it is not bad enough yet that he says we have to rush... but today I

noticed when picking up a large can of tomato juice that it was starting to

slip out of my grip... I almost dropped it before I made it to the


I have researched and realize I can't replace the " cushion "

between the disks.. and the bone spurs are what is really messing everything

up.. and though I can not fix it myself I can assist with my recovery. So

this is one of those times where I will need a dr's help.

But I'm okay with this...actually, at first when I heard neck my heart

sunk... but the more I've read and the more people I've talked to... everyone

has come out better on neck surgery. And I think after talking with this

doctor...I'm at peace with this decision.

So, this is where I'm at with the situation. Knowing that it will

continue to get worse as the neck is not curving the right way and pressing on

the spinal column was a big factor... cause if the spinal cord/column gets in

trouble then we're looking at the back... and I'm NOT going there, unless it

is life/death situation.

Well, I'm off to bed... talk at you all later.


What is a

weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.




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Music Unlimited.

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Way to go girlfriend! I like to hear those words, "greens, juices, cleansing..."

Now, is there anything any of us can do to take some of the burden of this list off your hands before, during, and after this ordeal? I'm not too computer savvy, but I'll help out in any way, like directing you to someone else! No, just kidding. I know what I can and cannot do and what I am capable of accomplishing and if I can't I ask for help.

Let us all know what we can to do help you out.


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Good questions... If I increase my calcium (a good calcium like cal mag) shouldn't regrow. And I did ask him if I would have to do this again down the road and he said no. Maybe this will hep explain. (I was just to rough on my body in my younger years, actually most my life...ice skating, heavy lifting,pulling, etc) If I had known then what I know now I probably would not have this... or I would have been working to fix it before it got to the state it is.. Bone spurs may develop as a result of the normal aging process and wear and tear. Just like a mechanical device the human body is subject to wear and tear from use. However, unlike machinery, the human body has the ability to heal or attempt to repair itself. Arthritis affects approximately 80% of people over the age of 55 in the United States. Injury, a weakened immune

system, and/or hereditary factors can trigger the onset of arthritis. There are hundreds of types of arthritis that share similar symptoms including inflammation, joint pain, and progressive deterioration of joint surfaces over time. The joints may lose normal contour, excessive amounts of fluid may build up inside the joint along with pieces of floating debris. Arthritis may affect the joints in the spine, which enable the body to bend and twist. Part of the problem may be the body's response to arthritis, which is to manufacture extra bone to stop joint movement. The extra bone is referred to as bone spurs or bony overgrowth. The bone spurs are called osteophytes. Osteophytes may be found in areas affected by arthritis such as the disc or joint spaces where cartilage has deteriorated. The body's production of osteophytes is a futile attempt to stop the

motion of the arthritic joint and deal with the degenerative process. It never completely works. The evidence of bony deposits can be found on an x-ray. A bone spur may cause nerve impingement at the neuroforamen. The neuroforamen are passageways through which the nerve roots exit the spinal canal. Sensory symptoms include pain, numbness, burning and pins and needles in the extremities below the affected spinal nerve root. Motor symptoms include muscle spasm, cramping, weakness, or loss of muscular control in a part of the body. Gayla <aeranch@...> wrote: Well that's good news and bad news. Overall good, I would say. I have a couple of questions, if I may? If you use the bone

spurs, will they have any growth tendencies to make more spurs? Is their make up different from regular bone? Will bone spurs recur with time? Will they have to be corrected in several years? Best of luck and rest well. Gayla

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Thanks... LOL do I know... Probably thinking I was superwoman for too many years.. I used to work and own a ceramic supply business for one thing.. Lots of heavy molds, liquid clay, cases of paint, etc... lot of lifting moving etc.. then I ice skated for years... even taught.. took my share of falls, along with picking up kids alot.. helping DH move things, a whole lot of things I'm thinking.. but quite honestly, I'm at peace about this now. I've researched, and talked to alot of people who have had this surgery and after talking with the dr... I'm okay about this. I was hoping there was an option, like trying the injections, cause then I would know I could probably fix this... but he told me that would just delay the inevitable... that I would eventually have to have this that it would get worse. SOOOOOOOOOOO why not do it now while I'm in good health and he sees very little if any in risk factors... down the road might

be a different story. Suzi"Sharyn E. Cerniglia" <sharyn.cerniglia@...> wrote: Yikes, Suzi! I had no idea that things were this bad. I’m so sorry… Good thoughts and prayers heading your way. Do you know what you did to cause this? Sharyn ,___

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Thanks Janet... I know prayers are worth their weight in gold...so with all of you how can anything go wrong??... I'll let you all know when the date is...and time.. you can all pray the morning of surgery... Best help I could ever want or ask for..knowing so many care SuziJanet Hamilton <dragonhealing@...> wrote: Hi Suzi, It sounds like you found a good doc. As strong as you are, I know you will come out of this surgery just fine. Plus you have all of us praying for ya! Janet Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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Thank you Shari... You all are so good to help others when they need help... just remember the newbies especially during that week..(whenever it is)... I hope to be back talking to all of you in a couple days ... They say I should only have to spend a nite maybe 2 at the hospital... then I can go home for a few weeks... Just not sure what I'll be able to do or feel like doing... Janet, you know? I forgot to ask that question. I know NO LIFTING.... just wondering if I'll be able to drive after the first week...or if it will be "I"M IN JAIL FOR 3 WKS..." (AT HOME) SV <shavig@...> wrote: Way to go girlfriend! I like to hear those words, "greens, juices,

cleansing..." Now, is there anything any of us can do to take some of the burden of this list off your hands before, during, and after this ordeal? I'm not too computer savvy, but I'll help out in any way, like directing you to someone else! No, just kidding. I know what I can and cannot do and what I am capable of accomplishing and if I can't I ask for help. Let us all know what we can to do help you out.

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I JUST LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Remember you'll also have Don, , & Janet to help out... Sylvia maybe, as I know she is quite busy. SuziGayla <aeranch@...> wrote: Good idea Shari. The HAWK Support Team strikes again! Gayla

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Well, what on earth do we have strong bodies for if not to use? I used to carry 100 pound sacks of oats down the block. I have held on with my legs on top of a 20 foot mast while splicing a broken line in a bad storm at sea. I have bucked wood, hauled water, lifted whatever I could move, shoved what I could not lift.... <G> I have a permanent dent in one calf from a fall on ice.

My orthopedist asked if I had injured my bad hip. I told him no, I just plain wore it out.

Suzi, I am glad you are addressing this while you have a lot of rebound in you. You know you have all of us behind you.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:44 PM

Subject: RE: Update

Thanks... LOL do I know... Probably thinking I was superwoman for too many years.. I used to work and own a ceramic supply business for one thing.. Lots of heavy molds, liquid clay, cases of paint, etc... lot of lifting moving etc.. then I ice skated for years... even taught.. took my share of falls, along with picking up kids alot.. helping DH move things, a whole lot of things I'm thinking.. but quite honestly, I'm at peace about this now. I've researched, and talked to alot of people who have had this surgery and after talking with the dr... I'm okay about this. I was hoping there was an option, like trying the injections, cause then I would know I could probably fix this... but he told me that would just delay the inevitable... that I would eventually have to have this that it would get worse. SOOOOOOOOOOO why not do it now while I'm in good health and he sees very little if any in risk factors... down the road might be a different story.

Suzi"Sharyn E. Cerniglia" <sharyn.cerniglia@...> wrote:

Yikes, Suzi! I had no idea that things were this bad. I’m so sorry…

Good thoughts and prayers heading your way. Do you know what you did to cause this?



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Well, I have seen the body do some miraculous things... like regrowing the end of a thumb that was cut off... the problem is they have to remove what is left of the cushion to get to the bone spurs..leaving no cushion.. so there is nothing to "regrow".. it will be bone against bone... and since the disks bone spurs are both causing problems with pressing on the nerves and pushing into the spinal column... well.... Back when I was in my early 20's, I had a torn minicus in the left knee.. they said I may someday have to have it repaired... it was a minor tear..(although it was giving me some problems.... well, I worked on strengthening the knee, watched my weight... etc.. and today some 20 plus years later, I've not had a problem with it... so I believe it did repair itself.. but it was not causing numbness and not losing my strength... so I do believe the body can heal itself... it just depends on what or where the problem is... and as it

trys to repair or heal itself, it may cause another problem... as in the bone spurs.. I think the bone spurs came about while trying to heal one thing and ended up causing another problem.. the ruptured disks ... Am I making sense? No one said our bodies are perfect... but they sure try hard... Hey that kid with a bucket of clay will try to build a house.... rofl. of course it may look like a cave......Gayla <aeranch@...> wrote: Suzi I am laughing at that snip of info. If a body can grow bone spurs, why not grow cartilage to refurbish the joint? It reminds me of giving a kindergartener a pail of clay and asking him to rebuild a


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Probably no driving for a little while. You have to turn your head to see over your shoulder into your blind spots or to back the car. Probably no twisting, no fast standing up.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:53 PM

Subject: Re: Update

Thank you Shari... You all are so good to help others when they need help... just remember the newbies especially during that week..(whenever it is)... I hope to be back talking to all of you in a couple days ... They say I should only have to spend a nite maybe 2 at the hospital... then I can go home for a few weeks... Just not sure what I'll be able to do or feel like doing... Janet, you know? I forgot to ask that question. I know NO LIFTING.... just wondering if I'll be able to drive after the first week...or if it will be "I"M IN JAIL FOR 3 WKS..." (AT HOME)

SV <shavig@...> wrote:

Way to go girlfriend! I like to hear those words, "greens, juices, cleansing..."

Now, is there anything any of us can do to take some of the burden of this list off your hands before, during, and after this ordeal? I'm not too computer savvy, but I'll help out in any way, like directing you to someone else! No, just kidding. I know what I can and cannot do and what I am capable of accomplishing and if I can't I ask for help.

Let us all know what we can to do help you out.

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Gosh Gayla, you and I must be from the same mold... lol... the mold of "no sense" lol. I didn't know I had a problem until I thought I pulled a muscle again... Gayla <aeranch@...> wrote: Well, what on earth do we have strong bodies for if not to use? I used to carry 100 pound sacks of oats down the block. I have held on with my legs on top of a 20 foot mast while splicing a broken line in a bad storm at sea. I have bucked wood, hauled water, lifted whatever I could move, shoved what I could not lift.... <G> I have a permanent dent in one calf from a fall on ice. My orthopedist asked if I had injured my bad hip. I told him no,

I just plain wore it out. Suzi, I am glad you are addressing this while you have a lot of rebound in you. You know you have all of us behind you.

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Well, you have my prayers and good

thoughts. Also, I’m pretty computer savvy and have lots of experience

with groups, so if you need some help in the moderating area, just let me


Big hugs sending your way!


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Suzanne

Probably thinking I was superwoman for too many years

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Let me know how I can help and if I can, I'll be right there. Is someone getting perhaps a moderator temp. or asst. slot here so we can screen or delete or even put others on a monitoring mode??????????? Suzi, you may have someone in place, but if we need to delete any messages they we are in trouble if we don't a Suzi back up. Feel well. Don't worry about us -- we will have to manage! Praying all goes well for you. carolgGayla <aeranch@...> wrote: Probably no driving for a little while. You have to turn your head to see over your shoulder into your blind spots or to back the car. Probably no twisting, no fast standing

up. Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@... ----- Original Message ----- From: Suzanne health Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:53 PM Subject: Re: Update Thank you Shari... You all are so good to help others when they need help... just remember the newbies especially during that week..(whenever it is)... I hope to be back talking to all of you in a couple days ... They say I should only have to spend a nite maybe 2 at the hospital... then I can go home for a few weeks... Just not sure what I'll be able to do or feel like doing... Janet, you know? I forgot to ask that question. I know NO LIFTING.... just wondering if I'll be able to drive after the first week...or if it will be "I"M IN JAIL FOR 3 WKS..." (AT HOME) SV <shavig@...> wrote: Way to go girlfriend! I like to hear those words, "greens, juices, cleansing..." Now, is there anything any of us can do to take some of the burden of this list off your hands before, during, and after this ordeal? I'm not too computer savvy, but I'll help out in any way, like directing you to someone else! No, just kidding. I know what I can and cannot do and what I am capable of accomplishing and if I can't I ask for help. Let us all know what we can to do help you out. Have a burning question? Go to Answers and get answers from real

Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now.

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ROFL... thanks Carol you made me laugh... a Suzi back up.... you all are only going to have me gone a few days (I think)... work will be without me for 3 wks... I think and Don and Janet can handle it... they do a great job.. and there are many of you on this list that have more knowledge than you realize... and you can always search the files and message archives for answers... Thank you for praying Carol. SuzicarolG <cgiambri@...> wrote: Let me know how I can help and if I can, I'll be right there. Is someone getting perhaps a moderator temp. or asst. slot here so we can screen or delete or even put others on a monitoring mode??????????? Suzi, you may have someone in place, but if we need to delete any messages they we are in trouble if we

don't a Suzi back up. Feel well. Don't worry about us -- we will have to manage! Praying all goes well for you.

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HI Suzie

I had that same surgery on C4-5 and C 5-6. Only I have the rods and some screws in there. Since that surgery was done early after the accident in the car, it was so much more of a success than my lumbar spine surgery. My right arm and my neck almost never bother me anymore. I only get headaches now and then and only once in a while do I get any pain down my arm at all anymore. I was only in overnight. I could have stayed another night if I wanted to but who wants to really? lol. I had to wear a neck brace for a few weeks after the surgery but that really wasn't bad at all. No real turning or twisting of my neck for the first few weeks and no lifting at all. I noticed the difference as soon as I woke up in the recovery room when I lifted my right arm and felt no pain. It wasn't swollen anymore. I noticed that my head was straight too, not tilted anymore. I was able to drive after three weeks but I had to be careful because of the turning of the neck when one drives. ( seeing when backing up and things like that) Otherwise no problems to this day. Too bad my lumbar spine couldn't turn out as good. I think you'll do fine. It was not too much of a problem for me. The only bad thing was that I had a sore throat for about a week and couldn't eat really solid foods for about a week. I needed soft foods for a while because of the swelling in my throat from the surgery. I could eat no meat of any kind. It wouldn't go down. Nothing the least bit too big would. But I wasn't a problem for long. All my very best to you I'm sure you'll heal quickly. I'll be praying for you.



----- Original Message -----

From: Suzanne


Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 3:53 PM

Subject: Re: Update

Thank you Shari...

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Thanks Lynn... it is nice to hear from someone who has been there... His nurse I found out has had somilar surgery and told me similar ... Did you feel like your head wanted to wobble?? The nurse told me he will want me to walk alot but that is the only exercise.. and no lifting over 5 pounds the first 3 wks for sure... don't know after that if it increases any or not or how long till I can lift again... He told me I would be able to down the road (probably after the 6 months??) She told me soft foods and liquids as they have to move the esophagus over to get to the disks. etc... Sounds like the same as me except add C3-4.. I opted my my own bone as he said that is what he would use if it were him... and I sure can handle the idea of someone elses (a dead person) bones.... And I'm not ready for metal yet unless it's bionics... lol. Looks like I'm going to be looking around the 17 or 18 of

January... THe biggest thing is boredom... They said no computer work the first week.. and only a 1/2 hour at a time if I have to... well, at least I can be reading some...if not writing.. SuziPearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: HI Suzie I had that same surgery on C4-5 and C 5-6. Only I have the rods and some screws in there. Since that surgery was done early after the accident in the car, it was so much more of a success than my lumbar spine surgery. My right arm and my neck almost never bother me anymore. I only get headaches now and then and only once in a while do I get any pain

down my arm at all anymore. I was only in overnight. I could have stayed another night if I wanted to but who wants to really? lol. I had to wear a neck brace for a few weeks after the surgery but that really wasn't bad at all. No real turning or twisting of my neck for the first few weeks and no lifting at all. I noticed the difference as soon as I woke up in the recovery room when I lifted my right arm and felt no pain. It wasn't swollen anymore. I noticed that my head was straight too, not tilted anymore. I was able to drive after three weeks but I had to be careful because of the turning of the neck when one drives. ( seeing when backing up and things like that) Otherwise no problems to this day. Too bad my lumbar spine couldn't turn out as good. I think you'll do fine. It was not too much of a problem for me. The only bad thing was that I had a sore throat for about a week and couldn't

eat really solid foods for about a week. I needed soft foods for a while because of the swelling in my throat from the surgery. I could eat no meat of any kind. It wouldn't go down. Nothing the least bit too big would. But I wasn't a problem for long. All my very best to you I'm sure you'll heal quickly. I'll be praying for you. Beannacht Lynn

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Suzi, Thanks for update. I suppose since you will be limited to computers then we MUST have a telephone number in case we just can't stand your absence any longer. I suppose second best thing here is your voice or maybe first if I ever got to hear that originally. I'll take what I can get, but miracles are still happening and maybe you can be our 'miracle poster child." Hugs, carolgSuzanne <suziesgoats@...> wrote: Thanks Lynn... it is nice to hear from someone who has been there... His nurse I found out has had somilar surgery and told me similar ... Did you feel like your head wanted to wobble?? The nurse told me he will want me to walk alot but that is the only exercise.. and no lifting over 5 pounds the first 3 wks for sure... don't

know after that if it increases any or not or how long till I can lift again... He told me I would be able to down the road (probably after the 6 months??) She told me soft foods and liquids as they have to move the esophagus over to get to the disks. etc... Sounds like the same as me except add C3-4.. I opted my my own bone as he said that is what he would use if it were him... and I sure can handle the idea of someone elses (a dead person) bones.... And I'm not ready for metal yet unless it's bionics... lol. Looks like I'm going to be looking around the 17 or 18 of January... THe biggest thing is boredom... They said no computer work the first week.. and only a 1/2 hour at a time if I have to... well, at least I can be reading some...if not writing.. SuziPearlmoon <pearlmoon@...> wrote: HI Suzie I had that same surgery on C4-5 and C 5-6. Only I have the rods and some screws in there. Since that surgery was done early after the accident in the car, it was so much more of a success than my lumbar spine surgery. My right arm and my neck almost never bother me anymore. I only get headaches now and then and only once in a while do I get any pain down my arm at all anymore. I was only in overnight. I could have stayed another night if I wanted to but who wants to really? lol. I had to wear a neck brace for a few weeks after the surgery but that really wasn't bad at all. No real turning or twisting of my neck for the first few weeks and no lifting at all. I noticed the

difference as soon as I woke up in the recovery room when I lifted my right arm and felt no pain. It wasn't swollen anymore. I noticed that my head was straight too, not tilted anymore. I was able to drive after three weeks but I had to be careful because of the turning of the neck when one drives. ( seeing when backing up and things like that) Otherwise no problems to this day. Too bad my lumbar spine couldn't turn out as good. I think you'll do fine. It was not too much of a problem for me. The only bad thing was that I had a sore throat for about a week and couldn't eat really solid foods for about a week. I needed soft foods for a while because of the swelling in my throat from the surgery. I could eat no meat of any kind. It wouldn't go down. Nothing the least bit too big would. But I wasn't a problem for long. All my very best to you I'm sure you'll heal quickly. I'll be praying

for you. Beannacht Lynn

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