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In a message dated 4/3/01 9:04:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

okieleah@... writes:

<< don't know if this applies to everyone, but here are some links to

keyboards for little hands and fingers..... ashton actually has a winnie the

pooh keyboard, but uses the intellikeys at home too....these below are much

cheaper....just thought i would pass them on...leah

Link to a keyboards that fit little hands.........

LittleFingersâ„¢ (I highly recommend)


My First Keyboard




The My First Keyboard looks so cute! Anyone use a touch screen here? I'm

thinking about one for Seth.


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> > What do you all think. I am having trouble " fitting in " enough

> > vegetables into my meals. What about a 12 oz can of V-8 and have

> that count

> > as my carbohydrate (15 grams of carbs) with a protein portion.

Nice idea, but with all this liquid we're drinking already....


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ashton used a touchscreen when she was younger 6 and 7 maybe??? but now she

is learning typing skills so i don't utilize it anymore...edmark makes a

good one and if you watch you can get them on ebay for under 100 dollars,

sometimes thirty or fourty bucks....that is a great steal:-)



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-- I've got the moss on the deck just about rid of--believe it or not laundry soap kills it!!!!! And up here you just don't wants to be out in the rain for a month or more<g> but you have to 'watch' where you step!!


Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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Gosh!!!!! I should hope so!!!!!! I'll just get out the old Arm & Hammer(dtergent)!!!!!

I think a month in the rain would turn anyone green!!!! Especially the places that are just starving for water!!!!!!! Sure would like to send some of ours their way! After having the past 5 days w/o rain - the forecast is for rain starting early Fri & going til God knows when???!!!!!!

I am honestly so sick of RAIN...I've lived up here for the past 27 years( & I do like all the water(lakes & rivers) & the foliage--green grass.....you can mow it & it looks just like a lawn(if you don't have a bunch of wild blackberries growing everywhere( I detest them) the only thorns I CAN abide with are on rosebushes(at least they're pretty to look at) Honestly the blackberries have taken over quite a bit of our property! My neighbor told me tonite she'd loan me her goat(he'll actually eat the blackberry bushes) The last one that was in our neighborhood used to get loose & come up here & eat everything BUT the blackberies..... I'm seriously thinking of getting a couple of oinkers.....they root out the blackberries-- very efficiently!!


Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi All of you wonderful people I haven't been online for quite some time...... due to being sickly!? Ever since Sat. I've been feeling -under the weather- Actually spent the past few days in bed!! It's my darn ol' abdominal pains- back to torment me again--God! How I hate feelin' lousy!! Started feeling a bit better this evening & am now trying to play 'catch-up' with my emails!! I'm hoping to make it outdoors by tomorrow????? I'm getting 'cabin fever'! Hope everyone is doing OK!!! arlene Terry Long wrote: I sure hope so, the only messages I have this morning are from you. But at least I have those. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Thanks Terry..It's nice to be loved even when I don't know what I'm talkin about half the time..Looks like got their stuff together huh?? Bout time..

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For those of you that would like to try the Intramuscular injections of

penicillin that made ALL the difference in my successful use of the AP

protocal (I was too sick to tolerate minocycline or Cipro or any other

macrolide and instead of going to an IV we tried IM injections and I was

profoundly better in a week without an intolerable herx!) as follows is the

regime, hope it works for some of you as it did for me. kathy

Benzathine penicillin-

Surprisingly effective IM alternative to oral therapy. May need to begin at

lower doses as strong, prolonged (6 or more week) Herxheimer-like reactions

have been observed.

Adults: 1.2 million U once to twice weekly.

Adolescents: 300,000 to 1.2 million U weekly.

Should not be used in pregnancy.

Poorly studied but anecdotally effective

>>> I understand what you are going thru. this is what worked amazingly well


>>> me when I began the AP and was in a hopeless situation because I was to


>>> to carry on. I could not tolerate even the smallest amount of



>>> cipro or any oral abx (antibiotics). My doctor gave me intramuscular

>>> injections twice weekly of Bicillin which is a penicillin. I was better

>in a

>>> week. I think the infectious burden is so great in our bodies that for


>>> reason penicillin killed of some things and perhaps not others and my


>>> was able to handle it. after two months of injections I was able to


>>> the mino perfectly well...It was an amazing difference. the doctor saw


>>> terrific results with me that he tried the same protocal on another RA

>>> patient (however she had had Ra for 20 years and was 50 years old.) and


>>> responding amazingly well! she couldn't beleive the motion she recovered


>>> her hands from the bicillin. Bicillin avoids the gut and is easilly

>>> tolerated and will not cause some of those kinds of issues that mino


>>> however minocycline is needed to attact different forms that cause the


>>> Bicillin is relatively inexpensive. The injection is taken in the


>>> and the needle is large, but it doesn't hurt except mentally.

>>> If you want the dosage amounts and the doctors protocal I will dig it


>>> for you. hang in there, kathy

rheumatic (unknown)

>Hi everybody


>Its Fran, the sister of Joan from Scotland. I hope you are all

>feeling well just now. I am looking for some more advice. Joan is

>really really unwell at the moment. She can't eat at all (3rd day). I

>went round today to cook her something thinking that maybe she could

>stomach something if she hadn't prepared it herself. I cooked for her

>all last week (I hope I haven't poisoned her! LOL) but as I was busy

>the last couple of days left her to her own devices. Well... she told

>me she didn't think she could eat but I made her a lamb steak with

>green leafy vegetables etc anyway (Itried to follow the diet). The

>first piece of lamb in her mouth caused her to retch and vomit for

>about 15 minutes. She didn't even swallow it. It was quite



>She thinks she may also have a lupus side effect from the minocin.

>Her connective tissues are really tender and she has red welts on her

>skin. She likened it to scepticemia or blood poisoning. I don't know.

>She can't even leave her chair to go to the toilet it is that

>painful. She seems to have a type of water retention in her ankles.


>She can't go on like this. Her son has virtually moved in with us, he

>just goes home to bed. I don't mind and enjoy helping them, but I

>think it is depressing her. She gets really lonely. What can I do to

>help? It seems the more I help the worse it gets for her.


>Thanks for any help






>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Dear Teela,

My my, you do have your hands full!!! Best wishes with the birth, and

welcome to the world to your new little person!!

Just a thought, for later when you have some time (ha!). The regression

issues (wetting, etc.) reminded me of someone I know whose child had severe

undetected food allergies. Caused all kinds of weird symptoms like that.

Soooo.... if nothing else seems to be helping you could always explore that


I hope Summer gets some relief soon. She's so little to be dealing with

so much!

Again, best wishes to you and yours!

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this is incredible...do you have the original website so I can have copy of


I am not a medical doctor,

nor do I portray one on t.v.!

(But my husband,Mike,is!!!)


mother to (13),Donovan(8),

Buck(4),Luke(3), and (1)

2 csecs,3 VBACs(1 partial waterbirth,

1 complete waterbirth)

Please visit us at our website


for information on nutritional supplements,

including the original oral chelator, skin care,

weight loss(The Florida Diet),Herbs for Health,

and home products

----- Original Message -----

From: Lashanna Small

Mercury Toxicity and Systemic Elimination Agents

The following paper has been a long time in the making. I first wrote it

nearly three years ago

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Wow! Thanks for sharing. Very impressive improvements through self care.

At 04:26 PM 4/10/01 +0000, you wrote:

>I know all heart problems are different, but something has occured

>that I never expected, and you seem to rarely hear about.


>I had two heart attacks do to sudden death in 96. That is when I got

>the ICD. At that time wy EF was 17-18, or pretty beat.


>At that point, once I learned to walk again, I started walking three

>miles per day. I changed my diet to all low fat meats, lots of veggis

>and fruit, almost no carbohydrates or sugar. I later joined a gym and

>went three days per week.


>the amazing part:


>1996 EF 17-18

>1997 EF 21

>1998 EF 28-32

>1999 EF 32

>2000 EF 32 Big exercise year and lost 20% of body weight.

>2001 EF 43 WOW!


>I know everyone does not respond the same, but in 96 I took the diet

>and exercise story from the doctor as something they just tell

>everyone. Foolish me.


>Another benifit, they took me off Lipitor last month because my

>Colesterol was TO LOW.


>To cool, hope those batteries last the next 10 years



>Please visit the Zapper homepage at




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I know we have talked about Gabby quite a bit. I can't remember, did she

have joint problems as well???

How did they conclude that she has Systemic JRA?? I know that she has

periodic episodes, not daily and that is how we were comparing our

daughters. Kelli had a diagnosis of Systemic JRA pulled in December of this

year, due to the fact that she doesn't have any permanent arthritis right

now. She does get joint pain, swelling, rashes, etc., but the Ped. Rheumy

doesn't feel comfortable with that diagnosis, because most of his systemic

kids are in worse shape than Kelli.

I know that you have been frustrated, because we too share in that. We have

been waiting for over 4 years for a definitive diagnosis. We thought we had

one in the Fall of 1999 until 4 months ago.

We have had her all over the country and no 2 Rheumatologists can agree on

exactly what is wrong with her because they can't find the arthritis, they

just call it arthralgia for now, because when the swelling goes away, there

is any evidence of arthritis. It's good for Kelli, but frustrating for us.

We have even had a Ped. Rheumy see the systemic rash, and still no

definitive diagnosis.

Oh well, I'll quit rambling. Just curious also, what part of the country do

you live in? And I know that you have to feel so much better now with some

answers. Good luck and I know that this isn't an easy road.



>After 14+ months Gabby was diagnosed with systemic JRA

>on Monday. It's what we've suspected for awhile, but

>the conclusive diagnosis wasn't given until then.

>They've changed her meds and will continue to have her

>see the ped rheum monthly. I know we don't have a

>crystal ball, nor would I want one, but I'd like to

>know what I could/would/should expect. What are the

>odds of her just " growing " out of this...what signs

>other than the obvious can I look for. She's 3 years

>old and a bundle of ENERGY for the most part. That's

>how it was easier than some to tell that " something "

>was wrong with her. They just didn't conclude what it

>was until now. Thank you for your support and your









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My daughter who is now 4 was diagnosed with jra at 2. She too was abundle of

energy until we noticed that her ankle and knee were swollen at about 18

months. She has a positive rheumatoid factor and ana. She has some bad flares

from time to time and i've noticed that the older she gets the more fatigued

she seems right before she flares. She tires easier than most kids her age.

I dont know if this is from the medicine she is on or the jra itself.

My daughter also has cerebral palsey, asthma and seizures as well, though. I

don't know if this has helped any but good luck and take care of your little


Charlene(chyannes mom)

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I've read different things about the odds of the jra disappearing once the

child reaches adulthood. The range has been something like 50-80%. Even

that's a little misleading though because even those who outgrow it could

have some lasting effects (e.g. joint damage) which stay with them into

adulthood. Still, it's something to hope for.


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I have read that there is a fairly high chance of those with Stills Disease

relapsing in later years with some other form of RA. Don't recall where I read

it though I believe it was in one of the reports here.

Re: (unknown)


I've read different things about the odds of the jra disappearing once the

child reaches adulthood. The range has been something like 50-80%. Even

that's a little misleading though because even those who outgrow it could

have some lasting effects (e.g. joint damage) which stay with them into

adulthood. Still, it's something to hope for.


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Hello Rick,

Die for me usually comes in different ways for me. There's the all over bad feeling and the "fits" I get of naseau after I've taken something that kills the yeast quickly.

Die off is a difficult thing to deal with. When I would get my naseaus "fits" I grab ice packs and hold them around my neck and that helps me get through it.

I hope you feel better soon. Just know that the die off is a good sign that what your taking is doing its job and it will eventually get better. Hang in there.

All my best,


Hi.This is my second posting. I have contacted some of you individually.I am just past my first pulse of double dose lamisil for a week with two more to go in May and June. The die off effects were much worse than I anticipated.I am alarmed at the degradation of my mental functions. Any expression of support will be greatly appreciated while I recover. I am almost completely isolated. I look forward to getting well when I get through this. Also any information on die off effects and getting through them will be helpful.Rick_________________________________________________________________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.comSend blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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HANG IN THERE!!!! I know that die-off can be intense but keep looking

forward to the days ahead when you will feel better.....

I am the mother of a six year old little boy with a chronic case of

Candidia. (Chronic Mucocutaneous candidiasis, a rare form) When we first

started his diet and supplements he too went thru a very bad die-off

period....it was hard to watch him go thru it but believe me when I tell you

it was worth it so, DO NOT QUIT Rick........the results are well worth all

your efforts!!!!!!! He has been on his diet, supplements & new lifestyle for

over six months now, we can't believe that this is the same child anymore!!!

His health has improved ten fold!!!!!!!

Some of the steps we took to help him thru die-off were: taking a nice warm

relaxing bath daily -- it soothes the body and helps release some of the

toxins. (we put either epsoms salts or baking soda in the bath water) Drink

LOTS and LOTS of water, this will help to flush out the toxins as well, I

KNOW this is the last thing you want to hear right now but.....get exercise,

plenty of it, even if it is just a simply walk in the fresh air everyday!

Have you tried and or, checked in to taking Golden Seal, Milk Thistle or MSM

to help relieve the die-off? Green Tea is also good for die-off....... Read

and study information on the internet, ask questions on the forum....they are

all great people that care, understand and always have good advice to


I hope this has helped some....try to remember: positive attitude =

positive results.....

You CAN do it!!!!!


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Has anyone ever heard of having a bath with Epsom salts (or something like

that, it was well over a week ago my Mother was telling me about it and Lord

if I can remember it!) using this solution in your bathwater to help your

body release toxins through your sweat... ? I can remember her saying that

you would soak in it for about an hour in relatively hot water (to make you

sweat, since toxins are also released through your sweat) and then take a nap

afterwards because it would tire you out. Does anyone know what I'm talking

about? If you want, I can try to find out more about it.



Some people come into our lives and quickly go

Leaving bruises and scars on our hearts

Some stay awhile and leave gentle footprints

Of love and respect on our hearts and souls

And we are Never, Ever the same.

2001/04/13 21:14:25 CDT

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In a message dated 04/12/2001 8:49:50 AM Central Daylight Time,

RubeeRed002@... writes:

<< Some of the steps we took to help him thru die-off were: taking a nice


relaxing bath daily -- it soothes the body and helps release some of the

toxins. (we put either epsoms salts or baking soda in the bath water) >>

I don't know why I did not see this in the ()'s.... I must be truly out of

it. sorry guys...


Some people come into our lives and quickly go

Leaving bruises and scars on our hearts

Some stay awhile and leave gentle footprints

Of love and respect on our hearts and souls

And we are Never, Ever the same.

2001/04/13 21:15:29 CDT

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I had posted the note to Rick about Epsoms Salts baths.............very

relaxing, it does help release toxins is very soothing to the body, skin.

I've had me son soak in it when he goes thru die-off. I put him into the a

warm tub with about a cup of the salts and let him play for about 20-30

minutes. Baking soda is another good thing to use....hope this helps.......


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In a message dated 4/15/01 10:08:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> finally. Ive been checking into

> stuff like sylvan,


There's plenty of places like Sylvan. Our older son went to a place

called Huntington Learning Center, which is essentially the same thing. I

should warn you however, that they are pricey. Is ' school aware of

his problems? Are they willing to do the testing? I know it's a lot to

think about. Do you suspect dyslexia or some form of processing problem?

I have a friend whose son had a hearing processing problem. I'm not exactly

sure what they do, but he does receive services through the school district.

Testing in instances of learning disabilities is very important because

there are just so many various types out there.

Just get through the holiday a!!! First things first, eh?!?!? Keep

us posted and good luck dear!!


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couldn't find " my groups " .. where is it, I wanna go to digest form too.

Trudy :))


> Would somebody PLEASE tell me how to get this in digest format?????



Go to www.e and sign in. Then go to " mygroups " and

then from there select " delivery options " . You can change it to

digest there.

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You probably need to signup in with the email address that

you are using to receive mail from this list. Go to

www., and you'll see where to register as a user.

Then login, go to My Groups, it'll be in the top right... and then

click on delivery options.

> > Would somebody PLEASE tell me how to get this in digest


> Thanks


> ,

> Go to www.e and sign in. Then go to " mygroups "


> then from there select " delivery options " . You can change it to

> digest there.






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In a message dated 4/16/01 4:28:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> Everyone pray that we get nicholas problem

> figured out soon, so that we can teach him

> appropriately. shawna.


LOTS of prayers headed your way a!!! Hang in there!! You'll get

through this too!! {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}


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thanks donna, nicholas has been recieving speech

services through AEA since he was three, i detectted

that early with the experience nathan had allready

given me, and had ST look at him and he has been doing

it since, ive been researching online some and read

some information on dyslexia, and they describe

nicholas to a " T " . I remember asking his teachers once

about it when he was way younger,around preschool, and

they just kept saying in some kids EG:letter

direction, takes a little longer. But he continues to

mix up b,d and p, often, and often double digit

numbers too. I could go on and on from this list of

info i printed off, this is just one area. I know

starting tomarrow, i will start my phone calls etc, to

AEA and school and get nicholas tested for the

dyslexia, if there is such a test, and i will send

them all copies of highlighted info on the subject

too. Everyone pray that we get nicholas problem

figured out soon, so that we can teach him

appropriately. shawna.

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/15/01 10:08:11 AM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> mashawnag@... writes:



> > finally. Ive been checking into

> > stuff like sylvan,



> a,

> There's plenty of places like Sylvan. Our older

> son went to a place

> called Huntington Learning Center, which is

> essentially the same thing. I

> should warn you however, that they are pricey. Is

> ' school aware of

> his problems? Are they willing to do the testing?

> I know it's a lot to

> think about. Do you suspect dyslexia or some form

> of processing problem?

> I have a friend whose son had a hearing processing

> problem. I'm not exactly

> sure what they do, but he does receive services

> through the school district.

> Testing in instances of learning disabilities is

> very important because

> there are just so many various types out there.

> Just get through the holiday a!!! First

> things first, eh?!?!? Keep

> us posted and good luck dear!!

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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> Checkout our homepage for information,

> bookmarks, and photos of our kids. Share favorite

> bookmarks, ideas, and other information by including

> them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record

> of the archives for our list.


> --------------------------------------------



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