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Re: To all those with Congenital Hip Dislocation

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with the laminectomy they went in and chipped away the bone where the nerves come through the vertebrae. they make a tunnel for the nerves to go through. some people have long lasting results some don't. i haven't been very lucky and that streak continued. if you go to back.com and look at the information on "infuse" it will help. they screw hollow bolts into the space where the disk is and then remove the disk. inside the bolts is is a product that promotes bone growth. along the back of the spine the place two metal rods, one on each side,and then they place screws through the rods into the vertebrae. this method uses no harvested bone and that means no incision on the hip and no bone harvesting from the pelvic crest

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Thanks for the insight on the issue.... I'll have to check into it more but I don't think that's the same they were talking about for me. Because mine isn't suppose to be both sides of the spine. Boy I know all to well about medical results varying per person & procedure. Wish things had went better for you too. Feel well~

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the site BACK.COM is really good for information on back pain and what can be done to help it. i found the surgeon i wanted to use there. come to find out he was the dr who worked on my dad and that sealed the deal. there are many different methods to do fusion. i had done a lot of research and liked the look of the INFUSE system. plus with my other joint problems i didn't like the idea of harvesting bone from anywhere near my hips. every time the dr. sees me he says" oh you're the one who had the massive surgery". they really don't like to do more than a level or two and mine ended up at 5. he doesn't like to talk about it but i already know that eventually i will have the rods all the way from top to bottom. we will keep chasing the avn and joint damage until there is nothing left to change. on monday i had injections into my elbow to help dissolve the scar tissue causing tennis (cane arm) elbow. i am severely rt handed and this is in my lt arm, where i have used a cane since 98. research your back problems just like you can your hip/knee issues. there are many good sites and i have given you just one to start with

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Hi Sassy Lou,

Thanks for telling me about what I have I 'm sorry to hear you have back pain I get back pain if I stand to long or walked to far . I think the thing in my neck it cracks sometimes and I think the pinch nerve is what it makes my head move I haven't found any exercises for the neck yet would you know any sites on that? Well I hope your feeling better . I have another question do you think the AC can make you have pain? I know the heat does and when its cold .Thanks again .


-------------- Original message -------------- I also have DDD but its Mild to Moderate c4-5,c5-6and c6-7 degenerative disc disease changes is this what you have ? >>> My actual diagnosis is moderate to sever facet arthropathy of lumbar. Noted curve with normal alignment. I also have paracentral disc protrusion L5~S1 effacing anteriro thecal sac & neural foramina. Good news is I still have space between my vertebral unlike some.... But it boils down & translates basically to... Arthritis in the spin with discs that like to herniate at the drop of a hat. Yours being C is neck related.... whereas mine being L is lower back. Although it's the same diagnosis in a sense because of it being DDD their very different. Some makes sense to me but no honestly I don't know it all... these are what I do know. Bareing my termnology hasn't went to crap~ course that goes to the old saying... don't use it you loose it too... but I'm pretty sure. Spondylolisthesis is when a vertebrea slips over the one below it. Hypertrophic~ is merely an increase in size without a tumor formation. Joint arthropathy just means you have a disease of the joints. Neural is relating to the nerves or connected with the nevrous system... foramina means numberous openings between the neural arch & body of the vertebraes. Any of the "professionals" which know differently can point out my errors.... but that's to the best of my knowledge of it. :) I have bad arthritis in my spine and a pinch nerve I wish they would use simple words >>> Understand exactly how that the back problems work.... hope we both find relief one day sweetie.... but in truth it's not gonna get any better for either of us. Try to find yourself a means of effective treatment though that helps to relieve some of your pain. I've started with pain patches as needed and use my tens unit... even that though don't work on occasions. Hope you find relief sweetie.... bad back sticks but with bad leg.... makes for lil worse day on occasion. As to not understanding your doctors terms.... just point blank say "excuse me... I don't understand could you kindly tell me in a different manner which I might comperhend... I'd really like to know what the problem is with my health & I just honestly didn't understand all that". Always question if you don't understand.... if their a good doctor~ they'll take the time needed to help you understand in simplier terms. :)

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at the first signs of back/neck problems i looked for a good chiropractor. it took me a few visits but i finally found one that is outstanding. he didn't try to fix my allergies,asthma,gerd,hearing or hangnails. his goal is to make your back feel better, if anything else is helped it's a bonus. all of the others i saw made great promises about my overall health but never seemed to make my back better. it was wonderful to finally find someone who was interested in fixing the problem you came to him about MY BACK PAIN. i will not lie after a few treatments i really hurt and questioned the treatments. i'm very happy that i stuck it out. there were times i went there doubled over in pain, my wife even had to help me in and out of the car. after he worked on me i was always better, i'm not saying i left his office skipping and whistling but i was better. the right chiropractor can probably help you out greatly but finding a good one takes some research. ask your friends, family, even your md.

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Thanks for telling me about what I have >>> There many be more to the actual diagnosis you've been given. I merely broke down the termnology as best I could remember it. If your still uncertain then I'd question your doctor more directly on the matter... but happy I could help ya sweetie. :)

I 'm sorry to hear you have back pain I get back pain if I stand to long or walked to far . >>> Yeah me too... but then we can't all be blessed with the perfect flawless body. LOL Lord knows I got the left overs <giggling> but I'm not complaining~ certain does create more of a challenge on days though. :) My back kinda does it's own thing... I do have the problems as you've standed them but mine gets really bad pressure & knife like pains on days for no reason. I have noticed though that like cooking big dinners, doing laundry, sitting on the benches watching my kids games or vaccuming.... those activities tends to make matters worse & Lord helps me on the days I have them all together to be done! Still don't keep me from doing... I just tend to take more breaks now then I ever did before.

I haven't found any exercises for the neck yet would you know any sites on that? >>> As I said I don't have neck issues.... but this site I found. Might be of benefit to you. I recommend however that you contact your neurologist or family physician which is currently treating your neck to see what is good or bad for you FIRST. Maybe print a copy of the exercises on the site listed and take them IN HAND on a visit to make sure their alright for you to do.... BEFORE you start doing anything on your own. After all you don't want to end up making yourself worse trying to get better. :)

simple neck exercises for neck pain - the physiotherapy site for orthopaedics, back pain and pain management


Neck exercises


There are several sites available.... but I would urgue you to contact your doctor for specifics on exactly what is best for your case. Pinched nerves are nothing to toy with... they can get worse. So for your safety... look over the exercises but don't start a routine until your cleared to do so... but it's a start point for you to ask about. :)

I have another question do you think the AC can make you have pain? I know the heat does and when its cold . >>> Really any big difference in the weather and my bones feel it. Wet creates pain just as does cold... for me warm does best & I'm most content. Best buy I ever made was my electric blanket for winter..... hub about cooks but I stay toasty. :)

Well I hope your feeling better . >>> I'm not complaining <giggling> don't do much good. :) But all & all I'm pretty good. On my bad days I look for stories to help me know I'm truly blessed.... I find something to pamper myself, put on a smile & make the most of it all! I've found for every bad there is good if we take the time to find it. I hope your days are well too sweetie. :) Take care of yourself and walk well.

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Thanks for the web sites for the neck exercises I can't asked my dr the last time I seen him he said I asked questions where he can't help me >>> I am assuming you asked your ortho specialist ? If that be the case... how about scheduling an evaluation with your family physician? Although I believe knowing you have the problems you do you really need a neurologist to direction your treatment. But some is better then none as they say.

Your welcome for the sites..... hope they help you out sweetie. :) IF you insist on trying those exercises on your own without the guidence of a doctors opunion first..... I would stress MODERATION and SLOW START so you can at least see what helps or hurts don't go all out on day one and be plum clueless about what you did that created the pain. I would start with one when you know it's not causing you any problems then move to the next~ but I still vote see your doctor. You don't want any more problems then you already have with your neck~ and honestly one wrong move with a pinched nerve can mean the difference between 2 days down verse 10 days down or WORSE. So be careful!

I was wondering have you had a hip replacement or knee replacement ? >>> Yes LTHR... as to my story.... I'm a 35 yr. old wife & mother of two in Kentucky. I had my initial ceramic on ceramic replacement done June 2003. During that operation I also had my leg lengthened nearly a full 3".... which has created a few problems with my back, but over all~ it's done great (*the LD fixed that is). I let my doctor push limits with my leg being lengthened in the hopes of helping to advance medical technology regarding LD~ leg descrepency. There's not many cases which have the qualifying factors to "play around" with the treatment. Unfortunately, in that push & my THR being mounted higher.... I lost moblity and all my restrictions have stayed intact.

I had my first revision done July 2004 which was due to an "unstablized socket". They added additional mounts in the hopes that it would be an easy fix & positioned my implantment a lil higher then normal... but still didn't work. My stem has done terrificly with not the first problem <BEAT ON WOOD!> LOL

I was returned to the whacking table in Jan 2005 for my second revision. Doctor was studying about cementing my replacement but decided against it due to my age.... as it does waste more bone cleaning for a revision down the road if it's needed. Sooooooooo instead he replaced my socket with metal implant. Although I do still have pain to a degree in my hip.... it's MILD compaired to what it once was and TOLERABLE for the most part these days. So far I'm considered "stable"... I still hold my breath.... but I am a believer that all things happen for a reason & purpose.... so I try not to complain about it all and merely roll with the bunches be they what they may. :)

I can't say that I regret my choice having THR done because I feel I did do what was necessary for my life given my choices for a better quality of life.... it's all anyone can do. Sometimes "our plan" isn't "THE plan"... and our body has a way different idea about what's gonna happen. Any hoots.... my biggest problem now is my back~ and hopefully it'll ease up too EVENTUALLY! We can't all have perfect bodies and Lord knows mine is a challenge on days.... but I'm still blessed. :)

Well you have a nice weekend . >>> Thanks you too Susie... feel better & walk well. :)

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Hi Sassy Lou,

Thanks for the web sites for the neck exercises I can't asked my dr the last time I seen him he said I asked questions where he can't help me . I live with my Daughter and my Grandson and I help my daughter with the housework each day I have to rest a lot she makes supper and I wash the dishes .

I was wondering have you had a hip replacement or knee replacement ?Well you have a nice weekend .


-------------- Original message -------------- Thanks for telling me about what I have >>> There many be more to the actual diagnosis you've been given. I merely broke down the termnology as best I could remember it. If your still uncertain then I'd question your doctor more directly on the matter... but happy I could help ya sweetie. :)I 'm sorry to hear you have back pain I get back pain if I stand to long or walked to far . >>> Yeah me too... but then we can't all be blessed with the perfect flawless body. LOL Lord knows I got the left overs <giggling> but I'm not complaining~ certain does create more of a challenge on days though. :) My back kinda does it's own thing... I do have the problems as you've standed them but mine gets really bad pressure & knife like pains on days for no reason. I have noticed though that like cooking big dinners, doing laundry, sitting on the benches watching my kids games or vaccuming.... those activities tends to make matters worse & Lord helps me on the days I have them all together to be done! Still don't keep me from doing... I just tend to take more breaks now then I ever did before. I haven't found any exercises for the neck yet would you know any sites on that? >>> As I said I don't have neck issues.... but this site I found. Might be of benefit to you. I recommend however that you contact your neurologist or family physician which is currently treating your neck to see what is good or bad for you FIRST. Maybe print a copy of the exercises on the site listed and take them IN HAND on a visit to make sure their alright for you to do.... BEFORE you start doing anything on your own. After all you don't want to end up making yourself worse trying to get better. :)simple neck exercises for neck pain - the physiotherapy site for orthopaedics, back pain and pain management http://www.thephysiotherapysite.co.uk/exercise/simple_neck_exercise.htmlNeck exercises http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/sig54597.aspThere are several sites available.... but I would urgue you to contact your doctor for specifics on exactly what is best for your case. Pinched nerves are nothing to toy with... they can get worse. So for your safety... look over the exercises but don't start a routine until your cleared to do so... but it's a start point for you to ask about. :)I have another question do you think the AC can make you have pain? I know the heat does and when its cold . >>> Really any big difference in the weather and my bones feel it. Wet creates pain just as does cold... for me warm does best & I'm most content. Best buy I ever made was my electric blanket for winter..... hub about cooks but I stay toasty. :) Well I hope your feeling better . >>> I'm not complaining <giggling> don't do much good. :) But all & all I'm pretty good. On my bad days I look for stories to help me know I'm truly blessed.... I find something to pamper myself, put on a smile & make the most of it all! I've found for every bad there is good if we take the time to find it. I hope your days are well too sweetie. :) Take care of yourself and walk well.

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Hi Sassy Lou,

You are so young being 35 and all the operations you had to have when I was 35 I never knew anything about Hip and Knee replacements I was 56 when I found out I needed a hip replacement Had it done when I was 57 and had my knee replacement done when I was 59 I'm 62 now well you have a nice day . I will do the exercises at a even pace .


-------------- Original message -------------- Thanks for the web sites for the neck exercises I can't asked my dr the last time I seen him he said I asked questions where he can't help me >>> I am assuming you asked your ortho specialist ? If that be the case... how about scheduling an evaluation with your family physician? Although I believe knowing you have the problems you do you really need a neurologist to direction your treatment. But some is better then none as they say. Your welcome for the sites..... hope they help you out sweetie. :) IF you insist on trying those exercises on your own without the guidence of a doctors opunion first..... I would stress MODERATION and SLOW START so you can at least see what helps or hurts don't go all out on day one and be plum clueless about what you did that created the pain. I would start with one when you know it's not causing you any problems then move to the next~ but I still vote see your doctor. You don't want any more problems then you already have with your neck~ and honestly one wrong move with a pinched nerve can mean the difference between 2 days down verse 10 days down or WORSE. So be careful!I was wondering have you had a hip replacement or knee replacement ? >>> Yes LTHR... as to my story.... I'm a 35 yr. old wife & mother of two in Kentucky. I had my initial ceramic on ceramic replacement done June 2003. During that operation I also had my leg lengthened nearly a full 3".... which has created a few problems with my back, but over all~ it's done great (*the LD fixed that is). I let my doctor push limits with my leg being lengthened in the hopes of helping to advance medical technology regarding LD~ leg descrepency. There's not many cases which have the qualifying factors to "play around" with the treatment. Unfortunately, in that push & my THR being mounted higher.... I lost moblity and all my restrictions have stayed intact. I had my first revision done July 2004 which was due to an "unstablized socket". They added additional mounts in the hopes that it would be an easy fix & positioned my implantment a lil higher then normal... but still didn't work. My stem has done terrificly with not the first problem <BEAT ON WOOD!> LOLI was returned to the whacking table in Jan 2005 for my second revision. Doctor was studying about cementing my replacement but decided against it due to my age.... as it does waste more bone cleaning for a revision down the road if it's needed. Sooooooooo instead he replaced my socket with metal implant. Although I do still have pain to a degree in my hip.... it's MILD compaired to what it once was and TOLERABLE for the most part these days. So far I'm considered "stable"... I still hold my breath.... but I am a believer that all things happen for a reason & purpose.... so I try not to complain about it all and merely roll with the bunches be they what they may. :)I can't say that I regret my choice having THR done because I feel I did do what was necessary for my life given my choices for a better quality of life.... it's all anyone can do. Sometimes "our plan" isn't "THE plan"... and our body has a way different idea about what's gonna happen. Any hoots.... my biggest problem now is my back~ and hopefully it'll ease up too EVENTUALLY! We can't all have perfect bodies and Lord knows mine is a challenge on days.... but I'm still blessed. :) Well you have a nice weekend . >>> Thanks you too Susie... feel better & walk well. :)

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Hi Sassy Lou, You are so young being 35 and all the operations you had to have >>> I've had my share just the hip I chalk up a total of 14 operations if you include my childhood reconstructions. I did have a 20 yr. break from it all which was nice but not long enough. LOL Add tonsils and kids~ I've got a few scars. Suppose it could always be better regardless of what we have in this life. :) I've had a few rough roads in my days.... but I still look back and count my blessings as I certainly know I've been blessed some would trade my pains in a heartbeat.

Think what's roughest on me...... is being my age and slowly falling apart lil by lil, can't help but wonder what my 62 will feel like~ hopefully much better then my 35... least one can always hope. :)

I will do the exercises at a even pace .>>> Are they helping you any or have you noticed any changes ?

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SassyLou sez:

Think what's roughest on me...... is being my age and slowly falling apart lil by lil, can't help but wonder what my 62 will feel like~ hopefully much better then my 35... least one can always hope. :)[lee sez:] Heck SassyLou... by then, you will be "brand new" and everything will be fixed! :)

ML (36 days to go!)

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I am 47 and feel 80 sometimes so I know the feelings well. LOL

lee <gone2thedogs14@...> wrote:

SassyLou sez:

Think what's roughest on me...... is being my age and slowly falling apart lil by lil, can't help but wonder what my 62 will feel like~ hopefully much better then my 35... least one can always hope. :)[lee sez:] Heck SassyLou... by then, you will be "brand new" and everything will be fixed! :)

ML (36 days to go!) God bless you!__________________________________________________

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Hi Sassy Lou,

I never had any stitches until I was 24 year old I was putting my make up in the car and my husband at the time had to stop we weren't even going that fast we had one of those clip on mirrow on the sun visior I had 58 stitches in my hair line .When I was 33 I had a double heria and my tubes tied don't have that done at the same time I didn't know it at the time I was in more pain after that operation then having my two kids . and then when I was 53 I had another heria operations and then two years later I had another heria operation the heria operations seems like nothing compare to a hip or knee replacement but it still hurts a lot I have another heria in the same spot but I'm not having anymore operations my regular dr said if I lose all the weight I gain it should go away . I'm on weight watches diet where you count your points for the food you eat I lost 25 lbs since I moved in what my daughter and my grandson Jan. 2005 I guess I just needed to tell someone that lifes not always easy but like you said their are other people worst off . I was married to my husband for 19 years and been by myself about 19 years its not easy having a hip and knee operations when your by yourself because your kids only understand so much .Well you have a nice day.


-------------- Original message -------------- Hi Sassy Lou, You are so young being 35 and all the operations you had to have >>> I've had my share just the hip I chalk up a total of 14 operations if you include my childhood reconstructions. I did have a 20 yr. break from it all which was nice but not long enough. LOL Add tonsils and kids~ I've got a few scars. Suppose it could always be better regardless of what we have in this life. :) I've had a few rough roads in my days.... but I still look back and count my blessings as I certainly know I've been blessed some would trade my pains in a heartbeat.Think what's roughest on me...... is being my age and slowly falling apart lil by lil, can't help but wonder what my 62 will feel like~ hopefully much better then my 35... least one can always hope. :)I will do the exercises at a even pace .>>> Are they helping you any or have you noticed any changes ?

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Heck SassyLou... by then, you will be "brand new" and everything will be fixed! :) >>> One can certainly hope so.... I got tickled at my 15 yr. old son the other day. I'd helped my 70 yr. old aunt paint her livingroom (*because her kids & grandkids have put her off for 2 yrs. always having something else to do) and thought I was gonna die after all was said & done! About killed myself and ended up 5 days laid up hurting all over..... BUT least she didn't have to worry about it getting done and she didn't hurt herself doing it like she'd planned. AnnnnyWAY~ on like day 2... my son comes in and says mom you need anything~ to which I responded only what you can't buy in the stores. LOL So he left to fix me some ice water and returned saying... hey mom if dad can fix that crappy vehicle everytime it breaks down & he's not a mechanic surely a doctor with a degree can make you bionic enough to not hurt again don't ya think ? After all you've only had the leg done~ maybe if we get ya enough fake parts you'll run right too. We laughed so hard I cried... gotta love'm!

(36 days to go!) >>> GO CLOCK GO~ LOL Boy I know how badly that part stinks~ I feel for ya sweetie.... but you know.... 36 is better then 37 and before you know it you'll be on the 31st and done deal. :) Looking back I swear I think that was the hardest part for me. It's one thing to hurt because your recovering... but it's totally different to hurt waiting and waiting and waiting for a date that seems to lag getting there! Good news is once it's there.... it's soon behind ya~ :)

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I am 47 and feel 80 sometimes so I know the feelings well. LOL >>> Yup I pop & crack like a well fallen apart machine <giggling> know it's just a matter of time before something falls plum off! LOL

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I have another heria in the same spot but I'm not having anymore operations my regular dr said if I lose all the weight I gain it should go away >>> Seems like a mightly lot of surgeries on the heria's. Has it always been the very same one going bad ? And is it the weight that's doing it time & again or what ? If that's too personal of a question I understand.... just curious though~

its not easy having a hip and knee operations when your by yourself because your kids only understand so much >>> I understand that issue all to well. Your daughter should have more compassion but honestly it's hard for others to truly understand the details of what your going through unless they've lived it and know first hand what the experience is like. My kids are soon to be 15 & 13.... we had some "moms reality teachings" as I call'm LOL shortly after I had climbed up on my deep freezer to reach behind it to get my grabby snatcher~ 4 DAYS AFTER I'd been asking hub & kids to get it for me. I use my deep freezer as kinda a folding table for my laundry because it's close to my washer & dryer. I'd get my things outta the dryer with my grabbie snatcher then carry them to the freezer to fold. My grabbie is like a body part to me since my restrictions will never be lifted. I've got one NOW in every room... but at that time... was after my first THR my surgerical limitations were still in full force nor had I been told my restrictions were a lifetime was still awaiting my first 30 day check up and it was the only one I had. Long story short.... the kids were after pizza pockets~ my snatcher was on the freezer lid where I'd been doing the laundry, I left to answer the phone and POOF next thing I know I hear MOM.... your clampy thing fell in the hole~ I'll get it after I eat. I "FIGURED" it'd been gotten but didn't check... next morning I'd looked everywhere... kids did school so I asked hub... he was doing his deal & too busy give me the "in a minute". Day after day passed and I GOT PISSED~ climbed up on the freezer myself and then everyone went to birthing cattle.... I merely said shut up & don't say one word... I've asked & asked and nobody has the time to get it~ we're gonna learn though exactly what it's like! Next day they were grounded to THEIR BEDS after school. I said now you yell when you need something~ so they would. I'd go to the door and say sure I'll sharpen your pencil for ya that broke... took it and never brought it back. Sure... I'll get ya a book to read never showed back up at the door until the next yell. That night when they came out for dinner... I said I'm just curious how it feels to need something, ASK for assistance and someone have better things to do then HELP YOU! Valuable lesson learned for both of them. Since me finding out my restrictions were not going anywhere... we've also had the can't bend to get it day! LOL They found everything they needed in the floor & were to use nothing but my grabbie snatcher to pick things up and when they'd go to bend over to get it I'd scream out a big NOT~ with a buzzer sound saying YOU'VE DISLOCATED! LOL I'd hide the grabbie so they'd have to look hours to find it... and when they'd ask mom have you seen I'd just reply with the same shrugged shoulder & hummm don't know with a walk away like I'd get. We've had the HURRY UP put your shoes & socks on with the assists. They've learned right along with me... but they have a way greater understanding of exactly what I have to deal with and they've got a greater respect for knowing now. My daughter even points out the bathroom issues when we're out & about. LOL That's her first place to visit in public places and she'll come out and say mom~ no way can you use the bathroom here they don't have handicap railing and the toilet is almost a hole in the floor. I just got so frustrated trying to do and them not seeming to give a crap one way or another... we started having "class" to benefit their thoughts I suppose you could say. LOL Since the "moms reality teachings" though they've came a very long way. My dressing stick isn't messed with, my grabby snatchers are always in place and if for some odd reason their not~ they don't just shrug and walk away with the I don't knows anymore.... they actually help to find it instead.

Oh well... enough of all that~ hope you have a terrific day!

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Hey Sassie,

You just gave me an idea or two. I think I'll try that with my neices and nephew the next time I hear granny get me ...whatever it is they are asking for. If I'm down there, I say to them, what is wrong with your God given hands and feet. My daughter and hubby usually are pretty good to help me when I need something. Of course I don't have surgery till Monday but I still need help on occasion. I have a grabby thing so I'm set there. Take care,

SassyLouYou@... wrote:

I have another heria in the same spot but I'm not having anymore operations my regular dr said if I lose all the weight I gain it should go away >>> Seems like a mightly lot of surgeries on the heria's. Has it always been the very same one going bad ? And is it the weight that's doing it time & again or what ? If that's too personal of a question I understand.... just curious though~its not easy having a hip and knee operations when your by yourself because your kids only

understand so much >>> I understand that issue all to well. Your daughter should have more compassion but honestly it's hard for others to truly understand the details of what your going through unless they've lived it and know first hand what the experience is like. My kids are soon to be 15 & 13.... we had some "moms reality teachings" as I call'm LOL shortly after I had climbed up on my deep freezer to reach behind it to get my grabby snatcher~ 4 DAYS AFTER I'd been asking hub & kids to get it for me. I use my deep freezer as kinda a folding table for my laundry because it's close to my washer & dryer. I'd get my things outta the dryer with my grabbie snatcher then carry them to the freezer to fold. My grabbie is like a body part to me since my restrictions will never be lifted.

I've got one NOW in every room... but at that time... was after my first THR my surgerical limitations were still in full force nor had I been told my restrictions were a lifetime was still awaiting my first 30 day check up and it was the only one I had. Long story short.... the kids were after pizza pockets~ my snatcher was on the freezer lid where I'd been doing the laundry, I left to answer the phone and POOF next thing I know I hear MOM.... your clampy thing fell in the hole~ I'll get it after I eat. I "FIGURED" it'd been gotten but didn't check... next morning I'd looked everywhere... kids did school so I asked hub... he was doing his deal & too busy give me the "in a minute". Day after day passed and I GOT PISSED~ climbed up on the freezer myself and then everyone went to birthing cattle.... I merely said shut up & don't say one word... I've asked & asked and nobody has the time to get it~ we're gonna learn though exactly what it's like!

Next day they were grounded to THEIR BEDS after school. I said now you yell when you need something~ so they would. I'd go to the door and say sure I'll sharpen your pencil for ya that broke... took it and never brought it back. Sure... I'll get ya a book to read never showed back up at the door until the next yell. That night when they came out for dinner... I said I'm just curious how it feels to need something, ASK for assistance and someone have better things to do then HELP YOU! Valuable lesson learned for both of them. Since me finding out my restrictions were not going anywhere... we've also had the can't bend to get it day! LOL They found everything they needed in the floor & were to use nothing but my grabbie snatcher to pick things up and when they'd go to bend over to get it I'd scream out a big NOT~ with a buzzer sound saying YOU'VE DISLOCATED! LOL I'd hide the grabbie so they'd have to look

hours to find it... and when they'd ask mom have you seen I'd just reply with the same shrugged shoulder & hummm don't know with a walk away like I'd get. We've had the HURRY UP put your shoes & socks on with the assists. They've learned right along with me... but they have a way greater understanding of exactly what I have to deal with and they've got a greater respect for knowing now. My daughter even points out the bathroom issues when we're out & about. LOL That's her first place to visit in public places and she'll come out and say mom~ no way can you use the bathroom here they don't have handicap railing and the toilet is almost a hole in the floor. I just got so frustrated trying to do and them not seeming to give a crap one way or another... we started having "class" to benefit their thoughts I suppose you could say. LOL Since the "moms reality teachings" though they've came a very long way. My dressing stick

isn't messed with, my grabby snatchers are always in place and if for some odd reason their not~ they don't just shrug and walk away with the I don't knows anymore.... they actually help to find it instead. Oh well... enough of all that~ hope you have a terrific day!God bless you!

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That's what I'm afraid of. That something will fall off. I pop and crack so bad sometimes.

SassyLouYou@... wrote:

I am 47 and feel 80 sometimes so I know the feelings well. LOL >>> Yup I pop & crack like a well fallen apart machine <giggling> know it's just a matter of time before something falls plum off! LOL God bless you!

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You just gave me an idea or two. I think I'll try that with my neices and nephew the next time I hear granny get me ... >>> LOL I certainly hope it works out as well for you as it has for me. They tend to pay closer attention to my "down days" too.... and don't bug me about going shopping or complain about why they can't do this or that~ some might think it a lil harsh... but merely asking and tell'm them bad day can you help sure didn't work!

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It sure can't hurt. Their dad is living at mom's house temporarily. He and their mom split up. She got remarried over the weekend and left the kids at mom's all week so she and new hubby could go to the beach for a weeks honeymoon. The bad part is the kids don't always want to obey mom or their dad. I flat told him it wouldn't do for me to be living there. They would be seeing the business end of a paddle a lot more than they get now. They might be teens but there is no excuse for bad behavior. Take care,

SassyLouYou@... wrote:

You just gave me an idea or two. I think I'll try that with my neices and nephew the next time I hear granny get me ... >>> LOL I certainly hope it works out as well for you as it has for me. They tend to pay closer attention to my "down days" too.... and don't bug me about going shopping or complain about why they can't do this or that~ some might think it a lil harsh... but merely asking and tell'm them bad day can you help sure didn't work!

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Hi Sassy Lou,

I had the two herias I got those from having my kids My son was 8 1/2 lbs that wasn't so bad my daughter weight 9lbs 14ozs now she was a big baby I didn't have a hard time having them I gain 50 lbs when I carried them My Son is 37 and my daughter 31 my daughters son is 13 now so I tell them I hope to live to be 91 to see my daughter and son at my age and see how they do LOL LOL I'm not sure how I got the first heria but the second heria I was working for the Jewel food store as a bagger and from lifting heavy stuff . Then the last one I got I was living with my brother when I had my Hip operation and living in the bastment I had to climb about six stairs to use the bathroom their wasn't one in my room and I had a hard time I was pulling myself up with the railing and I was overweight . I can't squat and pick anything off the floor I use a reacher and I have to used a high toilet so we have two bathroom so I used the little one so my high toilet doesn't bother anyone and my daughter and her son use the bathroom in the hall way its right across from my bedroom but I don't mind at least I get my walking in I don't like walking by myself outside and theirs no benches around where you can rest on I going to get one of those things you hold on to and it has a seat that you can sit on the only thing they want a $150.00 for it so I have to save for it . I 'm glad you got your kids to understand what your going through . At least they at the age to understand better my grandson understands I try not to asked for help that much but sometimes you really need the help .Well you take care and have a nice day.


-------------- Original message -------------- I have another heria in the same spot but I'm not having anymore operations my regular dr said if I lose all the weight I gain it should go away >>> Seems like a mightly lot of surgeries on the heria's. Has it always been the very same one going bad ? And is it the weight that's doing it time & again or what ? If that's too personal of a question I understand.... just curious though~its not easy having a hip and knee operations when your by yourself because your kids only understand so much >>> I understand that issue all to well. Your daughter should have more compassion but honestly it's hard for others to truly understand the details of what your going through unless they've lived it and know first hand what the experience is like. My kids are soon to be 15 & 13.... we had some "moms reality teachings" as I call'm LOL shortly after I had climbed up on my deep freezer to reach behind it to get my grabby snatcher~ 4 DAYS AFTER I'd been asking hub & kids to get it for me. I use my deep freezer as kinda a folding table for my laundry because it's close to my washer & dryer. I'd get my things outta the dryer with my grabbie snatcher then carry them to the freezer to fold. My grabbie is like a body part to me since my restrictions will never be lifted. I've got one NOW in every room... but at that time... was after my first THR my surgerical limitations were still in full force nor had I been told my restrictions were a lifetime was still awaiting my first 30 day check up and it was the only one I had. Long story short.... the kids were after pizza pockets~ my snatcher was on the freezer lid where I'd been doing the laundry, I left to answer the phone and POOF next thing I know I hear MOM.... your clampy thing fell in the hole~ I'll get it after I eat. I "FIGURED" it'd been gotten but didn't check... next morning I'd looked everywhere... kids did school so I asked hub... he was doing his deal & too busy give me the "in a minute". Day after day passed and I GOT PISSED~ climbed up on the freezer myself and then everyone went to birthing cattle.... I merely said shut up & don't say one word... I've asked & asked and nobody has the time to get it~ we're gonna learn though exactly what it's like! Next day they were grounded to THEIR BEDS after school. I said now you yell when you need something~ so they would. I'd go to the door and say sure I'll sharpen your pencil for ya that broke... took it and never brought it back. Sure... I'll get ya a book to read never showed back up at the door until the next yell. That night when they came out for dinner... I said I'm just curious how it feels to need something, ASK for assistance and someone have better things to do then HELP YOU! Valuable lesson learned for both of them. Since me finding out my restrictions were not going anywhere... we've also had the can't bend to get it day! LOL They found everything they needed in the floor & were to use nothing but my grabbie snatcher to pick things up and when they'd go to bend over to get it I'd scream out a big NOT~ with a buzzer sound saying YOU'VE DISLOCATED! LOL I'd hide the grabbie so they'd have to look hours to find it... and when they'd ask mom have you seen I'd just reply with the same shrugged shoulder & hummm don't know with a walk away like I'd get. We've had the HURRY UP put your shoes & socks on with the assists. They've learned right along with me... but they have a way greater understanding of exactly what I have to deal with and they've got a greater respect for knowing now. My daughter even points out the bathroom issues when we're out & about. LOL That's her first place to visit in public places and she'll come out and say mom~ no way can you use the bathroom here they don't have handicap railing and the toilet is almost a hole in the floor. I just got so frustrated trying to do and them not seeming to give a crap one way or another... we started having "class" to benefit their thoughts I suppose you could say. LOL Since the "moms reality teachings" though they've came a very long way. My dressing stick isn't messed with, my grabby snatchers are always in place and if for some odd reason their not~ they don't just shrug and walk away with the I don't knows anymore.... they actually help to find it instead. Oh well... enough of all that~ hope you have a terrific day!

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Hi Sassy Lou,

That was funny what your son said I just wish that my fake parts work better but thats life I found out that reason I walk so slow and still hurt is because of my Spine that what my regular dr told me the dr that did the operations couldn't tell me but I had bad scar tissues but my new dr said I had bursitis in the hip I had replace and thats way I hurt .

Well you take care and have a nice day.


-------------- Original message -------------- Heck SassyLou... by then, you will be "brand new" and everything will be fixed! :) >>> One can certainly hope so.... I got tickled at my 15 yr. old son the other day. I'd helped my 70 yr. old aunt paint her livingroom (*because her kids & grandkids have put her off for 2 yrs. always having something else to do) and thought I was gonna die after all was said & done! About killed myself and ended up 5 days laid up hurting all over..... BUT least she didn't have to worry about it getting done and she didn't hurt herself doing it like she'd planned. AnnnnyWAY~ on like day 2... my son comes in and says mom you need anything~ to which I responded only what you can't buy in the stores. LOL So he left to fix me some ice water and returned saying... hey mom if dad can fix that crappy vehicle everytime it breaks down & he's not a mechanic surely a doctor with a degree can make you bionic enough to not hurt again don't ya think ? After all you've only had the leg done~ maybe if we get ya enough fake parts you'll run right too. We laughed so hard I cried... gotta love'm! (36 days to go!) >>> GO CLOCK GO~ LOL Boy I know how badly that part stinks~ I feel for ya sweetie.... but you know.... 36 is better then 37 and before you know it you'll be on the 31st and done deal. :) Looking back I swear I think that was the hardest part for me. It's one thing to hurt because your recovering... but it's totally different to hurt waiting and waiting and waiting for a date that seems to lag getting there! Good news is once it's there.... it's soon behind ya~ :)

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The bad part is the kids don't always want to obey mom or their dad.>>> Kids will go through that stage regardless but it certainly seems to get way worse when there's a divorce in the mix~ least for the majority. The kids figure out that they can merely plot their plans and play mom against dad (*vice~versia) to get their way after all neither parent is likely to do one earthly thing about it because they don't want to be the one seen "as the bad guy". My brother went though that with his kids.... which I might add are rotten as heck! Both are outta control in ways.... but neither parents will not do a thing about it~ they found a letter this summer written by my 12 yr. old neice to a lil neighbor boy sayin "want you to know your special to me and you were not just a F---". NOTHING~ cept lil bootie chewing and it's like it never happened. It amazes me just how stupid they are being with their kids to avoid being seen as a bad guy.... sad because the kids pay the biggest price in it all. Worst yet.... they both have "significant others" either with now~ but their not so much aloud to verbally correct the kids "because that's the parents job". I don't agree with that either~ the kids think their merely door mats and point blank get in the adults faces and tell'm~ you do anything to me and my dad will leave you.... I get my way if mom don't give it to me then my dad will and stomp off. This summer vacation with them was hell. I point blank told my neice love you will miss you but until you find a new additude~ your not welcome in my home. My own kids don't disrespect me and your certainly not permitted to get away with it either! I refuse to tolerate being treated that way..... sad that it has to come to that.... but hopefully she'll see her wrongs and straighten herself up! Lord I certainly pray something changes before it's too late~

They would be seeing the business end of a paddle a lot more than they get now. They might be teens but there is no excuse for bad behavior. >>> I agree. People can say what they choose to about spanking but kids need limitations & rules. Not all learn by merely setting guidelines and expecting them to follow it~ My kids are like black verse white on issues. My son I can ground to the house & it don't faze him~ other then football... he perfers the air conditioning. LOL My daughter on the other hand sees it as lopping her legs off~ you'd think you'd killed her. Both get a deserving punishment on an as needed basis! I'd much perfer to whip one of mine to the point of tears so they learn a lesson then have to visit them weekly for their entire life time behind bars over stupidity because they pushed limits and the judge didn't "let it slide". I've got some pretty terrific kids and it's not just my bias opunion. LOL They push their limitations every chance they get.... but they know beyond a shawdow of doubt that I'll tan their hide in a heartbeat if it's needed and not think twice!

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I found out that reason I walk so slow and still hurt is because of my Spine >>> Me too Susie although I do still have some pain in my hip~ it's not what it once was thank the Lord. :) My neurologist is wanting to do surgery to "TRY" to correct my back problems but he didn't give such good odds for my liking and advised due to my curved spine it would be risky business compaired to a "normal" back. I've tried about everything outside of surgery to relieve the pain with no luck. I don't want to eat pills daily to fix the problem so I've went to a pain patch on occasion when my muscle flares and my tens unit with ice which relieves it some~ just depends on how bad of a day it is. I tried specified PT to see if strengthening would make a difference, lumbar steriod injections, electronic stimulation and nothing~ oh well.... everybody has to have something wrong... back is just one of my issues. LOL But I'm still blessed. :)

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I tried so hard with my son, but he chose his own path once he got old enough. He is serving serious time right now.>>> Can't do more then teach & do your best in the guiding they get up old enough and do as they will. I tell mine I can bring you water~ hand you the glass but ultimately you have to swallow for it to be drank or one can thrist to death! I got in some trouble myself at a way younger age so mine kinda have a benefit to being preached at by someone that's been there done that deal. If that's the road they choose not one earthly thing I can do about it. My prayers are that they'll learn from my mistakes and not have ones similar... course time will tell.

can pass this to yours, to watch who your friends are. Good friends will keep you out of trouble but bad ones will get you into trouble >>> I've taught mine~ true friends can usually be counted on less then 3 fingers! They are people that respect you for WHO YOU ARE and don't try to get you to "comply" to be who they'd like for you to be. Mostly a real friend excepts "NO" for an answer and doesn't try to swag your decision after they've heard your choice spoken! I'm VERY picky about my kids friends... know all too well what bad ones can do for ya~ course my friends didn't twist my arm & make me do.... I lacked self confidence & always doubted my choices way back when. I make my kids THINK and THINK HARD! Even when their punished the first words outta my mouth are~ this is what you've done, this is why it's wrong, you need to think about what you should've or could've done differently to have a better out come... and generally their punishment is something that reiterates enforcing rules & complying with limitations. Best thing I ever did was start into child psychology... it's been a HUGE benefit to me as a mother!

I don't condone the premarital sex (my beliefs here take it or leave it), but we already love the baby she is carrying. >>> I would "perfer" that mine marry, settle down, kids bla bla bla and do it more the "Godly" way~ but society as a whole is okay with it all and have to say.... if their at least commited to the relationship then it's better then most these days! I've told mine what I would perfer~ but I also make it clear that if you don't love someone enough to marry for the right reasons then don't bother saying "I do" just because there's a baby in the picture! You can be a responsible parent without a spouse but you can not be a responsible spouse if your unhappy & chances are your kids will come closer to being neglected.

My parents divorced when I was 17 and it is hard. But I think the arguing and fussing are harder. >>> Agreed. Mine divorced when I was about 7 brother was 5. Lord knows we'd been better off if they'd actually done it YEARS BEFORE but for us as kids we got drug unwillingly into the battle plan~ and what was bad enough turned to WAY WORSE! My parents did the worst which was expose us to their problems~ I grew up and seldom so much as hugged on the other for fear it would spark another fight on who I cared about most. Got to hear all the your dads a low life this and your moms and that~ plus the bonus of actually fist fighting in front of us. They'd either both show up at school functions and show their butts or neither would show up at all~ sheesh I could go on but why bother. I broke the cycle with my kids... sadly my brother is repeating it with his. The kids pay the highest price of all... and it's not just what time their exposed to it all~ it follows throughout their life choices. Actually took me a counselor to work though all the issues... my brother feels "they are merely brain pickers that laugh about others problems in their spair time". Took me 27 yrs. to actually speak my mind to them being a parent myself~ but boy what a relief off the chest! LOL

I have made peace with all of it now. I had to because it was making me crazy. >>> My mom used to blame herself for my mistakes. Granted as a parent she had her share of mistakes as we all do.... but boils down to~ she taught me not to steal, lie, kill, do drugs, and all the other issues & she would whip me on occasion, ground or whatever... so she did her part. I choose what to listen to... what to learn from and what I wanted to experience for myself~ that she couldn't control. Sometimes... it takes us learning a hard knock on our own regardless how who or how often we're warned about the issues.... so don't blame yourself in anyway. Because you raised your son the best way you knew how to.... he became at some point old enough to make choices for himself and YOU by far were not the only "teacher" within his life.... he however didn't choose wisely enough!

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