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Re: (unknown)

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asleep is the way to go for these - the worst of it is the novacaine spray they give - made me gag - then, boom, I was out! it was great!


Re: (unknown)

Donna Glad I could offer some comfort for your forthcoming test. I've had 3 done now and I don't fear them at all - yet I fear the endoscopy and I've had 7 of them. Infact, I would go as far as to say I would want to be asleep for anymore - what a baby eh? Good luck and keep me posted on the results. Take care Lynn (UK)

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Dear Shireen,

There is a disease called CVS or Cyclic

Vomiting Syndrome.

I found it on the National Digestive

Diseases Clearinghouse website. I don’t want to send an attachment for

fear the Klez virus may attach itself to it. I keep

getting it too!

[ ]


Hi everyone,

I have a question about liver disease.

My friend has had a recurrence of

bloating, nausea and vomiting. She has had

multiple testing and the only

thing they found was a ruptured blood vessel in

the liver. Are her symptoms

indicative of liver disease?



Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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Thanks Rhonda, I will tell her.


>From: " savedbybunnies " <rbsteff@...>



>Subject: [ ] (unknown)

>Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 22:38:17 -0000


>Dear Shireen:

>The nausea and vomiting is what finally drove me to a specialist to

>find out what was wrong. It started out just occasional, then

>several times a week, then every morning, then everymeal...over like

>a five year period. I was initially diagnosed with CMV hepatitis

>then AIH. She may want to have it looked at.






> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I have a question about liver disease. My friend has had a

>recurrence of

> > bloating, nausea and vomiting. She has had multiple testing and

>the only

> > thing they found was a ruptured blood vessel in the liver. Are

>her symptoms

> > indicative of liver disease?

> >

> > Shireen

> >

> >

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:




Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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In a message dated 10/3/02 2:00:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

sjssjs00@... writes:

> You reminded me

> about how important it is to maintain a fighting spirit and not to

> succumb to negative thoughts. It's so important that we encourage

> each other not to give up

I'm just gonna echo the same thing you said cause I am frustrated and mad at

the moment about being broke and not being able to find a job, not being

documented as having any level of impedement or disability not able to see a

doctor or to get mental help just screwed and i cant find a way out gonna

have to sell my truck cause my drivers liscence and plates were suspended

this week aol already sent me a letter saying if i dont pay the bill they

will cut it off so this could be the last mail cause as of 2 days ago my

bank accounts totalled 0 and nobody owes me that is likely to ever pay their

debts to me. If all that wasnt enough another friend of many years told me to

stop making excuses today and hung up the phone on me Ok no more

complaining just dig a green bean can out of the trash and sit on the corner

begging for pennies hopefully it will be enough to get a sandwich. I know

we have to keep our chins up but it breaks my heart cause psoriasis has

taken nearly everything from me. Orin

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In a message dated 10/3/02 2:30:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, poggim@...


<< Happy 21st . I hope you have a great time celebrating with friends



Marisa >>

Ditto !

Gail :-)

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I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Where in TX do you live? My mom lives

in Wylie, maybe she can help you find a job? I feel so bad for you, I would

hate to see you not able to post to the list because your aol gets cut off, if

its gets close to that, let me know, maybe I can help. I pay for aol access

every month and we don't even use it! If you had to go off-line I would really

miss your posts. I like reading your posts because it makes me miss my family

less since everyone is in TX and I'm in MN, plus my dad, who passed away, his

name was Oren, just like yours except spelled different. I would like to help

if I can. Email me privately if you like. 2727@...

Re: [ ] (unknown)

In a message dated 10/3/02 2:00:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

sjssjs00@... writes:

> You reminded me

> about how important it is to maintain a fighting spirit and not to

> succumb to negative thoughts. It's so important that we encourage

> each other not to give up

I'm just gonna echo the same thing you said cause I am frustrated and mad at

the moment about being broke and not being able to find a job, not being

documented as having any level of impedement or disability not able to see a

doctor or to get mental help just screwed and i cant find a way out gonna

have to sell my truck cause my drivers liscence and plates were suspended

this week aol already sent me a letter saying if i dont pay the bill they

will cut it off so this could be the last mail cause as of 2 days ago my

bank accounts totalled 0 and nobody owes me that is likely to ever pay their

debts to me. If all that wasnt enough another friend of many years told me to

stop making excuses today and hung up the phone on me Ok no more

complaining just dig a green bean can out of the trash and sit on the corner

begging for pennies hopefully it will be enough to get a sandwich. I know

we have to keep our chins up but it breaks my heart cause psoriasis has

taken nearly everything from me. Orin

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In a message dated 10/5/02 1:27:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

2727@... writes:

> I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Where in TX do you live? My mom

> lives in Wylie, maybe she can help you find a job? I feel so bad for you,

> I would hate to see you not able to post to the list because your aol gets

> cut off, if its gets close to that, let me know, maybe I can help. I pay

> for aol access every month and we don't even use it! If you had to go

> off-line I would really miss your posts. I like reading your posts because

> it makes me miss my family less since everyone is in TX and I'm in MN, plus

> my dad, who passed away, his name was Oren, just like yours except spelled

> different. I would like to help if I can. Email me privately if you like.

> 2727@...




Thanks I actually live in a suburb of Texas, specificly Oklahoma ha

ha If worse comes to worst then I can always have my brother or my mother

set me up a screen name under their accounts. Stubborness got me in to the

situation I am in. I always thought it looked bad if you get fired from a

job and all but once was given the option to quit rather than being fired

cause I had always done good productive work but they just can tolerate the

absences. I can understand their position. The problem with doing it that

way is that in OK you cant collect unemployment if you voluntarily quit and

for only 6 months even if you are fired but that allows you the option of

vocational rehab, training for some other job. I thought this time would be

like all the others in that I would just have to start over at another job,

bust ass and become favored and that would extend the time that I could

remain in their employ until they had to fire me over " I dont know what

happened to my knee/back/shoulder it just hurts like hell it will be ok in a

few days " I had bad experiences with doctors and insurance and it never

seemed that what they offered actually helped long term and usually backfired

to make my situation even worse. I didnt know that the joint pains in the

spine and for me especially ribs was related to the psor until I had been

messed up and unable to work for about 9 months out of desperation I found

this group and realised what all the unexplainable pains had been since I was

a kid. Then I looked back and realised that in fact not everybody felt that

way, not everbody had those kinds of pains to deal with. Then it all made

sense why I would make straight A's in school and all of a sudden I flunk

because of absences. The only suggestions the family doctor had was " It's

just growing pains " , " feed him more greens " and " He will grow out of it " .

That laid the foundation of contempt for inept doctors. I had a 104 average

in biology my junior year in high school and flunked from absences. I went

through to my senior year and was informed that I only had enough credits to

be a sophomore at that point so I came back the next year as a junior in

hopes that with summer school and a few courses at the community college at

night I could graduate only 2 years late. Well that turned out to be too much

to deal with so I ended up dropping out what a shame. The working world was

much the same for me. I adopted a compensatory attitude of working like a

maniac, volunteering for all the overtime I could get, working through breaks

to try and be as valuable as possible so that when the next " crash " came I

would be in better standing with the company and maybe they would adjust

their policy to retain me. That would work for a time. I went from job to job

all these years and though I didnt make much money I can say that I gained a

tremendous amount of experience from the suffering. Well here I am. I just

found out the other day that a company I had really contributed to for 3

years and have used as reference on job applications had it in their record

on me that I had worked there 2 months rather than 3 years. Ya that really

helps when you tell a potential employer you worked somewhere for 3 years and

they call the old company who says ya he worked here 2 months! I've called

some of the companies where I have since applied to ask whether that

erroneous fact had any bearing on their choice not to hire but they either

dont remember or apparently dont want to get involved in a potential lawsuit.

The last job I worked I was being harrassed because of the psor people

coming into the office where I worked humming jingle bells etc in reference

to the snow on the carpet around my chair. I did talk to the lady who did

the cleaning and explained my situation to her. She was compassionate about

it and vaccuumed my area more often but the running joke was already

established. I'm not really a vengeful person but I'm getting desperate. I

paid a counsellor last year to try to come to grips with my emotions and find

some way to be happy in spite of the situation but finally got to where I

couldnt pay him and seems like each time I went to him I would come out with

a little darker view on the world so maybe he was the wrong one. I recently

looked for some kind of public assistance for the emotional problems and

apparently they werent really into counselling " we dont have enough funding

to support counselling " seems what they actually are is state funded drug

dealers. I dont know, if that will help resolve the situation I will take

the dope but wouldnt it be better to see if advice from someone might help

before resorting to creation of another zombie? Whew! What a mess. My

psoriasis is not that bad but it has really messed me up. It has ruined my

self confidence and ruined confidence others might otherwise have entrusted

in me. It feels futile to go into another job, which will likely be at or

near minimum wage compared to 16 an hour at the last one, knowing that it may

only be 6 months until I stand in front of them thinking about all the

extreme effort I put in and listening to them say " I hate to do this

but.... " People that have know me for years are now attacking me cause I am

not living up to my potential. What is my potential? What can I do in this

circumstance? What could any of them do if they had these things to deal

with? It's really easy to minimise someone else's problems and is probably

the thing to do in hopes of encouraging them to make lemonade but they just

cant know what it can do to someone with a can-do personality. One good

friend that I had known since 1977 a few months ago; " Some people just dont

want anything they have to earn. " Another who considers herself to be a

good christian whom I had known for about 5 years; " Youve brought this on

yourself. If you just had enough faith God would heal you. " Maybe so but

that comment and hanging up the phone on me certainly doesnt help me increase

any minute shred of faith that may remain. I've been good to them all the

friends, the employers and after all the jumping through hoops for them at

the end of the day it is the same, youre fired. Do you all think I am

physicly disabled? I would say I am limited about 10% right now but if I go

walk a mile today I will be 50% tomorrow and if I pick up 50 pounds my

shoulder may or may not scream at me tomorrow and possibly for the next 6

months as it did this same time last year. And if I dont soak 2 hours in the

tub tonight I will certainly regret it tomorrow. Am I mentally disabled? I

would say yes about 50% all the time. I hate having to admit that I can't.

Whatever context it is said in but over the last year I find myself thinking

that more and more often. It would be different if I finally swallowed my

pride and asked for help and someone could actually do something to make it

better. What's left but to whine? When you hurt and it doesnt get better

you cry right? But just like the frustration of a cholicy baby theres

nothing you can do but hope they will grow out of it. Stop whining let the

truck go and hope to God that family dont get sick of it too and hang up.

There has to be some mechanism in place to help someone in my situation.

Seems each time I go to see someone who might be able to get some wheels

turning to get me the help I need they look at me and see someone who in

their opinion shouldnt need any help. Damn I should have gone to a doctor

while I was employed and had insurance. I should have admitted to myself

that my mind was messed up cause of this and got it documented. I should

have accepted that maybe some of the dangerous drugs may actually be worth

rolling the dice then I might have been able to keep my job and use

anti-discrimination laws in my favor if it became necessary but I was too

pridefull to admit it. What do I do now? I keep hoping that some

professionals read these desperate posts from some of us and realise how bad

psoriasis can be and that might affect the way they perceive the impact. Hey

I apologize for unloading all this but maybe somebody can tell me where to go

or how to bring some attention to my case. Orin

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I am so sorry you are going through this, I really feel for you. Maybe you can

contact someone in the National Psoriasis Foundation and see if they can give

you some advice? If you don't have any insurance right now I know some of the

drug companies give their medicine out for free to people who can't afford it,

like celebrex for example. I understand where you are coming from physically

and emotionally. I currently feel like I'm on some crazy roller coaster with my

health, especially being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in addition to the P and

the PA. My health taking a dive in addition to fighting with doctors and moving

across country is really taking its toll on me. I hope you get some help soon.

Re: [ ] (unknown)


I apologize for unloading all this but maybe somebody can tell me where to go

or how to bring some attention to my case. Orin

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We discovered Kirkman's enzymes last January and started my 4 year old son on

them, having never restricted his diet in any way. The enzymes literally " woke

him up " ! He started talking more clearly and using more words. Attention

improved, too. Now, 10 months later, we have done many other things to him (IV

glutathione, more vitamins, nystatin, culturelle, colostrum) and each thing

improves. We have never had to restrict his diet other than to reduce sugar.


I've noticed that a lot of parents were on GFCf before enzymes. Once the

enzymes started kicking in the diet could be tossed. Right? This is

basically what a lot of people are saying. So my question is: does the

diet play an important role prior to the enzymes? Has anyone JUST did

enzymes, never the diet first and still had the same great results?

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Hi Orin, I'm sorry to hear that all of this is happening to you,my

heart goes out to you! I'm new here, so some of knowledge is

limited, but I've been dealing with some this for a long time.

I have been blessed with some friends who actually took the time to

look into what is happening to me. My husband on the other hand

did not really have a grasp on it,I found 2 letters on a site to

family members of people suffering arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

It helped him to understand, I found them at

www.arthritisinsight.com, these may be helpful for the people in

your life that seem lacking in compassion for your situation, if you

feel thier understanding is worth your effort. As far as what the

christian lady said, some of God's most favored people had horrible

things happen to them, just look at what happened to Jesus! I once

read something that said when we are going through really tough time

we need to remember a metaphor, God is a jeweler and we are rough

diamonds, a jeweler will only spend time on the diamond he feels are

most valuable, he does not intend to hurt the diamond in the process

of cutting it, it is nessesary to show it's brilliance and many

facets. This came from a man in Texas, by the way. I'm no " good

christian " and I know this, so I would not let her opinion bother me.

Also alot of places have community counseling services for people

in need with limited income, I would call family services and ask,

also a good counselor can give you a list of resourses who can help

you. I work in gov. funded housing and I see people with alot less

problems get all sorts of assistance so I would check into

disability. There are lawyers who specialize in disability cases so

I would call one and see what they have to say. I would not let

anything people say get me down for long. I know how insensitive

people can be about psoriasis but that's thier problem if they

choose to be jerks. My grandma has severe P and PA, she grew up in a

time when

the doctors didn't even understand it, she got asked to leave school

at the ripe old age of 13 out of fear she was contagious. We can't

hardly get her to leave the house to do anything but shop. I know

how hard it is for me to keep up a positive attitude sometimes,

that's why I joined this group, it's a wonderful resource. I

recently have been beating my self up for not being tough enough to

handle the pain and tiredness on my own. But I have learned through

this site that this will only get worse if ignore it. At least we

have each other to ask questions, give support, and understand what

each other is going through. I just keep thinking of how this must

have been for previous generations, who did not have the resources

we do.

Also I think that everything we all do and go through will make it

better for the coming generations of people afflicted with this.

This helps me to look up and keep a fighting spirit. I hope this


Merribeth in Mo.

> In a message dated 10/5/02 1:27:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

> 2727@h... writes:



> > I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. Where in TX do you

live? My mom

> > lives in Wylie, maybe she can help you find a job? I feel so

bad for you,

> > I would hate to see you not able to post to the list because

your aol gets

> > cut off, if its gets close to that, let me know, maybe I can

help. I pay

> > for aol access every month and we don't even use it! If you had

to go

> > off-line I would really miss your posts. I like reading your

posts because

> > it makes me miss my family less since everyone is in TX and I'm

in MN, plus

> > my dad, who passed away, his name was Oren, just like yours

except spelled

> > different. I would like to help if I can. Email me privately

if you like.

> > 2727@h...

> >

> >

> >


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Mushrooms are moldy- so that may have something to do with it


You might have better luck weaning her after enzymes. I found DD

needed me much less after the enzymes reduced her sensory defensiveness.

How much did it reduce it? And did you also take enzymes, in addition to

giving them? As for the pale yellow stools, I remembered that yesterday

I must've ate 47 stuffed mushrooms, I'm wondering if that didn't account

for the additional 4 BM's!! I don't usually eat them but had a huge


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Hi Orin,

I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles! Reading your postings

made me feel very sad and frustrated with the a lack of support for

people with PA. I wish there was some way I could help. Our society

really doesn't understand the nature and severity of this disease. I

hope you can take some small comfort in knowing that so many of us on

this list know what you're going through and truly empathize.


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All of our meds have been covered. First with Prudential, then Aetna,

now United. Syringes were not covered, but they are cheap and you don't

use that many.

Barb Katsaros wrote:

> I have been hearing from some of the members that

> their insurance cos. won't pay for this drug or

> another. Why would an insurance co. not pay for say

> valtrex if their doctor orders it? I just wondered

> what others' experience has been with this. Our ins.

> co. is big with saying things are not


> =====

> Barb Katsaros

> barbkatsaros@...



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ditto to Chris. Low carb means less pain for me. But I wish I was able to

be as strict as Chris. With three small kids and a husband to boot, its

pretty tough to enforce a no carb household.Kathy

Re: rheumatic (unknown)

> Hi Everyone,

> I know there are alot of different diets and ways out here, but I


> say it will be 2 years on the ATKINS diet for me and I feel great got down


> normal weight and I eat NO Starches or Sugars at all No fruit either just

> maybe once a year. Now say what you will all my sugar tests are normal


> blood tests. Also I never am hungry, and almost all pain is gone. The diet

> did something also there are alot of things to eat on it. I lost all

> craveings for carbs and sugar. I do have some artifical sugars in no card

> bars when i want but not often. There is something to cutting out carbs


> sugars . Just My View from Ohio 15yrs on AP RA and Lupus



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Hi Everyone,

I know there are alot of different diets and ways out here, but I must

say it will be 2 years on the ATKINS diet for me and I feel great got down to

normal weight and I eat NO Starches or Sugars at all No fruit either just

maybe once a year. Now say what you will all my sugar tests are normal and

blood tests. Also I never am hungry, and almost all pain is gone. The diet

did something also there are alot of things to eat on it. I lost all

craveings for carbs and sugar. I do have some artifical sugars in no card

bars when i want but not often. There is something to cutting out carbs and

sugars . Just My View from Ohio 15yrs on AP RA and Lupus

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Hi Socjog,

Thank you for your interest and your reply. My answers are imbedded below...

I would like to see the info that claims calcium neutralizes the bodies acid state . I never heard of this and would love to read more about this .

Sorry, I have no references for you. A nutritionist/certified microsopist who was performing a screening test mentioned this to me. It does make sense though, when you think of antacids and Tums etc. which contain calcium. She said the body draws out calcium to try to neutralize the acid.

In "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", it does say (P. 64) that RA can be one of the symptoms of a body that is overacid.

I'm with Marge in that I like to keep yeast at bay and an acid environment yeast can not thrive in .

Has this been established? This was what I wrote to have clarified. Do we have a source for this? Is it the same for mycoplasma and bacteria in general?

For your osteoporisis you can increase your soy intake which has been shown to help increase bone density too . Soy milk is a great start

I have heard this, but I'm not sure it has been proven. Do you know of any studies? Dr. Mercola at www.mercola.com has some interesting and negative information about soy products other than tempeh and miso and how they can interfere with protein absorption, I believe.

I wish there were easy ansers to our issues.

Take care,To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Socjog, I really agree with your last point: we are all different and we have to learn how our bodies react. As an example, I often do not get the usual symptoms (a recent and dangerous example was the need for neck fusion surgery). I have learned over the years that I am very sensitive to a lot of meds and don't need large quantities. As far as the nutitionist goes, I am not confident (although I recall having heard something a long time ago about this process) about what she said for several reasons--the screening test she used, her experience with rheumatic diseases, etc. I brought some of the information to the group to get feedback and to learn as I try to see if there is anything that would apply in a helpful way. And so, I really appreciate your input in all of this.

Take care,

Re: rheumatic (unknown)

Hi Socjog,

Thank you for your interest and your reply. My answers are imbedded below...

I would like to see the info that claims calcium neutralizes the bodies acid state . I never heard of this and would love to read more about this .

Sorry, I have no references for you. A nutritionist/certified microsopist who was perf! orming a screening test mentioned this to me. It does make sense though, when you think of antacids and Tums etc. which contain calcium. She said the body draws out calcium to try to neutralize the acid.

In "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", it does say (P. 64) that RA can be one of the symptoms of a body that is overacid.

I'm with Marge in that I like to keep yeast at bay and an acid environment yeast can not thrive in .

Has this been established? This was what I wrote to have clarified. Do we have a source for this? Is it the same for mycoplasma and bacteria in general?

For your osteoporisis you can increase your soy intake which has been shown to help increase bone density too . Soy milk is a great start

I have heard this, but I'm not sure it has been proven. Do you know of any studies? Dr. Mercola at www.mercola.com has some interesting and negative information about soy products other than tempeh and miso and how they can interfere with protein absorption, I believe.

I wish there were easy ansers to our issues.

Take care,To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Hi Group , Yes I do agree but I think for anyone that is an athlete this Atkins diet doesn't provide the correct balance . I went on the Atkins diet I did lose weight I didn't feel hungry but with all my sports activity I did feel real weak and sick . As soon as I went off the diet I was OK so I think we all have to play around with what works for us and the type of activity we are doing . The Zone diet seems to do this for athletes . So Im currently in the process of entertaining this zone diet . I would like to lose 20 lbs . Weight watchers works but there is always some sort of deprivation feeling with that diet . I too do feel better when I cut down on carbs and sugars. Warm hugs, socjog Re: rheumatic (unknown) Hi Everyone, I know there are alot of different diets and ways out here, but I must say it will be 2 years on the ATKINS diet for me and I feel great got down to normal weight and I eat NO Starches or Sugars at all No fruit either just maybe once a year. Now say what you will all my sugar tests are normal and blood tests. Also I never am hungry, and almost all pain is gone. The diet did something also there are alot of things to eat on it. I lost all craveings for carbs and sugar. I do have some artifical sugars in no card bars when i want but not often. There is something to cutting out carbs and sugars . Just My View from Ohio 15yrs on AP RA and Lupus

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Hi , I do understand your search and journey and I too appreciate your sharing info with us all . Heck that is what this support group is all about . Thank God for sharing info some works for us and some doesn't but at least we have options :) Warm hugs, socjog Re: rheumatic (unknown) Hi Socjog, Thank you for your interest and your reply. My answers are imbedded below... I would like to see the info that claims calcium neutralizes the bodies acid state . I never heard of this and would love to read more about this . Sorry, I have no references for you. A nutritionist/certified microsopist who was perf! orming a screening test mentioned this to me. It does make sense though, when you think of antacids and Tums etc. which contain calcium. She said the body draws out calcium to try to neutralize the acid. In "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", it does say (P. 64) that RA can be one of the symptoms of a body that is overacid. I'm with Marge in that I like to keep yeast at bay and an acid environment yeast can not thrive in . Has this been established? This was what I wrote to have clarified. Do we have a source for this? Is it the same for mycoplasma and bacteria in general? For your osteoporisis you can increase your soy intake which has been shown to help increase bone density too . Soy milk is a great start I have heard this, but I'm not sure it has been proven. Do you know of any studies? Dr. Mercola at www.mercola.com has some interesting and negative information about soy products other than tempeh and miso and how they can interfere with protein absorption, I believe. I wish there were easy ansers to our issues. Take care,To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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I don't know about Fibro or RA but I have had my feet and ankles swell

up on me. With me it was CHF secondary to Dilated Cardiomyopathy;

basically my heart was too weak to pump the fluid out of my lower

extremities so they puffed up. At the time I also had problems

breathing when lying down, this was because my heart was also too weak

to pump fluid out of my lungs. I was also very fatigued and could only

walk very slowly.



> Hello,,,


> How is everyone doing today????

> I need to ask a question,,,,, not looking for medical advice,,,, just

> need to find out if anyone is have this problem also!!!


> Any one with fibro or RA,,,, I have been having a lot of problems with

> my feet and ankels swelling,,,, Im not sure if it is one of these or

> not,,,, used to think it was my RA,,,,, was just wondering if anyone

> out there experiencing the same problem?????????


> Hope everyone is having a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> {{{{hugs}}}}


> ...

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In a message dated 10/9/2002 12:42:53 PM Central Standard Time,

bthorn@... writes:

> Last year I purchased some 'ol Christmas Tree' FO It doesn't smell to good

> by

> it's self Has anyone used this or have any suggestions? Thought maybe

> Cinnoman Candy..


Peppermint may mask the bad undertones and still keep the spirit of

Christmas. However, if it doesn't smell good it probably isn't good for you

either. It's like trying to put deodorant on when you haven't bathed in a

week. It will leave a lingering subtle distaste to your festivities.

I would rather use a good EO of pine in a fresh carrier base than a FO. I

just don't trust the chemistry of a FO.

Henrietta (Traiteusse)

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In a message dated 10/9/2002 12:39:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

bthorn@... writes:

> Last year I purchased some 'ol Christmas Tree' FO It doesn't smell to good by

> it's self Has anyone used this or have any suggestions?

> Thought maybe

> Cinnoman Candy..

Try mixing it with something like cranberry or orange...maybe that will make it



Jenn in PA


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Thanks for the reply !!!! Hope you are feeling better now!!!! If not hope you start feeling better!!! Re: (unknown) Hello I don't know about Fibro or RA but I have had my feet and ankles swell up on me. With me it was CHF secondary to Dilated Cardiomyopathy; basically my heart was too weak to pump the fluid out of my lower extremities so they puffed up. At the time I also had problems breathing when lying down, this was because my heart was also too weak to pump fluid out of my lungs. I was also very fatigued and could only walk very slowly.Regards, wrote:> Hello,,,> > How is everyone doing today????> I need to ask a question,,,,, not looking for medical advice,,,, just > need to find out if anyone is have this problem also!!!> > Any one with fibro or RA,,,, I have been having a lot of problems with > my feet and ankels swelling,,,, Im not sure if it is one of these or > not,,,, used to think it was my RA,,,,, was just wondering if anyone > out there experiencing the same problem?????????> > Hope everyone is having a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> {{{{hugs}}}}> > ...~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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