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wow esther you have so much going on and you sound so up beat. thats a great

inspiration for jesse. Sometimes he sits with me to read the post in the

group and he will ask again who is who and who has what going on. he loved

all the cards and messages he got for his birthday. he was smiling from ear

to ear. when he reads or hears whats going onwith you he gets sad but he

knows that you do very well and have a great family. He also said you and

everyone else in the group are like family too. as a matter of fact i think

he may have said that while i was on the phone with Rainy Sue the other

night. was beening shy and wouldn't talk to her but he sure did show

off and be silly while we were talking.

Hope things improve all the way around.

Carol, you are great for being there for Esther. You are a very strong

person.You all take care.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 03/21/2001 10:56:21 AM US Mountain Standard Time, fivej@... writes:

Oh my God Diane I understood him,....yes i got a outside view that the Omega 3 is working....

Congratulations, Diane! I look forward to the day when my little guy has the confidence and ability to speak to us on the phone. We will be doing cartwheels!

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Thanks ! I am sure your day will come. When it does we'll all be here to

share it with you


Mommy to ny 16, 14, 12

10, 9

Auntie Nanny to Kayleigh 1 month old

Big sister to Dorothy 17 (mommy to Kayleigh)

Re: [ ] Update

In a message dated 03/21/2001 10:56:21 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

fivej@... writes:

Oh my God Diane I understood him,....yes i got a outside view that the Omega

3 is working....

Congratulations, Diane! I look forward to the day when my little guy has the

confidence and ability to speak to us on the phone. We will be doing


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Hi P. I'm happy to hear that you are doing well on the plaquenil. I

hope for your continued improvement.

It is warming up here in the east after record breaking low temperatures this

morning. I'll be glad when summer comes.


----- Original Message -----

From: linda

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 11:37 PM

Subject: [ ] update

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I saw my Dr. today. He is very happy with

how the plaquenil is working. Things seem to be pretty much under control with

the RA. He did tell me that my grip strength is weakening. Like everyone else,

I will just have to learn to make adjustments. My fiance has already learned

that there are some things he is just going to have to help me with and opening

jars is one of them. At work I need to learn to take the elevator more instead

of using the stairs all the time. At the school I work at, it seems I am going

up and down the stairs several times each day. By the end of the day, I'm

hurting. I am just thankful that I am able to do this job (so far). Tomorrow

it is supposed to be in the 40's - hopefully spring is just around the corner

here in MN.

I hope each of you have a pain free day.



Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.

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Fabulous news, P.!

I'm so pleased to hear that the Plaquenil is doing a good job and that your

RA seems to be quieting down.

Could you tell me how your doctor measured your grip strength? I've had some

docs tell me I'm " strong like bull " (and I think I am) and others say I'm a

wimp. But I don't think asking me to grip their hands in a handshake and

then squeezing as hard as I can seems very scientific to me (that's the only

way they assessed my grip strength).

Let that lucky man in your life continue to open those jars for you!

Hope spring comes soon and that you feel good.

----- Original Message -----

From: " linda " <linda@...>

" " < >

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 10:37 PM

Subject: [ ] update

> Hi everyone,

> I just wanted to let you know that I saw my Dr. today. He is very happy

with how the plaquenil is working. Things seem to be pretty much under

control with the RA. He did tell me that my grip strength is weakening.

Like everyone else, I will just have to learn to make adjustments. My

fiance has already learned that there are some things he is just going to

have to help me with and opening jars is one of them. At work I need to

learn to take the elevator more instead of using the stairs all the time.

At the school I work at, it seems I am going up and down the stairs several

times each day. By the end of the day, I'm hurting. I am just thankful

that I am able to do this job (so far). Tomorrow it is supposed to be in

the 40's - hopefully spring is just around the corner here in MN.


> I hope each of you have a pain free day.


> P

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Esther and Carol,

I hope the boxtox injections help your shoulder and knee. I'm glad that your

doctors are looking at other possibilities for your sudden problems with your

joint, especially since they've been replaced. Did your epidural help your

neck pain? I hope so. I'm so glad that the doctors eliminated lupus and OP.

I just hope you get answers and solutions soon. You've been through entirely to

much, and deserve a break.



----- Original Message -----

From: Esther & Carol

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:53 PM

Subject: [ ] Update

Hi All :)

If this update sounds confusing, well, it is! LOL

Think I told you that I had an appointment with a specialist concerning my

right shoulder (it's a replacement). Well, he agreed with my Ortho that the

shoulder is frozen. However, what is strange here is that this

happened overnight. A few months ago my left knee did the same

thing. From my birth defect.....I have cerebral palsy......my body is

experiencing a lot of tone (contracted muscles) and spasms. I have

a home therapist 3 days a week and he can't believe how tight I am.

Well, I went to the Neurologist today. He wants to do a MRI of my

brain to see if there are any changes there. He told me that sometimes the

older you get the cp can maximize and you have a

breakdown of the nerves. One reason why I still have bladder problems and

have to be straight-cathed. He says that something

is going on and that he wants to get to the bottom of this. He did

say it is not all Fibro or Ortho related. I was born with a rather large

cyst in my left temporal area.

I also received Botox injections last week in my left hand and left biceps.

Since I had brachial plexus surgery 18 months ago I have

been receiving Botox to relax the arm and hand. It helps greatly.

The Neurologist also feels that the Botox will help my shoulder and hamstring

behind my left knee. Will be having that done in April.

I also have an appointment with Pain Management concerning the

pain I am experiencing with my neck....C1 and C2. This Friday is

scheduled for an epidural of the neck and also an evaluation of a

block for right shoulder.

Good news....My Rheummy says that I don't have Lupus and my Dexa Scan of the

lower spine looked pretty good. He told me I have Osteoarthritis but not

osteoporisis (spg.?)

I am tolerating my braces (on teeth) pretty well. I use a lot of wax on them


alleviate the pinching. Still can't believe this nice Orthodonist is doing

this all for free!

Well, like we said if this all sounds confusing......then it is! LOL

Have a Great Day/Night

~ Esther & Carol ~

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Hi a,

I go for the Botox this coming Wednesday. He will be doing both pep

major muscle in shoulder and hamstrings behind my left knee. I didn't have

the epideral of the neck because the doctor said I don't have tingling so he


doing a series of 3 blocks. I was suppose to have the second one today

but our old car died this morning. So, they are going to do it Wed. the


day I have the Botox done. Had the MRI done of my brain and I see the

Neurologist on April 11.

Hope you are feeling well these days. Warmer weather is on it's way!

All kinds of spring popping up :) So do you think the MTX is helping you?

Have a nice weekend. I go bowling tomorrow in North Brunswick with

the Special Olympics. I won the Gold Medal for the South Jersey Division

and tomorrow is the State's.


----- Original Message -----

From: " a " <paula54@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:21 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Update

> Esther and Carol,

> I hope the boxtox injections help your shoulder and knee. I'm glad that

your doctors are looking at other possibilities for your sudden problems

with your joint, especially since they've been replaced. Did your epidural

help your neck pain? I hope so. I'm so glad that the doctors eliminated

lupus and OP. I just hope you get answers and solutions soon. You've been

through entirely to much, and deserve a break.

> hugs,

> a



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Esther & Carol


> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:53 PM

> Subject: [ ] Update



> Hi All :)


> If this update sounds confusing, well, it is! LOL


> Think I told you that I had an appointment with a specialist concerning

my right shoulder (it's a replacement). Well, he agreed with my Ortho that

the shoulder is frozen. However, what is strange here is that this

> happened overnight. A few months ago my left knee did the same

> thing. From my birth defect.....I have cerebral palsy......my body is

> experiencing a lot of tone (contracted muscles) and spasms. I have

> a home therapist 3 days a week and he can't believe how tight I am.


> Well, I went to the Neurologist today. He wants to do a MRI of my

> brain to see if there are any changes there. He told me that sometimes

the older you get the cp can maximize and you have a

> breakdown of the nerves. One reason why I still have bladder problems

and have to be straight-cathed. He says that something

> is going on and that he wants to get to the bottom of this. He did

> say it is not all Fibro or Ortho related. I was born with a rather


> cyst in my left temporal area.


> I also received Botox injections last week in my left hand and left

biceps. Since I had brachial plexus surgery 18 months ago I have

> been receiving Botox to relax the arm and hand. It helps greatly.

> The Neurologist also feels that the Botox will help my shoulder and

hamstring behind my left knee. Will be having that done in April.


> I also have an appointment with Pain Management concerning the

> pain I am experiencing with my neck....C1 and C2. This Friday is

> scheduled for an epidural of the neck and also an evaluation of a

> block for right shoulder.


> Good news....My Rheummy says that I don't have Lupus and my Dexa Scan of

the lower spine looked pretty good. He told me I have Osteoarthritis but

not osteoporisis (spg.?)


> I am tolerating my braces (on teeth) pretty well. I use a lot of wax

on them to

> alleviate the pinching. Still can't believe this nice Orthodonist is


> this all for free!


> Well, like we said if this all sounds confusing......then it is! LOL


> Have a Great Day/Night


> ~ Esther & Carol ~





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Good luck today!! I think it is great that you are SJ Division Champ!!

I am really impressed. Bowling was never something I was very good at although

I tried. I guess my aim isn't so good LOL! I could probably hit the next alley

over better than my own :)

I'll be rooting for you. Sorry you didn't make it to the doctor, but hopefully

you'll get there Wednesday. I'm not that far away if you're ever stuck for a


I am feeling pretty good thanks. I'm pretty excited that I found a job that

will work with my limitations. It is with a temp company. I will be sent to

different offices wherever I'm needed to fill in for someone that is on vacation

or sick. This week I will answer phones for a mortgage company and do light

typing. I don't have to take any jobs that I don't want, and can work around

my doctor's appointments and flares. This is the first time I've found

something so flexible, so I'm really excited.

I'll be waiting to hear how you did today.



----- Original Message -----

From: Esther & Carol

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 10:14 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Update

Hi a,

I go for the Botox this coming Wednesday. He will be doing both pep

major muscle in shoulder and hamstrings behind my left knee. I didn't have

the epideral of the neck because the doctor said I don't have tingling so he


doing a series of 3 blocks. I was suppose to have the second one today

but our old car died this morning. So, they are going to do it Wed. the


day I have the Botox done. Had the MRI done of my brain and I see the

Neurologist on April 11.

Hope you are feeling well these days. Warmer weather is on it's way!

All kinds of spring popping up :) So do you think the MTX is helping you?

Have a nice weekend. I go bowling tomorrow in North Brunswick with

the Special Olympics. I won the Gold Medal for the South Jersey Division

and tomorrow is the State's.


----- Original Message -----

From: " a " <paula54@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:21 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Update

> Esther and Carol,

> I hope the boxtox injections help your shoulder and knee. I'm glad that

your doctors are looking at other possibilities for your sudden problems

with your joint, especially since they've been replaced. Did your epidural

help your neck pain? I hope so. I'm so glad that the doctors eliminated

lupus and OP. I just hope you get answers and solutions soon. You've been

through entirely to much, and deserve a break.

> hugs,

> a



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Esther & Carol


> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:53 PM

> Subject: [ ] Update



> Hi All :)


> If this update sounds confusing, well, it is! LOL


> Think I told you that I had an appointment with a specialist concerning

my right shoulder (it's a replacement). Well, he agreed with my Ortho that

the shoulder is frozen. However, what is strange here is that this

> happened overnight. A few months ago my left knee did the same

> thing. From my birth defect.....I have cerebral palsy......my body is

> experiencing a lot of tone (contracted muscles) and spasms. I have

> a home therapist 3 days a week and he can't believe how tight I am.


> Well, I went to the Neurologist today. He wants to do a MRI of my

> brain to see if there are any changes there. He told me that sometimes

the older you get the cp can maximize and you have a

> breakdown of the nerves. One reason why I still have bladder problems

and have to be straight-cathed. He says that something

> is going on and that he wants to get to the bottom of this. He did

> say it is not all Fibro or Ortho related. I was born with a rather


> cyst in my left temporal area.


> I also received Botox injections last week in my left hand and left

biceps. Since I had brachial plexus surgery 18 months ago I have

> been receiving Botox to relax the arm and hand. It helps greatly.

> The Neurologist also feels that the Botox will help my shoulder and

hamstring behind my left knee. Will be having that done in April.


> I also have an appointment with Pain Management concerning the

> pain I am experiencing with my neck....C1 and C2. This Friday is

> scheduled for an epidural of the neck and also an evaluation of a

> block for right shoulder.


> Good news....My Rheummy says that I don't have Lupus and my Dexa Scan of

the lower spine looked pretty good. He told me I have Osteoarthritis but

not osteoporisis (spg.?)


> I am tolerating my braces (on teeth) pretty well. I use a lot of wax

on them to

> alleviate the pinching. Still can't believe this nice Orthodonist is


> this all for free!


> Well, like we said if this all sounds confusing......then it is! LOL


> Have a Great Day/Night


> ~ Esther & Carol ~





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Happy to hear that the Remicade infusion seems to be helping, . Sorry

about the hives though. Good for you for seeing the humor in it!

Let us know what the CT scan shows, OK?

Did you see that got rid of their porn store just a few days after

they opened it?

----- Original Message -----

From: " " <dat2352@...>

< >

Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 5:14 PM

Subject: [ ] update

> Everyone is so kind, I had to write with an update.

> My next surgery-reconstruction o my abdomen is the best I can call it is

on hold until after the plastic surgeon sees a new CT scan of what muscle

and abdominal wall is left.

> I had a remicade infusion on Thursday and this was my 5th and I broke out

in hives. They nurse thought I was totally off the wall for laughing as the

itchy spots came up. But really after all I've been through you have got to

laugh. Anyway I had 2 benedryl and a cortisone shot and went home to bed!

> It is helping too. At least my hip isn't in agony anymore plus a bit of

improvement elsewhere but the fatigue is the main thing. I haven't slept

during the day for 2 days which is a record for the last month.

> As far as pain and not eating, I think that the doctors just look at that

as a plus because they want me to lose anyway. Cold-hearted at best.


> Temple

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I will show my age if I say POWER TO THE PEOPLE about the porn stuff.

Yes, it is helping. and I am so glad! Thanks


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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I’m happy to hear that your remicade infusion helps so much.

With everything you’ve been through, it’s great to hear of

improvements. Sorry that you broke out in hives. I’m

sure most people wouldn’t find it funny, but glad you can

keep your sense of humor through all of this. I hope your

surgery is scheduled soon so that you can just get this over

with. Waiting can be rough. I hope your doctor read the

article that posted about suing doctors for pain

medication. You’re the first person I thought of when I

read it.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Does this mean you won't be taking anymore Remicade?


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 3:14 PM

Subject: [ ] update

> I had a remicade infusion on Thursday and this was my 5th and I broke out

in hives. They nurse thought I was totally off the wall for laughing as the

itchy spots came up. But really after all I've been through you have got to

laugh. Anyway I had 2 benedryl and a cortisone shot and went home to bed!


> Temple

> Kuddle Kritters Farm

> 3 Fox Haven Way

> Chelmsford, MA 01824

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The remicade only helped for a few days this time. The reason for not

taking it is because I have surgeries coming up and the rheumy says it stays

in the system too long for that, so back to enbrel which did help too, just

slowed down after a few months. Oh well maybe I'll get a few months out of

it! The cortisone shots should help too. I had my hair cut on Saturday and

my hairdresser told me that I have noticeably thinning hair-stress. It's not

any of the meds. Arava was the only one that did that. Now waiting on

biopsy result for tumor on kidney. Ain't life grand?


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824






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, I am sorry the biopsy came back cancer......you have been through so

much and still have more to come......will keep you in my thoughts and

prayers........hope your shots help with your knees ....Judy in AZ

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denise i am sorry to hear of your test results, you have so much to deal with

already. please take care and i will pray that they can stop it from

progressing!! my thoughts and prayers are with you!


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; I am so very sorry to hear your news. Sweetie, please know that I

will keep you in my prayers. It does seem that you have so much to deal with.

This may sound small, but I know God is able to give us the strength to deal

with whatever comes our way. I firmly believe that & know for a fact I would

not be alive today were it not for His amazing grace. I send a weekly prayer

letter out for our sunday school class and will add you to it.

Please keep us posted.



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Well I got the results of the kidney tumor biopsy last night and it is

cancer. So next step, schedule the radio frequency ablation. My son, Dan,

will take me to get the cortisone shots in my knees in about an hour. Then

I sit and pray it helps. We are bringing the wheelchair, I hate this.

Haven't heard from the pharmacy on the enbrel yet. Soon I hope! My big

abdominal surgery isn't until September. The plastic surgeon want to allow

enough time for those bacteria hiding in my scar tissue to get killed!

I tried to place the ferrets through a Rescue group but couldn't. Trying to

lessen the load on the family. I think but wish I didn't that the goats

should go, but Steve is adamant that they shouldn't


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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I am sooooo sorry. Your world is just being flipped upside down.

This must be very hard. My heart breaks with yours, and you continue

to be in my prayers.

> Well I got the results of the kidney tumor biopsy last night and it


> cancer. So next step, schedule the radio frequency ablation. My

son, Dan,

> will take me to get the cortisone shots in my knees in about an

hour. Then

> I sit and pray it helps. We are bringing the wheelchair, I hate


> Haven't heard from the pharmacy on the enbrel yet. Soon I hope!

My big

> abdominal surgery isn't until September. The plastic surgeon want

to allow

> enough time for those bacteria hiding in my scar tissue to get


> I tried to place the ferrets through a Rescue group but couldn't.

Trying to

> lessen the load on the family. I think but wish I didn't that the


> should go, but Steve is adamant that they shouldn't


> Temple

> Kuddle Kritters Farm

> 3 Fox Haven Way

> Chelmsford, MA 01824


> dat2352@m...

> http://www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersfarm/index.html

> http://www.homestead.com/kuddlekraft/index.html

> http://www.homestead.com/kuddlekrittersdairygoats/index.html

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I am sorry to hear of the malignancy - you have so much

to deal with already. I have not heard of that type of

ablation - does it destroy bladder lining cells. Hope it

is not too invasive - but invasive enough to do the job.

If your husband says he thinks the goats should stay so

be it. I know how much you love them - and lets face it

animals provide unconditional love and comic relief -

things we all need.

Sweetie I wish the news were different- be assured you

have a special place in my prayers.

Peace, hugs,

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I'm very sorry that the tumor is cancerous, . I was hoping so much

that it was benign. Are you feeling OK about it?

I pray that the cortisone shots help your knees. Please let us know how you

are doing.

----- Original Message -----

From: " " <dat2352@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 7:56 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] update

> Well I got the results of the kidney tumor biopsy last night and it is

> cancer. So next step, schedule the radio frequency ablation. My son,


> will take me to get the cortisone shots in my knees in about an hour.


> I sit and pray it helps. We are bringing the wheelchair, I hate this.

> Haven't heard from the pharmacy on the enbrel yet. Soon I hope! My big

> abdominal surgery isn't until September. The plastic surgeon want to


> enough time for those bacteria hiding in my scar tissue to get killed!

> I tried to place the ferrets through a Rescue group but couldn't. Trying


> lessen the load on the family. I think but wish I didn't that the goats

> should go, but Steve is adamant that they shouldn't


> Temple

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I'm really sorry that your tumor is cancerous. I hope the

radio frequency ablation takes care of it and it isn't to

hard for you to handle. I hope the cortisone injections

give you the much needed relief that you deserve.

I know you're thinking about your family's load, but they

also need a sense of normalcy, so if they think they can

handle the animals, it may be therapeutic for them. I know

how much you love the goats, and hope that it works out that

you can keep everything.



-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:dat2352@...]

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 8:57 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] update

Well I got the results of the kidney tumor biopsy last

night and it is

cancer. So next step, schedule the radio frequency

ablation. My son, Dan,

will take me to get the cortisone shots in my knees in

about an hour. Then

I sit and pray it helps. We are bringing the wheelchair, I

hate this.

Haven't heard from the pharmacy on the enbrel yet. Soon I

hope! My big

abdominal surgery isn't until September. The plastic

surgeon want to allow

enough time for those bacteria hiding in my scar tissue to

get killed!

I tried to place the ferrets through a Rescue group but

couldn't. Trying to

lessen the load on the family. I think but wish I didn't

that the goats

should go, but Steve is adamant that they shouldn't


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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I hope the cortisone shots help your knees. I will continue to keep you in my

prayers. Tery


>----- Original Message -----

>From: " " <dat2352@...>

>< >

>Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 7:56 AM

>Subject: Re: [ ] update



>> Well I got the results of the kidney tumor biopsy last night and it is

>> cancer. So next step, schedule the radio frequency ablation. My son,


>> will take me to get the cortisone shots in my knees in about an hour.


>> I sit and pray it helps. We are bringing the wheelchair, I hate this.

>> Haven't heard from the pharmacy on the enbrel yet. Soon I hope! My big

>> abdominal surgery isn't until September. The plastic surgeon want to


>> enough time for those bacteria hiding in my scar tissue to get killed!

>> I tried to place the ferrets through a Rescue group but couldn't. Trying


>> lessen the load on the family. I think but wish I didn't that the goats

>> should go, but Steve is adamant that they shouldn't


>> Temple





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Thank you Jan,

I do agree about not being given more than we can handle. This is rather

irreverent but the people in my Church keep telling me what an inspiration

of strength and faith that I am to others and I actually had the nerve to

say " Don't you think it's someone else's turn? "

Went for my cortisone shot in my knee today and told the rheumy all the

other things only to be told that I need a knee replacement ASAP after the

abdominal mess is fixed. He says no amount of enbrel, cortisone..is going

to improve it-too far gone-no cartilage and it tilts in!

But as I said before I endure- the house is a mess but I have faith that it

will work out.


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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this is very new. Has only been done for ~ 3 years by Mass General and

another cancer hospital. The technology existed but this application is

new. When I told my husband, microwave engineer, he said he had seen papers

presented about it. The doctor says thus far no recurrences. Pretty much

the same as the biopsy. For the biopsy I laid on my stomach on a CAT scan

table for 2 hours-oh the pain in my knees! They gave me valium and a pain

med IV and stuck a needle in my back to get to the tumor guided by the

repeat CAT scans. Took 1 1/2 hours. Then I had to stay for observation 2

hours. The zapping is about the same but instead of a needle taking stuff

out, it is a probe zapping with high frequency radio wave to destroy the



Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824






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