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What are the side effects? Diabetes and heart disease run on 's dad's side.



In a message dated 12/26/2007 7:17:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, lisam618@... writes:

Just a suggestion for anyone looking for a good med....Abilify hasworked great for my son. It is ordinarily prescribed for bi-polar orschizophrenia but is recently being tested in Asperger's children. Icalled to participate in the study but then decided to ask my son'stherapist and the psychiatrist in his office who prescribes meds. Hesaid it would be worth a shot and was a great suggestion. I've seentremendous improvements but every child is different. My son wasstarted on a different med that is commonly used for AS (I can'tremember the name) where most children show major improvements on butmy son was much worse on that one...a mini mad man. So I think itreally depends on the child. If anyone here has tried a few differentmeds and can't seem to get the right one, Abilify is worth a shot.> > > Hi,> > > > > > I would like to know what if any, meds have worked for your > Aspie. > > My > > > son is 7 years old and he is always on and my husband finally > > agreed > > > that we should put him on something light. > > > > > > Any ideas before I talk to his doctor?> > > > > > **Cori> > > Proud Parent of a Child with Asperger's> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> >>

Debbie Sa0.0.010753.2853R:01101ef4 E:3162.565331755 V:10e7.138e. S:JMarieS51 [mN]3]N]enore [m3]3]]]ucemezy [m3]

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Here is the website.


> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I would like to know what if any, meds have worked for your

> > Aspie.

> > > My

> > > > son is 7 years old and he is always on and my husband finally

> > > agreed

> > > > that we should put him on something light.

> > > >

> > > > Any ideas before I talk to his doctor?

> > > >

> > > > **Cori

> > > > Proud Parent of a Child with Asperger's

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> > > Search.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> > Search.

> > >

> >








> Debbie Sa0.0.0



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  • 2 months later...
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Mims – My soon to be 18 yo son was not diagnosed with

Aspergers until age 15. He had been diagnosed at age 5 w/ ADHD and has

been on meds since that diagnosis. There are no meds for Aspergers; meds

are used to treat any symptoms/issues as needed, e.g., anxiety, hyperactivity,

depression, OCD, etc. If any of these, or other things, are causing a

negative effect on your son’s quality of life meds may be helpful.

Tyler started taking a stimulant at age 5 for his ADHD and we have added and

deleted meds over the years as needed – Prozac added for anxiety and depression,

stimulant totally deleted due to severe tics, and Abilify added in when he

could no longer take stimulants. Currently takes Prozac and Abilify which,

again not a cure, but has made life easier for him and us. He is also on

a low dose of Topomax now for decreased appetite effect as he is very



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Mims Batts

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 10:17 AM

Subject: ( ) meds

Just a general question. My ds with AS has never been

medicated. He's 16 and wasn't dx'd until a couple years ago.

As I read thru everyone's stories, I can see where it may have benefited my son

over the years.

Can you tell me the reason for the meds? Attentive

issues? Depression? Hyperactivity? OCD issues? I'm just

trying to learn and understand better.



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Thanks to everyone for the inservice on medications! This place is a fountain of knowledge! I feel so smart now! LOL Mimstdhssp <johnvel@...> wrote: You got it! : ) Exactly what you surmised: Some children have issues with inattentiveness, others with hyperactivity (or a combination), some with OCD's, depression, et cetera, and some do not! So, yes, that is why some children do benefit by medications for reasons specific to them and if a medical

- along with the parents and child - feel that the benefits outweigh any potential risks, then it is the route for that individual.>> Just a general question. My ds with AS has never been medicated. He's 16 and wasn't dx'd until a couple years ago. As I read thru everyone's stories, I can see where it may have benefited my son over the years.> > Can you tell me the reason for the meds? Attentive issues? Depression? Hyperactivity? OCD issues? I'm just trying to learn and understand better.> > Thanks> Mims> > > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm in the UK, they seem to have a different approach here, meds for Aspies, as far as I'm aware, isnt an option, we have the spilling thing, my son is always knocking things over, but it is accidental so I don't put him in time out cause it isn't something he could have helped, I an very understanding when it comes to this as I have spent years doing it too. lol. At dinner my husband automatically moves glasses and things out of my range.

Have you asked him what he is laughing at, he may not be laughing because he has knocked something over, it could be the way the liquid moves when it is spilt. My son thinks things like that are funny.

When you have company is there a place he can go where everything is under his control while you have a visitor in, like his room?

My son flat refuses to go to his grans sometimes, won't get out the car, will shout n scream n cry if you try to move him. We established his gran sometimes looks after a friends little dog and my son is very scared of the dog because to him it is unpredictable end sends his stress levels through the roof. Maybe your son sees the visitors as unpredictable in his "safe" environment. Just a suggestion. Good luck.

Lor B

From: laughlove3 <laughlove3@...>Subject: ( ) Meds Date: Monday, 7 September, 2009, 1:53 PM

Hello all, I am sending a little note to ask those of you that deciced to do meds for the anxeity, behavoir, etc. For there children. I'm not sure if we want to do meds or not. I go back and forth with the whole idea. The side effects just scare me!!! He is on meds for his seizures at this time and I don't want to mess that up either. Everyday as many of u know can be an issue. Lately no matter what it just seeems like his s/s are increasing. Sensory is def worse. He is def having more anxiety. But then he will have his okay or very good days and I will think nope he doesn't need meds. Did anyone go through this too? The next day if there is company here he is running screaming, can't calm himself, etc. He at times puts both hands on his head and says "I just can't think" Then my heart is breaking. He usually only does that when he is to have to think quickly. He is not focusing at all. He will walk by and spill someones drink and then laugh. Put

him in timeout and he will say "what did I do". Well I'm sure this is stuff that u all prob have heard of before. I just wanted the advice of the ones that go through it on a daily basis. He is only 4 turning 5 very sooon. I also don't want to put him on meds as maybe alot of this is normal 4 year old behavoir. Well tell me what u think....... ........

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I know how hard it is to make a decision about medication. I was against medication, finally I decided to try it out when my girl had so much anxiety and panic attack that she end up in the hospital.

My girl actually takes medication for anxiety, seizures, asthma , acid reflux and constipation. At the beginning the side effects were bad until the body got used to it.

You can have your son in medication in a trial basis while the doctor monitor the side effects. Remember that seizures can also cause several mental and behavioral disorders..

One day my girl had a laughing seizure, other day she had another tipe of seizure that altered her senses of smell, taste and sensations. Sometimes she will act bad and forget about what she did.

As you son, my girl also had her good days and bad days, but the bad days were really very bad...

She still has bad days but not as often...

To decide on medication I asked the doctors about the risk of not having the medication versus the benefits, in my girl case the risk were greater without the medication so I decided on medication.

It was a hard decision for me. Right now all her problems are controllled, she is calmer and happier and I am less stress out.

Good luck, hope you son gets better.

( ) MedsHello all, I am sending a little note to ask those of you that deciced to do meds for the anxeity, behavoir, etc. For there children. I'm not sure if we want to do meds or not. I go back and forth with the whole idea. The side effects just scare me!!! He is on meds for his seizures at this time and I don't want to mess that up either. Everyday as many of u know can be an issue. Lately no matter what it just seeems like his s/s are increasing. Sensory is def worse. He is def having more anxiety. But then he will have his okay or very good days and I will think nope he doesn't need meds. Did anyone go through this too? The next day if there is company here he is running screaming, can't calm himself, etc. He at times puts both hands on his head and says "I just can't think" Then my heart is breaking. He usually only does that when he is to have to think quickly. He is not focusing at all. He will walk by and spill someones drink and then laugh. Put him in timeout and he will say "what did I do". Well I'm sure this is stuff that u all prob have heard of before. I just wanted the advice of the ones that go through it on a daily basis. He is only 4 turning 5 very sooon. I also don't want to put him on meds as maybe alot of this is normal 4 year old behavoir. Well tell me what u think...............

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Yes, the decision to use meds is not an easy one...but we did it for our daughter. 5 years ago, we realized she needed the help to organize, learn and develop. She was reactive, assaultive, oppositional, manipulative and controlling at such a young age. She destroyed doors, walls, furniture, threw anything she could lift, and threatened us with knives. We couldn't teach her anything. Fortunately we connected with a Psychiatrist who specialized in childhood disorders, and of course the medicines to treat. Our daughter has a diagnosis of ASD/mood disorder/FAE/LD and currently takes, AdderalXR/Zoloft/Lithium/Geodon and Abilify. Yes, it is alot, however, she is happy, balanced, alert, and present in daily

activities. Previous behavioral episodes have decreased to once every 3-4 weeks, not 3-4 times a day! We are slowly discontinuing the lithium, with the Dr, and replacing with the geodon. Eventually, she should not need the adderal or abilify also.

One thing I learned recently, is that current research with children has found that over time, the meds can and do stimulate the neurons to fire correctly and create appropriate pathways for learning and responses. Therefore, the child needs less and less medicine to balance moods.

We understand that is not "fixed", that she will need some kind of intervention, whether it is meds, therapy or both, during her lifetime. But there is hope, for our kids, and for our family units. Jillian

From: laughlove3 <laughlove3@...> Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 8:53:08 AMSubject: ( ) Meds

Hello all, I am sending a little note to ask those of you that deciced to do meds for the anxeity, behavoir, etc. For there children. I'm not sure if we want to do meds or not. I go back and forth with the whole idea. The side effects just scare me!!! He is on meds for his seizures at this time and I don't want to mess that up either. Everyday as many of u know can be an issue. Lately no matter what it just seeems like his s/s are increasing. Sensory is def worse. He is def having more anxiety. But then he will have his okay or very good days and I will think nope he doesn't need meds. Did anyone go through this too? The next day if there is company here he is running screaming, can't calm himself, etc. He at times puts both hands on his head and says "I just can't think" Then my heart is breaking. He usually only does that when he is to have to think quickly. He is not focusing at all. He will walk by and spill someones drink and then laugh. Put him

in timeout and he will say "what did I do". Well I'm sure this is stuff that u all prob have heard of before. I just wanted the advice of the ones that go through it on a daily basis. He is only 4 turning 5 very sooon. I also don't want to put him on meds as maybe alot of this is normal 4 year old behavoir. Well tell me what u think....... ........

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I know how you feel. I postponed medication until age 11. I do have some

feelings of guilt that we let her suffer so long. From the time

she started preschool on, she had episodes of panic, school anxiety and the

worse was transitions caused outbursts. She was also

often very oppositional toward me and would hit me if I tried

to stop her obessional interests.

Most doctors will trial a SSRI like zoloft or prozac for children because it has

been studied the most and has the least side

effects. Many kids I have read with AS need often just a low dose

to start to see a difference. I don't know why so many people

opposed zoloft in a low dose for our daughter for so long (our family, my

friends, my husband, our pediatrician). It seemed

like people around me were sure something horrible was going to

happen to her. What I learned is that if you start at very low

doses (zoloft 10mg, prozac 2mg) you are going to allow your child to

get adjusted to the medication in their system and you will see

if there are any adverse reactions in a low dose with a low reaction. This

seems so controlled and safe strategy I don't know

why it would not be trialed with kids with AS and anxiety.

good luck, I would suggest finding a child psychiatrist that is

willing to work in a slow stepwise fashion. I also think

many neurologists do well treating AS as long as there is

not Bipolar in the mix and they often DO take insurance.



> Hello all, I am sending a little note to ask those of you that deciced to do

meds for the anxeity, behavoir, etc. For there children. I'm not sure if we want

to do meds or not. I go back and forth with the whole idea. The side effects

just scare me!!! He is on meds for his seizures at this time and I don't want to

mess that up either. Everyday as many of u know can be an issue. Lately no

matter what it just seeems like his s/s are increasing. Sensory is def worse. He

is def having more anxiety. But then he will have his okay or very good days and

I will think nope he doesn't need meds. Did anyone go through this too? The next

day if there is company here he is running screaming, can't calm himself, etc.

He at times puts both hands on his head and says " I just can't think " Then my

heart is breaking. He usually only does that when he is to have to think

quickly. He is not focusing at all. He will walk by and spill someones drink and

then laugh. Put him in timeout and he will say " what did I do " . Well I'm sure

this is stuff that u all prob have heard of before. I just wanted the advice of

the ones that go through it on a daily basis. He is only 4 turning 5 very sooon.

I also don't want to put him on meds as maybe alot of this is normal 4 year old

behavoir. Well tell me what u think...............


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my son has AS and when he had just turned 3 he had surgery to correct his crossed eyes it was successful but i was glad there was no stiches needed as i think at that age where he was not diagnosed yet he would have pulled them out because when he started to come around from the sleep meds he tried to pull out the i.v. when he realized it was there From: tfitzge134@... <tfitzge134@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Meds Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 2:59 PM

Hi,I was just reading your post about the lesser of 2 evils, and now again I have to decided between them. I have to decide between surgery in my aspie girl knees and others no surgery alternatives. I will wait until the summer to decide for surgery if the other alternative methods do not work.is it common for aspie to have several medical problems?

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Medication does not " change " who a person is. It helps them cope with

a severe problem that is preventing them from being who they are.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) Meds


> Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 7:53 AM







> Hello all, I am sending a little note to ask those of you that

deciced to do meds for the anxeity, behavoir, etc. For there children.

I'm not sure if we want to do meds or not. I go back and forth with the

whole idea. The side effects just scare me!!! He is on meds for his

seizures at this time and I don't want to mess that up either. Everyday

as many of u know can be an issue. Lately no matter what it just seeems

like his s/s are increasing. Sensory is def worse. He is def having

more anxiety. But then he will have his okay or very good days and I

will think nope he doesn't need meds. Did anyone go through this too?

The next day if there is company here he is running screaming, can't

calm himself, etc. He at times puts both hands on his head and says " I

just can't think " Then my heart is breaking. He usually only does that

when he is to=2

0have to think quickly. He is not focusing at all. He will

walk by and spill someones drink and then laugh. Put him in

> timeout and he will say " what did I do " . Well I'm sure this is stuff

that u all prob have heard of before. I just wanted the advice of the

ones that go through it on a daily basis. He is only 4 turning 5 very

sooon. I also don't want to put him on meds as maybe alot of this is

normal 4 year old behavoir. Well tell me what u think....... ........


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
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Lori, what is it you are wanting help with?  What behaviors?   McAllisterSpecial Moms, Special Healing~Empowering Moms of Special Needs Children to Heal ThemselvesFB:  www.facebook.com/specialmomsheal

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/specialmomshealBlog:  http://healingfrominsideout.blogspot.comReiki II practitioner, #1 alternative treatment recommended by Dr. Oz

Herbal consultationsOn Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Lori <lori.hayes6@...> wrote:


I have an 8 year old daughter who was diagnosed with Asperger's in Jan 2009. (Along with AD/HD) We started with ADHD meds...then added Risperdal...swiched that for Abilify...now after a 15 lb weight gain we've moved to Geodon. I'm not convinced that any of this family of anti-psychotic meds are really doing anything to help.  Has anyone found anything that works or helps?  I'm ready to remove these drugs altogether...


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