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In a message dated 8/23/2002 4:53:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

jcv@... writes:

<< is there anyone who has thyroiditis and used the beck protocol? >>

Hi ,

I checked the testimonials for thyroiditis and didn't see anything listed.

We need more testimonials. If this is an autoimmune disease then the Beck

protocol should be helpful.

Have you researched JMT (Jaffe-Mellor Technique)?



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Another question on electrification

Has anyone had or has thyroiditis tried the

Beck protocol?

What sort of results did you get ?

thank you

Re: question

> In a message dated 8/20/2002 11:47:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> bestmassage@... writes:


> << is it difficult to have correct placement of the electrodes or if i

> put it in .5 inch on the wrist can i be reasonably sure that it will

> be ok? >>


> Hi,

> This should help with electrode placement:

> http://healthalternative.freeyellow.com/bobbeck.htm#P01PAGE07


> Dotsie






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HY Dotsie

Thank you

I will

Re: question

> In a message dated 8/23/2002 4:53:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> jcv@... writes:


> << is there anyone who has thyroiditis and used the beck protocol? >>


> Hi ,

> I checked the testimonials for thyroiditis and didn't see anything listed.

> We need more testimonials. If this is an autoimmune disease then the Beck

> protocol should be helpful.

> Have you researched JMT (Jaffe-Mellor Technique)?

> http://www.totalhealthmethods.com/autoimmune_disease.htm

> Dotsie






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  • 1 month later...

I may need the extension due to SI problems and the remaining disc is pretty

much shot. Prior to my surgery (12/98) I was very active and have always

exercised and worked on flexibility so that was a huge advantage for me.

Since then, I still exercise same as before and also maintain my stretching.

My PT told me that had it not been for my life-long commitment to staying in

shape, I very well may have been nearly incapacitated by now. By the way, I

am 43. Thanks for your info, Sanette. I appreciate it. Krysi

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Your doctor will be the best one to answer this. Sometimes we lose a bit of

function because of degeneration. This could mean that you are already

experiencing some change in your ability to bend. BUT it is absolutely great if

you have flexible hamstrings- My guess would be that if you haven't missed

bending (forward), it might not affect you too much.

Why do you need an extention? What do you do to stay so flexibile?

It sounds like you have a great attitude- Keep it up.




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Dear Liz, you poor thing! How I remember the long teething nights, and I don't

envy the position you are in. For both my babies I used a couple of drops of

Rescue Remedy and Hyland's teething tablets. They worked really great for the

boys and allowed them to calm down so they could rest. Hylands also makes Vit C

for the kiddies which I have bought. Each tablet is only 25 mg.

Is there not a real health food store near you? The reason I ask is because

everything that I have ever boughten (is this a real word?) from GNC I have not

liked. I liken GNC to a pharmaceutical company store, and I never go there


Anyway, good luck with the teething!


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we ALL have a malabsorption problem. that is why we take 3 multis a

day and why we are not supposed to drink with our meals etc etc....

these things we do for LIFE. we dont just stop when we lose the

weight. if you dont follow these rules you will have malabsorption

side effects, eventually. my iron deficiency made a believer out of

me! i do not EVER want to do the iron shots again!!! i am ok now,

but it was too close for comfort. good luck

cathy BN cautious

> Does anyone have problems with malabsorption? Or does anyone know

much about the subject?



> Omaha




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yes they give all at one visit its a crime isnt it



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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Amy, In my opinion this is nothing you should worry about. As long as the baby

didn't have the oral (live) polio vacine, I don't think theres a risk. And even

then, it's minor as well. But I don't think thats the vaccine this child had,

it's probably the killed one. Where I come from there are lots of unvaccinated

kids in daycare centers, and there other kids get these same vaccines, even the

live polio one until recently, and even polio has not been seen in this country

since 1976. I think perhaps all this studying vaccines is sucking us into the

thinking 'this one bad germ and that other bad germ', truth is, we are all

exposed to all sorts of germs all the time, and in my opinion, its not the germs

that make you sick in the first place. Rather, I see germs as scavengers,

thriving in a body only if there is a reason for it to (to clean something up

(and yes, often leaving bad stuff behind while doing so)), so if we try to

minimize the need for cleaning up, its the safest way around. After all, God did

quite a good work on making our bodies the way they are... :)

Anyway, I'd say no need to worry, and also WOW, do they really give all those

vaccines at the same time over there?? madness... that's like 13 vaccines in

one!! Here, we have not got the Prevnar not the HepB vax, and

Dip-Tet-Polio-Pert-HIB are in the same shot.

hope you feel better :)

Per from Denmark


My friends baby was here yesterday and had just been vaxed on the 2nd of OCt


Does this pose a risk to my baby. I was un aware till after she left. I ha ve

asked her before to NOT stop here in the time frame of being vaxed UGGGH so I

didnt think to ask at the momnet at the door.



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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Are you taking your citrucel?

in DC








>From: " ronkaren " <ronkaren@...>



>Subject: Question

>Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 19:58:14 -0500


>Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bad case of constipation? I did

>not have one for almost 4 days and then I was so bound up it was terrible.

>What does anyone else do when they have this problem I do not want it







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If you are drinking enough liquids and still having problems, then try

Milk of Magnesia or Senokot with stool softener. When was surgery? If it

was recent, the anesthesia and pain meds are contributors.



Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bad case of constipation? I

did not have one for almost 4 days and then I was so bound up it was

terrible. What does anyone else do when they have this problem I do not

want it again.


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If you are drinking enough liquids and still having problems, then try

Milk of Magnesia or Senokot with stool softener. When was surgery? If it

was recent, the anesthesia and pain meds are contributors.



Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bad case of constipation? I

did not have one for almost 4 days and then I was so bound up it was

terrible. What does anyone else do when they have this problem I do not

want it again.


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It has been 15 months ago. But this is the first time I have had this bad of

a problem with this. Dr O'Brien does not tell us to take citrucel every day.

So was wondering if the new benifber once a day would be ok as I do not

think I could handle the taste of citrucel. Someone told me though that they

have a new kind out that has no taste have not been able to find it. Also

what causes an impacted bowel???




> Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bad case of constipation? I

> did not have one for almost 4 days and then I was so bound up it was

> terrible. What does anyone else do when they have this problem I do not

> want it again.


> Thanks




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Lets just put it this way, i can " take " the taste of citrucel MUCH

better than impacted bowels! you can take a lot more than you think,

i know i found out i coud do a lot more that i EVER thought i

could.....like taking vits and citrucel and gatorade (all of which i

hate) but i dont hate anything like i hated being morbidly obese.

hang in there-- take the citrucel plain or orange...... just do what

you need to do to stay well.

be well

cathy s in va

> It has been 15 months ago. But this is the first time I have had

this bad of

> a problem with this. Dr O'Brien does not tell us to take citrucel

every day.

> So was wondering if the new benifber once a day would be ok as I do


> think I could handle the taste of citrucel. Someone told me though

that they

> have a new kind out that has no taste have not been able to find

it. Also

> what causes an impacted bowel???


> Thanks


> Question

> >

> > Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bad case of

constipation? I

> > did not have one for almost 4 days and then I was so bound up it


> > terrible. What does anyone else do when they have this problem I

do not

> > want it again.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't imagine that it would matter that you had had an MGB --- but

then I could be wrong. If you feel like it go do it!

in GA

> question



> how long should I wait to get my ears repierced?


> thanks

> hillary in NC

> 216/202




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Hi there Hillary,

You don't have to wait after surgery to have your ears pierced.

There is no time restrictions at all.


Medical Records




how long should I wait to get my ears repierced?


hillary in NC


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Huh? I'm not sure what that would have to do with the MGB. There's no blood

loss or anything so I'm not sure why you would have to wait at all.

In a message dated 11/06/2002 6:41:08 AM Central Standard Time,

Evili13@... writes:

<< how long should I wait to get my ears repierced?


hillary in NC

216/202 >>

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You should be able to do it anytime you want to...



Cushing Oklahoma USA




...I am always happy to be a contact. But

Please....contact me privately.

> question



> how long should i wait to get my ears repierced?


> thanks

> hillary in NC

> 216/204





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  • 1 month later...

--- " cottagegirl54 <jgibc547@...> "

<jgibc547@...> wrote:




I am very new to this group so I first of all wanted

to say Hi to <BR>

everyone and say that I am so glad that I found a

group that gives <BR>

support to people like myself with C-toma..I was

diagnosed with C-<BR>

toma about 10 years ago..I never had any ear

infections as a child <BR>

and do not recall any injuries to my left ear..I have

had 2 surgeries <BR>

(so far)a third one I need this year..I live in

Toronto..The first <BR>

surgery was easy ...I had a radical

mastiodectomy. & nbsp; All the bones <BR>

that conduct hear were removed and my doctor told me

it was one of <BR>

the largest c-tomas he had seen.. I did not have any

pain or any <BR>

dizziness what so every after this surgery..Then I

started to get <BR>

discharge and was going every month for a

cleaning...This was awful <BR>

as every time I got this done I got so dizzy I felt

like I was going <BR>

to pass out..then my doctor told me I had to have a

2nd surgery..This <BR>

one was quite different to the first. & nbsp; I still

had no pain after <BR>

surgery however after I woke up I was so dizzy I could

barely <BR>

walk..This lasted for a while..and every so often I

would get dizzy <BR>

for no reason..This is why I am absolutely terrified

to have the <BR>

third surgery..I wanted to know from anyone if that is

normal to have <BR>

so much dizziness...and I wonder why it didnt happen

the first time <BR>

when it seemed like more exsensive work was done???





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Hi Jan

Thank you for the information..Did you Dr.prescibe anything for the

dizzines. My doctor told me that after surgery he does not give

anything for the veritigo that this is something that has to settle

on its own..I wondered if your Dr. said the same thing.


> <HR>

> <html><body>



> <tt>

> I am very new to this group so I first of all wanted

> to say Hi to <BR>

> everyone and say that I am so glad that I found a

> group that gives <BR>

> support to people like myself with C-toma..I was

> diagnosed with C-<BR>

> toma about 10 years ago..I never had any ear

> infections as a child <BR>

> and do not recall any injuries to my left ear..I have

> had 2 surgeries <BR>

> (so far)a third one I need this year..I live in

> Toronto..The first <BR>

> surgery was easy ...I had a radical

> mastiodectomy. & nbsp; All the bones <BR>

> that conduct hear were removed and my doctor told me

> it was one of <BR>

> the largest c-tomas he had seen.. I did not have any

> pain or any <BR>

> dizziness what so every after this surgery..Then I

> started to get <BR>

> discharge and was going every month for a

> cleaning...This was awful <BR>

> as every time I got this done I got so dizzy I felt

> like I was going <BR>

> to pass out..then my doctor told me I had to have a

> 2nd surgery..This <BR>

> one was quite different to the first. & nbsp; I still

> had no pain after <BR>

> surgery however after I woke up I was so dizzy I could

> barely <BR>

> walk..This lasted for a while..and every so often I

> would get dizzy <BR>

> for no reason..This is why I am absolutely terrified

> to have the <BR>

> third surgery..I wanted to know from anyone if that is

> normal to have <BR>

> so much dizziness...and I wonder why it didnt happen

> the first time <BR>

> when it seemed like more exsensive work was done???

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


> <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->


> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC>

> <td align=center><font size= " -1 "

> color=#003399><b>

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I have had some benefit from taking calcium channel blockers (Procardia/nifedipine, NOT the slow-release variety), but I can't take it long-term because of my low blood pressure and the headaches that it gives me.

There is no known "cure" for achalasia at this time... only different treatments to try to lessen the symptoms enough to be manageable.

Debbi in Michigan


is there any medicine that people with this disease can take?

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Maybe a decongestent prior to sleeping will help....my allergies and stuffiness gets a lot better when on the steroids, so I am surprised that you have so much trouble when on this medication.


-----Original Message-----From: teblake@... [mailto:teblake@...] Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:40 AMsamters Subject: QuestionHI all,This is a very valuable tool and thanks all for keeping it going.My question is this.My wheezing and chest tightness is controlled well with pulmicort and serivent. I take nasonex but the only time my sinuses are clear is when I am on prednisone. When I am not on prednisone I awake every night after 4-5 hours of sleep with a very dry mouth due to breathing only from my mouth and then cannot get back to sleep for more than 30 mins due to the dryness. Do any of you have any ideas of ways to conquer this? Putting a piece of sugarless candy in my mouth helps but I do not want to do this every night. A humidifier does not seem to help at all.Thanks,Tom.

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Give the Lex more time to work. And check with your doctor. It may be that your dose needs to be adjusted.

Yes, jaw clenching is a side for several here, including me. Though I'm happy to report that mine is trying to subside (yea!).

Good luck,

----- Original Message -----

How long would you say that it took you till you started feeling better. It's been two weeks and it's working a little but not like celexa use to. Before celexa stopped working. Everyone says it doesn't take that long for lex to work. So does anyone think that it will get better as time goes on. Also did anyone have jaw clenching as a side.


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