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Yep, this is my child also! Autism, PID, and a metabolic disorder (SCAD),

gastritis, colitis, reflux, and seizures. He also had the MMR and Varivax

vaccination, and changed shortly afterwards (with autism), he has always had

medical issues, but this just made them so much worse!


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:09 PM

Subject: Autism

Hi, I am new. My daughter just today saw an immunologist to determine

if she has PID. I recently learned that I have not had " bad medical

luck " and a high white blood cell count of unknown origin, but most

likely a PID. The immunologist was amazed that my doctor never once

questioned my immune system, yet I have been hospitalized with

infections ranging from MRSA, cellulitis, to sinusitus 23 times in the

past 12 years requiring IV antibiotics!

My question is this, I seem to see alot of children with PI are

diagnosed with autism. How many of your children have been diagnosed

with an autism spectrum disorder, including asperger's, PDD-NOS

(pervasive development disorder, not otherwise specified)or Sensory

Integration dysfunction?

I ask this, because my daughter, who had previously developed

normally, had a severe reaction after receiving the MMR and Varivax (4

live viruses), and now has autism, gut issues, and possibly immune


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Welcome. There are some immune deficiencies that will make taking any live

vaccination (such as the MMR and Varivax) dangerous. Do you know the types of

lab work that have been done so far to diagnose your daughter? Do you know if

any T-cell studies have been done?

I have seen some autistic children diagnosed with PID and I wonder if the PID

predisposed them because they can't fight the live vaccination and it reacted

with their blood system and subsequently affected their neuro system.

The gut issues are wide spread amongst PID patients. They can run the gamut of

completely inflammed and needing TPN to completely shut down and needing chronic

motility medication and/or surgery. Do you see a pediatric GI for the gut

problems? Our daughter's GI is one of the best about understanding how her

immune system affects her gut and treating both together.

How old is your daughter and what part of the country are you from?

Also please remember to sign your letters with at least your name but preferably

your PID childs name and age.


Ursula - mom to (13) and Macey (11, CVID)




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Hello my name is Dawn and I have been a lurker for awhile but saw your post and

felt the need to reply. Yes everyone I am still here!! Just busy with lots of

things but have read posts. I have cvid and my son has

hypogammaglobulinemia and was just diagnosed autism (aspbergers) excuse the

spelling. He also has sever reflux asthma developmental delay as well. He has

been on ivig for two years and I have been for about five months. I had a

severe life threatening pnuemonia in Jan. I have also been sick alot throughout

my life. My ten year old was also diagnosed last week with cvid as well (he is

not to sick but was when he was little) had a bad reaction to MMR as

well. This was before we knew he was immune deficient. He received his first

set of shots. Then when he was about 2 was diagnosed immune deficient and was

not given vaccines after that. He started with functions for example speech and

then would lose them. The neurologist at the time was

baffeled..I asked then about autism. They said nmo he was to social and wasn't

behind enough. I was told it was because he is so sick. Well I took my

realitively healthy to an evaluative team and they said yes autism...so

now I battle the district for more services for him. I have read a time mag.

article about some links of pid to gi issues as well as immune problems....that

perked my interest to seek the proper diagnosis for . I hope that

helps...Hello to all my friends!!!! Dawn

smoot732000 <smoot732000@...> wrote: Hi, My son also has

autism-PDD, antibody deficiency, osteogenesis

imperfecta, severe asthma, GI issues- drs thinking maybe

inflammatory bowel/Chrohn's, appendix and gallbladder removed by


Yes, he also had a bad reaction to MMR, and was diagnosed at 2 with

autism. He developed normally until around 12 months when I think he

got his first MMR. I have wondered at the link even though all drs

think it likely is Ok.


> Hi, I am new. My daughter just today saw an immunologist to


> if she has PID. I recently learned that I have not had " bad


> luck " and a high white blood cell count of unknown origin, but


> likely a PID. The immunologist was amazed that my doctor never


> questioned my immune system, yet I have been hospitalized with

> infections ranging from MRSA, cellulitis, to sinusitus 23 times in


> past 12 years requiring IV antibiotics!


> My question is this, I seem to see alot of children with PI are

> diagnosed with autism. How many of your children have been


> with an autism spectrum disorder, including asperger's, PDD-NOS

> (pervasive development disorder, not otherwise specified)or


> Integration dysfunction?


> I ask this, because my daughter, who had previously developed

> normally, had a severe reaction after receiving the MMR and

Varivax (4

> live viruses), and now has autism, gut issues, and possibly immune

> deficency.


Dawn Souza


Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small


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Thanks for the information. I was able to follow the links that you

made...makes sense.

Do you happen to have Dr. Reinstein's email? He tried to help my daughter in

2003, right before we fled to CH Los Angeles. He coached me over the phone b/c

my daughter was too ill put in the car and drive to him. I should probably tell

him the outcome (CVID) and that she is okay now.


Dani's mom, CVID

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My son, now 4 ½ years, was diagnosed with autism at 24 months- he was quite

severe-and has an unnamed, yet, quite severe, PID as well. The autism problems

appeared to be present at birth, and the PID began to rear its ugly head by the

time was 6 months old, although he did not start IG therapy until he was 3

years old (they waited to see if it was transient, I guess)

Vaccines are, and were not our issue, it appears as if my son has a rare

syndrome, called Magenis Syndrome. He has recently become part of a

screening study through the National Institutes of Health. They believe his

strange type of autism, his OCD, his ADHD, his SEVERE sleep dysfunction, and his

rare type of PID, among other medical issues, are a result of the mutation or

deletion on chromosome 17.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Ursula


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:38 PM

Subject: Re: Autism

Welcome. There are some immune deficiencies that will make taking any live

vaccination (such as the MMR and Varivax) dangerous. Do you know the types of

lab work that have been done so far to diagnose your daughter? Do you know if

any T-cell studies have been done?

I have seen some autistic children diagnosed with PID and I wonder if the PID

predisposed them because they can't fight the live vaccination and it reacted

with their blood system and subsequently affected their neuro system.

The gut issues are wide spread amongst PID patients. They can run the gamut of

completely inflammed and needing TPN to completely shut down and needing chronic

motility medication and/or surgery. Do you see a pediatric GI for the gut

problems? Our daughter's GI is one of the best about understanding how her

immune system affects her gut and treating both together.

How old is your daughter and what part of the country are you from?

Also please remember to sign your letters with at least your name but preferably

your PID childs name and age.


Ursula - mom to (13) and Macey (11, CVID)

http://www.primaryimmune.org <http://www.primaryimmune.org>

http://www.jmfworld.org <http://www.jmfworld.org>

http://members.cox.net/maceyh <http://members.cox.net/maceyh>

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Hi, did you do the double dose IVIG or single?

Carie Vercelli

Mom to Kreed, 8- SCAD, common variable immunodeficiency, autism, colitis,

gastritis and epilepsy

Kaden, 10- nonverbal learning disorder, dyspraxia,

dysgraphia, and?

r, 14- optic nerve hypoplasia and?

itsallaboutkreed@... Gilbert, Arizona


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:54 PM

Subject: Re: Autism

Two of our boys are on the autism spectrum. Hayden was diagnosed with

PDD-NOS. Conner was originally diagnosed with PDD-NOS early on, then

switched to Asperger's. He has also been diagnosed with (late-onset?)

cerebral palsy and eventually seizures. We swear that all of his issues

must be related. We didn't learn about his immune problem until he was

almost 10, but our immuno has isolated the genetic defect for our kids'

Complement deficiency, so we know he's always had at least that part of it.

I always blew off the vaccine connection until we saw serious regression at

the age of five, right after the triplets' booster shots. Our autism

specialist feels that some people are more susceptible than others and some

kind of " insult " brings on the autism, such as vaccines, surgeries, illness,

etc. He strongly urged us to do our daughter's vaccines a little

differently, split up, spaced out, etc. Kelsey and Evan have no

neurological issues... so who knows!

There is anecdotal evidence of reduced autistic traits and seizures with

IVIG, which we have personally witnessed, so it certainly seems like it can

all be intertwined.

Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, unknown combined immune deficiency, lymphadenopathy,


Hashimoto's disease and resolved adrenal insufficiency),

Hayden (12, unknown immune deficiency, IBS and moderate hearing loss/aided),

Evan (12, unknown immune deficiency, asthma and mild hearing loss/unaided),

and Kelsey - (10, unknown immune deficiency and asthma)

Please visit us at www.caringbridge.org/in/connersmith

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Two of our boys are on the autism spectrum. Hayden was diagnosed with

PDD-NOS. Conner was originally diagnosed with PDD-NOS early on, then

switched to Asperger's. He has also been diagnosed with (late-onset?)

cerebral palsy and eventually seizures. We swear that all of his issues

must be related. We didn't learn about his immune problem until he was

almost 10, but our immuno has isolated the genetic defect for our kids'

Complement deficiency, so we know he's always had at least that part of it.

I always blew off the vaccine connection until we saw serious regression at

the age of five, right after the triplets' booster shots. Our autism

specialist feels that some people are more susceptible than others and some

kind of " insult " brings on the autism, such as vaccines, surgeries, illness,

etc. He strongly urged us to do our daughter's vaccines a little

differently, split up, spaced out, etc. Kelsey and Evan have no

neurological issues... so who knows!

There is anecdotal evidence of reduced autistic traits and seizures with

IVIG, which we have personally witnessed, so it certainly seems like it can

all be intertwined.

Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, unknown combined immune deficiency, lymphadenopathy,


Hashimoto's disease and resolved adrenal insufficiency),

Hayden (12, unknown immune deficiency, IBS and moderate hearing loss/aided),

Evan (12, unknown immune deficiency, asthma and mild hearing loss/unaided),

and Kelsey - (10, unknown immune deficiency and asthma)

Please visit us at www.caringbridge.org/in/connersmith

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We shoot for around 600mg/kg every 3-4 weeks.

Re: Autism




> Two of our boys are on the autism spectrum. Hayden was diagnosed with

> PDD-NOS. Conner was originally diagnosed with PDD-NOS early on, then

> switched to Asperger's. He has also been diagnosed with (late-onset?)

> cerebral palsy and eventually seizures. We swear that all of his issues

> must be related. We didn't learn about his immune problem until he was

> almost 10, but our immuno has isolated the genetic defect for our kids'

> Complement deficiency, so we know he's always had at least that part of

> it.


> I always blew off the vaccine connection until we saw serious regression

> at

> the age of five, right after the triplets' booster shots. Our autism

> specialist feels that some people are more susceptible than others and

> some

> kind of " insult " brings on the autism, such as vaccines, surgeries,

> illness,


> etc. He strongly urged us to do our daughter's vaccines a little

> differently, split up, spaced out, etc. Kelsey and Evan have no

> neurological issues... so who knows!


> There is anecdotal evidence of reduced autistic traits and seizures with

> IVIG, which we have personally witnessed, so it certainly seems like it

> can

> all be intertwined.


> Take care,


> Mom to Conner (12, unknown combined immune deficiency, lymphadenopathy,

> asthma,

> Hashimoto's disease and resolved adrenal insufficiency),

> Hayden (12, unknown immune deficiency, IBS and moderate hearing

> loss/aided),

> Evan (12, unknown immune deficiency, asthma and mild hearing

> loss/unaided),

> and Kelsey - (10, unknown immune deficiency and asthma)

> Please visit us at www.caringbridge.org/in/connersmith







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  • 2 months later...

Hi t,

I have used an isode protocol to treat autistic and other children who were

clearly affected by a specific vaccine. I would caution you if you don't

have an energetic means of testing to do liver/kidney drainage while giving

the isode and I would never repeat any potency for 4-6 weeks. The protocol

I use is ascending potencies 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M if necessary - once a

week and never give the next potency until the reaction has subsided from

the one before. I once gave a 15 mo old young girl who developed autism

after MMR the 30C followed by the 200C without realizing she had a reaction

(fever - burning out toxicity) from the 30C. After the 200C she went into a

horrific healing crisis of very high fevers for a week, extreme lethargy she

almost didn't seem in her body at one point. My point is simply that they

are very powerful remedies and to be very careful with them. I do suspect

that the intensity of her reaction had somethingto do with the proximity to

the exposure. Your patient's exposure was 3 years ago but it was a double


all the best

Rennie, ND

Thornhill, ON


> Hello all-

> I am working with a 5 year old boy with autism. I do not have great

> experience as far as homeopathics go but I have been using several

> UNDA protocols with him. We have stabilized the dysbiosis and gut

> inflammation with 3,48,50 plus HMF Neuro. He is on maintenance

> doses of Lateroflora and ficus carica Gemmo to keep the candida

> under control. We have run through a series of 1,20,243 and then

> switched to 9,22,30 when more of a hyperactivity, insomnia,

> increased vocalization picture came out.

> The parents are interested in returning to chelation which he has

> done before. (His gut health deteriorated greatly with his last

> chelation. They initiated care with me after the chelation)

> I have protocols for supporting him through that but any suggestion

> would be great...

> My MAIN questions have to do with using a homeopathic nosode for the

> vaccine that I suspect triggered the regression for him. He was

> accidentally given two shots of MMR in the same week. at age 2.


> QUESTION 1: can you use the IsoMMR at any point in treatment to try

> to remove the underlying insult of the vaccine to his system or is

> it only indicated post acute exposure to the MMR vaccine with active

> syptoms of vaccine reaction?

> The protocol I have seen says IsoMMR 200c daily for 4-6 weeks. ANy

> other recommendations??


> Question 2: How can I figure out which luetic remedy may be

> indicated for this child when it is so hard to get a true sense of

> an autistic childs personality/nature? Any homeopaths out there have

> any suggestions?


> Thanks! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. As a

> beginner in the whole realm of complex homeopathics and UNDAs it can

> be overwhelming at times!


> t Ghodsian, ND

> AltaVista Naturopathic Clinic

> Vancouver, BC







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Hello and can you tell me where you are getting the isode you are using?? Thanks White ND, Ct

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of J. Rennie, NDSent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:38 AM Subject: Re: Autism

Hi t,I have used an isode protocol to treat autistic and other children who were clearly affected by a specific vaccine. I would caution you if you don't have an energetic means of testing to do liver/kidney drainage while giving the isode and I would never repeat any potency for 4-6 weeks. The protocol I use is ascending potencies 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M if necessary - once a week and never give the next potency until the reaction has subsided from the one before. I once gave a 15 mo old young girl who developed autism after MMR the 30C followed by the 200C without realizing she had a reaction (fever - burning out toxicity) from the 30C. After the 200C she went into a horrific healing crisis of very high fevers for a week, extreme lethargy she almost didn't seem in her body at one point. My point is simply that they are very powerful remedies and to be very careful with them. I do suspect that the intensity of her reaction had somethingto do with the proximity to the exposure. Your patient's exposure was 3 years ago but it was a double whammy!all the best Rennie, NDThornhill, ON Autism> Hello all-> I am working with a 5 year old boy with autism. I do not have great> experience as far as homeopathics go but I have been using several> UNDA protocols with him. We have stabilized the dysbiosis and gut> inflammation with 3,48,50 plus HMF Neuro. He is on maintenance> doses of Lateroflora and ficus carica Gemmo to keep the candida> under control. We have run through a series of 1,20,243 and then> switched to 9,22,30 when more of a hyperactivity, insomnia,> increased vocalization picture came out.> The parents are interested in returning to chelation which he has> done before. (His gut health deteriorated greatly with his last> chelation. They initiated care with me after the chelation)> I have protocols for supporting him through that but any suggestion> would be great...> My MAIN questions have to do with using a homeopathic nosode for the> vaccine that I suspect triggered the regression for him. He was> accidentally given two shots of MMR in the same week. at age 2.>> QUESTION 1: can you use the IsoMMR at any point in treatment to try> to remove the underlying insult of the vaccine to his system or is> it only indicated post acute exposure to the MMR vaccine with active> syptoms of vaccine reaction?> The protocol I have seen says IsoMMR 200c daily for 4-6 weeks. ANy> other recommendations??>> Question 2: How can I figure out which luetic remedy may be> indicated for this child when it is so hard to get a true sense of> an autistic childs personality/nature? Any homeopaths out there have> any suggestions?>> Thanks! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. As a> beginner in the whole realm of complex homeopathics and UNDAs it can> be overwhelming at times!>> t Ghodsian, ND> AltaVista Naturopathic Clinic> Vancouver, BC>>>>>>

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Hello again-

I know that Seroyal/Genestra carries the Iso MMR specifically. I

have not checked if they carry all potencies, or if they carry other

vaccines. I would encourage you to call them directly and ask.


> Hello and can you tell me where you are getting the isode you are


> Thanks White ND, Ct

> Re: Autism



> Hi t,

> I have used an isode protocol to treat autistic and other

children who

> were

> clearly affected by a specific vaccine. I would caution you if

you don't

> have an energetic means of testing to do liver/kidney drainage


> giving

> the isode and I would never repeat any potency for 4-6 weeks.

The protocol

> I use is ascending potencies 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M if necessary -

once a

> week and never give the next potency until the reaction has

subsided from

> the one before. I once gave a 15 mo old young girl who developed


> after MMR the 30C followed by the 200C without realizing she had


> reaction

> (fever - burning out toxicity) from the 30C. After the 200C she

went into

> a

> horrific healing crisis of very high fevers for a week, extreme


> she

> almost didn't seem in her body at one point. My point is simply

that they

> are very powerful remedies and to be very careful with them. I

do suspect

> that the intensity of her reaction had somethingto do with the


> to

> the exposure. Your patient's exposure was 3 years ago but it was

a double

> whammy!

> all the best

> Rennie, ND

> Thornhill, ON


> Autism


> > Hello all-

> > I am working with a 5 year old boy with autism. I do not have


> > experience as far as homeopathics go but I have been using


> > UNDA protocols with him. We have stabilized the dysbiosis and


> > inflammation with 3,48,50 plus HMF Neuro. He is on maintenance

> > doses of Lateroflora and ficus carica Gemmo to keep the candida

> > under control. We have run through a series of 1,20,243 and


> > switched to 9,22,30 when more of a hyperactivity, insomnia,

> > increased vocalization picture came out.

> > The parents are interested in returning to chelation which he


> > done before. (His gut health deteriorated greatly with his last

> > chelation. They initiated care with me after the chelation)

> > I have protocols for supporting him through that but any


> > would be great...

> > My MAIN questions have to do with using a homeopathic nosode

for the

> > vaccine that I suspect triggered the regression for him. He was

> > accidentally given two shots of MMR in the same week. at age 2.

> >

> > QUESTION 1: can you use the IsoMMR at any point in treatment

to try

> > to remove the underlying insult of the vaccine to his system

or is

> > it only indicated post acute exposure to the MMR vaccine with


> > syptoms of vaccine reaction?

> > The protocol I have seen says IsoMMR 200c daily for 4-6 weeks.


> > other recommendations??

> >

> > Question 2: How can I figure out which luetic remedy may be

> > indicated for this child when it is so hard to get a true

sense of

> > an autistic childs personality/nature? Any homeopaths out

there have

> > any suggestions?

> >

> > Thanks! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. As a

> > beginner in the whole realm of complex homeopathics and UNDAs

it can

> > be overwhelming at times!

> >

> > t Ghodsian, ND

> > AltaVista Naturopathic Clinic

> > Vancouver, BC

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Not just mercury I'm afraid. There are many other harmful ingredients.

Antiobiotics play a role too and God knows what else. My son is an unvaccinated

autistic who received very large amounts of iv abx early in life. Trauma also

fits in with the breakdown. There is so much to consider here. Lots to


bluheron <bluheron@...> wrote: I may be a Teachers Assistant for an

autistic boy in the near future, and

wanted to read up on it. I found a great web-site, probably all of you have

heard of already, but if not, it is www.generationrescue.org and I have

not even begun to read it all, but one of the things that caught my eye was,

" UPI asks, " Where's all the Autistic Amish? " It is sooooo interesting so

far, but it kind of proves where the cause of all the autism comes from..

mercury in vaccines!

Western NY

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and the mercury in dental fillings, fish we eat, and from coal fired power

plants does not help either .. . .The new compact fluorescent light bulbs also

contain small amounts of mercury and need to be handled as hazardous waste.


I may be a Teachers Assistant for an autistic boy in the near future, and

wanted to read up on it. I found a great web-site, probably all of you have

heard of already, but if not, it is www.generationrescue.org and I have

not even begun to read it all, but one of the things that caught my eye was,

" UPI asks, " Where's all the Autistic Amish? " It is sooooo interesting so

far, but it kind of proves where the cause of all the autism comes from..

mercury in vaccines!

Western NY

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Whoops, sorry,,,should have deleted the message from the other listserv

before forwarding my message here. My bad;-(



I just posted this to another listserv, but maybe some here would be

interested, too. For those of you whose child has a dual diagnosis of ds and

autism, have you found changing their diet to be helpful at all?



I am reading a very interesting book right now -(_Healing the New Childhood

Epidemics: Autism,ADHD,Asthma and Allergies..The Groundbreaking Program for

the 4-A Disorders_ by Bock, MD) and he has this to say:

" Autism is still classified as strictly a psychiatric disorder, but that is

a diagnostic error. It certainly doesn't start from emotional problems. It

starts from physical harm to the brain. Therefore, it is actually a

neurological disorder. More specifically, it is a neurotoxic disorder,

because it's caused primarily by the presence of destructive elements that

injure the brain:

*toxic chemicals


*incomplete proteins


*immune cells that attack the brain

These harmful forces wreak havoc upon the b. The brain, and also cause

terrible damage to the rest of the body. They are especially damaging to the

very sensitive gastrointestinal systems and immune systems of young

children. That is why I consider autism to be a three-faceted illness, with

direct damage to

The immune system, the gastrointestinal system and the nervous system. After

these three systems have been damaged, they begin to further injure one

another in a vicious spiral of interwoven destruction. This destruction


*inflammation of the brain and gut

*Viral infiltration of the brain and gut

*Severe nutritional deficiencies

*Food reactions that have neurological consequences

*Autoimmune attacks upon the brain and body

*immune system overactivity and underactivity

*undernourished muscle tissue. " end quote

He goes on to talk about the huge role that diet and allergies can have in

some people w/autism(adhd,asthma...for example, for many kids, diet is key

to reducing or eliminating autistic behaviors/(asthma,adhd). Very

interesting book, easy to understand (some books are so technical that I get

lost, but this one is excellent...I got the book from my local library. If

anyone wants to read it, and your local library doesn't have a copy, they

should be able to get it for you (free) through the inter-library loan


Here is another quote;

" had been diagnosed as PDD-NOS at age two. He had suffered an

autistic regression as a toddler, which had resulted in the loss of his

acquired language, as well as in poor eye contact,hyperactivity,and poor

social skills. He'd had nine ear infections between six and eighteen months,

and suffered from chronic diarrhea. At his first visit, during which he

could not hold a conversation, he tested positive for allergies to

eggs,milk,peanuts,cat hair, and trees. His parents reported that his

developmental symptoms were worse every spring,when the trees bloomed. He

had low zinc, low vitamin A, low plasma cysteine, and low glutathione.

Because he was very allergic to cat hair, I had to recommend that they get

another home for their cat. When the cat was gone, and when

began to avoid his allergenic foods, his neurological problems improved

suddenly and dramatically. In less than three months, he had much better

interactive language, improved eye contact, smoother coordination, and less

bowel dysbiosis. Within one year of his first appointment, he was fully

conversant, and had suddenly become very popular at school. Within two

years, he had overcome his egg and tree allergies, and no longer regressed

behaviorally in the spring, when the trees bloomed. He was no longer getting

sick,,, " end quote.


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Guest guest

<<For those of you whose child has a dual diagnosis of ds andautism, have you found changing their diet to be helpful at all?>>

For us it's been one of the few things that has helped enormously. On the DS-Autism list with some 900 members now, however, it is very rarely discussed.


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Guest guest

I remember you saying years ago how much different was

when she was in the hospital once and wasn’t able to eat or drink

anything….how much better she was when she just received IV fluids.


Down Syndrome Treatment [mailto:Down Syndrome Treatment ]

On Behalf Of gldcst

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:22 PM

Down Syndrome Treatment

Subject: Re: Autism


those of you whose child has a dual diagnosis of ds and

autism, have you found changing their diet to be helpful at all?>>

For us it's

been one of the few things that has helped enormously. On the DS-Autism list

with some 900 members now, however, it is very rarely discussed.


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does not have ASD, but this was also very true for her. Her best developmental spurts always came while on IV's. Carol in IL AIM doihavtasay1Mom to seven including , 6 with TOF, AVcanal, GERD, LS, Asthma, subglottal stenosis, and DS.My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me. Join our Down Syndrome information group - Down Syndrome Treatment/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusic----- Original Message ----From: Kathy Ratkiewicz <Kathy_R@...>Down Syndrome Treatment Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2007 7:33:54 AMSubject: RE: Autism

I remember you saying years ago how much different was

when she was in the hospital once and wasn’t able to eat or drink

anything….how much better she was when she just received IV fluids.


DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@group s.com [mailto:DownSyndrom eInfoExchange]

On Behalf Of gldcst

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:22 PM

DownSyndromeInfoExc hange@group s.com

Subject: Re: [DownSyndromeInfoEx change] Autism


those of you whose child has a dual diagnosis of ds and

autism, have you found changing their diet to be helpful at all?>>

For us it's

been one of the few things that has helped enormously. On the DS-Autism list

with some 900 members now, however, it is very rarely discussed.


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There are a lot of resources about HBOT and autism on my websiteKP Stoller, MDPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- "jim m." <bdgranpa3@...> wrote:

Has anyone had any experience with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen treatment) and what were the results?

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Yes. I saw your name and the

resources. But I was more interested in hearing about parents reaction to the

treatment. But of course I respect your opinion and if you recommend it.


EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of KP

Stoller, MD

Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:02 PM


Subject: Re: Autism

There are a lot of resources about HBOT and autism on my website

KP Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


-- " jim m. " <bdgranpa3@...> wrote:

Has anyone had any experience with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen

treatment) and what were the results?



to create your dream holiday trip now.

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A multicentre double-blind study has been completed using HBOT and autism.

Go to usautism.org click on the link to order dvds of the conference and download the lecture by Dan Rosingnol on HBOT. All your questions will be answeredKP Stoller, MDPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- "jim m." <bdgranpa3@...> wrote:

Yes. I saw your name and the resources. But I was more interested in hearing about parents reaction to the treatment. But of course I respect your opinion and if you recommend it.

From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of KP Stoller, MDSent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:02 PMEOHarm Subject: Re: Autism

There are a lot of resources about HBOT and autism on my websiteKP Stoller, MDPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- "jim m." <bdgranpa3verizon (DOT) net> wrote:

Has anyone had any experience with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen treatment) and what were the results?

_____________________________________________________________Click to create your dream holiday trip now.

_____________________________________________________________Make up to $50 per hour with a career in the healthcare industry. Click here for more information.

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I would

join some autism biomedical treatment internet lists to ask this question. This

list really isn’t meant for discussion of treatments.


Re: Autism

There are

a lot of resources about HBOT and autism on my website

KP Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


-- " jim m. " <bdgranpa3verizon (DOT) net> wrote:

Has anyone had any experience with HBOT

(hyperbaric oxygen treatment) and what were the results?



to create your dream holiday trip now.

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About 20% of what gets posted to this list is off-topic from it stated

purpose. Since tangential issues naturally arise out of informal

discussion we ask only that people prefix their off-topic " subject "

line with " OT " as a courtesy to list members who did not sign up for

extraneous discussions. This allows them to readily identify and skip

over such posts, should they so choose.

Having said that, a good list for discussion of specific research and

treatment is the Autism Biomedical Discussion group for parents and

professionals. abmd list. The language is often

technical and a medical science background is presumed.

For a more entry-level exploration of treatment issues, I would

suggest the Autism Research Institute http://www.autism.com. Even

better yet, attend one of the alternative biomedical conferences

taking place all around the country. See the Autism Calendar of

Events at www.sarnet.org/events

Lenny Schafer

EOHarm List Co-Host




> Has anyone had any experience with HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen treatment)

> and what were the results?




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We did 100 dives in a hard chamber last year. Good,

slow steady progress. We saw better eye contact and

articulation. My son keeps asking to go back. We are

planning to finish chelation and then return to HBOT.

You can find more info at www.drneubrander.com

--- " jim m. " <bdgranpa3@...> wrote:



> Has anyone had any experience with HBOT (hyperbaric

> oxygen treatment) and

> what were the results?





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Yes but they are giving all that frickin' money to the bottomless pit of

Avondale House--

which to my knowledge has never helped a SINGLE person reach independent


They are the old model " oh woe is me. my child has been given the life

sentence of

autism. please give me money to care for a lifetime of care for my child

who can't even

learn to read because we don't send our fricking teachers to any decent

trainings!!!!! "

sorry, avondale house is a real, huge sore point with me. they have a full

time development

director who represents autism as a hopeless life sentence to the well

heeled of autism and

sucks down and ENORMOUS amount of money for very ineffective programming.


the texans have a couple funds set up for autism projects:



also the singer of the national anthem at fenway (the boston red sox

stadium) was autistic:

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